Bionicle Lore Explained: The Red Star

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Welcome to another episode of Bionicle Lore Explained! This time we're covering the enigma we know only as The Red Star. In this video, we'll be trying to uncover some of the mystery surrounding this part of the Bionicle Universe, and hopefully, learn more about what the Red Star truly is. I hope you enjoy it!
If there's anything you want me to cover next let me know in the comments section of the video. Who knows? Maybe your idea will appear in a future episode!
All information comes from BioSector01 the most accurate Bionicle Wiki on the internet.
MNOG - The Telescope
Bionicle Heroes - Matoran Enclave (Night)
MNOG - The Meeting
MNOG - The End
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@countlazuli8753 3 жыл бұрын
You have to admit. There is something eerie about the red star being a place of both afterlife and rebirth. That eeriness becomes horror when you consider what has been happening aboard the star in later times.
@owengow7703 3 жыл бұрын
What happens aboard the star in later times?
@countlazuli8753 3 жыл бұрын
@@owengow7703 At some point the red star lost the ability to send back the subjects rebuilt within, and the star became overcrowded. The beings who worked aboard the red star, the Kestora, eventually began using their equipment to violently dissect some of their subjects. There are also unknown beasts wandering the halls of the star. Due to the discontinuation of the story serial (the powers that be), we will never know the full story of what happened aboard.
@owengow7703 3 жыл бұрын
@@countlazuli8753 Now hear me out. What about a Bionicle souls-like game set on the red star? Now that sounds like a masterpiece in the making. Boss fights with big ass deformed beings. Be like bloodborne but it's protodermis-borne
@countlazuli8753 3 жыл бұрын
@@owengow7703 I would be all in, brother!
@vulpescorvum7602 3 жыл бұрын
@@owengow7703 oh shot that soumds awesomeeeeeeeee
@chrisshorten4406 Жыл бұрын
Can you imagine how awful it would be to be trapped on a satellite fully conscious for thousands of years?
@TheHeartlessHero 2 жыл бұрын
"It was supposed to be heaven... but it was our Hell" - Ramblings of a crazed Matorin
@jameswalker199 3 жыл бұрын
I personally like the idea of the Red Star specifically being a *broken* reincarnation device. Put yourself in the matoran's shoes and ask how you'd feel about death if you used to be nearly immortal and suddenly stopped with no apparent cause; death would become a very powerful fear for you.
@Luka1180 4 жыл бұрын
Although it wasn't in any official story, I wish you had talked about Greg's future plan to make The Powers That Be a zombies on a satellite story, with the characters up there decaying or rotting because of the malfunctioned teleporter. It was *never* his plan to bring them back in that comic book kind of way. He wanted them to only exist for a while, but quickly decay vanish completely in the serial. He's said so on podcast interview this year and I believe on the LMBs too. Another thing he talked about was whether the beings would even still have spirits, and if so, would they be the same? Lots of people don't seem to know these details, and I wish you'd spoken of them because people often crap all over the reveal not knowing this. Also, now that the MU is no more the resurrection tech doesn't work anymore. It only works on beings inside the MU, which is, like I said, disambled. I don't even think the teleporter works anymore. I would have loved to see a philosophical and horrific zombie story on the Red Star. Like Deadspace meets SOMA meets BIONICLE. Greg's rationale for why the Star's teleportation tech malfunctioned was that the Red Star was built like most things by the Great Beings in a rush. They were on a big time crunch due to the imminent Shattering.
@Pilot_of_Solace 4 жыл бұрын
While researching for this video I did come across the info that Greg intended it to become a Zombies in Space type of thing. Main reason I didn’t cover it was that the plans Greg had for the story technically aren’t parts of the lore due to the serial never getting finished. While the concept was really cool, having previously dead characters (such as a Lhikan) being revived as zombies just didn’t sit right with me, which is why I’m not a fan.
@Luka1180 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pilot_of_Solace It wish he would come back and finish the story so it could be canon… And. I think it sits right. It makes the death final and isn’t disrespectful in my opinion, honestly. Because it wouldn’t be Lhikan, I think. He’d still be dead, “resting” in peace, I think. I want to make a BIONICLE Deadspace + SOMA game honestly.
@kagachi3779 2 жыл бұрын
Narratively, I don't like the idea of reviving characters, cuz as you said, it trivializes their deaths. But in the case of Bionicle, where the residents of the Matoran universe exist to maintain the great spirit robot, it makes sense to revive, or more accurately, recycle fallen workers, so as not to fall short on manpower.
@Spaijit 3 жыл бұрын
Personally in my own head canon the red star is the heart gem of the Mata Nui Robot, the ultimate powerhouse, and within the Red Star were the remaining members of the order of Mata Nui, basically watching and running the thing. It also would be one of the things that kept Mata Nui alive during his slumber, like a machine watching and tending to him as he lied in comatose. As for the dead, their conscience is uploaded or preserved on the Red Star’s matrix, where they are sent to rest, resurrection is possible but it has its limits, if they were to return, it can only be for so long, it’s one of the laws of it, ‘you die, you can’t go back, and if you do go back you can’t stay.’
