7 Ways To KNOW When It's Time To Leave A Narcissist

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Lise Leblanc

Lise Leblanc

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In this video, you will learn 7 ways to know when it's time to end your relationship with a narcissist.
If this video resonates with you, please like, share, and subscribe so that others might find help in it as well! I would so greatly appreciate it. 💜
It's my intention that everyone who watches gets at least one important take-away. 🙏
/ @liseleblanc
About Me
Hi! I'm Lise Leblanc. I am a therapist, life coach, and author of 9 self-healing guides. I have over 20 years of experience in therapeutic, educational, and leadership roles.
For information about private consultations, please visit: liseleblanc.ca/products/coaching
Introduction (0:00)
7 Ways to KNOW It's Time to Leave (1:04)
Leaving Isn't Easy (4:05)
Trauma Bonding (4:39)
Best Predictor of Future Behavior (5:56)
Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes (7:05)
#narcissist, #NPD, #narcissisticpersonalitydisorder, #covertnarcissism, #femalenarcissist

Пікірлер: 126
@Michael-iw3ek Жыл бұрын
The best time to leave a narcissist was as soon as you met. The second best time to leave a narcissist is now.
@AZDC99 Жыл бұрын
Not quite so because they always wear a mask at first! Then what we thought was a bad mood or bad moment a little later on was really just the real them without the mask we later find. (Or at least the all too often unpleasant version of them).
@lordcailx Жыл бұрын
Oh god. This. 100% this.
@dinab7852 Ай бұрын
@heatherb.4302 Жыл бұрын
"Nothing changes if nothing changes". (Heavy sigh). Thank you.
@EdfromCanada 5 ай бұрын
Wow - this really hit home for me. I am batting 6 out of 7. I have to make sure I stick to my "staying away" from her. She is indeed, toxic, manipulative, entitled and utterly self absorbed UNTIL she needs something. Great video.
@taom9004 Жыл бұрын
They get worse. They always get worse. If someone had told me this just three months in I would have gotten out four decades ago.
@bighoss7506 11 ай бұрын
What were the signs?
@spindrifter7519 Жыл бұрын
A trauma bond is when you have an insane loyalty to someone who is destroying you. It is totally totally weird and is really difficult to overcome but the essential ingredient is leaving them and staying 100% No Contact. Take my word for it, life is too short to waste it on someone who is causing you severe harm and simply does not care about you in any way shape or form.
@gorunsko31 Жыл бұрын
I hear Lise Leblanc and you too. Thank you. 🙏I am in trauma bond. Leaving seems attractive, but no contact is not an option. We have adult children and grandchildren. My toxic partner is powerful, angry and in denial of his mental health problems... He seems to be aware enough to be a pretty good father now and available to partner in caring for grandkids, but he is toxic the way he relates to me.Behind the closed door he is disrespectful and says hurtful things when he feels shameful about his aging for example. I am in freeze response and confused by the parts of marriage that seems to be working and part that definitely is hurtful, creating a sense of dread and concern for my future as I age. Sometimes his action are ok but the words carry cruel message. I am new to connecting the dots, but I am making progress.
@michaelesq.atpcfii.9862 Жыл бұрын
or your an oversensitive woman who will never be happy with anyone?
@spindrifter7519 Жыл бұрын
@@gorunsko31 I am sorry for your pain, I can totally relate to it. The thing I found is that the narc makes sure that there are no witnesses to their abuse; they are very careful about that. Also abuse always escalates and gets worse & worse, it never gets better. I know you feel committed to your family but please remember that you have a right to a life of peace and security and sometimes you simply need to put yourself first. You have adult children, are they fully aware of the situation? Can they help you? You cannot make those who you love happy if you are not happy yourself. Love in a relationship is a 2 way street and that applies as much to your kids as anyone else. I tried to adapt by changing my response to my ex wifes abuse but she made me really very ill. When I left I really felt that I was going crazy so I went to see a Counsellor. My Counsellor told me, "I can tell you that you are not crazy. This is a typical reaction to years of abuse." She also congratulated me for getting out of that situation. She said it took real courage and it does; but believe me the new life is way way better than that hell. I hope you find a way for you to live the peaceful & secure life you deserve. Take care of you.
