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6 жыл бұрын

This is my rant for hatred toward the latest novel Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis. The Vampire Chronicles are continuing whether we like it or not, so get with the program! Any Questions? Leave a comment, like, subscribe!

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@Argonova 6 жыл бұрын
I'm one of those people who took issue with Realms of Atlantis. Anne changed the entire mythological paradigm for her vampires. They used to be supernatural and mysterious, now they are scientific and quantifiable. She has utterly divorced the modern books from their roots, and diminished the sense of pathos and mystery that made the original books so good. She effectively introduced midichlorians. My favorite character in the early novels was Claudia, both for who she was and what she represented. A character like that simply can't exist in Anne's modern works. All of the vampires have become loving, forgiving, enlightened beings who just want to play nice with everyone. Most of them are unrecognizable and none of them would ever create a child vampire. The taboo-sexual undertones of the early novels are entirely absent. The vampires who were once sexy in a very forbidden way have become an idealized, soy-based fantasy of what they once were. Anne's books lost their dark edge sometime after Tale of the Body Thief. Some of her later works have their moments, but none of them approach the levels of sexy, hopeless, forbidden, alluring power-fantasy of blood, death and sex that were her first four creations. Immortality in her early novels is an entirely different proposition than it is in her later ones. I understand your desire to play apologist and its fine that you liked the book. My only problem with it is the way that it retroactively changes so many things about that universe for the worse. Roshamandes is no Claudia. The vampires have lost their fangs. They are no longer tragic monsters are now more like superheros who are 'cursed with awesome'.
@SoWeirdBoy 6 жыл бұрын
Argonova I feel you, the novels have lost a lot of their gothic, gloomy undertones. The latest novel wasn't as alluring nor sexual. Though I do enjoy it. With it being so late in the series and Anne being up in age, I honestly feel that its fitting because these books are not going to be written forever. I don't rest with the idea that books 1-4 were the best. My favorites are Merrick and Blackwood Farm. I adored Blood & Gold and Blood Canticle. Pandora is a very passionate, brooding, and sexy novel. Claudia was featured in one novel and only appears as a mention a memory or a ghost in the later novels. She is one of my favorite characters by far for sure. What a tortured soul! But I feel that my enjoyment from Prince Lestat and the following Realms comes from all of the previous novels in hindsight. The series is reaching it's close with three more novels to come. Blood Communion: A Tale of Prince Lestat will focus on Lestat's struggle with his great-great-grandfather maker Rhoshamandes, and I can't wait. These characters deserve to grow away from their cadaverous existence. All of the previous books have a lingering angst and a yearning that the Vampires want to understand where they come from and why they are here, immortal. Doesn't everything have a scientific explanation? Even demons, ghosts, angels? They were created or came from "somewhere". Nothing besides God is and always was. I needed this cusp of understanding, which Anne has stated that we still don't know the full story as of yet. Was Amel just an early Replimoid turned invincible spirit? Existing in the ether until he realized he could fuse together with droplets of blood and create a web between beings? Was Lasher a similar being? Is Memnoch? The Vampires have not lost their fangs in my opinion, they are owning them and Anne is allowing her 40 year fans a glimpse into what that just might mean. It's like first learning about the anatomy of a cell, you learn of a nucleus and all its various make up. Once you know that a cell exists and how it works, you have to later realize that it has a job to do and it has to work with other cells in order to keep a body functioning. There is always more to learn. We mature from children, to teenagers, and then into adults. Does it not make perfect sense that an Ancient creature after learning and experiencing so much about life and their origins; would become more intriguingly intelligent and morally adept in their behaviour and interactions in their relationships? I'm not at all apologetic here, I feel. I am able to grasp the growth and not linger in the emotional "goth" mindset most fans are trying to keep these characters within. That was a phase. Claudia was a mistake, plain and clear. "It is forbidden to make one so young". And for good reason, she was so angry and bitter with her existence because she couldn't mature physically though her wits were 65-years-old at her death. An old woman in a 5-year-olds body, deeply touching and sad, but she is just one character in a web of beings. Like Baby Jenks, she existed, and her story is told...
