Shadiversity Had the Worst Starship Troopers Take

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2 ай бұрын

I have to say I didn't expect his video to go quite like that, but I knew we'd be in for something special.
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@TripleSBreakdowns 2 ай бұрын
Why is Shad under the delusion that the bugs are hell bent on wiping out humanity & that there were no bugs on the planet the Mormons settled on? The movie explains the Mormons were stupid enough to settle on a quarantined planet because it already had bugs on it, is Shad just ignoring that because Mormons can't be stupid in his eyes?
@generalsci3831 2 ай бұрын
Let's get Shad to rant about Battlestar Galactica. That's pretty much Mormon mythology with a couple of the letters shuffled.
@jonni2317 2 ай бұрын
im personally ready for a new new reboot of bsg, hopefully a queerer, more diverse, reboot
@generalsci3831 2 ай бұрын
@@jonni2317 Agreed.
@incineroar9933 2 ай бұрын
​@@jonni2317Yessssssss!!!! That shit was so dramatic it bordered on being camp to begin with.
@BewegteBilderrahmen 2 ай бұрын
I am pretty sure, that, like the majority of mormons, he has no clue about their own mythology.
@RebekahSolWest Ай бұрын
@@jonni2317oooo that would be interesting to see someone pull off
@Flemmi 2 ай бұрын
He keeps claiming the bugs want o genocide humanity, but that is never Established in the movie. I even refuse to believe the asteroid was send by bugs. Its a slower than light asteroid first being spotted around jupiter. Thats where most of the solar systems asteroids hang out. It is so easly explaned as a fuck up of the defense system that was praised a scene earlier and can be publicly denounced. So the bugs are the boogyman, they just killed a few rogue colonist and are an easy scapegoat. So there is no bug aggression shown in the entire movie, only told by earths propaganda outlets (if any)
@nevermoreexoblivione6597 2 ай бұрын
Exactly. In the movie, Klendafu is shown to be on the other side of the galaxy. It would take hundreds of millions of years for an asteroid to reach Earth. But even if it was just the next star over that still represents tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of travel time.
@dudeist_priest 2 ай бұрын
Eastside Tyler isn't real, he can't hurt you. Eastside Tyler: "VeGaNs KiLl BuG."
@notoriouswhitemoth 2 ай бұрын
By the story's own internal logic, the arachnids could easily have wiped out all life on earth before we knew they existed. Either they can propel asteroids so fast that they should spaghettify into gamma rays without them losing cohesion, or they started the attack in the paleolithic.
@alexsmith2910 2 ай бұрын
The logic of the movies propaganda lied. They didn't send the asteroid.
@notoriouswhitemoth 2 ай бұрын
@alexsmith2910 that is the other possibility, that the whole war is over literally nothing
@sl33ping_soundly Ай бұрын
the starship troopers discourse is so funny because they're clearly just livid that the film is different from the book, but that would mean acknowledging the obvious fact that the movie hates them, so they have to pretend like the book and the movie are actually the same
@SentientR4t 2 ай бұрын
Man dresses up like a silly knight and then does his best "I am Adolf Hitler" impression, many are shocked
@Beeg_Boy 2 ай бұрын
Wait shad is an Australian Mormon? Lmao
@arlaux 2 ай бұрын
"Animals are here for the benefit of mankind" Not only is this like rhetorically abuser stuff it also doesn't make logical sense even from a biblical perspective. In the bible god expresses displeasure many times at animals being killed, typically without need, which shows that they're not really here for us but rather that the earth exists and we exist as its caretakers. That we can take what we need, but that we shouldn't take what we do not need. God gave us dominion over animals if I remember correctly, they are not are property really, we don't have this sort of full fledged capitalistic ownership over them, we have dominion over them which entails that we ought to care greatly for them. If animals were here for the benefit of mankind then surely that would mean things like bestiality would be okay, as that is beneficial for those who engage in it in terms of sex making people feel good, but it (like unjust killing of animals) is not permissible in the bible. Does Shad think bestiality is fine? That would be consistent with the idea that animals exist purely for our benefit, rather than them being creatures endowed with their own capacity to feel or us being given a shepherding roll over them. No matter how you view this statement it cannot make sense logically, if their purpose is merely for our benefit then the harm we cause to them (sexual or otherwise) should not matter, yet Shad cannot take this position because it would contradict the Bible itself, he has found himself so into the idea that mankind is some sort of center of the universe that his ideology simply crumbles under its own shortcomings.
