Does Losers Queue Actually Exist?
Gold Yasuo: "I have mechanics"
Never "Win Lane Lose Game" Again
@timothyforry2222 Күн бұрын
if he had a different adc, would there have been less kiting??
@timothyforry2222 Күн бұрын
i think a huge problem for me is when people ping missing enemy on my champ i think there non-verbally saying, " YOU ARE DUMB AF." but now i realize this could be a actual team mate strat helping me lol
@Tetronoid Күн бұрын
it would kill if he had used q before he rooted
@elijahblige1755 2 күн бұрын
@stashstanton 4 күн бұрын
either staged or delusion
@johnbee4000 5 күн бұрын
come back bro
@Nunyachuks 7 күн бұрын
Much love! You helped me a ton... started a couple weeks ago!
@Nunyachuks 7 күн бұрын
I Love this! Knowing you're talking to someone new and Coming from that I LOVE
@Lovehandels 8 күн бұрын
This sounds fucked but hear me out.....I'm good at this game sans my rank.
@malakaisavieti9381 9 күн бұрын
Try playin from 2011 and still hardstuck silver, worse than this shit 👎👎👎 ur coaching wont help shitt
@jamisonuszynski1614 11 күн бұрын
neace university
@micahagresta 11 күн бұрын
something is wrong
@jimjogger306 11 күн бұрын
Thats because you are genuinelly clueless, I was hardstuck gold for 7 years, I was given one piece of advice from a Master player which was simply 'Create a new account', After 10 Normal games i was already playing against Emerald players, By the time i got to 30 i was playing against Masters, I did my 10 placement games and was placed in Diamond 2, I knew i was always better than Gold but after years and years my account was just hardstuck and i didnt know it, When you tell players you are better they say 'The game puts you where you're meant to be' No, Its absolute rubbish, Hardstuck exists, Elo hell exists, and its not always because you are a bad player.
@tempottv 14 күн бұрын
Im glad i came across this content. I need to humble and get get my ego in check. god im bad at this game lol and ill paobably never get out of bronze.
@irefusetodie 14 күн бұрын
Googled his name and apparently he passed away at the start of the year. RIP.
@QUBED 10 күн бұрын
what is name?
@ronnie9379 14 күн бұрын
Get help Neace
@TheRealFoop 15 күн бұрын
Neace has some really good intros
@SmallPotato2313 15 күн бұрын
Neace: "I wouldnt take the inhib. I think you should just ping him off." Bard: uses bait ping
@ivantheamazing1188 15 күн бұрын
“Yeah, you kind of” “So” “What I want you to start thinking” “What pro players do” “The line of scrimmage” Literally took this man 5 phrases just to say what he actually wanted to say..annoying af ngl
@SmallPotato2313 16 күн бұрын
I swear this garen was trolling half the game.
@jimjogger306 17 күн бұрын
If any of you believe this is good coaching you'll end up stuck in silver.
@jimjogger306 17 күн бұрын
Honestly, He doesnt understand how confusing his coaching is for new players, Over complicating and using metaphors for absolutely no reason, You could tell the guy was saying yes but he actually didnt understand most of the time.
@ScurvyDog5-rx9xg 18 күн бұрын
This guys arguements are INSANITY LMAO
@Tubulor 18 күн бұрын
Neace is looking like bone plating
@Trolldamere 18 күн бұрын
...Jacmob? Rofl. 🤣Seems like he should stick to botting in runescape instead of playing league of legends!
@TheRealFoop 18 күн бұрын
Maybe part of this was mental, but I really think he just needs a friend. I think he "hired" Neace because he wanted to spend time with someone watching him play a game he enjoys. He was hoping for credit for being better than his teammates too for sure, but I think that's secretly just the icing on the cake.
@pepajust4099 19 күн бұрын
11:00 enemy jg 99% botside, therefore u have to play weakside wchich means u dont go for all in, if nocturne was smart he would have went for a lane gank and was wainting in a bush
@fidmid 20 күн бұрын
Well, I only got to gold myself a couple of seasons ago because a friend of mine said it couldn't be done and that he could play the role better than me, when we duo que. Got majorly pissed, grinded and kept my focus to solo que , got my gold ranking in the end and you can't even imagine how much I rubbed it into his face... Like: "Soooo... You said you are better than me in the role? When will you get to my ranking? You still have like 1-2 months to go until season properly ends, are you making progress?... Maybe you weren't that good in the role after all, can we call it quits?" I can't believe how childishly tilted I got because one of my best friends from school said that he is better in the role, which I saw him rarely play. After that he always had a different excuse why he can't match my skill. Still the other roles he usually picks, as long as he doesn't get greedy, he DESTROYS that lane by kiting like a MF and never typing in all chat, even when the enemy tries to obviously bait him to becoming a keyboard warrior. Those were the times, man... It's like 6-8 years ago... But everything about ELO Inflation sounds like a damn nightmare now, smurfing was already bad back then and there is no chance in hell I will invest 10 hours a day (especially on weekends) to sacrifice my social life, just to "git gud" at league. Because honestly: If you don't want to become a pro, just don't play ranked. It is a horrible cesspool of people that never even heard of the term ATTENTION SPAN.