@dominiquedevereux7205 Жыл бұрын
Well, the supernatural/spirituality IS just science we have yet to understand. The only thing that makes topics or people creepy or "woo woo " to us is that we don't understand the mechanics of it. People in olden times thought the Black Plague & other diseases 🦠 were the result of supernatural curses 🧙🏻🔮 because they didn't know about bacteria & viruses & how disease was transmitted. Now we look at them as being silly for being superstitious when they were just ignorant of how things worked. Same thing with these novels. They started out shrouded in mystery because very few of the vampires knew how Akasha became one. So of course, the only explanation they had was a supernatural 1. But in this book with Kepetria explaining that Amel was a person BEFORE he became a spirit & the nature of his life before his death, it made (for the vampires) their origins simple & plain. And that's what knowledge is SUPPOSED 2 do. As the Bible says: "NOW we see through a glass darkly . . ." Personally, I 'd rather know the truth than forever live ignorant in a mystery.
@tvaddict6623 Жыл бұрын
This is an amazing commentary- and thank you for all the information on the comic series!!!! I just found a couple of them!
@SoWeirdBoy Жыл бұрын
The pleasure's all mine! I'm glad you dug my bottled up angst pouring all over the fanbase, lol. Much love! #RIPANNERICE
@Aleakwe Жыл бұрын
thank you Jimmie for constructive insights & reminders. bit tearful just found out Ann Rice passed.. Having tough times but her immense works remain in me since my teens. Yesterday, discovered AMC and brilliant team inc Jacob Anderson, Same Reid. RIP. i agree. she is a "Genius"
@SoWeirdBoy Жыл бұрын
I have so many thoughts! Ive recorded like 4 videos with audio discussing her passing. One I was crying so much I could barely even speak! So heartbreaking because she too is my favourite author ever. I have every book she's ever written! One day I will post my thoughts about the new show and her passing! Stay strong friend! Thank you for your kind feedback! #RIPAnneRice 😭🙌🏽
@DougerSR 7 ай бұрын
I’m a weirdo. I loved the book. Just finished it this evening. It’s been a trippy journey.
@DougerSR 11 ай бұрын
Agreed. My point as well. Thanks for this.
@Carl0able 5 жыл бұрын
This novel really went bad for me when I read about "the parents"...... they were bird like and covered with feathers.
@treystephens4490 5 жыл бұрын
So it's almost equivalent to The Last Jedi (2017)
@M__1740 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for saying Lestat correctly 🙏🏻🖤
@Keth417 5 жыл бұрын
Guilty of Heresy here Jimmie...sorry. I get what you're saying about evolution and that no one remains the same over the years, or centuries...except Marius perhaps. I don't think the fans real issues are with Lestat, but perhaps more so with the storylines, and the frequency of the books? Who can blame Anne bringing out as many novels centered around Lestat....but the timezone in which the stories are happening (one after another almost yearly now) + the actual stories are perhaps the issue here. Evolution works both ways for everything... it's not always about going forward and improving, and sometimes depending on exterior forces, in this case the frequency of the books and the storylines - (that which Anne is creating around Lestat) could be seen as a negative evolution, especially when one considers the absolute and visceral hypnotic mystery, poetry and romance of the first three novels. Yes...I'm not only a Heretic, but a puritan. Perhaps I should align myself with the early Armand and make my bed under Les Innocents? In essence, and in relation to you saying 'perhaps we'd appreciate 'Atlantis' if we've read all Chronicles novels (Ive read most)....but perhaps the opposite is true? Maybe we're too in love with Lestat, and have a fear of him becoming cheapened, losing his romance, rebelliousness that we who know the original Lestat remember most. Perhaps those who come to Lestat/Atlantis directly will enjoy this book if they have almost Zero perspective? For the record...honestly.... Prince Lestat and Atlantis... could have been better, I think - also Body Thief and Memnoch. Blood & Gold, Armand, Pandora... incredible. Very lastly.... it's been said the BBC are thinking taking the Sci-Fi out of Doctor who. Is there a risk Lestat has been 'Defanged'?
@vacaspen5038 4 жыл бұрын
Any sane person would blame her. If it's to the point where it looks like she's using the same names and making entirely different characters and she should quit. And you should never ever make any character out to be like some mini God, then they better have their facts straight about everyone else. People are going to think it's okay to hate who that character hates and so forth. Part of the reason why Queen of the Damned was a failure, is her obsession with Lestat. There are two storylines in book 3. The Hollywood producers actually followed her model. They had practically every character she has ever written, and had no intent of giving them any more than five minutes of screen presence or dialogue. Akasha was a prop, the point of book three is her story. And her King consort did not even require an actor to play him.
