BRITAIN IS A DUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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@adhaniswara Ай бұрын
In Hindsight getting sent to Australia for stealing a loaf of bread was not really a punishment.
@qasimmir7117 Ай бұрын
It wasn’t a prison ship that transported them. It was a lifeboat.
@insertnamehere5809 Ай бұрын
Thanks Britain 🇬🇧
@harrisonspiteri8729 Ай бұрын
To be fair, things aren't great here either. We're doing better than Britain, but we are also dealing with one of the worst housing affordability crisis's in the world.
@spottyty Ай бұрын
Australia isn't doing much better tons of people don't have homes and live in cars and there's Asians everywhere because of mass immigration..
@218kq Ай бұрын
To think about it it was them who did contribute quite a portion on the economy. ​@@spottyty
@thespiffingbrit Ай бұрын
A perfectly balanced legal system with no exploits indeed...
@romanplays1 Ай бұрын
didnt expect you popping into this comment section!
@arra_24s33 Ай бұрын
spiff for PM 😮
@lionrader392 Ай бұрын
Sup spiffingbrit! Love your videos
@cymikgaming1266 Ай бұрын
dam i didnt expect to see you here
@knpark2025 Ай бұрын
It's a happy surprise to see you here, but this time I'm afraid no amount of Yorkshire Tea can solve all problems in this video...
@PopTartNeko 23 күн бұрын
You guys built a wholeass UNDERSEA TUNNEL TO FRANCE in 1986, and now struggle to build a 3 mile subway under the Thames. What is going on?
@ab-ym3bf 23 күн бұрын
"you guys"? French and other European nationals want a word with you.
@basillah7650 18 күн бұрын
because the french and workers from overseas did the work not the sh1tish.
@straightforwardchad 18 күн бұрын
@tkg__ 18 күн бұрын
Because it was a multinational project. More apt would be: UK INVENTED THE RAILWAY but couldn't build a new line connecting three cities. It was more expensive than India's space project and was cancelled anyway.
@bretttobin9632 16 күн бұрын
diversity insanity, liberal snobbery and no spiritual connection with the land.
@Doilem 22 күн бұрын
Are we not going to talk about how it takes £10,000 to paint a bit of cement black and white to look like a chess board apparently
@TheAntsh 19 күн бұрын
Shudder to think how much it costs to paint rainbow colors everywhere for a month
@NeoWish 19 күн бұрын
It costs free in my nation!
@krieger8825 18 күн бұрын
Are they using perfect dark paint for each square?
@xenomorphbiologist-xx1214 17 күн бұрын
Because of the Town and Country Planning Act… *Slams paper on table*
@probium2832 15 күн бұрын
That's a gigantic ?? - blunder, double question mark move. Can't anyone already do that with a bucket of paint?
@drane10 Ай бұрын
"UK is just a 3rd world country attached to London" 2019
@StrikeBolteafc Ай бұрын
Not really no, it is not in the best condition right now but it’s still comfortably a first world country
@Ryies12 Ай бұрын
@cainy Ай бұрын
It’s comfy enough in all the care homes my council keeps on building literally the only development they ever do
@phunkracy Ай бұрын
​@StrikeBolteafc give it time, UK is like a failson crackhead that still hasn't sold his matress and holds onto the few remaining teeth, but it's obvious where it's going.
@austinlipnicki7761 Ай бұрын
Hey, theres a lotta areas that do a lotta shit.
@exa.-210 Ай бұрын
optimistic British man made a very negative video. we're fucked
@bmqww223 Ай бұрын
you people are living in a good place thats why you don't understand whats hard time is.... from the looks of it seems like a small setback , everything will be alright
@JO-cw5xe Ай бұрын
Hi, from South africa 🇿🇦 .
@jaimay125 Ай бұрын
@@bmqww223no offence to you but this attitude is literally how countries get worse “we don’t have it as bad as other countries so we are fine” meanwhile ignoring the evident downwards trend. A perfect example is Canadian healthcare anytime any improvements are suggested they are met with extreme hostility because people don’t want an “American” system and now there are millions who don’t have regular access to a personal doctor.
@charlethemagne5466 Ай бұрын
@@bmqww223 What an idiotic mentality "others have it worse so i shouldn't improve my position" really speaks volumes about the kind of person you are...
@StrayChoom Ай бұрын
⁠@@jaimay125yep. I’m English, I have Crohn’s disease. When I started receiving regular care, it was maintained, I was well kept. Now I’m going in for my my first appointment since 2021 😀
@raze83 24 күн бұрын
I'm Hungarian, I used to live in the UK between 2014 and 2019. I have worked in IT, had a salary of 40K my wife made 35K. We have decided to move back to Hungary after Brexit because the atmosphere became too toxic + it is easier to raise kids and buy a home here than in London. Now in 2024 we have our own newly built 3 bedroom semi-detached house, mortgage is around 380 GBP per month. (We own two paid off cars 5+10 y.o.). Both our kids are now in private education and will be able to go to university for free. Everybody I know from all around Europe (Poles, Romanians, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Slovaks) have left the UK and moved back home with kids. I'm so sad it has came to this, we loved the UK and wanted to live there forever, not because of the money but because of how good the country is and how nice the people are. It breaks my heart to see how the British society is erroding.
@nerd2544 24 күн бұрын
i never understood why eastern europeans hated their countries and move west many years ago (and now you all regret it). i look at the wikipedia and all your countries are social democracies with the same or even better welfare systems and livelihood than western europe now, like you just mentioned in your comment. the tides are turning it seems.
@tefky7964 24 күн бұрын
@@nerd2544 Money, for many people its pretty good to move for some time into western country and have 3 times bigger salary for the same job and then move back and buy things they wouldn´t be able to ever afford if they never left.
@souvikrc4499 24 күн бұрын
@@tefky7964 not to mention that during the 2000s, many of those countries have just joined the EU and just transitioned away from communism, which was a long and rocky process
@zephyrr108 15 күн бұрын
Why is everybody with kids and a family and at the same time.. we have an army of men fhat dont even know the touch of a woman.. what the hell is going on ?
@jurismagone3887 15 күн бұрын
@@nerd2544 Most Eastern European countries went through very tough period in the 90s and up to mid 2000s. Sometimes you had to work for a pittance, and, even then, your would receive your pay 2-3 months later. In a cold climate it makes things even worse. It was not an ability to buy more shit what concerned the most who emigrated, it was being stuck and poor. 100k Brits emigrated to New York in the 1970s(according to New York Museum). Why did they do it? Economy, perhaps?
@moonasha 11 күн бұрын
as an American, seeing the state of Britain right now is like seeing your alcoholic dad's mugshot in the newspaper
@JAM661 4 күн бұрын
Well this is what Republican plan
@pi3830 2 күн бұрын
Wait until project 2025 is in action and you’ll see far worse
@josephrothmeyer9173 2 күн бұрын
@@pi3830 did you miss the part with the socialist building regulation screwing things up or what
@brtcobra 16 сағат бұрын
its nothing like in this video. he just shows the worst parts. quite sure you can do that in amaerica too.
@pi3830 5 сағат бұрын
@@brtcobra It's bad, but you're right, he did sort of not show to what extent this is and how and so forth
@raziameer_darkangel Ай бұрын
Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer are on a plane, Sunak looked at Starmer, chuckled, and said, "You know, I could throw £1,000 out of the window right now and make somebody happy." Starmer shrugged his shoulders and replied, "I could throw twenty £50 notes out of the window and make twenty people happy." Hearing their exchange, the pilot said to his co-pilot, I could throw both of them out of the window and make 64 million people happy!"
@John-ny7jn Ай бұрын
Underrated comment 😂
@nahbro7014 Ай бұрын
Good patter
@PeterCamberwick Ай бұрын
Ah, I got retro vibes for another certain joke, the punch line for which was "We've got plenty of those in my country". LOL
@amosbackstrom5366 Ай бұрын
Replace those names with "Clinton and Biden" and I heard a version of this joke told by many a cranky millionaire here in TX... This one was way funnier because I agree with the politics 😂
@John-ny7jn Ай бұрын
@@amosbackstrom5366 why Clinton and Biden? Surely Biden and Trump or Clinton and Dole / Bush, no?
@St.IsaacOfSyria Ай бұрын
"Green party opposes green energy" It really is clown world
@carkawalakhatulistiwa Ай бұрын
Their funded by BP
@slevinchannel7589 Ай бұрын
Britmonkey feels isolated. I would like to have other opinions on his specific takes but he never collabs with anyonee, right? I just heard of the 'Green Belts' just now so im no expert and i recognize that, sooo wheres Not-Just-Bikes and Climate-Town? It's a good video, it really is, but as you would expect of so many topics and themes covered: Brotmonkey not being an Expert showss. His little rant about Waterreserves kidna contradicts the Water-Video-Essays by Some-More-News and Andrew Millison.
@JackDrewitt Ай бұрын
@@slevinchannel7589 They are in the Netherlands and USA
@slevinchannel7589 Ай бұрын
@@JackDrewitt I dont understand your reply
@JackDrewitt Ай бұрын
@@slevinchannel7589 you asked where they were
@Matt_JJz 19 күн бұрын
I am surprised that the UK can have so many authoritarian & surveillance laws, and is still completely incapable of putting away the people those laws were intended to stop.
@souvikrc4499 19 күн бұрын
That’s called performance over substance
@StrazdasLT 13 күн бұрын
As one UK police chief said, they didnt investigate the rape claims because the perpetrator was black and they didnt want to look racist.
@kellydriskill7197 10 күн бұрын
Hows that possible? Its ineptitude. In America we must clear 10x that amount of crimes at least. Were STILL building prisons.
@jurajm7212 7 күн бұрын
Be glad at least those want to go over to that gloomy island as no one else has such intentions. The UK is doomed. It is always overestimation of the matters just like tonight’s football-a bitter loss for England, a bitter loss for the UK.
