Elder Scrolls VI: Hammerfell Is Not The Best Region...

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2 ай бұрын

Attention: let me first apologise for the poor audio quality. This came about becaues my good microphone experienced some severe issues just before recording and if I wanted to upload the video I had to record using my headset, which of far worse quality. Everything should still be audible and understandable but the quality is frankly not very good. This issue should almost certainly be resolved by the next video.
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From all the limited evidence we have it seems we are likely to get Hammerfell for the next Elder Scrolls game but is Hammerfell really the best choice? There are actually much better choices in terms of region so here I offer my take on these better choices.

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@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
Attention: let me first apologise for the poor audio quality. This came about becaues my good microphone experienced some severe issues just before recording and if I wanted to upload the video I had to record using my headset, which of far worse quality. Everything should still be audible and understandable but the quality is frankly not very good. This issue should almost certainly be resolved by the next video.
@lostzephyr2191 2 ай бұрын
They already made a bunch of wasteland deserts with Starfield, so I think they're going for what they're already well-versed in.
@Evil_gumby 2 ай бұрын
Oh look rocks, rocks, sand and rocks. A bit like Monty Pythons spam, spam, eggs and spam skit 😂 Now I can't unsee it!
@deathbycognitivedissonance5036 2 ай бұрын
I appreciate your thoughts; I would just combine Valenwood AND Summerset since Valenwood IS part of the Aldmeri Dominion.
@RedEyedWolfTV 26 күн бұрын
why not also Elsweyr
@Wilhelm4131 Ай бұрын
I want them to go to Summerset Isles with a huge emphasis on magic
@ArrosticiniVore Ай бұрын
Let them go to the prmoissed land without bugs...
@Justen1980 Ай бұрын
Audio sounds like those old educational videos we had to watch in school in 1980's which is pretty cool
@JayRNaylor 2 ай бұрын
There'd need to be a good writer who is passionate about the lore of the specific area they're working with. If they just had that going on, I'd not really mind whatever province they use for a setting, as it could still be made interesting. Black Marsh would be great because of those weird worms they use for travel. It might also present disease challenges for those who want to play non-Argonians.
@apres-lachute8718 2 ай бұрын
I definitely want Blackmarsh...something totally different. Hammerfell is just more of the same and gives Bethesda an excuse to do nothing because of a big desert.
@TheRealClaylex 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I’m trying to think what hammerfell is like compared to other elder scrolls regions
@Celadonis-the-Lore-Seeker 2 ай бұрын
A fantasy desert can be full of life and mysteries if it is barren or empty, it is not the fault of the world, it is on Bethesda for being lazy.
@TheRealClaylex 2 ай бұрын
@@Celadonis-the-Lore-Seeker I mean look at Fallout NV GRANTED, Obsidian made that not Bethesda
@Defectivegg Ай бұрын
If we end up with Hammerfell, them being lazy is probably going to play a huge factor in the decision of that location. Sure, it could be made fun, but looking at the BGS trajectory, it will be boring and barren, done with minimum effort. They will probably promote the building of your own forts since they are heavily focusing on that aspect seen in games like F4 and Starfield with settlements. Which will simply pad gaming time. If they went with Black Marsh or Valenwood, they would need to put effort and imagination into creating such worlds. Deserts are easier to handle. Especially considering how old their engine is. I've lost faith in them and have zero expectations for that game. If it ends up good, excellent! But if it ends up as a disaster, oh well, life moves on.
@apres-lachute8718 Ай бұрын
@@Defectivegg I don't disagree. Bethesda is in a sad state.
@spiritB0mber 2 ай бұрын
I dont get the Hammer fell hate. Yea I would love more black marsh and summerset isles after running around them in ESO but anyone saying a desert/jungle region cant be a compelling location is a madman imo. This is going to depend highly on writing and world design something bethesda has been on the downslide with for a while but assuming they nutup it could be fantastic. Plus i feel that as much lore we have regarding the races of men Redguards have been kind of left out and i would love to explore their region/culture
@77wolfblade 2 ай бұрын
I'm a little bit worried about the writing since they seemed to be gone quite complacent like Skyrim they completely replaced all the old religion with their nine divine and they might cheapen the yakudan pantheon as another replacement by the 9 Divines.
@Defectivegg Ай бұрын
I think it's not so much hate for the place itself, but more like how it can give excuses for developers to be lazy. Developers of the BGS are the problem, hence why people are worried about it.
