But actually, some of these things really aren't for you

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Comics by Perch

Comics by Perch

Ай бұрын

Some things are meant for kids. You can enjoy them, but maybe it's a bit weird if you enjoy them too much.
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@MWLynch100 Ай бұрын
Five hour livestreams are ridiculous no matter the topic, but as a father of young children, I do care about what they’re exposed to. So everything is open to criticism.
@benevolentremnant2949 Ай бұрын
"It's not for you so you can't criticize it" is just as bad as "Everything must be designed to please me specifically"
@hawkingjim Ай бұрын
And you are 100% correct, Perch. Current comic books are not for kids. If they were, they wouldn't cost $4 or $5. They are definitely aimed at collectors. If you want comics to be for kids, go where kids are. I have fond memories of going to comic book stores as a kid. The last time I went in, there was maybe one dad and his son, and the rest were old guys like me. So no, current comic books are not for kids.
@drewtheunspoken3988 Ай бұрын
The writing would be a lot different if it were for kids. There'd be a lot less $#!+ in the word balloons. The arcs would be shorter and the art more colorful.
@InfamyOrDeath-__- Ай бұрын
Perch I don’t think their issue is that Strawberry Shortcake is for them, I think it’s that they’ve put the message into it to target their kids.
@jacamosmalls3510 Ай бұрын
This is what online commentators actively refuse to understand when they're busily constructing their straw-man arguments.
@drewtheunspoken3988 Ай бұрын
There seems to a growing divide of people who appreciate something for what it is and those demanding that it cater to their own sensibilities. I see this in a lot of online discourse. It's basically, "I don't understand or like this thing. And if I don't like it then no one else does either. They have to be lying just to piss me off." A lot of them struggle with, "It's not for you." As if it's incomprehensible that they are the not the most important person in business decisions. And I'm not talking about when something suddenly goes after a completely different audience. I get that. You don't spend 20-40 years building something and then suddenly pivot because attention seeking narcissists suddenly feel excluded. It's bad business to exclude your guaranteed audience in the hopes you'll grab a new one. I just mean new IP that was created for a specific audience (no matter how foolish that is), or IP that was never intended for them to begin with. I'm spending too much time online.
@PaballoKobe-xh9ve Ай бұрын
You're right and its childish.
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
Drew basically made my point for me.
@AL-ws5yi Ай бұрын
I’m looking at the current Spiderman and Batman. I wouldn’t want my kids reading things that are in the those books.
@EvandroACruz Ай бұрын
Why not?I'm reading both books too and don't see nothing wrong for kids.
@AL-ws5yi Ай бұрын
@@EvandroACruzintense violence, implied sexual encounters, adult situations
@brianbordon6419 Ай бұрын
​@@AL-ws5yiI am currently nearing the end of re-reading Nick Spencer's ASM run, better than Wells but that's not saying much. Anyways in one of the issues Spider-Man uses the term kink shaming. In all fairness though, in an early issue of MTU Linda Lovelace is mentioned.
@hawkingjim Ай бұрын
A lot of brands forget who their target audience is. Barbie is a girl's brand. You can make a G.I. Barbie, but it probably won't sell well. Similarly, G.I. Joe is a boy's brand. You can make a G.I. Joe with brushable hair and fashion accessories, but it likely won't sell well either. All I really want from these corporations is for them to remember who the brand is for.
@rachetmarvel931 Ай бұрын
@linusgustafsson2629 Ай бұрын
Smart Doll was an interesting take on that. It started out as "We are looking to make small animatronic anime girls", then somewhere along the line it turned into "We got the most diverse dolls for a premium price. If you want to give your daughter a doll that looks just like her, this is your company!" I'd still love those animatronic anime girls, but it was apparently too difficult at the time to make it work, and then it just became a business needing to make ends meet and sell dolls to girls.