@kenashcom7580 Жыл бұрын
Very helpful. I said yes to number one two and three. Should I stay or should I go? LOL
@gorunsko31 Жыл бұрын
@@spindrifter7519 🙏thank you. I appreciate your words of encouragement. Every day I am getting better of noticing how exhausting it is to be with my husband...how draining to hear the daily litany of complains and demands. It is difficult to focus on my needs or my tasks. I am making progress in setting boundaries. With Covid almost gone, I have an access to my gym, where I can walk or swim. Very helpful. Best wishes to you.
@saabman7172 Жыл бұрын
The trouble is, most normal souls have not come across narcissistic abuse before… the red flags are gently hoisted, rather than waved in your face… all I can say to anyone who is thinking they are with someone who is showing the tiniest of traits is RUN. Trust your gut. Don’t take any chances. Not one. If this message helps just one person I’m happy. Please please don’t spend 6 years thinking everything will change and then 3 years sorting out your head. X
@Duzykutas Жыл бұрын
Its exactly like Lise says. I went from being happy and positive to a complete nervous wreck in less than 2 years, with many physical health symptoms due to what I suspect is stress brought on by the narcissist. Be on your guard with these people.
@Hamzak786 10 ай бұрын
This happened to me within 1.5 years.
@saliabbasraza 9 ай бұрын
Happened to me within 4 months 😢
@capc1972 Жыл бұрын
I've been studying the topic of narcissist personality disorder for 3 years now and since yesterday, when I first saw one of your videos, I immediately subscribed to your channel. Getting educated about narcissism has helped me a lot. Because of my two kids (8 and 10 year-old) I'm still stuck in a relationship that only drains everything I can offer. Your videos are extremely valuable. Keep up the great work. Best wishes, Lise.
@gorunsko31 Жыл бұрын
I can hear you. I am stuck because of children and grandchildren, but since I have been educating myself on narcissism, I am better at managing my feelings. For example, I know not to show my feelings and not to react to provocative statements. Best Wishes to you.
@capc1972 Жыл бұрын
@@gorunsko31 Thank you so much for your loving comment. Wherever you are, may God bless and strengthen you. Being "married" to a narcissist is a spiritual battle.
@wilsoncpjr Жыл бұрын
I understand your pain. I've been in a similar relationship for over a decade because of the kids, as I don't want them to suffer alone with her. It's really very exhausting. I pray to God that I can survive a few more years until I can free myself, when my children can leave home. I ask God the same for you!
@capc1972 Жыл бұрын
@@wilsoncpjr Thank you for your comforting words. I really wish you all the best. God bless!
@Loveisallyouneed77 Жыл бұрын
Did she ever show signs of having a "Favourite Person"? How do you cope with that whilst being married?
@dkorb2739 Жыл бұрын
Awesome information- I got stuck on trying to diagnose and understand so I could save the relationship. Have learned a lot on the journey and now know we should never have to do anything of that sort. Let them go. Abusers are addicted to the control they feel from committing abuse.
@Peter-55 Жыл бұрын
All seven applied to me and I left my partner last year. It has been tough as the behaviour continued even after I left, through texts. I did get counselling help which has been the best investment I have ever made in myself. Each day things are getting better particularly as I now have tools to deal with the situation. Thank you for videos and help 🇬🇧
@gorunsko31 Жыл бұрын
Good to know you succeed. Your post inspires me.
@surfshack2 Жыл бұрын
Yes Lise this is exactly what I dealt with. The trauma bond I had was the hardest thing I ever went through after the breakup. I was filled with anxiety and depression. As I look back I can’t believe this happened to me. It’s very scary to think about it. This type of abuse can destroy a very good person. Thank god for anti-narcissist videos. They saved me. I binged watched them everyday.
