A few comments about Alastair campbell’s interview on news night

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Professor Tim Wilson

Professor Tim Wilson

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With Alex Phillips- a response to sone of your comments

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@garyfilmer382 Жыл бұрын
Alistair Campbell was absolutely right in his assertions, and I also feel, justified in his anger too, because the BBC are way too soft on Brexiteers, and members of the Tory Party, who are indeed let off the hook, and allowed to talk utter ‘nonsense’, and fantasy politics, without being held to account by the real facts. It was interesting to see, that after all this time has elapsed since the Brexit Referendum, Alex Phillips still pushed the same old Brexit lie about our laws being made by the EU - and Alistair Campbell had to hold her to account with the true facts, that those laws were made with the full participation of British MEP’s, when we were a Member State of the EU.
@saabsonsan Жыл бұрын
As an MEP herself I believe, she was one signing off in the laws in Brussels prior to departure
@tradeladder146 Жыл бұрын
What part of Derbyshire is Victoria Derbyshire from. ?
@petersvillage7447 Жыл бұрын
@@tradeladder146 The Victorian bit.
@JHatLpool Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Well put.
@bfoster417 Жыл бұрын
He was totally right to have a go at the BBC.
@mossychops Жыл бұрын
He did have a Relashonship will Jill Dando. Cliff Richard?
@annettekearney9798 Жыл бұрын
Although Victoria Derbyshire one of the better ones tbf.
@jeffsuter344 Жыл бұрын
​@@annettekearney9798 She was one of the very few BBC journalists that held IDS TO ACCOUNT over his draconian persecution of the sick & disabled. But she should continue by calling out the Brextremists.
@johnwilliams6900 Жыл бұрын
That woman was enough to make the most placid person angry Tim
@timcomley5948 Жыл бұрын
Poor excuse
@gothmog9407 Жыл бұрын
If someone had taken Alistair's position before Brexit, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess and suffering the drivel from the proponents of this failed charade.
@timcomley5948 Жыл бұрын
That’s not the question
@Marshallo.o Жыл бұрын
If only there was the same furore over politicians lying as there is over ACs behaviour. Is it not causality? He is exasperated because they get away with it time and again.
@ostraadt Жыл бұрын
Campbell (not my favourite person) got annoyed and rightly so. He (and I suspect thousands of others) are fed up with so-called journalists not challenging some of the nonsense and lies mouthed by the likes of Phillips, Farage, Johnson, Tice, Oakenshott et al. For once I'll say, "Good on you, Mr Campbell."
@vivburgess4300 Жыл бұрын
The trouble is that the frustration we all feel when Brexiteers are still denying the problems and blaming everyone else for not getting the result they wanted. Meantime people are suffering. Really suffering. Frankly, I find it hard to have a nuanced discussion when one person is just giving gattling gun responses that show no understanding or responsibility. I'm sorry Campbell lost his rag, he is always on a short fuse, but I was howling at the screen long before he got to that point. Seven years and we still are not getting real answers from the people who have created this nightmare for millions of people. If it had been Piers Morgan - no one would have expected any other behaviour in support of the Brexit side, no doubt.
@mickreaddin4979 Жыл бұрын
I think Campbell was rude, most definitely. However, I can absolutely understand his frustration at Philips and the Beeb. His comment about the Beebs conduct visa vie Brexit is 100% correct. I often see Philips on the Beeb, Politics live, Newsnight etc, why?? Her party is sparsely supported, and her argument about Brexit is irrelevant... aside from it being complete loony tunes. Her version of Brexit is even worse than the one we have. How do we "make Brexit work" Prof?
@petersvillage7447 Жыл бұрын
Nobody seems to mention her past career with Cambridge Analytica and her curious attempts to threaten and bully Channel 4 journalists into not making this fact public - she claimed it was untrue at the time but has since admitted it. Not sure why she felt it was a secret or something to be denied...
@Lynnefromlyn Жыл бұрын
@@petersvillage7447Aha! Thank you for that I didn’t know!
@petersvillage7447 Жыл бұрын
@@Lynnefromlyn It's really weird that it's been forgotten since it was her media 'debut'. You can still see the Ch4 report on youtube, just search for 'Brexit Party MEP worked for Cambridge Analytica'. Genius that she is she actually threatened to sue a journalist on camera, not considering that maybe a journalist would have checked their facts before confronting her with it. She's dodgy. And frankly I can't help but feel the fuss over Alastair Campbell is really about what he was saying and not how he said it (though how he said it offered a 'moral' way to shout him down).
@jeffsuter344 Жыл бұрын
He was right about the BBC NEVER push back against the lies and propaganda from the Brextemists. All interviewees should be subject to live fact checking.
@marionlarkin1161 Жыл бұрын
Answers on a postcard. Or, perhaps on a stamp.
@chezceleste Жыл бұрын
I'm with Campbell.