@TheJackal1229 Ай бұрын
I think it's probably most likely that they'll combine High Rock and Hammerfell, just to echo the way they did things with Daggerfall. Hammerfell could be made very, very if they utilized their lore properly, but as stated in the video, I don't see them venturing into anything potentially risky or unsafe for the common consumer. They'll also probably use some popular medium to aesthetically influence the tone of the game, like how LOTR was chosen for Oblivion, Game of Thrones was chosen for Skyrim, etc. Maybe this time it will be Dune?
@liamchamba8114 Ай бұрын
Thing is with deserts is theres no suprises. You can see everything in the distance, nothing to hide behind except rocks, and hard to drive a narrative of a highly active desert population.
@bronoculars2551 Ай бұрын
Creatures and structures could easily hide beneath the shifting sands or behind mountain tall sand dunes.
@riccardocalosso5688 20 күн бұрын
Have you played dragon's age inquisition? The deert region was breathtaking. Now, im sure Bethesda would definitely take the laziest route, but it can be done well.
@AhmadWahelsa Күн бұрын
What about early Fallout games and Fallout New Vegas? also Assassin's Creed Origins (i know it's an ubisoft product, but it's their last good product imo)
@hughcurran6817 2 ай бұрын
What if hammerfell isn't the only location. What if it is also highrock.
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
A possibility for sure but High Rock is about as boring as you can get imo.
@maofria1452 2 ай бұрын
​​​​@@spellandshieldbetween high rock and hammerfel there are enough variation of population, architecture, cultures, factions, ruins, fauna, monster species, biomes, etc. More than black marsh alone.
@TootsyBootsy 2 ай бұрын
@@spellandshield How is High Rock boring? its the most biodiverse region with a culture known for its court intrigues? Which is perfect for an Aldmeri dominion quest line going after the Adamantine tower.
@Defectivegg Ай бұрын
​@TootsyBootsy With current Bethesda, you can forget about good writing and intrigues in the game 😆
@TootsyBootsy Ай бұрын
@@Defectivegg touche
@patjames5937 2 ай бұрын
Elswyer and Valenwood combined!
@TheMarcHicks Ай бұрын
Expecting a good Elder Scrolls story with Emil "nobody wants the next great American Novel" Pagliarulo as the lead writer is definitely the very height of almost delusional levels of optimism IMHO 😆.
@REMASTERED-Club Ай бұрын
Don't forget that he went on Twitter telling how good writer he is. No one would act like that if they really good and professional
@TheMarcHicks Ай бұрын
@@REMASTERED-Club yeah, kind of like the people who call themselves intellectuals or alpha males. If you need to call yourself that, then you're probably not 🤣
@faselfasel2864 2 ай бұрын
Whoever now is left at Bethesda aren't the kind of people I trust to deliver anything worthwhile in terms of foundation. Now i'll also say this: If Bethesda can somehow stay afloat until 2028 and they totally reversed course now after the Starfield Debacle, they'll maaaybe have decent developers again in 2025 or 2026. Which would mean Elder Scrolls 6 could be kinda saved in the last 2 years of development. But im honestly not sure how they want to stay afloat until then. They got rid of so many people (given, those people were responsible for the Starfield Disaster and Fallout 76 disaster...but still) that im very doubtful that they can recover from that.
@kkkk-uh1cu 2 ай бұрын
I do believe Hammerfell has a lot of potential, but not under this studio. The engine and generally outdated everything would produce a game that's a far cry from what it could have been, *without* other compounding factors. I agree that a Jungle like setting could be more successful in covering up Bethesda's shortcomings. This is ultimately just an appeal of terrain question and says nothing about potential story pitches, though.
@TheMarcHicks Ай бұрын
Larian could make a Hammerfell location very compelling IMHO. Not BGS though.
@dyesvg8151 2 ай бұрын
Nice mic quality, fits the topic.
@Defectivegg Ай бұрын
Bethesda doesn't deserve any better 😂😂
@corriban 2 ай бұрын
The audio is kinda charming in my opinion. It's like you're telling me a story over the phone. So intimate! ❤ Anyways, I think Bethesda didn't do themselves a favor by letting Zenimax flesh out most of Tamriel through ESO. They will be bound by the constraints set by that game because players will compare them closely. It came as some of a surprise to me that they chose Hammerfell/High Rock for the next main line ES game just because Daggerfall already showed parts of that and I guess we'd all love a change of scenery. As you pointed out, there are lots of more interesting places in Tamriel.