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 2 ай бұрын
Shadiversity gives me schadenfreude
@galleryofrogues Ай бұрын
@GatekeeperGuardian-wv3cd 2 ай бұрын
"Genocide is based unless it's against me" -Shad's video in a nutshell
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 2 ай бұрын
Shad hasn't freaked out about the co-ed showers yet?
@kylegonewild 2 ай бұрын
If there's one thing that puts a smile on my face it's a Chariot vid about Shad in my feed lol
@Tarplicious 2 ай бұрын
Also can’t help but notice the “I didn’t like it” about the Fallout show in the corner. Is there anything he likes? I’m a huge fallout fan since the 90s and I thought it was great and perfectly nailed the vibe. My wife watched it with me and she loved it and has never played a game (other than a bit of Fallout Shelter) and she has extremely high standards for television. Next you’re gonna tell me he doesn’t like X-men 97, one of the best shows of the last decade.
@CH4R10T_TV 2 ай бұрын
I actually really want to talk about the Fallout show and the backlash now that I've seen it as well (as of last night I just finished it) so maybe that will be next week or the week after.
@ms.aelanwyr.ilaicos 2 ай бұрын
'97 is so good omg
@Natakupl 2 ай бұрын
He complains about virtue signaling then grandstands that he believes the earth has resources we can use. Real fucking controversial. Literally the definition of a virtue signal.
@pyratehyena1312 2 ай бұрын
wow. Shad failing to contextualize criticism of Starship Troopers is an unsurprising but new low.
@Westlander857 2 ай бұрын
Er erm ah ah ah erm erm *the most poorly argued climate denialism I’ve ever heard* ah erm erm Edit: this isn’t a slight on the Australian accent, I love yall. The problem is that Shad doesn’t even have the cool accent that most Aussies do.
@kaelgray3667 2 ай бұрын
24:03 it's cocaine.
@andrwblood9162 2 ай бұрын
I had this interesting idea at first watching Shad tweek out about Starship Trooper discourse that would juxtaposing that movie with a later movie called Battle of Los Angeles. But seeing more of the video makes me think that's waste of time and doesn't address Shad's main point. That being "The Left are Bugs and Bugs are gross." Like he's mad at how gross he views us and is annoyed with the hyperbolic scuttlebutt that he's a part of creating about us. We've poked the Shad into a impotent rage and most of us, like Thanos, don't even know who is. Thus why he doesn't have any examples of these 'interesting' positions... no one's talking like this. No one matches up to Shad's Bug-like image of the Leftist that he's made at, so he just does exposition. He can only *Tell* and can never *Show.*
@WoobooRidesAgain 2 ай бұрын
I'm reminded of a notroversy a few years back when one of the kinds of alt-right clown who watches people like Shad tried to claim that a fan of a KZfaq channel, "GirlfriendReviews", sent them a message threatening to hurt, kill, and otherwise inconvenience them. The thing was, it was obvious to anyone but them that it was fake, because not only did it not sound at all like a member of the fandom, it didn't even sound like a human being. It _did_ however sound exactly like the kind of caricature of the left that the alt-right have been screeching about for years, and proved pretty definitively that they genuinely believed real human beings acted that way. These people are _genuinely_ delusional. They do not exist in the reality you or I inhabit. Their entire world view is a propaganda screed, and they're shadowboxing their own propaganda into oblivion.
@Somniostatic 2 ай бұрын
i think you have the #1 impression of Shad on the internets.
@incineroar9933 2 ай бұрын
Irrigation is just humans looking at water, realizing that plants like water, and damaging the ecosystem by waaay overdoing it and diverting too much water for agriculture. Being good at something in an era where humans have been too good at that thing for hundreds/thousands of years isn't something worth bragging about, especially when its something like digging a line from point A to point B.