@mjwmontgomery Жыл бұрын
I answered yes to most of those questions. My business dropped off, i felt sick, insecure and unwell. Always walking on eggshells, if i make a mistake, choose the wrong hotel, dont buy her a gift or pay her, how will she react. Isolated, lost contact with my friends.
@suzanneadamson1306 Жыл бұрын
I enjoy ur calm, direct delivery.
@fightswithspirits915 Жыл бұрын
I told my ex of 3 days, "If you think we're having make-up sex after you bring drama that upsets me, you're dead wrong." The fact I had to even say that was a missed red flag, over and over. Boy, was I fooled.
@youtubehatesus2651 11 ай бұрын
I've watched vids on other channels, but Lise nails it. Thank you. Now that I see what has been going on I am angry, but more importantly free. I now see the game in its entirety. It's all suddenly crystal clear.
@youtubehatesus2651 11 ай бұрын
I'm not crazy or Hitler.
@just_bee9482 2 ай бұрын
This is me for the past 13 years.
@7777maki7777 Жыл бұрын
Lise you rock! All the information you give to all of us is pure GOLD. You are a very balanced person emotionally/spiritually and that shows physically. 10/10
@johnkarl8921 8 ай бұрын
I needed to hear this today ❤ I've been fighting the urge to get in touch with my partner who I've been in a trauma bonded relationship with over 20 years. She has all the characteristics of a dismissive avoidant vulnerable narcissist and the chronic stress put me in therapy after physical mental and emotional illness. The confusion is her total lack of any sense of fault together with her insidious ways of playing victim and creating total confusion over what's going on in her head. I've watched many of your videos Lise and understand fully that it's a toxic connection but it's so hard to give up on someone you've shared a huge chunk of your life with/ had some of your best times with and still hold love and hope for making it work. I walked out a month ago after spending my day plumbing in her new toilet ( we're not married or living together-- her choice! ) and she rewarded my efforts by picking an argument over something trivial. 2 days later I got a weak text apology saying she was tired that day. I didn't reply. 10 days later she sent a pleasant text saying she was alone and doing nothing. I asked if she'd like to meet up as she lives locally and the reply was NO , I want to be alone, I'm never going back. I asked why she bothered sending her apology and said OK let's call it a day but understand I'm not sticking around for when you change your mind or need something from me so DON'T GET IN TOUCH AGAIN. She replied she thought we could stay friends. Then as usual she puts it on me saying contact me if you want to. 3 weeks on with no contact I'm ruminating over her. I know she'll have given her family and friends her usual sob story making me the problem and also I DON'T TRUST HER as far as her having someone else in the background she sees during the frequent no contact times she's created by provoking rows knowing I always walk away and go no contact. She was married 3 times before we met .Her last husband was more of a sugar daddy as I've been told she chatted him up when she was a young single mum traffic warden and he was in his 50s but quite wealthy owning his own business . He passed away age 70 she met me 9 months later. I'm not wealthy!! She just thought I was a nice guy trustworthy and good looking and a bit younger than her as well. I look after myself keep fit go to the gym etc but she's not ageing gracefully although still attractive( when she bothers- which for me is hardly ever) That's part of the reason I don't trust her not scheming a more prosperous old age with her next nice guy !?? Am I paranoid? or wising up to the manipulation and games of a narcissist woman. Her family liked me and she was so reluctant to introduce me knowing her faithful loving husband had only been dead 9 months therefore she's cunningly laid the groundwork by running me down to them saying I walk out on her or shout at her but never telling them what she does to provoke it. She is a true wolf in sheeps clothing . I hope I stay strong and do the right thing. I guess her apology text was testing my response so she could do the reverse discard trick ! God save us from the evil hearted.
@shelleyw4225 6 ай бұрын
Stay strong!
@Johna4536 Ай бұрын
Yes to each of your questions. I have become someone no one would want to be around either. I can’t blame them because I’m responsible for how I am. It affect you though.
