Analyzing Commander Ravier

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Raven Knight

Raven Knight

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(Note: I apologize for the cringe footage near the end with the dominion map. I was having a rough day of gaming and was not playing well, and I was up against a very salty and sweaty team and I kind of let it bring out a more toxic side to me at the end. Not how I like to play. Deepest apologies.)
It's done. It's finished. I finally got through it. BOI this one was probably one of the more frustrating stories to analyze because...dang this one is bad. I mean where do you even begin with this?
It's just a redo of Bolthorn's story, only in Arabia instead of Egypt, and with a Prior instead of a Raider. Ravier has no unique or distinguishing attributes to her character or personality that set her apart from any other black prior or even Astrea for that matter. The story forces a Horkos character when all the others had cleverly kept out that aspect of the story. There is literally no reason we couldn't have gotten a Tiandi skin instead. The Sultana is an absolute idiot, her kingdom makes no sense, and the historical implications and bias are insulting to BOTH sides. It makes Christian iconography and plasters them onto a villanous character to do a 'crusaders bad' stereotype, while also going so far to make the Arabic kingdom look like victims that they actually make me question if they can even support a warrior culture, when BOTH outlooks are insulting to historical Christians and Muslims.
DANG I did not like this.
The only good was that Ravier actually looks good. That's it.
But I hope you enjoy.

Пікірлер: 97
@WinterKlyfox Жыл бұрын
I like your idea of Arabia attacking first because of a premonition and due to that, the knight they feared leads to their destruction. It reminds me of a quote, "People often meet their destiny on the road they took to avoid it."
@divinecrusader4258 Жыл бұрын
I too love God of War.
@WinterKlyfox Жыл бұрын
@@divinecrusader4258 and Kung Fu Panda.
@ihatehandles69420 Жыл бұрын
@@WinterKlyfox And that one Greek mythology story where the guy kills his dad and bangs his mom. I think it was edipis or smth
@badgamemaster Жыл бұрын
Raven: you are just Astrea Astrea: *removes the Ravier mask* how did you know? Raven: try been less.... edge next time. Also it sounds like Ravier is a member of Nighthaven.
@RavenKnightYT Жыл бұрын
@GeistDrachen Жыл бұрын
@@RavenKnightYTthat’s why I said earlier who’s the Rainbow Six or Assassin’s Creed writer who snuck in the For Honor dev team to write this.
@axetheviking6482 Жыл бұрын
"And I would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you nosy sheep!"
@josephsmith754 Жыл бұрын
Hey raven I just want to say a massive thank you for reading the lore for these hero skins as someone who isn't very good with reading its helps me alot I really appreciate it
@mal1362 Жыл бұрын
22:02 Ravier did say the sphere didn't show her everything, but she also said something along the lines that the mystery makes things interesting or fun. So whether or not that warden lived or died didn't matter to her she inflicted a misery on him he would never forget. This dialog alone could also be implied to what you said before about how if the sphere shows the future then how come Arabia didn't see this coming. This just proves that the sphere dosen't show everything. For all we know the sphere probably only shows you what you are alive to see. Also Commander Ravier is Horkos. And Horkos loves stirring the pot of War. Remember what Ravier said. The place reeked of peace and contentment. Horkos wouldn't want that. Horkos believes that a constant struggle is how the world should be. It keeps the truly deserving in their rightful place. That would be breaking the lore if Ravier sought an alliance with these kind of people. Okay lastly and this is just a theory, but what if Ravier destroyed the sphere to garner power for herself? She could of pulled a bolthorn and stolen it, but what if she thought with herself being the only one with access to this information it makes her the most valuable person to the order of horkos, to Vortiger. Which in turn would make her untouchable within the order as she is their ace in the hole now. Hell I'll go a step further and say what if her plan is to take Astrea's place as head of the order? With either herself or Vortiger wearing the crown. That would make for a very interesting turn of events since she is the gate keeper of horkos victory she could very well argue that she or Vortiger is more fit to lead. Though that's just a theory I doubt ubi would dive deep into that kinda politics.