@lillybell2068 4 күн бұрын
what he omitted to mention is police staff were cut by 20,000 in tory austerity and tories had only just fulfilled the 20,000 more officers target which didnt actually add any help its just reset it LOL police have severe funding issues rn and the entire criminal justice system does in general. 1/3 of cps staff have been working there dor less than 3 years, 70% of judges are privately educated, prisons had CRC contracts that had to be broken because the CRCs were SO bad. Victim attrition is horrific bc CPS only let the police charge offenders that they know they can safely successfully prosecute hence why rapists aren’t charged they focus on small low level easy to prosecute crimes bc its cheaper and easier. Police public relations are nonexistent due to corruption and misconduct that would horrify a nazi. Hillsborough, stephen lawrence, sarah everad etc; are just a few reasons that EVERYONE just doesnt trust the police. Casey review just proved all of that too, uk police were found to be institutionally misogynistic racist and homophobic. And on top of that a general Misunderstanding of how the cjs works also is jn play bc unless you specifically know that police do not charge criminals and that the CPS does youre not gonna know. People assume its like the USA where police choose to prosecute and accuse when in reality the cps was introduced in the 80s to stop corruption bc seperating police from prosecution meant there was a seperate non government agency presiding over criminal cases to ensure police werent just well lying essentially LOL.
@andrelegeant88 20 күн бұрын
Britain's fundamental issue is its class system. The upper class keep themselves in power. The upper class don't live in a post-industrial wasteland. The upper class don't worry about trains or such. They don't have any good sense of business fundamentals. Too many people in Britain want to keep things as they've "always been." Britain is a football team that was once great, and they're clinging to the old players and the old strategies after the game has passed them by. And it won't be fixed until it hits rock bottom.
@professorlayton8712 17 күн бұрын
The fundamental issue is the destruction of the class system that allowed working class people voting and influence in our country. That and the loss of two world wars will make any nation a shithole.
@guidosillaste4297 16 күн бұрын
Carefull your accuratly prediciting the upper class plans.
@jdolly66 15 күн бұрын
The USA is the same way. And it's in rapid decline too because it elects the most incompetent and corrupt fools into office. We have two old white men with clear signs of dementia running for the highest office in the land - the most important leadership role in the world. And this is supposed to be the best leadership the country has to offe. America has not been this divided since the civil war and the level of poverty and desperation of the people is at an all time high. I feel like all the western countries are reading from the same script. France is electing Nazis into power while outlawing protests against the crimes against humanity in Gaza. FRANCE -- the land of liberty, egality, fraternity! Germany and other Euro nations are becoming more xenophobic and protectionist. We have a world in turmoil with peace and order breaking down while conflict is increasing exponentially. We are living in a powder keg moment of history and most people don't realize how dangerous a time we are in.
@davidmichael9275 15 күн бұрын
Bro you went woke and got broke. Plain and simple.
@kiwitrainguy 15 күн бұрын
My late brothers description of the upper class is that they are the cream of the country: rich and thick.
@SemKeemink Ай бұрын
My guy has officially convinced me the UK is the worst developed country in the world
@niamhturner1451 Ай бұрын
@therighttrousers343 Ай бұрын
@Lando-kx6so Ай бұрын
It's not
@TheSpecialJ11 Ай бұрын
I already thought this, but the video has confirmed my belief. The UK never recovered from World War 2 and the collapse of its empire, it just took Thatcher to really make the rot become obvious.
@andrewsunny4151 Ай бұрын
what about greece
@JacobSprenger Ай бұрын
"Britain may be the first country in history to impose sanctions on itself" - James o'Brien
@C-Farsene_5 Ай бұрын
Argentina: observe
@duckman554 Ай бұрын
America blocked all exports to all foreign countries, which caused the war of 1812, but it essentially is a sanction on itself.
@PurooRoy Ай бұрын
Britain colonised itself.
@hobbabobba7912 Ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure James O'brien is part of the problem.
@Julianna.Domina Ай бұрын
I mean, we blockaded an entire half of ourself for 4 years after instituting a huge tarrif on everything coming into the country
@AquaCrystalOrb 19 күн бұрын
I love Tokyo. I live in Tokyo. Please don't ever adopt planning rules like Tokyo. It is the only place in Japan that operates with such awful planning laws and everyone hates it. It's hideous. No one has enough space. The roads are a joke. The lack of green space is shocking. It's too hot because of all the concrete. The local politicians keep trying to hack up one of Tokyo's only parks to build another bloody shopping centre and there actually isn't much anyone can do to stop them precisely because the rules suck. The list of problems is pretty long (don't get me started on the awful build quality of homes out here). Japan and Tokyo have lots of good qualities, like the transport and the walkable neighbourhoods full of useful stuff, but you really don't want to build like the Japanese, especially not like Tokyo. Do not be the UK and do not be Japan. They are opposite ends of a bad spectrum.
@kiwitrainguy 14 күн бұрын
Japan is an earthquake prone country so I would expect the building standards to be very high.
@kellydriskill7197 10 күн бұрын
Japan should be ok until the earthquakes start.
@fidomusic 10 күн бұрын
I live in Tokyo Prefecture. Accommodation is much cheaper in Japan, even in Tokyo, than in the UK.
@probium2832 8 күн бұрын
@@kellydriskill7197 There is already the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995 and the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. But we have bigger problems to fear. Tokyo will be hit, Hokkaido will be hit, and the south will be hit.
@rotciv1492 4 күн бұрын
@@kiwitrainguy Building and urban quality =/= Anti-seismic technology. Meaning that having buildings that resist earthquakes doesn't mean they are better built, only that they were provided with the foundations to prevent earthquakes.
@ChrisGamingEU 20 күн бұрын
As a british person, watching this whole video, sad to say, if you are able to leave the UK, then leave
@Darkpara1 18 күн бұрын
I moved to the US 10 years ago, and have 0 regrets.
@CharlesAshZA 15 күн бұрын
South African here... Sorry, but you had your chance, we don't want any immigrants. Ask Namibia.
@FreePigeon 15 күн бұрын
@@Darkpara1 You moved from a borderline third world country, to another borderline third world country with worse healthcare and more crime. I think you did it wrong lol
@ArcTV. 12 күн бұрын
I think a lot of young people are realizing that the government has reaped and choked the UK of any future and a lot of them are looking to leave. We could see the biggest mass exodus of young people the likes this country has not seen in centuries if it gets even worse than this.
@kellydriskill7197 10 күн бұрын
If you come to America you will likely suffer a nuclear exchange at some point,and possible invasion of certain areas. New Zealand, Australia, Uruguay, Spain. The phillipines is doable but there are typhoons all the time and possible war,but you wont be nuked.
@Unc3 Ай бұрын
Eastern european here. 2023 was the first year since the collapse of the soviet union that more people returned from UK than immigrated away to it. I don't think Covid is the (only) reason
@mokisan Ай бұрын
Is that true? Lol
@goju09alt9 Ай бұрын
I'm Polish and I've never seen as much people coming back from UK than I last few years ​@@mokisan
@nicoruppert4207 Ай бұрын
It's aldo because the developing world is rising, while the west is in turn facing a very bad time.
@KrzysztofBob Ай бұрын
@@mokisan as a Polish who currently lives in the UK I can only tell from my own experience. At my workplace I haven't seen any (Polish) newcomers for at least 4 years or so, but pretty much half of the people I worked with for years, left. There's also a quite substantial group (including me) who plans to leave once either their kids finish mid-school / become adults, and/or once they pay their mortgage off. My friend who works for a recruitment company has also seen a downward trend in last 5 years. There was an uptick of workers from Romania, but that pond also quickly dried out. Simply speaking, current perspectives of living and thriving in the UK are looking ... bleak, to put it bluntly. It's such a shame as I honestly fell in love with this open-air ethnographic museum of Europe.
@vexversaa239 Ай бұрын
Same thing is happening in Ireland. A lot of the Poles are returning home to Poland. I know a good few Poles who collectively are planning to return to Poland lol.
@dennischan1349 Ай бұрын
Man even as a non British person this is infuriating to watch, what a joke of a government.
@GAarcher Ай бұрын
I...kinda feel proud of being south american, I mean, we also have a shitty public healthcare system and all...well, he said about covid... *RECEBA BRAZIL MELHOR DO MUNDO CARALHO* *BRITAIN 200K DEAD ONLY WE 700K OF COVID SIUUUUU* *BRAZIL FIRST FIRST FIRST ONLY SECOND TO AMERICA*
@Coecoo Ай бұрын
It happens every single time communism takes the reigns.
@cowdy_ Ай бұрын
Ikr I’m struggling to watch this because my blood is boiling and I’m not even british
@johnhandy3483 Ай бұрын
You have to fact check a bunch of this stuff. Lots of missing context. Its like the politicians take on any issue. You will need to go look at the opposite side of all these arguments in reality.
@MrRight-hn5pq Ай бұрын
​@@johnhandy3483 concurrent parties have known about the effects these policies have had and still gone along with them. The government is incompetent and vicious. The UK is being ran into the ground by an aristocracy again.
@LittleMissTotoro 24 күн бұрын
I remember being in a lecture hall with lots of British 18 year olds. I was one of the only foreigners. The topic was Criminology. Most of them wanted to send children (very small children) to prison. It was clear I didn't belong.
@TheBlackjack54 18 күн бұрын
what?? what year was this? providing the context you have given us, that's crazy! I'd like to imagine that none of my friends share the same opinion (albiet early 20s) but I've never held that belief.
@kellydriskill7197 10 күн бұрын
Thats insane...and Im American, were are nationally quite psychotic and warlike. We'd only lock up the children who were murderers here.