@Johna4536 Ай бұрын
Also, their toxic games are very subtle mind games. They pay attention then the silent treatment and backing off. Back and forth. Then they use a third person and give them all of the attention and I become a ghost in the room. They know this bothers me. They do it more and when I bring it up they deny it. Telling me I’m the problem. They are smooth, even keeled, passive aggressive. I am a great supply to them. I went no contact. I was so over the games. I need to be introspective about my issues. Working on those now.
@gorunsko31 Жыл бұрын
These are an excellent tips about evaluating my 40+ years of being married… I feel relived my experience and perceptions can be enough - don’t have medical diagnoses. I am in educating myself phase- very helpful. I am stuck at the moment… going one day at the time and learning to recognizing when I am triggered and take care of my pain and lack of safety. Thank you 🙏
@Vegan4life555 9 ай бұрын
Doesn’t matter what you do or what you say . Doesn’t matter how you approach them either sensitively or assertively . They take take take , and only portray to give when they need you to gain from you. A narcissist would say to a blind person why are you complaining , I have to wear spectacles . I think that just about sums it up! Thank you so much for downloading these videos , they are easily interpreted and they are so accurate , it’s actually a release to listen to them … ❤
@DingusTheGenius Жыл бұрын
The clinical analysis in your content is an affirming compliment to the emotional survival instincts that eventually seek the actions necessary for self preservation.
@1GLDNLDY 3 ай бұрын
Being reduced to a mere convenience is one of the most dehumanizing things I have ever experienced. TODAY I am locking him out because it is impossible to love myself and him at the same time. I don't want to do it, but i must. I have recently become painfully aware that being with him means betraying myself! He does not compromise - ever. I am done with bending over backwards to try communicating anymore too. Stonewalling, and gaslighing are his go-to's as well. Lucky me. Counselling is out for us - outright. He won't go. . . . EMPATHS- NEVER KEEP BENDING OVER BACKWARDS; it can break YOUR SPINE.
@taazzmaann 9 ай бұрын
I needed this video, ive been looking for so long
@stephaniepena5904 Жыл бұрын
This is really great content, especially in the way you explain it so well..
@victorcayro3753 Жыл бұрын
This is a great video. Thank you!
@amandagagne4916 Жыл бұрын
This is a great video to help evaluate difficult relationships. Thank you for the continued information and education.
@johnjohnstone9805 Жыл бұрын
I Think I'm Paralysed By Confusion An Cognitive Dissonance And Fear. I'm Not Even Sure Who I'm In Relationship With. Everything Is So Confusing And Shifty Subtle And Sneaky. I Find I Cannot Identify Anyone With Certainty. Everyday There Is different Signs Pointing To different People. I Found Years Ago That Seeking Help Only Led To The Helper Being Enlisted By Someone Who Was Targeting Me And Triangulated Against Me.
@mcgrumble559 Жыл бұрын
Very eye opening describing my current situation. Really like this kind of subject questioning me. That’s good. Didn’t see an improvement after 10 years and brig cheated as a man. Kids and house are the more challenging thing. Not Bering alone is good. Stay strong better days come.
@kkamp0528 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Lise I needed this
@CleaBrn-ld8uh Жыл бұрын
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. Maybe 7. Probably
@glendunzweilerproductions2812 Жыл бұрын
Nice video. Almost everything that you outline, I have experienced. I appreciate the strategies you give as well. I am often surprised at how the content you present reflects past parts of my life. Where were you in 2014! 😀 Thank you.
@Dee-mj3pu 9 ай бұрын
I felt caged.
@christinamaxwell3421 Жыл бұрын
7/7...im broken...he has destroyed me.
@thehigheststateofsalad Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video
@AnthonyMassarelli Жыл бұрын
wow! thank you so much.
@JohnSeklecki-wt8qz 9 ай бұрын
Clever. .. they're great manipulated towards someone who is a good person trying to help. Then the mask comes off .............
@pierre931 4 ай бұрын
you have help me very much weith this video to take the decision to leave she ,thankyou lise
@arthurian9085 Жыл бұрын
Your pointers are dead on target. It's like you were in this relationship with us. Thank you, very helpful indeed.