@tranceman22 Жыл бұрын
Lorry drivers get more money post Brexit but there's no reason why they couldn't have been paid more pre Brexit other than the greed of those that emoyed them. So I don't see that as a true Brexit benefit. Campell was spot on about the BBC's blinkers over Brexit. Farage got more air time than any other guest on the BBC and Brexit wasn't presented in a realistic way... the experts all said it was a bad idea, but the BBC presented this as an equal split. "10 minutes to find 50 remain economists and 5 hours to find one pro brexit economist" was how Emily Maitliss described it. The BBC failed in their one responsibility to hold truth to power and the Nation is still being gaslighted by these Brexit Charatans!
@DD-fc1rv Жыл бұрын
From what I saw, she was blatantly lying, and he was trying to get her to correct herself, but obviously, she was never going to admit it. He lost it, and I get it. They stand in front of us and lie to our faces, and nobody can challenge there bullshit.
@Lucretia9000 Жыл бұрын
Not nobody can, nobody will, that's why he had a go at victoria and rightly so.
@DD-fc1rv Жыл бұрын
@@Lucretia9000 Agreed 👍
@georgel74 Жыл бұрын
I think he was having a go at Victoria because as usual these people can spout any tripe and the commentators never pick them up ??
@annishilcock4587 Жыл бұрын
Oh for goodness sake Tim....Abusive? Exasperation and passion horrify you?
@ProfessorTimWilson Жыл бұрын
they don't horrify me but a good interview was cut short because Campbell could not control his temper. I understand how frustrating it was but...
@annishilcock4587 Жыл бұрын
@@ProfessorTimWilson But you said you were horrified, or did I misunderstand you?
@steverichmond7142 Жыл бұрын
That is not Campbell being abusive ... He didn't have time to be polite.She's a LIAR.... now that's my version of polite.
@billsilver6429 Жыл бұрын
When the other side refuses to listen, you have to shout.
@krisfraser6181 Жыл бұрын
And if they refuse to listen to your shouting, what do you do? Beat them up? How about respect that people disagree with you, it's part of being a grown up.
@craigevans6156 Жыл бұрын
You will never hear a serious argument for Brexit.
@stephenfarthing3819 Жыл бұрын
One of the main reasons, why we shouldn't discuss it. Except in assessing the situation. It won't be done by this government. And it's a further reason for a general election before time. We need a different government to assess the impact properly. I did prefer - myself - if we had remained in Europe. But the reality is. That like always! We aren't ready to do so! It's what I had suspected back in 2013 for instance. And one of the main reasons that I warned David Cameron NOT to hold a referenda on Europe in 2015. I also warned Nick Clegg - four years earlier - not to join a coalition government with Cameron.. All of these were dominoes, waiting to topple. Now we have seen more recent of these, topple over as well. May, Johnson, Truss and Corbyn as well! In years 2016 to present. A lot of things are different. The pandemic and ongoing unrest elsewhere on Earth have led to this. No disputing that as a fact. And non avoiding that as well!
@johnmcdonnell81 Жыл бұрын
Don't agree with you Prof. Campbell calling it as it is, including the BBC. I presume both women went out for drink later...
@corinnefirket5738 Жыл бұрын
I think that the balles woman was terribly rude and aggressive to Alister Campbell. Not only I can understand that Campbell was angry at her discourse but also at her screeching. It is unfortunate that he got so angry publicly because he lost his advantage. Also Prof Brexit cannot make work
@alanw-g5050 Жыл бұрын
I think AC's criticism of the BBC is valid - if not of V Derbyshire - he is only saying what Emily Maitlis said about the faux impatiality of the BBC where they could get 40 economists saying Brexit would be a disaster and only 4 saying it would be a success and would have one from each camp and present their views as being equally sound.
@iangascoigne8231 Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry Tim, Campbell wasn’t abusive at all. She just kept spouting lies, constantly talked over Campbell and when he’d had enough she played the he was being “rude” card. Which is ironic since this is the idiot who said in a speech even though she’s a woman she’d got “balls”. What’s more egregious is Victoria Derbyshire let her do it and got all precious when he called her out for it.
@brianperry Жыл бұрын
Sometimes telling someone they are talking rubbish is all there is left when that someone is talking bollox…..
@frsmith5069 Жыл бұрын
I don't see Campbell as abusive. Phillips was abusive and started the personal attacks. Tit for tat Campbell followed up. He was absolutely correct about the BBC from what I've watched of Victoria Derbyshire and the rest of the BBC journalists who hosted discussions like this pre and post Brexit. If those journalists hadn't moderated like Derbyshire in this debate pre-Brexit, Brexit itself mightn't have happened. If the BBC and other news outlets continue on with this type of permissive Phillips "Brexiteer blaming other things bollocks", Brexit will lead to the return of troubles to Norther Ireland and the ultimate financial failure of the UK as a nation. There are already pensioners and others at the edge of starvation and freezing to death in the winter. What more are you waiting for to start tackling the catastrophe of Brexiteers and their lies? The truth that Campbell spoke, and spoke harshly, is the only way forward.
