@user-uy7qw2nx5o Күн бұрын
Kid1 and Kid2 are looking really well, but Kid3, though not quite as bad as before, is a different matter, I cant help but be worried about her. It is good, in a way, that she has 'the cave' as her retreat and somewhere you can provide water and food just for her, I'm really hoping this chance to rest and eat well could build up her strength enough for her to be able to take flight soon. I had hopes watching the video at first that Footsie may be taking a slightly more maternal approach to her but then saw not, though she certainly didn't seem as aggressive as Exon was to her. I feel if she were to able to fly alright she could stand a good enough chance even with the leg troubles, it's wait to see how she goes, but if it becomes obvious she just isn't up to flight I wonder if there are any Wildlife Rescue Organisations near yourselves who may be willing to help her, or , if possible, at least take a look at some of your video footage of her to assess and advise? It's so hard to know what to do in such situations. Ha, ha, Footsie having a conversation with 'the others' made me laugh. Our 'often filthy' window was cleaned the other day and quite a few of the birds have been more than a little perplexed! Dumbo, the Herring Gull, is extremely unamused and no matter what I do to try to assure him it's him he's giving off to he's having none of it! Watching you feeding Footy and the other gulls trying to get in is pretty much what's happening here at the moment, it's becoming increasingly impossible to keep them away and we've had to give in to another gull who has a very bad foot, we just can't turn away anyone in this state. It's great that you're providing water for Kids 1 and 2 on the other roof.
@picapicalife 15 сағат бұрын
Thank you. Yes, Kid2 and 1 are doing well so far. They have found their own 'place' owned by nobody else. This is the first time we can follow gull chicks so closely, seing them growing up like this. Usually they 'disappear' after the jump the roof, only to be seen again occationally far down there or on the roof on some returns. Doing so well, we have strong hopes for the two healthy ones. Kid3 is doing the best she can. We have problems looking at her too much. She might get better, and she might not. We don't know. There is little we can do. Our hearts wish us to try to take her inside, but our heads say no. We hope there is a chance for her, that her situation will turn good somehow. Taking (migratory) bird chicks out of their (short time) 'development' is never a good thing to do. And we will never 'keep' wild birds ourselves. So this is a hard one. The Footies are doing fine. They now seem to have realized there will be no chicks, but they are still very friendly to us. Footsie is just doing what such gulls are supposed to do. We can't blame her. Yes, foot and leg injuries are pretty common, also here. Most of the times it works out nicely. This afternoon we saw the first little hole in Lady's and Wing's eggs.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 6 сағат бұрын
@@picapicalife It must be so tough for you having to see and worry about Kid3 on a daily basis. You have done, and are continuing to do, so much to try and help her and I totally understand there's no way you'd be able to, or want to, 'keep' her. It was just a thought that maybe some Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre may be able to help if it came to her being left all on her own, unable to fly properly, when the others left , as once we took a young, abandoned , Collared Dove to such a place and I remember there being gulls amongst all the many birds and mammals they were helping, with returning to the wild the ultimate goal. It's not unusual for there to be a weaker chick that maybe never makes it I know, and it has been obvious here that that has happened with some of 'our' birds but thankfully we've not had to watch it all play out in such detail. There is still time for things to turn around for her and all we can do is hope. Interesting times ahead then hopefully with Wing and Lady's chicks, I'm trying not to worry about how they (if both hatch) will fare with the situation on the roof , they'll probably have to toughen up quickly but of course with two parents looking out for them things should be easier.
@lifeithebalcoy 6 күн бұрын
Poor mags and Sparrows. You need to try to Get the gulls out of the steal tree mabye use big sticks
@picapicalife 5 күн бұрын
No worries actually. The sparrows just fly away if they get scared. The mags are irritated, but nothing more. They are not causing any serious problems to each other.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 6 күн бұрын
The Soap Opera continues and the dramas intensify! Wow, quite frantic there at times ! I'm starting to worry now about how things will be when Wing and Lady's chicks hatch, I hadn’t considered this late hatching would also coincide with the most manic time amongst the other gulls. I feel for you as this is all something you've tried to avoid, and have avoided in previous years, but circumstances are out of your control. Thank goodness you spotted and were able to help Kid2, I don’t like to think of the outcome were you not, well done!! A bit sad to watch the Footies still holding out hope for their egg, but they're both looking well which is great to see. Good idea to feed Exon and Exona first. The Steel Tree is proving so popular to all these days and I can see why. How wonderful to see all the Sparrows, they're obviously doing well. OC youngster is looking great. Lovely to be able to 'stare into' the gorgeous eyes of the young Mag. All 'your' youngsters are looking good and seemingly full of Magpie Mischief. One of 'ours' is tapping away at the window as I type, making very cute little noises. Well done Kid2 but uncomfortable viewing at the end, I know it's natural gull behaviour but will she/he be able to withstand this, it’s all such a worry ,it must be so incredibly scary out there all on your own in totally unfamiliar territories, I really hope the others can join her/him soon. Has Gher been to see her/him? (I can't remember who is maybe female or male) I saw the update and feel awful for poor Kid2, she/he obviously wants to be on familiar ground and close to those she/ knows. And now the added worry of Kid1!!! Plus the ongoing worries about poor Kid3, it's all a bit much, my anxiety levels are rising, I can only imagine what yours are like! Right now I am non too amused by 'our' pair, Sammy is drumming on my windowsill, Snowy is on the roof 'bleating', and I'm trying to pretend I'm not here, sitting with the blinds closed!! He woke me up this morning doing the same and I was far from happy. Now he's giving off, how very dare I ignore him, I'm supposed to jump at his command, which I usually do in order to keep noise levels down, at times I am counting down the days till they leave, it's been so hectic, but other times I'm dreading it, knowing we will miss them and tears will be shed.
@picapicalife 5 күн бұрын
Thank you. Kid2's flight from the roof has made the tensions drop considerably. We believe it's because he's a male. Some of the tensions might be male-to-male situations. Even though Kid2 is only a little more than a month old, he might be regarded as a 'male' already. Such male-to-male situations are not rare in animal lives. Occationally it can be seen among humans too. Kid1 we believe is a female. This theory in now strengthened because of her too being left alone when Kid2 had left. Kid3 is now left alone from the other gulls almost all the time. This might help her potential recovery. She's still reduced compared to her siblings though. When (of if, but we now believe she will be able to leave by her own wings) she leaves the the roof, things will change again. Gher will most probably return for food. The chicks will find a little more on their own on the ground, but they still need to be cared for. Yesterday Kid2 returned again. Also Kid1 jumped off the roof. They stayed in our garden all night. This morning we found Kid1 in another shed we have and decided to take her to the fields. We also put Kid2 back to the fields, hoping that now being two chicks could help them feeling better, staying out of the garden. Kid2 still returns but he flies well so he will not have any more problems getting out and away. Still a little clumsy though. This afternoon we had to rescue him out of another narrow space he would not have been able to get out of... Gull chicks staying in and returning to the garden is new to us. Yes, there have been chicks returning to the roof and the nest, but not inside the garden. Yes, the risky side of being a gull and a gull chick continues after they leave the roof, it even increases. There are many heart-pinching moments, but we try to just observe and think this is how it is to be a free gull (after all that is what we wish for them). We act on acute situations though. 'Noone' told us it could be that unpleasant at times. And all the situations we even don't see... But they give us such wonderful moments too. Maybe there is some 'yin-yang' working here, one side doesn't exist without the the knowledge of the other? Knowing about the sad and hard sides make us appreciate the nice moments even more.
@picapicalife 5 күн бұрын
Sammy and Snowy sounds nice and funny though.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 5 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife Kid2 is lucky to have you! Maybe he'll show his appreciation if he comes back next year, he should certainly be very used to you now, Kid1 also, having been picked up. Yes that theory sounds quite plausible, that he's seen as more of a 'threat '. Yep, I suppose we have to take the good with the bad but it's not at all easy. We don't get to share in the nest activities and seeing 'our' young gulls' development but we do get to go through a lot with the other resident birds and there are often many heart breaking incidents to endure, at times it's made us wonder if we could handle much more emotionally but then of course the immense pleasure of 'sharing' their lives outweighs the very sad times. I have everything crossed for a good outcome for all three Kids. And yes, Sammy and Snowy are really cute, funny and lovely gulls and, as exasperating as they can be, we love them dearly.
