Gen Z Girl Gets Attacked On Twitter In A Insane Way | Moistcr1tikal reacts

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Gen Z Girl Gets Attacked On Twitter In A Insane Way | Moistcr1tikal reacts
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@0ptimuscrime 8 ай бұрын
Imagine dunking on her for venting about something that most adults also experience and suffer through. Couldn’t be me.
@beeziebubs2756 8 ай бұрын
These people act like they’ve never once bitched about their job, come home dead exhausted from work, or just hated the working experience in general. And she’s right- it’s a miserable existence. The people dumping on her are fronting for their own ego. It’s easier to dogpile some rando on Twitter than it is to acknowledge that maybe their life sucks ass.
@0ptimuscrime 8 ай бұрын
@@beeziebubs2756 There's two types I think: those that haven't suffered at all and are on twitter all day, and those that have suffered a long time in silence, who think it's noble to suffer because otherwise it would just be pointless. But it's not noble.
@beeziebubs2756 8 ай бұрын
@@0ptimuscrime Not necessarily because these people really can just be lumped into one category: they’re bullies who enjoy hurting people. Jason and the Twitter mob he sicked onto this one girl don’t actually believe she’s being entitled; they saw a person expressing a minute of weakness and went for the throat because they think it’s fun. It’s the same for people promoting this attitude of ‘I suffered so you have to suffer too!’ because they aren’t suffering in silence if they’re bullying people for openly expressing anger over work culture. It all just boils down to wanting to hurt people because they _enjoy_ it.
@Pitchguest 8 ай бұрын
@@beeziebubs2756 Please. They're not "dunking on her", they're saying she acts like a spoiled princess. She went out every night when she was in college and now that she has a JOB she can't? The horror! Hey, I'm in the same boat but I didn't make a video crying about it on the internet. She's a big girl now, not a child.
@beeziebubs2756 8 ай бұрын
@@Pitchguest Or maybe they are just dunking on her for a complaint that every working adult has. For people to be this worked up about another adult crying about work on Twitter is more childish and pathetic than the actual crying.
@SolomonSamms 8 ай бұрын
its also insane that anyone can work full time and not make enough to survive.
@skylerdann5712 8 ай бұрын
I feel like it went from a small minority working a job that's like sit in a chair and write something down every hour to being the vast majority of jobs.. years ago I had a friend making less than a livable wage working full time because his job was to sit in a AC shack with wifi and once every few hours write something down. He spent all day playing playstation in the shack and had to write down a license plate a few times a day. He didn't make much but it wasn't worth that much pretty fair. Now the way inflation has hit most jobs are paying like that. You can work full time and overtime and still not make enough. Most households have to be multi full time income. Our mortgage is less than the rent for a one bedroom apartment.. if half your income goes to rent good luck with a car and food and heat and everything... Very few jobs now support a single person ability to house themselves. Old people complaining about it like "kids aren't moving out anymore.." yeah because they're paying rent at home and it cost the whole houses mortgage for a one bedroom apartment!! It's hard enough to afford 700 a month to split with people on a house but a 1500 a month single bedroom apartment is impossible. Now most people working full time can't afford to live on their own mostly because housing costs. Food and everything has been hit to but nowhere near as bad as housing. Most people have to live in a multi income housing. It takes at least two people to afford an apartment even a single bedroom.. this is why I'm against landlords existing and believe in housing first policies. Maybe once everyone has a home or shelter we can start looking at houses as income investments.. but as long as there's still people freezing out in the streets it just feels disgusting to even think about tryna make a profit off of someone who needs shelter...
@jaqsre 8 ай бұрын
this absolutely if you work yourself to the bone you should be able to pay your bills AND eat. so many ppl work and have to choose between the two
@somerandominternetuser5730 8 ай бұрын
I'm in my freshman year of college and I have literally no idea how I'm going to afford a home with the career I'm trying to get. It just isn't feasible. I feel like all of my paycheck will be going to debts, food, and rent. I'll have nothing for hobbies or travel
@deoxycodone 8 ай бұрын
Yes that is insane, people should learn how to manage money.
@deoxycodone 8 ай бұрын
@@somerandominternetuser5730so why would you go to college for that career? Did you think someone was going to magically poof you money for getting a degree?
@jthom0027 8 ай бұрын
This video showed all three of the types of brain rot that drive me crazy. We had the "I did it so you have to", "It's currently working for me so why are you complaining", and the "just change your mindset" troglodytes that will keep us in the stone ages forever. I will never understand people that actively work against their best interests.
@abarques 8 ай бұрын
You forgot the “If I work hard enough in the warehouse 15h/6d corp will notice and I’ll become a millionaire someday” (get killed by a machine and replaced in 2-3 hours by corp)
@Pitchguest 8 ай бұрын
Ah, and the better mindset, of course, is to make countless videos bitching, crying, moaning about your job, situation, everything, until the end of time. Unfortunately for her and the rest of us, this is just what the world is. It's shit. It's shit except for a select few, but even for those of us in which the world is shit we still try to make it work. Most of us are in the same boat, so complain but don't be such a baby when you're supposed to be an adult.
@sheepyinfirmary 8 ай бұрын
@@Pitchguestahh, the old “venting once is akin to spending the rest of your life complaining online”. pick a new argument because this one is a very obvious fallacy. you know that’s not what happened
@sheepyinfirmary 8 ай бұрын
@@Pitchguest crying once about 1 very specific situation for less than 5 minutes = not an adult, apparently. 😂 what a profound argument.
@morganferguson6378 8 ай бұрын
@@Pitchguest making videos and talking about the situation brings awareness and then, hopefully, brings change 😊 i hope this helps!
@arrynyo 8 ай бұрын
Homegirl was not lying. I don't know why they gave her so much shit. She speaks for so many of us in the real world.
@poordude21 8 ай бұрын
You don't see men crying on the internet over this shit. I know guys that work 3 jobs and have kids. I don't see them crying on the internet.
@kingcrowno8575 8 ай бұрын
​@@poordude21Yes lmfao, like you've never seen or heard uncles, dads, or other male relatives complain about a 9-5? Them wishing they can spend more time with family?
@poordude21 8 ай бұрын
@kingcrowno8575 she is a gen z girl she has no idea how long the 9-5 grind has existed. And no I don't see uncles dads, and or other male relatives(who have much more responsibility than her) break down in front of a camera. I work 8 hours and go to college full time. I'm 18 and still find time to enjoy life. Sure I live close to my job and school but hey if she wants a job closer to college she can always apply somewhere else. Don't break down in front a camera bitching about something millions of hard working people go through. She is entitled
@user-yd9od2xu9q 8 ай бұрын
@@poordude21 The 9-5 ‘grind’ hasn’t even existed for 100 years. Oh, you’re 18. That explains a lot
@kingcrowno8575 8 ай бұрын
@@user-yd9od2xu9q This guy has Patrick Bateman as his pfp, are we really surprised
@fuzzypants2718 8 ай бұрын
I worked 9-6 as a preschool teacher and made under 15 an hour, it was disgusting. There’s a reason there’s no teachers nowadays
@-mynameishuman-9312 8 ай бұрын
I currently am a daycare teacher, work 8-5 and I only make 13 an hour, which actually was going to only be 11 an hour at first, it's awful.
@icypenguinparty 8 ай бұрын
I made 11/hr as a preschool teacher and they were so understaffed I barely got my breaks lol they are treated like shit
@gracerose4272 8 ай бұрын
@@-mynameishuman-9312it’s so sad cuz you can’t even just quit bc your not getting paid .. there are actaully children, LIVES SOULS, that we have to be teaching and taking care of cuz parents don’t know how to. Teachers/ daycare workers should get excessive pay.. too much. They should be wiping their ass with 50$ bills bc of the roles they have for the NEXT GENERATION. lol.