@mickreaddin4979 Жыл бұрын
Philips really doesn't understand sovereignty and trade, does she? What does she think the Tories have partly given away in their 3 trade deals? I would defy her to name ONE EU law that has affected our domestic rights, just one.
@ianwheeler7513 Жыл бұрын
Alastair Campbell's frustration did boil over, personally I think many people would get upset at the blatant lies and the failure of the presenter to call them out, all the programmers want was a bust up and they got it.
@janegreen9340 Жыл бұрын
13 years of this government should make very British citizen absolutely blazing.
@neorich59 Жыл бұрын
I remember when David Cameron told a female Labour M.P. to "calm down dear," and a few weeks later, a chorus of Labour M.P.s led by Ed Balls shouting the same to him, when he got all hot under the collar! Priceless. Campbell (if he still has any influence) would be better served twisting Stamer's arm on the issue of Brexit and P.R.
@therealspixycat Жыл бұрын
The BBC has not been "neutral" in the whole Brexit aftermath debate while it should be independent.
@call_in_sick Жыл бұрын
Campbell was completely right. I wasn’t horrified, I was sympathetic toward him and thought he showed restraint, far more than I would have.
@timcomley5948 Жыл бұрын
What rubbish
@mike747436 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps it’s time to get angry about Brexit. I’m no fan of Campbell, but someone has to burst the fantasy bubble and call out the gaslighting.
@Harley-ir4er Жыл бұрын
Brexiteers keep blaming Covid. Spain had Covid too and I just return from there. Everthing I bought was either half or a third of the price in the UK. I took a 4hr train journey across north of Spain - €16.00. I agree, Alastair was out of order but his point was spot on.
@kat2023. Жыл бұрын
Anyone believing she was abused obviously hasn't had an argument with a Yorkshire woman. She was fairly rude herself btw.
@lewisvincent3290 Жыл бұрын
This really annoys me. After all the abuse the brexiteers slung at us I think it's deserved frankly especially the comments about the BBC. It is so sad that two of my liked left wing outlets are saying these exact arguments every day but just because AC spoke with passion and blunt honesty and you cannot bring yourself to admit its necessary.
@kevinnolan1339 Жыл бұрын
I'm afraid that Britain has lost the standing to convene a conference like that of 1951 that led to the ECHR. And it's worth remembering that Britain didn't come with clean hands to that conference. It wanted to exclude from the convention's protections any people from its colonies and former colonies. What gratitude this displayed for the thousands of soldiers from India and other former colonies who died defending Britain in WWII, not to mention the arms and materiél they provided.
@grateberk6435 Жыл бұрын
We need Campbell now. Enough of the lying. Attention must be drawn to these liars. I respect his anger.
@franklettering Жыл бұрын
In relation to the jibe towards the BBC allowing the likes of farrij/ERG to waffle on without any contradictory information, AC was spot on. As for the puppet of the brexit propaganda merchants, "who wouldn't be frustrated and angry". ?
@williammccormick64 Жыл бұрын
Their isnt any benefits to brexit that is plain to see ... the frustration is trying to reason with plain stupid
@horrorfan24 Жыл бұрын
One definite advantage of Brexit (which rarely if ever gets discussed) is the fact that our politicians are now far more directly accountable to the voters/populace. No longer can they hide behind the refrain of "There is nothing we can do, that is EU policy/law." Therefore, the electorate now have far more direct power over their MPs.
@thorin4510 Жыл бұрын
The time for debate is over. Brexiters won and we are now on a ship rapidly heading towards the waterfalls. For them to say the design of the ship is different than what they thought is horrendous and everybody that indicated this would be disastrous for Britain has a right to be angry. No amount of wishful thinking is going to make Brexit better and kids are now faced with the same prospects that kids faced in Ireland in the 80s and early 90s and that was to go abroad. What stopped the emigration in Ireland was external investment - unfortunately no chance for that in Brexit Britain.
@alistairsteadman3765 Жыл бұрын
We can start (possibly lead) the debate but the lunatics can’t be allowed to poison it. And there are still too many of them, including in government.
@annetteshawunstoppableyou5281 Жыл бұрын
Keir Starmer needs to find the courage to put the issue of Europe in the manifesto and not be afraid of a few voters in the red wall. I think many in the red wall are turning against brexit.
@mjwemdee Жыл бұрын
Dear Professor, every day I enjoy your ruminations on the latest events and news items, and on this issue I feel you have tried with your usual fair-mindedness and English gentility to be judicious in your comments. However whenever anyone includes the phrase ‘make Brexit work’, I get that sinking feeling and quickly lose interest. If you really think there is a way of making any kind of Brexit work in this day and age, then you need to explain your reasoning, backed up with economic and practical arguments. Otherwise, I would consider you on the same level as Liz Truss. And I really think better of you than that.