@ryanloveless3870 Ай бұрын
An elder scrolls game set along the west coast of Tamriel could be interesting. Imagine having a ship and being able to travel between high rock, hammer fell and the summerset isles. Along the coast You'd have islands, underwater secrets, as well as some coastline exploration of other regions. Though, I doubt Bethesda could accomplish such a feat.
@oginja1430 Ай бұрын
It’s most likely hammerfell and highrock is a DLC because highrock is on the border of hammerfell plus it makes more sense
@Mcfred37 2 ай бұрын
I feel like one of the biggest mistakes of Bethesda Softworks as a publisher is not maximizing the Elder Scrolls as an IP by letting some of there other studios use the IP to make ambitious spin offs in other genres to expand the lore, factions, characters, and locations. Maybe it's just me but as much as I want another main line title, I would die for a dishonored style Dark Brotherhood game, a total war style grand strategy game set during the great war, or a CRPG to introduce some choice and consequence to the series. I just think it's an awesome setting with a lot of great worldbuilding that has been underserved by it's owners.
@craigbox6918 Ай бұрын
wasn't the next elder scrolls heavily implied to be High Rock based on that teaser we got oh so many years ago?
@futanarilordkudo1879 2 ай бұрын
I'd like black marsh, with how hostile they describe it in the lore. It'd be pretty cool. Different.
@MpaYn Ай бұрын
It's not just going to be in Hammerfell isn't the only land in TES 6. There is a plan to have a map that contains both Hammerfell, and High Rock. With a focus on ship traveling and needing to do some quests in both areas.
@FanOWater 2 ай бұрын
Hammerfell could be awesome if done correctly. As someone who loves exploring the desert areas of the US west, a handcrafted desert area, made with the same 'activity' density as Skyrim, could be fantastic. In the end, it all comes down to the writing, since we won't be buying it for the graphical fidelity. Cheers
@spielmann1647 2 ай бұрын
Thedas. No but seriously, summerset isles would be interesting to visit.
@sonicnotails3265 Ай бұрын
Message to All Modders: keep making those ES5 mods and it will only push this games release forward. The more mods are created, the more Skyrim generates revenue through sales, playtime, etc. if the modding community took a pause, they will be forced to release ES6
@oliwardcomics Ай бұрын
combination of Valenwood and summerset sounds like the most exciting option to me putting aside Black Marsh. It would also make sense to focus on aldmeri dominion following the story of skyrim considering what the altmer were up to during that whole thing. and although Black Marsh sounds like the more interesting place to me, setting it there would somewhat damage the mystery surrounding that area and the argonian lore. i like that its vague and mostly unexplored.
@angryfilmgamer570 Ай бұрын
I'd prefer the Summerset Isles, because I do want to focus on elves again and the Isles have a lot of potential for being extremely unique and magic focus.
@declanlee6894 Ай бұрын
I think you missed it by not considering valenwood or elsewheyr and the bosmer or khajiit. One offers a more accessible forest biome and the other a unique land as alien as Morrowind or anywhere else in Tamriel. Plus how cool does es6: elsewheyr sound?
@ethnicalbert Ай бұрын
@mustafarahimi1012 Ай бұрын
I’m not a fan where the elder scrolls 6 is based in a desert wasteland like hammerfell
@Frencho9 2 ай бұрын
I gave up on BGS. But if they want to survive they need to pull a Morrowind again. So either Valendwood or Elsewr for their weirdness. Both those Province make sense story wise with the Aldmeri dominion vs fake empire setting they have. But forget it, Microsoft wants to play it safe so we will get a cookie cutter high fantasy region in the Iliac Bay.
@kozmik7638 Ай бұрын
i want anything but hammerfell, just the thought of desert and how bethesda is. i would rather want high rock and maybe you can take a ship to the summerset isel like how you can go to solstheim in skyrim but instead of the map being small it would be a full map as if it were a main map apart of the game and not just dlc included.
@UToobUsername01 Ай бұрын
I like Redguards. I want the game to have a daring adventure game feeling to it where you got to be light and athletic like Batman or zorro and dashing attacks and exploit in enemy weak points is necessary. Dodging, running, jumping and sliding along with combat rolling and superjumping to backflip out of danger should be considered. I want the dungeon to feel like assassins creed or prince of persia. The melee combat should have cool finishers like Doom 2016 after you unlock a VATs-like ability to exploit openings in enemy defense and I think this game should introduce trap-setting. You bury the traps under the sand to prevent enemy attacks from all sides. Whereas Skyrim had shouts you have movement fluid attacks (jumping over enemy head and slashing them in the back mid-air) to create openings and wear armor down as these moves debuff thier stats. So for example rolling on the floor and slicing them in the ankle will cause them to fall to their knees which open their face and neck to be vulnerable as they are falling. The finishe happens when enough debuffing happens and you get a speed boost for every kill. (encouraging combos and strings) The reason Redguards are fast is they are atheletic so this has to be reflected in the way they move.