@politeaf740 7 ай бұрын
I work 10-12hrs a day 6 days a week, i'm a cook, for about 1300€ a month (I'm in Italy) but i've 3 meals a day paid and a room to sleep in "free". It comes out to 5€ an hrs
@donaldthomann1613 8 ай бұрын
One of the only times you'll hear people on the internet defending greedy corporate practices is when there is a pretty girl complaining about them.
@Dozuken 8 ай бұрын
People just like to glorify their suffering in order to make themselves feel better. Complacency is terrifying and it will eventually eat at you.
@Homelander57 2 ай бұрын
i don't think you've ever worked a single day of your miserable life💀
@theghostofthomasjenkins9643 Ай бұрын
oh please. she's being overdramatic. if her job is too far away, get a new job. it's that's simple.
@kittieslayer444 25 күн бұрын
@@theghostofthomasjenkins9643”just get a new job 🙄!!” jesus christ u are actually just living off of mommy’s money.
@alejandrophoenix2287 8 ай бұрын
Working a normal job really sucks. The worst job ive had was working at a warehouse on 11 1/2 hour shift with an hr commute on top of that. I literally fell asleep after getting home after forcing down whatever fast food i was able to get.
@user-yd9od2xu9q 8 ай бұрын
@@poordude21 you sure sound like a well adjusted individual
@Mr011i3 8 ай бұрын
@@poordude21 Do you vent about your job to friends etc? and just because "everyone goes through it" doesnt mean its right... long jobs suck, with a commute too, you have so little time to do anything outside of work that does leave you just more tired for work the next day.
@laszlodora8396 8 ай бұрын
@@poordude21 You entirely missed the point of what Charlie was saying in this video, or you didn't even watch it.
@hipmoney4022 8 ай бұрын
@@poordude21omg super sigma male here 😱
@mattmccullough3582 8 ай бұрын
@@poordude21 if your only justification is that everyone goes through it that doesn’t make it ok
@rem8406 8 ай бұрын
homegirl was absolutely cooking. i think charlie was on point as well when he said that people are dogpilling on her cause of the “i suffered, so you had to suffer too” mentality. which is aggravating! we should always be trying to make things easier for everyone that comes after us. the griding mentality is not conducive to actually living.
@marygray7422 8 ай бұрын
As someone who doesn't think that she's wrong necessarily but is being a little dramatic about it, I have a different perspective. I don't think it's a "I suffered so you should too" mentality. It's more like "Is it really THAT bad though?" I mean the first job out of college usually isn't the best one you'll ever have or the last one. But there are ways to try and make it fun or meaningful for the time that you have to survive it. And experimenting with creative solutions is part of the journey to self awareness. I think it's a fair complaint and it's wrong for people to give backlash just for complaining. But a good imagination and a can do spirit can help a person get through tough times
@rem8406 8 ай бұрын
@@marygray7422 i definitely understand your point of view, but i am going to respectfully disagree. a “good imagination and a can-do spirit” does not make more time in the day- which is her chief complaint. like charlie said, even when being generous with the commute- which is the only time she can reasonably save- there is little time left to actually live her life. a good imagination and can do spirit can help people survive, but i do not think it can help people /live./ a positive attitude doesn’t change that people are worked to the bone for little pay and with little time left. it may help them come up with different ways to do more with that time, but what good are those ideas if you are exhausted? the people i know that have ran themselves ragged and to the bone are some of the most creative and imaginative people i know- but that doesn’t matter when they are perpetually exhausted and isolated by thirty. i even disagree with the people saying that it isn’t really that bad- the mentality that “if you just work hard and be creative, you can make do with what you have!” only helps profits and not any workers who have no time in the day to live.
@marygray7422 8 ай бұрын
@@rem8406 Well yes, you definitely need to understand yourself and prioritize the things that are in your and your family's best health and well being. That's always the goal. The trick is that life will never be exactly perfect for optimal living. You can't get more hours with a good attitude but you can listen to books on tape or start learning a language. You can call people or car pool. You might not be able to do exactly what you wish you were doing right now. But when your career levels up again you'll get new benefits and challenges. And for now you can focus on getting ready for the next step. I mean you should always strive for better conditions and I think it's good that she can start to articulate what she wants in a career. At the same time it's like... it's your first job tho... hang tough li'l mama
@BTrain-is8ch 8 ай бұрын
Eh that might make sense when people end up in situations completely out of their control but when you choose to live in one of these large, dense, metros well that's called getting what you signed up for. I'm not at all concerned about "making things easier" for people who knowingly signed up for a situation they don't even like. People need to use the grey matter between their ears and stop following the crowd.
@ViceRidden 8 ай бұрын
I don't know about easy but at least not impossible. Everyone needs to learn how to work but what's happening today is just bullshit. Over worked, under payed, and no way to move forward.
@IAmUser420LV 8 ай бұрын
"I work 80 hours a week" that's not the flex you think it is
@tornut24 8 ай бұрын
It’s more of a cry for help 😭 I used to work 60 hours a week, and whenever I’d say that, it was out of misery lol
@BigBirdJerm 8 ай бұрын
Im literally going thru the same shit right now i have no idea how anyone can actually hate on her because its so real. I have an hour commute each way and work an 8 hour day. Thats 10 hours of my day i feel like i have absolutely no time to do anything that i want to do it feels like im only working every minute of my life. Im so exhausted when i get home from work i cant even bring myself to sit in my gaming chair and play video games which is my favorite hobby
@TimanderTheSomewhatDecent 8 ай бұрын
Dude I felt this on a spiritual level.❤
@HandjobHandsome 8 ай бұрын
over the course of all human history we are all collectively working less than anytime before, literally get a grip
@zenkoz3158 8 ай бұрын
I'm stuck in 12 hours with a 35 minute commute. I stress my wife out with how often I crumble because of the toll it takes on me. I've told her the bottom line of what the experience is and it's the same thing I tell anyone that asks about it, that being that I don't feel like a human. Feeling that is like a rare treat that comes sparsely and at random. The cherry on top is that it's not even a livable wage, it only works for me because I don't have rent or house payments, just utilities.
@gregsanders61 8 ай бұрын
@@zenkoz3158 That sounds awful. I hope you manage to find a better opportunity somewhere else or that somehow things will start to look up soon. Best of luck.
@kurojima 7 ай бұрын
i am reaching 40 soon, have a good paying job (way above the median in my country), but the daily grind still does something to you, it numbs you to the world around you, to the people around you, its horrific.
@aceboogiegames 8 ай бұрын
The fact that things have gotten to the point that people with "good" jobs still can't afford to live is insane. If you work 40hrs a week You shouldn't struggle to pay your basic bills and put food on the table.
@kurojima 7 ай бұрын
the fact is we COULD legitimately live in a post scarcity society were we actually could fulfill the most basic living needs of every single person on earth - but we actively choose not to do that, instead we have a tiny group of superrich narcisistic psychopaths who are apparently role models
@logan3920 8 ай бұрын
"Shut up and deal with it Gen Z. This is real life." "Wait, why is everyone depressed and not having children any more? Why does everyone notice the world is slowly collapsing and doesn't care?" 🙄
@SlurMaster9000 8 ай бұрын
The commute is the worst part IMO. If you work in any major city, you basically have to spend at least an hour each day driving, since rent is more than half your salary anywhere closer. At least you might have some sense of accomplishment from the 8 hours of work, but the time you spend commuting is entirely wasted
@PostingCringeOnMain 8 ай бұрын
That’s what my takeaway from the video was, she was more upset at commuting 1.5 hours each way to the work because rent in the city is unaffordable. She doesn’t seem to be complaining at having to work an 8 hour day as much as the 3 hours of travel on top of that. I’m lucky that I’ve never had to commute too far for a job for very long, but due to temporary residence situation, at one point I had to drive about 90 mins to and from a job and it sucked so hard. My days felt so short, I totally get what she’s saying.