@markriedel7760 Ай бұрын
The general reason a boy brand has a girl in it (Leia, Teela, Scarlett in GIJoe as examples) is for play patterns. Collect/buy the team, save the girl from the villains and yes light romance (hero gets a kiss for saving the day). But the girl figure is always a low selling fig, but it is needed to help a line be successful in terms of those play patterns listed above.
@spheremode3271 Ай бұрын
So what if the corporations make those decisions and fail? Do you have stock in Hasbro or something? Why do you care? Even if you are a huge GI Joe fan, you shouldn't care this much. I'm a huge Spider-Man fan and I don't care that much about the Wells run beyond just mild annoyance. It doesn't ruin my life when some brand I like fails for a while or goes in a direction I dislike. I can just go back and enjoy Spider-Man stories from the past, and you can do that with GI Joe or whatever brand you like instead of fixating on the new stuff you dislike.
@clonegeek3317 Ай бұрын
Perch needs to record an anti Arby's song to get that Grammy nomination
@rocketraccoon1976 Ай бұрын
Teletubbies wasn't made for me?? Perch, you've crushed my dream of one day seeing a Teletubbies vs. Predator crossover. 😢
@russellharrell2747 22 күн бұрын
Telletubbies are too OP, they’d stomp the Predator.
@jimgillespie6109 Ай бұрын
The original She-Ra toys were indeed designed for young girls. The original She-Ra cartoon by Filmation, on the other hand, definitely thought about the male audience (as did most of Filmation's various series), if ya know what I mean.
@HERITAGE12 Ай бұрын
yup. i was strangely attracted to the show about the six foot blonde with the rack over the one with the musclebound bloke :D
@AL-ws5yi Ай бұрын
There was a surprising amount of hot buff looking guys in various levels of undress. Haha.
@Elementa2006 Ай бұрын
From what I remember the Horde began as another villain faction in the Masters of the Universe line but when they began work on She-Ra, they decided to use the Horde instead of creating a new villain faction.
@dan-bw9xv Ай бұрын
My problem with what you said is that like you said people make themselves victims over properties they talk whether or not it was made for them but the people who complain about them also do that. Like Zack that you brought up in the video, it seems like he can't just ignore the anti-sjw shows / movie content he doesn't agree with and just wants to enjoy the media without having to hear or see that kind of content. Which is fine but you should probably stop talking about something you really don't want to engage with because your not making a point anymore its just sperging over something you have control over but you choose to complain about it instead of ignoring it or actually engaging with what is being said. Which is a general rule everyone should take if you don't want to engage with it just ignore it and if you do like complaining expcet a reaction good or bad.
@InfamyOrDeath-__- Ай бұрын
So Perch will you buy X-Men forever? It doesn’t matter how bad it gets, you’ll still buy it?
@rachetmarvel931 Ай бұрын
Yup,i am surprised how people don't see how terrible this mindset is 😂. Then they wonder why their comic books keep getting worse. Vote with your wallet people 😂.
@johnwillis8223 Ай бұрын
I opened a comic book store because I didn't want to cut meat in grocery stores anymore, now I sell 300k in Magic the Gathering cards per year so that I can also break even on 50k in floppies 😂😂😂
@russellharrell2747 22 күн бұрын
Comics have only been truly profitable in the 90s. Otherwise it’s always been a niche product with insanely marketable IPs. If comics are to survive in the digital age they need to diversify like after the golden age: horror, romance, western, slice of life, and more genres consistently outsold superheroes in the late 40s and 50s. These comics were popular within various teen and adult demographics, so much so that controversy about their popularity leading to deviancy gave us the Comics Code Authority, leading to comics being seen as ‘kid stuff’ for decades, and superheroes being forever associated with comics.
@mrgeorgebushie 21 күн бұрын
Smart move
@CoolCATs2814 Ай бұрын
I'd suggest that one of the biggest problems with superhero comics is that they're not made for kids anymore.
@RP-ve7bl Ай бұрын
Reasonable? I think a lot of people are buying due to nostalgia or OCD or to fill some other emotional need. Which goes beyond the bounds of reason.
