The Todd Howard Delusion

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2 ай бұрын

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Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies God Howard. It might not seem like it but in some sense people have never been more aware of Bethesda's intentional mediocrity with respect to the games they make. It's been a long journey but all of the lies and delusion go back to the singular success of Skyrim, a game whose success they thought they could replicate and never did and in the face of Starfield, Bethesda's most "controversial" game, how does it bode for the Elder Scrolls VI? This is a game surely 5 years off but one that I would argue hangs by a thread in terms of how it will define Bethesda for good or ill. It's not looking good...

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@Vagabond_Gaming 2 ай бұрын
There's an old saying in Korean: When you are young, choose obstacle over success. It means that being too successful when you are young is actually detrimental for your growth as one becomes too arrogant and their view becomes too narrow. The problem with Bethesda is that they were too successful and all they are doing now is trying to replicate their formula of success without putting effort to make a good game. Good video as always.
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
I appreciate the wisdom of Joseon!
@hamizanyunos1502 Ай бұрын
@@spellandshield Elder Scrolls has great and intricate lore but Bethesda just suck at using their source material to make great games
@kingme4201 Ай бұрын
@@hamizanyunos1502they constantly fail their own open book tests story wise.
@corriban 2 ай бұрын
I can't explain or rationalize it but every studio that Microsoft bought recently is on it's last leg. Blizzard is obviously fucked. Activision slowly starts to realize that shitting out a (bad) COD every year won't be enough anymore. Bethesda was bought solely on its old glory and even Arkane had a major slip up under Microsoft. Obsidians new game looks like it's aimed at a very limited audience too. All my heroes, they're going down.
@it2spooky4me79 2 ай бұрын
Sometimes there's that glimmer of hope, if Microsoft can do a better job at managing, then we'll be able to fully see that glimmer, but for now, they gotta get their heads back in the game and stop slacking, upper management needs to be completely arranged, so the devs can shine.
@jackschneider863 2 ай бұрын
I think arkane is the saddest of these prey and both dishonored games are fucking perfect
@maxkozak9702 2 ай бұрын
The Activision- Blizzard scenario is actually a good thing. As long as Call of Duty dies, everything else will be fine.
@Siilk70 2 ай бұрын
Microsoft should just control the stuff, giving to much freedom to the studios is not working, they want to be the """"""good guys"""""" if that's even possible, and don't give the hard word
@KiazaKadaj 2 ай бұрын
act-blizzard will be fine tbh. Overwatch 2 is surprisingly doing well with casual audiences, WoW is a staple even still since MMos just aren’t in a great place and Diablo 5 might be ass to most people but it somehow has players. CoD is CoD and will always sell until maybe an exact competitor comes in and pushes it out of the way.
@ScytheNoire 2 ай бұрын
Look up the video "Todd and the sweet little lies" from 5 years ago. He's been lying his entire career.
@georgecastanza6712 2 ай бұрын
Dude he’s always lying there’s something psychologically wrong with him.
@eternaldarkness3139 Ай бұрын
We can now do 16× the lies ! --Godd Howard
@Bahrtuk Ай бұрын
​@georgecastanza6712 pathological lying, aka personality disorder, it's also just part of being in the corporate world
@lostzephyr2191 2 ай бұрын
Seems like they haven't learned any lessons or gained any humility from the disaster of Starfield. Doesn't make me hopeful for TESVI.
@jmmywyf4lyf 2 ай бұрын
Fallout 4, was all the warning I needed.. 76 was confirmation.
@johndodo2062 2 ай бұрын
​@@jmmywyf4lyf3 should have been your warning. That game was not very good either and even looked awful at the time it was new
@jmmywyf4lyf 2 ай бұрын
@@johndodo2062 I still like Fallout 3.. Great game
@Hekk. 2 ай бұрын
They added a map to Starefield though, that's quite a big innovation for the RPG genre.
@YanChose 2 ай бұрын
Bethesda fanbois are directly responsible for the studio's lack of improvement. They still act like stacking potatos and sandwiches should wow people and guess what, stacking sandwiches and potatos was one of the selling point Bethesda chose to show us pre release. Can't wait to stack potatos in TES 6 !
@MosDefnIT88 2 ай бұрын
Bethesda fanboys are directly responsible for Bethesda's lack of improvement? Bethesda fanboys have so much input in the creative meetings that have taken place since Skyrim released? It's the fanboys who've been steering Bethesda away from old school choices based narrative RPGs into the realm of linear, action adventure based, building and life sim? I was always of the belief Skyrim was/is comically overrated. Mods have turned comically overrated into an all time game. Fallout 4 wasnt a fallout game. No choices, your character was a premade boy scout/girl scout. Fetch quests galore. Go here, shoot things, retrieve whatever. Negotiate extra caps. It was more Disney fallout than the darker tones of what Fallout is. It's no one's fault but Bethesda's that they've moved away from RPGs into linear action adventure sim builders. Bethesda is listening to noone but Bethesda. Their fanboys just wait with their hands out.
@ratatoskr9366 2 ай бұрын
Can you name another game where you can stack individual potatoes?
@YanChose 2 ай бұрын
@@ratatoskr9366 Good point. No one else was dumb enough. Any Pop-tarts mod yet ? Can't wait to stack Pop-tarts.
@ratatoskr9366 2 ай бұрын
@@YanChose Yeah while I agree it was pretty dumb to showcase stacking potatoes as a feature in their demo... there are very few open world games that allow you to pick things and interact with the world like BGS rpgs. And I guarantee you, if Starfield was good game, this would be heralded as an awesome feature. How do I know this, because back in 2011 people were blown away by this feature in Skyrim. Perception of a game can showcase its features in a good light or bad light depending on how the game is perceived. Look at Cyberpunk. Little details people were using as evidence for a "shit" game are now being praised ever since CDProjekt Red turned that game around. Skyrim, well received game = "omg you can pick up every item and decorate your whole house!" Starfield, poorly received game = "Stacking potatoes is whats wrong with Bethesda!"
@YanChose 2 ай бұрын
@@MosDefnIT88 Fanboys' go-to line "tHiNk aBoUt the MoDs" is directly responsible for Bethesda's laziness. That's why despite the popularity of Sky UI.. Starfield came out with the same sh*tty single column inventory UI. I don't want to think about the mods. Enough about the mods.
@filidhdeklend893 2 ай бұрын
Kind of nailed it. Doesn't help their lead writer brags about not using a design document, complains about RPG gamers making paper airplanes out of his stories, and calls his writing "the great American novel" while the BEST thing he ever did was the cliche after cliche after cliche that was Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood(where he completely ignored ALL of the previous Dark Brotherhood lore to boot)...yeah things are looking grim. And I'm sorry but just because they produced a 7/10 TV show for people who don't even play their games isn't going to change a thing.
@Y.Moroboshi 2 ай бұрын
Wait, the guy behind Oblivion's dark brotherhood questline is the same guy that wrote the dumpsterfire that was Skyrim's writing?
@Badookum 2 ай бұрын
@@Y.Moroboshi The Oblivion Darkbrotherhood questline isn't even that good, you are sent to kill members of the brotherhood because someone wants to destroy them from inside, this is the laziest way to create a plot twist, members would have caught on by the first murder.
@UToobUsername01 2 ай бұрын
@@Badookum Morrowind was Bethesda's best work. You could just be a sociopath and kill anyone in the game. You do not see that level of freedom anymore in open world RPGs anymore.
@windwaker105 2 ай бұрын
@@UToobUsername01 you do from Larian.