@user-ol5uc8nx1z 8 ай бұрын
I commute 3 hours in total and it's painful 😢
@BlueProphet7 8 ай бұрын
Yep, that's why you move away from cities. Plenty of suburbs in the midwest that are fantastic to live in. I have spent a lot of time in NY, NJ, MA, TX, and some in CA... but I choose to live just outside a major city in Ohio and I can support a family of 4 on my salary (no college degree) and I own a nice house (although that's probably out of reach now because of mortgage prices... I got in about 3 years ago right before everything went to hell). You can live VERY easily in nice places that have a ton of diversity, we have loads of North African, Italian, Mediterranean, Mid-Eastern, and Mexican restaurants and markets and a lot of it is a reasonable walking distance from me (1-2 miles). And everything else is within 10-20 minutes by car. It's an unfortunate myth that most people believe that us fly-over states have no cultural diversity or recreational variety. We have a TON of cool people from all over the world who share unique foods and entertainment just like in big cities, you just have to know where to look (and obviously it won't be on every block). Basically if you move to somewhere just outside Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, or Youngstown and don't pick somewhere rural - you'll find a great place to live. You can even live IN the cities in some cases, but your quality of life will be lower because the costs triple quickly. The commute is usually 20-30 minutes TOPS from most suburbs. I've never commuted more than 30 and that was the worst case. If you come somewhere like this, work an 8-4:30, with a 30 minute commute tops. That means you have 3-5 hours per weekday and all weekend to do what you want and still get a full night's sleep. If you can't make friends or find a connection with that, it's probably not your schedule that's the problem.
@brandonpatterson5634 8 ай бұрын
i actually really like long commutes personally. like when i lived in the gta i had a 2 hour commute to the main part of Toronto everyday and it was just amazing reading manga or listening to audio books during the commute. I'm weird tho and cant really enjoy either of those things while completely relaxed at home. the mental requirement of being aware of what's going on around u kinda kept my thoughts from wandering and let me enjoy those mediums to the fullest during my commutes.
@BTrain-is8ch 8 ай бұрын
People need to stop flocking to the same dozen metros then acting like capitalism is the reason stuffing ten million people into some tiny, aging, space doesn't work out financially.
@DSP-gh5ei 8 ай бұрын
I love when the "i work 85 hours a day why do you complain about 9-5" people show up anytime a worker in a bad situation just vents.
@strangegaming3060 8 ай бұрын
In my experience, those people are the most strung out, pill-addicted, emotional wrecks who never have time for friends or family. They're some of the most miserable people you'll ever meet and what sucks the most is they're so blue pilled on their grindset mentality, that when anything in their lives suffers as the result of their work eating up every waking minute of their lives , instead of blaming the economy, which is objectively the reason we need to work so much to live, they just shrug and tell themselves, 'Guess I need to be less lazy.' Instead of actually solving the root of the problem, they just drink more coffee, pop more pills, sleep 3.5 hours a day and die WAY younger than their parents. As someone who spends 2 hours commuting per day and has worked 55 hours a week for 3 years, I have had to get very efficient with time management. And I still neglect a lot of things I really shouldn't. I think I can just barely handle it though. Honestly 9-5 would be great for me if it made the same money I make now, but you'll never catch me talking down to people who ask more from their employers. If nobody asked, child labor laws, minimum wage, unions, benefits, overtime pay, and OSHA wouldn't exist and then everyone in America would live like how Chinese sweatshop workers live now
@theghostofthomasjenkins9643 Ай бұрын
@@strangegaming3060 nah, they just aren't whiny babies looking for sympathy online. she's also being dramatic saying she has "no free time." she does. just not enough to go out and get drunk with her friends every night.
@SparrowwithaMachinegun 8 ай бұрын
100% agree I remember starting my work, sleep, work sleep cycle and thinking "I can't do this. I don't want to do this" 2 hours of cycling to work (1hr there, 1hr back) and always working weekends. Big diffrence between surviving and living.
@KeytoOblivion36 8 ай бұрын
I feel for her. I work retail and heaven forbid if we get the head honchos coming in for a surprise visit, then they want us pulling 9-10hrs that day to ‘look good’. Not a problem when they do show up, its when they don’t that riles everyone up.
@justingovas415 8 ай бұрын
Which in my case they almost NEVER show up then. They show up when everyone is miffed
@lelabrownell880 8 ай бұрын
the trauma response of “if i suffer then so shall you” is such an american experiment and it makes me so ipset
@zxs4113 8 ай бұрын
I think everyone dogged on her just because they saw the word 'gen z'
@AngelCakez 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, older generations fail to realize that they're victims too of the 9-5 corporate rat race
@The_king567 8 ай бұрын
For good reason
@mobiuslife8 7 ай бұрын
She's also young, blonde, & cute. So every guy that ever got rejected by anyone that looked even remotely like her. Jumped in with a verbal suplex or pile driver. 😐
@artorhen 7 ай бұрын
@starchild3808 they don't even need to have met someone like her, they would still dog pile on her because they would see themselves as worms next to her, which doesn't change that they are insecure about themselves and should work on themselves instead of dunking on other people who do.
@Usagi393 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I don’t get roasting her either. She just experienced her first taste of the “real world.” Of course she’s upset and needed to vent
@ambrosefox8406 8 ай бұрын
Real world sucks the thing that sucks about it the most is that it’s not necessary for it to suck like this
@diobrando366 8 ай бұрын
the problem is this shouldnt be the real world
@FoxyHxCMacfly 8 ай бұрын
@@diobrando366 it very much could be different.
@jace5151 8 ай бұрын
Weak generation for sure.
@kurojima 7 ай бұрын
god forbid we strive for anything better for our children or the next generations ever - no this late stage capitalism surely must be the greatest achievement of mankind
@wendynerd1199 8 ай бұрын
ISTG some people literally seem to think that compassion is some sort of flaw. The fact of the matter is - the working market IS terrible and long commutes always make things 1000% worse. My dad once worked a job with this same commute and was underpaid and honestly, it turned him into a real rage fiend and shell of himself for years. I've had multiple long ass commutes and it made my insomnia terrible. But people seem to think that if you don't want to have your life completely taken over by work and fumes, you're somehow "spoiled."
@theghostofthomasjenkins9643 Ай бұрын
then get a different job. if you refuse to get a different job, that entire mess is on you.
@HandleTaken77777 8 ай бұрын
The woman’s first 30 seconds of her take is why I refuse to work in an office anymore. Remote only. Limits the options, but the benefits outweigh the rewards of commuting to the office for me. People dunk on the take because “hOw cAN yOu cOmpLaIN aBoUt tHE sTaTuS quO?” It’s ridiculous. The idea that everyone has to suffer because we did is an awful take and extremely selfish. Charlie is right. It does NOT have to be like that, but because more people aren’t currently challenging that opinion we’ll be stuck like this.
@kurojima 7 ай бұрын
Office "culture" is horrendous
@theghostofthomasjenkins9643 Ай бұрын
it's not because everyone has to suffer. it's because we have to keep the world going. you don't want a world where everyone works 3-4 hours a day. you don't want that lack of goods and production.
