Do avoidants ever feel GUILT?

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Coach Ryan

Coach Ryan

3 ай бұрын

#avoidant #relationship #avoidantattachment #dating #relationshipcoach #insecureattachment #dismissiveavoidant #situationship #fearfulavoidant #attachment #breakup #divorce #discard #heartbroken #emotionallyunavailable

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@cfnaround1585 21 күн бұрын
They don’t want to be seen as a bad person, so they act like a bad person instead
@Granolie 3 ай бұрын
These kind of people will more than likely die alone if they never come to terms with their avoidant issues. I know it's not healthy to think like this, but that thought is always so cathartic.
@anothercat9600 3 ай бұрын
Many will out of comfort find someone to move in with when they are old. A nice empathic nurse/cook who lives very near already so they don't even need to work much to move in their furniture. Narcissists like their own personal comfort.
@sheliasmith2884 3 ай бұрын
No you are right they will I'm seeing this right now with a person he pushed every one away now he is sick and No one wants to help him he did say this that he brought this on himself. And he did and it's so sad to see so what ever they sew you can count on it that they will reap it.
@mjc21706 3 ай бұрын
RUN for your life when you meet an avoident, period end of story
@cammyt9030 3 ай бұрын
Just been discarded, cried on and off for 2 days.tried to encourage honest and open conversation, and nothing. Never again! It's draining, I'm moving forward and not looking back. These videos are really helping, thank you
@Jen-K-2024 3 ай бұрын
Was there a reason he discarded you ? Or just out of the reason?
@cammyt9030 3 ай бұрын
@Jen-K-2024 I was honest and told him I didn't think it was right to put me on 'standby' or the 'back burner' by telling me "soon" when I made suggestions to meet up again. He seems to think it's fine that 4 weeks have gone by without meeting up again because "This month has thrown things at him" which is why he couldn't meet me, but he also said he wants to see each other more frequently and regularly!!! The whole thing is confusing, so I told him how I felt & he ran away. It's too draining for me, so I'm done.
@Jen-K-2024 3 ай бұрын
@cammyt9030 wow...sounds so familiar . I got the "soon" too. Always talked about being together and then when the topic of getting together came up, those days he always had something else going on. Yet I still stayed. Then 16 days ago I had to confront him in a text on his non-actions . He saw text and no reply. He's totally ghosting me now. Sounds just like your story. It's unreal what they do. Now I'm left mentally messed up. Depression and anxiety is so bad.
@demariarob 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for these reminders Ryan. My avoidant ghosted me around January after several months of dating when everything appeared to be going amazing. I recently blocked her number after a bit of toxic and vague messages from her. I tried to reach out in a friendly way recently after about 3 months of NC and was met with childish behaviour. I realized that this isn't for me, not worth it, so I asked her for space and blocked her indefinitely. I'm 37 and she's 34 and I never expected this to happen at my age but I guess some people don't mature. Focusing on self care and appreciation of the good positive people in my life atm. Thanks again. Will keep watching.
@FreddyFredo-ne9to 3 ай бұрын
I'm 52, she's 48, and it happened to me. And I didn't even heard of avoidant attachment before... It seems to me she won't ever heal.