@RavenKnightYT Жыл бұрын
To your first point, you're right. She was saying that the sphere didn't show her everything, so she didn't know if the Warden would live or die, and it didn't matter to her because she enjoyed the mysteries of not knowing....which begs a question: Why go to the lengths of finding the cheat code if you find fun in the game? Why learn the secrets of the future if you want to have fun with the mystery? That whole line flies in the face of her previous actions. Not only that, but she said clearly that the sphere did not reveal if she should burn the library down...but if she's afraid of fate being fickle and being changed, then that was a stupid thing to do as it puts her own future in jeapordy. You also say 'that just proves the sphere doesn't show everything.' I'm sorry, that makes no sense. If this sphere has been so effective it's prevented EVERY disaster and EVERY potential war to EVER come to Arabia, how come the one time it REALLY mattered, the thing didn't show what needed to be seen? Either it works or it doesn't. Why didn't the Sultana consult the sphere to make sure this new woman wouldn't pose a threat? Couldn't it have worked then? Why didn't one of the advisors use it? Why didn't ANYONE double check this thing!? I agree with you that it would make no sense for Ravier to seek an alliance with them, which is why I added that they could pretend to have an alliance before stabbing Arabia in the back when they were done dealing with Chimera. In fact, here's a question: if they're all about war, then why does Horkos even want a way to win the war with Chimera? Won't finding out the future so they can win the war only end it? Isn't that counter productive to the goal of endless war? But the real issue is that they sought the sphere for the advantage it would give them against Chimera, but in the process they created a new enemy. That defeats the advantage entirely. My other issue is how is Ravier a diplomat? If she's all about war, conflict, and violence, how would she even know how to barter for peace and alliances? Where did she learn diplomatic negotiation? That's not how Horkos operates. Your theory is a brilliant one and would forgive A LOT of the problems I have here with her story. But...we just don't know.
@mal1362 Жыл бұрын
@@RavenKnightYTokay here's the full context of what she said: "The destruction of the library hadn’t been foreseen, but it was the only 'logical conclusion'. What she knew, she couldn’t risk anyone else learning. This knowledge was much too precious, much too dangerous to be entrusted to anyone else. Fate was fickle, and the fall of the lightest flower petal could change its course." She's not sayin that her actions would change fate, she's sayin that if others were to use the sphere, then it could very much change/ruin the path she seen in the sphere. So her destroying the sphere and burning the library would stop or at the very least halt anyone from attempting a way to remake the sphere or use anything in that library against her. Why they didn't consult the sphere is beyond me. I agree with you that the Sultana and her people were idiots. Her advisors were far to loyal to their Sultana whose probably never experienced war in her life time whose also probably been very sheltered and so, was easily fooled by the "Friendly" outsider she found fascinating. To just obey her command instead of just goin to consult the sphere themselves. "You have Failed this city" -some guy from green arrow. Horkos wants to win because they want Domination, they want the strong to win and be the ones in power. They want to become immortal through their legend. "Mighty Warriors of horkos, United under the cause of war dominated heathmore, but soon the chimera alliance apposed them. Through droughts, hurricanes and blizzards and bloody water the order found a gate way to victory and crushed chimera completely proving that they are indeed the truest heroes of this world and deserve to be its rulers" or somethin like that In heathmore history books. And the whole endless war will just come from the amount of people they piss off like Arabia, I would say China, but they don't seem to care that horkos has control over the remaining forces of the wulin in heathmore. (Side note: tiandi should have been the hero skin imagin the story! Tiandi tasked with doin the same thing but it comes from sunda, but instead they also find a way to free the wulin from the order of horkos. Man that sounds like an epic story and a way to expand apon the fine details of how things operate within the order. Missed opportunity.) Also why couldn't Ravier have Diplomatic skills? She loves inflicting misery, what better way than deceiving your opponent into a false sense of security to then stab them in the back as everything around them crumbles in a burning heap.