@brinks2469 2 ай бұрын
I feel like the first assumption about woke people debasing themselves is a bit of projection. When I was a conservative catholic I was constantly reminded than sinners are worthless garbage and how you are only worth anything if you give yourself to god as a like slave to gods will. Not sure how much of that is in Mormonism but yeah…
@passahok 2 ай бұрын
Shad has a mix of bad faith and ignorance but mainly I think he is trying to make money by following that old formula from the gamergate fools.
@CrystalLily1302 2 ай бұрын
Recently watched ST, and it seemed to me that the asteroid was launched when the pilot lady we followed cut through their space and they throw an asteroid at her ship. So the "attack" was just the bugs defending their territory against a human ship, which happened to end up going towards earth. That was my reading of that scene.
@CH4R10T_TV 2 ай бұрын
I think Verhoeven wanted to make it ambiguous because it kind of makes the point about the film having propagandistic tonal elements more resonant, whereas the original author of the books presumably felt otherwise.
@CrystalLily1302 2 ай бұрын
@@CH4R10T_TV oh yeah it’s definitely ambiguous but I definitely feel it’s worth discussing at least, mostly because within the context of a movie it makes the most sense, since we are rarely shown scenes that have no purpose.
@MrInfinity418 2 ай бұрын
I hope we get his horrible take on robocop.
@GoldenKaos 2 ай бұрын
I got curious after this video about his claims the Mormons went to some unhospitable backwater and colonised/"tamed" it, and I was not surprised to find out, after a short Wikipedia page, that it's complete horseshit. There were roughly 20,000 Native Americans living in the lands that are modern day Utah when the Mormon colonists made their way over, and they had initially peaceful relations that turned into violent displacement as the Mormons settled further afield from Salt Lake Valley. His comments about having the right to go into a territoriy with "less intelligent" creatures and "of course you can colonise it", and "of course you can genocide them" if they retaliate becomes very chilling when you put it in the context of 19th Century Mormon colonisers who believe (as they did back then) in Scientific Racism. Shad's logic and statements here are a hair breadth away from outright justifying human on human genocide (and specifically the one his religious forefathers would have committed), and despite all his videos on swordplay and weapons, this is the first time I've come away thinking that he's a potentially very dangerous individual. The scariest people are those who can easily justify the use of extreme violence.
@CH4R10T_TV 2 ай бұрын
You'll note, by the by, that Shad also describes the humans in space as settling empty land. But it's not empty; the bugs are on it. The bugs, in some readings of Starship Troopers, are interpreted for how fascists sometimes see "lesser" forms of life, especially as a metaphor for "undesirable" human beings. Notably, Shad also describes the land in America as being empty, but as you observe, it was occupied by indigenous people. He's essentially painting a picture of who he sees as a full and legitimate being worthy of human consideration. I think the parallel pretty clearly demonstrates that Shad is exactly the kind of person that more progressive reads of the film are denigrating.
@zianitori Ай бұрын
mormons, are they human?
@zianitori Ай бұрын
like seriously he's just trying to preach here and it's clear his target audience is children
@BewegteBilderrahmen 2 ай бұрын
Shad is just dropping fascist dogwhistles in the beginning. There is very little that I recognise as christian right wing positions from various different right wing christian groups, but there is a lot of fascism there. He invokes protecting nature, natural hierarchies, anti-globalism, violent defense based on perceived intentions/nature of a threat, and more. This is only borrowing from christian ideas and not rooted on christian theology, thus I don't see him doing a christian reaction but a fascism. Also, far be it for me to defend christian fascists, far right christians, or most christian denominations in general, but it's dangerous to not distinguish the two for people might fall for the dressed up fascism that distances itself from the cultish religions.
@gwit4051 Ай бұрын
"animals are on earth for the betterment of mankind" Yea shad, all of the animals that live in the bottom of the ocean are supposed to make our lives better, all of the parasites that torment us are supposed to make our lives better.
@DeathToMayo Ай бұрын
I feel like Shadiversity makes content specifically so people will have easy things to dunk on.
