Dinosaurs vs. God: The original culture war

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UnHerd's Giles Fraser meets Michael Taylor.
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The discovery of dinosaurs upended our understanding of the origins of the world and made way for the secular age we’re living in. Now atheism seems to be falling back out of fashion, what does the war between rationalism and religion have to tell us about our future? Author and historian Michael Taylor joins UnHerd to talk about his new book ‘Impossible Monsters’.
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00:00 - 08:30 - The history of dinosaur discoveries in 19th century England
08:30 - 25:40 - Geology and evolution in the 19th century
25:40 - 37:08 - Science and religion in 19th century Britain
37:08 - 39:44 - Evolution, politics, and social order
39:44 - 44:53 - Darwin's impact, science vs religion, and dinosaur evolution
44:53 - 49:50 - Evolution, religion, and science in 19th century England
#UnHerd #ImpossibleMonsters #Dinosaurs

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@yinoveryang4246 3 ай бұрын
Old Irish proverb "Never engage in a debate with a priest at the local pub"
@ricardokowalski1579 3 ай бұрын
words for the wise
@alandinsmore1186 2 ай бұрын
I would love to hear explained how recently discovered dinosaur bones contain soft tissue.
@Lethesiana 3 ай бұрын
Curious to know how many ‘actual’ dinosaur bones Michael looked at (with his own eyes, in real life) in the course of his research for this book.
@joannemoore3976 3 ай бұрын
The problem is equating the Bible (or any other scripture) with God. Scriptures are ways of approaching spiritual understanding and realisation, they point to the thing, they are not the thing itself.
@paulwhetstone0473 3 ай бұрын
A Jew marries a Native American woman. His mother disowns him. After a few years he calls her and says she is now a grandmother. He assures her not to worry because they have given their newborn daughter a Jewish name, Whitefish.
@PilgrimMission 3 ай бұрын
I hate the arrogance of these people who laugh at Usher as if they know something, anything, about the reality of the world around us.
@WeronikaKokot 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, and as if those people were smarter than a scholar that read every available book there was at his time
@veronicawood9134 3 ай бұрын
The Genesis Enigma , Why the Bible is Scientifically Accurate. by Andrew Parker , is an interesting read along the lines of this discussion.
@StudentDad-mc3pu 2 ай бұрын
I read it - it is an attempt to counter the argument that Genesis is a purely mythical account from the Bronze/Iron age. It turns out that Genesis is a completely fictional and mythical account that points to the idea of a creator.
@gavinfoley103 3 ай бұрын
Religious Britain builds empire. Britain elites become secular. Precipitous decline. Populous becomes secular. British public becomes secular. Decline continues. I may be wrong about this and I know there are details but still, religious inventors gave us the modern world. We secularists (myself included) have created the modern cesspit.
@grannyannie2948 2 ай бұрын
I'm not British but I would say, what you have done is created a vacuum for Islam and woke to fill.
@jezzamobile 3 ай бұрын
I await the day where honest intellects know with humility not to conflate natural selection with origin of life & species as though assuming 'we all now know' 'the science is settled'. Especially as we see advances in biological & medical understanding & the narratives surrounding them being so malappropriated to the detriment of individuals & society in general.
@jezzamobile 3 ай бұрын
I commend the work of Dr James Tour regarding Origin of Life to anyone who may not yet be familiar with him.
@StudentDad-mc3pu 2 ай бұрын
Natural selection is ONE of the mechanisms by which speciation happened.
@richardkut3976 3 ай бұрын
Western Church, not Eastern.
@andyjones1982 3 ай бұрын
Christianity has SO much more to say about public morality and even political theory (note the bulk of the Old Testament narrates political object lessons from history), that it never should have been sidelined over our confusion over our scientific understanding of the early chapters of Genesis. People throw it all off too easily. And yet that in itself is nothing new; it too is described in the Bible, from the early history of Israel onwards. Just because Ballymena chained up the playpark on Sundays does not mean that Christianity itself is likely to be bunk and the elite should be dissolved. The main problem, I think, is that people know so little about Christianity and its history. If they did, they would know that things like that are not the norm. Slavery was not the norm; quite the reverse. I was not really aware of Byzantium until the last few years; there never was a Christian Dark Age, nor does our current time seem to be particularly enlightened compared to what came before. It seems more dangerous and fanatical than ever, and I don't mean around the edges: Look at the incredible bloodlust to fight Russia; the naive credulity that accepts that Putin is a new Hitler; the lack of curiosity to understand what is really going on.
@terraflow__bryanburdo4547 3 ай бұрын
"Naive credulity" about Putins attempt to erase Ukraine? Your ignorance of E European history is far beyond naivete'
@arktseytlin 3 ай бұрын
Putin is every bit as bad as Hitler. If you don't see it you are blind.
