240628 seagulls, oystercatchers, magpies, sparrows, many birds, again

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pica pica life

pica pica life

25 күн бұрын

These multiple-birds-videos tend to become quite long.
Sorry about that, but there are some days since the last one and there have been quite a lot of activities on the nest roof at the time.
Usually there is not that much tension on the roof, but because of the special situation several gulls try to claim it.
So many parallell (but very interesting) stories, it's almost overwhelming.
The gull chicks are getting close to lift off.
It can actually happen any day now.
A little windy day is perfect for testing wings' strength.
If it blows too much, they might even be blown off the roof while rehearsing.
They are not proper pilots the first rounds, so they should be a little careful.
Kid2 is really doing very fine.
Kid1's leg seems to be fully recovered. She's also doing very fine.
Kid3's injury goes a little back and forth.
Spending so much time on the slippery plastic part of the roof has probably not been the best for the leg.
In addtion we have seen adult gulls harassing her.
This is new to us.
Maybe it has something to do with birds' pecking orders?
Has it become too crowdy on the roof?
The mother doesn't pay special attention to her, but this might be the gulls' way.
Last year one of the chicks fell down accidently from the roof (and hurt her leg).
It took some hours before we realized what had happened.
The parents were not worried at all.
When we put the injured chick back on the roof, the parents showed no special interest.
It might be hard to understand, but the gull rules have evolved for thousands, maybe millions of years.
They have worked very well until recently.
We think it's a dilemma, both respecting the 'ways' and at the same time know about the 'new' times birds and animals live in.
We are concerned Kid3 will fall behind from the others eventually.
Yesterday she seemed bad, today a little better.
Except for offering supplementery food and potentially nice nesting fascilities, we have this 'rule' of not intervening. In the normal we try to stick to this 'rule' (even though it can some times be spontaneously and emotionally 'overruled'). We try the best we can to not 'overrule' the birds' way. Because of the closeness the cams give us we can see what otherwise goes on unnoticed. This is both good and bad.
Gher keeps on dropping 'bombs' on us. This is...we're really not used to it.
We have all the way excused and explained her to ourselves about her being a single parent...loosing her partner...she's a good mother...but she's also a 'special' one.
She comes very close to the description some people (that don't like gulls) give gulls.
Being aggressive and loud to 'all and everything', far above the 'tolerable'.
We have thought (and still do) that by treating gulls properly and respectfully this 'problem' is very much eliminated. We think she's an exception.
Some times she seems to get calmer, only to (for no reason we understand) returns to her 'normal' self the next moment.
If it were not for the chicks, we would probably have stopped giving her attention.
This is not pleasant for her, nor for Lady and Wing or any other.
One of 'us' think Ghim even might have got fed up with it all and just left...
The other one of 'us' think it's 'impossible' for a parent male to leave chicks.
Who knows?
The return of Exon and Exona have been very pleasant.
They are a nice and funny couple.
It seems they have started to think about the roof as a nice nesting spot, maybe for next year?
Exon even tried to claim the nest from Gher and Ghim this spring, so the interest has maybe been there all the time.
We think it's a litte strange they spend so much time on the roof now.
Don't they have chicks to care for?
But they fly to the seaside immediatly after they have eaten...
Lady and Wing seem to be on their schedule.
Having these friendly disputes around lying on the eggs.
Wing still shows interest in other female gulls.
But he seems to be an overall nice guy.
We wonder how Lady can be so relaxed to Wing's niceness to other females.
Both the Footies and the Shegulls might also be interested in the roof.
They usually stay out of it, but they are constantly close.
There is also other gulls we don't know showing up.
The magpies thrive as they meet in and around the nest in the steel tree.
They do a lot of that flirting, also seemingly and constantly tidying up the nest.
This tidying (and of course 'beaking') are claiming and bonding activities.
They have allowed their chicks to move away from this year's nest, and now also into our garden.
The adults follow the chicks for some time after they fledge, feeding them, learning them what's to be learned.
We have not seen the OC chicks for a while.
We can hear them though.
We know about where they are, at the seaside and in the marina.
We expect to see them more when they start to use their wings.
One of the adult OC has a limp that comes on and off.
They do fall into disputes at times.