@lillybell2068 4 күн бұрын
@@TheBlackjack54same LOL im left wing most younger people tend to lean a bit further left than their parents
@africantraveler7004 14 күн бұрын
I'm an expat Brit & have spent most of my adult life living & working in other countries. From time to time, in btw my travels & work postings I pop back into the UK for months at a time. Everytime I visit & venture beyond my zone 1 home, I'm always shocked at the decline & deterioration across the city. Lovely boroughs & high streets of my 20s are decrepit wastelands of rundown terraces, boarded up shops & sad dingy pubs. Driving down Finchley Rd, a once prosperous thoroughfare of elegant flats, high end shops, luxury car dealerships, I was shocked at how changed it was. Even my own local once world famous "high street", Oxford St is a shadow of itself with all the shops & dept stores of my youth now closed & empty. Most tellingly, my kids who didn't grow up in the UK, have lived in awesome cities from Singapore to Cape Town & so have an objectivity I lack, think London is a truly awful place and don't understand my lingering attachment to Britain. They hate the UK, describing it as miserable, depressing, cramped, rundown, ridiculously poor value for money, dirty & full of tired, sad, beat up looking people. They're both planning to go to US universities with zero interest in life in the UK
@dreadpiraterobertsii4420 13 күн бұрын
Expat is a funny word for immigrant
@africantraveler7004 13 күн бұрын
@@dreadpiraterobertsii4420 quite different. The UK is my primary residence & my country of citizenship. I pay UK taxes. I just get sent around the world by my employer on their dime to run various outposts of their global business. I would love to be an actual immigrant then I can live permanently & retire in one of the awesome countries I've been lucky enough to work in.
@castingspells_cz Ай бұрын
HOLY FUCK, I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS THAT BAD?? I (a czech citizen) have just visited England a few months back, and the whole time I was thinking: damn, do these guys just not have public infrastructure? Like why is there such a lack of benches, litter bins and people? I had no clue a former superpower and a modern western nation has people dying of malnutrition. Thats just.... mad. I litteraly live a post-socialist country and we are doing good, even with the prices of everything rising (fucking kleptocratic polititians and corpo-bastards). Damn Britain, you really fell from grace...
@JudeTheYoutubePoopersubscribe Ай бұрын
The Czech Republic is a way nicer country than Britain now.
@paulbobbo5022 Ай бұрын
English person here I am planning to move to the czech republic in the near future
@justbritishthings1630 Ай бұрын
@@paulbobbo5022 hey me too!
@TheKetina Ай бұрын
@@paulbobbo5022 Really? That is ambitious - are you planning on learning the Czech language or do you plan on managing with English here?
@marcbuisson2463 Ай бұрын
​@@TheKetinaFrench here, eastern Europe's currently very appealing, although I'm obviously in the extreme minority. Less for monetary reasons though, but yeah. Eastern Europe is getting attractive :>. And if I move it'll be to learn the language too. It'll depend where I find jobs for me *is in applied maths to logistics/optimization problems*
@Silber_Ag Ай бұрын
The usual joke goes the UK is a former world power. At this point the UK might become a former first world country.
@NineSeptims Ай бұрын
Many countries eager to follow that trend too. Now being 3rd world country right now doesn't seem so bad only up from there while the rest of the modern world crashes.
@herticate8579 Ай бұрын
It is like UK is actively driving itself into doom, taking the road to destruction and collapse of the nation.
@neolordie Ай бұрын
And people keep voting against their interests because they are racist it's mind-blowing ​@@NineSeptims
@Wingsfanacc Ай бұрын
I really wish people would stop misusing that term
@yoyoyo3531 Ай бұрын
​​@neolordie everything racist these days huh 🤡
@user-dw5uh1qx2r 16 күн бұрын
@probium2832 16 күн бұрын
The Tories are suffering a fate worse than what many hope for either political party back in America
@vladsky44 16 күн бұрын
naive to think that much will change
@user-dw5uh1qx2r 16 күн бұрын
@@vladsky44 its always good to stay optimistic
@FridgeStalker 15 күн бұрын
​@@user-dw5uh1qx2r Wish in one hand, Shyte in the other.
@kiwitrainguy 15 күн бұрын
Oppositions don't win elections, governments lose them.
@statostheman 23 күн бұрын
Its bit of a scandal, what happened to Britain. Same ting is happened to Sweden. Many voted for decades the social demokrats. Only a couple of times, Sweden voted on the right. Here is a list of Sweden's delighted corruption: * All politicians can only need to serve the parliament for 4 years, to get paid for life. * Former PM Göran Persson, an social democrat. He is now a CEO for Swedbank. And he still gets PM salary, even he don't work for the government anymore.
@DD_Vandal 20 күн бұрын
Holy shit yeah. We have a similar thing in finland where a politician gets "adjustment bonuses" (basically paid after their work because their political decisions might make finding a job harder because of the divisive nature of politics, making them consequence free no matter how dogwater policies they enact)
@algoobi5573 12 күн бұрын
Exakt. Samma skit här. Im also from Sweden I can just totally agree with him. The corruption in Sweden is making people just dirt poor. Everyone is in debt. The feminism with manhating propagated in schools, made the birth rate plummet to worst in 300 years. But people keep voting for the same shit over and over again. Its mysterious!
@kellydriskill7197 10 күн бұрын
Thats definitely a real issue, you Swedes do quite well on the whole though dont you? Plenty of money to go around and such, Im American, so were all friends here 😊 What this man is talking about is a flat out middle-stage dystopia. Now you have the rape gangs,but Id still say Brits are WAY, WAY more worse off than you gentlemen. Or us ( 🇺🇲 ) for that matter. Scary.
@algoobi5573 10 күн бұрын
@@kellydriskill7197 Depending on where. Its very fast going to shit in Sweden. Very fast. People are quite poor here. I would say that 60 % own net-nothing, 30 % sorta in the middle, has some assets, and 10 % say net-halfdollarmillionaries or more in net assets including homes.
@FrankHeuvelman 4 күн бұрын
@@kellydriskill7197 Where governments take care of their poor and stupid and give them a roof above their heads and a bed to sleep in, together with a little money to buy food, there is almost no crime. Social democracy works. I know, I live and thrive in one. Did you see the Dutch partying en masse during the European Football Championship? That's us, being happy and not too shy to show it...
@dynamicwarfare Ай бұрын
I'm American and I am angry, and I don't even live in Britain. Your future as a nation has been stolen, ripped from your hands. And I honestly hope the youth take their country back from those who don't deserve it anymore.
@IRosamelia Ай бұрын
Well that's what happens when a country doesn't do social investments for years; you know, like the republicans would if they could. You aren't so far away from that fate; between corrupt democrats and billionaire backed republicans.
@constantinethecataphract5949 Ай бұрын
Their Future has been stolen in more ways than one. The Brittish native people are literally 37% of the population in London for example.
@isaacmcareavey237 Ай бұрын
yeah ngl I'm escaping to either the US or Ireland when I can to avoid living here, it's just depressing
@bizzarehubbs Ай бұрын
@@isaacmcareavey237what happened to “trump this, biden that” “no culture”💀😭 lmao yall had failing country and still were talking shi online😭 like atl americas gunna be here in 10 years😂🤣😂🤣😭😭
@dynamicwarfare Ай бұрын
@@bizzarehubbs America has her own problems I wont deny that, but I see now that they are far more manageable than what I have seen from Britain today.
@Vivi-xn9iz Ай бұрын
I'm french and i'm mad right now... If the UK goes to shit, who am I supposed to dunk on? There's no flavour anymore
@CanonessEllinor Ай бұрын
There’s always the Germans
@MrJimheeren Ай бұрын
The Americans? The Dutch and Belgians are always up to no good. You are French you guys complain about everything that’s not French
@BloodRider1914 Ай бұрын
Ne faîtes jamais confiance aux Belges, ils prévoient toujours votre chute
@HelloOnepiece Ай бұрын
@@MrJimheeren Oh yeah right, because in case of France they skip the complainig and sacrifice some poor parisian car to the god of fire right away
@KestrelTown Ай бұрын
Enjoy it. You won.
@darrensweeny 25 күн бұрын
The Conservative's record in offic e.. 1. Highest energy bills in Europe, 2. Highest taxes in 70 years. 3. Highest interest rates since 2008. 4. Highest train fares in Europe. 5. Longest waiting lists in NHS history. 6. Raw sewage pumped into rivers. 7. Lowest corporate taxes in 50 years 8. Lowest State Pension in Europe. 9. Highest Immigration both legal and illegal ever. 10. Destroyed the NHS dentist service. 11.Brexit. 12. One failed Prime Minister after another. 13. Worlds shortest in post Prime Minister which created a financial disaster. 14. More corrupt MP's than any other party in parliament. 15. Europe's longest Austerity for the lower paid 16. Highest Council Tax rates in the World 17. Reduced our Armed Forces more than any other G8 country. 18. Highest number of MP's that have been arrested for sexual offences 19. Highest number of MP's that have been sacked for corruption and Fraudulent acts. 20. Voted to allow Bankers to have unlimited bonus's even though the bankers caused the crash of 2008. 21. More libraries closed due to council cuts than any other modern country. 22. Ruined and destroyed the Train services by giving private companies tax payers money as subsidies. 23. Voted against Labours creation of the minimum wage. 24. Wasted billions of Tax payers money on crony PPE contracts for their friends and other Tory donors 25. Sold off 600 Police Stations. 26. Sold off our Courthouses 27. Closed then sold our Fire Stations. 28, Failed to fix - repair our schools 29. Cut spending on youth services 30. Court backlog is at record levels 31. Threw 30,000 pensioners to the wolves during the first wave of the pandemic. 32. Sold off our electrical grid to foreign companies 33. Failed to build new affordable homes 34. Wasted billions on HS2 35. Failed to close Tax Loopholes 36. Failed to build 40 new hospitals, 37. Failed to repair our crumbling roads.