@SoWeirdBoy 4 жыл бұрын
@@vacaspen5038 I have no idea what you are trying to specify? Your own personal prefrences as dogma or the fact that Hollywood has dropped the ball on Anne and Aaliyah's rushed swan song curtain call? The producers directly ignored Anne and took their own direction with that material. They shit on that work at no fault of Anne's. Anne Rice's character is no demi God at all... as we now know, it was a human spirit and alien created luracastric mysteries which initiated The Dark Gifts seemingly magical ability to turn The Dark Trick. To each there own.
@aspenivy3268 5 жыл бұрын
Capitalising on old success
@SoWeirdBoy 4 жыл бұрын
why not? It's hers for capitalization.
@dominiquedevereux7205 Жыл бұрын
I LOVED this book too!! But then again, I've always usually liked what most others don't & vice versa 🤷🏾‍♂️. I'm sad we won't get any follow up due to her passing. But nothing lasts forever 😑. My only criticism is that she still didn't explain why Amel's spirit caused the lust for blood🩸in his hosts 🧛🏽‍♂️🧛‍♀️, as he wasn't into consuming it in life. Nor did she explain why the daylight affected vampires 🧛‍♀️ as Amel was not sensitive to light ☀️ while he was alive 🤔. I DO understand now why the vampires turn increasingly white over time due to their biology being fused with the luracastria & because I guess Amel was burned up in a blob of the melted substance when he died as an "immortal mortal in Atalantaya & that's what killed him. So I'm guessing the level of trauma that imbued upon his psyche at the moment of his death caused the luracastria's properties to fuse with his "spiritual DNA 🧬," & consequently manifest physically into those he infected 🤷🏾‍♂️? And I'm guessing cuz Amel was a human who's DNA was enhanced by "The Parents" giving him exceptional intelligence, that maybe that's why vampires were more perceptive than humans & used parts of their brain most humans didn't which allowed them to develop the powers of telekinesis 🙇🏾‍♂️, pyrokinesis 🔥, & flight 🧚‍♂️, super-strength 💪🏾, & superseded 🏃🏽‍♂️💨 over time, although Amel personally didn't possess those qualities while he was in human form?? Other than her not explaining those things, I 💗 the backstory! I think me having prior knowledge of the "fringe-y" subject matter mentioned above is what allowed me not to be shocked⚡ 😳 into disbelief & disappointment when she brought "The Parents 🦜" into the storyline. As I also mentioned above, people throughout history from antiquity & STILL TO THIS 👇🏾 DAY report seeing animal- looking humanoids from The Dogman (werewolves 🐺), aquatic beings like the 🐟-man from that movie 🎬 "The Shape of Water 💧 " . . . people have reported encountering feline 🐱- looking humanoids & praying 🙏🏻 mantis 🐜 looking beings. And I have heard of people in the paranormal community like mention meeting avian-bird-like 🦜 humanoids. So what an was introducing in this book was hardly far-fetched. In the general context anyway. It was only foreign to her fans who's paranormal diet 🍽🍷 subsisted solely of 🧛🏽‍♂️. And the occasional witch 🧙🏻‍♂️. Anne even delved into werewolves in one book. Or so I've read in an article. So it's funny to me how it would seem so left-field for her to bring extraterrestrials 👽👾 into the equation. I mean she's discussed blood-sucking, undead (well, they're actually NOT dead 🧟‍♀️ as is confirmed & I always suspected in this book by Louis' discovery of the 'Silver Cord' phenomenon) former humans for over 10 books 📚, YET her fans draw the "Line of Absurdity" 😤🤚🏾 at avian 🦜 extraterrestrials 😒?? That's like Christians who believe in the Devil 😈 --- a male human from the waist-up being with the body of a goat 🐐 from the waist down & goat's horns on his head --- but when you tell them an invisible (AND sometimes visible) non-physical entity 👹 called an incubus/succubus is visiting you at night, striking you paralysis while you are wide awake 😬, and mole$t'ing you (which I HAVE experienced)--- well, now THAT'S just ridiculous 🙄🤨!! My question to her readers is why can't all these beings co-exist? I mean, most people nowadays believe there is life on other planets 🪐 or in other dimensions besides are own. We have our own "Realm of Worlds 🌌," to borrow Anne's phrase from "Realms of Atlantis 🧜." So why shouldn't all the different beings in this book or any book exist in their own "Realm of Worlds 🪐🌌 🌏🌠?? Is there a limit to the # of supernatural beings that can exist within the same cosmology --- fictional or