Пікірлер: 22
@BobWasThere- 22 күн бұрын
Such a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing this.
@picapicalife 22 күн бұрын
Yes, it is. And beautiful birds. Thank you for watching.
@MrH2S 23 күн бұрын
Absolutely lovely very beautiful video, I meet many eager gulls when I feed crows and ravens, it's a pleasure to meet your gull family I can see lots of love and Respect, that's what making youtube and life is all about. I look forward to w the next video thank you for sharing with gulls and with us all. 😊😊😊
@picapicalife 23 күн бұрын
Thank you for your kind words. We really like these birds so it'e very nice to meet other birdlovers who also like them. It's a pleasure to share. More to come.
@user-eq2dx2jp6v 23 күн бұрын
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ hiiiiii ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ thank youuuuuu ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@picapicalife 23 күн бұрын
Thank you yourself.
@ZEELION 23 күн бұрын
please never think that the vids are too long, we love them, wow to the exons moving inlol even more eggs to come i hope x
@picapicalife 22 күн бұрын
Thank you. So nice to hear. Yes, the Exons are nice gulls, even though this year has produced some problems and tensions we did not see coming. The Exons are part of the increased tension on the roof, but this is 'gull business' and we will try to not disturb this. Lady and Wing laid their eggs very late. We expect the eggs to hatch around the end of the 1st week in July. We hope the chicks will have enough time to grow enough. If the Exons lay eggs now, it will be very, very late. And we thought the Exons already had laid their eggs for the season. We have seen their ground nest from a distance but not the eggs nor the chicks. The couple spending so much time on the roof now makes us wonder. Parents normally stay close to their chicks. Did the eggs not hatch, or did the chicks die? We don't know. Not every gull story is a success story.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 23 күн бұрын
Exon and Exona really do seem to have made claims to that part of the roof as you say, definitely a bit of a problem for the youngsters at times right now, though Gher obviously tries her best to defend them when around. It's a real shame Gher is still being like that to you both, well done for keeping your patience for the chicks' sake, it can't be easy! You're right, gulls don't give up easily at all, on anything, and certainly not on a regular food source as we know only too well, every day is very taxing trying to keep others away here, but not as taxing as I can see it is for you! Good grief, it's quite manic at times on the roof now! I'm beginning to feel we have it very easy by comparison, even though I've been feeling like pulling my hair out in frustration recently. Good idea to feed Exon and Exona away from the roof. Unless you moved onto the roof yourselves I don’t see how much more you could do, gulls are incredibly obstinate! Monk haircuts, love that! Wow they've grown, 'ours' must be even bigger than that now but sadly we don't get to see them, unless things change this year. We think they might keep them away from this food source on purpose . Sammy is coming so frequently, Snowy not as much, we think half the time he's just trying to get some peace and quiet! Poor Kid3, it really is such a worry to see her like this, her leg still not better, so tired and often withdrawn, at the end of the video she really did look in a bad way, and then such an awfully tough watch seeing her attacked like that, I wanted to break right through the screen and stop them! It does seem they may be picking on her as she’s an easier target, as all she seems to be doing is hobbling about not hurting anyone, the whole roof was her and the family's territory before and she doesn’t know better yet. I know this is all part of growing up and learning your place in the 'pecking order', but rightly or wrongly we're both useless at sticking to the 'no intervention ' rule, we intervene quite often and would probably have done so in these scenarios. (but then ours aren't up on the roof so it's a lot easier) Unfortunately these type of arguments and fights happen frequently and you can't have eyes on, or get to, them all the time. Sadly Kid3 doesn't seem to have much strength to withstand much more. The fact is that even though there is so much going on on the roof these days if they were elsewhere things could easily be just as, or even more, difficult for them. I am very concerned about her. If the others left and she was obviously not able to follow do you think there would be anything you could do to try and help her? This may require catching her and some form of rehabilitation, quite a commitment. Good to see the Mag youngster , 'ours' are providing a lot of entertainment.
@picapicalife 23 күн бұрын
Thank you for your update. Yes, this year has been challenging. Usually the life on the roof is much calmer. Usually we have closer contact to the inhabitans there. When things are closer, it easier to deal with everything. Yes, too bad our relation to Gher never turned as we hoped for. It's really not like we have not tried, but some times things don't work out. In some years we will probably talk about it and laugh. Gher's behavior and Kid3's leg have drawn a lot of attention. And the Exons' and Wing's treatment of Kid3 worried us. It could be a mixture of the 'pecking order' and her not moving away fast enough? The two other chicks get away when needed or they are better at defending themselves. Nature's view and definition on 'weakness' is hard to deal with properly for us. We don't 'understand' it, but we try to use the mother as a 'know-the-best-source'. While Wing gave Kid3 that 'message' (and chased the others away) we watched how Gher was reacting. This happened in 'real-time' so we could have intervened. She was on the cam pole just above the incident. She showed no interest to the situation, and she has usually absolutely no problems in reacting to Wing. The incident with the Exons had already happened long before we became aware of it. The Exons are very nice