@lenibeni7421 23 күн бұрын
@@PotatoSalad614KZfaq doesn’t allow any Links. Also, just look around in Britain and the laws that were and weren’t passed. Use some of your own brain and thumbs to google…
@lenibeni7421 23 күн бұрын
@@PotatoSalad614 not trust me bro. I literally told you use google! This was more of a funny than an informative post and just a accumulation of all the shit that has gone south. Stop trolling.
@bendybus5165 23 күн бұрын
@@PotatoSalad614 no, stop trolling, you aint fooling anyone - you clearly are not old enough to understand most of the concepts in this youtube video (if you were, you would have left a much more different comment originally) edit: do you have a timestamp for the error between the UK and US medical costs? (not trying to be snarky, I'm not sure if he mentions the difference or if it appears as a graph)
@PotatoSalad614 23 күн бұрын
@@bendybus5165 stop coping
@FriendlyFreeSounds 23 күн бұрын
1. Highest energy bills in Europe - Italy (UK 11th) 2. Highest taxes in 70 years - True 3. Highest interest rates since 2008 - True (to get inflation down which worked) 4. Highest train fares in Europe - true, because we have the highest paid train drivers in the world, earning nearly 3x more than Germany and France. 5. Longest waiting lists in NHS history - thanks to strikes 6. Raw sewage pumped into rivers. - Storm overflows, to stop streets flooding. 7 .Lowest corporate taxes in 50 years - true, not sure how this is bad or good though? 8. Lowest State Pension in Europe - False, UK is 15th out of 30 in Europe for State pension. But also, the UK forces employers to contribute to a private pension by law as well. 9. Highest Immigration both legal and illegal ever. - In relation to what? If for the UK, then true. Lots of countries got high immigration after covid in 2022. 10. Destroyed the NHS dentist service - False, its still functioning although harder to find one. 11.Brexit - ? Given up fact checking, but lots not factual among your list already.
@michaelmccullagh2241 22 күн бұрын
I moved to Australia from th UK 10 years ago and I can say with certainty a few things 1. The UK is borderline a 3rd world country. People accept the norm in the UK for what it is, but its not normal, its poverty. 2. There is Rubbish everywhere, the sign of dying nation. They can even find the money to maintain thier roads and rubbish collection 3. Houses are rediculously expensive in relation to wages, owneing a house is pipe dream for many. Or at least you wont be albe to do it until you are 40 + 3. The media in the UK is the UK's largest threat to democracy. - I have seen with my own eyes , family members fall for the BBC propaganda around elections and wars, misinforming the population so much they are effecitvly neutralised from voting for what will benefit them. 4. The UK will never get any better. Our golden era was 1850 - 1960's. The UK has minimal natural resources and no manufacturing anymore. This is because the policiticans sold out the people of the UK and sent all these jobs to China with promise of higher profits due to lower wage demands. Unfortunatlry the UK i knew and loved is gone, and it will never return. I just try now to position my kids in a better country and position for the future. All western countries are on the decline. I belive Asia is the next place to experience a wealth boom.
@reaperz5677 15 күн бұрын
Asia already experienced a wealth boom. In fact, it's now on the decline due to poor demographics. So much for the Chinese century...
@FreePigeon 15 күн бұрын
@@reaperz5677South Asia is also Asia, meaning India, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc. As their criminals and parasites flood Europe, the best of their nations are building wealth and developing the nation. They are next in line for massive gains.
@probium2832 15 күн бұрын
@@reaperz5677 Japan is improving a bit, though still poorer than Thank God for Mississippi per capita somehow.
@kiwitrainguy 15 күн бұрын
They can even find the money to maintain their roads and rubbish collection - I think you mean "can't".
@StrazdasLT 13 күн бұрын
Mate, by 1960s you were in such poverty the country was about to go bancrupt. you never recovered after WW2 and India leaving. You actually tried to join the EU and got told you were too poor to be in it. (french vetoed you)
@yin6287 Ай бұрын
Britian is so bad that Northern Ireland joining Ireland sounds like they're being rescued from a burning collapsing building
@scobeyrowley5115 Ай бұрын
Ireland is also a dump. Just tax dodging companies make Ireland look wealthy on paper. It's a country with one train an hour between it's two largest cities (none of which go to the major airports).
@nathanseper8738 Ай бұрын
Oh! That is a brutal and accurate metaphor.
@louis7707 Ай бұрын
That would be amazing, I would love to see a United ireland
@dandagames6030 Ай бұрын
Like east Germany reconnecting with West Germany
@chewu Ай бұрын
Living in NI, I used to be a Unionist, but there is nothing in the UK I want to be a part of anymore.
@gae_wead_dad_6914 Ай бұрын
i remember as a Lithuanian in my family were in a transit trip through Britain in 2017 during Brexit- my dad got "interrogated" by some form of border officer who asked him "Are you planning to sneak in to the country?" He said "In a few years, you'll be begging us to sneak in to our country!" I laughed back then. but now it's honestly sad to see how bad it went
@egggge4752 Ай бұрын
How the turn tables
@domaxltv Ай бұрын
I mean, to be fair Lithuania is on the path of falling apart as well, outside the big two cities. Even there things are at best 'going OK' I guess...Things do look pretty decent on paper, because turns out a country with a first world level of education that is pretty poor while also having overall pretty widespread english speaking skills in its youth is a prime place for other countries to set up local offices in, while local companies are kinda struggling, as soon as a country where its cheaper to move those offices to shows up, then our economy is gonna take a nose dive
@Luka-sl8iw Ай бұрын
I love your father XD
@GenericInternetter Ай бұрын
i really hope russia doesn't roll into lithuania like they did in ukraine for now i prefer to stay in the UK but in the long run if there is solid, stable peace the lithuania could be a much better option!
@valliykauchiykha1664 Ай бұрын
I’m in this boat! Lithuania is a country which I’ve fallen in love with recently and I’d really love to move there. The tricky thing would be finding a job with only a basic level of the language
@guitarmatricide4834 9 күн бұрын
This hour and a half broke my heart… I’m American, I’ve been to the UK. I love the UK and its people and I always have. If it’s any consolation, we’re in the doldrums as well… Our special relationship is becoming like two crackheads who destroy themselves together…
@Tru1Tani 9 күн бұрын
Wow learning that politicians in England are as cruel as the ones here in the US is eye opening. Just OPENLY taking from the poor and giving to the affluent 😮
@gorzux2829 Ай бұрын
"The UK being a Bulgaria attached to a Hedge fund in London" Hey but what did Bulgaria deserve to be insulted like this?
@seneca983 Ай бұрын
Bulgaria is the poorest EU member.
@Fruzhin5483 Ай бұрын
​@@seneca983 you don't say. A small mountainous country, that has spend the last 600 years either as part of the Ottomans or the Russians. Truth be told, it could have been much worse than that
@jamievarbondg Ай бұрын
Have you seen Sofia mate? Looks like india with a lot of concrete
@Retheraq Ай бұрын
​@@seneca983 because it has been robbed again and again by countries like Britain. Bulgaria had been the plaything for other countries due to its strong geographic location.
@user-up7nb6id1f Ай бұрын
@@Retheraqstop advocating for Bulgaria, it is the poorest EU member, and this is the consequence - it gets ***** on.
@pawel8365 Ай бұрын
It's 2030, and droves of Brits head to Poland and Romania to clean toilets and pick potatoes. Scrub scrub!
@myboysd5772 Ай бұрын
We need more cheap labor in EU lel
@RandoTheRando Ай бұрын
Why teach French in primary school when you can have Polish? I would love hiring some random bloke from Birmingham clean my house and get more than his degree allows him to.
@emilykingaby4981 Ай бұрын
And I hope they're treated exactly as the majority treated the immigrants here. I'm saddened and ashamed to be British.
@TheCommentor- Ай бұрын
The language they teach here is horrible, although that could be because quarter of the students already know a second language and the rest are English and believe that everyone else should learn English and they shouldn’t learn A language
@mrtno4582 Ай бұрын
honestly, i'll take it.
@dnapolren 10 күн бұрын
That closing was eerie.. as a person watching from one of Britain's former colonies and currently doing better than Britain, it actually aches my heart to see such a deflating video from such a young person.. wish Britain a better future than seen in the last 20 years!
@Chrnan6710 16 күн бұрын
There you have it! Hopefully the change in leadership brings about some fresh, necessary change
@StrazdasLT 13 күн бұрын
It wont. The new leadership does not seem to have any ideas to change things. Or if they do, they sure did not make it known during the election.
@smj6710 7 күн бұрын
It should be obvious from Corbyn's treatment that nothing is going to change under Starmer as he's not going to tax the rich and redistribute wealth.
@TakenWithout Ай бұрын
"hey lets cut funds from policing, medical services, local councils, schools, housing & public transport, then spend an ungodly amount of money on half a train line, leave the largest economic area on earth, funnel money into an African country criticized for its human rights violations, arbitrarily limit what can be built or who can become a doctor" "Why is the country going to shit & why does everyone hate my political party?"
@OhAwe Ай бұрын
We should blame the poors!
@souvikrc4499 Ай бұрын
@@OhAweand the immigrants, even though we are the party that failed to manage this. Oh, and let’s not talk about the dirty money problem in London.
@kencarson666 Ай бұрын
“the trans people definitely did this, not us” “what do you mean the country is in the dumps? get money lol”
@davidfernandoalavamaya3176 Ай бұрын
Yeah importing millions of inmigrants was not tbe best idea lol ​@@souvikrc4499
@mftmss7086 Ай бұрын
@XVXC-M8 Ай бұрын
Something to add to the story of MF DOOM's time at the hospital before his death, his wife had added that "he had been unable to alert medical staff to his deteriorating condition as his 'buzzer' was out of reach", as well as "he had been placed in a room containing an 'old metal desk' and books, saying the room appeared to be 'a hospital room a very long time ago' ". She also said that he literally collapsed after struggling to breathe and trying to get out of his bed after complaining (can't give exact word because the source LeedsLive is a pain in the ass to use). It's grim how quickly they destroyed his entire life due to the incompetence of the government.