@AL-ws5yi Ай бұрын
I’m looking at the stuff “for me” and I say no thanks. The stuff I want was before you changed the IP. Also if I don’t like the current stuff, I’m not introducing it to my kids. (Or I do introduce it to them because they mostly reject everything I like😂)
@BitingComics Ай бұрын
C'mon Perch, break that X-Men run. Be a discerning consumer. OR alternately, you could wait a year or so and pick up those books at a much lower price, keeping your run intact, saving you money and not rewarding work you don't like.
@MisogynyMan Ай бұрын
Wait is he still buying them? Maybe Perch's opinion can't be taken so seriously
@guywholikesheelies3231 Ай бұрын
​@@MisogynyManI'd actually take his opinion over X-Men as higher then. Someone who is actually reading the books option is more valuable than people who boycott it and just say it's bad.
@BitingComics Ай бұрын
@@guywholikesheelies3231 He may just be bagging and boxing them at this point. So it's hard to know.
@guywholikesheelies3231 Ай бұрын
@@BitingComics possibly but I doubt it. Buying that much in books to not read them even if you aren't a fan to not read them is goofy.
@BitingComics Ай бұрын
@@guywholikesheelies3231 Maybe, but there are collectors who just box stuff. We need a Perch reply!
@kidicarus2215 Ай бұрын
The problem is that people are feeling less connected to the world around us and our ability to effect change. Complaining is one of the only things left to people to show that they have some say/control. People who complain about everything are probably overreacting. However, when no one seems to give a fig about your opinion, and are doing everything in their power to give you less of a say, it's not surprising that people are becoming like this.
@AL-ws5yi Ай бұрын
So can I complain about Barbie, My Little Pony, and Strawberry Shortcake since I’m a grown woman?
@drewtheunspoken3988 Ай бұрын
Yes. Except for MLP. The 20-35 year-old males appropriated that one. One of my sons is a self-proclaimed "brony."
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
Look, Derpy is cute.
@russellharrell2747 22 күн бұрын
Um, none of these toy IPs were made for adults, but they are being co-opted via nostalgia to be marketed to the adults that are either kids at heart or who never grew up.
@drewtheunspoken3988 22 күн бұрын
@@russellharrell2747 it's true. I disagree with "aging up" any franchise that was made for children, but I seem to be in an extreme minority on that one. Up to and including Star Wars.
@menageriestudios Ай бұрын
It’s rich Allen More saying that, none of his stories are made for kids.
@russellharrell2747 22 күн бұрын
People need to understand that comics can be made for specific audiences, but that certain IPs confusingly have been marketed to multiple age groups and markets simultaneously. That and the comics industry has no idea what it really wants or what to do to get back into the 90s speculation heyday (hint: that was a market aberration that will never happen again).
@eric_linden Ай бұрын
I have to say I agree with you - this time! You’re making a lot of sense these days.
@Ariete21 Ай бұрын
Perch, this video made me laugh. Excellent commentary and comedy
@SamuraiMotoko Ай бұрын
Is fine if it is not for me, but can it sell enough to sustain itself?
@ComicsPerch Ай бұрын
Likely not, but that’s the owner’s problem. I don’t need to worry about charity for billion dollar Disney.
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
My response to "Nobody is buying Squirrel Girl" is "Yeah, except my daughter is." (It went 50 issues. *Somebody* bought it.)
@linusgustafsson2629 Ай бұрын
@@ComicsPerch Disney doesn't either. If they lose money, they just do tax write offs and fire some employees.
@markriedel7760 Ай бұрын
@@adamfrey4920 There is also value in IP that has that kind of short term shelf life. Sometimes the big stuff dips or plateaus making room other things to come in on a limited time basis. You can still maintain market share even if your cornerstone is slumping a bit.