@demariarob 3 ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear this happened to you.. Yeah same here, I had no idea what avoidant attachment was and as soon as I started researching all the lights started going off in my brain, connecting the dots. She seemed a bit more severe is my best guess. Somewhat self aware, questioned why some people didn't like her(seemed to seek validation from me regarding these feelings when I didn't fully understand context during when things were more surface with us when we first met) and confused and hurt about a best friend that cut her off recently. Seemed to be moving on from things and people a lot ect. Hope she gets the help she needs, but I don't think she will. She would say that I was the kindest person she ever dated, but then went and disappeared on me when we discussed vulnerability(she was aware of her issues with this) and being potentially exclusive. I really liked her, and to devolve into this type of situation really shocked me to the core. Hope you find healing. ​@@FreddyFredo-ne9to
@FreddyFredo-ne9to 3 ай бұрын
Same for me, I think she is a severe avoidant, but as I only discovered this attachment style after the discard, I couldn't talk about this with her. I'm in no contact for more than 4 months now, slowly healing, but pain is still present. Same, she told me I was nice, she couldn't make any reproach about me and my behavior, but she "couldn't give me what I wanted, she was overwhelmed and she needed time and space to take care of her". I've heard she's fine, and she really believes she discarded me the right way, she's moved on the day after the discard, and I'm now sure she doesn't even remember me, complete deactivation. Maybe she's alone, maybe she had already found someone else before or after the discard, it was driving me crazy, but now I've admitted I can't force her to love me. I've done my best, and if she doesn't want me in her life, well, what can I do ? She has always been in toxic relationships before, I used to think I could make her happy the way she made me, but now I think she NEEDS toxic relationships... Sad...I think she was worth it, but I can't make her happy if she doesn't want it. Wished her the best, but I don't want to suffer anymore. I've spent so much time ruminating, wondering what I could have made wrong, trying to find a way to solve the situation...but it does come from her. So only SHE can cure herself. But I'm certain she doesn't even see she has this issue, everything seems normal to her. Hope you're healing too, stay strong.
@asdfxcvbn746 3 ай бұрын
@@demariarob no contact is FOREVER. your mistake is reaching out. if they treat you badly, reaching out to them teaches them that you'll come back even after they disrespect you & it tells the avoidant you have low self esteem & low value. also... stop dating women over 30. they're old used up & usually have a ton of mental problems & baggage. better to get a fresh banana than an old wrinkly brown one.
@a.d.b535 3 ай бұрын
My DA made sure to let me know twice he'd not slept with his ex GF, in response to an accusation I had Ieveled at him when he broke up with me. Shame and guilt avoidance? He's been reaching out to me since we broke up 3 weeks ago, and we had a nice visit. He asked me over again but I was already scheduled. Waiting on him but also dating in the meantime.
@pdubs1408 3 ай бұрын
Glad i found this channel. Discarded by her after 7 years. Almost happened to a T. I recommend to anyone the book "101 questions to ask before you get engaed". 4 months of silence, still struggling to push foward and in therapy. Stay strong to anyone going through this as well.
@aag7651 3 ай бұрын
Sorry man...strength to you. Been through it (it was a much shorter relationship though)
@Ytdeletesallmycomments 3 ай бұрын
They dont. 😂😂😂 They feel sorry for them selfs. That is their only hurt.
@Justsayin2000 2 ай бұрын
Or they justify their behavior and tell you they didn’t do anything wrong you’re just incompatible
@letstalkmovies247 3 ай бұрын
They do regret it - and all they do about it is just stalk u online- watch ur stories like a movie and never does anything about it .
@fantazm79 2 ай бұрын
She may have been able to avoid the relationship problems, but she cannot avoid a breakup
@JustMe-ki3ce 3 ай бұрын
Mine was a world champion monkey brancher….i think i might have been a branch too! I’m 62, he’s 72 …. He’s not stopping it. I’d never met an avoidant until now. Not my circus, not my monkey. I’m not an expert but this seems like severe mental illness to me. I broke up with him, I’m one that suffered heartbreak, he doesn’t have one. The “Tin man” can no longer give me “the crickets”. I’m so thankful my heart survived that abuse.