@tjenadonn6158 Ай бұрын
At what point does something escalate to neglectful homicide? Because it feels like what happened to MF DOOM definitely falls on the worse side of that line.
@miggypeso909 Ай бұрын
America killed him,he had no business going back there. He was fully Americanized and they screwed him.
@dantheman4543 Ай бұрын
He was in the UK at the time of his death?
@XVXC-M8 Ай бұрын
@@dantheman4543 Yes, in Leeds
@XVXC-M8 Ай бұрын
@@tjenadonn6158 Doesn't fall into it if you just avoid the situation entirely, which is what they did for about 2 years after his death and even then gave the most PR answer ever of "oops sorry about that we'll 'investigate' into it, all good yeah?"
@johan13135 18 күн бұрын
I can tell you that you should really read up about private healthcare in Sweden. It's extremely hated here and debated about if we should abolish it again. Horrible, degrading service while the CEOs taking massive salary increase while underpaying all their staff. And leeching massive amount of tax monies from the local and state government while providing nothing better than the state run hospitals. Along with, ofc, the massive scandals involving the healthcare industry and actors siphoning money out of it
@ckop64 Ай бұрын
"We are literally paying to train other countries' doctors and nurses" Yeah, welcome to the second world, buddy. I'm sure all Eastern Europeans can relate.
@ladislavdobrovsky8826 Ай бұрын
yeah, exactly what happens in Czech Rebublic since the split in 1991
@danielnight5057 Ай бұрын
But now eastern Europeans are considering to come go back since the country saw it's mistakes and made it an environment worth happily living
@aradanat231 Ай бұрын
@@danielnight5057 Good joke.
@deucedwayne Ай бұрын
@@danielnight5057 giving you a little hindsight: most of them will never come back. Most of the immigration to the more developed countries consists of 20-30 year old people, in the prime of their lives, ready to work, live and create a family. By the time when any of the Eastern European country will get better (better than the previously considered "developed countries" AT LEAST), they will consider those developed countries as their homes and most likely will not give up on their new lives for the sake of just coming back. As a Ukrainian who will soon be studying in a university in Bratislava, this does tear my heart apart knowing that these people, these little cogs in the nation's economy are leaving and I'm one of them, because my father is worried and afraid that mobilisation might get too far in our country, looking at when approximately this horrific war will end. I wholeheartedly support my country and wish it all the best and I will keep every single string that binds me with my Homeland, but I can't be sure if all of my compatriots would share the same point of view. The war will end, but the lives go on.
@looksee2575 Ай бұрын
@Skaldewolf Ай бұрын
I'm German and even I am horrified by the bureaucratic mess the UK made.
@monsieurlapinot2549 Ай бұрын
probably you don't know french bureaucratie. you would be in nervous breakdown...
@josekanashiro3610 Ай бұрын
Look no further than your own reality, you got your socialist government that allows any migrants invade your country, hike your taxes and there's less and less jobs .
@magisterczopka6350 Ай бұрын
Every single thing mentioned in the video happens in Germany. Exactly the same issues.
@thespanishinquisition4078 Ай бұрын
You'd be surprised how efficient German bureaucracy looks through the eyes of the entire rest of europe.
@hpenvy1106 Ай бұрын
​@@magisterczopka6350 But Britain is ~years ahead on the curve. There still is hope for us Germs.
@tristanhenry4219 23 күн бұрын
As a Canadian, a lot of this sounded strangely familiar
@bubblegum7489 4 күн бұрын
Will be sending this video now on to those proud Britishers going around calling other countries " shitholes".
@finnhagan7664 Ай бұрын
I'm the first of my entire family to ever pass more than 2 GCSEs, passed my A-Levels, when to University of Sussex to study Physics. Thought I'd just about managed to break the poverty cycle. December of first year, after house hunting non stop since freshers week, I couldn't afford a piss-stained, mould-infested cupboard with a maintenance loan and working 25+ hours a week. Was forced to drop out and move back home, and it's not just me. A lot of my school mates all went to uni together, and every single one of them - barring 2 (from high income families who could afford to subsidise them) - have dropped out one by one. I-m now earning £8 an hour and I feel lucky cos it took me 5 months to find a job. Honestly don't know how long the young people of this country are going to just sit back and get fucked over and over again before shit really hits the fan.
@generatea2207 Ай бұрын
the young people can't do much. as aging demographics increases, the median voting age aka giving more power to tory voting pension grandpas. the only way out of this is some insane person like milei, who comes in and abolishes all of the current regulations, so that the economy can start functioning again.
@aslakskamsaraasen9407 Ай бұрын
i feel bad for you. my perspective of what an average wage shuld be is probsbly sqewed since im from norway but 8pound/h is worse than my traine wage thats only 60% of a normal wage and i didn't even go to universety
@stefand1254others Ай бұрын
@zenixlo Ай бұрын
bro - leave the country. Try and move to scandinavia, they literally love clever english immigrants to buff their workforce
@chriswright6245 Ай бұрын
Can you do a degree in a cheaper northern area or get on a degree apprenticeship? There are telecom trainee jobs too! Stick in there mate
@itzastralz1030 Ай бұрын
My guy dropped a hour and a half long video explaining that Britain is dump when all he had to do was post a 20 second video of Birmingham
@KaiBickley-pn6xb Ай бұрын
Sad but true.
@sSteppingStones Ай бұрын
lmao 🤣
@Rainman97x Ай бұрын
What's wrong with Birmingham?
@partlyawesome Ай бұрын
​@@Rainman97x what isn't wrong with birmingham
@worthywizard Ай бұрын
I just woke up in a f*cking steaming mood yea
@Lexluthero124 18 күн бұрын
The amount of work and editing is incredible. Kudos to you for your service
@timothytosser288 22 күн бұрын
Greens opposing green energy makes me go insane holy hell
@JesusChristDenton 17 күн бұрын
green energy is a scam. the real green energy is nuclear power but people fear monger over it
@soumilroy Ай бұрын
As a non-Brit, its crazy how a party turned one of the wealthiest nations into a effing retirement home. wtf.
@mogznwaz 28 күн бұрын
Labour and the Tories sold us out to global corporations, mass immigration and Islam.
@Nayfus9 28 күн бұрын
@lordofchaosinc.261 28 күн бұрын
It used to be a cool place to go see some action. Thoughts of retiring there never came to me back then or especially now. Seems terrible.
@Kaiserboo1871 28 күн бұрын
It’s not just one party. Labour isn’t blameless in this. They have a good share of the blame as well.
@elgerifico 28 күн бұрын
Don't worry, once Labour gets voted into office again they'll do equally bad, or worse.
@Flyingclam Ай бұрын
Despite the conservatives being the center of the video, I like how BritMonkey still criticizes the rest of the UK parties for putting Britain in the sorry state it's in
@1queijocas Ай бұрын
I like he picked on the Green Party. The biggest hypocrites… the anti-nuclear, anti-solar, anti-windfarm party
@zekehatcher2196 Ай бұрын
Politicians suck anywhere you look. Ya got optimists on one side who think everything will be alright if they just go this way, and you got pessimists on the other side who think everything will go wrong if they don't stay in the way they've been going. Both sides end up ruining culture, economy, government, and military when they need to forget ideology and start looking at things pragmatically, realistically, and with a sense of moralism. Sure, having a welfare state is very, very difficult and doesn't work for most countries, but going in the opposite direction, maximizing efficiency and keeping costs as low as possible is just going to lead to greed and indifference. The people of the western world expect services that we simply cannot afford, at least not now. At the same time, the Government which says they'll help proceeds to not help in any way. We're entitled, and can't accept that the world simply doesn't conform to us. And we expect the Government to somehow get better my voting in the same people (On both sides), over and over again. We need economists, administrators, and decent, good, people to get elected in local communities, 'county' communities, 'states', and of course congress/parliament, and prime minister/president.
@snerttt Ай бұрын
Blaming the conservatives for increasing government debt is stupid, even the graph they use shows it rising at a far higher rate with labour, and staying at that lower rate until the pandemic.
@dickybird6916 Ай бұрын
they all have the same polices, that they get from the same think tanks and just reword it slightly to appeal to their voter base. the politicians all have the same background educated at the same universities with the same institutionalised retardedness that's stifled growth and innovation since the industrial revolution. Expecting anything different at this point is very wishful thinking.
@8xottox8 Ай бұрын
​@@zekehatcher2196 "Having a welfare state is very difficult and doesn't work in most countries." Key here being "countries" as in places led by governments with vested interests to not make it work.
@dipyaman93 9 күн бұрын
I dont understand why easing planning regulations and encouraging private sector has to go hand in hand. Why cant the government plan and construct more housing, more high street facilities, more public transport etc.
@smj6710 7 күн бұрын
Neoliberalism. Basically the rich don't want to pay tax. In order to stop paying tax or have low taxes you have to get rid of the things that rely on taxes like public services. This has been the agenda since Thatcher, continued by Blair and it will continue under Starmer. Say good bye to the NHS as it is in the end stages of privatisation.
@mattwhelan13 13 күн бұрын
The state of our renewable energy generation makes me angry. It's not ridiculous to suggest that the money spent on onshore wind would be better spent on tidal and nuclear but for the greens to throw their toys out of the pram and oppose everything when both the tories and Labour suggest new projects is crazy
@chakowe Ай бұрын
I once saw someone say "if you don't pay attention to the news, your life becomes happier" yet it's impossible to avoid it when you can't leave your house without bearing witness to the crimes against humanity committed by the Conservatives. You can't even stay INSIDE your house, because it's impossible to afford one.