@N0sh4dows 8 ай бұрын
Everyone who dunked on her either DONT work like that and do not understand, or they DO and they’re just equally depressed trying to take it out on her
@theghostofthomasjenkins9643 Ай бұрын
if you have that long of a commute, get a new job. it's that simple. if you can't get a new job in this climate, then you have no marketable skills.
@bjstrife 13 күн бұрын
@@theghostofthomasjenkins9643 Just shut up. With whatever is happening with AI etc most skills are not going to be marketable in the near future. Yours too probably and then you will suddenly be bitching about it. You go to a university, get into student debt just for your field to not even exist anymore before you even get your degree. That's the reality of it.
@sailormoonwannabe 8 ай бұрын
I haven't finished the full video yet but I agree with her. My dad commuted on the train into the city an hour and a half both ways every day for at least 20+ years, he would come home tired and leave before I woke up for school in the morning. When I finished college he told me never to do what he did and it makes you miss a lot of moments in life and time you will never get back. I know you need to work to live but that job isn't worth missing your life, there are other jobs out there.
@Dozuken 8 ай бұрын
Keep in mind Its even tougher if you have kids, thats a whole other layer of time and things you would have to consider. Once you have children you cant simply switch jobs easily.
@pastryfactory 8 ай бұрын
I just got into it with my boss the other day about being emotionally and physically exhausted. I work 9-7 and my commute is an hour there and an hour back. I’m exhausted and she had the gall to say, “It’s really not that bad. You’re job isn’t that hard.”
@theghostofthomasjenkins9643 Ай бұрын
only an hour each way? that's still over half the day to enjoy. stop bitching.
@jeromevaleska2014 Ай бұрын
@@theghostofthomasjenkins9643Brother, you ever hear of this new thing they introduced? It’s called sleep. Interesting, I know. I’m curious what they’re gonna do with it. Apparently it’s supposed to take 8 hours out of our day, and if you do it less to lose less time then you’ll just barely be able to function during that time you get back. Crazy, I know! There’s also the time to get ready for work, there’s the fact that you need to eat and all. Probably have some important stuff to get done at home. And the fact that it’s not half the day since their job starts early morning and ends early night, so they actually lose the vast majority of the day, and mainly get the night free. The night, where I reiterate. They. Need. To. Sleep.
@theghostofthomasjenkins9643 Ай бұрын
@@jeromevaleska2014 8 hours of sleep a night a myth. adults only need 4-6 hours a night. they aren't on the road and at work for 16 hours a day, either. try to be at least a little honest. then you still have the weekend. being overly dramatic doesn't garner sympathy. it just makes you look like a baby.
@jeromevaleska2014 Ай бұрын
@@theghostofthomasjenkins9643 Classic internet, take one small part of my comment and overblown and fixate on it. Now, to tackle your ENTIRE comment 1. 8 hours of sleep is what everybody always recommends, so it’s what I default to. If I’m wrong on that, fair enough, though I don’t particularly lean to trust one random guy on the internet that provides nothing to back up his statement. And even if you are correct, it really doesn’t break my argument like you seem to think it does. 2. 9-7 is 10 hours, plus the 2 hour commute. I never tried to claim they’re working 16 hours a day, you pulled that one out your ass, the irony for you to tell me to be a little honest whilst your making me out to have said shit I never said, but anyway, 12 hours is still nothing to scoff at, and add on all the other stuff I brought up and that number only grows and grows. 3. Most people still work on Saturday, if for less hours, and that time you do get over the weekend, how much do you really think you’re gonna be able to after the workweek you’ve had. You’ll be exhausted and spend most your time recuperating to get back to it on Monday. 4. I ain’t trying to garner sympathy. I’m 16. I haven’t worked a day in my life, and I don’t pretend I have. Really says something that I seem to have a better understanding of this stuff still than you do though. I’m not the one who comes off like a baby here, maybe the one who’s so far up his own ass he looks at people going through it, getting drained by the stresses of life, and tells them to stop bitching., instead of maybe being supportive, even just offering a “hope it gets better”. It’s that easy, yet toxicity almost always wins. This is the society we’ve cultivated.
@Gyrospire 8 ай бұрын
I've become radicalized honestly, and my first real 9-5 office job is why. My first jobs were all basic shit retail etc within a few minutes from my house, and yeah 8 hours a day sucks but I survived and never thought much of it. Now fast forward to my current 9-5 office job. Yes, I am making more money. But 9-5 isn't actually accurate. First off it isn't 8 hours, it's 9 because of a mandatory hour lunch (which I'd honestly rather not take and just be here 8 hours to be 100% with you), 8-5, and I have a half hour commute here and half hour back. 10 hours of my life every day for 5 days a week. 50 hours a week. Bare in mind I only get paid for 8 of those hours a day, 40 a week. So 2 hours a day, 10 a week, are just evaporated into mist. Suddenly since getting this job I find myself sleeping less, 5-6 hours a night on average with plenty of days being 3-4, because I just need more time to myself, especially when you factor in chores and house maintenance and just general life tasks that need done. I am stressed, exhausted, depressed. THIS shit is what causes midlife crises. It's not because someone is 35 or 40. It's because someone is 35 or 40 in a cubicle with no free time to themselves. And I STILL don't make enough. Forget political terms for a moment. Take that biased shit out of your heads. If you complain about this woman's take, YOU are the problem. It's not her work ethic, not her being lazy, not her being entitled, etc. It's the difference between being a corporate slave that works tirelessly to earn your bosses and shareholders a fat passive income while you get ground to dust, and simply wanting a better life. And no, the ladder to prosperity and meritocracy are lies, 95% of you will never see anything from that no matter how hard you work. Stop being complacent and demand better for fucks sake. "Well we all had to go through it :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:". Ok?? So make sure no one else has to, or are you that self absorbed?
@jthom0027 8 ай бұрын
Not only will 95% of them never see anything from their hard work, I'd guess that at least a third of that 95% will be laid off at some point because their overlords wanted to show gains during a quarterly earnings call.
@roberttompkins9510 8 ай бұрын
That’s how it is in the wildlife field. People have to work jobs that pay nothing seasonally just to get a foot in the door with the government. And the people who have full time biologist jobs have ‘suffered’ through this broken system so of course you have to as well
@KingofTokusatsu 2 ай бұрын
⁠@@roberttompkins9510typical "I suffered so you should suffer too" mindset
@anthonyacuna8604 8 ай бұрын
People would rather suffer as a collective than elevate the status quo
@KevinBelmontLuna 8 ай бұрын
Big Corpo really did sell us, "working hard to be like us" scheme. Working hard until old age is a scam. Screw the grindset. We need a life mindset. We aren't gonna eat cake, as Marie Antoinette or today's version pull ourselves by our bootstraps. The rich and the old can call us entitled.
@Anarchy_Angel94 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I never really understood that mindset or why they keep doing it despite it not doing them much good.
@FoxyHxCMacfly 8 ай бұрын
@@Anarchy_Angel94 bootlickers. the lot of them
@mutecryptid 8 ай бұрын
Like ants in a death spiral
@artorhen 7 ай бұрын
Instead of elevating the status quo as a collective as well.
@Baphxmet 8 ай бұрын
I work usually 50 hours a week. 40 if I’m lucky. I get to see my daughter for maybe three hours a day. Again if I’m lucky. I gotta choose between my kid or hobbies. (Obviously I choose my kid). But time for hobbies would be great.