gulls, but they are strong minded. At least Exon is, Exona is a bit more withdrawn. Even though he was banned from the garden by Ghim earlier this season, he seems to have grown much stronger through the summer. Fortunately Kid3 surprisingly looks better today. Yesterday she had problems with even standing on her healty leg (probably strained by the over-use). Today she has limped around like 'before', even climbed the planters. But we are worried about her future life. As you say, they will meet similar and much tougher situations off the roof. These territorial and other conflicts are only the beginning. Previous years chicks have left the roof at different times. The parents have had no problems with that. This year we don't know. We have to see if or when it happens. Yes, the growth rate for gull chicks is formidable. It's hard to understand how it's even possible. Yes, even though this year has had some troublesome things, there have been a lot of nice things too. The magpie chicks, Kid2 and Kid1, Lady and Wing, the Footies, the Exons, the Shegulls, the OCs' coexistence with the others on the roof...very, very nice.
@jerrygregor 22 күн бұрын
Larus canus
@picapicalife 22 күн бұрын
Absolutely right.
@jerrygregor 21 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife I didn't say common gull because I don't know what country you're from and don't know what you would call them. It's a bit of a misnomer here in the UK because they're not one of the most common gulls. They don't even breed here in south east Scotland but do come down from the highlands and beyond to winter. I'll have to have a look at your other videos later.
@picapicalife 21 күн бұрын
@@jerrygregor Yes, the naming of gulls can be 'confusing', especially by crossing languages. We live in Norway. In Norway they are called 'Fish-gulls', even though they don't actually eat much fish. What is even more confusing is the gull called 'Herring gull' in English, but this one is 'Gray gull' here. The 'Herring gull' in Norway is the 'Lesser black back' in UK. 'Black backs' are 'Black backs' though...
@lifeithebalcoy 21 күн бұрын
​@@picapicalife In Sweden is Fiskmås fishgull
@picapicalife 21 күн бұрын
@@lifeithebalcoy No wonder, neighboring languages.
@starb9138 23 күн бұрын
I appreciate all your videos, and really appreciate what you do for the birds, but I had to stop watching this one at the point when gulls attacked kid3. It is really terrible and if it was down to me I would have interfered and chased them off. As a rule, I don't watch anything that is brutal, no matter if its natural. Those poor little ones, no wonder kid3 can't get better, in fact they are making her/him worse 😔
@picapicalife 23 күн бұрын
Thank you. We understand perfectly well what you are saying. The first time we saw, we were also horrified. But it looks much worse than it actually is. After looking again, and the circumstances before and after we became calmer. The birds use a lot of what we might call violence, but in their world it's more like 'physical language'. We can also see it when our dogs raise their puppies. Other animals also use their physics. It might of course 'hurt', but they are not injured. Of course it's a little different with Kid3 and her wounded leg. We don't think her leg is injured by other birds, but all ill treatment is not nice for her. And us disrupting such incidents will most probably not help the situation overall. Most of the times we see such things, we see it after it has already happened. And we try to see what the mother does in the situation. But yes, it's an emotional dilemma, for sure. Fortunately Kid3 actually seems to do better today, not very much, but better.
@starb9138 23 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife Birds have their pecking order, for sure, and they use physical means to teach others where their place is. I see them doing it all the time, starlings, magpies, crows, pigeons and even small garden birds, they would peck and bully each other. But sometimes, its not about establishing a pecking order but inflicting harm. This was that. That gull's attack lasted for a long time and kid3 is surely injured from it, they just hide it the best they can because that's what they have to do to stop further attacks. And yes, I am against interference in the sense to make them change their natural behaviour, or to imprison them or to use them for entertainment or domesticate them, those are big no's . But if I decide to help them by providing food for them its already not a 100% natural environment, so in my garden I just simply don't tolerate violence and attacks and I've never been shy in showing that. We underestimate birds and other animals thinking that they will not understand. They definitely do, and they learn. At this rate, I have my doubts that kid3 will survive the roof, and even if it manages to "fledge" of it, with such a bad injury (and the injury is clearly bad because s/he is in visible pain and holding the leg up) the chances to survive after that are very slim.
@picapicalife 23 күн бұрын
@@starb9138 Yes, unfortunately we agree with you on Kid3. Even though she manages the time on the roof, she will probably get problems later on. Nature can be cruel that way. Civilized human society would never 'take out' individs with injured legs, that's for sure. But, as said, she's doing better today. We will probably show that in following videos. But also, as said, we are afraid for her for the future. We think situations like this is hard to handle in a good way.
@starb9138 23 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife Maybe catch her and take her to a wildlife rescue? Or at least try and deter other birds attacking her and making her worse?
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 23 күн бұрын
Totally agree there, people do tend to underestimate birds' and many animals' ability to understand and learn, I've always found that strange as they don’t have a problem accepting this is true of their pets etc. You seem like us in the respect there are often very stern tellings off in our garden too!​@@starb9138
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