@93lozfan 2 ай бұрын
If I'm remembering right the Mormon settlements were burned down, by the bugs, who can't use fire, sparking a war that earth wanted to start anyway.
@phangkuanhoong7967 Ай бұрын
okay, these guys are way unhinged.
@devlinrossi4318 2 ай бұрын
Shad is a clown😂
@HotDogTimeMachine385 2 ай бұрын
Shad's brain is mush
@kyuken893 2 ай бұрын
Tilting. At. Windmills.
@tzman215 28 күн бұрын
Soooo... Human have a right to use whatever we have the strength to claim but as soon as the bugs start to beat us now they're suddenly evil lmao
@zactron1997 2 ай бұрын
"Now I don't speed up the video to make fun of their voices" Proceeds to do the best Shad impersonation all on their own
@DragonKnightDragonborn 2 ай бұрын
Yeah why i just left Knight's watch as much Shadverity in general. Goes off topic but takes far to long get back on what was the topic to talk about. It is fine getting off topic or have a side topic but going through almost or as much like the whole video...really? Just gripe for me and yeah i do as well but not like 7 minutes, 8 minutes, or almost the whole video. Even the quality of both channels seem to have major downgrade. I know my grandmother was a mormon when she was alive so i do have that religion background but i didn't feel interested going down that path, but other then that...just seems to me Pride as starting to fall of Shade, He is the only one to blame himself. Good points in this video i can say from me.
@restlessoblivion 2 ай бұрын
Haha sweet always down for some Shad clownin
@koshetz 2 ай бұрын
Isn't Shad recently had an insanely bad takes about Hades 2
@anitaremenarova6662 2 ай бұрын
I'd love to hear what dogshit he has to say about this universally loved indie game series.
@koshetz 2 ай бұрын
@@anitaremenarova6662 sadly there's entire right wing discourse about hades 2 being wоke (devs dared to add two fаt characters among 20 insanely hot characters) Shad included. I'm just surprised no progressive streamers i know mentioned this.
@anitaremenarova6662 2 ай бұрын
@@koshetz Did they not catch how insanely progressive the first Hades was? Let me guess, it's just chuds getting mad about games they never played and aren't going to.
@MifsudZ 2 ай бұрын
Hey Chariot have you ever listened to the QAA podcast, they have an entertaining episode about this movie and they clipped some of the shad video in it too
@CH4R10T_TV 2 ай бұрын
I'll look into it, thanks for the recommendation!
@Moonkdd 2 ай бұрын
You should do a bit of a deep dive on the Mormon origin story as taught by the LDS church vs Historical story of Joseph smith and Brigham Young. It is a fascinating and tragic topic. Plus you’d have a better understanding of why shad has such a persecution complex 😂
@CH4R10T_TV 2 ай бұрын
I've learned a little bit about it, but it could definitely make for an interesting video!
@C4MG1RL 2 ай бұрын
I saw this in my feed and felt a sense of dread. I feel like I can tell exactly what he's going to winge about. Tell me it ain't so. Tell me Shad isn't THAT dumb?
@drew6145 2 ай бұрын
Shad has to strawman. And if the ideas oppose his he has to impose the most shallow interpretation.
@AugustMericle 2 ай бұрын
Get a load of this guy? I’d rather not 🤢🤢
@babotond 2 ай бұрын
he would, coz god gave the earth to humans as a dominion to rule over. that's a pretty mainstream point in theology
@ttpbroadcastingcompany.4460 Ай бұрын
Damn. Now, here I was thinking that Shad was just a guy who liked the armor of knights that also had an eye for detail when it came to medieval stuff. But no, he's just some dweeb with bad takes.
@espinita. Ай бұрын
@silentverity4975 2 ай бұрын
I wanna see a "true to the original" adaptation of A Study in Scarlet that Shad has to review.
@justingraton17 2 ай бұрын
As an ex Mormon his weird mormon rant was at MOST 40% joke
@convenientEstelle 2 ай бұрын
19:30 I think one should research those kinds of things before making any such assumptions, not supporting Mormons in any way but that's a dangerous line of thinking to have in any context.