@JohnSeklecki-wt8qz 9 ай бұрын
Dear Michael - I agree with you - The problem is , they are intelligent. And
@lornenoland8098 Жыл бұрын
Kids. When you’ve got kids together, it changes the whole equation
@djmadwax 11 ай бұрын
Nobody talks about this
@jeanettewright5077 Жыл бұрын
Yes yes yes yes yes. Learning. Thanku. Xx
@wanderer3443 Жыл бұрын
My covert wife drove me crazy, our relationship turned toxic, and then she divorced me for being a narcissist lmao. So painful all that time wasted.
@sandrataylor9964 11 ай бұрын
You got me at number 1. I just made a narcissist so angry because he said I was not obeying him when he was telling me how to do something. I had seen red flags but ignored them. I think his main purpose was to try and make me feel like I was stupid and not following their instructions. I wish I had left earlier.
@RachelLouiseSwann Жыл бұрын
Another reason is when you reach a certain age and job opportunities dry up. The law in some countries even protect the narcissist, as physical abuse is obvious, but financial, emotional and mental turmoil is harder to prove. The other reason is when your work is tied to your house and you cannot replicate it in a small place / flat, so you could even end up homeless. Third is, we had cats and I was the one paying all the bills whilst the narc had them registered in their name. If you can get out, do so. These people are the very definition of evil.
@mjwmontgomery Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@magnustorque5528 11 ай бұрын
Really astute!
@teresarenee3829 Жыл бұрын
You have to know about narcissism to recognize one...most of us had no idea until in the eye of the storm, thanks to God I found out.
@kristiefish7041 11 ай бұрын
@DaddysDollxo Жыл бұрын
I went from being a hardworking, happy Christian Sober Flight Attendant leaving the job I loved , losing my car and drinking and gaining weight - Having to start over after 40 - after being married to one narcissist then dating another one -
@deepblue8081 9 ай бұрын
It was getting rocky with this friend,. then I got an email full of lies and gas-lighting. That's when I cut them off.
@alfredneuman5617 7 ай бұрын
No way you can write down anything: if they find it you will be in serious trouble
@a_d_s5361 Жыл бұрын
Great videos. I have a hard time determining if I’m with a narcissist based on subjective scenarios. It’s sort of like when you read about symptoms of a certain disease and you feel like you might have those symptoms therefore you have the disease, which is almost always not the case. So yeah, I’m confused. Or in denial. Not sure.
@candiedsugarxo4462 Жыл бұрын
Omg me too!!!!
@FHIPrincePeter Жыл бұрын
Great Content.
@olemundoaguilar1224 Жыл бұрын
Best time, yesterday
@FoodieMajor Жыл бұрын
HI Lise! Great video series. A lot of people aren't touching the subject. Question: Do you have any videos on dealing with a narcissist younger sibling? I think I am in a relationship with one, but don't want to "Diagnose" it myself since I am not qualified. But it feels that way strongly. Thanks!
@gnetahnjehman4928 Жыл бұрын
1. Yes to all of them. Argh....
@youtubehatesus2651 11 ай бұрын
#s 1, 2, 3, and 4, yes, yes, yes and yes
@nicholecornes1915 4 ай бұрын
Heck yes i was happy before this marriage
@Hamzak786 10 ай бұрын
This describes my ex..I always felt emotional alone when in the relationship but when not infront of her, I felt at peace and was me. Whenever she was around me, I felt like it was a bad smell and that she was too much with negativity at times. I was in the relationship because I felt guilty and that I was sorry for them. Because they would guilty trip or act like I wouldn't get anyone else better than her. The relationship was not working for me, it was too toxic. I started becoming mean in order to defend myself. I was there cause I was confused and felt paralyzed.
@ronjohnson3994 Жыл бұрын
what has been happening to me in the relationship I’ve been in with this lady.