@rumination2399 3 ай бұрын
@grannyannie2948 2 ай бұрын
I agree. As to Genesis, in highschool I was blessed to be taught religion by a nun who was also a university lecturer. She explained that the early books of the Bible were oral legends for thousands of years before being finally written down during the Babylonian enslavement. Basically legends of little importance. In the following decades I've come to accept these legends maybe 20,000 years old and based on fact, but with inevitable inaccuracies due to such a long oral tradition. Noah's Ark is an excellent example. Around 12,000 years ago the English Channel was formed, the land bridges to Australia and North America flooded, and the Mediterranean Sea was formed. Not quite a global flood but there would have been few people who were not aware. Aquatic archeologists have found the remains of Neolithic farming villages on the floor of the Mediterranean. Did some farmers escape in boats with their families and breeding pairs of their livestock. Undoubtedly. Was this story profound enough to continue to be told for thousands of years. I believe so. I have come across similar events supporting the garden of Eden and Cain and Abel. I think the problem, and Britain is probably a little worse than Australia, is that children nolonger learn the Bible. In 1980, in an Australian government primary school, we read from the approved Children's Bible every morning for half an hour. So we all left primary school with a good understanding of the Bible. This doesn't happen in government schools anymore. So children are taught to reject the Bible without even knowing what they are rejecting. I think Chesterton summed it up, "When people stop believing in God they don't believe nothing they believe anything."
@daviddrysdale6744 2 ай бұрын
People lie, people have hidden agendas
@joannemoore3976 3 ай бұрын
I have never understood why both can't be true. Dinosaurs beat dogma. If you believe in God is also existence then Dinosaurs can't win
@grannyannie2948 2 ай бұрын
As a Christian I believe both are true. Who am I to presume to know how God created the world?
@paulwhetstone0473 3 ай бұрын
I love it. This guy gave a great explanation of how organizations like the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the YMCA emerged. Lol
@benp4877 3 ай бұрын
I enjoyed the guest. The host needed to stop interrupting. Also, he just had to get in that jab at Sam Harris, didn’t he, to prove he’s on the right side of history.
@AW-gg3yw 3 ай бұрын
“The Bible is just stories. But we know dinosaurs are definitely real because the Greeks and ancients wrote about Griffins and monsters” 😂
@robinhood4640 3 ай бұрын
What is the best dinosaur joke?
@robinhood4640 3 ай бұрын
What do you call a dinosaur with only one eye? Do you think he saw us.
@Simon_Kidd 3 ай бұрын
I've been searching all day for a word that looks like it's a mock dinosaur's name. But I'm having no joy so far with the thesaurus.
@arktseytlin 3 ай бұрын
To me this makes sense: it is logical to believe in Creator that created the Universe with its own rules (laws of Nature), and this Universe is developing according to these laws of Nature. That means even the evolution is the result of the Creator's work. Regarding Creator itself - Herbert Spencer had a very logical take on this. Not believing in Creator is actually less logical than believing. The other alternatives - that Universe created itself, or it has always existed, are contradictory. We can also accept that we will never know the true nature of the Creator or - it is our eternal quest to find that true nature. Religions are just mental frameworks that people came up with to explain the Universe and organize their lives. They are all equally false, but they are still valuable (if false). However, we might need a major update to them - what worked on illiterate peoples in the past may not work with educated ones anymore.
@lausanne67 3 ай бұрын
If this 'creator' is responsible for evolution and the particular way in which it works, ie natural selection, than what does that say about the nature of this 'creator'. Morally speaking, this being doesn't seem to me to be worthy of respect. Luckily there is no proff of such a being, but even if there were why should I 'worship' it?
@arktseytlin 3 ай бұрын
@lausanne67 You don't have to worship it, but if you do want to and it makes you feel better, why not? The problem is specific religions that make that into a dogma. On the other hand, if you have witnessed the beauty of Nature you may spare a good thought or two about the Creator of it :)
@arktseytlin 3 ай бұрын
@lausanne67 Also, morality is a human construct. Do animals have morality? If you fall off a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean, is it moral for the waves to drown you?
@grannyannie2948 2 ай бұрын
In a religious school I was taught that we did not need to take Genesis too seriously. Who are we to presume to know how God measures time, or how he chose to create the world. And besides these stories were not written down until the Babylonian enslavement. I often come across comments where people who have obviously never read the Bible or have any real understanding of the religion, reject it out of hand, I'm certainly not saying you have done this, but I find these people incredibly ignorant. I believe that the failure to teach the Bible at all has led to a vacuum largely filled with sludge. As Chesterton said, When people stop believing in God they don't believe nothing they believe anything. And to avoid believing in anything, is probably why about a third of parents in my country choose to pay school fees to send their kids to religious schools.