@llJeezusll 8 ай бұрын
Twitter really tried to turn this into a who's more miserable flex
@rere_bunny 8 ай бұрын
Poor girl. She is indeed right, I went through that myself (as a lot of people do) and it is awful. There is really no time for life at all. I work 8-5 now but I work from home so it is not bad, but when I had to go to the office I used so many hours of my day just getting there, I was miserable.
@Popcornceilingpowder 8 ай бұрын
I think the problem so many people have about working long hours (on top of having no time for yourself) is that even when you are working 40 plus hours a week, you still can’t afford to live.
@ahmadkaien 8 ай бұрын
9-5 job with an hour commute, you're up at at least 6-7 am to get ready, leave around 8 to do your day. And with the commute home, you're home around 6. If you cook all your meals and live alone, it's a hassle to cook when You're tired and it's late with work early the next morning. This girl has a point but it's easy to be like "welcome to the club"
@itsasquid 8 ай бұрын
She's just venting and the fact that she has to commute to a 9 to 5 job and can barely get anything done outside of work is a nightmare for me. I just got a new wfh job starting in Dec and I've been job hunting for nearly 4 months after graduating. Something like this scenario is a nightmare for me. I had a job working at a college nearly an hour bus ride away from me and it was a night shift. It was super nice and I was taking a gap year before transferring schools, but the commute was the worst part.
@slimely9758 8 ай бұрын
i love how students are so overworked in school and college, spending the whole day working then going home and doing more work. and for college you spend most of your time doing work. then we finally get out of school and oh my god back to the 9-5 we had in highschool. there's really no freedom to live
@ShaquilleOatmeal849 8 ай бұрын
She didn't even say anything out of the ordinary.. This is how 99% of the world thinks just no one has blown up this much when talking about it. Also I absolutely HATE the fact influencers and wealthy people are making fun of her... AS IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE EASIEST LIFE EVER POSSIBLE! Also, she is a college student... She must be so emotially and mentally drained!
@howedaddy6122 8 ай бұрын
Influencers don't have it that easy
@intoexileimustgofailedihav8027 8 ай бұрын
@@howedaddy6122 lol wtf do you mean? They make an average persons entire salary and more in a month or less. All of it from home and next to no physically or mentally draining labor.
@irisuchiha5218 7 ай бұрын
​@@intoexileimustgofailedihav8027also to add onto it. They literally pay others to do the hard work, like editing, brand promotions, etc. The only thing they have to do is film a video and talk and then pay their employees.
@Kuthuwu_Productions 8 ай бұрын
the math is pretty simple 8 hours for work 8 hours for sleep that only leaves 8 hours in the day to do what you want. So a 1 to 2 hour commute on that really makes life miserable specially when you factor in how much stuff closes down in the later hours of the day. It's an awful experience that makes no sense.
@davidschmidt2081 8 ай бұрын
I mean, it absolutely makes sense as we need workers to do the jobs and hiring a bunch of extra people but only having each person work a few hours a day wouldn't be good for the employer or the employee. Yeah, some people can work from home but that's a tiny percentage of jobs out there. I can't build a fence from home, I can't wait a table from home, I can't do most things from home. It sucks, I hate only having a few waking hours at home each week day and sometimes Saturday even but what's the alternative?
@alejandrophoenix2287 8 ай бұрын
And to be fair 8 hrs of sleep will have people waking up feeling like shit too. Never feeling fully rested.
@BomiYuuki 8 ай бұрын
I feel her, it's horrible working on site or in person. I used to have a 7 am to 5:36 pm work schedule and because housing in the city is extremely expensive I lived a little farther from my job location, fortunately my job offered transportation but they picked up a lot of people on the way and I was the first one they had pick up, they literally picked me up every day at 4:00 am then to go back home I had to walk to the bus and then take the bus that took an hour to go back home, I was arriving home around 7:00 pm. And to do what at home, do chores, eat, sleep and repeat, it's depressing. Thank God I'm working from home now.
@EPICSAWIKI 8 ай бұрын
I think a lot of people think they’ll just live forever and that one day all their troubles will just disappear. 9-5 (11-7 for me) 5 days a week isn’t normal. My heart goes out to you if you work more than that. It’s damn near 1/3 of your entire life man. Depending on your beliefs, after you die that’s it. No more, zero more experiences, no more laughter and fun. Yet we work all the time and most of us can barely pay our damn bills even if we make more than minimum wage. It’s insane but we don’t do anything about it. We’re so indoctrinated into it. Elementary school through high school just preps you for it also, they make you into a factory worker when that environment is toxic to a child’s mind yet it’s been unchanged for years and years. Live as much as you can please, do as much as you can, learn as much as you can, experience as much as you can. I wish each of you a better future.
@roberttompkins9510 8 ай бұрын
There’s a very good reason things are the way they are. So the vast majority of people are too busy working to care or do anything about all of the shit they pass in congress that continues to deregulate and destroy human rights. Not just human rights, things that actively destroy the environment, lobbying which is legal bribery to the government workers to rule in favor of the one paying the money. They know you have no choice they made it that way. It benefits the rich, they are the only ones who have ever benefited from such things.
@userequaltoNull 8 ай бұрын
It absolutely is normal what are you talking about? You're lucky you live in the 21st century, when you only need to work 40 hours/week. For thousands of years, the average person worked in the fields from sun up until sundown, damn near every single day, for their entire lives. We can't all be children forever.
@EPICSAWIKI 8 ай бұрын
@@userequaltoNull It’s never been normal dude, “We’ve done it for a long time” doesn’t mean it isn’t fucked up lol. Slavery was normal for hundreds of years and everyone realized that was shitty so they stopped. Forgive me for wanting to enjoy my life instead of slave away until I die. All I’m saying is one day I’m gonna die, and when I look back on my deathbed I want to remember spending more time with my family and loved ones than behind a computer desk typing numbers so I can just barely pay my bills.
@liandoaethend2403 8 ай бұрын
My crazy discord friend got a stable high paying job and several part time job because she just like working. Said "i might take this part time job later too" ???😭 insane behaviour
@roomtempwater1 8 ай бұрын
Twitter users when you tell them that a 9-5 does not allow for mental care which results in an over all worse worker
@painhv17 8 ай бұрын
I was Mad people dog piled her . Work should be less hours , you literally work every day to not enjoy life!!! Wtf do u even work for, at least a work week should only be 4 days no more than that .
@0ptimuscrime 8 ай бұрын
Not only that but she probably is living pay cheque to pay cheque
@RoseColoredIris 8 ай бұрын
But you literally DONT work every day. You get 2 days off to have a life and meet people.
@koko6504 8 ай бұрын
@@RoseColoredIris I use to work 6-7 day weeks. What you going on about mr perfect?
@y0sh_ 8 ай бұрын
@@RoseColoredIrisNot entirely true, a lot of jobs work over Saturday as well. I've been in a job that made me work 6 days a week and it was one of the worst experiences of my life, I only had Sunday to try meet and talk to every single person in my life who I physically couldn't talk to during the rest of the week and there is just not enough time in one day to do that. I was unable to meet some people in my life during the entirety of my time working there because they were busy on Sunday's with their religions and other prescheduled events. I did quit after spending a month and a week and a bit there, so maybe some opportunities to meet them could have come up, but the 9-5, 5-6 day a week working hours terrible for trying to maintain a life which is so awful because a lot of people need to do those jobs in order to make enough money to survive
@dracomarinus962 8 ай бұрын
@@RoseColoredIris more like 2 days to rest and recover from the previous week then do it all again next week
@AccursedHawk 8 ай бұрын
As someone who works an 8-5 out of college with a child on the way. It is brutal and tough. And no that doenst make you “soft” and yes people out there have a lot longer shifts and more struggles but that doesn’t mean certain people can’t feel this way about it
@Vix_Vi 8 ай бұрын
I saw it on Reddit and I was positively surprised that pretty much every top comment was sympathising with her and comments calling her entitled/whiny/bratty were getting heavily downvoted.