@picapicalife 5 күн бұрын
@@user-uy7qw2nx5o Yes, maybe. We suspect most of the 'trusty' gulls around to have a connection to the roof (and to us) in one way or another. There are gulls in the colony that have absolutely no interest in us. Then there are those who (obviously) seem to know us somehow. There have been several chicks growing up on the roof through the years... This chick-male-to-male situation is the first time we see on the roof, but this year has been special in every way. We have seen rivalry at the seaside though, but the seaside is so distant we have not seen the 'details'. The departured chicks keep on returning. Kid2 is in the garden again, as we speak now. Yesterday we tried to see how it would be to put him back on the roof. It didn't work out, at all (as suspected). He was chased immediately, by Exon (we think). We will try to leave them to it, both being airborne now. The scaffolding is coming down today, so we can use the covered cams again. Not much, but important. The ones showing our food station.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 5 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife That's good, being able to see around the garden a bit more. Maybe Kid2 is getting to enjoy being picked up, you would think if it was a scary experience he'd stay well clear of you. Hopefully they'll be fine in the garden and keep their distance from the dogs until they come to accept them.
@user-eq2dx2jp6v 6 күн бұрын
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ hiiiiii ❤❤❤❤❤❤ thank uuuuu ❤❤❤
@picapicalife 6 күн бұрын
Hi. Thank you.
@nevermind5321 7 күн бұрын
I enjoyed watching but it’s sad the babies didn’t make it. I pray the parents will try again soon and their chicks will survive!🙏❤️🙏
@picapicalife 7 күн бұрын
Thank you. Yes, the end of this story is very sad. And sadly, the parents are gone too. But a young couple has taken over the territory. They have succeeded twice already (but nesting away from the cams). They seem to be very interested in the steel tree again so we might be able to record it and share. Being birds in the wild is pretty hard.
@BobWasThere- 8 күн бұрын
Such a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing this.
@picapicalife 8 күн бұрын
Yes, it is. And beautiful birds. Thank you for watching.
@jerrygregor 8 күн бұрын
Larus canus
@picapicalife 8 күн бұрын
Absolutely right.
@jerrygregor 8 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife I didn't say common gull because I don't know what country you're from and don't know what you would call them. It's a bit of a misnomer here in the UK because they're not one of the most common gulls. They don't even breed here in south east Scotland but do come down from the highlands and beyond to winter. I'll have to have a look at your other videos later.
@picapicalife 8 күн бұрын
@@jerrygregor Yes, the naming of gulls can be 'confusing', especially by crossing languages. We live in Norway. In Norway they are called 'Fish-gulls', even though they don't actually eat much fish. What is even more confusing is the gull called 'Herring gull' in English, but this one is 'Gray gull' here. The 'Herring gull' in Norway is the 'Lesser black back' in UK. 'Black backs' are 'Black backs' though...
@lifeithebalcoy 8 күн бұрын
​@@picapicalife In Sweden is Fiskmås fishgull
@picapicalife 7 күн бұрын
@@lifeithebalcoy No wonder, neighboring languages.
@mudanzan 9 күн бұрын
Amazing as always, thank you!
@picapicalife 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing the interest with us.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 9 күн бұрын
Lovely video, thank you. How sweet the adults are together, gorgeous, inquisitive youngsters, adorable young Sparrows , and then to see the Swans and Cygnets was a treat. Must make the most of the Mags' beauty as we know what's coming next, soon they'll have faces only a mother could love bless them , luckily short lived and they'll emerge even more stunning than before.
@picapicalife 9 күн бұрын
Thank you. Yes, this couple is maybe the most loving magpies we have 'met'. They seem to think it's important to keep up nourishing their bonds (which is maybe not the worst thing to do?). Magpie chicks...we feel happy every time we can see them close (or even relatively close). The swans (some times there are so many of them in this area) pass by pretty regularly. They are beautiful. When we started counting the chicks, we thought it would end on maybe five, but seven are a lot (isn't it?) They will pass by several times, so will see them again. Hope most of the chicks will make it. They will normally decrease in number through the summer. Yes, they will soon look terrible. But we will not feel sorry for them anymore.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 9 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife not the worst thing at all, a lesson to many to not take what you have for granted, all relationships need some tending to at times!
@ZEELION 9 күн бұрын
please never think that the vids are too long, we love them, wow to the exons moving inlol even more eggs to come i hope x
@picapicalife 9 күн бұрын
Thank you. So nice to hear. Yes, the Exons are nice gulls, even though this year has produced some problems and tensions we did not see coming. The Exons are part of the increased tension on the roof, but this is 'gull business' and we will try to not disturb this. Lady and Wing laid their eggs very late. We expect the eggs to hatch around the end of the 1st week in July. We hope the chicks will have enough time to grow enough. If the Exons lay eggs now, it will be very, very late. And we thought the Exons already had laid their eggs for the season. We have seen their ground nest from a distance but not the eggs nor the chicks. The couple spending so much time on the roof now makes us wonder. Parents normally stay close to their chicks. Did the eggs not hatch, or did the chicks die? We don't know. Not every gull story is a success story.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 9 күн бұрын
Exon and Exona really do seem to have made claims to that part of the roof as you say, definitely a bit of a problem for the youngsters at times right now, though Gher obviously tries her best to defend them when around. It's a real shame Gher is still being like that to you both, well done for keeping your patience for the chicks' sake, it can't be easy! You're right, gulls don't give up easily at all, on anything, and certainly not on a regular food source as we know only too well, every day is very taxing trying to keep others away here, but not as taxing as I can see it is for you! Good grief, it's quite manic at times on the roof now! I'm beginning to feel we have it very easy by comparison, even though I've been feeling like pulling my hair out in frustration recently. Good idea to feed Exon and Exona away from the roof. Unless you moved onto the roof yourselves I don’t see how much more you could do, gulls are incredibly obstinate! Monk haircuts, love that! Wow they've grown, 'ours' must be even bigger than that now but sadly we don't get to see them, unless things change this year. We think they might keep them away from this food source on purpose . Sammy is coming so frequently, Snowy not as much, we think half the time he's just trying to get some peace and quiet! Poor Kid3, it really is such a worry to see her like this, her leg still not better, so tired and often withdrawn, at the end of the video she really did look in a bad way, and then such an awfully tough watch seeing her attacked like that, I wanted to break right through the screen and stop them! It does seem they may be picking on her as she’s an easier target, as all she seems to be doing is hobbling about not hurting anyone, the whole roof was her and the family's territory before and she doesn’t know better yet. I know this is all part of growing up and learning your place in the 'pecking order', but rightly or wrongly we're both useless at sticking to the 'no intervention ' rule, we intervene quite often and would probably have done so in these scenarios. (but then ours aren't up on the roof so it's a lot easier) Unfortunately these type of arguments and fights happen frequently and you can't have eyes on, or get to, them all the time. Sadly Kid3 doesn't seem to have much strength to withstand much more. The fact is that even though there is so much going on on the roof these days if they were elsewhere things could easily be just as, or even more, difficult for them. I am very concerned about her. If the others left and she was obviously not able to follow do you think there would be anything you could do to try and help her? This may require catching her and some form of rehabilitation, quite a commitment. Good to see the Mag youngster , 'ours' are providing a lot of entertainment.