@RavenKnightYT Жыл бұрын
@@mal1362 That might be the full context, but the implication still leaves a hole. If fate can be changed 'by the falling of a flower petal,' then of course it stands to reason that anything she does OUTSIDE of the visions she has been given could also change fate. She says it's the logical conclusion, but logic and fate are not interchangable. Just becuase she makes what she sees as a logical conclusion does not mean it won't impact fate. It could still have consequences (which I'm sure it will). Your point about Horkos makes some sense though. After all, I stand entirely behind the point that Astrea does not have the same foresight or priorities as Apollyon. Astrea is all about domination and tyranny, not war itself, so sure. For Astrea it makes sense. (I agree, Tiandi was a much better idea) My problem with Ravier having diplomatic skills is only this: Where and when did she aquire them? She is known as Lady Misery to everyone in Heathmore. Who the hell is going to join diplomatic negotiations with her? Who is going to invite her into their home to negotiate anything? Heathmore is a world of endless war, and she joined the faction who believes in kill first and don't even bother with questions later. She is on the side that sees negotiation as a cowards tactic, so how on earth did she not only learn this art of negotiation, but also develop it well enough to decieve the Sultana, who likely is WELL versed in the game? You say that she would 'put her opponents into a false sense of security before stabbing them in the back.' I'd believe that, if she didn't already have a horrible reputation all across Heathmore. I have no problem with her being a worm tongue...but where did she aquire that skill when she's from a world and mindset that wouldn't allow for it?
@General-F Жыл бұрын
Horkos Rejects that got a laugh out of me.
@llraijinll5753 Жыл бұрын
I was so excited in the run up to this patch thinking Tiandi was getting a hero skin. Wulin - Who-lin strikes again. 😩
@anonymousjoke9126 Жыл бұрын
I think with Ravier they're going with the idea that while the Black prior do what they do to scare their enemies, She does it because she is a sociopath who finds joy and happiness from the pain and Misery she inflicts on others (Like how she finds fun in the mystery of the warden surviving or not, and why she could so easily charm the Sultana with her lies and promises). Id also like to think while the burning of the library was all her idea and was not part of the visions. Killing the Sultana and the fight out of the city was, which was why she was able to escape with minimal losses in a similar way to how she turned the ambush into a slaughter. Though im honestly curious with what they'll do with the whole "The relics - it all started with the relics" part at the end, especally with the chimera event lore pieces stating the Dagger is gone and there are hooded people and hidden crypt meetings and secret agreements going on.
@SolAzteca1521 Жыл бұрын
@HFS774 Жыл бұрын
True but this is the only character development ravier has and it isnt enough to make her a good character
@LegatusLucius1994 Жыл бұрын
Oh my God she discovered the return of apollyon LOL
@anime_penguin Жыл бұрын
Raven knight should join the for honor lore team, that way the lore would be at the very least double what we have now
@MeisterSchwabbo Жыл бұрын
It is also the first time i think they used an actual name of a real life country in the ingame lore.
@Xenith995 Жыл бұрын
THANK YOU! Raven knight, I honestly hope you see this, thank you! Thank you so much for making this video. You said every reason I HATE this character and even more! Your opened my eyes to levels of dumb I didn't even consider! I so deeply appreciate this video. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
@Haos51 Жыл бұрын
Wait, people thought that Vortiger wasn't with Horkos? Did people forget the second test your metal event? Also Raven, One thing I do not understand is how the travel route even open anyway? It feels like a joke since nothing the pirates have done for Outlanders couldn't of been done for the Vikings....more so when the pirates more or less has no real relation beyond getting relics.
@Haos51 Жыл бұрын
The funny thing I find about the orb, is that it could predict everything except Ravier's deception. You think it would given what happens. I know also in a event order appaerntly the Sultana had some ambition for something which is why she went with Ravier....but still dumb.
@8balls122 Жыл бұрын
I've always seen Ravier as someone who believes herself to be a freedom fighter of a sort. She saw Arabia not as a land of peace but rather as a gilded cage with the Sultana as the jailor. What she saw were people who couldn't defend themselves, people who couldn't choose for themselves and a people too lazy to not see the attackers at their doorstep even with a relic that could see the future, and it sickened her to her stomach. That's why ravier destroyed this land. To her misry was a freedom, it taught her strength and to fight for herself, and to her the absolute removal of misery is one of the greatest evils she could think of.