@thecomicbookdadguy1650 Ай бұрын
Perch I agree about the demographic and would have to add that any kids reading comics have a higher threshold towards mature content in comics. Higher than we did at that age just like ours was higher than our parents.
@klepszekk8119 Ай бұрын
Yet another video of Perch desperately pleading with fans to be less stupid. LOL
@RP-ve7bl Ай бұрын
Not feeling a lot of love for the Bronies here...
@epidoxa8880 Ай бұрын
Hold on... the strip club has Disney Princess night????
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
I'm in class today and tomorrow and can't watch videos until the evening. Anyway, I'll probably have opinions.
@drewtheunspoken3988 Ай бұрын
Don't we all?
@AL-ws5yi Ай бұрын
I look forward to your hot takes.
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
@@AL-ws5yi I'm in Alabama today. It's very hot.
@rammisalami Ай бұрын
I have come to terms with the fact that Tom King isn’t for me.
@matthewmilan6979 Ай бұрын
Arby's isn't for you Perch. Of course you'll never admit it.
@ascorvinus Ай бұрын
Scrolling through my KZfaq feed, I have never seen any of these supposed livestreams. I guess I’m just grateful the algorithm knows I’m not a brony 😂
@sergersgerhersh6594 Ай бұрын
As a muslim atheist heterolesbian conservo-liberal I approve of this message.
@TitularHeroine Ай бұрын
(nods sagely) I'd say you're the only one qualified.
@InfamyOrDeath-__- Ай бұрын
I got a comic book in the post today, must have ordered it 3 years ago. So 3 years for a 27 page comic, that’s a bit of a wait haha. The art looked nice though.
@linusgustafsson2629 Ай бұрын
I'm still waiting for a series of manga I backed 2016. I used to joke about 2026 delivery date, but I think that is too fast.
@InfamyOrDeath-__- Ай бұрын
@@linusgustafsson2629 Hahaha really? 8 years? And it’s a manga? By a Japanese mangaka? Or it’s just in a manga style?
@psal8715 Ай бұрын
For me, its less about do i like it more is this something i would want my daughter to watch. Then again i never looked at the new shera and said its ruining my childhood, just said this is not a show fit for children.
@jds3k_616 Ай бұрын
I just hate when they try to gaslight me into thinking Xmen isn’t for me. I was for 30 years, but now it’s not?
@ComicsPerch Ай бұрын
It’s the same logic that says that somehow Batman and Teletubbies are the same and appeal to the same people.
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
Are Perez and Wolfman Teen Titans in opposition to modern Teen Titans Go? I like both versions, maybe I'm weird. (Wolfman and Perez both appeared on an episode.)
@InfamyOrDeath-__- Ай бұрын
@@adamfrey4920Teen Titans Go is completely different, it’s for toddlers.
@1001johny Ай бұрын
​@@adamfrey4920Of course they did, it was the only thing offering to celebrate their work. That how bad comic creator have it, the only thing that points the spotlight on them is either TeenTitans Go or the CW.
@guywholikesheelies3231 Ай бұрын
But I mean it won't always be for you though. Realistically the older you are the less important your opinion on the matter will become. We get old and will either fall out of the hobby due to life reasons or just kicking the bucket, so you need a audience who is still in their comic buying days and a younger audience in general. They can't target kids because books are too expensive. So you're probably looking at the primary target range of customers being 17- somewhere around 40 at oldest. That's who the product is for and they have to adapt to fit that.
@Danahell Ай бұрын
Personally, I don't give a rat's ass about barbie or Bluey or Strawberry shortcake, but I do not like the social engineering going on behind.
@cmgsgm Ай бұрын
Great show/rant. Companies own IPs and decide how they should best use them to make money. Spider-man has not been for me in a lot of years, and that s ok. Still love the runs that I loved and have acquired a great deal of them in collected editions. What I don t like, I don t buy. If I buy something I don t like, I sell or donate. Move on, focus on what you like, have fun. And loved the dig on the "X take on my IP ruined my childhood " Ahahahahhahahaha, sure sure mate 😂
@FlameForgedSoul Ай бұрын
Perch, you _must_ start linking these diatribes you keep referencing. Just hearing you say it had Us in stitches. We doubt we'll be capable of breathing after 10 minutes of the Real Deal.