@picapicalife 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for your update. Yes, this year has been challenging. Usually the life on the roof is much calmer. Usually we have closer contact to the inhabitans there. When things are closer, it easier to deal with everything. Yes, too bad our relation to Gher never turned as we hoped for. It's really not like we have not tried, but some times things don't work out. In some years we will probably talk about it and laugh. Gher's behavior and Kid3's leg have drawn a lot of attention. And the Exons' and Wing's treatment of Kid3 worried us. It could be a mixture of the 'pecking order' and her not moving away fast enough? The two other chicks get away when needed or they are better at defending themselves. Nature's view and definition on 'weakness' is hard to deal with properly for us. We don't 'understand' it, but we try to use the mother as a 'know-the-best-source'. While Wing gave Kid3 that 'message' (and chased the others away) we watched how Gher was reacting. This happened in 'real-time' so we could have intervened. She was on the cam pole just above the incident. She showed no interest to the situation, and she has usually absolutely no problems in reacting to Wing. The incident with the Exons had already happened long before we became aware of it. The Exons are very nice gulls, but they are strong minded. At least Exon is, Exona is a bit more withdrawn. Even though he was banned from the garden by Ghim earlier this season, he seems to have grown much stronger through the summer. Fortunately Kid3 surprisingly looks better today. Yesterday she had problems with even standing on her healty leg (probably strained by the over-use). Today she has limped around like 'before', even climbed the planters. But we are worried about her future life. As you say, they will meet similar and much tougher situations off the roof. These territorial and other conflicts are only the beginning. Previous years chicks have left the roof at different times. The parents have had no problems with that. This year we don't know. We have to see if or when it happens. Yes, the growth rate for gull chicks is formidable. It's hard to understand how it's even possible. Yes, even though this year has had some troublesome things, there have been a lot of nice things too. The magpie chicks, Kid2 and Kid1, Lady and Wing, the Footies, the Exons, the Shegulls, the OCs' coexistence with the others on the roof...very, very nice.
@user-eq2dx2jp6v 9 күн бұрын
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ hiiiiii ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ thank youuuuuu ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@picapicalife 9 күн бұрын
Thank you yourself.
@user-eq2dx2jp6v 9 күн бұрын
😂😂❤❤❤❤❤ perfect ❤❤❤❤❤ thank u ❤❤❤❤
@picapicalife 9 күн бұрын
Thank you. Yes, they are nice.
@MrH2S 9 күн бұрын
Absolutely lovely very beautiful video, I meet many eager gulls when I feed crows and ravens, it's a pleasure to meet your gull family I can see lots of love and Respect, that's what making youtube and life is all about. I look forward to w the next video thank you for sharing with gulls and with us all. 😊😊😊
@picapicalife 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for your kind words. We really like these birds so it'e very nice to meet other birdlovers who also like them. It's a pleasure to share. More to come.
@starb9138 10 күн бұрын
I appreciate all your videos, and really appreciate what you do for the birds, but I had to stop watching this one at the point when gulls attacked kid3. It is really terrible and if it was down to me I would have interfered and chased them off. As a rule, I don't watch anything that is brutal, no matter if its natural. Those poor little ones, no wonder kid3 can't get better, in fact they are making her/him worse 😔
@picapicalife 9 күн бұрын
Thank you. We understand perfectly well what you are saying. The first time we saw, we were also horrified. But it looks much worse than it actually is. After looking again, and the circumstances before and after we became calmer. The birds use a lot of what we might call violence, but in their world it's more like 'physical language'. We can also see it when our dogs raise their puppies. Other animals also use their physics. It might of course 'hurt', but they are not injured. Of course it's a little different with Kid3 and her wounded leg. We don't think her leg is injured by other birds, but all ill treatment is not nice for her. And us disrupting such incidents will most probably not help the situation overall. Most of the times we see such things, we see it after it has already happened. And we try to see what the mother does in the situation. But yes, it's an emotional dilemma, for sure. Fortunately Kid3 actually seems to do better today, not very much, but better.
@starb9138 9 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife Birds have their pecking order, for sure, and they use physical means to teach others where their place is. I see them doing it all the time, starlings, magpies, crows, pigeons and even small garden birds, they would peck and bully each other. But sometimes, its not about establishing a pecking order but inflicting harm. This was that. That gull's attack lasted for a long time and kid3 is surely injured from it, they just hide it the best they can because that's what they have to do to stop further attacks. And yes, I am against interference in the sense to make them change their natural behaviour, or to imprison them or to use them for entertainment or domesticate them, those are big no's . But if I decide to help them by providing food for them its already not a 100% natural environment, so in my garden I just simply don't tolerate violence and attacks and I've never been shy in showing that. We underestimate birds and other animals thinking that they will not understand. They definitely do, and they learn. At this rate, I have my doubts that kid3 will survive the roof, and even if it manages to "fledge" of it, with such a bad injury (and the injury is clearly bad because s/he is in visible pain and holding the leg up) the chances to survive after that are very slim.
@picapicalife 9 күн бұрын
@@starb9138 Yes, unfortunately we agree with you on Kid3. Even though she manages the time on the roof, she will probably get problems later on. Nature can be cruel that way. Civilized human society would never 'take out' individs with injured legs, that's for sure. But, as said, she's doing better today. We will probably show that in following videos. But also, as said, we are afraid for her for the future. We think situations like this is hard to handle in a good way.
@starb9138 9 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife Maybe catch her and take her to a wildlife rescue? Or at least try and deter other birds attacking her and making her worse?
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 9 күн бұрын
Totally agree there, people do tend to underestimate birds' and many animals' ability to understand and learn, I've always found that strange as they don’t have a problem accepting this is true of their pets etc. You seem like us in the respect there are often very stern tellings off in our garden too!​@@starb9138
@lifeforce3451 11 күн бұрын
she never feed them
@picapicalife 10 күн бұрын
She does. It might have dropped out in the video edit.
@lifeithebalcoy 11 күн бұрын
We also follow grey gulls on our roof. One of the chicks Jumped today. Gladly On the right side
@picapicalife 10 күн бұрын
Nice to hear. They are very fine birds. Gray gull chicks (actually Herring gull in English, strangely enough...) are very charming. They behave like 'gentle giants' among other birds. Especially magpie chicks can be 'annoying' to them.
@starb9138 13 күн бұрын
Its so lovely to see Exon and Exona, they are such a lovely couple 🥰 , and so friendly. I bet you were really upset when you had to keep your distance but it had to be done, we always try and use our human perception when we observe them which is not always great. They, all animals/birds, seem to deal with things better than us.
@picapicalife 12 күн бұрын
Yes, it is. We're a little short of time at the moment. We rent a scaffolding. We will back in a more proper form when the 'fog lightens up'. There are so many things happening, both for the birds and for us.
@picapicalife 10 күн бұрын
Yes, we try to observe without filtering it through our human logic too much. There are so many things we don't quite 'understand', but the birds obviously do.
@deborahm3346 13 күн бұрын
So they're Interested in the nest even though they weren't born there?
@picapicalife 13 күн бұрын
The steel tree has always been pretty central in the magpies' territory. The territory is quite stable, some minor changes depending on who own it. The parents show serious interest in the nest again. They now allow the chicks to enter our garden. As long as it's allowed, we think the chicks curiosity will urge them to study the nest and everything around, under and above it. They are really in the 'study fase' now. Everything is exiting and interesting.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 13 күн бұрын
That's a relief, after the worry their brood may have failed. 'Ours' are now quite bold, one in particular 'Rusty', who is always hanging around. We think there are 3. Last year we had 3 who we think were then joined by another 2 from the other breeding pair a few gardens away as they showed up at a later date, but I suppose they could still have been from the same brood. It's great to see 'your' adults settling in more and more, and becoming more trusting. Mags do tend to be the most cautious of all the Corvids here, though last year's youngsters were much bolder in general. We've never had any Mags we could feed whilst standing close, or throw food to like we can with a few of the Jackdaws. I could, and do, watch them for hours getting up to all their antics. Their interactions with the young Jackdaws are always very amusing, there's a real 'power play' between these. Looking foward to seeing more from 'your' three .
@picapicalife 13 күн бұрын
Yes, we can finally let our shoulders down on them. Maybe we exaggerate our concern, but things do happen. Now we wait to see the other two closer. Later in fall, the parents will 'kick' them out and they will most probably join a drifter gang, with other chicks and youngsters. The largest number we have counted at once is 32, all sitting on and at the power cable in the garden. This is the 'record', usually they are fewer. We don't know why the adults are so much in the steel tree, but normally it would mean they are rethinking using it again. We hope so. They have all summer to get to know us closer. Leading the chicks to the garden is also a good sign. And next year there will be no scaffolding and work on the wall next to the nest...
