What was your "I GOTTA GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE" Moment? - Reddit Podcast

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Am I the Genius?

Am I the Genius?

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@jerk Жыл бұрын
🧠🧠 finish listening to ALL the stories here kzfaq.info/sun/PL5FcevqxOz5tuU1qghkOUcBqGKHKXHO0f instagram - @amithejerk twitter - @amithejerk
@DinoRicky 11 ай бұрын
Hey @amithejerk I think at 2:01 it was either dead or just didn’t move because it was scared Rabies means foaming mouth and violent behavior and not just standing there also rabies victims show signs at most a year later and die in a few days So I don’t think that’s rabies
@Nalisification Жыл бұрын
The story about the oven is exactly why lockout tagout is a thing
@CandyFlossWizard1928 11 ай бұрын
What is lockout tagout?
@thebanananacam 10 ай бұрын
@@CandyFlossWizard1928 Most machines (Such as cutters and ovens) in industrial settings that can cause injury if it starts to operate have lockout tagout procedures. This can be as simple as putting a pin in a cutter to stop it from moving and putting a tag on it saying that the pin is in(some machines need to be unplugged or have power cut). The Industrial Oven in the story probably operated in a similar way. Put a pin in a certain joint and put a tag on the controls. It should normally be the first thing taught to you if you ever are getting taught to do any kind of machine maintenance that can put you in any kind of harm.
@RevolverOcelot1 10 ай бұрын
Yes! This should be a thing there. If you are working on a piece of equipment that could END you if someone turned it on then it should be LOCKED off.
@richardperks7776 Жыл бұрын
This reminds me of my own “I gotta get the hell out of here” moment. I was walking home from school one day and came to a wooded area of the path I take. For some reason I just felt like something was wrong so I decided to take a different route. The next day on the news they said there was a cougar spotted on that wooded path at exactly the time I would have been there.
@DaveC2729 6 ай бұрын
Nice instincts. The subconscious part of your mind probably picked up on a difference you weren't consciously aware of; maybe the scent of the cougar, or not hearing an animal that usually would've been making noise at that time.
@JackieOwl94 11 ай бұрын
I was lying in bed asleep without anything on, as it was a hot day in a really warm area. I didn’t expect my husband to come home that night, and I heard the door close at 1am. I was in sleep paralysis and was scared out of my mind trying to get my body to move. I heard heavy male footsteps in the dark and was about to scream when the shadow came over me. Then it hit me “Hi honey! I’m home!” in his adorable voice.
@spikertaker Жыл бұрын
It was in middle school, I had to walk 30 minutes per trip every day because there weren't any buses in my neighborhood yet. One day while making my way back home from school I waited for the traffic light to go green for crossing a road, an adult man (around his 40s I guess? I don't really remember) with a pretty disfigured face (had a pretty nasty scar across his face and bald head) crosses the road while the light was red and stands next to me, he then points at a bunch of what looked like teenagers standing around a car on the side of the road and changing clothes, he tells me: "You know... I saw their d***s..." and not break eye contact with me, extremely lucky for me the light turned green and I pretty much ran away, it was very distressing, I never saw him again.
@thefallenangel6864 Жыл бұрын
A few months ago, at school, and I was having an anxiety attack. I never had one before, and had no idea what was happening to me. All of the sudden, I have trouble breathing, and every move feels like a struggle. It was happening in class, but for more than one period. I just tried brushing it off, saying it was nothing, and that I was over reacting. It had gotten really bad in history class. I wanted to tell the teacher, and kept saying "I'll tell her in 5 minutes, I'll tell her in 5 minutes" to the point where the bell rung. To my luck, the teacher wanted to talk to me. I don't remember why or for that, because I was trying so hard to keep myself from freaking tf out, and keep my breathing under control. When she was done, I basically run out of the class, but it only made things worse, because I run out of breath, and couldn't get it back. My friends were trying to help me, but nothing helped. Then at some point I run away from them, and tried to get to the principal's office. That way my friends, and my technology teacher as well, run after me. During that time, I we were on exam period, and had exams every other day. My breathing had gotten extremely bad when we had biology, because that teacher was also our chemistry teacher, and we has a chemistry exam the very next day. Apparently I have low iron, and with increased stress it leads to an anxiety attack.
