@Artaazar 7 сағат бұрын
Ну.... Типа... НУ вот так примерно Россия и стала когда-то многонациональным государством. У нас есть кроме сотен местных малых (и не очень) народностей, теперь ещё и свои немцы, корейцы, американцы, французы... Мексиканцы )))) Это всё к вопросу о расизме в России. Какой нахрен расизм, если ты можешь легко встретить этнических армянина и грузина довольно активно спорящих кто из них больше русский? xD В шутку, естественно )
@TheWorkBench 7 сағат бұрын
OUR government is corrupt as heck and we know it. WE don't want war and neither do the Russians. Putin doesn't want to go to war either but war mongers want it. They want to destroy. The people of Russia, America and Europe would rather have a large bbq and drink beer and chat than war. We would rather communicate with each other like friends but politics is telling us we are enemies. Families don't want thier sons and daughters, mothers or fathers in a war and would rather have each other at home living a good life. History has taught us that elites have funded both sides of war and its a huge loss for everyone.
@Ajay-ib1xk 7 сағат бұрын
Alice wondering
@SOCORROGM 7 сағат бұрын
Not in the United States 😢
@flaviustheodorfilip120 7 сағат бұрын
Such a waste....
@tw6711 8 сағат бұрын
1 in 5 chance of coming back alive..
@Truongchihai83 9 сағат бұрын
wow, so many countries fighting Russia , what has she done ?
@user-sd8ln6cz8q 9 сағат бұрын
Семья это мама и папа, но никак мама-мама, папа-папа.
@Nobody-U-Want-2-Know 9 сағат бұрын
Ontario, Canada, my food inflation is 55% in two years.
@ethancloutier5693 9 сағат бұрын
The smarter men fled... good for them
@ethancloutier5693 9 сағат бұрын
Sad the russians believe all that propoganda being told to them 😂 but i guess those poor meat bags dont know any better either. Sad for their families that wont ever even see their body again
@ethancloutier5693 9 сағат бұрын
If they were at war with america their already broke ass country would be nothing but rubble... and their almost 600k dead soldiers would be 6million plus😂
@classesanytime 10 сағат бұрын
1664 is the prostitute of beers and is owned by Kronenbourg but brewed by almost all the big players in the beer market such as Heineken (owner only in uk), Coopers in Australia and the Carlsberg group in Ukraine!
@MikeB0 10 сағат бұрын
Even western media has reported about the tanks. Western journalists have been filming the tanks, reporting from Moscow. These captured tanks were all over our media.
@classesanytime 10 сағат бұрын
It's something the ave American hasn't learnt yet because of the miserably failing education system and the fact that their genes are missing some qualities in general! But let's try and teach them something!! .. What goes around comes around!! And btw, just for your information; Sacha threw the towel in the US and is gone!! ..
@dabbafett191 10 сағат бұрын
ah yes, having tanks made in the 90s and thinking it scares America. That old lady gona be sad when they dont win.
@donkeykong4303 10 сағат бұрын
Westerns tried to weaken Russia's economy, but instead cut off Western companies income, and let Russian entrepreneurs to receive that income :D Thanks to Westerns that left all the processes in Russia. talking about fairness of nationalizing Calsberg factory - of course it's fair! Denmark buying weapons for Ukraine. The one who sponsored killing one country citizens shouldn't run business in that country. Russian assets were blocked worldwide and Denmark is crying for Carlsberg factory while keep opening their military bases for US troops.
@kasperiization 10 сағат бұрын
It would be cool if you could make a video about mobilazation of prisoners in russia, how do the respect rights of the victims with that?