@Agreus-WolfsbaneYT Жыл бұрын
I could be wrong but when I say her I kinda started thinking this could work as Deborah from your character story. Deborah was burned: new skin is burned and scorched Deborah was a Mother Superior : new skin is like a habit and has the crown of thorns Deborah was in pain from the loss of her sister's and uses that pain to become a dangerous warrior for vortigers priors: the crown of thorns is a symbol of misery(at least for me) I kinda see it but I can see where you are coming from
@GeistDrachen Жыл бұрын
Okay, who's the Assassin's Creed or Rainbow Six writer that snuck into the For Honor dev team and wrote this crap?
@mattc6550 Жыл бұрын
This whole season's a grade schoolers weekend project on the Crusades
@ninjapig7022 Жыл бұрын
So does the orb just show you what holder wants to see, or the future because if so why not just see everything that’s gonna plan out but if only things she wants to see how does that change the way the people were able to avoid everything, second I would have preferred if this BP went there and saw everything and change her mind
@jaguarwarrior7627 Жыл бұрын
The story of ravier is luc warm and the the sultana is just as dumb I also agree that on your idea on making the sultana attack the Knight only to prevent the destruction of Arabia
@LegatusLucius1994 Жыл бұрын
Notice how Arab land looks like it could just pop right off the continent to any moment
@Blackstonelegion Жыл бұрын
So basically its like this Arabia see's a incoming disaster, and Arabia is just pulls a Patrick Star (AKA "We'll take Bakini Bottom and Push it somewhere else") Ok Ubisoft.
@RavenKnightYT Жыл бұрын
To quote Persona 5’s soundtrack: “They’ll never see it coming.”
@Blackstonelegion Жыл бұрын
@@RavenKnightYT ok fair enough
@RavenKnightYT Жыл бұрын
@@Blackstonelegion haha. Sorry was just having some fun
@Blackstonelegion Жыл бұрын
@@RavenKnightYT no thats completely cool with me, Also If I may make a Request, I would love to see how you would Build Holden Cross (Lawbringer) in For Honor Edit: I do Realize that it would involve mostly wearing the default armor with maybe the exception being the shoulders tho I'm also curious about what feats you would run
@sircumcise9925 Жыл бұрын
I love her design, though I wish SHE could be a HE so I could be a Baldwin the 4th bp like everyone else wants to lol.
@slowmotion8731 Жыл бұрын
Wish they added to the actual story mode. Would he cool to continue
@deathfromthedarkness 7 ай бұрын
I don’t think it’s entirely full proof future sight, in 40K the emperor describes foresight like an ocean and the island is the future, you can see across to the island, but what you don’t see is the possibility of a storm, or a aggressive faction, or a sea monster, all these different bits that you can’t predict. And to me this makes a lot of sense, future sight isn’t 100% accurate because a lot of different variables can alter the course of that outcome. So the sultana not seeing ravier doing this somewhat makes sense. As it was one of those variables that the Sultana was unable to see
@MeisterSchwabbo Жыл бұрын
What i also don't understand is why they choose harbor again as an event weather map, like, i get it, ravier probably arrived with boat but it DOESN'T MAKE SENSE WHY THE WATER IS NOW SAND!? How the f should boats swim there? I know, arabia is a desert kingdom in the lore but why did they choose a harbor map full of water and functioning boats, and why did they change all the water to sand? What the hell?
@hanoli7933 Жыл бұрын
They shouldve gone full edge; but that edge should be edge done right. I think she looks good, i wouldve liked more armor though, i like the lord of cinder look though
@mr.voltorb Жыл бұрын
An answer I have for why her clothes are constantly smoldering, now please keep in mind it is a bit of a stretch but Mayhaps this is how the legends describe her so she is the fantasized version with details that obviously are exaggerated due to the rule of cool 😎
@LegatusLucius1994 Жыл бұрын
So the cataclysm happened during the Middle Ages 1000 Years went by plus how many centuries or decades the game takes place to current timeline
it would make sense for ravier to try to overthrow astrea and while ravier is reigning supreme astrea and holden have to work together and set aside their differences and when they both get their hero skins they are both cross factioned through both the horkos and chimera (example: warmonger with half light chimera armor and dark horkos armor and holden with dark horkos armor and light chimera armor although there is more chimera armor on gryphon than horkos while warmonger has more horkos armor than chimera in their hero skins both characters are scarred with broken armor after not being able to hold off the power of ravier
@theonlyMoancore Жыл бұрын
I mean they flirted with each other in the yuletide stream
@MeisterSchwabbo Жыл бұрын
@@theonlyMoancore i loved that so much, but its not official lore... sadly ;-;
@MeisterSchwabbo Жыл бұрын
The armorsets are not part of the official lore
@ragnarphillips1957 Жыл бұрын
Well when you think about it one is blinded by bloodlust then regrets it later and one is blinded by the fact they've had peace and only peace so she thinks everyone's going to act like them and that's not the case
@LegatusLucius1994 Жыл бұрын
LOL Arabia allying with the Knight
@jacopoarmini7889 Жыл бұрын
I think that the Christian imagery and the character have nothing in common really, they just wanted to put in a cool design for the fans and also needed a villain. I don't expect much of a commentary on religion from the devs, since they never mention clearly the religion of any of the factions.