@LonelyOcean Ай бұрын
At least make it so that there are other regions in DLCs
@Pyr0geist 2 ай бұрын
Honestly I would love to see a game taking place in Valenwood, especially with the Green Pact being a thing and all the horrors that could possibly bring.
@redrave404 2 ай бұрын
I definitely wanted a nonhuman dominated Provence, preferably Blackmarsh as it's now a wildcard in the Dominion vs Empire cold war, and we haven't had a beastman Provence (at least elves got Morrowind). Though given the state of AAA gaming and Bethesda, such creativity would not he allowed.
@leavesinautumn5959 Ай бұрын
What makes Morrowind my favourite entry isn't the environment (though I loved that too), it's the unique society it depicts. Both Skyrim and Oblivion were disappointing in that regard. They were bland when compared to the lore as written. Hammerfell is a real chance to reverse that trend, in a way that no other province can. The Summerset Isles will never be made in the way it's described in the lore, the same could be said of Valenwood. With Hammerfell, at least, the environment is easy to translate into a game and all they need to focus on getting right is the culture and atmosphere.
@ryanmcleish1498 2 ай бұрын
I have always assumed it will be ether highrock or hammer fell the orginal teaser they showed screamed more highrock to me
@samuelhaight195 Ай бұрын
The only reason they chose this area is because of the skin colour of redguards.
@gamecouch1554 Ай бұрын
Valenwood, elsweyr, and black marsh should be a single game. Maybe with summer set or auridon for dlc
@Rustyshackleford1911 Ай бұрын
I more hyped for beyond Skyrim lol if those ever come out
@Haadthur 2 ай бұрын
Elsweyr, of course
@danieldejesusfigueredoorop1428 2 ай бұрын
My wishlist of regions and possible stories would be: Summerset Isles BUT in the eve of the 1st Great War, giving a different perspective on the Thalmors (and showing when and why their ideology go to shit) could be interesting. Maybe toss some Orgnum and Meormer in there for a little unph on the story. Blackmarsh under an Akaviri Beastmen invasion, as someone else said: Big Worm fast travel! Make the prisoner drink a prison that allows him to explore the heart of the swamp without dying poisoned but can never return to the rest of Tamriel because of how toxic they became themselves. Elsweyr bit the moons collide together, so nobody knows what forms the new Khajits will take from then on... Maybe the Mane is dead or disappeared (dungeons that shift under the sand every time you open a door or something breaks could be cool, but I doubt technology is there yet).
@brentsmith5604 Ай бұрын
@stoyantodorov2133 8 күн бұрын
I think Hammerfell is a better choice for the average player. A big part of Skyrims’ success was the familiar and serene feel of the environment that got you immersed. More hardcore elder scrolls players understandably want black marsh so they can experience something truly exotic but I don’t think that environment would pull in as many players. Essentially the majority want a Skyrim sequel while the hardcore crowd want a more Morrowind style game.
@rods4176 2 ай бұрын
Summerset...a year following the events of Skyrim. The narrative is written vaguely so the player's Skyrim chosen path doesn't matter. "It was a tie, a stalemate OR six months following your victory with (Imperials/Stormcloaks) the other side received help and re-took half the continent.". Now the Nords (along with the Reguards and the Bretons) are on the counter offensive. The High-Elves, Khajiit and...pick a third group) are defending the islands in the civil war faction quest-line. This will give a great opportunity to further flesh out the Aldmeri...it's deeper politics, high elf culture, etc. There wouldn't be much in the way of lore study or creative writing heavy lifting involved since the teams have clearly changed (for the worst IMHO) since Skyrim and even FO4 as evidenced by the lazy, repetitive (vomit in mouth) Starfield. Since the High-Elves are most notably mages, the main quest-line can have some old wizard, whom made himself into an undead litch baddie, and (fill in the blank with evil goal) to ultimately take him down. Don't forget the usual factions: thieves, fighters, etc. and finally a mesmerizing soundtrack...done.