@jacob5395 Жыл бұрын
The more I look into this Universe the more I wish that I had picked up the books as a kid. For a long time I had no idea of the wider story that surrounded this franchise.
@emenefer 3 жыл бұрын
I think considering the original function of the robot and its inhabitants, it makes sense for the Red Star to exist. However it is a shame that the Glatorian and Agori don't have the same luxury as everyone from the Matoran Universe.
@MegaSharkRudra 3 жыл бұрын
I dunno, I kinda like the idea of the Red Star being a sort of "accidental heaven" without the writer actually calling it "heaven"
@emenefer 3 жыл бұрын
I actually really like that interpretation. I suppose it is an afterlife made by accident, except it literally, physically exists and can be repaired.
@syweb2 Жыл бұрын
Judging from what little we know about the events after the teleporter breakdown, it's probably closer to Hell.
@nothinghere8434 3 жыл бұрын
In my opinion the red star is fine. MU inhabitants don't procreate, so you need something to slow down the "nanotech" of Mata Nui breaking down. The issue is of course with writing and meaningful deaths. But on one hand the writers got around that almost immediatly by disabling the teleporters, on the other hand it makes power struggles more interesting, since killing is virtually useless, forcing you to persuade or mentally break opponents. Deaths are almost meaningless in most fiction anyway. While it does take tension, I feel like Bionicle is at least honest and admits that they could plot revive anyone if they want to. I thought later Bionicle orients itself on Superhero Comics which tend to treat death principly like Dragonball from what I've heard.
@huemus 3 жыл бұрын
It was stupid make the red star a revive machine. I prefer see it like a reincarnation machine. It taken the energy of a death being and passed it to a new born.
@barraki1242 4 жыл бұрын
death is death else its meaningles
@mlemrapproductions1728 9 ай бұрын
those pixels.... it looks so fucking eerie i never forgot it
@ultimafire2001 2 жыл бұрын
Well for one, at this point I don't think it's possible to retrieve it due to it being high above orbit for who knows how long. Second I think that the Mask of Light should be the true way to revive someone, but as a last resort, from the movie it was shown to drain a lot of energy from Takanuva
@windwirler 3 жыл бұрын
Man count me a loyal subscriber. Very thorough, very well explained. Only thing is you left out the red star being said to only revive characters within the Matoran Universe as well as only if any pieces remain of the being. That said any other characters on Spherus Magna could still die forever.
@rogerizzer7837 Жыл бұрын
I think it makes sense that the red star can revive beings, it's useful since Matorans can't reproduce and it'd be good to be able to maintain their population at the same amount as they were originally created. So instead of making new Matorans to replace the places of dead ones, dead ones can just come back to life.
@BonkProd 4 жыл бұрын
Great job on the video man! As far as the Red Star goes, I’ve heard ideas that if the lives revived on the Star were almost zombie-like, no longer having their personalities but being “alive” as it were. Lore wise, I personally have always been SUPER interested in the Hagah and how they came to be, what teams each member came from, and what other Hagah teams there were.
@Pilot_of_Solace 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Glad to see you back after so long! Like you said the Hagah are pretty neat, so I might need to make a video on them eventually. That one would also be fun to do since I’m not that well versed on the lore of the Hagah. Thanks for the suggestion!
@BonkProd 4 жыл бұрын
Pilot of Solace not a problem, man!! It’s great to be back 😊
@vulpescorvum7602 3 жыл бұрын
Wait so what if the great beings created the red star after seeing that Karzhani couldnt repair the Matoran properly???
@Primordial_Radiance 4 жыл бұрын
I think they could have done more with the red star. In my opinion they should still have the opportunity to use it to revive dead characters and creatures. The parts that I would change would be the requirements for revival, the option to make improvements, the risk of losing your memory if you get revived and the chance of coming back completely different. I would make the restrictions of being revived a lot more strict. It would be something along the lines of having to be mostly in one piece, not corroded/rotted, not having too many members of your type(population control), not having been overly altered (mutations and experimentation), and needing to be a relatively recent death, and the list would go on. By doing this it limits who could be brought back and couldn't be used to revive characters that really shouldn't be brought back. It would even prevent the toa of twilight from coming back if he died and the toa nuva. I would handle the revival possess by making it a requirement that someone has to send a request that the red star repair the fallen character. From there the inhabitants would make a decision on whether or not that person meets the requirements and if that person should be repaired or replaced. Depending on the condition of the creature or their mind it could result in them "factory resetting" the person. This would make them lose their memory. That risk makes it more of a gamble when trying to use the star. I think they should also have the option to use it to request improvements to themselves or the dead but have mixed results as the decision is made by the inhabitants of the star and they may upgrade you to serve you original purpose better. I think if they did that it could very well have given us a story ark about one of the Makuta trying and maybe even succeeding in taking over the red star. It could have even added a level of finality to deaths as they try to request the red star revive their allies only for it to not work after a week. You could also used it to have the same character come back but effectively be a different character after they've lost their memory. It could also be a tragic moment if the revived character comes back as a monstrosity.