@jusbe47 5 ай бұрын
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7. 27 years. Trauma-bonded and childhood PTSD, but three wonderful children. 6/7 of these signs. Everyday. Everywhere. Relentlessly. Shamelessly. So confusing. So crazy-making. 27 years. Taken the strength of Hercules to break free. Cost me $$$$ and my children's opinion of me - twisted by my ex. The most unbelievable, mind-bending, and twisted relationship I hope to ever encounter. Never again.
@johnkarl8921 5 ай бұрын
I went to a spiritualist meeting and got a message from my passt covert narcissist ex. She said ' It's unbearably hot here! and it's all your fault!---- typical gaslighting manipulator-- she's alive and kicking her new slave.
@RN-gx7wt Жыл бұрын
Now there is going to be a list of things that cover an immense amount of excuses. From being married to one, including having kids. And all of a sudden, the when it’s time to leave goes out of the window very fast. When all of these things matter, that staying in an Abusive relationship matters more than your personal health, including the health of your children, as you keep making these excuses. Remember that the one whose describing your future. Isn’t going to be far from unhappy seeing your inability to choose to change or part ways from your Abuser as an adult, you leave a child in an abusive relationship has no excuses. The children aren’t interested why it was a good time to make any excuse over an Abusive relationship over their heads as in make more excuses. No financial means, is an excuse. Prepare to leave without doing the obvious notice part. As an adult you have a duty to make your life not a hell, but a part of doing the right thing, loyalty towards any abuse knows no loyalty, so staying loyal towards abuse is making excuses and that only will harm your future. Instead of saying do you feel, as in emotional labour, or emotional reasoning. Ask yourself this question instead, does the relationship work. IF not say goodbye to crazy. Be assertive, be consistent. Peace out.
@materialgirl338 Жыл бұрын
I so enjoy your videos. I would like to know, as a parent of adult Son & Daughter Of Narrisist. I would like to know when seeking a therapist what are you looking for? What kind of training should we look for?
@TajK2Maple 11 ай бұрын
Yes I also have this triple whammy, wife is top of the top narcissist, my adult son and daughter also behave with total disregard and disrespect. While I have spent all my to support and listen and meet all their needs and demands.
@yuktiarora7105 Жыл бұрын
All the signs
@ethandonohoe 11 ай бұрын
Spit hot fire! 🤣😂
@kwc7391 Жыл бұрын
1. yes, 2. yes, 3. YES, 4. Yes, 5. no, follow up no, 6. no we broke up, I was the blame, 7. yes, I have been feeling now as a Codependent. When I broke up I deleted her, her family, and friends from Facebook...... she went "BALLISTIC"
@jpsimon206 Жыл бұрын
I have a question that I feel is virtually impossible to ask as a male. The second point you made about emotional inconsistency, walking on eggshells not knowing what to expect. It's been my limited experience that menstruation or prior to it can play some role in this and thus should be given some latitude? Not really sure how to phrase it, maybe Grace? It's never been a significant factor in relationships besides the one I suspect was with the narcissist, but I've been told by many women that the variation experience by women in general is all over the map. I'm thankfully making an exit now, but I'm also getting to an age where menopause issues are significant. I don't feel like there's a lot of outlet or resource for me to understand what degree of instability it is merely chemical? Just for the sake of discussion, because it's more static, if your mate was menopausal, and had some strange fears about that, I guess I'm asking how long is it normal for that imbalance to last? I don't really believe in the concept of normal, I suppose I'm asking for a spectrum. In general, most of the channels like yours, that seem more educational or informative, if the therapist is male, I'm often vaguely uncomfortable with the undertone. It's important to me to not become bitter or make assumptions about the gender as a whole. I was raised in a very feminist surroundings, I quite literally was not exposed to the idea of an intentional accidental pregnancy until I encountered it first hand in my twenties. Maybe this is wildly sexist of me, but the women in my life that I've watched go through menopause, it strikes me as a pretty impactful life event and it's often not short. So what does one do if they encounter symptoms that are clearly negative, but they only occur around menstruation or menopause? How much allowance makes sense? I'm able to see some cyclical rhythms in myself that are not completely unalike, I think maybe it's milder and not discussed as much. But I also got the distinct impression every time I shared, it elicited disgust. But there was many years when I only saw this other person during menstruation. I feel like I get a dismissive response from any female I speak to, regardless of phrasing. I suppose that is fair considering the past, but there should be some resource out there. Something for both the genders to be able to get a sense of what is within safe guidelines. I'm not suggesting any kind of discrimination against those with mental hardships, but it feels like something that ought to be disclosed prior to a serious arrangement. I know there's no normal, but clearly there is a list of dangerously abnormal behaviors; maybe this should be presented by a coed board of therapists, non-binary included, to put something like this together? The format of this, where you ask a series of questions and say, if your answer to any of these is it's time to go, I think a great deal of people would benefit from such an authoritative statement. Especially when you describe the typical victim, it sounds like I might not be alone in fighting with my sense of integrity above my day to day observations? Perhaps the PHILs of the world need more direct intervention, they would be fighting with their own sense of self, no?