@bobyhappy2992 Ай бұрын
I would choose Valenwood because it is part of the aldmeri dominion AND is sandwitched between Elsweyr and the summerset isles plus there is a potential for a lot of verticality and tehre is the cool lore about the wild hunt that could be part of the super cool superpower we can get But it's Bethesda Whatever they'll decide to do it's gonna be as generic and shallow as could be
@Banefane Ай бұрын
It can be interesting, but I'm too tired to write ideas that might make things interesting. I played almost no games for seven days, just work and overtime. Let's wait and see what Bethesda produces. Things are looking bleak for them, I agree. EDIT: I'm not a fan of jungles. I like deserts more. But it doesn't matter, whatever Bethesda cooks, chances are they'll cook something mediocre.
@haroldgodwinsonshouldhavew3875 2 ай бұрын
I have even a more hot take that will make most of the zoomers go "uffff thats a lot to unpack". High Rock will be the best to bring a lot of old fans back to bethesda. We really need and old school fantasy game set in a kingdom inspired by english and french. Look at most of the beloved rpg they are like that
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
I see your point but High Rock definitely would not do it for me. The rumour is that High Rock will be combined with Hammerfell so I guess we will see.
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
Like your name btw.
@haroldgodwinsonshouldhavew3875 2 ай бұрын
thx @@spellandshield
@Tyrownious Ай бұрын
If they’re going to keep gutting the magic system until it’s just an action sword swinging game then they’re better off going to hammerfell where they hate magic or any other form of of fighting that isn’t just bashing against each other.
@Battlechapper Ай бұрын
With this game taking so long to develop, I wouldn’t be surprised if it has all of Hammerfell and Orsinium, plus parts of High Rock if not all of it and possibly islands and boat travel. We better get the dwarves back and have some deep conflicts more like oblivion/morrowind. Skyrim was an action game, this needs to be an rpg. If we just get some bland copy and paste Skyrim crap again like Starfield, I’ll never buy another game of theirs.
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
That's reasonable.
@CaptainBanjo-fw4fq Ай бұрын
Black marsh sounds like Catachan.
@mustafarahimi1012 Ай бұрын
I agree with you
@noxepoch3325 Ай бұрын
If Bethesda has any sense of self preservation and wants to recapture Skyrim's Dragonborn glory, the next expansion should be AKAVIR with it's monkey-folk warriors, primal demons, tiger dragons, and vampiric serpent-men
@Hero_Of_Old Ай бұрын
Lets finish Tamriel first.
@Leodachef1 13 күн бұрын
Noone wants to go to fucking Hammerfell. I dont want to look at sand and rocks all day, even when they spin some mystical shite in it.
@silentobserver4425 Ай бұрын
Hear me out. What if they did all of tamerial ? I know that’s a tall order especially with the writers and lack of technical skills but I think all of tamerial would be a great last elders scrolls mainline game.
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
You mean like the 1,000 planets in Starfield? I think Bethesda is incapable of doing this.
@silentobserver4425 Ай бұрын
@@spellandshield I fully understand and agree with that! But what if we had more talented people who had the vision to connect this world seamlessly? Hire way better writers and just make an experience that’s worth investing into like on the level of a gta 6. When I say that I don’t mean useless scope either like starfield. I mean an actual fleshed out world, with multiple branching storylines and arcs. A monster game worthy of investing billion dollars into with a new engine. I know it won’t happen but this would be my vision if i ran Xbox or Microsoft.
@Below_Mediocre Ай бұрын
I would like High Rock as a return to knights and plate armour type aesthetics, but I’d also really enjoy Black Marsh or Elsewyr for the exotic landscapes (and furries). Hammerfell will suck, Todd will use the vast deserts as an excuse for procedural generation and the majority Redguard population will be used for ESG and wokeness.