@adamgoulder8019 Жыл бұрын
Tim perhaps you are too patient. 7 years and not even as much as an outline plan of how Brexit will work for the country as Campbell rightly pointed out.
@stuartc9149 Жыл бұрын
If you have any ideas as to how to 'make Brexit work' and have it 'put money in to people's pockets' then you are a better man than any economist, analyst, brexiter or remainder. You would be in a select field of precisely one. Still, if you have a set of coated proposals, let's hear them. If not I suggest proffering unicorn droppings is not likely to encourage a much-needed dose of realism to the whole Brexit issue.
@Blazegraze12 Жыл бұрын
Alastair Campbell was right in everything he said, these people who campaigned for Brexit, yet complain that it's not going the way they wanted have NEVER explained how they would have done things better, virtually all the promises they made have been proven to be lies and yes not enough of these news journalists are sufficiently challenging them on this. I don't agree that he was abusive, was his behaviour aggressive, absolutely and you know what kudos to him! 👏🏾
@electragaming4140 Жыл бұрын
Setting aside whether he should be held accountable for Blair's actions in Iraq, Campbell still wasn't wrong in what he stated about Brexit and the UK's role in deciding EU law, prior to leaving. I wouldn't say he was rude - more robust - and the simple truth was that Phillips was spouting the same bull, that her ilk have been since before the EU referendum (despite it having been proven to be utter rubbish many times, since then). Where I disagree with him, is in the accusations, he made against Derbyshire. There are plenty of BBC journalists, who've proven themselves to be little more than government mouth pieces, but I don't rank her as being among them. On the contrary; Victoria Derbyshire has always struck me as being one of the better BBC journalists and more inclined to hold the like of the Brextremists and/or Nazti politicians to account.
@Carlos12330 Жыл бұрын
Come on prof we have had these Brexit lies go unchallenged for far too long and when they keep peddling the same rubbish no matter what frustration gets the better of most reasonable people.
@jamesclark6104 Жыл бұрын
Jesus or Buddha would have a problem with Alex Phillips.
@JohnCremboz Жыл бұрын
It's his style. Campbell always has conducted himself in that way, even in the new Labour era. If you watch Campbell on GMB with Pierce Morgan, he did the same. And it's a strategy. He tries to make his opponents very angry and make them rant, so they start saying stupid things. All he has to do from that moment on is pointing out the stupid points. In a way, Boris has the same bullish style. And both those men just fail with opponents as Ed Miliband. Miliband knows his stuff, stays very calm and just points out their tactic. Miliband did it with Campbell in the GQ interview and Miliband did it with Johnson on PMQ's that one time. And that shows that Miliband, for all his shortcomings, still is a talented politician that many seem to underestimate. It's sad most just reduced him to that one sandwich he had. And no, he wasn't leadership material. But he could be a welcome sideshow to Starmer's dullfest. Starmer's speech at the last Labour conference is plain forgotten. I can't even remember a line from it. But Miliband's speech (with the whole "they did" with the crowd) really stuck. And that is what is still missing in the whole Brexit debate: politicians who know their stuff and are able to sell it to the people.
@krisfraser6181 Жыл бұрын
I'm not a bully and a thug, I just adopt the style of one! 😂
@JohnCremboz Жыл бұрын
@@krisfraser6181 like Boris isn't an idiot, he just plays one in the eye of public. Why wouldn't someone who works in communications his whole career not be conscience about how to behave when the camera is rolling and the debate begins? In a way, I think you must consider that both persona's are related but still separate.
@krisfraser6181 Жыл бұрын
@@JohnCremboz because he lost his temper when she mentioned his dodgy dossier. Maybe his conscience is indeed stirring and he has to lash out because self reflection would be too painful. Or maybe he is just a bully and it's not a persona at all.
@krisfraser6181 Жыл бұрын
@@JohnCremboz ....and Alistair Campbell works in communications in the same way a mafia hitman works in conflict mediation.
@krisfraser6181 Жыл бұрын
@@JohnCremboz just one more thing, forgive me! By your comment you portray yourself as someone wise to these politians and their games. Yet you refer to your rival by his first name and your own side by their surnames. Easy slip of the tongue you might think. Now if you're a football fan try referring to your rivals players by their first names and you will instantly realize the extent to which YOU have been had.
@Tvjunkieful12 Жыл бұрын
Sweden and Germany are the two EU countries with most immigrants not from areas previously occupied by them. Poland, Hungary, and a few other former Eastern block countries, are the countries most negative towards allowing immigrants into their country. Until last year, when Poland received the highest number of Ukranian refugees. The idea that the EU just because a conference on refugees are being held would attend, is somewhat delusional. The EU first had to establish a joint point of view on the topic. Likewise, because of the politiciation of the immigration issue in the U.S, it would be in neither party's interest to take part in international discusions on the subject, and risk upsetting voters ahead of the next election. Without neither the U.S. and the EU on board, there wouldn't be any point in having a conference at all.