@Zorgot. 8 ай бұрын
I don't use reddit but I feel like that would be the normal response on Reddit, maybe depends on the subreddit too i dunno
@Koivro 8 ай бұрын
I left my $25/hr job and went to a $17/hr job just because I was overworked and had no time to myself or with my wife. Now I have no stress and have much more time for hobbies and a relationship. To each their own but it feels like the world just expanded lol.
@Lyxro 8 ай бұрын
As long as you don't start complaining you don't get paid enough 😂
@Koivro 8 ай бұрын
@Lyxro hell no lol. Money isn't the only thing to me. It is a helpful tool but I rather take my freedom.
@AngelCakez 8 ай бұрын
@@Koivro Fair enough honestly! You do you
@MorganVsTheInternet 8 ай бұрын
I hate people who think, “ I suffered, so everyone after me should suffer!”
@executioner_ecgbert884 8 ай бұрын
I used to work at least ten hours a day at a reputable landscaping company. I'd wake up at quarter to 5am and wouldn't get home until after dark. The depression, lack of sleep, and lack of time to eat ruined my mental and physical health. I had no social life and my boss would always talk about how we're a family and we all have to make sacrifices when I never even had time to see my own real family. I worked there for almost a decade with promises of promotions that never came and it felt like such a huge waste of time.
@codykoschode5478 8 ай бұрын
I’ve been struggling with this and my parents don’t see why I’m upset! It’s so hard to deal with. Thank you!
@tonysantana1107 8 ай бұрын
And imagine having two kids on top of that
@spigney4623 8 ай бұрын
They dog piled her because they know shes right but they refuse to acknowledge it for themselves
@NotFanti 8 ай бұрын
Or they are pissed women have feelings incels go crazy on the internet
@dudeguyrockfan 8 ай бұрын
naw she went to college and now cant be social oh wait...... normal adult problem
@jesuschristthefirstjojo.7565 8 ай бұрын
​@@dudeguyrockfan You do know that humans are naturally social creatures right? And it's best to let someone vent than for them to suppress their issues.
@dudeguyrockfan 8 ай бұрын
@@jesuschristthefirstjojo.7565 hmmm ok go be as social as you want get sleep enjoy your life....... and no job
@CayneTJ 8 ай бұрын
I did 4 years of commuting 2 hours each way to my job. I nearly killed myself and still am having trouble getting back in the workforce because I don't want to put my life at risk again, but I can't afford to move, and I can't afford to stay here without a job. I feel for her, and for people stuck in situations like that.
@kaijudogirl 8 ай бұрын
I miss my previous work schedule. Work decided to try 7 day work week with a week day shift ( 4x 10 hr/day ) and weekend shift ( 3x 12 hr/ day with 10% shift bonus to make up 4 hrs ). I volunteered for the WE shift and it was fantastic. Being off 4 days, when I went back in on Fri, I felt great and actually hated my job less.
@AIopekis 8 ай бұрын
3x 12hr day is how my current job is set up and I love it so much. We've got the entire rest of the week available to just enjoy life and, if we want to, we're free to pick up any extra shifts we want to make some extra money. I feel like I lost a ton of stress when I started working at this job compared to my previous jobs where it was pretty much always 8-10 hour shifts 5 or 6 days per week.
@StationJay 8 ай бұрын
Nah, I'm with her. I worked corporate for 3 years after college and I HATED it. The one breather i got the entire time was maybe playing an hour of Persona 3 before getting to bed for the same exact commute the next morning. And you do it for what? Often for an end result you'll never see and won't get any reward from. It was so a bad when I get even a whiff a project I'm on may be corporate, I'll cut off contact like I'm lancing plague boils. I escaped and never look back, I either self employ or find good paying gigs, and at most these jobs I'm making a lot more than those soulless 9-5s that just saw me as another resource to be exploited. My sister, on the other hand, got a corpo 9 - 5 a few years after college. She doesn't really enjoy it, but she keeps doing it because... It's just sorta what adults do. Sadly I've seen it just snuff out any and all drive she once had for all her other passions and pursuits. Even the money, which is her big thing, doesn't take her very far in our current financial climate.
@christopherkelly6833 8 ай бұрын
The only reason I stay sane is because I love the people I work with. They are my family. If not for that I couldn't stand it
@ScarryGargoyle 8 ай бұрын
Absolutely agreed. It’s the only way that it keeps me goin’
@MegaDuke4life 8 ай бұрын
9-5 would have less complaints if you made enough to live comfortably. Imagine how she would feel if she could afford a place by her job?
@Axxis270 8 ай бұрын
This is why nothing in this country ever gets fixed and only kicked down the road to future generations. Healthcare is all but unaffordable-- try and fix it and the people who accepted it will complain about about how you want everything for free or how they dealt with it and so should you. Housing prices. College tuition prices. The list just goes on and on. They let the system break them and so should you.
@ffgcffg9647 8 ай бұрын
She's 100% correct
@SnaxMang 8 ай бұрын
Mfs talked shit about her and then complained to me saying the same shit in the same week.
@trucky7427 8 ай бұрын
She is really not wrong, most of people don't even get the chance to see the sunlight after a workshift, its awful honestly.
@AndrewCARNBORN 8 ай бұрын
I work 8 hours a day at a factory. The commute is thankfully short, but the job is so monotonous and boring that it drives me insane. I get home pretty tired so yeah, not much time for stuff
@ivana2609 8 ай бұрын
I'm doing a 9-5 internship rn and yeah, she has a point
@Nannada1212 8 ай бұрын
I'm a lowly fast food manager, making 15/hr, struggling, and all of my days blend together. Theres rude people I know are gunna come through every morning. You know what's really crazy? People come through the drive-thru at like 11am and think it's gunna be teenagers. They're AT SCHOOL
@Nannada1212 8 ай бұрын
When you really want a coffee before work, do they really think it's a kid about to go to school frantically brewing the coffee?
@Nannada1212 8 ай бұрын
Any job is a real job. That's what makes up a whole society
@putriddivine 7 ай бұрын
"i just entered the work force and am struggling to find my place in life" is just... a normal life experience everyone went through. often times i think people attack girls like this because they're remembering parts of their own lives they have weird shame over.
@O6i 8 ай бұрын
i agreed with her 100 percent tbh. i struggle the same way every day. driving an hour to work and back everyday is rough. half your paycheck goes to gas the other half to bills and if your lucky you can eat more than 10$ worth of food everyday. used to have agreat job as a plant manager 5 minutes walking distance from my house but the place had to shut down due to trumps canadian steel tariffs. i put everything into that job literally broke my back at age 22 and struggle to get out bed everyday since. the 9-5 is killing me. been doing it for 18 years.
@duncancagle8034 8 ай бұрын
That’s exactly the solution I came up with. It creates more jobs and I have noticed in the first half of my shift I can fly through work. It’s the second half where I know I have to be back the next day and the next, and only get to enjoy a couple hours with my wife. I start to go what’s the point of working so hard.
@ScarryGargoyle 8 ай бұрын
There isn’t any. We’re all victims too this life of suffering; however your grind is your own- and it’s up to you- to make what you want out of it. Empathy is hard too come by now adays- you’re doing all that you can. I’ve been working since I was 15- and had many adult males break down In front of me. It tears my heart out. Take care of your self, and your family.