otherwise?? But in my opinion, the MOST IMPORTANT ☝🏾point you made is that we the audience cannot expect Anne --- or any other author for THAT matter --- to change as a person in real life & not expect her characters to change as well. I'm a writer myself (though I haven't written any books or long-standing characters over a span of decades) & I didn't even think of that perspective 😶!! Just as it would be boring to interact with the same person in real life for years & years & witness that person NEVER evolve, it's the same with fictional characters. Especially characters that we've come to love ❤ over time to the point where we experience their "souls" to be just as real as our own, as if they were flesh & blood. I was elated to see Louis 👦🏻 finally stop hating himself & stop fighting his love ❤ for Lestat & just give into it. It warmed my heart to see Lestat 👱🏼 finally open up & make himself open & vulnerable to Louis & stop putting on this "I'm too manly to show my soft-side" machismo, as well him finally "putting down roots 🌳" & taking his place as the leader he was always meant to be, instead of always having a "Plan B & C" in the background, like having yet ANOTHER chateau 🏘 hidden somewhere for him to run off to, or him hibernating for a decade or so in the Earth when life above ground got too tough. He didn't lose his impetuousenes & hot-headedness his fans have grown to live him for so-2-speak ---- he just learned not to rely on & resort to them so much now that he's come into his destiny. Yes. Characters MUST evolve as do there creators, lest we forget 🧠☝🏾 --- a writer's characters are only extensions of the writers him/herself. Even if the character is so far-removed from the author's personality in real life or too heinous/ too weak or too embarrassing in some other way for the author to claim as part of themselves, muchless admit as much to the public. Even those characters are a fragment of the writer's personality, & most often an aspect of the writer's so far removed from their dominant personality that the writer themselves isn't totally unaware or only faintly aware of his kinship with the character. Sometimes those characters' existence is the only way the writer can bear to let that part of themselves have movement & "breathe 🌬."
@Thedrysurrealbloke Жыл бұрын
I loved price lastat but the aliens were a bit much in the next one. Still enjoyed it though.
@empathyminecraft 4 жыл бұрын
That shirt is epic. Own those spiders (from an arachnophobe, lol)! Nice video. I am down with your brand of loyalty.
@VirtuaFighterRPG 4 жыл бұрын
Great video. You hit home on all the important points. Can you please make a new video about these books? Thanks
@SoWeirdBoy 4 жыл бұрын
I have been mulling around some ideas. Thank you for your beautiful words!
@VirtuaFighterRPG 4 жыл бұрын
@@SoWeirdBoy I see. And you know, any thoughts on this or other vampire lore would work. I noticed you mentioned some of the japanese mangas. I am a fan of japanese artwork.
@vacaspen5038 4 жыл бұрын
n a h
@TheLightofAniu 5 жыл бұрын
I personally didn’t like Realms of Atlantis, but for the fact of it was one of those books that just falls short. In a long running series there will always be books in it that fall short and will never be favourites. I didn’t like Realms same as I didn’t enjoy Memnoch, but that’s okay. I want read Blood Communion and see what it’s like.
@TerryFedora 5 жыл бұрын
While I personally have some issues with Realms...I do really like all of the books in and of themselves AND I do highly respect you pointing out that Lestat is a different person, Anne is a different person, and I like that. In general, I really liked this video.
@astrayscot 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so grateful for this, even if I am two years late. I'm currently reading and listening to the audiobook of Realms, with Blood Communion to go and I love it. It was really disconcerting to hear that it wasn't well received, but I have total faith in Anne and her characters. I personally love that she's delved so deep into the science of the vampires, it's what has helped reignite my own passion for the novels and the stories. So excited for the Hulu series to come out!
@SoWeirdBoy 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your very thoughtful comment! I wanted to let you know that unfortunately, we've received news that the show is no longer with HULU. Follow my Anne Rice themed Instagram account for more info: @AnneRiceUniverse.