@starb9138 13 күн бұрын
Your comment about 'power play' interaction between mags and jackdaws made me laugh 😂. I finally had some fledglings of mags and jackdaws in my garden and they really made me laugh. I think this was the first time they saw each other, and first they looked at each other very curiously 🤔 , than they both decided the other one is 'weird' and they should fight it. The 'fight' consisted of both of them jumping high in the air, without a sound, just trying to out jump each other! Absolutely hilarious 😂
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 13 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife It's not surprising your worries given your past experiences. 32, a lot of Mags, not sure if we've had that many at once but maybe close at times of Sparrowhawk attacks when they all gather and it seems the trees are full of them and the noise is quite something, like a continuous round of machine guns! Our young ones from last year hung around here right up until March or April this year when the parents had to be really forceful to make them leave, I don’t think they go far as there always seems to be a group of 'drifters' close by. Yesterday I said I thought we had 3 young but later there were definitely 5 , but maybe even 6, it’s so hard to follow them when they're darting about all over the place causing mischief, they love jumping up from below and startling the other birds. It is looking hopeful for next year I would say in the steel tree especially, as you say, with the work there being completed.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 13 күн бұрын
@@starb9138 🤣 I can picture it perfectly, they're just so cute and believe me I'm sure there'll be more antics to come!
@picapicalife 12 күн бұрын
@@user-uy7qw2nx5o Thank you. We will be back answering properly as soon as we can. At the moment there are so many things going on in our home, renovation...
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 13 күн бұрын
It's great to see Exon having totally recovered from the oil incident and happy with Exona. I can understand how fond of him you are seeing how very trusting he was of you last year (as Old Man!). It's so easy to mix them up, we do it all the time unless we have time to really study them , this year I was constantly chasing off a persistent Herring Gull (as the only one we 'allow' on here is Dumbo who last year won our hearts as he looked so old and was really suffering with his vision and wings) only to realise when he fell when landing it was in fact Dumbo, he looked so different and younger, luckily he forgave us! Now as the season goes on he's looking older again, and more Dinasaur- like as he did before. We are having a horrible time to be honest, trying to keep all the other gulls away, they are refusing to 'get the message' and are coming back every few minutes, we're exhausted, and it's all quite upsetting! All the other birds are also suffering from the commotions. Along with trying to keep 'our' two happy we also have to consider the neighbourhood and try and keep the noise and disruption to a minimum, were we somewhere more remote things would be very different. Between them , the persistent Feral Pigeons (one of the reasons we had to remove the feeding tables) and the huge quantity of Starlings this year, things have been very trying, not relaxing one little bit! It's really nice you are now able to enjoy more of your gull chums and great they can eat from the boxes.
@picapicalife 13 күн бұрын
Yes, it's very nice to finally let both Exon and Exona in the garden. We have had really bad conscience. We are exactly in the same situation as you at the time. Because of Gher's hard behavior combined with the time of the season (chicks hatching all over), we struggle to keep our roof half 'anonymous' to our neighbors. When Gher 'bombs' us (she still does), we go to one of the other couples (before we return). This make all of them kind of impatient. Impatient gulls do make a lot of noise, one way or another. We are working on how to reduce the tension, but it's not easy.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 13 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife Don't they just, quiet and patient they are not!!
@WitchyBlueMoonlight 14 күн бұрын
you have such a beautiful home
@picapicalife 14 күн бұрын
Yes, even though it's not even half finished. The mags started to build this spring, but left it undone. Now they return every day and seem to claim it again. The chicks are let to it too. This morning two of the chicks visited. We think soon all three will visit regularly.
@WitchyBlueMoonlight 13 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife The magpie's abode is wonderful too, but I meant more your property. My soul feels at peace just looking at that lake view on camera!
@picapicalife 12 күн бұрын
@@WitchyBlueMoonlight Thank you. Sorry. Yes, we like it here. Especially after befriending the birds in and around our garden. Actually what you see is the sea. A tiny part of the big, big floor. It's very nice.
@user-eq2dx2jp6v 14 күн бұрын
@picapicalife 14 күн бұрын
Thank you. We will probably see them much more as the days go by.
@user-eq2dx2jp6v 14 күн бұрын
Perfect ❤❤❤❤❤😂
@picapicalife 14 күн бұрын
We think so too. Very nice to get close to Exon and Exona again.
@user-eq2dx2jp6v 14 күн бұрын
Hiiiiii dear friends ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@lifeithebalcoy 14 күн бұрын
When seagulls have their head in the feathers it means they like you or have A mate close. Is so amazing to see exon
@picapicalife 14 күн бұрын
Yes, your'e right. But with Exon that 'pose' belongs to his normal physical appearance. It's very nice to 'let him inside' again. Both parts, us and them. seem to have missed it. The best of all Exon is totally free from oil.
@lifeithebalcoy 14 күн бұрын
❤ cute
@picapicalife 14 күн бұрын
Yes, they are very nice.
@brandonmosca7298 15 күн бұрын
ahhh yes, yes beautiful, beautiful, hardworking, cute, but no one understands a thing and there is a lot of ignorance about it, they are birds belonging to the corvid family but unlike the crows that live in the open countryside, the magpie is adapted very well even in urban centres, consequently it has almost completely exterminated the sparrows by plundering the nests with the chicks inside, the same fate is happening if measures are not taken also for nightingales, blackbirds, swallows and this can continue for a long time, the number of magpies is immeasurable, they reproduce twice, spring and summer with many eggs, if we don't intervene as soon as possible we will find birds that instead of singing croak and shrill and basically they are of no use and only cause damage.
@picapicalife 15 күн бұрын
You are wrong. Now you are only duplicating a stubborn rumour that's not based on facts. Yes, the magpies do eat. And they occationally eat meat. Eating is one of the fundamental definitions of being 'alive'. But all the years we have followed magpies, we have only observed magpies hunting chicks and other birds about four-five times. This is really not a lot, and far away from those myths around the magpies that some unknowing people spread. Of course they might have caught other living pray we have not seen, but it's really not anywhere close to what those rumourmakers claim. It's not ok to blame anyone, anything of being alive. Cats, humans and other creatures are in reality much more dangerous to birds in general than magpies. We have a local sparrow colony here. They thrive even there are magpies around. The blackbirds, swallows, wagtails, tits thrive...you can go on as far as you want. The magpies are not the real problem.
@brandonmosca7298 10 күн бұрын
Spiacente ma sono d’accordo con te in parte,ostinarsi a proteggere per forza le gazze e non vedere che le altre razze scompaiono per loro è molto grave,in Italia i passeri sono a un passo dall’estinzione e nessuno li protegge e anche qua c’è gente che difende le gazze non è pazzesco?Basta solo riflettere e contrastare le nascite di questi uccelli predatori di nidi che nei decenni si sono moltiplicati in maniera pazzesca,più protezione agli altri volatili e meno alla pica questa è la strada de seguire.
@starb9138 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for yet another video, really appreciate these updates ☺ . It is really worrying that 2 little ones are limping, but I really don't think (I'm not an expert) that its due to food, I am inclined to think that somehow they injured themselves. They are small and fragile, and with so much going on its easier for them to get injured than adult bird. Still, this situation is the best possible outcome for them given that their dad is no longer around. If they were not on this roof and without your help their situation would be much much worse. Its a good idea that you started putting some food in those planters. Birds don't fight over food if they have a choice, fighting takes energy and they do all they can to save their energy. So having a choice of going to another place to have some food is clearly welcome. Love sweet sparrow chicks 🥰 , its amazing how they manage to get along with so many bigger stronger birds and thrive. They are such fantastic birds, so underestimated and looked over. So sad to hear that the egg from a white boat nest is missing 😟 , could it be a mink attack? I remember you saying they are around your area? Hoping to hear that chicks are doing better with their limping in your next update 🙏
@picapicalife 15 күн бұрын
Thank you. Fortunately the gull chicks seem to recover well. Kid1 is almost limp free, Kid3 still has some noticeable limp, but is also doing better. Kid2 is doing as well as he has all the time. Neither do we. We have used the same recipe for some years now, with no indications for such problems. We even think chicks on the roof benefit from the food supplements and attention. Last year was a gruesome indication of that (as mentioned earlier), 'our' three chicks being the only survivers (except for one) in the entire local colony. There are minks, cats and foxes in the area. They all represent dangers to birds on the ground. We have not seen any dogs inside the (fenced) gull area. Of course this year is special, Gher being single and being forced to feed the chicks more from our food. It's not ideal, just necessary. Since we have not seen what happened to the chicks, we have thought about what is different this year. These chicks spend much more time on the far side of the roof (due to Lady and Wing), where there is more plastic roof parts. We have seen them stumble a little on the slippery surface. On the other hand gull chicks spend a lot of time at the (very slippery) seaside. We see them fall over all the time, not resulting in any injuries (as far as we can see)... This is speculations. As a matter of fact, we don't know. The chicks also 'blend' well with the others on the roof, even getting tougher answering back to anyone 'annoying' them. Yes, spreading food on the roof and the planters seems to work so far. There have been some 'intrusions' from neighboring gulls, but most of the time it works ok. The level of tension in the area has increased as more and more chicks hatch. Sparrow chicks are adorable. But chicks in general (and other animal babies, of course also human babies) have this 'unresistable' and 'magnetic' side to them. It's strange how it works. Yes, it's sad about the white boat chick. The boat should be safe for minks and foxes, but cats would have no problems entering. Flying predators and humans could also be the reason. But the 'marina people' respect the birds as far as we know. Yes, we have already picked some clips showing the chicks moving around better. They will be in the next post, for sure. It's exiting times now, the chicks starting to use their wings more and more. Learning to lift off can be challenging.