@thecrimsondragon9744 Ай бұрын
That's like going to sleep to escape your real life problems. Your dreams may be pleasant but sooner or later you will have to wake up. And in this case, it will be a rude awakening.
@istoppedcaring6209 Ай бұрын
don't think others will do better right now, the problem is imbedded in your society especially, noblesse obligé, you'd know the younger ones as "trustafarians" the people that own all your homes, all major companies and are the people in charge of your institutions cause they don't need to strive for active income. you blame conservatives but have you noticed that labour doesn't class you by income or standard of living but by race, sex, orientation,... allmost as if they are shifting blame to anyone that looks a certain way.
@jeffbrunswick5511 Ай бұрын
I find it impossible to believe that the Labour party will be our saviours. They have no policies.
@Victoria-hz3gx Ай бұрын
@Victoria-hz3gx Ай бұрын
@luckyrowmax Ай бұрын
As an Argentine, I feel no happiness when i look at Britain rotting like it is. It's a shame your government is actively doing the worst possible things to ruin your economy and i hope it can change soon.
@harrydent8182 Ай бұрын
Can you guys try and take the Falklands again?
@DongusKongus Ай бұрын
We're racing you guys to the bottom, and I reckon we might still win this one
@fmilan1 Ай бұрын
Well, they finally learned how to destroy a country from you.
@zedincognito2492 Ай бұрын
I doubt invading the Falklands would be too difficult these days
@luckyrowmax Ай бұрын
@@harrydent8182 Nah, i'd rather a game of footy :)
@GeographRick 25 күн бұрын
I am in the US and know two Brits who came here in recent years to startup a business, which has worked out well for them. It's a type of business that could really be done from almost anywhere that has great connections to the internet. They said they didn't stay in the UK because it was next to impossible to start up there.
@boyankukov8402 19 күн бұрын
As a Bulgarian the "London stapled to Bulgaria" joke was hilarious to think about.
@robdenini6972 Ай бұрын
British people love Monty Python so much they turned their political landscape into a sketch. A silly walk towards ruin
@longwlenguyen4214 Ай бұрын
Or the British government love 40k Imperium so much that they model themselves after the Administratum, giving the facts that 40k was made in Nottingham.
@kaeltkottmir Ай бұрын
they have a mr bean impersonator as a PM back then
@oxey_ Ай бұрын
'a silly walk towards ruin' is 10/10
@Bareego Ай бұрын
@@oxey_ 7/5 with rice
@FuelAirSparkTime Ай бұрын
With a government grant, they will make it a lot more silly
@toastedwheatbread9966 Ай бұрын
This really furthers the theory that the rest of the world was fine in Children of Men and Britain was just like that
@the_guy_actual Ай бұрын
@memevondank1197 Ай бұрын
Litterly the plot of we happy few
@observer4916 Ай бұрын
@IXizorI Ай бұрын
Except it wasn't based on the beginning of the story, but yeah apart from that the UK is headed in that direction, if not there already.
@ratmike1 26 күн бұрын
​@@memevondank1197At this point, We Happy Few may be better. Sure, Wellington Wells is an authoritarian nightmare and everything is exponentially going to shit, but at least you've got Uncle Jack and free drugs.
@jurismagone3887 15 күн бұрын
The US healthcare system is definitely worse(despite all factors mentioned), I do not agree with this point. Also, you can't trust Russian statistics at all. They stopped releasing macroeconomic data after start of the war. Even before, it was not precise, more of a general guideline, because of the high levels of corruption. Otherwise, a good video. One example is the number of potholes on the roads which is a lot more noticeable compared to 10 years ago. Labour just won. There will be some life improvements or, at least no decline in living standards for a couple of years. Hopefully there will be some social care improvements but who knows? It is too hard for most people top comprehend that the Tories do not represent their interests, and their wealth is slowly syphoned away from them.
@mdanmariusalbarina2009 15 күн бұрын
@jdolly66 15 күн бұрын
It's not a TORY PROBLEM. It's a systemic and cultural problem. None of the people want to be engaged and fight for the country they want. They elect one pillock after another and hang expect them to wave a magic wand and fix everything. The country needs RADICAL policies which your elected officials are too cowardly to enact. Fixing britain will not be pain free. As soon as you feel a little pain you all throw on the towel and elect another incompetent fool worse than the other. I've never seen an entire country commit suicide like this. You all vote your hate and you get what you get because of it.
@whyamiwastingmytimeonthis Ай бұрын
THIS is what actual patriotism looks like. Offering concrete, constructive criticism, instead of jingoism and appeal to nostalgia, a.k.a burying one’s head in the sand
@egggge4752 Ай бұрын
Idk if i care a about being patriotic when i cant get anything to eat man. You know what, the guy who flies to the colorado mountain resort every year looks like he has some fat on his bones.
@underscoredfrisk Ай бұрын
Give some credit to ostriches, even they aren't stupid enough to do that.
@falconeshield Ай бұрын
Nationalism is that
@toub. Ай бұрын
It's just criticism, not constructive, since he himself said he doesn't know what to do to fix it. But yeah, you can really feel the passion ooze out of this video
@orbitalcannon3534 Ай бұрын
there is a little bit of appealing to nostalgia and jingoism in there to be fair. But mostly constructive and thought out criticism
@sjorgen1236 Ай бұрын
"They shoved all the funding into deprived areas and that needed to be undone" what the fuck. Deprived of what, funding?
@AuroraAce. Ай бұрын
the most "mask off" thing that was said in the video. They really do not care about anyone but their own
@billhicks8 Ай бұрын
I wish people here in the UK would understand this. While this is a decent video, even BM misses the point, thinking this is all "Tory incompetence". That's not the bottom truth though. This _is_ a case of malice beyond incompetence. Tories are an elite who hate you, they seek pure wealth transfer to their class. In their eyes, you _should be a serf_ , your life is entirely dispensable. Understand this.
@Falkriim Ай бұрын
Honestly my jaw dropped at that. I shouldn’t have been surprised but to so blatantly admit it caught me off guard.
@uis246 Ай бұрын
Wow. Even Putler scared to say such things out loud. I hope your politics and country will change for better.
@soylentgreenb Ай бұрын
Everyone wishes to get something for their taxes. Paying high taxes for it only to go to work shy NEETS is not what tories want obviously.
@placeholdername0000 16 күн бұрын
Update on the election: Ding dong, Rees-Mogg is gone And it seems there is no trust for Truss in the British public. Guys, I'm happy to see that you're getting better. From across the North Sea, I hope that you will rejoin us in the EU soon enough. Y'all have so much potential, and I cannot wait to see you prosper along with the rest of the world.
@belnonaodh1520 16 күн бұрын
Love from blighty! Sadly Labour aren't much more pro-EU than the conservatives, but they're at least more interested in keeping our European neighbours as allies than the tories ever were! The real "Rejoin the EU" party is Lib Dems, who also saw a massive surge in popularity this election and reclaimed their place as number 3, so maybe one day!
@b.j.880 16 күн бұрын
It almost seems like Labor watched this video with the announced agenda. Green Belt building, Re-indistrialization, Housing Quotas, Deregulation of Housing... All too familiar.
@MykytaSpivak-ne3cw 8 күн бұрын
@@b.j.880 still no EU tho :/
@GamesbiteRtDL 6 күн бұрын
Uh Oh! Looks like the United Kingdom is neither United, nor a Kingdom anymore!
@TotosDev Ай бұрын
As a French dude, I can't even rejoice my sworn enemies are in trouble... This all is just shocking
@kill_urself Ай бұрын
Your white enemies is being replaced by another population
@darahanrahan2864 Ай бұрын
As an Irishman I salivate over taking Northern Ireland Until I realise I’d be the one to fix it!🤣
@constantinethecataphract5949 Ай бұрын
Because France is in as bad if not worse position.
@andreaslind6338 Ай бұрын
@constantinethecataphract. Cope.
@runswithraptors Ай бұрын
​@@constantinethecataphract5949pretty sure France has the brightest future of any western European country
@foooooof Ай бұрын
UK tories are literally that one Ronald Reagan meme: HEY LIBERALS *triples national debt*
@PlatinumAltaria Ай бұрын
They're using their secret neoliberal technique of claiming to reduce spending when they're actually diverting public funds to their wealthy friends and selling off all the public services.
@dynamitrix1006 Ай бұрын
he shit on blair and atlee too
@SantiagoCa145 Ай бұрын
@@dynamitrix1006 cool?
@VeilVametia Ай бұрын
Classic Polarism, blame the other side for everything that goes wrong.
@tinytank6642 Ай бұрын
@@dynamitrix1006Blair and Attlee were far better than the tories will ever be
@PWMoze 12 күн бұрын
Brilliant. This should have been broadcast at prime time on all British tv channels prior to the general election.
@LittleMissTotoro 24 күн бұрын
All the old telephone boxes in my country have become free book boxes. You leave and take books, and a local librarian looks after it 😊
@gillb9222 26 күн бұрын
I was working in the NHS in 2016 and the communication system collapsed because a generic email was sent out and someone pressed 'reply all' and a ton of people responded to them telling them they had pressed 'reply all' and it crashed the email system for 3 days
@norbert3511 25 күн бұрын
@wewillrise3663 24 күн бұрын
keksimus maximus
@spawel1 21 күн бұрын
@@wewillrise3663 "the biggest cake" lol
@jx3409 20 күн бұрын
Hahah, the legendary reply all. I have seen it couple of times in IT company. The funniest were the people replying with: "Dont reply all". to all again. Starting a chain e-mail lasting days.
@gillb9222 20 күн бұрын
@jx3409 that's exactly what happened. It was incredible how something so seemingly insignificant can cripple an entire organization
@fanta-cool7532 Ай бұрын
Whenever a KZfaqr leaves for a considerable period of time, you either get a good ending where they have been working on a massive project and make a glorious return, or you get the bad ending where you never hear from them again. Today my friends, we got the good ending.