@UToobUsername01 2 ай бұрын
@@windwaker105 Open world = games like GTA, Zelda Breath of the Wild/TOTK, Kindom Come Deliverance, Fallout NV etc where you can basically ignore the main quest and run about clearing dungeons like a simple dungeon crawl game. (the bulk of the game is not completing the story to "win" - but rather that you live in the world and the world moves along whether you live or get killed) Daggerfall was an example of open world since like a pen and paper RPG you could role play whatever you created as a character. (it even let you create whole classes not just characters. So if a class didn't exist in the core game you could make it) Open World can also mean simple games with linear stories but an open world to run about in like Far Cry games. (you still stuck to a linear path but have a lot of freedom to choose the order to tackle it in) True sandbox games are like the old pen and paper role plaing games where players are driving the story not the story driving the player. In all linear rpg like baldur's gate, you have an object and don't get to ignore having to complete it. In true sandbox games, there may not have to be an objective because you can ignore the main quest entirely and live in that world disregarding the intent of the developers. I know that is confusing but the true sandbox games are ones where you don't get to be restricted in anything you do. There is no right or wrong just choices you made and the sandbox reacts to it. If you want to murder all the npc in old Elder Scrolls, it wasn't seen as breaking the game, it was you just acting your character out realistically. BG1-2 have long epic quest. Elder Scrolls has long epic quest. BG wants you to play the game how the developer intend. Elder Scrolls says "ignore our intended path if you please, become immersed in the world we created." (same in GTA games: many don't even complete these games but played them for the fun of doing what they please) ES designed to let you not care what the world thinks. BG wants to guide you to set pathway. A true sandbox has no good or bad ending and no right or wrong character. (just as there is no right or wrong way to play animal crossing or the sims. The point is life is what you choose to make of it) Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect have linear story structure. They are not considered open world RPG for this reason but linear RPGs like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. Generally if a story is "pre-generated for you" it's not you in control. The story is driving the player rather than the other way around where the player drives the story.
@Rapunzel879 2 ай бұрын
Todd is always in snake oil salesman mode. I fully expect TES6 be utter trash. It's being built on the same antiquated Creation Engine as Starfield. It will have a lot of the same problems that Blandfield has (poor optimization, infinite loading screens, hideous character models, ancient facial animations etc.) And worst of all, it will have similarly pathetic levels of writing.
@dammyoyesanya4656 2 ай бұрын
I think we just need to move on from Bethesda. There are other rpgs to look forward to and others that we can play. I and many others are way more hyped for the Witcher 4 than TES 6. Also Persona 6 is coming soon and Square Enix just released the fantastic FF7 Rebirth. We just need to leave Bethesda in the dust. I can’t fathom why anyone enjoys their games anymore
@Wunderkind04 2 ай бұрын
I remember when Skyrim first came out, waiting for it at the midnight release in the mall. Holy fuck was everyone excited. Got home, played it. I went.. Where the fuck are all my armor pieces? Why do I not have more separate armor pieces? Where the fuck are the enemy types? Where are all the unique summons they got rid of from Oblivion? Even Skyrim itself was a further regression, and I only expect that in ES6. Shit, they even got rid of spears and throwing weapons when they went to Oblivion. Now I fully expect there to only be bows/crossbows/daggers/swords/maces/axes, and one-piece armor sets in ES6. As little customization as possible, and Todd will still claim he's the god of the games industry.
@Rapunzel879 2 ай бұрын
@@dammyoyesanya4656 Dude, Persona 6 is one of my most anticipated games. The Witcher 4 is also high up there. Avowed is coming out this year, and maybe Dragon Age Dreadwolf? Mass Effect is still years away, but it's probably my most anticipated game along with the sequel to Cyberpunk. Yeah, there's a lot to look forward to. I legitimately could not care less if Bethesda got shut down tomorrow.
@stephanmarcouxdrums4877 2 ай бұрын
@@Wunderkind04 Not really... Oh I remember too well the hype before the release of the game Skyrim in 2011, the Vicking song, the trailer, remember the main character running and we could listen to his breath getting heavier, and the Dragon Flying around was hard to believe, even Todd showing the game Live in front of an audience was something to remember, he was walking by the water fall and it was impressive, with those spiky moutains far away, he was just playing the game and it was tremendously convincing to buy it. Morrowind? Success. Oblivion? Success. Skyrim? Tremendous success. Why the hell do you think they are going to fail with The Elder Scroll VI? It doesn't fit.
@stephanmarcouxdrums4877 2 ай бұрын
@@dammyoyesanya4656 Bethesda created Doom and The Elder Scrolls, I'm not going to leave them in the dust with the next Elder Scrolls, forget it.
@Charles_Bro-son 2 ай бұрын
Entirely agree especially for one reason - Howard & Bethesda reacted downright arrogant to valid criticism of Starfield very reminiscent to Apple's "you're doing it wrong" answer back in the day. No sign of doing a bit of introspection to begin course correction.
@elhazthorn918 2 ай бұрын
Our game is like the MOON LANDING!
@RipleyAtHome 2 ай бұрын
I'm not looking forward to whatever *blank*born you end up being in TES 6.
@johnnymidnight2982 2 ай бұрын
Knowing the way Bethesda has been making games, it'll probably be the Village Idiot.
@user-ip6wq7vr7m 2 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure it's going to be a huge let down, and I've always said that if they screw up this TES 6 I believe that will be the end of Bethesda, it's beloved by so many people.
@johndodo2062 2 ай бұрын
​@@user-ip6wq7vr7mit really shouldn't be. They have been all smoke and mirrors from day 1
@charlieb308 Ай бұрын
Enjoy Pokemon and other kids games or beta males
@tsbol2201 Ай бұрын
@steffen89able 2 ай бұрын
Didn’t even bother with buying it. Back in the day i used to buy everything they put out. Now, last product i bought was fallout 4( which i actually liked) but nothing about Starfield felt appealing. Then it came out and my low interest cratered.
@Donnirononon 2 ай бұрын
I cant believe ANYONE who ever played an Creation Engine / Kit game would have believed 76 or Starfield marketing. Like ok, they just magically refactored their 20+ year old engine in one night or what? You dont have to be an SE to understand that this does only happen in fairy tales.
@thexan7234 2 ай бұрын
​@Donnirononon valve did chief in fact I'd wager its one of the very best. They have done it twice actually....
@marekkos3513 2 ай бұрын
TES6 will be exactly like Starfield with loading screen every where and 16 times the detail
@mejrikais6002 2 ай бұрын
@Celadonis-the-Lore-Seeker 2 ай бұрын
One of Bethesda's biggest problems is that they have no competitors, they are the only ones making their kind of rpg and have no reason to try to do better and listen to fan requests or criticism. An example of this is their shalowness in re-implementing deeper role-playing mechanics into their game. I was blown away yesterday seeing the latest Skyblivion dev diary in which they showed that they had re-implemented all the roleplaying mechanics of Oblivion and that they had also added many new ones in addition ! The day is coming when Bethesda will have real competition, people who have taken inspiration from their games but who haven't lost the appeal of deeply cohesive lore and deep RPG mechanics that Bethesda used to have.
@enomiellanidrac9137 2 ай бұрын
To be honest Bethesda's game were always more action than RPG.
@AdrRake 2 ай бұрын
It's true, which is why I hope Obsidian succeeds with Avowed so that their next video game is even more ambitious.
@selfprojects1953 2 ай бұрын
@enomiellanidrac9137 2 ай бұрын
@@selfprojects1953 Not the same kind of game.
@UToobUsername01 2 ай бұрын
@@AdrRake Avowed is linear RPG. The only one making old school Bethesda RPGs is Once Lost games. They are working on a spiritual successor to Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall called "The Wayward Realms". Involves Ted Peterson and Julian Lafey. They need funding though..