@emilyelek4963 16 күн бұрын
What is the nest dome frame called? Did you buy it? Thanks.
@picapicalife 16 күн бұрын
We made it ourselves, based on the form and size of an original (cut down, not by us) magpie's nest. It's made of scrap stainless steel, so it will last 'forever'. We have no name for it, but it's kind of a domed basket of steel. Thank you for watching.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 17 күн бұрын
Another lovely video, thank you. Wing is so funny on the nest, refusing to budge! I see from the Boat Couple, (and from how Gher and Ghim were before) this reluctance to give up the cosy shift is quite the norm, can't say I blame them! Glad to see Lady gets her own back at the end! I like the Boat Couple's nest. All seems quite 'harmonious ' on the roof for the most part, like a big , 'slightly dysfunctional' family . The visits from the bigger gulls are unfortunately inevitable and there's not much you can do other than what you are already doing. We had a terrible time with this last year. (though of course here it is just the feeding site and there are no young chicks to worry about) So far this year we have managed to chase them off for now, though things are getting more hectic as more chicks hatch. The main problem here is trying to keep a ridiculously persistent Common gull away from the food as he's causing a lot of problems and driving us absolutely crazy. Luckily for 'your' chicks the Rooftop Gang forget their differences and gather together to fight off such intruders. The OCs seem to appreciate the food in the planted areas. Hopefully it is just, as you say, coincidental that the two chicks have the same problem , it does seem to come and go doesn’t it . A bit of a worry for sure , young birds often injure themselves trying out new things, it could also be the bad start they had I suppose when Gher was struggling to bring enough food , or maybe something genetic. They're certainly exercising their wings well though, growing really well and looking great otherwise. How sweet the mags are together, and how lovely the little Sparrow chicks. The Steel Tree is certainly the place to be. Sad that something seems to have happened to the Boat Couple's egg, they go to all those efforts and it's not nice to see. We have two Mallard families that come each year and this year both have lost all their chicks ,could be to herons, gulls, otters, foxes, badgers, cats or rats, we don't know , but one of the females in particular is quite obviously 'depressed ', it's quite distressing to see. She just looks so awfully 'sad', seems to want our company and for a while was off her food. We think they are going to try again but it must be exhausting already having had 12 to try and look after the first time round. Would gulls try again, and at this late stage? Footsie looks to be coping well. We’re off later to visit the Crows, one of them having had a very bag leg injury, he's managing but his leg looks unlikely to ever fully recover, too badly damaged . He may even lose it at some stage though we hope not. One of 'our' Starlings who had a bad leg turned up this week with just one leg, it's amazing how they can heal from such things.
@picapicalife 17 күн бұрын
Yes, we see this change every year. When the chicks hatch in other parts of the colony, and to other birds, there are suddenly many more mouths to fill. This rises the tension in the whole area. But we think the ones on the roof seem to have found a way to coexist (so far). We have been a little concerned now and then, but this was based on previous years' experiences. A new year is obviously a new year, with it's rules on it's own. 'Slightly dysfunctional family' is very nice description. Because we have not seen what happened to the gull chicks, we have no idea about the cause to the problem. There can be 'thousands' of possibilites. According to our 'statistics' this is unique, so we will not jump to any conclusions yet, even though the coincidences might look not coincidental in our 'logic'. But, as said, we think there are no better places to recover injuries than the roof. Otherwise all the chicks seem to be fine. The white boat is a mystery. We thought it would be pretty safe, even though we were thinking the chick would have had problems getting out of the boat. It's of course not safe for winged predators, and not for people. But all the nests in the marina have been treated respectfully so far... We don't know, but we don't think the gulls try to nest again, at least not this late. Maybe if it was earlier in the season. Footsie is doing ok. She is one of the gulls we have special hopes for. It's maybe not fair, but some birds have bigger 'rooms in our hearts'. Living in the wild is much harder than we have been aware of. We have said it before, but it really tells something; the intelligent mags are biologically able to live for more than 20 years. Still the average life span of a mag is only a little over 3 years. This we didn't realize until we started to get to know them closer. But, as also said, this is the 'price' for seing more. Thank you for your stories about 'your' birds. Please keep us updated.
@lifeithebalcoy 17 күн бұрын
Nice to see the gulls. But im more in to the mags now beacuse is beautiful to see them. How flirty they are and math full. In our area we are following the other Gull pair on Our roof. And soon our Hegull shegull chicks will fly. Also the Sparrows is back They never leave you
@picapicalife 17 күн бұрын
The mags have something that few other birds have. There are many fantastic and amazing birds, but the mags... 'Sadly' they have this tendency to move their nest locations, so it can be hard to put a cam on the right place. They really 'play' hard-to-get with us. But maybe the hard-to-get things make us wish more? This young couple we have known for only two years. It takes some time to make them trust you. Their activities this summer are promising. They keep on coming 'closer'. So maybe we can start to wish? Please tell us when your gulls fly.
@Pecanut 17 күн бұрын
Is there any possibility for you to see the limping chicks legs any closer? It really is not a good thing that two of them have the exact same problem. If I’m not confused you feed them dog food, which might be causing some mineral imbalance in their growing body, as dog food is not quite natural for baby birds to digest. Does their mom bring them any other food apart from the doggie food?
@lifeithebalcoy 17 күн бұрын
The limping legs can come beacuse of them trying to jump or fly not weird
@picapicalife 17 күн бұрын
It depends on how they position themselves to our cams. We will not try to pick them up. We are very surprised two of the chicks are limping like this, and also the same legs, and also the two we think are the girls. We admit it all conspires to all kinds of conclusions. Since we have not been able to figure out what has happened, we are honestly a little uncertain about it. But this is the first time this happens though. Through all the years we have followed gulls that closely, we have never seen it before. Last year one of the chicks started to limp though, but this was caused by an accidental fall from the roof. Mew gulls are regarded as omnivorous. We feed Gher with a mix of dog and cat food, added with some vitamins and minerals meant for birds. Gher brings some of the food, but a good portion of what she now feeds the chicks is from our mix. We are no bird experts, so there are many things we don't know about them. But we see and try to learn, and use our 'own' statistics. We know gull parents preferably feed very young chicks with food chosen by themselves, not ours. Even though there might be some uncertainties about the food composition, this situation is special. We really don't think the chicks would have survived without the extra food contribution. We will of course keep an eye on the chicks. Hopefully they will get better. You sound like a bird expert?
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 16 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife I agree, the way things were it was looking pretty dire for the chicks had Gher not had the extra supplementary feeds from yourselves.