@bizzarehubbs Ай бұрын
Fr hearing all them shi talking brits abt america is over lmao they done for💀😭 like atl we gunna be around in 10 years😭😭😭😭
@henryfleischer404 Ай бұрын
I'm used to KZfaqrs leaving for 8 years, then returning with a 4 minute video like nothing happened.
@SBImNotWritingMyNameHere Ай бұрын
Or the worst ending They return as a furry
@lambda653 Ай бұрын
This one of the best video essays I've ever seen on youtube
@bluebum7408 Ай бұрын
Dude they're gonna whack him for this video for sure
@elliotsilfwerbrand8036 22 күн бұрын
As a swede the privatesation of hospitals have been really bad for the nation. Its more expensive and you can have a waiting time on 2 years.
@alynwillams4297 21 күн бұрын
England are the problem in the UK. The Celtic nations are more left wing where England is right wing. But our political system in the union favours England so we have to follow suit
@Goals-And-Gloryy 24 күн бұрын
Well put together video essay, very informative
@AS11YT Ай бұрын
you bet im gonna watch a 90-minute video essay
@DavidNaval Ай бұрын
hellll yeah
@munchingorangutan4681 Ай бұрын
@beans00001 Ай бұрын
we’re white, it’s what we do
@netherman1325 Ай бұрын
And I don't even live in the UK
@hamsterexists2436 Ай бұрын
you're damn right you are
@lilgarbagedisposal9141 Ай бұрын
The national service is the most outrageous policy proposal ever. Young people are treated like cattle in the UK.
@Fluxwux Ай бұрын
Many European countries have or has recently introduced mandatory conscription for young people however - with positive effects on integration, providing useful skills, networking with peers from all over the country and social classes as well as boosting national/civil defense at a lower cost.
@thirtysixnanoseconds1086 Ай бұрын
@@Fluxwux with an alternative to service such as the red cross, it could be a decent policy. unfortunately the roll out in britain will be dire. even the small armed forces we have live in inadequate housing.
@lilgarbagedisposal9141 Ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@FluxwuxI guarantee you nobody except old people thinks mandatory conscription (which is just a euphemism for slavery) is a good idea. I get one shot at life. It should be up to me alone to decide how I want to spend it. If some idiot wants to “get useful skills and network” they can voluntarily join the military on their own. Don’t drag me into it against my will.
@spacebassist Ай бұрын
@@Fluxwux also comes with such negative effects as being thrown into any future war and possibly dying thousands of miles away without a choice or come back riddled with PTSD and get a moldy flat for your service
@danieledwards8695 Ай бұрын
The army and all the volunteer services that will take on all these people haven’t got the capacity to take on hundreds of teenagers anyway. Plus the volunteers won’t want to do it anyway. The ambulances don’t want 30 people making tea, and the army don’t want people who don’t want to fire a gun and are only there because their parents forced them to.
@floormankbh 22 күн бұрын
Incredibly well researched. Blew my socks off and confirmed what so many of us know the UK is in deep shit. I emigrated in the1980's as a 23 year old to Scandinavia, Denmark, now Sweden. I left an affluent town in the South East that had no need of foodbanks: now it has two! Good job Micheal!
@KelmutHool 25 күн бұрын
Now is a good time to invest in spray can companies. Those apocalyptic end times graffitis won't spray themselves.
@Alexander-the-ok Ай бұрын
‘Yes. But it’d be much worse under Labour’: my 65 year old parents the day they came within hours of losing a huge chunk of their pensions thanks to Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng doing their ‘wreck the economy speedrun’.
@eloisedavy7167 Ай бұрын
I hate that "defence"
@juliuszkocinski7478 Ай бұрын
It's so much easier to convince people that "they are evil" instead of "we're better" political discussion devolve into that everywhere I see. It's no different here
@schumanhuman Ай бұрын
That episode was such a train wreck, but the basic idea of cutting taxes, which were and remain at historic highs, to spawn a boom could have at least worked short term (albeit ending in a bigger bust longer term, unless we actually taxed away the resultant land price gains). More than the substance and strategy the major failing was in the slapdash panicked implementation. 1 Kwateng's mini budget was sprung out of nowhere with no consultation, even with the cabinet 2 Even more crucially The B of E were not consulted, when the £ tanked they had to step in and the £ recovered all of it's losses BUT Bailey, no doubt royally pissed off, put a 2 week time limit on support so in the end the government had to fold. Ironically Truss had already talked about taking control of the B of E before, yet decided to try and put the cart before the horse, either in the hope the horse would just capitulate or under the presumption FX/currency markets wouldn't have reacted so strongly. Bailey kept his job, Truss lost to a lettuce. So we got sent back to RIchi's' safe pair of hands' and left Starmer's timid visionless leadership with even more excuses to not try anything that might possibly rattle markets.
@NLJeffEU Ай бұрын
​@@schumanhumanyou made a mistake in your comment. Cutting taxes for the rich, literally never worked out well. It's putting extra taxes on ordinaire people for a tax releave on the ultra rich
@soylentgreenb Ай бұрын
Could be true. It’s a race to the bottom with first past the post and an atomized society. Neither represent you and it doesn’t matter which sociopath you vote for in a lying contest. The culturally and ethnically homogenous country that existed in the past no longer does. Regardless who you vote for they are more concerned with their friends in WEF or Brussels and they think of you as much as they do about some dude in Pakistan; not at all.
@deriznohappehquite Ай бұрын
We’ve gone from “is Britain really as poor as Mississippi” to “is Mississippi really as poor as Britain?”
@bestchannelintheworld Ай бұрын
Mississippi has always been, adjusted for taxes and other Europe-specific mandatory payments (social security) etc. that don't count as taxes in Europe, richer than any European country bigger than Monaco. Way richer than Norway, Switzerland, Ireland etc. This is simply a fact, the US is just that rich.
@deriznohappehquite Ай бұрын
@@bestchannelintheworld I’d need a source to back up the notion that Mississippi had always been richer than every European country larger than Monaco After taxes and transfers. The GDP per capita data doesn’t seem to bare that out.
@nulu6767 Ай бұрын
@@deriznohappehquite I mean... Mississippi was considered *really* wealthy back in the days when Africans were considered property, not people (so official records might be kind of f*cked). But also, this was back when most of the world was an agricultural economy---an industry which Mississippi has always specialized in. So it doesn't really surprise me.
@midnightoil725 Ай бұрын
That sounds like someone who’s never lived a day in Mississippi. A third of the people there are impoverished
@Unknown-jt1jo Ай бұрын
@@bestchannelintheworld Sounds extremely dubious to me. Can you provide any references for this claim?
@togashi-azul 9 күн бұрын
The more I watch your video the more I think UK has some weird modern feudalism system
@trefusissutherland9850 25 күн бұрын
I find it both depressing and hilarious that Britain has this massive surveliance system yet can't even bother to find someone's stolen smart phone.
@SincerelyFromStephen Ай бұрын
“I started undoing the funding to deprived urban areas.” The Tories are barely human at this point
@FleetAdmirable Ай бұрын
Yeah I duno how he said that without being murdered
@ilikepigeons6101 Ай бұрын
@@FleetAdmirable this is why politicians surround themselves with other like minded mutants to say what they want to say
@kacperpiotrowski7239 Ай бұрын
It makes some kind of twisted sense, I'm just unsure why they would think saying that out loud would net them any extra votes.
@zacsayer1818 Ай бұрын
Evil, just evil!
@frefri4628 Ай бұрын
Thing is this is what the British public wanted and voted for. You can claim they’re being misled and lied to all you want. Maybe they are! But even when that’s explained to them , as it has been over and over, they still want and vote for this. So lie in your bed.
@hammerth1421 Ай бұрын
Oh yeah, the Brits have _that kind_ of "green party". I had already forgotten and was rather happy in that state...
@lilgarbagedisposal9141 Ай бұрын
All environmentalists are like that. It’s because of them we don’t have nuclear power plants all across the country.
@ad_astra5 Ай бұрын
I knew they wanted out of NATO, but I didn't know *how* dumb they were.
@TaylorfromPapaLouie Ай бұрын
​​​@@ad_astra5 excuse me *what???*
@ad_astra5 Ай бұрын
@@TaylorfromPapaLouie correction as of Google. They ditched it last year in favor of no nukes defence only, but prior to that they suggested that NATO was harmful to peace
@souvikrc4499 Ай бұрын
@@ad_astra5 sounds eerily similar to our Green Party, and its leader Jill Stein, who is awfully chummy with Russia...
@ImBulletTF 17 күн бұрын
I remember seeing a reddit post about a British family getting a new home there was a squatter there who was apparently related to the previous owner when they asked him to leave he said no and when they called the police they said they couldn’t do anything and advised the British couple to not use any force and to wait until a further date for any action to be taken due to the British laws one comment said “why don’t you just open carry and warn lethal force?” So at the time I laughed and moved on but this video made me realize just how far down these corrupt laws trickle and I also feel a lot better about the US health care system even if it still sucks
@ThePastaPastor Ай бұрын
"We live in a retirement home" fucking nailed it my friend. This cuts so close to the truth it hurts
@sometingwong2733 Ай бұрын
Welcome to Ja... I meant Britian
@JM-oi9pk Ай бұрын
former empire, current s**t hole. dont be afraid of european immigrants the dont wanna come here anyways. however i see plenty from asian and africa, just so it happens they wont wanna work as hard. ( cry emoji_😭😭😭_)
@electric9049 4 күн бұрын
binging britmonkey content is the literal definition of "it's so over" followed by "we're so back"
@alinashard8967 Ай бұрын
The NHS part hit hard for me, my grandad is anemic, we learnt this a few months ago when he was rushed to hospital because it got so bad. Saturday morning I visit the hospital for the first time, and get info on his condition, they don't know what happened but they mention his blood pressure hasn't stopped soaring upward, the same story the day after, it was INSANELY high, he wasn't doing well. Luckily my uncle had noticed that no one had given my grandad any of his regular medication, they had it, but the doctor, who was off for the weekend, was apparently the only one who was able to readministor his medicine? after a back and forth, one of the nurses were able to get him his BLOOD PRESSURE medicine, he might have died that night had me and my uncle not advocated for him. The fact that he would have been safer at home is insane.