@dmitrijsyciov956 10 сағат бұрын
Cколько же икеядрочеров
@cleytech3387 11 сағат бұрын
It’s almost like none of these vehicles were destroyed by anything other than mines drones and rockets 🕵🏻 also the Abram’s is a older moldel that was manufactured in the 80s and is outdated
@89schofe 11 сағат бұрын
So basically a massive vatnik hires an American vatnik & a russian to try to discredit a video that calls out another video. All tanks can fall victim mines & drones that's not exactly a secret, there you go case closed 😂
@nickhouck4309 11 сағат бұрын
FYI don't ever touch or get close to destroyed armor. often covered in uranium dust or other toxic materials
@Lex-Hawthorn 11 сағат бұрын
Thank you Mr Konstantin.. O.o As you see i put my real name up on my youtube channel. There is no content on my channel, because the CIA are monitoring everything i say or do.. I follow several people from Russia, Lars, Joseph, Eli, Daniel, Sasha, yourself, and i see the trolling, from fat yanks and poms, that have no idea what is actually outside their own windows. Glad you and Mr Rose helped to clear some of this up, for us of above average intelligence. You see I've seen Aunty MacBeth, before, which is why i did not subscribe to his total lard R'sd BS, I was very surprised that he did not give out the size of your underwear.... LOL Give him time.. 🤣 Keep up the good works mate.
@josereycampued5262 12 сағат бұрын
Tanks are just tanks its not a game changer in the battlefield.whats not changing is in february 2025 next year the war is 3 years already.i thougt these russian propagandist said it would only take 3 days.hahahaha
@Clistes 12 сағат бұрын
Well, how the situation look like in your home town? or other towns on the other side of Ural mountains? A lot or YT base their assumptions on situation in Moscow or St Petersburg. Although those are the main cities it is not the representation of average Russia right? What about Rostow, Archangelsk or Kaliningrad? I'm really curious how situation looks like in those cities, and how it looks like in far East, Vladivostok for example? Situation in Warsaw is always better than in Bialystok or Olsztyn here in Poland. I know Ivcriticize you a lot, but this topic is really interesting and I would like to see more.
@guycalgary7800 12 сағат бұрын
Orc's off to Putin's meatgrinder.
@Gopferteckel 12 сағат бұрын
We’re not at war with Ukraine, we’re at war with Americans. If that was true I would be crapping myself. They have no idea till they get there.
@chrisbadiata8219 12 сағат бұрын
Ryan Macbeth looks super gay 😂😂😂
@2010hyundaielantra 7 сағат бұрын
He's not gay (he's romantically attracted to those blue context bars under fringe youtube videos)
@foljs5858 13 сағат бұрын
"For a place which, let's be honest, doesn't exactly resemble Los Angeles where he grew up" there are large parts of LA 10 times worse than that village and 50 times more dangerous, Skid Row, Comptom, and such anyone?
@johnweiland9389 13 сағат бұрын
I dont care. I hate cold weather. Id probably be in prison sor political dissent anyways.
@orcan377 13 сағат бұрын
России смотрят сверху вниз? Ага Еще орки, и у нас нету Стиральных машин и туалетов , мы же ниже их - ой это же украинцы говорили
@Clistes 13 сағат бұрын
12:26 I was waiting for that to pop up. Russophobia is a term invented by Russians as a excuse. So what now country should have some phobia? should Franche people use term Francophobia because people in Africa don't like them? Or maybe Chinophobia? Antisemitism is also used now days as an excuse whenever someone disagree with Israel.
@foljs5858 13 сағат бұрын
As if the original brands are difficult to replicate, or the pinnacle of good food lol... Russia (and those parts of Asia in general) has an excellent cuisine, even without McDonalds and has had a coffee (and tea) culture centuries before Starbucks...
@mashakrasovska5363 13 сағат бұрын
Да, это все замечательно, но у моей подруги зарплата в переводе на доллар 225, за квартиру она платит ( коммунальные услуги, не съем) 146, а на остальное живи, добирайся до работы. Я уже молчу про пенсионеров, у которых пенсия 90 долларов и им тоже надо платить за квартиру. Не понимаю, кто этот бред распространяет и зачем?! Еще забыли сказать, что в России мясо не из мяса, сыр и масло сливочное из пальмового масла.