@TheComicBookOdyssey Ай бұрын
Yes, some of these things are designed for our kids. The target market is the kids, but also the parents who buy things for the kids. Am I missing something?
@ComicsPerch Ай бұрын
The parents are there to purchase entertainment, not to be specifically educated and entertained by things like Bluey. The concerned parent also needs to be, you know, an actual parent.
@TheComicBookOdyssey Ай бұрын
@@ComicsPerch I’m on board. Unless the people complaining are doing so in the context of concern for their children. Which I doubt is the case.
@Off-Brand_Devin Ай бұрын
7:38 Well, not with that attitude, Perch.
@SuperFaxx Ай бұрын
As usual, you're mostly right, but you're all over the place on this and there's a glaring flaw or two. I agree that it would be absolutely insane for 40yo men to throw online temper tantrums about Strawberry Shortcake "going woke" and thereby ruining their childhood. But that hypothetical scenario doesn't seem to describe what's actually going on with some of these KZfaq critics. Are you referring to the guys who complain about the Snow White and Little Mermaid remakes? Things like that? From what I've seen, those guys never identify themselves as fans of the properties. They complain about the "wokeness" in the marketing and how the "wokeness" (loosely defined, of course) can have a cultural influence, especially over children. I'm sure you don't want every children's property to be about weird sexual or racial propaganda, with all sorts of dysfunctional messages in it. Personally, I don't know enough about the new Snow White and Little Mermaid movies to know exactly how "woke" they are, or how much the actors have said "woke" things in interviews or whatever. It's obviously all a sliding scale of outright hostility on one end (white people = evil) or lukewarm cultural appropriation on the other (black Ariel). I don't particularly know, and I don't particularly care. But the whole "woke Strawberry Shortcake" thing seems like a strawman. A lot of the guys complaining about "woke" childrens properties have kids themselves. Are they (or even childless people, for that matter) not allowed to care about the influence that bizarre and perverted childrens media will have on the future? Once again, if a 45yo guy is literally in tears, raging for hours on end about how a black Little Mermaid ruined his childhood, I agree that such a situation would be insane and unwarranted. But I think it's quite another thing for adults to be allowed to talk about how subversive and perverted some childrens media has become.
@spheremode3271 Ай бұрын
The comments give me serious Fredric Wertham vibes. If you think the book is bad for kids, then you should as a parent not buy that book for your own kids, but trying to silence and censor them is always a bad idea IMO. We have went down that path before, and it wasn't pretty.
@mitchellalexander9162 23 күн бұрын
Bronies were a Mistake.
@milestrombley1466 Ай бұрын
Bronies just want to fetishize My Little Pony because the modern pony designs look cute to them now.
@jacobsedlack1173 Ай бұрын
Not everything is going to appeal to you, but the things that do don't have the right to antagonize you.
@joshbrooks9781 23 күн бұрын
Is the Strawberry Shortcake example a real thing, or just the most convenient, reductive straw man?
@ComicsPerch 23 күн бұрын
Yeah, it’s a real thing.
@nickjanecke6688 Ай бұрын
I really hate it when people say “this is ruining my childhood” because I feel like that’s such a bullshit statement. Your childhood is in the past, it already happened, something that’s happening TODAY should not be ruining your childhood memories. And if it is, imo it’s because you want it to so you have something else to be mad about.
@rocketraccoon1976 Ай бұрын
Your comment has ruined my childhood. 😡
@nickjanecke6688 Ай бұрын
@@rocketraccoon1976 I assume you’re trolling, but if not that’s fine.