@justWorrik 2 ай бұрын
from an individual who grew up on Fallout NV i and Elder Scrolls, all that I hope is it to get better. but I ain't going to fall for the nostalgia trap again like i did with wow. Any way Nice video Shieldy
@apres-lachute8718 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, like I said on the's over for Bethesda and we even have to wait another 5 years for this slop. I am probably done with it but I will keep my eyes open just in case.
@auntdee845 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, I like Skyrim and have never used mods. The thing with Skyrim is even if it's been months or years I can jump back in and just randomly play and have fun. There's no equivalent in Starfield. It wants me to finish the main quest and go to NG+ and that's not what I want. But, that's all that's really left to do. Outposts aren't fun. Shipbuilding is for no reason. Everything in the game is just stuff to do, but not for any in game reason, really. It just is boring, so I don't even want to do anything in it.
@KingJ1397-v8q 2 ай бұрын
But that’s exactly what Skyrim was meaningless dungeon crawl missions , boring side quests it’s the exact same game just in space you people just don’t see it
@JayRNaylor 2 ай бұрын
Truly open explorable worlds without aggressive level gating is what BGS is actually good at, and they got away from it with Starfield. I think their issue is they don't understand that's what people liked from Skyrim. Make a character who can live in that world. Explore it. Layer it with mods. Build your own experience. Ignore the quests if you want. Taking the formula they're good at and improving on it is what Larian and FromSoftware has done with success.
@bricecate 2 ай бұрын
I was pretty excited for starfeild. First time I got to a door, the door cracked and then the screen faded to black and I was teleported into the interior, I put my controller down and sighed. I knew I was in for a stinker
@NikolaiMihailov1 2 ай бұрын
Modder here. Starfield isnt worth modding. Between the fact that the game is just boring,without a drop of the CK until at least the first DLC. Its also an issue of the fact that the game just needs so much work. I have a nagging suspicion that I cant prove right now, that the nav meshes are largely broken. I noticed this issue with the fact that your companion often teleported to keep up with you. I also noticed with how often NPCs get stuck on objects in combat. Especially with how jump packs are standard with many NPCs,the NPCs cant 'see'where they can go to. So it creates this goofy loop where they get suck and can be picked off. Its very obvious in certain dungeons that dont have NPCs using their jump packs. They function in a servicable manner without their packs. But when the pack gets involved,the combat AI packages(how Creation/Gamebyro games work,everything is in packages,like the BSA files. Its been a hot minute since I made mods but the terms should still be accurate.) Breaks because navmeshes are broken/incomplete. Add onto the factor that the guns are largely boring. Samey and just not fun to use. Combat is pretty forgettable once you get space shouts. The entire damage system needs to be reworked and so does the laughably non-existent perk system. To put it simple its a monumental task just to fix the problems with gameplay. Not to mention the issues with the laughably bland and boring story.
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your work Lord Modder! You do the work of the gods!
@NikolaiMihailov1 2 ай бұрын
@spellandshield I wouldn't call myself a God of modding. That's people like Hitman and Kinggath. I still consider myself a novice who's barely done anything more than a few retextures and nifbashes for FO3. Mechanically speaking, Starfield is a game. It feels like a game through and through with modernism thrown on top. I took a peek at some of the leaks. The code for starships is a lot like the FO4 power armor. You can't have multiple docking ports or landing bays because it's how the game dictates where the player model spawns. It actually breaks the game to do so. The UI needs a total overhaul. While servicable its just not good. It's all flash and it's not very well thought out. In all honesty the game already has a shaky foundation. Mods just can't fix it. I got Starfield for early access to the new CK for I presume the next Fallout and TES. However I don't think many modders myself included want to mod Starfield. It's just too boring to do so.
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
@@NikolaiMihailov1 I appreciate your input nonetheless Lord Modder! All modders are sacred in my eyes!
@PowerfulRift 2 ай бұрын
Good, don’t mod it don’t buy it.
@NikolaiMihailov1 2 ай бұрын
@PowerfulRift if this is the quality going forward I'm not modding FO5(6? Does 76 count as a mainline title? Or is it a modern Fallout BoS?)and TES6. I'll be blunt. As bad as Fallout 4 was narratively its at least servicable as a survival game with the right mods. Starfield has none of that.
@twofarg0ne763 2 ай бұрын
Todd Howard has had ZERO creditability since he got on stage and lied through his teeth about how great (the dumpster fire) called Fallout 76 was going to be.
@Elnidax 2 ай бұрын
I remember seeing people excited because they FINALLY added a map, I was like it’s been almost a year you have to be kidding
@Zero-eq7mp 2 ай бұрын
Nobody can call starfield a “next gen” game
@RichSmithify 2 ай бұрын
I have 3000+ hours into Skyrim and 4000+ hours in FO4 and I suspected that Starfield was headed for clusterfuckdom from the very start. I listened to what they wanted to do and what they wanted the game to be and then I learned they were going to use the Creation Engine to do it and I thought way. There's no way you can do that on the Creation Engine. ...but wait! This is Creation Engine 2! I still said no way. They'd have to update the Creation Engine to the extent that it wasn't the Creation Engine anymore. And now, lo and behold, we have Starfield with all of the limitations, jank and goofiness of the previous Creation Engine. Then there's the loading screens; oh my God the loading screens. They weren't really an issue in Skyrim and FO4 because they were relatively few and far between with a vast open world to explore without ever encountering one. But Starfield, by contrast, is an unending procession of loading screens interrupted only by the occasional fetch quest. Not acceptable in my book. I get why Bethesda clings to the Creation Engine. It's cheap (because they own it), easy to work on and everybody knows how to fix it. But the same can be said for the Model T and Henry Ford understood that if you don't move on you get left behind and that's exactly where Bethesda is with the Creation Engine today.
@eternaldarkness3139 Ай бұрын
The number of people... fanbois screaming how it was CE TWO!!! An entirely New Engine. That just happened to have the exact same limitations and bugs. Iteration doesn't necessarily mean entirely new, but fanboi does mean irrational.
@RichSmithify Ай бұрын
@@eternaldarkness3139 Yeah well, you can upgrade a covered wagon by putting a HEMI in it if you want but it'll never win at Daytona.
@ashamahee Ай бұрын
There is a video here on youtube by one of BGS former employees, he tells how extremely much more efficient it was for him to switch to another engine and all the stuff he can do in a days work that would take up to weeks in the creation engine. It is interesting then when people claim its "easier to use" when it seems to be slowing down development and the capabilities of the games by extremes.
@TheSaival 2 ай бұрын
Todd to Kirkbride is the same as Jobs to Wozniak.
@AndrewRyan-zv7zb 2 ай бұрын
I dont think Jobs lied that much lol
@WeeWeeJumbo 2 ай бұрын
this analogy doesn't really make sense unless you wanna go ahistorical
@grayearly3116 2 ай бұрын
Bruh its crazy how he still tries to argue that they dont share their ip because of "quality concerns". Biggest 🧢 of the century. Bethesda is so laughable
@AYAKXSHI 2 ай бұрын
They don’t share there rp because someone might do it better than them
@johnnymidnight2982 2 ай бұрын
It's getting pretty grim as I remember having concerns about Skyrim even by the time the definitive edition came out. Compared to Oblivion, I felt Skyrim was missing something that Oblivion and Fallout 3 had which was personality, quirks and mystery. Great side quests (so many of them) that you could stumble upon. It was like every 10 steps of the game had some Easter eggs or entire dungeons I had never encountered even after several previous playthroughs. Skyrim felt too gentrified, I guess? Ya, it felt like the dumbed-down version of Oblivion that catered to gamers and non-gamers alike.