@tradeladder146 Жыл бұрын
Tory Boy Tim has spoken. 🤦‍♂
@simonbamford8441 Жыл бұрын
Retrospectively I think Campbell was absolutely right to call things out.
@BigHenFor Жыл бұрын
Professor, I didn't see the interview with Alastair Campbell, but as I've heard that 'In the Thick of It' was inspired by his time in Downing Street, i wouldn't be surprised that he might have got a bit too involved in the process. You have to be a bit cold-blooded, especially when you're being gaslit, to patiently and forensically cut through the flannel. This is the downside of spin, narrative-shaping, and gaslighting people. Patience begins to wear thin. Indeed, there is a time to stop indulging the illusory and the delusional. Especially when there is no proof that Brexit can improve things, from a relative point of less than zero. But perhaps that's what it might take to stop this farce. It's already starting with the homeowners who fixed deals are ending. They are facing huge increases in their mortgage payments, as there is a credit squeeze in progress. There are less deals available, and what are available are significantly higher. So, the flood will be coming to a lot more doorsteps very soon. So, in the game of Jenga that we call our economy, another block will be coming out. Interest rates will not decline until something breaks, and there will be more collateral damage. Interests rates need to stay high so we can afford to pay for our imports. We wouldn't want Sterling slump again, would we? So, we'll see,
@claudioricci1 Жыл бұрын
Consider this - Reform got 6 seats in the LEs. There were around 8000 seats contested. That means their share was 0.075%. Yet they are constantly brought onto the BBC to propagate; as if their position is a widely supported view, all without any real push back or questioning. They get a hugely disproportionate amount of air time, in the same way Farage was pre Brexit, compared to say the Lib Dem’s or Greens. Hence Campbell gets frustrated; he is correct in his assertion, these people are given far too much air on the BBC; not to mention they have their own ‘free speech’ platforms on GBN and TalkTV. The same happened with the BBC and Brexit analysts - they would find the 1 in 100 that would say it’s going to be great, and bring them in each week, giving them 50% or more of the air time, giving the impression that it was a ‘balanced debate’ even though 99% of experts said it wasn’t.
@michaelspencer6318 Жыл бұрын
Prof " there is still time to make brexit work " Well go on then please explain how you are going to make up a 4.2 % loss in our economy in your lifetime ?
@ProfessorTimWilson Жыл бұрын
I don't believe I am. I did not vote for Brexit: I do not think a viable Brexit is likely but we have to give time to those who do because reversing Brexit is almost impossible. It is necessary to work with reality rather that what we wish might have been. Hence the need to press the Brexiteers, who currently have power, to make it work.
@mjwemdee Жыл бұрын
@@ProfessorTimWilson But that is not what you just said. You said: ‘There is still time to make Brexit work’. Are we not supposed to take those words at face value? And how much time is there? Or do we need fifty years, as according to Rees-Mogg? Isn’t this the White Queen talking to Alice about jam?
@EGF1000 Жыл бұрын
I think he has had enough of overconfident snake oil salespeople ml
@margaretbloomer9001 Жыл бұрын
Campbell was absolutely right. However, he did not need to be rude. He did not need to to sink to her level. Yes, he was angry and rightly so, but...
@tradeladder146 Жыл бұрын
But what. ,,🤐
@andrewfrancis3591 Жыл бұрын
I watched the interview. Tell me how many pro Europe MEP's were there on Newsnight before the Brexit vote? Just round figures, they were the majority of MEP's after all. Balance and all that!
@andrewfrancis3591 Жыл бұрын
Hasn't Starmer been in talks with von der Lyon for a series of micro deal, increasing alignment.
@igavinwood Жыл бұрын
I found Alex Phillips to be totally disingenuous; Alastair Campbell to be overly aggressive. And I do think that it is right to point out that the BBC have failed to hold accountable those that have led, or advocated, for Brexit. If we are going to comment on the language used within this interview, then let's get the language we use in other areas correct too. It's not small boats, it's people. Children and vulnerable adults. Living breathing scared humanbeings.
@petergreen8101 Жыл бұрын
Yes he was angry. And rightly so. I get sick of people like you saying that one must always be polite. That is the same as being ineffectual, which is what you are.
@andressanchezcasado4433 Жыл бұрын
BBC radio should be a model of independence
@columbus7950 Жыл бұрын
Alex Phillips deserves everything she gets. With luck she’ll have a Tumbrel all to herself.
@effiemills5251 Жыл бұрын
The interview has gained much more attention because of how he behaved. If he’s played it very smartly, he could have apologised, calmed down and asked politely for her to explain herself again.
@EGF1000 Жыл бұрын
_"Make brexit work"?_ Pull the other one. It's got bells on it.