@CH4R10T_TV 2 ай бұрын
I don't think it's an assumption, I actually said I wouldn't have assumed it and it sounds like a confession, which means I'm attributing that view to Shad in particular, not Mormons.
@convenientEstelle 2 ай бұрын
@@CH4R10T_TV He's talking about Mormon history though. I wouldn't trust Shad's assessment of the history either, though it's illustrative of the dynamics inside of the church.
@CH4R10T_TV 2 ай бұрын
@convenientEstelle Well I only attribute Shad's views to Shad, I am also aware of real problems with the Mormon church contemporarily and historically, but just like if I was responding to someone from another religion advocating their personal politics, I only take their specific interpretation of that religion's history as far as describing their views. The history of the religion itself has to stand on its own. But having a weird supremacist describe a church's history in a really sinister light may look that sinister specifically because their reading of it incorporates their prescriptions, which is why I read it that way. To go a little further by way of explanation, when I asked, "Why would that be a problem though?" I'm playfully pointing to what I see as the obvious contradiction in Shad's views that his religious ideals should dominate society to the detriment of others because his religion (as he sees it) is superior, while also taking issue with religious discrimination. That kind of hypocrisy only makes sense in the mind of a supremacist, which is also a huge theme of how I talk about the film. You can see this with, for example, racist Zionists who play defense for the government of Israel, who by way of attempting to rhetorically justify their supremacism over Arab Palestinians, insinuate that Israeli Jews and Arab Palestinians somehow have "different interests," as if we have to choose one. It's implicit advocacy of enacting supremacist policies, if not outright war. American conservatives do the same thing when they fearmonger about non-white groups coming to American and outnumbering the white native-born population. The implicit insinuation is that different races have different interests and we have to choose one over the other. It's a definitively racist worldview. When I say, "Are you saying you have different interests?" that's exactly what I'm referencing. It's an implicitly bigoted worldview that Shad wants to present as normal. In other words, there's a lingering contradiction in Shad's rhetoric and worldview that is revealing of supremacism, and sometimes it takes someone pointing to it for people to catch it. I've looked into stuff about the LDS church before, but my main issue is how Shad's rhetoric comes together. I wouldn't insinuate Mormons have different interests from other people necessarily, but I also don't believe in that way of thinking about groups of people, which I tried to clarify almost immediately after. I hope this helps explain where I'm coming from.
@convenientEstelle 2 ай бұрын
@@CH4R10T_TV There's a lot to be said about victimhood narratives but the first thing that I would advise is to not try to validate or invalidate them. It's much more useful to look at how they are used than if they are justified or not according to one's moral judgment.
@CH4R10T_TV 2 ай бұрын
@convenientEstelle I don't know if you're really following me, because I just explained how my original point was specifically about how Shad's narrative about the victimization of Mormons was being used (i.e. how he deploys it in his argument). The thing you're saying about how I should respond was how I responded. I was looking at the implications for his worldview. EDIT: Either way, I think the moral condemnation occurs by way of insinuation, because it's implicit in my argument that I object to racial or religious discrimination and supremacist thinking.
@KewlImp Ай бұрын
There is a lot of reasons not to like Shad. This is one of them. I haven't read the book, but the movie is very clearly mirroring a fascist world. However, to be so blind as to say that we should exist and they, THEY, shouldn't shows that he sides with a very poor fascist society. Since all we see if the propaganda from the humans' side of the story, we don't know who invaded who first. We don't know if the conflict came about over a resource rich world or if that world was within the domain of the bugs. All the audience knows is the bugs and humans are at war, by the time the audience joins into the narrative, and that our protags are joining that war for one reason or another. In my adult watching of the movie, its about propaganda more than fascism as a system of government. (Yes yes death of the author and all that) And the single line that gives it away is when NPH says "It wasn't some new tech, it a private that captured the brain bug." You create heroes for the people to look up to. The movie isn't about whether or not either side of the war is justified in their actions, merely how to use propaganda to control the populace. Humans through social media and bugs through a hive mind.
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