@RavenKnightYT Жыл бұрын
They may not mention religion directly, but it’s all in context. In the campaign, the Vikings make several references to the All Father and to Valhalla. Clear connections to Norse Paganism. The samurai event we just had made countless allusions and references to yokai, kami, and aratama, all involved in Japanese Shintoism and folklore. The reason the Christian imagery is a big deal, is because the devs said as far back as season 2 that Christianity did not exist in For Honor and never would. Until now there has been next to no Christian symbolism or reference. But now we have a crap ton of it, all thrown onto a singular knight who attacked an Arabian kingdom which the devs said was “heavily inspired by the Islamic Golden Age.” I call that a bit sus.
@jacopoarmini7889 Жыл бұрын
@@RavenKnightYT yeah, I agree that it is a big sus, mostly because the invaders were the muslims, and not the Christians, and it takes opening a history book to see that. I hope they do this effort and not fall in the lazy "bad guy Christian" trope
@paul7432 8 ай бұрын
@@RavenKnightYThm, i thought that some Knights were Christian and some were followers of Roman Paganism
@Xleader007 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100%
@joeyvanhaperen7715 Жыл бұрын
For the burning robes maby that's cause the light of the sfeer caused that for some reason. Like with ramiel his armor glowes with light which could also be seem as odd since he was effected not really his armor. I personaly think cause she is inlightend the burning robes litterly imbody that images of where ever she goes she is inlightend. For what makes her uniek as a person isn't that really obvesly clear though? She is a cold harded tactision who cares about nothing but victorie at all cost and is a compleet egnima for everyone around her including us. We shouldn't be seeying her as a human bieng but as the imbodiment of missery. I personaly think they shouldn't have given her a name they should have made that a mystery too, and just have called her lady missery. The one thing I don't get how diden't the sultana not see this coming? Although what if she saw this coming and let it happen? Same reason why lady missery burned down the libary was that cause she needed this new enemy to come after her? There are sow many mysterie's serounding this story, but maby that's intentional though. 🤔 Wait hear me out! The sultana her people rarly encounterd conflict and probably would have become weak over time. Sultana saw that she couldn't keep her people safe forever and knew about lady missery. She opend the travel routes and spread the rumers knowing what would happen sow her people would face a devestating defeat and were finnely given a reason to fight. They would train to become better warriors and when the time was there they would travel to heatmore to join or infiltrer horkos for making them see the Error in there ways or to take revenge. Long story short what if our new hero skin was the puppet of the story all along and the sultana was the true badguy that pulled all the strings. What if this is wat ubisoft intends to let happen next? That would be such a intressting twist!!! 😱
@MeisterSchwabbo Жыл бұрын
Interesting idea, and the armor has the fire effect on it cuz she burned down the city yk?
@joeyvanhaperen7715 Жыл бұрын
@@MeisterSchwabbo yeh but how is it still smoldering though?
@MeisterSchwabbo Жыл бұрын
@@joeyvanhaperen7715 because every skin has some kind of special effect on them, it is a design choice nothing more, it is smoldering because ravier set Arabia on flames, it is just an effect to make the skin look better and more special, nothing deep behind it dude.
@LegatusLucius1994 Жыл бұрын
Are we going to get a Persian immortal LOL
@Sciencetiest Жыл бұрын
This game for honor is a online game or offline?
@RavenKnightYT Жыл бұрын
It’s online
@blithefiendequality2440 Жыл бұрын
Where can I find that sermon ?