@Luka1180 4 жыл бұрын
Greg never intended to bring back dead characters. He wanted to write a zombie story in which characters bright back on the Red Star were decaying and might not even have a spirit and thus not really be the same beings anymore. That is a zombie story but also a story philosophysing on death, life and identity. His rationale for why it didn't work like it should was that like most things made by the Great Beings, it had been built in a rush and was therefore not working that well.
@wanderingshade8383 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like the Red Star's revival mechanic is weird. They introduced it purely to then say it was broken anyway, so why add it in the first place. I would have said that the Red Star is a sort of probe, still being the engine used by the GSR to escape Sphereus Magna's destruction, but which was then designed to orbit the Matoran Universe or other planets to help Mata Nui gather information, as was his job. I'm not super angry that it's a revival machine, but since the Red Star was made to revive Matoran, Toa, and others, before they were given sentience, I would assume that it doesnt recover memories, simply the physical forms, which would be pretty cool, actually.
@Luka1180 4 жыл бұрын
They didn't do something with it because Greg was forced to stop writing the serials. He wanted to do a zombies on a sattellite story with it, as well as a philosophical story where he would answer the question of whether the spirit got transfered to the bodies on the Star as well as the body, or whether it was still the same spirit and thus the same being you knew before?
@Primordial_Radiance 4 жыл бұрын
Could you go into more detail on the individual matoran and rahi types?
@Pilot_of_Solace 4 жыл бұрын
I could, it’s just that for a Matoran types video there might not be a ton of material for me to work with. As for a Rahi video, that could definitely be a good one. Only problem there could be the sheer amount of them. Thanks for the idea!
@Primordial_Radiance 4 жыл бұрын
@@Pilot_of_Solace the matoran thing is exactly why I was asking. There are a lot of types but from what I can find there really isn't much info on them. And the rahi SO much content and legitimately interesting too.
@Crazipar_Zipar 4 жыл бұрын
@@Primordial_Radiance a video on Rahkshi and bohrok would also be a good idea too.
@Primordial_Radiance 4 жыл бұрын
@@Crazipar_Zipar that would be interesting too. It might give more insight into the av to bohrok lifestyle and the other kinds of rakshii.
@Crazipar_Zipar 4 жыл бұрын
@@Primordial_Radiance all 42 types of them. Even Insect and Rahi control....
@darkseraph2009 Жыл бұрын
Personally, I don't think allowing dead characters to be revived cheapens their deaths. They still believed death meant the end, and chose to fight and die anyway.
@halorat2047 3 жыл бұрын
When he said the proto dermis produced by beings it said “beans”
@vulpescorvum7602 3 жыл бұрын
I have a silly question tho... What happened to the Red start while Makuta took over and after Mata nui restored Spherus magna
@Crazipar_Zipar 4 жыл бұрын
I am not really a fan of the whole it revives everyone thing. I do however like it like being an after life kind of thing. And great work on the video as always!
@theauraone7755 2 жыл бұрын
all bionicle deaths are important. regardless of the red star.
@nathandotson7551 3 жыл бұрын
Can you tell about Protodermis or Antidermis?
@BodiDelgrosse 7 ай бұрын
Deep dive into dragons would be great
@SaintBrokenDay316 3 жыл бұрын
@Ipodcrazy 3 жыл бұрын
Matoro cant be revived, he doesnt fit the criteria because his life force was used to revive Mata Nui
@sostitanic6102 Жыл бұрын
Could you do a lore about Roodaka, Sidorak & the Visorak horde?
@BasementDweller_ 10 ай бұрын
Redstar is cool.
@dragon_ninja_2186 6 ай бұрын
While the rebirth aspect would make the deaths in the series meaningless, like you said the teleport was broken so as far as we know there’s been an overpopulation of revived beings on a limited space there.
@Dragon66898 Жыл бұрын
For it can revive the dead but they become Blank slates
@GravityTrash 2 жыл бұрын
My head canon is that it was never a star It's an eye
@incognibro6669 3 ай бұрын
If Lego reboots G1 they should 100% focus on the red star
@dedalionarts6077 2 жыл бұрын
I have a question. What you showed here is "what is the red star". What I want to ask, is what happen with it at the end? Or more specificly, what happen with it after the great robot re-awakening, and bara magma restoration?
@Pilot_of_Solace 2 жыл бұрын
We don't know much since the Story Serials got cancelled midway through, but there are some details I shed light on. Firstly, after Teridax's defeat the Red Star would begin orbiting Spherus Magna. And secondly, that Kopaka and Pohatu would both wind up on the Red Star, and there would've been some story involving them there.
@cynicalfella 2 жыл бұрын
What does B.R. means?
@Pilot_of_Solace 2 жыл бұрын
Before Reformation
@cynicalfella 2 жыл бұрын
@@Pilot_of_Solace and... what's reformation?😂, Just a book guy on power play
@Pilot_of_Solace 2 жыл бұрын
Reformation as in the Reformation of the planet Spherus Magna. It’s one of the major events in the story, so I chose to use it as a reference point for when everything else happens in the story.
@cynicalfella 2 жыл бұрын
@@Pilot_of_Solace so the reformation, is the event depicted in the last books and comics, after Makuta's death
@Pilot_of_Solace 2 жыл бұрын
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