@zacharymccants7922 2 ай бұрын
Oblivion definitely had soul. I liked Skyrim, but I loved Oblivion. Even Morrowind I would say is better. And Fallout 3 was way better than Fallout 4.
@johnnymidnight2982 2 ай бұрын
@@zacharymccants7922 I can't remember if Oblivion had this feature, but one thing that irked me about Skyrim was how everything would repopulate (even bosses) after 3 game days. Yes, you could disable that with through command prompt on PC, but it was my understanding the game was to be dynamic and persistent. It really broke immersion for me and felt like a series of theme parks. What I liked most about Fallout 4 was the base building options. Story-wise, no, it didn't have the mystique of Fallout 3, but some of the subplots were pretty cool. The film noir storyline had a P. K. Dick style to it, but I didn't feel the fear and wonder of Fallout 3 by a long shot.
@Cappuccino_Rabbit 2 ай бұрын
As flawed as Oblivion was in some aspects, it at least had something magical in its setting and quest design. And i mean...sure Skyrim is supposed to be set at the "dark ages" but compare the Dark Brotherhood questline of Oblivion to Skyrim's and you'll quickly notice the downgrade. At best, Skyrim is a mid game that got carried/"fixed" by modders.
@jimmyrustles358 2 ай бұрын
People forget that Skyrim had a massive marketing campaign with huge reach. I knew alot of people personally who didn't even play games that knew about Skyrim and were interested in it.
@babytiny5807 2 ай бұрын
How can you manage 500 hours in this game?? That's crazy honestly
@UToobUsername01 2 ай бұрын
it's normal for open worlds to soak up all your time.
@babytiny5807 2 ай бұрын
@@UToobUsername01 Not one that has you run in a straight line for 6 minutes to get 4 aluminium and some chlorine in a bone pile
@UToobUsername01 2 ай бұрын
@@babytiny5807 barren moon? Who would want to live there. Daggerfall had the same amount of empty space between cities. You just got to look at it as them trying to give you realism. That's it.
@babytiny5807 2 ай бұрын
@@UToobUsername01 The game blows I don't know what to tell you
@UToobUsername01 2 ай бұрын
@@babytiny5807 It depends where you went in the game. The procedurally generated dungeons are repetitive. Bethesda has become obsessed with giving you minecraft type minigames in thier rpgs. The barren areas are just places to farm materials when building extractors. In Skyrim you could physically mine with pickaxe but for starfield it's building outpost on moons. Nothing can live on moon due to no atmosphere. Real life is boring. That's why the hate. The sim elements get in the way of fun. If they had several alien races, a rogue AI that created robot race and more evil human empires the world would be more lively. It feels incomplete like this is Bethesda first draft. It's probably better to compare this to Elder Scrolls 1 Arena. 1. It's their first attempt at a space game. 2. space isavast so it was going tpo be procedurally generated whether you like it or not. 3. it's the first entry in the franchise (the lore isn't as rich) So I have lower expectations than most. Why? Because over the years Bethesda tends to favor normies over nerds. (the ES games got dumbed down over time) No.3 is the main reason this game isn't as appealing as Elder Scrolls because if there are no aliens there is no galactic war and without wars you have a world that is much more stable and less chaotic and unpredictable. IT's like if Saints Row only had 1 gang in it.
@Galimeer5 2 ай бұрын
"Everyone knows Bethesda have terrible writing, combat, and graphics. But let it never be said that they don't make excellent worlds to explore" -Me before Starfield
@almor2445 2 ай бұрын
I loved skyrim and oblivion but their fallout games have nothing on new vegas by obsidian or the isometric games.
@UToobUsername01 2 ай бұрын
New Vegas's only weakness is poor aiming controls. Fallout 4 fixed this so I often wonder what Fallout NV being re-released with better controls would be like. Would like to see a re-release with modern upgrades like the remake of Gothic.
@almor2445 2 ай бұрын
@UToobUsername01 I might be the only alive who liked the aiming on new vegas just fine. It was on a high spec modern pc though.
@post-apocalypticcomingsoon1625 2 ай бұрын
True. I even like Fallout Tactics more than Fallout 3. Morrowind is also way better than Oblivion and Skyrim. Of course that's just personal taste. I always say Bethesda started hitting the low when they made Fallout 4, but some people like that game. Anyway they have been on the decline for a good while. Especially with the paid mod fiasco and their own creation club mod thing. Trying to get modders to sell their mods when it always was free is a dirty greedy move. I've no trust in them whatsoever now.
@UToobUsername01 2 ай бұрын
@@post-apocalypticcomingsoon1625 I made a term for it: "The Next-gen Disease". The emphasis is making and presenting your games to be polished and more next gen but at the expense of some of the complexity of older games. The usualy obvious improvements in ES games are graphics, animation and map sizes which are all based on our hardware getting better. However the gameplay itself isn't deeper. So over time Bethesda focused on the things normies care about: making it look more polished outside but quests are much less complex. Having map markers also made the game easier so you didn't need to think as much (could be argued that it's a quality of life thing) which helped sell more games to a wider audience. Next-gen disease is what happens when a franchise becomes popular to wider audience and the makers of the games focus on how they are perceived by the wider community of gamers than the original fans. It results in dumbing down system to make it easier to understand, and changing the difficulty so you can still win the game with minimum skill level to keep as many people happy as possible. What the side effect of this is: old fans feel alienated by it, and the series becomes more generic in gameplay quality despite getting boosts in graphics. sounds, animation, and volume. Over-reliance on modding has made the company lazy so they focus on just the surface things. Like putting makeup on a person's face to enhance beauty. Superficial stuff is emphasised over important stuff.
@blob22201 2 ай бұрын
To be fair it would be hard to consistently make games as good as Skyrim, seeing as its the best game ever made.
@cy9nvs 2 ай бұрын
Imo, the biggest issue, is, that once you finished the big faction quests and main story, there isn't that much to do. There are a couple of interesting spots to discover, but other than that, it's just one procedurally generated planet after the other, all having the same buildings. In Skyrim and FO4, there was just so much to discover by just walking around, in Starfield, there isn't. It's all empty.
@CasualApostate 2 ай бұрын
Every night before I rest, I try my best to come to terms with the fact that elders scrolls 6 is going to suck.
@BenderIsGreat_34 2 ай бұрын
I'm steering clear of anything Todd Howard detected
@Zygmunator 2 ай бұрын
Boycoting Bethesda since Fallout 76. That was the last straw. That game ruined my relation with my girl at the time lol. The fact that they insist on using an ancient engine in modern games is mind boggling to me. Fallout 4 should have been the last game to do that.
@it2spooky4me79 2 ай бұрын
That's funny
@blob22201 2 ай бұрын
Lol how on earth did fallout 76 ruin your relationship
@Zygmunator 2 ай бұрын
@@blob22201 The game was just that. I complained about it and she got fed up.
@elhazthorn918 2 ай бұрын
Fallout 76 sucked, but if complaining to her caused you two to break up, I'm not sure it would have lasted anyway.
@a.a1559 2 ай бұрын
Imagine creating a game in 2023, where we are currently at the height of gaming development with high end technology, just for this game to become "loading simulator", All of those years just to get bitch slapped by Bethesda, expecting us to wait years upon years for the game to be fixed, thinking this is yet another Skyrim waiting for modders to actually finish developing the game, we expected better but since Bethesda is not going to learn, then kiss elder scrolls goodbye.