@Justsayin2000 2 ай бұрын
I use the same nickname with mine. The heartless tinman! He discarded me then came back when his other attempts didn’t work out. I have never known heartbreak like what I endured with him
@sadiqua7 3 ай бұрын
My ex told me 8 months in that he had been dating someone when we started dating and that he left her for me. (I specifically asked if he was single so that lie was shocking enough) I was trying to end things for the 3rd time because he was so hot n cold and I was constantly confused and alone. He had the audacity to tell me that he felt guilty about hurting her and that’s why he was so in and out with me! So he put me in an other woman position, a rebound position and himself in victim mode. So selfish. Mind you I had met him 2 yrs prior to actually dating him and ended it then because he only text me daily, and I was stronger at the time and we had not had any intimacy. Man sex and oxytocin bonding is a real thing! I ignored all the red flags and allowed him to convince me to stick around accepting BS low effort for way too long. I started therapy thinking it was my communication style that was the problem. I wish I knew about attachment at the beginning of this crazy chapter of my life. I will neverrrrrr stay with anyone who will treat me so negligible again!! Them flip flopping from avoidant to anxious when you threaten to walk is so discombobulating
@asdfxcvbn746 3 ай бұрын
i'd hate to be a woman. they are cursed with only being able to have feelings for men that don't like them back. if the man cares about her too much, she won't be attracted to him. this is just how women are built biologically. that would fkn suck to only like people who couldn't care less about you.
@catchcourtcourt 3 ай бұрын
After 15 months of off and on, hot and cold, he started talking about me meeting his dad, making me dinner, telling me his daughter will have to know about me.... Then one night, he got angry for something, i'm still unclear about what I said and he hung up on me. The conversation devolved so quickly, i don't know what upset him so much. He was dropping F bombs, I kept saying, I just need a friend tonight, please dont hang up, I have a heavy heart with my dad being sick. I ended it saying, I hope one day you realize how disrespectful you speak to me and know that i have never and would never speak to you this way. he said, you know what? and he hung up. i'm done. he's done. this changed my perspective on him forever. He is capable of a level of disrespect toward me that I never imagined possible
@georginafronda496 3 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear this. I had a similar experience of my ex DA sudden anger and accusations thrown at me. Very confusing what happened but I had had enough of hot cold, silent treatment, coldness, avoidance of conversations, gaslighting etc. dated for 4 months and I had to walk away. Hope you find some race again!
@Kavilion 3 ай бұрын
At least he showed you what a POS he is before you wasted a decade on him. He’ll disappear for a couple months and try to come back like nothing happened.
@DanHoller-eb6xt 2 ай бұрын
i think an avoidant is acting more out of self pity than anything else
@dorcusmunduru4471 Ай бұрын
They are sick, I don't think they realise that they need lots of professional therapy
@DanHoller-eb6xt Ай бұрын
found that this type are severely insecure. they run away to find security elsewhere but alas that can’t happen.
@LivyWithWhiskey 3 ай бұрын
So last year we got this cruise. Fast forward to a month or so ago & the discard happens. Anyways, I try to cancel his flight but they’ll only give HIM flight credits. This really annoys me because I’m pretty sure he was cheating so I’d hate to subsidize his new vacation with New Bae. This doesn’t really have anything to do with the video but I just wanted to get that off my chest lol Least he can do is feel bad about it but nooo…
@Justsayin2000 2 ай бұрын
That really hurts! I’m sorry you are dealing with all that.😮
@sheliasmith2884 3 ай бұрын
This is to much like narcissist or a mental illness. A healthy person does not do this now I do understand that there are bad people out there but this is to much. It's crazy behavior to me they want love and connection but when they get it they destroy it who does that. And we that try to love them do the work wacth the videos love them and understand them and still get treated like trash who does that.And based on study will leave you and go to low hanging fruit someone toxic who could care less or a door mat.Well I've had enough I'm going to throw the Bible in this which says you owe no man nothing but to love them. So if they can't receive that then that's on them. I assume they die alone as well because they push people away It's so sad but we don't have to be because of our good hearts.