@neilmcclary Жыл бұрын
I face worse at work im all behind Campbell he was 100% right and what he said about the BBC too
@patrickreuvekamp Жыл бұрын
From my mainland European perspective he wasn't rude at all. Maybe somewhat patronising, but that was hard to avoid. In my opinion British journalists and politicians that oppose Brexit actually need to be far more direct with Brexiteers to be able to break their narrative. About those lorry driver wages and Brexit: is there any causality or is that just accidental correlation?
@spitfire1962 Жыл бұрын
I have no issue with lorry drivers or anyone else getting higher wages, but this has led to higher prices for commodities that everyone else who hasn’t had a decent pay rise are having to pay the price for. So unless we all get decent wage rises, then the majority are suffering another effect of Brexit. There is not one good thing to come out of Brexit.
@Andrew-rc3vh Жыл бұрын
Sorry but we can't run a tap internationally. Our reputation virtually everywhere is burnt. I think most decisions the government has made in recent years have been negative regarding the economy. Even social legislation like policing language has a negative economic effect. Regarding interviews, especially in a hostile environment where the interviewer is giving you loaded questions and interrupting you on any arguments you make which support your case, I think it would be more constructive to look at the good examples. Two of the most impressive political interviews I've come across was when Chomsky was interviewed on Times Radio the other day, and any interview on the MSM with Victor Gao. They are absolute masters at it. They never dodge a question either. The other person who really impressed me in interview was on a scientific matter. I will give the award to Paul Nurse for best clarity of explaining complicated things. Lets not get so into syndicating the bad stuff and syndicate the good stuff.
@tomd5678 Жыл бұрын
The immigrants want come to the UK but it's Frances' problem
@martinoneill8205 Жыл бұрын
He was totally right to go at bbc to they never push back on the lies
@drumpaul1347 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree with Campbell on this, and the passionate/frustrated/exasperated delivery of his words.
@dwdei8815 Жыл бұрын
I still think the rudeness of using a publicly salaried position and a publicly funded broadcasting platform to lie directly to the people of the country in a way that has seen many of them suffer really significant losses is and should always be rated as a greater rudeness than saying true things with a raised voice. You clearly do not agree. It is terrible to see that something as petty and transient as a question of manners can see you take the side of the quieter liar.
@progpuss Жыл бұрын
Constant brexit crap is enough to make you angry.
@stephenfarthing3819 Жыл бұрын
I don't always agree with Campbell - but He was correct that the arguments offered by Alex Phillips were distinctly lightweight. Especially over the Brexit notion - I believe that we are in difficult and different times. We do deserve to have the discussion on this subject and seriously so. Professor, we need to debate the situation more properly. We need to get the matter sorted out and maybe we can show that Brexit can - in some ways - work! Professor, I am of the view that going back into Europe is a non starting subject. Though I would wish that we could. I'm realistic enough to realise that as a fact. I'm more concerned of the current climate of politics in this land. If we could lead a international discussion on the question of migration then we might begin to resolve some of the difficulties in the British Isles as well! As you say, get a positive out of the negatives we have gone through. If we can do it. Then, there is a very good chance that the difficulties we have, can begin to be resolved and solved. I'm not too keen on going back into the discussion over Europe. That's navel watching again! And not beneficial at all.
@stevenhoward3358 Жыл бұрын
I am not sure why you think hauliers being paid twice is great because someone will be bearing that cost, ultimately the consumer, but as long as some people can afford to go to the theatre, that's OK
@sbwords Жыл бұрын
I watched the exchange on newsnight. Campbell may be right, but he’s hardly in a position to lecture anyone on the truth. That’s the issue. At least he’s dropping truth bombs this time instead of bombs on innocent Iraq kids. That’s an improvement.
@LindaEnfield Жыл бұрын
Yes he was angry and I don’t blame him. Alex Phillips is plain nasty, she left the leave campaign after being caught on the sofa with Nigel Farage by Farage’s wife (unknown what they were doing but his wife left him soon after), she then went to Wales briefly and was then employed by Steve Bannon for SCL/Cambridge Analytica on the Kenyan elections (whether this was Farage having a word with a mate I don’t know), a brief google with keywords of Cambridge Analytica and Kenya election will show exactly what kind of person she is. Kenya’s democracy was poisoned by these people and many including children died, she has blood on her hands 😡
@kevinnolan1339 Жыл бұрын
To add to the Kenyan blood spilt by British oppressors as late as the 1950s. See Mutua & others v Foreign & Commonwealth Office 2012.
@chrishobson6431 Жыл бұрын
Hang on arnt you a ukipper ?
@portlyoldman Жыл бұрын
No Tim. It’s about time we saw a little passion demonstrated. AC attacking the BBC was entirely appropriate.