@peacectrl1730 5 ай бұрын
Aw man, this is something that lingers in my mind constantly. I’m 23 and work 8 hour shifts, Saturday-Monday, and go to nursing school Tuesday-Friday. I am fucking exhausted constantly, there is zero time for vacation or social interaction. It’s a disgusting way of living, and I hate that people feel as if this is how it should be.
@myricn 8 ай бұрын
I work 20 hours and go to school full time. I don’t even know how I find time to workout and talk to my friends…I try so hard, yet it feels like it’s never enough..what is this life. This can’t go on, it’s draining
@trcsunny2187 8 ай бұрын
Your first full time job after school is such an eye opening experience. You’ve really joined adulthood at this point and it can be a real shock to the system. Everyone gripes about their job from time to time. No need to skewer her about it.
@hybridAbsol 8 ай бұрын
ItsTwitter clowns, what do you expect
@Anarchy_Angel94 8 ай бұрын
And they probably still bitch about their jobs and how they wish they weren't so tired or hurt all the time or could hang out with friends more but can't becoz they have to work in the morning lol
@lightcer5339 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I honestly think the 9 to 5p thing is stupid as well 😂 also since everyone has the same schedule, even the banks and post offices, good luck ever getting your stuff done. And you are always driving home in traffic with the sun directly in your face on the horizon.
@ScarryGargoyle 8 ай бұрын
@menacingpotatoleaf 8 ай бұрын
As someone who works 9-5, I literally wouldn't wish this on anyone.
@brownboy0357 8 ай бұрын
I work at a carwash from 8-6 with only a 30 minute break after 2 and a half hours with a one hour commute all together while going to college, she is right. It absolutely sucks
@AiringAustin 8 ай бұрын
I reacted just like this girl when I first entered the workforce. The shift from student to worker and the difference in time management is indeed life altering. The 9-5 does suck but we all either get used to it or adjust the best we can.
@Zach_TheGamer 8 ай бұрын
This isn’t for pity, I just want to say what my experience is. I know this isn’t a job, but I am feeling the same way. I’m in college right now and it’s fucking hell! I wake up, I walk to campus to get breakfast, I have to go to the library to work on like 3 essays that are due that day. Then for the entire day, I have classes until 5:00 PM and then I have to go home and just work for the rest of the night on more essays and by that time, I am so fucking tired. This is all I do all day, every day. It’s miserable! If I decide I want to take a mental health day or if I am sick and can’t do work, I get set back like 20 pages of written work. I have no friends. I have no time to meet girls. There is nothing to do around campus. Now, I just got a job, so now I have to balance work with my school work also. I am so burnt out!
@koko6504 8 ай бұрын
College is such a scam
@Baybren 8 ай бұрын
I know exactly what you mean, I'm in my 9th and hopefully final year of college for engineering with most of it having been like that. The important thing to keep in mind is that college is temporary, as difficult and unenjoyable and long as it might get, and eventually you'll finish and have an opportunity to do something else. Think about what you want to do afterwards and try to move towards making that happen any way you can. Not that that necessarily makes any day easier in itself, but it's been very helpful for me to remember "this too shall pass." Also for context, you don't need to do 9 years of college to do engineering, that much was just my choice.
@myricn 8 ай бұрын
@@Baybrenthanks for your message. I’m almost done with college and I’m wanting to enter university in criminology…the COST OF MONEY and TIME! Oh lord… I feel like we’ll never hit the end of the tunnel. It’s so tiring. How have you survived all this time though? Any tips?
@Baybren 8 ай бұрын
​@@myricn Congratulations on getting this close! You can do it, finish strong! For me at least, I do enjoy the stuff I'm studying, which makes a huge difference even when there's hours of homework and research and writing to go along with it. So if you're looking at another degree, try to figure out if it's something you'll enjoy and want to do, both during and (especially) after college. Another big thing, I haven't had a ton of friends at any one time, but I've always tried to prioritize the really real friends I've had - they make college (and life) much easier and more enjoyable. I know everyone says it, but time management is important - don't wait until you have 2 months left to write your thesis before starting (like I did...). But make sure you are able to mentally detach and rest your body and mind as well, and laugh sometimes! For me, video games and The Office (US) helped a ton with mental health. Caffeine seems to be pretty much essential for this sort of workload, but don't overdo it - there are some health problems you can encounter if you do. And I still can't stand the flavor of Mountain Dew anymore after writing my thesis... And finally, I have to mention that prayer played a big part in getting me here. I know that's not everyone's situation, but it really helped me. Hopefully some of that is helpful... Whatever you (or anyone else reading) end up doing next, I wish you the best of luck!
@BoomofDoom 8 ай бұрын
My 8 hour work day becomes a 12 hour day with commute and time to become agreeable to society. If you're expected to have 8 hours of sleep that leaves 4 hours to exist. Subtract an hour at the gym, a half hour to shower after, and an hour to cook and eat dinner. I have a daily 90 minutes to "live". Mental health issues are a constant struggle and this is all so I can afford to "survive", not thrive. Anyone who thinks this girl is incorrect is delusional and have been privileged enough to be blessed with ignorance to how society shits on normal people.
@testing85 8 ай бұрын
yes this is how 95% of adults live
@mentaldavethefirst 8 ай бұрын
People who have knuckled under all their life and taken whatever scraps are chucked their way seem to react with a lot more hostility to the people who stick their neck out and say how awful the system is than the people who enforce the shitty system
@momomomongaa 8 ай бұрын
I work 50 hours a week with a 1/2 hour commute. I still live in my parents basement and pretty much have no time to have any sort of relationships because on my days off I just sleep the depression off 🤷‍♀️
@jer8279 8 ай бұрын
Work helps my depression. I got so used to "having work" that holidays are extra crushing. I have no one
@greidbowles3754 8 ай бұрын
The next gen is gonna roast each other with "your mom records herself crying and actually posts it"
@joeshilabotnik6082 8 ай бұрын
Yeah dude. My first job was about an hour commute with a 45 minute unpaid lunch. I was trading more than 12 hours of my life to work between prep, commute and the actual hours I worked. It pushed me to a really dark place. People don't understand that work isn't just the "8 hours" anymore. Even now, I have an hour commute and an hour lunch, so even now I give up 11+ hours a day for 8 hours of exploitative pay. We just get used to the pain and we need to be kind to people being exposed to the true minor horrors of reality. Life is hard, no matter who you are, and the lack of empathy people show is disgusting.
@MO_AIMUSIC 8 ай бұрын
Work from home doesn't solved anything, if you work from home, then the company thought you will be availabe 24/7.
@Dominik047 8 ай бұрын
The ability to work from home is a privilege for people not in the customer service industry. I get upset because it feels like a class thing. I manage a grocery store and I work 8-15 hours a day, 10 most days. But someone needs to put your vegetables on the shelf. I just hate that people can work from home and make 4-5 times more than me.
@robertcrockett1628 8 ай бұрын
did you take the time to learn any skill that people would pay you to do from home? excel? programming? it’s not a class issue. it’s a marketable skill issue. I’ve got rich friends stuck in the office and friends very middle class working remote.