@RavenKnightYT Жыл бұрын
@dyspathyacrimonious2516 Жыл бұрын
Since the orb can predict the future, maybe this future is the lesser of two evils. Ravier is a murderous thug and her few guards were more than a match for the resistance they meet, sure the Sultana dies but when the not desert empire gets involved they stand a better chance to join the good guys as it is, because with a new influx of soldiers chimera should easily win. The glorious battle Ravier saw was the end of war not a new age of bloodshed.
@theholynut8598 Жыл бұрын
You reckon there's any black priors in chimera?
@RavenKnightYT Жыл бұрын
It would make sense if we assume they all think as individuals.
@SHINIGAMI6774 Жыл бұрын
if anything gladiators would not be in chimera since they love fighting so much
@LegatusLucius1994 Жыл бұрын
How is it possible we got their army was nothing but minions LOL
@wou-ud3dm 8 ай бұрын
Griffith the leper king
@richardtodd4009 Жыл бұрын
Those are all really good points. I don’t like her because of all the symbolism that she has. I mean, c’mon Ubi. You have enough of this symbolism. You have some of the customization resemble an upside down crucifix even on characters like Warden and Lawbringer. You let us smash shields with metal crosses on them in Breach. She’s just sitting on a mound of cringy cultic goth and anti-Christian imagery, almost like she’s the dark red cherry on top. Another is that they skipped Wu Lin for skins. Now to me, that’s not too much of a loss because the Wu Lin already have nice things. I feel bad for people who were hoping for that though, even if I don’t play as any Wu Lin as of current. But then they up and skip the rest of the knights so that they don’t have to wait for Black Prior. I mean, what could we have gotten for Peacekeeper or Conq? But let’s be honest, given what I just mentioned regarding the dev’s particular tastes, are they gonna really gonna put warrior nun and roadside mercenary Templar before their sadistic wench in not-so shining armor? No. So now we have to wait for the whole pendulum to swing back because of a character that doesn’t even go against the mold either in character or design. I mean, I could expect nerds cheering about bringing a white prior all spiffied up and cleanly clad, dues vult jokes aside.
@Masked_One_1316 Жыл бұрын
4:32 yeah if you're gonna do something like that best to go all in.
@SHINIGAMI6774 Жыл бұрын
i thought her story writing was cringe
@Rickmeme 7 ай бұрын
My name is actually Ravier
@SuperPRguru Жыл бұрын
If she's from Arabia then it could be that a faction or possibly a hero that exist there. Also the Islamic world had produced warrior cultures from the mamluks, janasaries, and also expansionist empires. Given there island and wealth they should know what going on in the world and not just be complacent.
@Derilan01 Жыл бұрын
i'm calling it, ashashin hero inbound at least if they're clever and dont make arabia be just this...wakanda tier island of peace,prosperity and niceness
@raiderking7310 Жыл бұрын
They shud hav given tiandi a skin
@yagurainuzuka Жыл бұрын
Didn't you Raven say in the story video that Ravier knew how to manipulate the Sultana which if she does sounds weird as you pointed out Ravier is all about war. Technically speaking even if she knew how to manipulate her. My question would be how would she do that without implying her true nature of Horkos.
@lordthunder1357 Жыл бұрын
Instead of naming her ravier I just call her comader Scarlett I sound way cooler! Also the thing with black prior being egdey that's literally his thing you can't take BP thing!