@grayjohn6332 Жыл бұрын
Yes Campbell was cross and rude, but complaining about the the way he put the home truths is a standard way of not answering the actual points he made. So people are cross that he got cross; the point is he showed passion and is totally sick to death of the bias of the bbc, and the bbc letting a brexit person talk rubbish. Why is this lady from the reform party on TV and Newsnight. Reform do not have any MPs they have I think 6 Councilors out of 20,000. Reform are just a radical militant pressure group without a plan that have rich backers...
@PaulMcCaffreyfmac Жыл бұрын
If you are amiable to and tolerant of liars they think they have won and people watching think they have won. It's hard to magine how one could be too rude to people who still aggressively defend brexit, even including judicious use of the odd obscenity.
@peterm7548 Жыл бұрын
Campbell was in effect mansplaining Alex Philips infuriating though she was. I also understand his anger at the BBC - I share it - but a public figure needs to keep his cool at all times. Im afraid Brexit cannot work in any meaningful way - the pay rises in haulage have distorted other labour markets eg public service vehicle drivers leaving their important jobs to drive supermarket supply trucks - but now is not the time to argue for rejoining. We need a bigger consensus among the public and the main political parties first.
@markjlewis Жыл бұрын
Hello Professor, I would like to hear your ideas about how Brexit can make people better off? The Brexiteers only ever seem to claim that the Covid Vaccine was a benefit and we mustn't forget that Bankers bonuses are now deregulated. Wholesale energy prices are dropping but we're yet to see the benefit of that and interest rates continue to climb. Food inflation is astronomic and let's not forget that there are regular shortages in the supermarkets.
@Ricimer671 Жыл бұрын
Campbell was rude! So what, she's a big strong girl, get over it!
@uapuat Жыл бұрын
I agree. The content of Campbell's argument was flawlwss, but he lost the room a bit by losing his cool.
@robertlamb1962 Жыл бұрын
“Lost the room” is a cop out phrase mostly used by arrogant people who have little of substance to say one way or the other about anything. I haven’t seen the interview concerned but, what ever it was about, little humility is often better than holding forth about “losing the room”. I have met this attitude before and it usually gives a ‘holier than thou’ attitude that should be avoided.
@uapuat Жыл бұрын
@@robertlamb1962Calm down. It's only a metaphor reflecting my personal opinion. Perhaps you should watch the interview yourself first to see what you think.
@robertlamb1962 Жыл бұрын
@@uapuat I’ve now seen the interview which as I expected is much ago about nothing except Campbell’s comment re BBC bias which is 100% true but made paradoxically to Victoria Derbyshire who is just about BBC’s best presenter so much so that BBC tried to ditch her but the outcry was too great. Regarding your ‘metaphor’ it is only one of the meaningless terms which have infected social media like woke and snowflake and others which are specifically intended to be offensive and demeaning in place of reasoned opinion but are pompous at the very least.
@uapuat Жыл бұрын
@@robertlamb1962 I wonder what has happened to you to make the expression 'losing the room' such a trigger? It is not a meaningless phrase: it expresses the idea of alienating one's audience. Do you agree that by losing his temper Campbell distracted attention away from the perfectly correct things he was saying? Most of the coverage I have seen has been about the fact that he became angry, and not about the things he said. He lost some of his moral high ground in my view, even though I would say that his opponent was more objectionable than he was. What expression would you use to express that? In contrast I offer the recent C4 interview between Krishnan Guru-Murthy and Robert Jenrick, which was a masterpiece of professional journalism and did not, in my opinion, 'lose the room.' If only the BBC did that more.
@leor7870 Жыл бұрын
I think he was annoyed with the bbc presenter
@speakz6935 Жыл бұрын
Why can't they just be friends? It isn't very nice.
@colinthompson3111 Жыл бұрын
Looking forward to the book review.
@TOOL1E Жыл бұрын
Problem with anything Campbell takes part in is it's hard to get past his ego. Should have kept his cool and made a better arguement but he just can't do it. As for earnings i've been a hgv driver with 30+yrs under my belt and my wagers nose dived due to driving hours being slashed. Could say EU laws arn't totally to blame privatising one of the most currupt agencies in the UK did'nt help ( Sorry abit off topic). Infact i'll be honest i lost over £800 a month.
@grahamsmith17466 Жыл бұрын
Tim, we haven't left "Europe." We have left the EU.
@georgekerr6123 Жыл бұрын
Lets start again call a truce..!
@timcomley5948 Жыл бұрын
Campbell well known for it
@andyreid8969 Жыл бұрын
If you were more upset about the manner of speaking than the content of the conversation, I fear you have missed the point. Nicely nicely will only get you so far . Love the channel btw.