@terrymoore861 Ай бұрын
NHS gave my father medication that killed him.
@Dr-Dre Ай бұрын
When you have a better chance at survival lying on the street at the mercy of ordinary civilians versus being in a hospital bed with doctors "taking care of you"
@OhAwe Ай бұрын
Seems it's the standard operating procedure for anyone elderly - to screw up their medication either get their blood pressure out of whack to cause a stroke, or give them analgesics to cause dehydration and pretend their confusion is a urinary tract infection.
@royalcrowntowing2464 Ай бұрын
Because most of the doctors in the NHS are from 3rd world counties and not up to the same standard of high end British educated doctors who move to foreign countries because they get paid way more money than what the NHS would pay them working in the private sector.
@alinashard8967 Ай бұрын
@@royalcrowntowing2464 xenophobic reply, god, I've been to a British university, they aren't that special. The issue is again systematic, his British doctor was off all weekend, nothing to do with immigrants.
@carlosoliveiraoalfacinha 8 күн бұрын
I'm afraid the rest of Europe is facing some of the same problems of Britain. The affordability of housing for the young, for instance.
@abxorb 4 күн бұрын
That instrumental version of Britney Spears' "Toxic" over the Conservatives' corruption links (1:07:25) explanation was a subtle but very nice touch! 👌
@_Mike.P Ай бұрын
This makes it feel like the Brexit was a way to make it harder for young people to flee to EU states.
@quartzking3997 Ай бұрын
They don’t have that much forethought and planning
@cyan_oxy6734 Ай бұрын
It was a popular vote very much in the sense of "lets kick out the foreigners and make our country great again" when it turned out these foreigners were the ones keeping the country running.
@cyan_oxy6734 Ай бұрын
Meaning there was no political scheme. Just old boomers drunk on nationalistic pride
@amxaas4450 Ай бұрын
​@@quartzking3997Oh... Oh they do. This was preplanned buddy.
@monclerpaint Ай бұрын
maybe also to keep out the polish and balts fleeing to the uk from eu states
@l4zrh4wk Ай бұрын
The Tories didn’t forget that there are people on the other side of those spreadsheets. They simply *do not care.*
@rabidfurify Ай бұрын
Worse than that, they actively want to worsen peoples quality of life because people who are hungry and have to work 2 jobs to survive don't have the time to invest in making good political decisions
@temkin9298 Ай бұрын
Thus we will give them the deserved title. Sickman of Europe.
@hippieyoda1993 Ай бұрын
Yeah our society literally venerates sociopathy they don’t give af
@seansmith445 Ай бұрын
The Tories are only taking orders from above and so will Labour when they are in power.
@benjaminrogers8875 16 күн бұрын
1:05:30 I'm happy to say that this muppet lost his seat in the recent election by about 6k votes.
@bomberhat5222 5 күн бұрын
I'm only halfway through the video, but as an American, it is kind of funny that the no Smoking Inside bill has caused a slippery slope of trying to ban other things. Here in the US, smoking inside is banned because of second and smoke and health concerns but no one here is really trying to ban other things.
@dumbimpostor7021 Ай бұрын
What a coincidence, I just watched a video of a 9 year old British girl ranting about the price of ice cream, and then my favorite British man comes back to his channel ranting about Brits
@ivans2404 Ай бұрын
man when the kids are conscious enough to rant about prices you done messed up
@bizzarehubbs Ай бұрын
@@ivans2404 ong like all them shi talkin brits online meed a reality check lmfaoooo💀😭😭 like atl americas not doing that shitty🤣💀🤣😂🤣🤣💀😭😭😂😂😭
@areyouserious3092 Ай бұрын
I know it's bloody 9 pound for just two ice creams in the UK, and they only take bloody card.
@stargirl3455 Ай бұрын
ohh i've seen the vid lol
@exeexecutor 24 күн бұрын
If shes so worried about the price of ice cream wait till she hears about global warming
@m4vr1ck Ай бұрын
So basically the UK is run by the HOA no wonder why you can't get any development done. I worked on a development next to an established HOA and I was harassed by them for just having survey equipment out to make measurements
@wildfire9280 Ай бұрын
It’d be one thing if they were using all that control to actually… use that control. But no. Just sit on it like a washed out game company sits on its legacy franchises.
@m4vr1ck Ай бұрын
@@wildfire9280 you're always improving learning developing or you are decaying and dying
@jeremysimmsMEF 18 күн бұрын
SO well made. So much detail - who does all your research? And that end song is great.
@ChubbBates-mh5xp Күн бұрын
I was in hospital a long time ago with a life threatening illness, the nurse told me when I was about to leave after 3 months in hospital that it cost the NHS about £110 thousand for my treatment.Not only did they save my life, it was all for free.
@woodjohnn Ай бұрын
I feel like in Britain you’d get in more trouble if you hurt someone trying to murder you than the person trying to murder you.
@j.7501 Ай бұрын
That’s actually true, if you kill someone who broke into your house and tried to hurt you, you would be put in jail for manslaughter
@thelight3112 Ай бұрын
I believe the reason this happens is because hurting your attacker is seen by UK Gov as a violation of the government's authority. You are (in their eyes) essentially usurping them, because they should be the sole authority to give out punishments for crimes.
@philsonhtc2871 Ай бұрын
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.
@woodjohnn Ай бұрын
@@philsonhtc2871 agreed mate, but in a sane society you shouldn’t get punished for defending yourself within reason. At that point you’re in clown world territory.
@NanoLT Ай бұрын
@@j.7501 Well you shouldn't be bloody murdering people, how is it surprising that you go to jail for murder?
@etaokha4164 Ай бұрын
My son has sickle cell disease and comes with a crisis. I called the ambulance because it was an emergency and he needed fluids put into him ASAP to stop the pain getting worse but was told by ambulance that I needed to wait 20mins for the ambulance to arrive. They expected me to wait 20mins with a 2 year old in crisis. I took a taxi and we were in hospital less than 10mins and my son was seen immediately because when the crisis starts it's go go go. We're slowly losing our health system because of greedy politicians who care more about their pockets and Ego boost than actual human beings in need. Their lack of empathy speaks volumes
@curious_O_o Ай бұрын
Slowly? It's already gone
@solwilkinson8551 Ай бұрын
i had a simler thing wiff me a dislocated leg they put me on a 1h wating list then 3h later a ambulance arrived. god i wish i was just carried to the car to go to the hospital. 3h i was just wating in so much pain cud barely string 2 sentences together it was the worst thing ever for me and it was all the politicians fault. your right
@liammadden7572 Ай бұрын
Coming from the US, deficit spending is VERY BAD. DO NOT DO IT, just imperialize again, London is the same as india atp
@Far-Right_Celt Ай бұрын
its not just government greed but having a NHS thats overbloated/overpriced, costing taxpayers far too many millions annually but mostly getting used up by people who quite frankly shouldnt be here and have payed feck all into the system.
@michaelstimpson1137 Ай бұрын
I don't get it, you post a graph that shows chronic under investment in the NHS and then another that basically shows nothing and conclude that adopting the us system would be better. Despite the fact that health expenditure is the biggest cause of bankruptcy in the USA. Also the monthly cost of health insurance in USA is £500, plus there is a daily limit for what you can claim. People come away from a hospital stay with £20k debt despite having insurance. Read "bitter pill: why medical bills are killing us" the US spends about 20% of GDP on healthcare
@icestardragonhc 4 күн бұрын
GB really went from a world power to barely a country
@gothicgolem2947 2 күн бұрын
I oiled disagree. We have our issues but are still a big power and a country
@ZadakLeader Күн бұрын
@@gothicgolem2947 Lmao
@gothicgolem2947 Күн бұрын
@@ZadakLeader not funny at all it’s true
@ZadakLeader Күн бұрын
@@gothicgolem2947 Literally nobody thinks of UK as a "big power" except some delusional UK people
@dougquaid570 Күн бұрын
@@ZadakLeader Literally he does.
@MezMoose 14 күн бұрын
Lmao, the footage in the first 2 mins is my hometown, funny thing is theres a fairly successful grassroots run club/venue just down the road from that kingsize tobacco shop, which is also still running. The old bank in the first shot is however abandoned, and has been as long as I can remember. Its funny how abit of graffiti gets put up and the place is labelled derelict (by the gaurdian atleast), when in reality the building has still got life in it.
@antigone1411 Ай бұрын
Watching this as a Romanian is so strange. It's like you guys are going through what Eastern European countries went through in the 90s up until we joined the EU. We're not rich by any means, but at least we've had quite significant improvements over the last years. Good luck to you guys, hope you'll manage to figure things out!
@asha4736 Ай бұрын
My parents are Welsh, and Romanian; I've always wanted to go back to Wales or Romania, but given I've been hearing great things about the progress Romania's making and not so much Wales.... Yeah.
@miepmaster25 Ай бұрын
It does actually appear to an outsider that eastern Europe in general is on the rise
@NewMinority Ай бұрын
We paid for your way of life 😂
@felixpth5817 Ай бұрын
@@NewMinority If we ever rejoin the EU in 40 years the way things are going, they'll probably be paying ours
@Pixieboo Ай бұрын
I'm Hungarian but I've lived in England for so long and continue too for the education. I. Cannot. Wait. To. Go. Back. Every time I go to Hungary it's like, wow people are actually happy? I'm happy? Things are pretty?
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