@frozenheart7133 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! I also have a history of iron deficiency and my anxiety has been entirely out of control lately. I’ve had a lot going on so it’s not unexpected, but I’m going to make sure I’m getting Iron.
@thefallenangel6864 Жыл бұрын
@@frozenheart7133 After starting getting these pills to boost my iron, the attacks have decreased. I've had more tbh, but minor ones and manageable enough.
@alexafalls1346 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story! Hope you're doing better!! Wow being anemic sucks, I've had chest pains but not a full on panic attack.. yet.
@thefallenangel6864 11 ай бұрын
@@alexafalls1346 I'm doing much better! And I haven't had an anxiety attack in months! But that's probably because I'm on summer break. Although next month not anymore. :/
@lunatheespeon5885 Жыл бұрын
The one moment I remember thinking "I have to get out of here" happened when I was around 20 years old and was in college. This was in south Florida, and I had to take a couple busses to get both to and from college. I got off the first bus at the station and was sitting on a bench waiting for the second on the way home when this middle-aged lady sits down next to me. This already felt a little strange on account of the fact that I didn't know her, and I think there were other benches which were empty, but I otherwise didn't make note of it... until she started trying to talk to me. From what I could tell from the questions she asked me and the comments that she made, she seemed to think that I was a troubled high schooler, and she kept trying to "help" me by offering things like going to a cafe for coffee, escorting me home, or offering me a "safe" place to stay. I see pretty quickly that she's trying to isolate me, and all the questions trying to probe at my home life and her assuming that it must be horrible were already red flags even besides that. I spent most of the time just giving one word answers and being vague (the longest and most blunt answer I give being something like "I don't give my address to strangers" when asked where I live), and generally being too terrified to move and trying to find a way to end the conversation and leave politely. It's probably worth noting at this point that I was diagnosed with autism pretty young, and combining that with knowing that I am bad at conversation (thereby making me second-guess most things that I say and being hesitant to speak at all) makes trying to navigate most social situations difficult even without the fear. Finally she starts asking who I am afraid of, whether as a natural extension of her previous questions or due to my expression I wasn't sure, and finally my subconscious snaps enough pieces together that I think "I'm afraid of you!" and I just bolt. I ended up missing the bus and calling an Uber to get home that day, because dear gosh that was terrifying.
@GhostBear3067 Жыл бұрын
On a call at my ambulance job at a nursing hone that my partner was running after our initial patient assessment she asked a staff nurse if a certain evaluation that nurses should know about had been performed prior to our arrival. The asked what my partner was talking about, and I felt a sudden shift in the... everything. My immediate thought was "we got to go we got to go we got to go NOW!" not because of any concerns regarding the patient, but a sense that at any moment my partner would start tearing the nursing home apart with her bear hands.
@princessmarlena1359 Жыл бұрын
The biggest one was when I was finally able to afford to move out of California back in 2018. It had been building. I left California originally in 2002 to tour the country as a magician’s assistant, then moved to Florida in late 2005, about a year and a half or so later I moved to NYC, and a year after that lived in Las Vegas. By 2010 I had moved back to California, lived in the Bay Area for a while, moved back home to Los Angeles by 2013. I didn’t like how things had gone from bad to worse since I had been gone. Traffic, crime, taxes, and other things were making the state unbearable and unaffordable, so after saving for five years I escaped, leaving a “running me shaped hole” in the “Welcome to California” sign at the state line, moved 2,000+ miles to my new home and love it here.
@aniE1869 Жыл бұрын
I tried moving back in with my parents after having been gone for 2 years. They almost never cleaned so the house was full of rotting food, mold, mildew, shrews, and larder beetles. You could hear shews chewing their way through the couch. And piles of junk everywhere with trails through it. It lasted less than an hour. I decided I'd rather be homeless in the middle of the winter than live like that. You know there my have been a reason I left at 16.
@Lin7_7 Жыл бұрын
I was having mental breakdown and all of a sudden my dad started hitting me with hairbrush telling me to shut the hell up. That's when I realized I need to get tf outta here. My family are hispanic and hispanic don't believe in mental health. They just believe in "OH YOU'RE STRESSED, HA, I SUFFER MORE THAN YOU. STOP EXAGGERATING!" Not gonna explain why I was having a breakdown.