@soulbreaker1467 Ай бұрын
To me elders scroll 6 will determine the future of bethesda but i been honest they are going downhill to full speed snd nothing is saving this guys probably elders scroll 6 is a disaster or a game like starfield not bad has 76 neither greater them fallout 4 even though it got slot of flaws is perfect if we compare to what bethesda to giving us
@jeremysanders8766 2 ай бұрын
Bethesda basically puts out sandbox simulators 🤮
@AndrewRyan-zv7zb 2 ай бұрын
I wish. It's just an empty sandbox with nothing fun being simulated.
@moriarty6958 2 ай бұрын
Liked and subbed based solely on the fact you sound slightly like Zoidberg from futurama
@SirMacNaught 2 ай бұрын
I always had a feeling about the 1000 worlds idea. As soon as you go off the rails the illusion falls to pieces. My hope is that Microsoft licenses some of these IPs to devs that can consistently deliver.
@LabyrinthiaX Ай бұрын
I can see within Starfield something great, I think the game had potential but they fumbled it like the idiots they are.
@memesofdestruction5601 2 ай бұрын
seeing this gameplay makes me laugh hard ... how can the ai just be that bad???? they got shot and resume patroling?!? what is this
@Reaper-ml6ly Ай бұрын
I always tell people when it comes to ES6 not to expect anything more than Skyrim 2, that's literally the best case scenario we can hope for. Nothing revolutionary or ground breaking, just more of the same you played 13 years ago, minus a feature or 2 that was present in Skyrim.
@KarlKapo 2 ай бұрын
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies Todd 😅
@phero2 2 ай бұрын
Tell me tell me lies!
@antman1672 2 ай бұрын
Bethesda has a devoted mod community and then does absolutely nothing with it. Bethesda has people who work for free just to add stuff to their game and they won't even notice what people add and what people want added. What are the most popular mods for bethesda games? Meshes and texture packs so the game looks good, particularly bodies and armor. New weapons and animations. Adding new features to the broken engine. New quests with voiced npcs that isnt progen slop. What does bethesda do for starfield? Ugly bulky armor, and bland textures for the environment. like only 10 guns total in the game, goofy looking animations. same old busted engine with very few new features, we finally get hair physics in starfield and now you always wear helmets. less quests than skyrim or even fallout 4 had. At this point we should be more hyped about how modders will mod a bethesda game 5 years later, than how good the game will be at launch.
@spellandshield 2 ай бұрын
Or look at Skywind or Skyblivion.
@Alpha1200 2 ай бұрын
I think part of this video is right, but I think part of it is not. Undoubtably Skyrim was in part so successful because of mods and because of the time that it came out in. However, I still don't think that most of Bethesda's game design is outdated. Their game design actually HASN'T stayed the same. It has been changing with every game. They have been progressively stripping out RPG elements and created more and more procedural generation. What they don't understand is that people haven't been playing Skyrim for all these years because it has infinite radiant quests or whatever. They've been playing it for that amount of time because it has an immersive, mostly hand made world that has been made infinitely replayable in part through mods and in part through the various RPG elements it has. "Starfield" was not a proper RPG. And it basically killed exploration dead by not having an overworld and procedurally generating almost everything. The universe also was not nearly as interesting as the TES universe to explore. In my opinion, if anything, Bethesda needs to look backwards. Backwards at Daggerfall, at Morrowind, at Oblivion and at Skyrim. It needs to reintegrate more RPG elements again and it needs to stop trying to go for procedural generation. It needs a mostly hand-crafted world with RPG elements and full of possibilities in an interesting universe. I think if TES 6 continues to follow the trend they've been on for over a decade now of simplifying and making things more generic, it'll be a bad game. But if they leverage the interesting TES universe properly, they reintroduced RPG elements, while handcrafting an interesting and free world all while at the same time maintaining mod support and improving on select pieces of the game like combat and companions, then it'll be great.
@Qolos 2 ай бұрын
I'm not even on the lookout for Elder Scrolls or Fallout news. I am wondering if there will be comparable modding tools for Avowed.
@bowiesensei5574 2 ай бұрын
When you said 18 years after skyrim would be when es6 likely comes out made my heart sink. Thats just fucking insane for a wait
@christopherr.561 2 ай бұрын
They are just mailing it in and putting crap out knowing it will sale anyway, so why try.
@invaderjoshua6280 2 ай бұрын
People need to understand after a decade most AAA studios you like arnt the same that made the games you liked from the past. People move on from the studios over time. The Bethesda that made Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim is mostly gone, a lot of those devs have moved on from this studio. Clearly from how long development time is taking between titles and the lack of fun or quality it’s saying the most talented have clearly left the studio.
@ClellBiggs Ай бұрын
Fluke? No. They made Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 3 before Skyrim and though they didn't do Skyrim levels of sales they were all still massive hits for the time they released in. Fallout 4 sold around the same number of copies as Skyrim. Fallout 4 overtook Skyrim a few years ago but I don't know if it's held on to that lead. The problem is that instead of giving more of what the players of their earlier games liked they've been trying to capture a larger audience by making changes to their core design philosophy that people don't like or enjoy. They simply don't listen to their fans anymore because as you said in the video Skyrim made them think they could do whatever they want and still have a hit, which unfortunately has been proven to be true so far, at least according to sales. Until people actually stop buying their games instead of just complaining they'll continue making the same mistakes.
@deathbycognitivedissonance5036 2 ай бұрын
No one believes God anymore, not even himself.
@thenomad2311 Ай бұрын
The first time bethesda's ever done a Chosen One??! Morrowind: Am I a joke to you?
@syndelius9108 2 ай бұрын
I cant help but partially disagree. While most of what you stated is true, we need to keep in mind that all Bethesda games after Skyrim were not Elder Scrolls games, the universe they know all about. No one can deny success of every single major TES game with Skyrim as a flagship for modding community. Their recent games were mostly okayish, nothing to be crazy about for sure, but for me the most important part is that Larian set the expectations bar pretty high for everyone in RPG industry with Baldurs Gate 3 and people will definitely look and compare TES VI to BG3 or new Larian title whatever it will be. Bethesda (and Todd for that matter) are well aware of that, which makes me... Not hopeful, but less dreadful about TESVI? Then again, I just might be biased since its my all time favourite universe with its lore. Its also worth mentioning that Bethesda took at least SOME feedback into consideration, looking at the scope of the new Starfield update.
@debrickashaw9387 2 ай бұрын
The last bethesda game I played and enjoyed was Oblivion but that was more because it was my first open world RPG and I was 10. They have really released a good game since then. And won't in the future atleast not with Todd at the helm
@YOGI-kb9tg 2 ай бұрын
I'm not surprised as a saying goes every boycott is a cinematic away from ending. It's not the same but that's basically Bethesda and their fans.
@BoomMC_Inc Ай бұрын
Wasted years making a menu simulator when they should've been working on Elder Scrolls 6.
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
@HelicopterRidesForCommunists 2 ай бұрын
Remember that Todd Howard wanted to release Starfield one full year before it eventually did until Xbox’s Phil Spencer stepped in knowing what a disaster that would’ve been
@AndrewRyan-zv7zb 2 ай бұрын
The only positive i can say for it is its the least buggy release i can remember by them.
@spaceghostohio7989 2 ай бұрын
God Howard !! Love it !! Been riding on the name for years. Well put brother !! Oh.. " It just works "..
@VorenusXIII 2 ай бұрын
Starfield is ugly. The character faces are so bad they are meme worthy. Exactly like in Mass Effect Andromeda, an eight year old game. Bethesda still doesn't use motion capture. That's just lazy. I would say Todd Howard needs to go, but Microsoft would just replace him with an even worse corpo suit.
@DetectivePikachu37347 Ай бұрын
5:40 You hit the nail with that point.