@Pecanut 16 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife Unquestionably, catching them would be extremely ill advised. Perhaps, to wait for a relatively quiet moment on the roof when all the adult birds -especially their Mom-are absent and quickly asses the “bad” legs condition vs good legs with a pair of binoculars. You might be able to see that the affected legs are a bit larger in the knee joint compared to the good legs or there might be some small wounds from other birds pecking on chicks or you might see nothing suspicious at all. At the end, there is nothing much one can do to help them with the limp if the cause is unknown. However, I would humbly suggest to add some hard boiled chicken eggs with finely crashed shells to their diet. The chicks are growing very, very fast and they do need a lot of protein, calcium, and magnesium. The chicken egg nutritional composition is much more natural to any type of growing baby birds, excluding some very specialized species, than doggy food.
@picapicalife 16 күн бұрын
@@Pecanut We will try to keep an eye on them, as closely as we can. At the time we will keep our fingers off. As mentioned earlier, we offer a mix of dog and cat food to Gher at the moment. We mix in cat food because of the high protein level in such food. In additon we put in some of those vitamins and minerals composed especially for birds (by professional people knowing far more about nutrition than us). Unfortunately Gher won't eat from a food box. If she would, we would have put a good portion of pellets in it (this also especially made for birds, products for bird farmers). Thank you for your advice. But they don't eat only doggy food.
@grecosantos 17 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for taking the time and giving us updates. I've really grown to cherish all “your” birds 🤗
@picapicalife 17 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching. With no other seing this, we would have been the 'only' ones. we think that would have been almost sad. So we are glad.
@starb9138 20 күн бұрын
Your roof is getting really busy! Sometimes we forget how close they all are to each other, chicks and the new nesting pair, because of the camera angles. They are so close. I hope Lady and Wing get to be successful and we see some of their chicks as well, but I do worry about them being hatched so late. I like and support all animals and birds, they all have their right to live and thrive, but in this situation, I really don't like seeing OCs around. Gher and her chicks are already stressed, being vulnerable and without a male to help protect them, and seeing OCs pushing them around and stopping them from having food is very heartbreaking. I wish they would just stay away from the roof. I feel so sorry for the poor little sweet chick being hurt 😢 , I hope it recovers! I wonder how that happened? Its lovely to hear that Shegulls chicks have hatched and that Footie is doing well 😀 , really awesome. As for mags and the lack of chicks from their side, its really weird but I also haven't seen any corvid fledglings so far, and I always see them being introduced to the local eatery (my garden 😂) , mags, crows, jackdaws, they all bring them around and they are all so cute and clumsy 🤗 , but noting this year! Its really puzzling and worrying really. Will be looking forward to see new developments, thank you ☺
@lifeithebalcoy 20 күн бұрын
They survive. Summer climate is after August. Is sure. Is not late
@picapicalife 19 күн бұрын
Yes. it is. The roof is inhabited (more or less) by Gher, her chicks, Wing and Lady, the OCs and an unknown number of sparrows. Being so many and staying so closely to each other, they are doing remarkably well. Our concern was exaggerated, this time. Some small disputes as said, even kind Wing has told one of the chicks it was getting too close to Lady in the nest. But they seem to have found a functional balance. Yesterday a Lesser black-back landed and started to 'steal' food. This is what we really try to avoid. Gher's chicks are safe for them now, but 'all' the gulls were still very agitated, even the OCs tried to help chasing it away. There are many chicks not big enough to be safe for big gulls in the area. Lady's and Wing's project is very exiting. They probably know what they are doing, even though they are a young couple. But as mentioned it's much later than we have experienced before on the roof. They seem to be the last of all the gulls in the colony. The OCs behavior might look harder than it is in the reality for the chicks. If the OC would really harm the chicks, they could. As far as we can see, they only seem to learn the gull chicks a lesson if they think they need it. So far there have been no serious incidents. We don't know what happened to Kid1. And today even Kid3 is limping. Both girls, both limping on the left leg. This has never happened before. Last year one of the chicks were hurt in the leg, but this was caused by an accidental fall from the roof. Luckily we think the roof is the best place to recover from injury. We keep contact with the Footies and the Shegulls every day. They are very nice. Yes, here too. We are getting a little concerned about the mag chicks now. Mags don't manage to raise chicks successfully every time. Thank you.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 22 күн бұрын
Excellent video, thank you. I really hope nothing has gone wrong with the Mag family and that you’ll see the young before too long. We've only seen 2 youngsters so far, usually there are more and there may well be, but they haven't yet 'taken up residence' on our windowsill as they normally do, just popping by now and then. Last year's young were never off it! They all seem more intent on terrorising the Blackbirds and their young right now, a past time we strongly disapprove of! There is, and always has been, a lot of animosity here between these birds. Gher seems more relaxed and the youngsters are looking really well. 'Daredevil' is quite something, feisty little character! To see them all trying out their wings made me smile. That's great that Footsie and Footy eat from the box now, so much easier. I really enjoyed seeing them in slow motion. Shegull and chicks look so serene in that picturesque nest. The OCs seem to be well behaved when the youngsters are feeding, probably giving Kid2 a 'wide berth'! All in all feeding times look to be working out. Aw, well done Lady and Wing, wonder if there'll be more eggs. They are lovely together with their cute little noises. I'm actually surprised there haven’t been gulls on the steel tree before, I have wondered if it were more open or flat would they try and nest there, but the mag seems to be saying 'how very dare you' ! Poor Kid1 but 'she' seems to managing very well so hopefully will recover quickly. That's a good idea to put the treatment in the water, we see a lot of birds suffering from these things. Do you get many Eagles in the area, and could it be possible Ghim could have succumbed to an Eagle attack? Just to update, thankfully Snowy, 'our' female is OK, we have seen her twice since your last video and she ate well. We’re not sure why she hadn't been coming, maybe she wasn't well, but hopefully she will now.
@picapicalife 22 күн бұрын
Thank you. It's getting almost a bit overwhelming at the time (we are not complaining though), but we try to keep up. We are getting a little concerned about the mag chicks. They should have turned up by now. And the parents' nest behavior is not what we would have expected for the adults being busy feeding hungry chicks. Mags do check out the next year's nest possibilities, but we think they spend 'too much time' in doing so (in the steel tree). This area has a history of being infested by gape worms. Gape worms are not lethal to big adults, but very dangerous for small birds and chicks. We have already 'lost' all the mag chicks twice to those worms. Years ago the most common birds around our food station were Green finches. Now we have not seen any for many years. Gape worms are said to be the cause. Green finches have problems all over (we read). Gher is doing better and worse. On and off. But we have accepted her not being able to manage her fears and anger. She really seems to try the best she can, but then it all snaps again. Even though she is strenuous to herself (and a bit to us too), she's a good mother. The chicks are doing as well as hoped for. Yes, Kid2 has a self confidence maybe bigger than his body. But he learns. We have been watching Kid1 today. She seems to do a little better. The Footies are so nice. We still don't really know whether they have only this single egg or they have one egg left in the nest and other chicks have already left. We think we will find out the next days. We don't want to disturb them or harm their trust by getting too close to their nest. The Shegulls are doing fine. Nice chicks. The last egg will most probably stay as an egg. We expect the chicks to leave the nest in a few days. Lady and Wing seem to have started their 'steady incubation'. Normally this means all the eggs are laid. But we can be wrong... As said several times, they are growing on us, both of them. The constuction on the top of the steel tree is meant to make other big birds to stay off. Mags don't usually like others to be there and usually gulls stay away. But this one obviously didn't read the instrucions... There are many eagles here. More than most people know. But by following the gulls, we know how often and how many. It is possible an eagle took Ghim, but we don't know. We can see them way up there. Because of their incredible sight they can still see everything from that distance. Thank you for your update. Good luck with 'your' birds.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 21 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife I think Gape Worm is similar in its effects to Trichomoniasis (?) which we have witnessed quite a lot over the years in several species (or maybe it was Gape Worm), both truly horrid things ,it was heart breaking to watch as there was nothing we could do. That's so sad to have lost all the chicks twice, I do hope this hasn't happened again. We did have one success story though with a young Jackdaw, apologies if I've told you this before, who my partner managed to hand feed outside, we didn't have to catch him as he came when called and was always there waiting. His parents had abandoned him, no doubt thinking he would die, we did too to be honest but after feeding him for quite some time he grew so much stronger. He eventually went off with the other young Jackdaws but still came to visit, maybe still does but we can't be sure it's him. The really sad thing is we have only ever seen one Greenfinch (though we get Chaffinches, Bullfinches and Goldfinches) on our feeders in all the years we've been feeding and it was very sick indeed with, we thought, Trichomoniasis. I can relate to feeling overwhelmed, love them all as I do, I've been at the point of tears or a screaming fit several times lately as it really has been mayhem here! There are huge delights to be had but my goodness I'm looking foward to some peace! It might be for the best if Wing and Lady only have two, less stress for them. Wow, I would love to see Eagles , we'd have to travel quite far to even stand a very small chance of seeing one. I'm guessing you have both White tailed and Golden Eagles there, and Osprey.
