Is it depression or bipolar disorder?

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Dr. Scott Eilers

Dr. Scott Eilers

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Major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder have a lot in common. Both are mood disorders, meaning they involve fluctuations in mood that can be totally unrelated to life events. Both involve depressive episodes, which are periods of low mood.
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In fact, the only real difference between major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder is the presence of manic, or manic episodes, in bipolar disorder. But these very similar conditions need to be handled very differently.
Antidepressant medications, the primary treatment for major depressive disorder, are extremely dangerous for someone with bipolar disorder to take as they tend to make manic episodes worse.
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Пікірлер: 53
@lindanoreika893 9 ай бұрын
The only thing that helps me is the need to see animals, especially horses. That seems to be my only comfort. This is what God gives me.
@kimsusan 8 ай бұрын
This was super helpful! As someone who suffers long and severe depressive episodes, the extreme relief that comes when I feel normal has sometimes made me question if I could be bipolar. You expressed that really well; thank you!
@Trollophile 8 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder in my late teens. After suffering a 2-month psychotic episode in my mid-60s, my diagnosis has now been corrected to Bipolar, Type 2 (with ADHD). Life has been one helluva ride due to a misdiagnosis!
@le_th_ 6 ай бұрын
I always thought bipolar disorder was differentially diagnosed by the MANIC episodes, solely, and not the depressive episode. Plus, there are times when people SHOULD feel depressed... ...loss of a loved one (or serious illness of a loved one) ...loss of a pet (or serious illness of a pet) ...loss of a job ...physical illness that limits their ability to participate in life in a way they enjoy ...being the victim of a financial/violent/psychological crime (being intentionally targeted by a predator) in a conflict zone at or just above the poverty line ...being homeless (or about to be evicted) ...experiencing a loss of faith (i.e. realizing organized religion as a scam) ...leaving a cult ...being ostracized at work/home/religious group ...being the partner/child/sibling/colleague/direct report of a narcissist or/borderline/sociopath/psychopath, and if they have more than one of those people in their life, they should be DOUBLY depressed (i.e. spouse and boss) There are many very valid reasons people SHOULD feel depressed because it is appropriate given their situation. What is legitimately concerning is when things are going well in their life, they're surrounded by healthy people who love and have empathy for them, and there is no reason for them to feel depressed. Get the narcissists, borderlines, histrionics, sociopaths, and psychopaths OUT OF YOUR LIFE first. That is priority number 1. Then you can *begin* the healing process, and you'll have a snowball's chance in h3ll of getting over the depression. As long as you have a narcissist/borderline/histrionic/sociopath or psychopath in your life, you're going to experience depression because these toxic people will quietly SUCK YOU DRY of all energy, vitality, and health. This is a very ugly truth that the vast majority of clinicians won't tell you because many clinicians suffer from these disorders, themselves. I got lucky....very, very lucky...and I happened upon a clinician who told me about narcissists way back in 1999 and I will forever be grateful to her. She was the first person to introduce the disorder to me.
@desireelevesque634 8 ай бұрын
I appreciate you mentioning ADHD as something that is sometimes missed when a person also suffers from depression or bipolar disorder. I have been diagnosed at different times in my life with ptsd (childhood abuse) depression, bpd, anxiety and bipolar 2 (displaying primarily depressive symptoms). I'm pretty sure that due to being placed in gifted and talented programs as a child (5th grade, around early 90's) that inattentive adhd was missed. I was well behaved and scored well on tests, but I rarely did my homework, started projects at the last minute and went through a cycle of cramming and data dumping after the exam. That behavior pattern has extended well into adulthood (I'm 42) and is severely detrimental to my ability to manage my life. When I asked about being tested for adhd, I was told that my depression needed to be brought under control first (after 15+ years of therapy and being a guinea pig on various antidepressants with no success) I believe that the adhd is the underlying condition that is causing my depression and anxiety. If I could get s**t done, maybe I wouldn't feel like an utter failure and be living a life overwhelmed and demotivated by all the stress of my to-do list. On tests I've taken online, I score with a high probability of adhd, but with the abuse of many medications, doctors seem to be reluctant to diagnose and treat adhd especially in adults, when I've managed to keep a job and not outright die from the condition. The passive (and occasionally active) SI are real due to my struggles with life management. Seeking another opinion when I have health insurance again and hoping for the best.
@Trollophile 8 ай бұрын
Sweet Desiree, you are going through the hell I have been in for most of my life! After a lifetime of a misdiagnosis, I am finally being treated for Bipolar 2 with severe ADHD. Like you, I have been told that my mood disorder has to be stabilized before the ADHD can be addressed.