@richardsanchez7035 6 ай бұрын
The problem is we own a business together that I work harder to build...
@nicholecornes1915 2 ай бұрын
Lol saving them😂
@stephensheard4388 Жыл бұрын
As soon as their lips move walk away, they are incapable of change
@TajK2Maple 11 ай бұрын
Absolutely right
@Chris-vc1dh 11 ай бұрын
But to leave such a person for sake of my own well being i will have to pay by maybe feeling remorse as she will be hurt, how to put this together?
@nicholecornes1915 2 ай бұрын
I was on cloud nine before the stupid narc
@nicholecornes1915 2 ай бұрын
Omg these people cant keep others around without trama bonding them
@paulabritocamara5513 7 ай бұрын
@chilicheesefries1133 Жыл бұрын
Maybe she's got a guilty conscience, and blames her victim.
@brianlane9534 Жыл бұрын
7 for 7.
@Iac369 6 ай бұрын
Kapag sira na ulo katulad ng Isang narcissist, discard him at once katulad no manipulator, nanggugulo.......sour graping tawag diyan. Bakit nga ba nanggugulo SI Narciso?
@ralphy1989 Жыл бұрын
When they try to put you in jail
@TajK2Maple 11 ай бұрын
Yes my wife tried this too, police came, I told them I am the most docile type of professional educated person. They noted the fact and left telling it is not police’s job decide who should sleep in which room. She tried to kick me out from the bedroom as many times before. This time I had refused. The only time I stood my ground and that’s what happened.
@nicholecornes1915 Ай бұрын
I was amazing before all this
@AlexRyan Жыл бұрын
An idea to consider … Our suffering obscures our perception of reality. How so? What we aim at determines what we see. What we focus on. What we filter out. In this fashion, our perception is shaped by what we are aiming at. Anything which constrains our aim, constrains our perception. Suffering constrains our aim. As such, suffering constrains our perception. All suffering is an inner conflict between (1) a part which clings to a desire for a particular sensory experience and (2) a part which clings to a desire to see the world the way it actually is. Releasing the former and embracing the latter is the end of all suffering. It is the ONLY way to end suffering in an enduring fashion. But it is not easy to do. Our desire for a particular sensory experience can be an intense addiction. Sense-desire is a false God. It corrupts our sensory motor predictive model of the world which we rely upon to guide our movements in the world. When we cling to a wrong model of the world, we live in a state of perpetual anxiety because we cannot trust our model to accurately predict sensory experience. We may blame others for our anxiety, but this is just the addiction to sense-desire speaking. We may blame ourselves, but this too is just the sense-desire seeking to preserve itself. The blame belongs neither on others nor on ourselves but on the addiction itself. The Buddha said that clinging to sense-desire gives rise to (1) greed, (2) hatred and (3) *confusion*. The greater our ability to free ourselves from these addictions, the greater our ability to end our own suffering and to help others to do the same. All suffering is a choice. What choice? The choice to cling to the sense-desire and resist seeing the world the way it actually is. This choice weakens us in ways that we may not be consciously aware of. For example, predators who desire to control us do so by seeking to exploit the addictions which lead us astray. The most common of these are “the feminine desire for safety via connection” and “the masculine desire for safety via disconnection.” The “feminine desire for safety via connection” seems to be the weakness targeted for trauma bonding. The “masculine desire for safety via disconnection” is less effective for this purpose. First the predator gets us addicted to them. Then they threaten to take away what we have become addicted to. This increases our suffering so that our moral restraints are weakened. Then they tempt us with an offer to end our suffering which exploits our weakness. If we refuse to give in to this temptation, they punish us. If we