@HellKnightX88 2 ай бұрын
CDPR switched to UE5 because it was becoming increasingly difficult to update/overhaul their RedEngine and they also have to spend time on training new hires on how to work with their propietary engine. They're expanding, they're trying to work on 2 major titles at once which is why they're setting up a new studio in Boston. And it's easier to hit the ground running and start working on what matters when you can hire people that are familiar with the engine (UE) instead of having to spend time onboarding people so they can use your engine (RedEngine). Furthermore this also expands your potential hiring pool because UE is fairly popular. RedEngine can looks absolutely gorgeous, they aren't ditching it because they're not happy with how games look. 2077 is still one of the most visually impressive games out there. Hell, even TW3 still looks downright beautiful.
@kenmck7802 2 ай бұрын
I thought , at FIRST, I'll wait a couple of...years, let the modders do THEIR WORK, an be on SALE and maybe. But with their attitude of their CUSTOMERS being idiots well they deserve NO "praise" for doing...something and I'll NEVER buy this thing , hell I wouldn't STEAL it. I FEAR for ALL in the future, Elder, Fallout. For a multi, MULTI BILLION dollar company that has been in the business for DECADES I'm no longer...impressed. Liethesda can keep it's LIES annnnnddd I'LL keep MY money.
@theninjaguy2 Ай бұрын
BGS has been bleeding talent ever since they got acquired by Zenimax media after the release of Daggerfall. It started with Julian Lefay who left after they got acquired. Then there was Michael Kirkbride who left during the development of Morrowind. After that there was Ken Rolsten and Ted Peterson who both left after Oblivion. Skyrim was built by a new team out of the scraps left behind by Rolsten, Peterson, and Kirkbride, and now that they don't have superior reference material to work off of, the cracks in the team's talent are showing. This current team lacks talented writers and proper direction. Some of the devs at BGS are clearly very talented, many of the systems in modern BGS titles are quite impressive, but without proper engine developers and coherent design strategies the talent they have is being wasted. If Microsoft wants to salvage BGS, it's the production and management areas of the company that need shaking up, but I get the feeling that won't happen as Todd Howard would have to admit that he is largely responsible for the failings of his studio.
@stupidlizard4764 Ай бұрын
Bethesda is the game company that after Morrowind takes one step forward, make absolutely mindblowing 180 turn and then another two steps. I love Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout NV. Right now playing Fallout 4 and plan to revisit Skyrim after so many years. But I can tell you, they really downgrading their games in one side, but upgrading them from another. Take gameplay mechanincs/creative abilities of player ratio as example. In Morrowind we had very basic combat system but so many options with how you want to fight. Many weapons, spells, enchantments, customisation with combinations of armor and cloth with different parts of body. But we had basically two own houses. One of them from House Hlaalu, your own estate, but you lose another two interesting quest lines of Great Houses. Second one is in Bloodmoon DLC, but it's technically worse than the estate, because of less amount of containers. And did you know that containers in Morrowind had their own inventory limitations by weight? Yeah, thats a bummer and making harder to store all the stuff you find in the world. But it's still not critical. In Oblivion we had simplification of combat. Less weapon variety, less customisation with armor and cloth, less interesting spells. There was a potential with combat skills, but in reality they were unreliable and weak. But we now can have our own house in every major city and it's much better to store stuff and decorating your home. In Skyrim you can not only buy a house, but built your own. Make it special, add a drop of your soul into it. But, you quessed it, combat now feels stiffed like everyone in old rusted tanks. Also no more special combat perks - crits, bleed damage or armor ignore, take it or leave. You know what is one of the reasons of popularity of stealth archers builds? You can evade combat with it. Not a good point to combat system, if you ask me. Do you think that this only for Scrolls? Think again, we have Fallout 4. Now we can build entire settlements, literally bringing civilisation in the wasteland. But combat? Well, shooting is fine, but melee combat is stiff again. And I played NV with melee build, so I know what to compare with. Again we had New Vegas, with "survival" ability for someone who don't want pre-war chems, different ammo types for your situation, not only more different melee weapons, but combat skills that makes melee combat in NV feel special. Oh wait what, no special combat perks that make you effective in melee again? At least, if you get lucky, you find random legendary. Yay. But you know what, building settlements is fun (for me at least), so I can excuse this flaw, especially when Fallout 4 is more about building new world. But now we have Starfield. Less focus on combat, more on the ability to build. Your own ship and bases on every single planet. And if your own ship is great, because it is your home at the same time, why do you need to build bases? To make more junk for more bases and repeat? No, thanks. You see what I'm saying? It was a long road, but Todd came from games with simple but engaging combat with problematic creativity with your own creations, to game where you expected to craft and build but with boring combat system and no real point to build anyway. Because what happend if you beat the game? That's right, everything resets, so why even bother building bases? And if you gonna say "but in 2002 Morrowind combat was shit too" I'm going to say "Yes, objectively it was not good. But for that time it wasn't terrible either. But time go on, games show more and more interesting ways to create combat and Todd is just float. And for a while it'll be fine. But there's need to be changes, good ones. And he's not even making combat systems better but costrating them by little pieces". And no, "just mod it" option is invalid, this kind of thinking has show itself harmfull for Bethesda. Why bother if players can just mod what they like, right?
@ryansarafin12 2 ай бұрын
I'm hoping they'll turn it around, but my expectations are set very low
@riosiscold9865 Ай бұрын
People need to take the nostalgia lens off and realize that the Bethesda that gave us Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout NV, died some time ago, there isn’t much hope for ES6.
@supereldinho 2 ай бұрын
The problem with Todd and Bethesda as a whole is that their games have ALWAYS sucked. Their games always had more bugs than a tropical rainforest, their world design has always been lacking, with problems ranging from simplistic quest design, laughably bad AI and illogical NPC behavior to things like programming so atrocious that you could render quests incompletable -- not merely failable, but outright broken -- if you deviated even slightly off the beaten path, as well as a staggering lack of detail. Remember how in Skyrim, one of your perks allows you to take less fall damage by wearing heavy armor -- figure that one out yourself -- or its stealth system being based around taking advantage of the pig-shit AI, to the point where you could crouch in a corner and pop arrows into the heads of bandits, with them being none the wiser, and there's even a perk that allows you to confuse enemies by simply crouching. And of course, their stories have always been exceptionally poorly written, with simplistic factions, forgettable questlines and a complete lack of verisimilitude or immersion. All these problems have existed since the beginning; it's only now that open-world games have become fairly commonplace -- if generally lackluster and homogenized -- where all of Bethesda's technical and mechanical faults are much harder to ignore. Bethesda has ALWAYS been lazy and incompetent. They never changed; the players and the industry did.
@KratosisGod 2 ай бұрын
Bethesda's reaction to Starfield's criticism says it all, I don't have any faith in them anymore and I have no doubt that es6 will be a financial success just like starfield and we'll hear all of these complaints again but nothing will come of it.
@AndrewRyan-zv7zb 2 ай бұрын
The normies who made up all those FO4 and Skyrim sales vocally felt cheated by and disliked Starfield. Why would they buy the fantasy sequel to starfield?
@_KillerD_ 2 ай бұрын
I now believe that Bethesda are making updates for Fallout 4 and Skyrim only to break the mods and make the players go to Starfield
@-Sparagmos- 2 ай бұрын
ES6 will be a massive success and pretending otherwise is completely delusional. The recent update addressed several of the things people were complaining about. No vehicles and no performance mode for example. This idea that they’re ignoring fan feedback is factually incorrect.