@lailanitukuafu 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, it took a lot to get an ADHD diagnosis for me, because my psychiatrist was like "No, that's probably just because of anxiety." With like every single symptom. It was so dumb because yes I have anxiety, but I also know for a fact that I have ADHD. Anxiety is overdiagnosed in women and ADHD is underdiagnosed (and it's often the opposite for men). It was clear as day that he just had it in his brain that I didn't know what I was talking about and I was just misinterpreting my anxiety symptoms as ADHD because it was trendy or some crap like that
@Truerealism747 Ай бұрын
I have ADHD autism diagnosed n53 nown44 do you have fybromyalgia symptoms from your ADHD
@Truerealism747 Ай бұрын
​@@lailanitukuafuhave you had any pain symptoms from your ADHD ime late diagnosed autism ADHD awaiting mmeds fybromyalgia decades
@lailanitukuafu 7 ай бұрын
I have major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and ADHD. Every mental health professional I've talked to has asked me if I've had manic episodes, but I really haven't. I was lucky enough to have a fantastic first therapist who, above anything else, listened to me describe what I felt in my own words. I had a period of normal mood while I was still seeing him, and the change really was drastic. He said it looked like bipolar disorder to him, but he had a very imperfect set of data to go off of because he only saw me once a week and of course we talked about the problems a lot more than the little happy things in my life. So after I described what I felt a little more, we decided it was unlikely that I have bipolar. I really miss him for several reasons, but a major one is that I've since seen multiple other mental health professionals that had very obvious biases about what they thought I have. It's like instead of seeing me as a unique individual with my own experiences and then going off of that, they interpreted their own oversimplified version of me and compared that to the cookie cutter descriptions they knew. Then they decided I have this thing and it was almost like they were trying to get me to admit or confess that their descriptions fit me perfectly. It was like leading the witness but for therapy. SO frustrating
@ambertornatore6362 19 күн бұрын
I’m 40 yrs old and have been diagnosed with MDD, panic disorders with agoraphobia, ADHD and I was 15 when I was diagnosed with depression and in my later 20s was diagnosed with the rest but thank god I have found a doctor who listens and has given me a way to contact her directly if something is wrong and this is where she apparently thinks I have the wrong diagnosis and may be manic or bipolar so today we will discuss everything, she’s the first doctor who hasn’t completely given up on me and she thinks it’s bc of my manic episodes when I can’t control my emotions is when doctors just don’t want to deal with it but not her and more doctors should be like her!!
@MinkaSchlossberger4ever 7 ай бұрын
I am a Cat- Lady, I live with 4 rescued Cats in a flat. They are so great, Kind and funny,...I never feel lonely. When I was a child, I wanted to be an adult , WHO can efford to have Cats...without anybody, , who tells me, to geht rid of them. I am mostly Happy now, and thankful .
@janetross5891 6 ай бұрын
Just to clarify manic depression is an old term for bipolar disorder. Its use was replaced by bipolar disorder in the early 1990’s to reduce the stigma associated with its name. Great video. Very informative.
@Mouse_007 2 ай бұрын
That really helped a whole lot. I live in a rural area in the south and the area I live in is known as a area with poor education and healthcare. I have very good reasons to be sceptical of diagnosis here but this clears it up because I don't have the manic part. It feels kind of manic whenever I come out of depression, but it doesn't fit your description of manic state. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you !
@u2havenosoul 26 күн бұрын
Whenever I’m at home and do whatever I wanted to do I get better😂but the moment I go to work or even think of going to work…. lol
@LetThemPeace 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for this excellent explanation! I have found this extremely informative. It explains so much in terms that make so much sense.
@25070410 5 ай бұрын
This is the best channel I have come across. Your description of symptoms and analysis is so spot on. Every video I have heard so far I feel like this is exactly how I feel. All your tips and advice are so easy to follow. Thank you Scott ❤
@rachelturner8286 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing and thoroughly explaining alternate diagnoses. The level of detail in what you might see and what it may mean is so helpful! I truly appreciate your open approach.
@diliaestefaniaoliveros1464 8 ай бұрын
I know I'm depressed right now. But before I visit a psychiatrist I want to make sure I can describe the way I feel when I'm not in this mood to help them to get an accurate diagnosis. So I've Journaling my moods for about 6 months
@DrScottEilers 8 ай бұрын
That’s a great idea!
@HeavenlyPresley-Tonya 8 ай бұрын
Great Idea!!! I do the Same thing - But I include When I Am -- I have the most wonderful Psychiatrist --- I have Bipolar 2 That's Facts -- Hypomania Depressive -- Normal - Depression is RARE for me though or it doesn't last as long as they Mania!!! I wish you the best of luck to get the Right treatment!!!!
@heatherwiner2883 Ай бұрын
The only med that helped me was Lamictal though I know I am not bipolar in any way, shape or form. Long, long periods of depression and then it lifts and I am "normal". Have irritation and anger episodes though.