@robertbose990 Жыл бұрын
Just realized that Prof TW is ex-Ukip
@ralphbrooks2132 Жыл бұрын
I think you are right that Alastair Campbell did lose his cool, and was boorish, patronising and rude. I think you go too far to describe his behaviour as “abusive”, though it was Ill-mannered and above all, it detracted from the power of his arguments (which were on the whole, reasonable and correct) and sadly made Alex Philips sound reasonable when she was in fact talking the same nonsense we have heard from Brexiters for so many years. I do however have sympathy for Campbell, as I too feel a surge of anger, every time I hear Brexit supporters who, if they acknowledge at all that Brexit is not working, try to blag their way out of it by saying it hasn’t worked because it did not go far enough. I can relate to the frustration that Campbell feels that Brexit supporters are never held to give any real and practical evidence (as opposed to false and emotional ones) of ANY “Brexit gains”. I can relate also to the frustration that the Labour party does not have the courage to simply say that Brexit was and is a bad idea, and that news organisations and certainly the BBC failed in their duty to adequately challenge the spurious claims that were being made about what Brexit would deliver, both before and after the referendum. So, I think Campbell should (and probably will in due course) apologise for his discourteous and intemperate behaviour. I also think that Alex Philips should apologise for her part in helping to inflict the appalling damage to our country done by Brexit, but I am certain she will not. I think our country might stand a better chance of at least a partial recovery, when we can acknowledge that Brexit has been an unmitigated disaster, but that ( much to my regret) it cannot be simply reversed in the foreseeable future. However, we can by degrees re-aline ourselves with our European friends both politically and economically whenever the opportunity presents.
@Pete.Bernfeld Жыл бұрын
I agree that Campbell is an abrasive bastard, he always has been, and being abrasive is no way to win an argument even if the facts are clearly on his side. Moving forward, how to make Brexit work then? Now you appear to be a nice, reasonable sort of chap and you like to keep the debate polite, but I'm afraid Brexit is not going to work.,how could it? We have left the largest trading bloc in the World, and the present government is messing around trying to cobble together trade deals which in the main do not benefit the UK. We need to export to the EU. Transport costs are lower to export there. To do that we have to comply with their various regulatory standards, not only for the goods produced by us for export, but also they need to 'approve' of our working standards and practices. By approve I mean the EU does not allow 'sweat-shop' countries to export to them, and if our working time directives do not meet with their approval then exporting will be problematic. I work in the transport industry, although not the haulage side of it. I'm not certain it's true to say that wages have dramatically improved in the haulage sector. Don't be mislead by sound-bite possible earning figures-to make something like £60K a year (a touted figure) you would have to work in excess of 60 hours per week, sleep in the cab, use sub standard facilities where they exist at all, and have no life outside of work whatsoever. Yes specialists like tanker drivers can earn good money, but they always did-in a word it was danger money. General drivers do not earn anything like £60K, and they have to forget about working a 40 hour week. To export to the EU (or anywhere else come to that) we have to produce 'stuff' which meets the standards required-so much for the much touted sovereignty thing then. Having complied with the required standard, it would make sense to reach a customs agreement allowing free passage of goods. That might just be possible without agreeing to general free movement, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Self evidently, despite all the claims, the EU does not need us more than we need them. Unless and until HMG take that onboard we are going nowhere. An international conference on migration with the UK taking the moral lead? Oh please, which countries see the UK as an honest broker at the moment?
@davidpearn5925 Жыл бұрын
Haulage is probably getting compensation for the increased inefficiency - compensation rather than making more profit…?
@waynegazard5038 Жыл бұрын
Some people can give it but can't take criticism, I'd worked in customers homes from 16 to 65 a work colleague and myself we're asked to attend a day's training on arriv it's how to deal with customers with about 80yrs experience between us we arrived to meet a20 yr old with a degree never ever having worked in a customer's home , admin total lash up one apprentice already prev attended with 3 other engineers 5 never turned up not informed 3 of us free lunch and coffee some weeks later we found out by a senior manager we'd both been reported as ageist racist sexist etc etc which really amused him ,like this goverment totally unqualified and incapable for their pay grade
@jamesclark6104 Жыл бұрын
The people who employ lorry drivers might not think that having to pay them twice what they were previously getting was a Brexit benefit.
@krisfraser6181 Жыл бұрын
The lorry drivers might quite like it.
@jamesclark6104 Жыл бұрын
@@krisfraser6181 All transport costs get passed on to the consumer, are you a consumer?
@krisfraser6181 Жыл бұрын
@@jamesclark6104 you were concerned about the employers of drivers in your original post. Now all costs are passed to the consumers. I guess the employers are quite happy again then.
@jamesclark6104 Жыл бұрын
@@krisfraser6181 The employers are also consumers as are the drivers, everything is connected, what goes around comes around.
@krisfraser6181 Жыл бұрын
@@jamesclark6104 thanks for confirming that you are against better wages for workers on the basis it pushes up costs for employers and consumers.
@farokudahitam Жыл бұрын
Professor if you views are correct Donald Trump will be elected as will Boris and you are a fool if you think Brexiteers will give you a fair debate. 😔 Sorry
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