@picapicalife 21 күн бұрын
@@user-uy7qw2nx5o Yes, our National Vet Institute confirmed it was Trichomonas gallinae in one of the dead mag chicks we sent to them. Every year we see some sparrow chicks 'gaping'. The last few years there have been a little less. Thank you for your story about the Jackdaw. Still no more eggs for Lady and Wing, and they are on the steady 'work'. There are quite some eagles here (to be eagles...). It's the White tailed. They are the common ones on the seaside here. There are Golden eagles in this country, but we have not seen them here. The same to the Osprey. The White tails usually float in the air, on a very high altitude. But some times they pass in eye height and even landing very close to us. They are very nice and majestic. Whenever an eagle flies low, the crows, gulls and the mags are despeately trying to chase it. When the chasers close in, the eagles make a little twist with their wing-tips and they are suddenly several meters ahead again.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 21 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife Awesome birds indeed! There was a tragedy here last year when two immature White Tailed Eagles, not yet at breeding age, (who'd been brought to Ireland as part of a Reintroduction Programme) were found dead, poisoned intentionally, one of them was brought over from Norway. Absolutely horrendous behaviour!! That was a good thing you did to consult the Vets and find out the reason for their deaths, and then ensure thorough cleaning of the nest in the steel tree.
@picapicalife 21 күн бұрын
@@user-uy7qw2nx5o Yes, it's too bad such potentially wonderful creatures (humans) can act so stupidly as they some times do. Yes, as you mentioned earlier it's challenging to try to do good things and at the same time not create problems. We also think it's difficult to find this balance. Close following of birds (or any animal) can be 'problematic'. Every year something happens that makes us confused and feeling not able to 'cope'. Some things we do are good in one way and potentially bad in another. We think of this dilemma all the time. Like summer is nice. It's warm, but also humid. Winter has less infections, but can be very cold and harsh. Warmth and humidity are perfect for chicks but also for bacterias, mold and paracites... Our actions gather a lot of individs on a small area, on both our nest spots and our food station. This is ok for the birds, but also for infectious paracites. Earlier we were also concerned about making birds trust us too much, making them more vulnerable to people that don't 'like' birds. This is not an issue any more. We have learned most birds can keep different people apart. The 'problem' is also that now we see a lot of things that earlier went on unnoticed to us. Some times we feel (desperately) we should do something, but there is nothing good we can do. Some times incidents happens that have never happened before. We try to not create or attract probems and conflicts, but there are always something outside the reach of our predictions. Nature is complex, much more complex than our minds. We try not to think we can control it (of course), only do things that do good. But we really find it challenging. We are perfectly aware of the small number of birds we 'reach', but we try to think 'something' is better than 'nothing'. And if enough people... It's very tempting to think nature is so strong, there is no need to do anyting. Sadly this is not true anymore. We think we will never get close to that 'case closed' or 'functional solution' feeling here, but we will continue doing what we can anyway. This was a long 'mind flow', but when it starts, it can be hard to stop...
@user-eq2dx2jp6v 22 күн бұрын
Hiiiii dear friends ❤❤❤❤❤ thank u so much
@picapicalife 22 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@lifeithebalcoy 22 күн бұрын
Nice to see the mags!
@picapicalife 22 күн бұрын
Yes, they are nice. Later that day, in the evening, they had a long nice flirt inside the nest.
@lifeithebalcoy 22 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife thats nice. Hope for an successful season with Chicks and eggs
@Maynards_so_blue 23 күн бұрын
plot twist, they were run over by a car the next day
@lifeithebalcoy 23 күн бұрын
14 june in our area... One Chick disappeard 15 June... The second is gone. We saw that he falled down the roof. But the other Chick is Fully gone. We know Our Gulls laid an third egg in 22 may. So hope for that egg to hatch. We believed the chick got taken by a grey gull...
@picapicalife 23 күн бұрын
So if the eggs were laid about May 18.-22., then they are only a few days old? Very young chicks survive quite a long jump. They have so much downy feathers and such a little body weight. On the ground they 'disappear' easily because of their fantastic camouflage. We heave often seen 'stones' suddenly starting to move... The two might still both be on the ground.
@lifeithebalcoy 23 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife the third egg were laid on 18-22 may. The other two were laid in 28 April-5 may. The two Chicks jumped only one survived. Still one egg in the nest
@picapicalife 23 күн бұрын
@@lifeithebalcoy This is somewhat confusing. Are you talking about different couples? Mew gulls usually lay eggs about every second day until finished.
@lifeithebalcoy 23 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife I understand. No Our Hegull and shegull laid three eggs in 28 April-5 may. Than a grey gull took one of the eggs. Then They suddenly laid an egg again in 18 may. And wee are waiting for that egg to hatch. But 14 june one Chick falled down the roof. Like you said they are good hiders. The second Chick is still on the roof
@picapicalife 22 күн бұрын
@@lifeithebalcoy Ok.
@starb9138 25 күн бұрын
I can't believe Lady laid an egg at this time! 😮 And I know you said they've been mating but still, I didn't think they would go ahead with egg laying and all. If gulls leave in August this is nowhere near enough time for chicks to grow and get strong for the journey 😟 . It looks like they couldn't find a nesting spot before? 🤔 And now with Ghim's disappearance the opportunity presented itself to take over the nest (I feel for Gher and her little ones, who lost access to their nest 😢) they took it, even if its not the right time. We can only hope for the best for all involved. I also think this is their fist egg ever, and I had to laugh when Lady lost her balance as the egg came out and fell on her face 😂 , at 05.40 in the video. Clearly not experienced 🤗 . And Wing's excitement was so sweet, he seem to be beside himself with joy and trying to help 😃
@picapicalife 25 күн бұрын
Yes, it's both nice and exiting. We know little about the departure time. When they leave, how far do they travel in bits? How long do they take to get to the final destination? We have seen Mew gulls later in August, but we think they are passer-bys. The fall is long, there will be food for a long time after August. The climate should be no problem. They arrive in April, with cold and snow, on and off. We don't know whether this is an 'experiment' or they actually 'know' what they are doing. Yes, this year has been more special than others. Usually the owners of the nest keep others away. Probably defending it for the future (and keep everyone away from the chicks). Gher being alone, she has not had the time nor the energy to keep others away as usual (we think). We have seen chicks 'using' the nest later in the season, but it's not important to them. As it is now, Lady and Wing actually need it more. This couple grows on us, more and more. Hopefully they will achieve success (we think they have earned it). We will of course follow Gher and her chicks too. It will be interesting to see how they will coexist. So far it seems like they are doing fine.
@starb9138 25 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife oh yes, Lady and Wing deserve to have some happiness and raise few chicks successfully! They are a really nice couple, and worked so hard to get a nesting place. Specially Lady, I really like her, she seem so gentle and accepting 🥰 , and being first time Mum is very special 🤗
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 25 күн бұрын
As you predicted , this 'Episode ' does contain the unexpected! The drama continues, never knowing just what may happen next! We're happy for Wing and Lady and they 'appear' to be happy too. We'll keep everything crossed that this late start will not negatively affect the outcome and that relations between everyone on the roof continue to remain 'workable '. Here things are a little worrying, in the 3 or more weeks since the eggs hatched ( at least we think they did) we have only seen 'our' female several times and now haven't seen or heard her for quite some time. Sammy has been coming for food far more frequently than he would usually, at certain times 2 or 3 times an hour. Usually we'd hear their 'voices' in the distance too but nothing. I can’t help but feel something has happened to her, I did feel that she wasn't looking too well , I really hope not.