@vacaspen5038 4 жыл бұрын
Answer right. Then she's trying to go back and claim old success and doing exactly what she accused me of the damn doing. Using her same names to invent new characters
@SoWeirdBoy 4 жыл бұрын
How is a character to ever grow if you cannot invent new ideas for them, how are they ever to be molded and vindicated change if they are not allowed to experience a multitude of different situations? I think this is where we get marketing, franchising, and actual storytelling (and in rare cases like this... 40 years worth of source material based on one fictional Universe), and truly how to navigate the life and sustainability of such an entity in a market like today. This property is going to stand the test of time, and one day I truly believe that these volumes will be regarded collectively and even higher than they already are.
@SoWeirdBoy 4 жыл бұрын
The success is hers to claim and do the capitalizing on. Who can argue with that?
@leeleeturn 5 жыл бұрын
I agree with you. In fact I enjoyed all of her Prince Lestat novels, almost as much as I did The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned. In fact there's hardly a novel by her that I haven't enjoyed thoroughly except maybe Memnoch the Devil, and that only because of the grotesque menses eating part (the rest of the book was amazing). And now that I've read all of her vampire books, I'm dying for the next one! What do I do now? I guess I could go back to my beloved science fiction but I'm so caught up in Anne Rice's vampire world that I just want another one! Lacking that, I'll probably read her witch series next.
@SoWeirdBoy 5 жыл бұрын
You havent read the three witch books!!!😲 a new world will open up before your eyes and it expands the Vampire Universe! Ie, The Talamasca, Merrick.... get on that shit! Thanks for the lov3!
@leeleeturn 5 жыл бұрын
@@SoWeirdBoy I'm all over it! 😄
@leeleeturn 5 жыл бұрын
Okay I'm done with the witch series. This woman is an effing genius.
@Yung_Bloom 3 жыл бұрын
You should upload more. I love your content
@Diego-Designs 3 жыл бұрын
I'm impressed with your research. I didn't like Prince Lestat that much but you made me like it more by helping me understand the character more. Thanks!
@FransHattingh 3 жыл бұрын
I cannot accurately convey how refreshing it is to hear another passionate fan (such as myself) defending _Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis_ . Thank you. I agree with every single one of your points. 👏👏👏 Oh, and it's thrilling to know that you're a fellow Spice fan as well. 😁
@astroboy3720 2 жыл бұрын
I've read all the series but when it came to Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis, it was so amazing that I overloved it, it's a masterpiece for me. Hope she writes more about Amel, Memnoch, Replimoids and about those aliens that feeds from evil energy.
@darthcervantes 4 жыл бұрын
Nice video even though I loved realms of atlantis. I thought it was a good story to come up with to explain why Amel was different than other spirits....and the fact that he was modified with alien DNA makes it make sense. I get people like the mysterious part but as for me, I like explanations, and this book definitely explained it. I mean before this book it was "OK there's tons of spirits, but this ONE spirit makes vampires, and you just have to accept it". I prefer the explanation in this book much better. To each his/her own I suppose, can't make everyone happy.
@dominiquedevereux7205 Жыл бұрын
Yes ❤!! I love explanations too ❤👍🏾
@seanbrown3721 4 жыл бұрын
I respect what you said..good dude.
@Neb30925 5 жыл бұрын
A badly written novel is a badly written novel. Who are these facelessly posh characters such as Sevraine, Zenobia, Avicus, Seth, Cyril, Thorne, Gregory, Notker, Everard, etc, etc? Couldn’t give a damn about any of them. Blood Communion is annoying and irritatingly boring. Done with Anne Rice.
@Keth417 5 жыл бұрын
Thorne was featured in 'Blood and Gold: The story of Marius' - Great book - a tour de force trip through the latter history of classical Rome and the Renaissance. Zenobia, Avicus and Seth ring a bell, but can't place them. Prob B&G again. The rest... hmmm....
@Neb30925 5 жыл бұрын
@@Keth417 Yeah, I agree. I remember enjoying reading Blood and Gold. But the number of faceless and posh vampire characters---Mary Sues and Jack Sues---has exploded in recent novels of the chronicle. They irritated me so much that I ended up rooting for Roshammandes.
@tiffanyblue6894 4 жыл бұрын
I havent read these books but I agree with you the author and characters have had years of change. I did see the movie of Queen Of The Damned and Interview With The Vampire.
@treystephens4490 5 жыл бұрын
Just like Trent Reznor he grew up.
@vacaspen5038 4 жыл бұрын
You can't wear the same clothes and you can't make the same points. So she should stop oh, that is not natural character development only self bastardization
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