@robertcrockett1628 8 ай бұрын
8-15 hours a day is CRAZY and I hope you find a way out regardless. maybe another job that’ll give you more time to focus on your skill set so you can finally get that work from home job 🤞🏻
@Dominik047 8 ай бұрын
@@robertcrockett1628 nah I'm really fucking dumb. Barely passed high school. This job pays me 25 an hour and it's probably all I could ever hope to make. I genuinely want others to succeed and I think working from home is great. Just sucks when you realize your lot in life
@ohwowthatguy3259 8 ай бұрын
​@@robertcrockett1628class system comes into play with learning skills like that as well. Some schools are worse than others, some parents are worse than others
@SlurMaster9000 8 ай бұрын
@@Dominik047 I'd suggest you at least consider getting into some sort of trade. It's definitely got a higher barrier to entry than a grocery store, but at least you'll be able to make more money for fewer hours of work
@Lost.Yeti.315 8 ай бұрын
Everyone is ganging up on her because they believe she is mad about an 8-hour workday. There are A LOT of TikTokers that do just that. But this is a big reason that 4 day work weeks are so sought after, to give you 3 days off.
@rogueroger0 8 ай бұрын
Why are we pretending 9-5 has no days off
@thelastmelinian1750 8 ай бұрын
The 9-5 grind isn’t even worth it anymore. It barely covers anything, if at all. God help you if you’re doing 10-12 hour shifts and you don’t even get paid enough to make it worth it.
@Tokegaroh 8 ай бұрын
The really sad thing is I bet if the first comment was someone genuinely feeling bad for her then everyone else would have too. The sheep hive mind of twitter just have to join in on what everyone else says. It's honestly on the same level on reddit. ☠☠
@VirtualShogun 8 ай бұрын
AFTER COLLEGE!!!? Girl I started working 9-5 when I was 15 years old.
@tornut24 8 ай бұрын
Worked a 9-5 after graduating college. Am extemely blessed to have found a 20hr/week job that pays the bills. I didn’t mind the 9-5 at the time since “that’s what you’re supposed to do,” but now I can’t see myself going back to 9-5 unless it’s remote. Free time is absolutely invaluable
@xcornstarx 8 ай бұрын
Most people are empathetic, not sympathetic, so as soon as you pull the "poor me" card, they'll instantly have lost patience with you. I've worked full time for 20 years and i agree with her completely. She's not doing anything wrong, I just think sadly, if you word things solely about yourself, the masses will jump on you. I feel what has rustled many people's feathers, is that she has worded her argument in the 1st person, which will instantly make people take a dislike to her. If she had formed her argument to encompass the majority, and spoke about everyone, all those people would agree with her but she made it only about herself which just aggravates people, even the ones in the exact same (or worse) situation.
@sleepycowboy18 8 ай бұрын
She's not even exaggerating anything bruh, she's clearly talking normal as an exhausted and distressed person. And it's not like it's uncommon for ppl to post things about their life online, bad and good
@xcornstarx 8 ай бұрын
@@sleepycowboy18 I completely agree, I wasn't intending this as putting the blame on her. Just discussing how public mentality is. Sadly that is and always will be how the masses react to anyone solely talking about their own struggles in a society that the majority are struggling in. Most people are truly not sympathetic, but believe they are due to being empathetic.
@nickrod3279 8 ай бұрын
Working from home is a double edged sword, it's nice not physically going to work but you you meet a lot of people that become friends when you work on location.
@EPICSAWIKI 8 ай бұрын
I’ll go to a bar, concert, convention, etc. if I want to meet people. they’ll be like minded too since you’re meeting them at places of your interests.
@RoosterCP 8 ай бұрын
It’s the same argument as fraternal hazing, just because the old heads were abused, the younger generation has to be abused too so they “earn” it like they did. Never really understood that mindset.
@EngineeringPilot 8 ай бұрын
Welcome to adulthood, I worked construction from 5am-6pm and still went to the gym afterwards
@DeathsFlagShip 8 ай бұрын
I felt the same way when I was her age and still feel that way now. You just have to stay sad and get used to it. I wish things were better, but they are not.
@KILOLover 8 ай бұрын
People will make arguments on behalf of corporations because if they work hard enough and always support the company and never complain, then one day they'll be the BIG BOSS™. And if any concessions are made for the workers when you're a worker, then you're missing out on the benefit of exploiting the workers when you're the BIG BOSS™ and that's money out of your future pocket.
@jthom0027 8 ай бұрын
Totally agree. These dummies don't realize that they are much closer to being the next quarterly earnings CEO bonus lay off than they are becoming the BIG BOSS.
@IchirakuRamen4u 8 ай бұрын
Folks in Japan thinking “wait a minute” 🤔
@mangodxwns 8 ай бұрын
fr lol people in Japan literally arent living unless their like small businesses owners or actual children😭 its so sad fr
@IchirakuRamen4u 8 ай бұрын
@@mangodxwns I mean I understand why it sucks to work the majority of your life just to live some what comfortably but over in Japan lots of people practically live at work, it’s sad af😢
@IIFeaRzXD 8 ай бұрын
i always love it when charlie throws in osrs examples lmfao they always are so accurate too
@Bill_the_Terrible 8 ай бұрын
My wife spend 2 hours a day Mon-Fri in the car commuting in Johannesburg, South Africa. It sucks and I sympathise with her. I agree with Charlie. She just wanted to vent man. And it is facts
@lirich0 8 ай бұрын
There really are double standards on both sides, the fact that people overreacted to her in such a specific way…
@BrinkofSanity 8 ай бұрын
Everyone making fun of her is a corporate boot licker. Change my mind.
@eugenekrabs141 8 ай бұрын
they are licking more than just their boots
@solomonharvey-batten8974 3 ай бұрын
Literally the same way i felt out of college. My office job was just down the street, but I was miserable everyday and found much more enjoyment out of retail of all things. Now I’m trying to break into a new career that keeps me active, but the standard has now become that employers ghost you on almost all of your applications so🤷‍♂️
@anniekujo 8 ай бұрын
I love those takes of Charlie, he is not afraid of going against the masses (ofc he knows his community has his back and that he isn't wrong as far as he knows). When I first saw this I thought that she was absolutely right, I see why people get like "mad" but she only made valid points. Ofc most people have to do a 9-5 job but it's still taking away a lot from your free time. I've heard that in some countries they test the 4 day work week, where you work the same amount of hours but only for 4 days a week. Meaning you work 9-5 Monday-Thursday and Friday-Sunday is the weekend (which I personally love, not that I have those work days but the idea is great). They want to test if productivity increases if they lower the amount of days that you have to work, apparently in the countries that it got tested in it did worked and they permanently adapted it (don't quote me on that, I'm not really sure I heard it a while ago don't know which countries either. I think it was some Norwegian ones, they're always a few steps ahead with they're work/life balance. Feel like they got everything sorted out perfectly fine, school, work, criminality). Anyway if I'm not mistaken they want to test this at a few jobs for half a year in germany 2024 so they can see if this will work and maybe also permanently adapt it, would be exciting since I live and work here in germany. (just realized that I completely switched topics from what I started, I guess a little fun facts on the side [don't take it as facts tho, I'm not really sure about all of that. I'm typing everything out from memory because I'm to lazy to google, I've read/heard it somewhere a while ago and then never again])
@calebtheholyman545 8 ай бұрын
I just started a new job out of necessity to better provide for my wife and son. Pay and benefits are pretty good, but yeah I literally have an hour to see them each day max before I have to sleep and do it again
@EPICSAWIKI 8 ай бұрын
I’m sorry to hear that man, hopefully we can change things in the future.
@calebtheholyman545 8 ай бұрын
@EPICSAWIKI maybe so. For now, I'm a pawn in a factory, but at least the money is good enough to improve my and their lives
@knaussenheimer 8 ай бұрын
videos like this are what make charlie such a good guy. in the position hes in, he doesnt need to work 9-5 jobs or deal with that stuff that people complain about so it would be so easy to not see things from their perspective, yet he still does
@Stew91 8 ай бұрын
"Twitter dog piled her". No surprise there.
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