@yttt167 20 күн бұрын
Game seems so much easier on NA, this Gold 4 guy would be Bronze 1 max on EUNE... not talking about Asian servers...
@Oyxopolis 20 күн бұрын
The kid sounds like an ADHD\Borderline combination. My GF has both and the ADHD feeds into the borderline, by enlarging the impact of the emotional imbalance, through the rapid thought process of the ADHD. It's hard for me to explain. My point is, yes, he should go see a psych, because the earlier you get to this, the better the rest of your life will be. You do not want to be diagnosed at 40, when your life is already halfway past you and you find out that all these negative thoughts could have been resolved 20 years ago.
@korbinproctor9209 20 күн бұрын
SHAME!!! SHAME!!!! lol that was hilarious.
@CrazySauceEST 21 күн бұрын
ya year later 2024 this is still one of my fav entertainment commentary to come back to
@ohzdes 21 күн бұрын
41:00 what a plot twist
@spaghettimonster153 21 күн бұрын
There's NO WAY this is real.
@SCIISeth 22 күн бұрын
Great coaching, but the Christmas melody is now stuck in my head 😂
@Cat6768 22 күн бұрын
his issue is communication and absolutely 0 confidence in his ability. like u gotta communicate u want to to do an objective, at least ping like damn. hard to watch
@bigfresh7696 23 күн бұрын
This dude is MENTAL holy moly
@ronnie9379 23 күн бұрын
I've experienced this my whole life and the last few years I have been learning to move past it. It's very nice Neace helped him, one thing I want to point out though is that people who are like this, don't understand what it's like to NOT be like this, or that you CAN be not like this. Example of this is near the beginning when Neace said "why are you thinking like this" the client says "I don't think I'm doing it, it's just happening." People like this have not learned how to work with their minds, and they feel their minds as a force that they are subjected to. The mind overthinks as some sort of defense mechanism, and that's just our life. We need to do that to remain safe, that's how this pattern built to begin with. It helps people like this to put it in perspective, that what's happening to them is something built up and not their whole existence. And that it's possible to move against it, IE start flipping the thoughts or creating new ones. AND to understand that doing those things ACTUALLY accomplishes something and lessens the overwhelming energy of the mind. And as an additive, when someone is like "Great they are fed there is no point" it's very likely that that is just the world they are living in. That is what their mind has come to believe over time. They have played many games where they are doing okay, but another lane is fed and it's over. Or they have one death and the enemy laner snowballs. It's very understandable to think like this because people just don't KNOW everything that they don't know. Put very simply, if someone doesn't know to bait out abilities, then for them the reality is they can not fight the enemy and the game is over cus they will get farm. The goal then is to snap them out of their beliefs, teach them that it is possible to do everything you just need to have the right knowledge, and gear them towards asking "What could I have known to prevent this situation" rather than "According to my existing programming, it's impossible and I can't see beyond that."
@JacquesCyrus 23 күн бұрын
@UnityComplexx 23 күн бұрын
people like this are driving around irl
@PoolieYT 23 күн бұрын
what is the term... auto q?
@jepordizedSeal 3 күн бұрын
Right click to auto attack and then throw a q. You should always try to weave auto attacks between abilities
@yttt167 24 күн бұрын
I have a friend and he’s kinda similar to this guy. He’s 30 but he’s the very childish. Doesn’t really understand what’s actually happening around him. If you tell him to do something or you give him advice regarding anything, he won’t even think about whether it’s something good or bad. He’ll just do what he believes. If you tell him Jordan is black but all his life he thought he was white, not even MJ himself would convince this guy that he’s actually black and I mean it. It’s a very dangerous type of person, especially to the society. Think about really important scenarios like driving, trust me I know what I’m saying 😅
@yttt167 24 күн бұрын
“I want you to see the hard carry” was the thing for me 😂😂
@Oyxopolis 24 күн бұрын
You sure you aren't Dutch? This kind of directness is great, but I tend to only see that here in the Netherlands :D
@tmithoth8956 24 күн бұрын
Imagine calling yourself a coach or charging people to nonchalantly make random useless comments 😂 "Imagine he has a giant W key" great input neace you malnourished potato 😂
@anthonydavolio981 24 күн бұрын
man quoted his degree and military service to a league of legends coach
@MrIndirect1 25 күн бұрын
It's called delusion.
@mezzilouey7176 25 күн бұрын
actually a normal jax player idk what yall are seeing is wrong with this
@tomziom3642 25 күн бұрын
As a Challnager player i 100% agree with this bronze dude he should be at least in diamond, the problem with lol is that the game is totally RNG and you losse or win based on the luck nothing more.
@QUBED 10 күн бұрын
@ButIReraise 25 күн бұрын
We miss you Neace. Also, this is the ultimate U WOT M8 coaching