@mbrochh82 2 ай бұрын
here is a chatgpt summary: - The speaker is a 19th-century historian interested in culture wars. - The speaker's first book was about the abolition of slavery. - The book about dinosaurs explores the intellectual battle between forces of reaction and progress during the same period as the abolition of slavery. - The term "dinosaur" was not initially used; discoveries like the ichthyosaurus and plesiosaurus predate it. - Mary Anning's discoveries in 1811, including the ichthyosaurus and plesiosaurus, marked the beginning of significant fossil findings. - Gideon Mantel discovered iguanodon teeth, and William Buckland pieced together megalosaurus bones, coining the term "dinosaur." - The term "dinosaur" could have been "scrotum humanum" based on a misinterpretation of a thigh bone found in the 17th century. - Ancient civilizations knew of dinosaur bones but interpreted them as mythological creatures like griffins and dragons. - The development of paleontology in Britain was aided by the Industrial Revolution and the country's academic and societal infrastructure. - Archbishop James Usher calculated the Earth's creation date as 4004 BC, which became widely accepted after being printed in the King James Bible. - The speaker discusses the shift from religious to secular society in Britain and the role of paleontology in this transition. - The discovery of dinosaurs and new geological theories challenged the biblical timeline and prompted a cultural and intellectual shift. - Richard Owen coined the term "dinosaur" to argue against theories of evolution and species development. - The speaker discusses the integration of Charles Lyell's geology and Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. - Thomas Huxley used fossil evidence to support Darwin's theory, leading to the acceptance of evolution. - The speaker addresses the intertwining of science and religion, with many early dinosaur discoverers being devout Christians. - The "culture wars" over dinosaurs and science were also influenced by broader political ideologies and social changes. - The speaker suggests that the story of dinosaurs and the culture war has relevance today in how evidence is presented and ideologies are challenged. - The church adapted to the changing intellectual landscape by focusing on community and morality rather than strict biblical literalism. - The speaker notes that dinosaurs are still relevant today, with some people holding unconventional beliefs about their existence and history. - Main message: The discovery of dinosaurs and the development of paleontology in the 19th century played a significant role in the intellectual and cultural shift from religious to secular society, influencing both science and religion.
@JohnLumgair 3 ай бұрын
Bone of contention :D
@rogerscottcathey 3 ай бұрын
The type of discussion that comes as a result of too much coffee, to little actual work doing something useful
@martinelongum2439 3 ай бұрын
So you dont believe in human evolution ?! Cause war doesn’t pay ….
@waynemcauliffe-fv5yf 3 ай бұрын
Go dinosaurs
@AncientYouth64 3 ай бұрын
God put dinosaur bones into the ground as a practical Joke.....he's a bit of a funster
@grannyannie2948 2 ай бұрын
LoL I like that theory
@shovas 3 ай бұрын
It all comes back to trusting the Bible right from Genesis. No matter what intellectual levels we try to 'change the channel' to, this issue never goes away. You'll never be satisfied with your faith until you're satisfied you can trust God from His first Word.
@grannyannie2948 2 ай бұрын
In a Christian high school I was taught that it was acceptable to disregard Genesis, as it was an oral tradition that was not written down until the Babylonian enslavement. Most churches I know deal with it simply as, who am I to presume to know how God measures the time of a day.
@shovas 2 ай бұрын
@@grannyannie2948 Yes, and most don’t find this satisfying
@grannyannie2948 2 ай бұрын
@@shovas I'm not unsatisfied. Though I am open minded. Knowing the absolute rubbish we were fed as science during covid I'm quite skeptical of science now.
@grannyannie2948 2 ай бұрын
@@shovas I did reply. Science skepticism forbidden it seems.
@shovas 2 ай бұрын
@@grannyannie2948 I agree covid really exposed a lot of the science establishment conformism
@frederiquecouture3924 3 ай бұрын
Bon Vent! 😜.
@stussysinglet 3 ай бұрын
Godzilla vs Kong vs T-Rex vs God
@Slarti 3 ай бұрын
Resting a glass of wine on top of a book, really? Have some respect for books.
@shmosel_ 3 ай бұрын
It's not a bible
@ianallardyce4222 3 ай бұрын
Everybody knows dinosaur bones were discarded by ancient giant aliens on their way home from a night out.
@paulgmarriott 3 ай бұрын
Or rather giant aliens having a picnic - according to Gary Larson (of The Far Side fame).
@ianallardyce4222 3 ай бұрын
@@paulgmarriott darn, I knew I'd cribbed that joke from somewhere!
@frankievalentine6112 3 ай бұрын
Spoiler alert: Women inherit the earth.
@shmosel_ 3 ай бұрын
But spoilers inherit the women
@christophergenovese9010 3 ай бұрын
Spoiler alert: Dinosaurs win.
@robinhood4640 3 ай бұрын
It certainly is a spoiler, i wasn't expecting that.
@shmosel_ 3 ай бұрын
Dinosaurs are extinct and God is alive and kicking
@valubin8609 3 ай бұрын
@chrisr3592 3 ай бұрын
Dude what the hell? Jeez!
@CartalucciCritic 3 ай бұрын
The Second Coming occurred in 70 AD. The Culture War has been raging since then: 'Who are the Jews?' - Don't ask that! Ask about evolution, gender, blah, blah, just don't ask 'Who are the Jews?'
@grannyannie2948 2 ай бұрын
Chesterton said, When people stop believing in God they don't believe nothing they believe anything.
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