@popcultureenthusiast5587 Жыл бұрын
Because black prior is always constantly edgy and/or wants war, I hoped for a single black prior in the lore, just one, who didn't think that way. Willing to murder and do very harsh things yes but not for sake of edge and murder, or go all the way and make a heroic black prior, their moveset would be perfect to be used to protect and be guardians
@sirvilhelm3569 Жыл бұрын
I love her, even if some may think her as edgy
@JohhnyPukeCat 3 ай бұрын
its pronounced "DAHKNESS"
@DISMOUNTEDbrokenLance 27 күн бұрын
lol i need to buy this im a very big edgelord in for honor 😂😂 i need ravier oh! And ravier looks so good but does not have a very good story
@grandforge8009 Жыл бұрын
Raven knight kek or cringe
@ragnarphillips1957 Жыл бұрын
Dark Souls 3 not Elden ring why Dark Souls 3 because when you use that Amber you look like her with Embers coming off of her
@raiderking7310 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion everything horkos related is bad
@raul88.88 Жыл бұрын
Interesting seeing people wondering why they put christian associated details to a christians, just as any other religious groups, can't be villains or do bad things 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🙄
@RavenKnightYT Жыл бұрын
That’s not the issue. The issue is: 1.) The devs said for years that there are no Christians in this game and the knights are not Christian, only now to throw in a bunch of Christian imagery on a villainous new character without any context as to the faith itself but only on her actions. 2.) They deliberately skipped Tiandi to do this, meaning they were banking on the “big bad crusaders” stereotype peddled by popular media. 3.) They paint a bad picture of Christians and Muslims by making the Christians look like oppressors and the Muslims like meek victims when neither are historically accurate. I never once said Christians can’t do bad things. I just think it’s interesting that we never get an inverse represented in the game either. But I’m sure this means their Islamic hero they reveal will be just as villainous? Or will she be the objective hero in this tale?
@raul88.88 Жыл бұрын
@@RavenKnightYT they did not make Knights christian 'cause game companies tend to stay away from directly mentioning any popular religios or a system of believes which is still active (even more if the system is not one predominant in the company's country). Also, I don't see why it must be historically accurate in a game of historical FANTASY. I'm not talking about dragons or magic artefacts and stuff, I'm talking about the realistic fiction of the game. Vikings never met samurais which did not have a war with european knights. I don't see a problem showing a crusader-like character doing bad things or a muslim one doing good ones, or viceversa. It's clear that we need a hero and villain to every new content, usally, they make the new heroes the good guy, ex: Medjay - and the bad one - Bolthorn...that doesn't mean that norse people should feel attacked 'cause their heritage is portrayed as bad (not even their heritage, just one man from many).
@RavenKnightYT Жыл бұрын
@@raul88.88 You are dodging the point, my friend. So let me try asking some simple questions: 1.) If history does not matter and all we need are good guys and bad guys, why didn’t the developers give us a Tiandi hero skin to do all the same things Ravier did? What was the reason? 2.) You’re right, Bolthorn is just one Viking from many, so Norse people don’t need to feel offended since there are countless other Norse Vikings in For Honor. But what about Christians? As I just said, Ravier is the only obvious one we’ve seen. So why is the only one a villain? Who else is there to compare her to? 3.) You say that this game isn’t historically accurate. That’s correct. But in your first comment, you said “why are we shocked Christian’s did bad things.” Clearly you are referring to HISTORICAL instances where Christian’s did bad things. So which is it? Does historical context matter or not? Do you see now why this frustrates some people?
@raul88.88 Жыл бұрын
@@RavenKnightYT 1) Again, it is not fiction, it is HISTORICAL FICTION. Therefore, you have some historical elements, yet not in the full real context. You had the crusaders fighting the muslims, so you have that minimum context transported into knights vs the new hero. You don't need to have a Baldwin, or a pope, or a Saladini, or any real battle. They just mirror the events, but can give any turns and any twists, and I don't see the problem with that (as long as they don't come out to call that official history) 3) I am refering to the real people in this comment section. Not talking about the game having bad/good representation of certain group of people, being them chinese, mayan, christian, persian etc, but of some persons going "why they compared my religious symbols with something bad, we are not bad"... they may not be, but that doesn't make it impossible from other people from their kin to be bad.
@RavenKnightYT Жыл бұрын
@@raul88.88A fair answer to the first question, I suppose. Motives don’t matter as long as the conflict is intact. I heavily disagree, but I’m not going to debate that further. No answer to the second. Okay. As for the third, no one is saying it’s impossible for Christian’s to be portrayed as bad. But when the first and ONLY Christian so far is portrays as bad, this is quite sus. Many of us wanted to see direct Christian representation and connection in game since the knights historically were Christian. The devs said “no they are not Christian.” So we accepted that. NOW we have our Christian iconography, and it’s made to be villainous. That is surely going to shock people who wanted to see our faith shown objectively and fairly.
@nicksamut466 7 ай бұрын
I think the fact that she wears a crown of thorns is blasphemous.
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