@picapicalife 25 күн бұрын
This 'next episode' thing was meant to be a joke, but it turned out to be very true. Very nice, very exiting. We must admit, Wing is growing on us. Lady has been inside our hearts since we met her. Even though there are things we don't 'understand', things seem to work out in a very nice way on the roof (so far). But we have never been in a such 'complex' situation before. Even when the magpies nested in the steel tree, the situation was much more 'clarified'. It will be very interesting to follow this couple, eggs and chicks. Hopefully our concern is based on 'fear' and not reality. Sad to hear about 'your' birds. Please keep us updated.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 25 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife I had a funny feeling when it was said in jest that it might just turn out to be true! They certainly all keep you busy with their 'shenanigans', you'll be ready for a well earned break at the end of this season for sure! Over the years you've experienced so many scenarios with all 'your' birds and seem very well equipped to handle anything they present you with, thank goodness! I wish we were near 'our' nest and could see exactly what is going on, it is worrying and I will update you on any developments.
@picapicalife 24 күн бұрын
@@user-uy7qw2nx5o Thank you.
@lifeithebalcoy 25 күн бұрын
At 2021. We had a football nest. They laid two eggs at June. They survived. But the Chicks were left Alone in August. So we helped them. At september the chicks left. This was not "our" Hegull it was someone else nest.
@picapicalife 25 күн бұрын
Interesting to hear. The chicks were alone for about a month? About how old were the chicks when the parents left?
@lifeithebalcoy 25 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife 24-30 days
@picapicalife 25 күн бұрын
@@lifeithebalcoy Ok. Still quite young when abandoned. Nice they managed.
@user-eq2dx2jp6v 25 күн бұрын
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ hi dear friends ❤❤❤❤❤
@picapicalife 25 күн бұрын
Hi. Thank you. This is something new.
@Pecanut 25 күн бұрын
It is nearly mid-June, which would have been a bit late even for warm climates. I wonder how this will work out.
@lifeithebalcoy 25 күн бұрын
It will work out. Seagulls stays with their chicks. Is summer until August. Thats the problem. The gulls leave at late July. We had a same incident like this. And the Chicks were left alone at late July so we had to help them
@picapicalife 25 күн бұрын
This is new to us. Both the double use of the nest and 'our' gulls laying eggs that late. It doesn't mean that this is not common or doable. We see and learn something new every year. Norway is a very long country. Gulls arrive and leave at different times in the country, so this April-August time line is very local. Even though we think it's late to lay eggs now, they may know what they are doing. We don't know how climate changes will affect the migrating birds. Guess noone knows yet.
@LinhKuTe1999 26 күн бұрын
@picapicalife 25 күн бұрын
Thank you. Glad you like it.
@lifeithebalcoy 27 күн бұрын
This is very interesting. Is very hard to follow mags in the nest. And is always nice to see creators showing the life of the mags. You can just see how smart this bird is. They build the nest smart and warm. They take good Care of the chicks. And they feed them in young age.
@picapicalife 26 күн бұрын
Very interesting birds, very intelligent. There are a lot of nice birds, but the magpies are maybe the most amazing for us.
@lifeithebalcoy 27 күн бұрын
First year of Hegull and shegull. Reminds alot about gher and Wing in the start of the video.
@picapicalife 26 күн бұрын
Yes, the situation is very similar.
@starb9138 28 күн бұрын
So much going on on that roof now! Its great to see the chicks getting bigger and looking well, and its so good that Gher is looking more accepting and is taking food, but all those fights with Wing are very concerning as she might get hurt , and that would be a true disaster 😟 . I was saying the same as you during the video, "just stay with Lady" . Food arrangement seem to be working which is good, but the present of that OC, no matter how mild tempered it is, is not good. As shown (luckily it was just a taste and nothing serious) OC would have no problem in hurting the chicks if the come to take food and Gher is not there. I wish they would stay away from the roof! 😤 Lets hope the aggression doesn't escalate overall 🤞. Loved seeing the chicks enjoying their bath, they are cuteness overload 🥰 . I feel like I can't enjoy the chicks and their cuteness fully this year because the situation is so stressful, I can only imagine what its like for Gher 😰, bless her! Thank you for keeping us all updated, and helping those little ones so much, its so appreciated 🙂
@picapicalife 28 күн бұрын
Yes, it's a very dynamic time. Our thoughts point in all directions. It's a big releif Gher is getting calmer to us. We don't think food is any issue any more. The 'conflict' between Gher and Wing can look bad, but as far as we can see, Wing is barely defending himself in those quarrels. We don't think Wing nor Lady will be any problem for Gher. Yes, Lady seems to be a real catch for Wing (in our eyes). We have seen OCs be much more aggressive earlier, so we are very pleased to see how they can coexist this year. The incident with the chick we define as not as dangerous as feared. The adult OC just wanted to learn the sassy kid (Kid2) a lesson... Thank you for your engagement, we will keep on posting.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 28 күн бұрын
It's great to see Gher and the youngsters taking the food, the 'line' seems to be working, though it may need to be extended with all the new takers. I know this must be a worry but hopefully they'll all manage to coexist relatively peacefully. The OC/chick incident was a bit concerning but thankfully it didn't escalate and fingers crossed it never will. The youngsters don't seem to be lacking in energy and it's lovely to see them learning and experiencing new things. Whilst happy that Wing has found a 'new love' with Lady, they do 'look 'happy', it is a bit of a worry that they might be starting a family this late on, or is it, I'm not sure ? When it comes time for the gulls to leave do they all leave together and if so, what would this mean for Wing and family if they weren't ready? It would be nice though if they do establish a partnership that continues next year, if so there's a strong chance they will be your new nest pair, unless of course Gher has other ideas and finds a new partner, or the OCs put up a fight for 'ownership ' , it all remains to be seen.
@picapicalife 28 күн бұрын
Yes, we are very relieved it seems to work. There were absolutely no guarantees in the beginning. It could have gone both ways, in this very critical moment. The OC/chick incident was actually not as worrying as it could look like. The Kid2 chick has maybe a little too big self esteem at the time. He managed to chase an adult gull after all, so he might have thought he could do the same to the adult OC. Later he seemed to have learned about the reality... We have not seen the OC acting aggressively later. We think the gull chicks are developing very nicely, so far. Wing...Wing is a new experience to us. Lady is the same female we have seen together with Wing this spring and summer. They seemed to be an established couple. Until Gher became single, and a lot seemed to change. It's almost like a proper soap... We thought they were very late, but it might be because we compare them to 'our' gulls (but they are usually a lot earlier than the others). After checking with Mew gull articles, we found they might lay eggs in later in June also. But we still think they have little time to raise and 'finish' chicks within August... In this area the gulls leave at about the same time. Of course we can't 'plan' for the next year, but we have already had some thoughts about what will happen now. It's obvious Gher might not nest again on the roof. She will maybe spend some time waiting for Ghim to return, and within this time others will probably claim the nest. Wing and Lady, Footy and Footsie, Shegull and Partner, they all are established couples. They all seem to have a nice relation to the roof (and us). It will be very exiting to see. It might also be a completely another couple...maybe one from the marina or the fields below... Also the OCs balance the strength to the gulls. Some times they feel stronger, some time they don't. They like this garden, roof and the area.
@user-uy7qw2nx5o 28 күн бұрын
@@picapicalife Ah yes, sorry I think I've been confusing Wing with the other gull that was bothering bothering Gher and Ghim, (Psycho, I think I referred to him as) and forgot that Wing already had a lady friend. Yes, as you say, even if Lady does manage to lay eggs, as long as it's not left much longer, things should be alright, I also read that although gulls often migrate in groups they don't seem to mind or suffer from migrating separately. It is like a Soap Opera indeed! Looking foward to the next 'Episode' !
@picapicalife 27 күн бұрын
@@user-uy7qw2nx5o No wonder you think you were confusing Wing with Psycho/Bully. In the start of the spring Wing tried to convince Gher to like him, but Ghim chased him away. Wing had his eyes on Gher from very early on. Later we saw him with Lady, mostly on our chimney looking down on the roof nest. Lady is spending a lot of time in the nest. Gher let her now, more or less. This is egg-laying behavior, as far as we know, so... In the next episode...there will be...maybe something you would not have expected at all...