@jordancummins3092 Жыл бұрын
In March of 2020, before covid really hit, I was hanging out with some friends after I got out of work which was late at night. The tenants lived in a trailer park at the time. A mutual friend must have said something not to the tenants liking and I said, "well that's my ticket out of there" because I believe a shouting match was about to happen so I left to go home. Plus I had work that next morning so I had a valid reason to leave. I hate fighting and arguing. It reminds me of my father's second marriage.
@Ckbtony1983 Жыл бұрын
When I was ten my grandparents pick me up from school we were heading to Florida for vacation... I had a sick feeling in my gut the entire way there and I kept begging them to turn around and go back home. I was crying and screaming squalling whole nine yards... I had a sick feeling the whole time... At the stateline they looked at me and asked are you sure and I said yes... We got home and turned on the news turns out there was a hurricane heading for Florida right where we were going and if I Hadn't stopped them we would have been caught in the middle of it it was hurricane Andrew
@bombdotcom2168 10 ай бұрын
My "I need to get out of here" moment was when my mom pulled a knife on my dad. Years later, my dad asked me if that day actually happened. The poor guy went through a lot to the point that he didn't even remember properly what did and didn't happen.
@wingedhussar1117 10 ай бұрын
One time I went to a dentist that had his clinic close to my workplace, which is why I went there instead of and not to the other dentist that I have had before. I had always had good teeth back then and went there only for a routine check. However, when the doctor examined me for the first time, he basically said my teeth were a complete mess and that he would need to pull out too wisdom teeth, that I had at least four cavities and that I also had parodontosis. I instantly knew something was wrong and left the clinic as quickly as I could because I had the strong suspicion that my teeth were alright and that that dentist was only interested in my wallet and not in my teeth and that he actually tried to talk me into accepting treatments that I didn't need. Now, four years later, I still have all my teeth, 32 of them in total and my regular dentist said I have neither paradontosis nor any cavities.
@kitsunequeen2018 5 ай бұрын
First thing that comes to mind for me is during one of my walks home from school. There are two colleges that are practically within walking distance, so when I get off the bus, I just go straight through the other campus to get back home. I've made the walk more times than I can count at this point. Though there was this one day where I was doing that (I enter through the back of the school, and walk right to the front). There was one guy who was preparing to head out, in his car. I still perfectly remember his face- dude was old enough to be my grandfather. He starts asking me where I'm going, if I need a ride home, and where I live. He was getting pretty insistent, so I just noped the hell out. Haven't seen him since. The worst part is though, is that I unfortunately don't look my age. I'm twenty-one, but most people tend to think I'm younger. At youngest, I've been told I look 15. I still wish I got the license plate, juuuust in case.
@DraconicFlower-mz5lw Жыл бұрын
When I was in fifth grade, there was this one kid in the classroom next to mine with intense anger issues, we'll call him J. We were walking back in from recess, and my class passed next to the counselors office, when J and the counselor walk out. The counselor asks my teacher if our class can let him walk with us because his classroom was next door to ours. My teacher agrees. We start walking again, and J is now in front, and I'm second in line. We pass by one of those fire extinguishers in a red metal case with a tall glass window, you know what I mean. Anyway, we walk past one of those, and he pounds on the door with the side of his fist. It makes this jarring sound, and we continue walking, although me and my best friend, we'll call here B, are slightly shaken by the unexpected stimulus. About halfway back to class, we pass another fire extinguisher, and he does the same thing. The teacher tells him not to do it again, and we keep walking. Right outside the fifth grade hallway, there is one last fire extinguisher. This time, he punches it again, and the window shatters, the metal door making a horrible sound, just as bad as the sound of the glass breaking. Nobody was hurt, but everybody is shook, to say the least. We drop J off at his classroom and go back to our own, and the teacher gives our class a few minutes to just have anxiety and/or read a book. B and I have seats next to each other, and she decided to look something up on her laptop. That's how I learned that I have a type of anxiety called Misophonia, which is when certain audio cues trigger crippling anxiety in a person. My biggest trigger: shattering glass.
@DraconicFlower-mz5lw Жыл бұрын
TLDR: Kid with anger issues breaks a fire extinguisher cage, I discover I have an anxiety disorder.