give in to temptation, they reward us. They repeat this cycle of abuse until we give in. When we give in, then we are their slave. For example, if we were terrorized into pressuring our neighbors to taking the death jab and cheered on when they were punished for their non-compliance, we gave in to the “feminine desire for safety via connection”. Now we will look upon the growing evidence that the death jab is killing innocent people (including children) with absolute horror. How can we admit to ourselves that we are responsible for this? We can’t. So now we have to remain bonded to the lie because the truth would destroy us. Now we are enslaved to Satan. Now we are trapped in hell. Trauma bonded to the narcissists who exploited our weakness. We can blame others and this blame may offer some temporary relief but it will not allow us to escape from hell. Neither should we blame ourselves. All humans have such addictions which trap us in the cycle of suffering. Blaming ourselves not only harms us, it harms all the people whom we would otherwise be able to help if we freed ourselves from the suffering. Both blaming others and blaming ourselves keeps us trapped in a narrative of self-absorption which blinds us to seeing the world the way it actually is. No one can free us from the addictions which trap us in the cycle of suffering. The best they can do is plant the seed and hope that we consider it. Only we can free ourselves. We won’t do this until we reach our pain threshold. Opening our heart fully to the suffering of others enables us to release our addiction to the desired sensory experience and see the world the way it actually is. When the mind is experiencing the bliss of the 4th jhana, this mantra will cut the attachments will give rise to and sustain suffering: “Happiness does not depend upon the satiation of THIS craving for THIS sensory experience”. This anchors the blissful correction to the bad habit so that the habit is much weaker. Eventually the bad habit will disappear entirely. Each time we release such attachments, our suffering is released. Opening our heart fully to the suffering of others enables us to free ourselves from self-absorption in the narrative and see the world the way it actually is. When the mind is experiencing the bliss of the 4th jhana, this mantra will cut the attachment to the unskillful narrative of self-absorption. (anattā) This allows us to entertain other narratives which might more accurately predict sensory experience: “In the seen there is only the seen In the heard there is only the heard In the felt, there is only the felt, In the cognized, there is only the cognized.” By separating feeling from thinking in this fashion, the opportunity to see errors in thinking becomes possible. When these errors are replaced with new hypotheses which seem to more accurately predict sensory experience, the narratives of self-absorption, which trapped us in suffering, can be released. This. Only this. Is the end of suffering.
@Gloria1113 2 ай бұрын
#1 Yes. For 40 years #2 Yes. For 40 years #3 Yes. For 40 years #4 Yes. For 40 years #5 Yes. For 40 years #6 Yes. For 40 years #7 Yes. For 40 years How fucking sad is this. Thank God I’m waking up.
@marinvidovic763 7 ай бұрын
This relationship doesn't Work for ... YOU ... !!! BUT LOOK Carefully... !!! how nicely this " relationship"- works for a Narcissist ... = $he ●♤●. You are acting just like a BRIDGE for a Narcissist to brdge the Abyss between * beeng free careless " tenager like PERSON ... ... UNTIL ... she can gat back into same mentality : * beeing careless teenager. ...only what makes The difference is YOU dude ... WILL sacrifice 5- 15 years of your hard work arround here - Having few childreen. ... Not mentioning that she will eventualy do - this NASTY reverse polarity FLIP + ... she will stop YOUR children from becoming psychological Adults - but KEEP THEM staying on her side of the River of mental imaturity. So... sooner you dissapear from that hopeless scenario The better for you.
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