@SoSkepticalFox 11 ай бұрын
Wanted to watch this video just to double check, i was never officially diagnosed but ive had 2 doctors try and diagnose me with bipolar even tho i never experienced manic episodes. It was extremely frustrating because i was questioning if i had adhd and they dismissed that without much thought but they kept digging to try and find anything that could be a manic episode. About 2 years later i saw a 3rd doctor who i once again talked to about adhd and we unpacked a lot from my childhood to fairly confidently feel i could have adhd, and for a while i was having fairly good success with medication to treat it. However i still have depression so still work to be done
@Steveoffgrid 4 ай бұрын
@DrScottEilers Hi Scott, enjoying your videos. I wonder if you have any thoughts on the research that came out in 2022 by Joanna Moncrieff and Mark Horowitz. And Joannas views on Bipolar 1 and 2 and the bipolar spectrum? I genuinely would be interested to hear your views and thoughts Scott.
@MelodieRose727 3 ай бұрын
I’ve struggled with this type of pendulum all my life, if I’m not depressed, then I’m anxious ball of anxiety. Interesting idea.
@nilynazemzadeh9271 6 ай бұрын
Can you make a video about being on the mood spectrum? Bipolarity index ? I have severe anxiety and seen anxiety being mapped to being hypomanic or mixed states and most anti depressants have made me feel worse/ suicidal. I just freak myself out reading about these often thinking maybe I need mood stabalizers. Also I try to do the things you mentioned, being active, eating healthy, practice mindful ness for a few days and I feel better but I often worry that its just a cycle regardless of what I do.
@daniconhiser1224 7 ай бұрын
I am curious about being diagnosed with dysthymia, bipolar I and II, BPD, and CPTSD, along with GAD and severe panic attacks. This has been going on for pretty much since I was in my early teens but I wasn't diagnosed till I was 30. I have quit my meds because I feel less in control of my physical reactions than if I'm just dealing with it on my own. Also they said I have intermittent explosive disorder but I wonder if that is a symptom that falls into one of the other diagnosis?
@dave9456 7 ай бұрын
My worst manic episode was when I spent two months going up and down the country buying a total of six convertible BMW's, paid more than 100k for them, and sold them all to the same person one month later for 5k, my Psychiatrist at the time had no hesitation in diagnosing me with Bipolar 🙃
@DrScottEilers 7 ай бұрын
Yeah that feels like a pretty safe hypothesis at that point. Sorry that happened to you!
@nicholasgoh3526 7 ай бұрын
My first psychiatrist said I have depression. The second and third one said I have bipolar. The last one insist I only have depression and anxiety and not bipolar. One hypnotherapist said I have none of them. I think I did have bipolar but the highs are somewhat subdued now but can be triggered at times. I’m actually very confused. I have since stopped taking the SSRI and kinda felt normal again.
@maddie8415 5 ай бұрын
I've had a similar experience, quitting all antidepressant medications fixed it for me. I believe they were making me act manic at times by creating a chemical imbalance and I never actually had bipolar disorder. Mental health diagnosis is SO subjective that sometimes you just need to listen to your own instincts.
@kristenjensen7264 6 ай бұрын
I’ve been diagnosed with MMD and Bipolar 2. Are these two diagnosis possible together?
@Aivottaja 7 ай бұрын
Over the past three months, I've started to be triggered to think the absolutely worst about my past. But a lot of times when I'm at peace, alone with the ability to go through a checklist of my thought patterns and feelings, I manage to be stable, even serene. I have trouble being in the public and with people because of this invisible work I have to do inside my mind. It drains energy from interacting with people in social situations. But I've also had days of the absolute worst feeling imaginable. I was contemplating final exit very seriously. So, is there a possibility it is bipolar if it doesn't alternate between days or mania and apathy? I have been diagnosed with depression the first time when I was 9. After that, I i was formally diagnosed in my mid-20's.
@fabianperez1727 8 ай бұрын
I’ve been diagnosed with both.
@nicholasgoh3526 7 ай бұрын
Me too and a hypnotherapist said I have none of both. I’m very confused. I’ve stopped my meds and not sure whether I will another psychiatrist again.
@maextraordinaire 4 ай бұрын
I’ve had two providers tell me that if an antidepressant triggers mania then you are bipolar. What are your thoughts on this? Can you speak to it?
@25070410 5 ай бұрын
Can BPD and generalised anxiety disorder can exist in one person simultaneously?
@lauraestes9304 Жыл бұрын
I took an antidrepressant for 18 months and all it did was make me flat....feel nothing.
@user-oc8oq8bl4b Ай бұрын
My Doctor does not settle on diagnosis first he says dysthymia then depression then borderline like I confront him on this and He just gets angry, says the symptoms are all very smilier.I think I am bipolar 2...but eh doesn't accept that anyways the only thing he settles on is that I have mood swings.He put me on duloxetine and olanzapine cause he says i don't tolerate mood stabilizers and it is true but I feel like I'm not well diagnosed or well treated!I don't know how to change this situation because my parents are the ones who pay for the consultations and they're quite narcissistic.I can pay too but would become broke.What can I do about this?I feel myself getting worse and worse...Also I stopped therapy will it help?