@TH-gi6tl 3 ай бұрын
She has BPD. I’m still waiting and it’s 6 months post breakup and nearly 5 months post her splitting me black. I don’t know whether to move on for good or not
@johannsalzstreuer5006 2 ай бұрын
run for your life
@extraordinaryme4823 Ай бұрын
Hi your videos are so good ...but I suggest you to improve thumbnail because when I clicked on video it was good inside but the cover trust me I was hesitant to even click on this thumbnail...hope that helps🤞
@Flufero23 3 ай бұрын
Some do. Depends on the person. Avoidants, IMO, are generally good people. Anyone with a conscience will feel guilt and other emotions. They will feel in unguarded moments: at night, early mornings, etc. A person cannot keep those feelings suppressed forever.
@Ytdeletesallmycomments 3 ай бұрын
They dont. They faked the nice in the beginning. They dont feel like we do.
@asdfxcvbn746 3 ай бұрын
"Avoidants, IMO, are generally good people." --- no they aren't... avoidants are just quiet, introverted narcissists.
@Bluepearl187 3 ай бұрын
@@asdfxcvbn746 I think they fake being good to then play the victim.
@Kavilion 3 ай бұрын
@@Bluepearl187this is it. What kind of person would fake a personality to make you fall in love to just flip a switch and throw you in the trash? I’m tired of tip toeing around the fact that they’re just sociopaths.
@Bluepearl187 3 ай бұрын
@@Kavilion not a healthy one
@Sarah-is6eb 3 ай бұрын
Can setting a boundary with an avoidant not to contact you if they are sticking to their decision about the break up cause them to rethink the break up?
@billymonks7771 3 ай бұрын
It depends on the person. It could, but you should never take them back, even if they do rethink the break-up. They made a conscious decision and you were worth it the first time.
@sheliasmith2884 3 ай бұрын
Mine did came back many times bonderies were set.But guess what the cycle starts again. So this time I got off the roller coaster ride and I'm not getting back on.
@asdfxcvbn746 3 ай бұрын
an avoidant literally couldn't care less that you exist. they're avoiding you, thats why we call them avoidants lol. so tellling them you're avoiding them is just going to piss them off & make them avoid you harder. the best way to deal with avoidants is to confuse them by suddenly cutting them off & ghosting them. mute them on all social media so they can see you, but you can't see them & treat them like they no longer exist. never reach out to them again until they reach out first. & then when they do, give short, curt responses with no emojis & no punctuation. like you could care less that you're talking to them.& do not call or facetime them. only text. if they call you, ignore it. text them back & say you're busy, but you can text... wassup. this will infuriate them by mirroring their own sh*tty avoidant behavior. this is the sh*t that women do to men... its very effective. also, like the other person said, never take them back. avoidants don't make good long term partners anyway.
@Spritualhealing_CRISTINA 3 ай бұрын
By avoidant u mean NARC, i assume,, that's a softer term.
@gregorystinette8271 28 күн бұрын
Not the same
@gregorystinette8271 3 ай бұрын
Why should I feel guilt for an act of self preservation ?
@gregorystinette8271 2 ай бұрын
@RachelL421 /lol, what if my act of self-preservation is a defense against a narcissist ? Is that an exception ?
@gregorystinette8271 2 ай бұрын
@RachelL421 / lol, narks have feelings, too
@gregorystinette8271 2 ай бұрын
​@@RachelL421/dats rayciss
@Apbt-rv7zw 28 күн бұрын
That's the trap for an Avoidant, isn't it. It's self-preservation for maladaptive behaviour. Or in other words never really experiencing true connection in life. Always being an observer in life and never a participant in intimate relationships. Yes, the Avoidant self preserves like pickles stuck in a glass jar. Marinating in their own selfish juices of delusion.
@gregorystinette8271 28 күн бұрын
​@@Apbt-rv7zw/ lol , epic comment, but most people are toxic & it's usually too late when you discover that you've been duped.
@ricgonmar 3 ай бұрын
Everyone has an avoidant ex😅?? Guys sometimes they are just not that in to you. If tomorrow Brad Pitt comes along all their avoidance would go away trust me.
@davidfariello3972 18 күн бұрын
You didn’t get the fucking video at all.
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