@johnnytower6169 25 күн бұрын
I love desert games. New Vegas was amazing
@notsteve5927 Ай бұрын
The problem with making a game set in Summerset Isle or Black Marsh is that those regions are known to be non-cosmopolitan. Thalmor, who currently rule Alinor, are basically fantasy nazis, and Black Marsh Argonians have a very alien culture comparing to the traditionally Imperial provinces, which also does not look kindly upon non-Argonians who would enter it (oh, and don’t forget that the Empire had to willingly abandon its colonies in Black Marsh simply because the environment was too hostile). It would be hard to justify a presence of, say, Nord character on Summerset Isle, and “immersion”, “lore-friendliness” and ability to play as any major race in Tamriel are some of the main selling points of the franchise. So in this regard, I have to (unfortunately) disagree with you, and say that while Hammerfell (or Iliac Bay) looks and feels very “vanilla” and uninspiring, it is a better location for a main installation in the ES series. It will still suck tho 😂
@77wolfblade 2 ай бұрын
Sadly it's probably going to be hammer or other human Province since humans are a lot more profitable in the eyes of well none fantasy people. Since market people love marketing To audiences as big as possible, and usually they like stuff that are simple. for example Skyrim resembled a lot of Viking and Norse stuff and allow people knew about that and familiar sadly stuff like black marsh people wouldn't be familiar or might creep them out so the marketing part of the company will be telling the developers to make it more simple. I agree on with you with everything But sadly the philosophy of the company seems to be the "keep it simple stupid". But in my opinion is working against them.
@Blood4Baphomet 2 ай бұрын
Valenwood first choice always but Blackmarsh would also be great.
@jesseleeshoemakerjr5461 Ай бұрын
Wrong. Honestly Skyrim was a boring landscape. Snow... exciting stuff. If you know anything about the actual lore you'd know how interesting Hammerfell/Redguard lore is probably some of the best in all of Tamriel. Ansei sword saints, Dwarven mysteries, the ancient wars between the Ragada and the Nedes, the conflict between the two Redguard factions, the conflict between Redguards and the Aldmeri Dominion... your take. Swamps and Lizard people? Lost all respect for your opinion right there. Nobody likes Argonians.
@maofria1452 2 ай бұрын
Elders scrolls VI will be in all Tamriel using the same procedural technology of the Starfield. If I'm right, this would be dead on arrival 😖😣
@victormediano5049 2 ай бұрын
Bathesda hate magic play. They should NOT! Touch summerset isles. Just look at skyrim and oblivion with Watered-down magic system's.
@Defectivegg Ай бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised if they find a way to dumb it even further down. 😂
@justWorrik 2 ай бұрын
one word Akaviir.
@UToobUsername01 Ай бұрын
Todd wants it to be in Skyrim again so he can make Skyrim 2. 32 times more detail. All stolen content from modders because he just wants to make Starfield DLC forever.
@nsn3198 2 ай бұрын
i really thibk hammerfell would suck
@willferrous8677 2 ай бұрын
I'd rather Bethesda not taint Black Marsh nor Summerset with their subpar writing as seen in recent years. Let them screw up hammerfell/high rock for now, maybe after a few people left the company and a few people that actually knows what they are doing climb up the corporate ladder THEN we can think about realizing those high potential provinces.
@77wolfblade 2 ай бұрын
makes you think if they ever outsource it to a different developer or a different writer I wonder what would happen.
@badrhetoric5637 2 ай бұрын
Bethesda tend to be trend chasers, trends ten yrs out id date. They'll try to make Dube....
@anderporascu5026 Ай бұрын
Human regions are universally boring because they are overdone. Alien environments are more interesting point blank. Even more potential is seeing Akavir the mysterious Asian land though hints say there could be aboriginal culture as well.
@Hot-Rod1965 Ай бұрын
You just know that ES6 is going to be a woke pile of DEI 💩.
@gamecouch1554 Ай бұрын
You sound like that guy on tiktok who impersonates redditors
@MesmerAloofly 24 күн бұрын
@MCoftheMC9412 2 ай бұрын
Not to mention the ESG points they would get for making a "black" majority environment.
@jameshardy6277 Ай бұрын
I have no faith in Bethesda now. The writing will be cringy and shallow and they will of course play safe/generic with the story to ensure they don't offend the useless woke crowd.
@elenaprietovillanueva3251 2 ай бұрын
Akavir. May be anything about Sload & their homeland. After Morrowind i expected something amazing but it was Oblivion only... I was a little dissapointed... After that Skyrim... even more dissapointed... P.S.: Hammerfell stories are the most boring and annoying of all The Elder Scrolls online stories
@BlinkBoyBrad 2 ай бұрын
Hammerfell will be a vehicle used for wokeness. So sad, tragic even.
@jfkst1 2 ай бұрын
I expect they'll do Hammerfell just to get ESG points. All those oppressed Redguards.
@PrinceZakariyya Ай бұрын
Gamers are so cringe
@jfkst1 Ай бұрын
@@PrinceZakariyya What do you mean?
@Justanobody8472 Ай бұрын
dude tes6 is never gunna happen..
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Survival skills: A great idea with duct tape #survival #lifehacks #camping