@lindanoreika893 9 ай бұрын
So how do you know what you have if you can’t afford analysis nor the meds? Really stuck between a rock and a hard place.
@terrieckley6948 8 ай бұрын
I ended up asking the same question to anyone that would listen where I'm at now fortunately on medical my dr via county clinic will and has referred me but just getting to this point was a rollercoaster I was injured on the job going through work comp lost my job being off work too long no income became homeless but ...flip side when I was working I paid into a medical plan I couldn't afford to use deductable too really still not diagnosed But after watching this video I think I'm going in to be tested and I wish he was around 10 years ago hes got answers that I couldn't find back then
@lindanoreika893 9 ай бұрын
So confusing 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
@evaeggen7825 4 ай бұрын
I think the relief when you get out of a deppressive disorder makes you more efhoric, more like bipolar 2, not si risk taking, and not so prone ro use all your money, having impulsive sex and so on, you might be more talkative having more ideas , laugh more, but really its not quite as severe as bipolar 1, without sleeping, and not so long lasting. So i di not quite agree on you on this. Otherwise i do aggree on many of your videoes. I got add though, on paper, so for us some of us have both depressive and more eforic moments. Its not that black and white as you say here.
@HeavenlyPresley-Tonya 8 ай бұрын
Thanks so much! Yes - I have Bipolar 2 - I know for a fact I do LOL - But My Dad was diagnosed with Schizophrenia - When He was about 19 - He would hear voices The Tv telling him people were out to get him - in and out of the Mental Hospital at first Dad would of been 77 He passed 3 years ago to Covid He had Insulin Shock Treatment and His Dad My Grandfather I never met ( WAS DIAGNOSED WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA - Died When Dad was 19 and that was his first Episode -- soon after -- My Grandfather had Shock Treatment --- BUT WITH ME I HAVE CPTSD -- TRAUMA TRAUMA TRAUM ABUSE SINCE A CHILD SA DV EVEN THROUGH ADULTHOOD -- AND MY PARENTS ABANDONED ME AND MY SIBS I WAS 10 BROTHER WAS 9 SISTER 6 WE HAD NO FOOD WATER ELECTRICITY FOOD AT SCHOOL ONLY - THEY SPLIT UP AND DAD WAS NOT IN MY LIFE BUT ONLY TO PUT ME DOWN CONSTANTLY - AS A TEEN - ADULT - MOM THE SAME - NO ATTENTION LOVE NOTHING - MY GRANDMOTHER ADOPTED ME AT AGE 12 -- FIGHTING ALL OF THESE EMOTIONS OF INSECURITY AND NOT FEELING LOVED FEELING I SHOULD NOT BE LOVED ETC ETC WHAT GOES ALONG WITH CPTSD I FEEL IS WORSE THAN THE BIPOLAR OR IT INTENSIFIES IT -- IF THAT MAKES SENSE --- THANKS SO MUCH I TAKE CYMBALTA LITHIUM AND LAMAGARINE --- NOT SURE I SHOULD BE ON CYMBALTA --- ?
@MinkaSchlossberger4ever 7 ай бұрын
Does cymbalta make You feel better...more stable? You have to decide....what heals ist right!
@michaelw6277 6 ай бұрын
My depression was actually bipolar. The clue that sent me in the right direction was the fact that antidepressants send me to the moon.
@maddie8415 5 ай бұрын
That might just mean the medications were excessive or inappropriate for you. Antidepressants can make a person act manic. I really can't stand how psychiatry likes to sell this as an indicator the person always had bipolar, rather than a conclusion that the medications may have created a chemical imbalance. Take away the offending medications and see how the person does. I know that cutting the offending medications fixed this exact problem for myself long-term.
@michaelw6277 5 ай бұрын
@@maddie8415 it was a clue that sent me in the right direction for an accurate diagnosis… not the basis for that diagnosis
@angieklein4837 6 ай бұрын
My dogs are the only reason to stay. No one else to care for tham
@Dseated 7 ай бұрын
Sounds like every day life for a cancer.
@spoopyidk 7 ай бұрын
@christinabaswell6004 7 ай бұрын
​@@spoopyidkI think they mean the astrological sign.
@ric8167 6 ай бұрын
I've been dealing with depression and anxiety for a long time, I tried the whole lot of available medications and none seemed to make much,if any, difference. These days I'm on clonazepam 0,5-0,75mg daily as it helps with some of the physical symptoms but not much else. I haven't found anything in terms of therapy that would be of any help. What would you good people out there recommend? I'm not in the US. In a positive note I'm financially sound and can pay for treatment:).
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