@TheRealMeowMeow01 14 сағат бұрын
Ахуенный английский, Кость! Ну, и классическое: Haters gonna hate. Keep it up
@marveljeff 14 сағат бұрын
if you wonder what the russian tank showed in the video in europe, its T-72B which is appeared in 1985 and its not really much of a difference with T-72A that enter for soviet service in 1973. Its basicly old as hell than the abram. The T-72B is literally small upgrade from the previous version, the russian literally just put ERA on the tank as much as they could fit. But the Abram on the other hands is not outdated in fact the current abram that in service for USA rn is using the same base. The current MBT that USA use today is M1A2 SEPv3, the difference is mostly only technology and added extra armor. So its not really outdated compared to T-72B that shown in europe.
@jovanspasic5939 15 сағат бұрын
OH MY GOD ! where did you find this numb numb guy ... he thinks that is m240, and htat is for sure 50 cal GIVE MY MAN A MEDAL HE IS A SOLDIER !
@rustyshacklferd1854 15 сағат бұрын
research the Coo that happened in Ukraine in 2014. The people of Eastern Ukraine voted to join Russia again and a few days after the vote passed a violent overthrow of the government and installation of a puppet leader prior to Zelinski happened. Then for almost 9 years they have been shelling the cities of Eastern Ukraine and have been killing civilians daily. Totalling almost 20,000 civilians in almost a decade. Putin had warned Western leaders for years to stop killing ethnic Russians there and encroaching on Russian territory but They Refused to abide by there own (Minsk accord) and Putin finally said enough is enough and started the Special Military Operation. You have been lied to by Corporate media your whole life.
@AndrewVanDay 15 сағат бұрын
So where is it exactly? Position in WhatThreeWords would be good.
@Duskflow 16 сағат бұрын
Довольно жалкое зрелище, как почти в каждом иностранном видео про Россию - толпы ботов с ломанным английским.
@g_2A_g 16 сағат бұрын
Как говорилось при Александре III "Россия для русских". Но тогда были произнесены и следующие великие слова: "Мы русские не по крови, мы русские по духу". Надо учить историю. Россия - многонациональная, многогранная страна. В этом наша сила.
@sat4ever1 16 сағат бұрын
Fake video
@MrHasse74 16 сағат бұрын
I think you should do a video together with inside Russia.
@maximkonyakhin4025 16 сағат бұрын
Прикол в то, что сейчас 1000р уже не 15 $ , а где-то 12$. А купить можно тот же набор.
@sweettrav20 17 сағат бұрын
WTF? US Soldiers are not using and operating the HIMARS systems. Those are trained Ukrainian soldiers operating those systems only. Only thing you said that was correct was the use of U.S. satellites. That is the only US assistance when using that system for obvious reasons. Not that it matters. They have over 30 of them and I’ve only lost 6. Abrams is old. Still effective. Nothing in moderation is going have a massive impact. You see 31 Abrams and think big deal. I see 31 Arbams, 14 Challenger tanks and 100 leopard 2 Tanks. I see 145 tanks that have indeed had an impact on the war for the better in Ukraine’s favor. The Bradley M2 is having a massive impact in favor of Ukraine. Why? Because they received over 300. Something like 70 F-16’s? While it’s not great (the number not the jet), 70 just isn’t enough. But it does more than double their current fleet. And it’s a great jet that rivals pretty much anything Russia can throw at it. As long as it stalls Russia, and forces Russia to have massive casualties until it loses that dictator. I will support it any day of the week.
@user-gh5ln1wu9d 17 сағат бұрын
Знаете, а ведь насрать что там о нас думают безмозглые левые на западе, потому что умные думающие люди всё равно знают- где правда. Я желаю этой семье счастья и процветания, как и финансового благополучия.
@sweettrav20 17 сағат бұрын
Russo phobia? Russians are blue haired progressives?
@subflexsubflex8878 18 сағат бұрын
Ryan is usual murican cheesburger eater pretending that he is military expert😂😂😂
@Calirules300 18 сағат бұрын
This Mex ex us solder was dumb enough to move to Russia and can be arrested and extracted to any Russian convicted or spy, but he has no respect to Ukrainian soldiers.
@steverexman32 18 сағат бұрын
way to own those libs