@darkstarmoonshadow8892 10 ай бұрын
When I first moved to Austin I decided to walk to HEB seeing it was just up the road, and as I turned the corner before the houses end I see a man running like hell with two officers tailing, as I see hear the officer yell GET ON THE GROUND and the man jummped the fence I turn on my heels and ran back to the house and lock the door
@rachelgarber1423 11 ай бұрын
Amway just barely escapes being a pyramid scheme
@rabbit0664 10 ай бұрын
Unfortunately I've been there before. Same slideshow, same words. What I find funny was that during the video call they had asked me to show my camera. I had messaged them saying that I'd turn it on in a sec, I had gotten out of the shower not long before and was still looking for a top. Anyway I got kicked out. Then later I get a message saying how I hoped I enjoyed the presentation and how I was a good fit. For someone who's supposedly a good fit it's funny how I was kicked out.
@str8ballinonyou Жыл бұрын
Spiderman is tbe perfect game to have on for New York stories 😂.
@regalsamyt1849 9 ай бұрын
Basically every time the two really strong kids from 11th grade got into a fight. Me and my friends would nope on outta there before they went full super saiyan on each others and our asses
@MatthewGardner-io1no 11 ай бұрын
This is why I never leave the house MOM.
@DraconicFlower-mz5lw Жыл бұрын
Writing this second comment, I realize I have a lot of stories like this. When I was in fifth grade, there was this other boy in my class with special needs. Lets call him T. Anyway, we were out at recess, and me, a bunch of other kids, including these two boys on the local junior soccer team, M and E, were playing this game called Anarchy Soccer. It was literally just soccer with no "out of bounds." We were playing, and I was on a team with M and E, and T was on the other team. When it was time to go inside after recess, my team beat T's team 17 to 3. T obviously didn't like this, so he grabbed M by the shoulders and starts trying to bite his neck. It took both me and E to pry him off of M, and then the three of us got the Heck out of there.
@animetalk8132 Жыл бұрын
I hope the other person that normally do the voice is ok
@muffin8460 Жыл бұрын
@BlitzTheFoxi Жыл бұрын
they have like 4 different people that switch in and out lol
@DinoRicky 11 ай бұрын
I think at 2:01 it was either dead or just didn’t move because it was scared Rabies means foaming mouth and violent behavior and not just standing there also rabies victims show signs at most a year later and die in a few days So I don’t think that’s rabies
@lauramiller7690 11 ай бұрын
They had no lockout tagout measures for safety when cleaning the oven that play should have been reported
@Shadow-ml1hr 7 ай бұрын
it was today, i was throwing some snoballs accros a small roof where we hold some firewood as a joke, than later on when i took the dog out i felt a snowball at my back and when i turned around i saw some brsnches move, i was so freaked out that I usherd it in and ran inside and locked the door
@1m_everywhere 11 ай бұрын
7th grade 80 dudes in the bathroom kid blocking door and two kids fought but I ran out before anyone fought Bc as I walked in everyone was js staring at me I knew something was wrong
@1m_everywhere 11 ай бұрын
L story but yea
@danieldesalles3138 Жыл бұрын
Why are there so many stories of people in California 😂😮🤨
@kunfussed213 Жыл бұрын
They're giving Florida a day off I guess. 😬🤭
@danieldesalles3138 Жыл бұрын
@@kunfussed213 😂
@frostfamily5321 Жыл бұрын
Did you know that California got travel to 26 states banned?
@danieldesalles3138 Жыл бұрын
@@frostfamily5321 you what?
@frostfamily5321 Жыл бұрын
The original comment did not say I, though
@allengreen424 8 ай бұрын
The man could've at least thrown the dishes away ( plates n bowls ) n donate the pans n such. I'd assume the plates were very cheap
@DinoRicky 11 ай бұрын
50th comment Bruh these story’s are crazy and I’m only 6 story’s in 💀💀💀💀
@lisastariha6974 8 ай бұрын
@Princeofpurge 7 ай бұрын
Helllppppppp why did I work for amway global 😭😭
@fullmetalgamer6062 Жыл бұрын
Please be a narrator for Am I the Jerk.
@muffin8460 Жыл бұрын
@yay29823 Жыл бұрын
Stop normalising the British 😭
@blobfishyt Жыл бұрын
What happend to the other ppl talking
@jaybo686 Жыл бұрын
Why he British tho.
@uniqueusername4441 Жыл бұрын
@Watermeloncatinyourbedroom Жыл бұрын
@TheYoungMoriarty1 Жыл бұрын
@Baller_god Жыл бұрын
Sweat home Alabama
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