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
Thought without having watched the video: Your subjective satisfaction with a given franchise should be the LEAST important thing in your life. If you spend more than 30 seconds upset about anything fictional, you need to go touch grass or get a girlfriend. People. They're cartoons. They don't love you back.
@joncross9264 Ай бұрын
What are these things? you people are often vague on who and often what, but I am looking at the slideshow here and I've not seen a solitary soul speak of any of these things, save for ClownfishTV on the matter of Bluey for like 2 videos which fits their channel. Are you talking about the high functioning Autistic people like Enter who reviews cartoons? He is the only other person I can think of and it's his whole brand. You are right however, you and a few other people do have weird takes which I can't for the life of me reconcile (This does not make you a bad person, we all have weird exceptions). There is a Jedi show for kids that I think they aired on D+, I have seen the toys on clearance displays. I didn't even know they had those. This wasn't on my Radar and nobody speaks of it because it is indeed for kids and I will presume that as far as shows go, it is ok. You said it later in the comments section that they should be parents, and IIRC most of the popular channels actually are parents themselves. I don't think you need to be a parent however to not want sexual content or the veneration of mental illnesses within children's media. I don't want it for my kids, my brothers kids, the neighborhood kids, Not even my most hated enemy deserves that. (Not being racist isn't woke, neither is being good or kind to people. They don't own being a good person. It has to do with the intent behind the choices made against their own dogma.) That said, taking a peek at a few of the most popular channels the results most recent are: Dr. Disrespect, Star Wars, Dr. Who, DnD, Marvel, DC, and Video Games in general. I don't see people freaking out over Barbie and the 7 tiaras or any of the other shows or media in your slide show. Perhaps you need to clean house because I don't know why you are watching that, unless this in and of itself is cover for what you may want to say. That you're tired of the constant negativity. I can only guess. It's fine if you are tired, quit those spaces. I'll tell you what I told other Zelda fans when Sterling dared to give BoTW like an 8/10. If you love it so much, it feels odd to me that you're spending all this time running defense and not actually enjoying the game. I don't have much time to extol the joys of Elden Ring because I'm busy having a good time. Conversely people not liking it isn't my problem, it doesn't suddenly make Elden Ring worse, I can only tell you that I think you are missing out. They haven't forgotten how to have fun, they've simply found a place to speak their mind with like minded people. I have two employees, Hyper Positive(HP) and Hyper Negative(HN). There are really good at the job. HP pushes the team to success, while HN more or less ensures compliance and is willing to say the tough things people don't want to say or hear. Each of them needs something more from me and that is the ability to decompress and recharge. HP needs someone to encourage her and celebrate with her. HN needs someone to vent to and commiserate with. Some people simply get energy from negativity and no matter how bad, it doesn't eat them alive like other people. likewise some people need positivity to recharge. Again I say they have not forgotten how to have fun, there are millions of people here expressing themselves in different ways and that is ok. Just make sure you aren't the one who's being eaten from the inside. This is long enough already. If Furiosa didn't have the initial media circus I don't think we would be here, and the counter response to that hasn't done much good. -Men, not Women saw Furiosa the most. -When the market is flooded with bad Westers, it is ill advised to make another Western. -Even moderately involved people don't read the credits. Stars, Directors, and the like don't have the same power they did before. -You can do everything right and still fail I said this on another video, If Zach had merely stated "Hey I see some Buzz here and I disagree, Furiosa isn't a GB film and all your favorite youtubers agree. Here is my review, I highly recommend you give it a chance, the director is also isn't an asshole ". That would have sold tickets. Angry posts, Straw man arguments, and snark don't change peoples minds. I find it odd that 1/108th of this courtesy* towards an industry that has shown it's disdain for everyday people isn't offered to the worker at the drive through window, and yet we are expected to give these people infinite chances without making a single mistake. It isn't the responsibility of anyone save the corporation to mend public relations. Otherwise I'll reasonably enjoy the circus. If I like it I'll buy it, if I don't I wont, regardless of what people say.
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