@skyeTES2568 2 ай бұрын
I do agree with you on that! Someone that doesn't complain about Bethesda non-stop. I don't want to sound like a huge fanboy that boot licks companies or corporations, but people need to give Bethesda some slack. Between Skyirm and Fallout 4, I see nothing wrong with them and their decisions. I can understand Skyrim being dumbed down compared to Morrowind and Oblivion immersion wise and the "Skyrim is not a real RPG" bullshit, but I still love the game for what it is. Nothing wrong with Skyrim, it's currently my top 3 fav games so far! But yeah mods help the game better, that's nice. Fallout 76 was a huge flop yes, but now its been getting better and especially because of the Fallout TV show. Either Fallout veterans came back or newcomers that just watched the show started trying out the series itself. Also, Bethesda tried to update and actually fix their own games like Skyrim and even Fallout 4, something they should've done years ago, but "oh no mods will be broken from that!" Big fucking deal, modders will fix their mod extenders and mods in general in no time. At this point, who cares??? Console modding to me is easier than PC anyway, most of the mods on console like Xbox can't really be broken (unless its UI or bug fix mods) because they don't rely on the extender and I don't think it can be on console anyway, unlike some PC mods that do rely on it, thus why it breaks from the updates. I don't think all mods have to rely on the extender which is why most Xbox's mods aren't broken from the update based on my current experience, that's why most PC mods cannot be ported to consoles (I'm not an expert at this, but this is what I think about mods in different platforms and its extender). Also paid mods are AN OPTION, they never once tried to force it on people, they did add it, but it's optional. Had no issue avoiding paid mods as if right now. People like to exaggerate and say that Bethesda will force paid mods on us and "it'll be the end of the world!!!". What I'm trying to say is that I find nothing wrong with Bethesda, at all. I really have no reason to shit on them tbh. I don't think they're worse like Ubisoft or EA, sheesh! People like to complain and make fun of Bethesda as if they're as worse as these two companies I mentioned. They act so spoiled about everything like children: from Starfield, to them updating their games and mods end up breaking (I'm sure that literally happens to all games with mod support, not just Bethesda's games), like chill out! No one's perfect either, Bethesda isn't the most perfect company ever, whatever. Haven't tried Starfield yet, but maybe its not as bad as everyone says, especially the fact that Bethesda is, like you said, listening to some people's feedbacks. I might try the game sometime when I can. After they release their DLCs and mod support that is. One last thing, I am hoping TES 6 will be a success, just as long as Bethesda doesn't screw up the lore. Otherwise, it has to be good, all we can do is hope for the best. PS: Bethesda does respond to reviews, but the people that don't like Starfield (hear me out, correct me if I'm wrong) are pissed because Bethesda made excuses and disagreeing with their negative feedbacks. One example from them: "Space is not boring! Astronauts didn't find it boring!" or something along those lines. Also sorry for the long comment lol, I have a lot to say about this and the bullshit of people shitting on Bethesda.
@PrismC 2 ай бұрын
"Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer"
@WillyShufflebottom Ай бұрын
It took Bethesda 9 years to fix the 0kb save corruption on Fallout 4 PlayStation...and the only reason it was done at all was because they were hoping to squeeze a bit more cash out of it with the release of the tv show.
@ZapGamer2k11 2 ай бұрын
Great video and I agree with the overall sentiment of lower expectations with BGS and don't believe Todds marketing, however I don't think it would be a wise decision for BGS to switch engines completely. One of the major reasons their games are particularly attractive to the modding community is due to the nature of how the creation engine and their respective 'creation kits' are designed and I would assume it would be difficult to recreate this design in a more general purpose engine such as UE5 or similar. Having said that, there is no reason why BGS cannot continue to improve and implement features to the Creation Engine, such as taking features from the likes of UE5 that people find superior and integrating it with CE (assuming compatibility).
@billy65bob 2 ай бұрын
I don't even even need TES 6 to be that good. I just need it to be something that captures enough of the imagination that people flock to mod over further modding Skyrim. One reason being that Skyrim's engine is horribly inefficient at rendering clutter. I had thought for a while now that Skyrim is probably going to be their Magnum Opus.
@AndrewRyan-zv7zb 2 ай бұрын
Morrowind was the greatest thing they ever made. Skyrim was just the most accessible.
@Pumba424 Ай бұрын
Skyrim was also played and loved at launch by primarily 12-17 year olds. Though those kids and teenagers grew up and still buy/play Skyrim because it’s nostalgic, they also had different experiences like Baldur’s Gate 3, and elden ring. Our tates have evolved and matured. Bethesda’s game design has not.
@MangoMann072 Ай бұрын
Todd "The Fraud" Howard
@ashroskell 2 ай бұрын
I think I see it just a little, subtly, differently. Bethesda’s mistake was to think that people keep playing Skyrim because of Skyrim. Whereas what Skyrim became was a framework on which others (more talented and imaginative others) have hung a great game. The modders are Skyrim. And people aren’t put off by bad graphics so much as they are by graphics that look way worse than they needed to. Like that student who just doesn’t try hard enough, and puts more energy into being defensive about their lack of effort, rather than working on that.
@Jaxever Ай бұрын
Damn, 30 seconds in and you sound a lot like Joshua Graham from New Vegas
@beeeazy9818 2 ай бұрын
Todd's just alright, he's got his cyber truck so im happy
@chickenmaster66 Ай бұрын
Well in Morrowind you’re literally the Nerevine the incarnate of a god. And the messiah of the dark elves. And in Oblivion it’s mentioned you’re the only who can stop Dagon i think Urial mentions it in the beginning and of course in Daggerfall you activate the Numidian causing a dragon break. Although this is in ESO. Sotha Sill mentions there’s a peculiar instance of the prisoner always changing fate and thwarting destiny. As in you the player character chooses the destiny of the games. Since you’re always a prisoner. It’s just that in Skyrim you can completely choose to ignore the main quest entirely. Never learning a dragon shout therefore never actually activating any of the dragons. Before Skyrim ignoring the main quest locked you out of main areas like Vivec city
@Raidenal 2 ай бұрын
There’s no way you can play Morrowind and then play sky rim and think Bethesda maintained it’s quality.
@bloodgroundgaming7871 2 ай бұрын
Actually I can. Skyrim is just as good. You wanna get into quality? Then Daggerfall was peak Elder Scrolls.
@Raidenal 2 ай бұрын
@@bloodgroundgaming7871 lmao it’s not even close.
@bloodgroundgaming7871 2 ай бұрын
@@Raidenal Damn. Its hard to hear you over all those attacks you're missing.
@Raidenal Ай бұрын
@@bloodgroundgaming7871 who knew? Skill proficiency has an effect.
@bloodgroundgaming7871 Ай бұрын
@@Raidenal Bro that was two weeks ago. The hell. Damn, been holding on to that one.
@watchout5508 2 ай бұрын
I dont get why they did do 10 planets with 100times more detail...or 100 planets with 10 times more detail?? Who tf cares abt 1000 planets??
@a1pha_star Ай бұрын
I know Fallout 5 is a way off, but I really hope they drop the base building mechanic you see in Fallout 4 and Starfield. It’s become tiresome and I feel like it takes development time away from things they should focus on.
@user-tp5yb4hr4w 2 ай бұрын
i have 10,000 hours in skyrim, but that's hours spent between the console version then on the Skyrim LE on PC, then now SE, i haven't moved over to AE, and i really do love the game, for the longest time it was the only game that offered the best gameplay aspects the most freedom and the biggest landmass, i loved it. only recently within the last year have i been playing FO4, i enjoy both games but i feel FO4 has far more issues skyrim did when it comes to performance issues and bugs and glitches, but i have been really enjoying the game. to me their games are a potentially infinite sandbox where anything and everything is possible, within reason of the engine limitations. i mean i remember speculating what starfield was going to be like long before they announced the idea of the game, and i pretty much thought it would never add up to anything more than a load screen simulator, in which i was right to a degree, i never thought they would make a ship work like it does, but now that i understand the trick in how it was done, i know they are capable of much more but they were lazy in starfield's design. and i agree with that one poster get the game in 5 years when it's not only fixed and all it's DLC is out, but the game will finally be what we all wanted, or at least far closer to what we all wanted at launch.
@philipajfry 2 ай бұрын
Oh man, hardly anyone is addressing Bethesda's regression. Their games get worse mechanically, they care less about the lore. So they made their own universe - and it's so thin and poorly thought out. Story, characters, quests all going backwards. Content, less. Even the procedural shit - they couldn't bother to make more than 10 different dungeons that they knew would be recycled infinitely. The game isn't a game. It's like a dev kit. Bethesda made all these cool systems and parts for a game, but someone who knows how to design and has a vision should come in and make a game using all of Starfield's jumbled assests, mechanics, etc. Like just give Starfield over to Obsidan, or CD, or Larian - all the development is done, the combat, traversal, planets, procedural engine, all finished - now just let these devs make a game out of it. It could be, would be so much more. Choices matter, killing matters, sequence breaking possible, reactivity from the world and factions that interact with you and eachother. Branching narrative with missable or failable paths. Far more dynamic dungeons with a larger pool of handcrafted assests for a procedural engine to mash together - nothing ever repeats. But hand crafted impactful dungeons/exploration also sprinkled through out. Also space-travel not worthless. Maube interactive scanning, some way of making finding stuff up to you. Also, to have kept the Bethsda "magic" the main cities should all have been like 20-25% the size of Skyrim's map. Basically like Skyrim's holds, all hand crafted with organic exploration and real locations. This game could have been so much more if Bethesda had any ambition and their games got better with every release. This seems like too much to ask for cause it's fucking Bethesda. The games get worse, and they also strip them of content and depth. If they had added in more... everything and each game surpassed the last then my demands would be reasonable, expected. But hey, now I know they can't. Starfield was their last trick. Fallout 4 sucked and I thought they learned from it. But after this, I know. It's over.
@DirtySerb Ай бұрын
I have 13k+ hours on ESO and the graphics and gameplay look really good for a 10 year old game. Guess we'll have to wait and see how TES6 turns out.
@caesarlaw212 Ай бұрын
The second I completed the mission where you get your “sTaR BoRn PoWeRs” i uninstalled. I tried hanging on for hours to see the big innovation and it’s just copy and pasted Dragonborn. Todd made starfield for 25 years and there’s not any original ideas?
@JoeBlow95818 2 ай бұрын
If bethesda keeps their engine for tes6 they fully deserve to go down
@FanOWater 2 ай бұрын
After 8 hours of Starfield I stopped playing - life is too short. Skyrim was a great game and so many newer games owe BGS for it. I do find it unacceptable that the BGS game engine is so bad and buggy. Playing thru Horizon Forbidden West atm. Looks amazing and I've not had one bug. I really do hope that Bethesda, Obsidian and Bioware all put out great games in the next cycle, because we are at least 6 years from Larian's next project. Cheers
@U.S.CyberSoldier50 2 ай бұрын
I admit that I got suckered into buying Starfield. Because of the ship building & i actually enjoyed it UNTIL i realized that you cant add doorways or ladders on the inside of your ship. 🤣 I was like WTAF ? im DONE.
@charlie.mike.7659 2 ай бұрын
all of their releases are wildly financially successful and I think that's resulted in them learning the wrong lessons with each subsequent release. they won't start learning the right lessons until the public stops falling for their snake oil. looking at it's concurrent player count, starfield might just be that game, finally.
@SignificantOwl 2 ай бұрын
Personally, I'm just baffled it took this long for people to catch on that Besthesda just don't make engaging games. Skyrim, the popularity of which continues to mystify me, was an ocean an inch deep, being charitable. It wasn't a bad game, but it wasn't a great game, either. It was just... a game.
@kkkk-uh1cu 2 ай бұрын
Skyrim had a lot of handcrafted locations and mini stories. There was love put into it. The writing was a dime a dozen, most of the combat outdated even at the time and it had a bug infestation that would get it ripped to shreds today. Yet, it also had music that's remembered to this day. It had an amazing community. The few amazing aspects that sold Skyrim are nowhere to be found in later games. I expected Fallout 4 in space. They released Fallout 4 in space. I'm not a Fallout fan.
@Nastara 2 ай бұрын
@@kkkk-uh1cuIt isn’t even fallout in space. Fallout pretty much died at 4. Fallout 4 was Skyrim in Fallout. They took most of the choices and character expression out of that game completely and just turned it into Elder Scrolls.
@enomiellanidrac9137 2 ай бұрын
@@Nastara Fallout died at Fallout 3.
@KingJ1397-v8q 2 ай бұрын
Thank you I still wonder what peoples see in that game poor writing, shii combat , personally was a bad game
@Nastara 2 ай бұрын
@@enomiellanidrac9137 I agree but at least outside of the absolutely shit main quest there was choices and diversity in outcomes. And it was easy to separate Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Fallout 4 is just a straight forward Bethesda dungeon looter.
@Nerthym 2 ай бұрын
I worked with Unreal engine 4 for a time in a game studio. It is not a magical perfect engine that fits every game as it is praised to be. Usually the decision to migrate to ue4 is made purely to save money and lay off in house engine programmers. And I think the industry is much worse for that. I am glad studios like larian are investing in their own tech.
@EuropeanVisitor-pe6xd 2 ай бұрын
They're pushing everything on Teso now, but i don't want Teso... I would like a real TES
@vex8ion196 Ай бұрын
After preordering Failout 76, I vowed to never preorder another Bethesda game again. I had gamepass when Starfield dropped and waited a couple of months before trying it out. I got about 2 hours in and never touched it again. I really hope Microsoft just takes Fallout from Bethesda and gives it to Obsidian. I am sick of Todd. He looks and sounds like a used car salesman.
@robdisco9287 2 ай бұрын
Your thesis is compelling. You points reign heavy like I'm body slamming purple haired SJW's from Harvard. My point is, the assumption we need our hands held to land and take off on our own accord, but instead they guide us to the atmosphere and back. Then as to not burden us with the troubles of physics, by not letting us traverse the planet with our ships that fly through galaxies. So there's that. If they would have implemented that, it would have been enough for me to actually play more then 6 hours.
@mattroxursoul 2 ай бұрын
Skyrim to me is a lot like the modern version of play solitaire. I am bored and got time to kill. The game is fun, but it is not very deep. There is a lot of story happening in a way. But you are not really seeing most of it play out. Like it is all back ground stuff. The game play is not very engaging or exciting. It works. Starfield has a ton of problems. Mostly there are several game loops that are done better in other games. Base building games are all over the place, shooter obviously and flight/space sims along with FTL. Then you plop that all into a Bethesda travel system.
@JoeLigmama 2 ай бұрын
If it's so bad why did you put in 500. I always put 500 hours into games I don't like. What an absurd thing to do.
@kreaturen 2 ай бұрын
Steam really needs to start letting user leave neutral scores, and not force us into this false good/bad dichotomy.
@nosouponhead 2 ай бұрын
Skyrim came out 18 years ago. That's an adult childhood's worth of time. Not a single person who actually was involved in the development of Skyrim is still at Bethesda. To think Elder Scrolls 6 will be good, after Bethesda's last 2 games were utterly unplayable, is the definition of insanity.
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