Italian Wars 8/10 - Battle of Bicocca 1522 and Battle of Sesia 1524

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After the imperial election of 1519 Charles V is elected Holy Roman Emperor. Tension mounts with Francis I. Henry VIII is acting as an arbiter, therefore the war starts slowly. Prospero Colonna outmaneuvers the French commanded by Lautrec. The imperialists entrench themselves and destroy the charging Swiss pikemen at the Battle of Bicocca.
Soon Venice also joins the imperialist side, and English troops land in the north of France. Francis sends Bonnivet to Italy with a large army. Charles de Lannoy defeats them at the Battle of Sesia, killing the Chevalier Bayard in the battle.
Next the Emperor sends Charles Bourbon to France; however he is forced to withdraw as Francis himself invades Italy, proceeding to besiege Pavia.
The Italian Wars was a series of conflicts that raged between 1494 and 1559 between the two major European powers, the Habsburgs who ruled the Holy Roman Empire and later Spain, and the Valois kings of France. At the height of the conflict the war involved Tudor England, the Ottoman Empire, Hungary, and all of Italy either as passive or active participants.
In terms of military tactics and strategy the Italian Wars saw the greatest innovations since the Roman Empire. Artillery finally came of age during the war prompting radical changes in terms of fortifications and battlefield tactics. Swiss pikemen, Landsknechts, and Spanish musketeers were amalgamated into a new type of standardized European infantry, the pike and shot formation. Cavalry although diminished in numbers, retained its place on the battlefield, being differentiated into heavy cavalry (men at arms), light cavalry and dragoons. In terms of strategy frontal medieval charges were replaced by careful maneuvering, the use of natural or man-made obstacles, and a keen attention to logistics. Commanders no longer fought in the front lines, but rather became managers of their armies. Politically the war shaped and reshaped the destinies of European countries for centuries to come.
Mallett, M (2012). The Italian Wars 1494-1559 War, State and Society in Early Modern Europe
Potter, D (2008). Renaissance France at War
Taylor, F L (1921). The Art of War in Italy 1494-1529
Turnbull, S (2006). The Art of Renaissance Warfare
Arnold, T (2001). The Renaissance at War
Hall, B S (1997). Weapons and Warfare in Renaissance Europe
Koenigsberg, H G (1968). Europe in the Sixteenth Century
Guicciardini, F (1561). The History of Italy
Gamberini, A (2012). The Italian Renaissance State
Martines, L (1968). Political Conflict in the Italian City States
Nicolle, D (1996). Fornovo 1495
Konstam, A (1996). Pavia 1525
Parker, G (2019). Emperor A New Life of Charles V
Mallet, M (1974). Mercenaries and Their Masters
Janin, H (2013). Mercenaries in Medieval and Renaissance Europe
Brewer, P (1998). Warfare in the Renaissance world
Murphy, D (2007). Condottiere 1300-1500
Lopez, I (2012). The Spanish Tercios 1536-1704
Miller, D (1976). The Landsknechts
Miler, D (1979). The Swiss at War 1300-1500
Richards, J (2002). Landsknecht Soldier 1486-1560
Pohl, J (2015). Armies of Castile and Aragon 1370-1516
Held, R (1978). The Age of Firearms: A Pictorial History
0:00 Imperial Election of 1519
1:49 Maneuvering
4:16 Bicocca
7:47 1523
9:26 Sesia
11:12 Invasion of Provence
#ItalianWars #BattleofBicocca #Pavia

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@higochumbo8932 4 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: Bicoca is still used in modern Spanish as a word to indicate that something went flawlessly.
@pikeshotBattles 4 жыл бұрын
True story!
@higochumbo8932 3 жыл бұрын
@WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Decir que los suizos no se enfrentaron a los españoles porpque no llegaron al cuerpo a cuerpo es como decir que ya no hay guerras porque todo el mundo se mata a 2 kilómetros de distancia y nadie usa ballonetas. Los suizos no "chocaron" contra un terreno fangoso y una empalizada... el terreno estaba elegido y la empalizada construida por los imperiales, no hay nada fortuito. Que los arcabuceros españoles se hubiesen enfrentado cuerpo a cuerpo contra los piqueros suizos habría sido tan estupido como los suizos cargando solos contra una posicion atrincherada. Los españoles no corrieron como gallinitas... siguieron la estrategia planeada... en esta batalla simplemente se dio la circumstancia de que los piqueros eran alemanes... tienes todos los ejemplos que quieras en los que los piqueros eran españoles y tuvieron un rendimiento impecable (Nordlingen 1634, Rocroi 1643...). Como dijo Napoleon... nunca detengas a tu enemigo cuando esté cometiendo un error. Los suizos, con tu misma mentalidad infantil y caballeresca, fueron idiotas en esta batalla y pagaron por ello. Lo que tu estas pidiendo es que los españoles hubiesen sido igual de idiotas que los suizos. Vamos... es como pedir que un helicoptero se estrelle contra un tanque en lugar de usar sus misiles... ridículo. Por cierto, si tan horrible te parece que se luche a distancia, solo recordarte que los suizos usaban picas de 6 metros. Habrá campos de batalla llenos de caballeros nobles muertos con tu misma mentalidad a los que les parecía deshonroso que su espada fuese derrotada a distancia por plebeyos como los piqueros suizos, los arqueros ingleses o los arcabuceros españoles...
@higochumbo8932 3 жыл бұрын
@WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE No solo infantil, tambien racista. El pack completo. Sobre los piqueros españoles ya te he mencionado ejemplos claros demostrando que lo que dices no es en absoluto verdad (Nordlingen y Rocroi, entre otros), así que si vas a ignorar mis argumentos y seguir con tu corta/pega infantil y nacionalista, yo no voy a perder más el tiempo contigo. Por curiosidad, de dónde eres?
@renacehispania8615 3 жыл бұрын
@@higochumbo8932 veo que el mexicano con nombre anglosajón se ha fugado apaleado de esta conversación
@tuanoestaenpeligro5701 2 жыл бұрын
@@higochumbo8932 Parece que le distes en los morros el pobre es un troll // enajenado. El tío se pasa por todos los videos llorando y lanzando sangre menstrual por doquier.
@paolostival6972 4 жыл бұрын
Francis I biggest mistake wasn't to siege Pavia but not to leave the siege when the marquis of Pescara and Vasto approached with the imperial army. This because Francis was paying his army regularly while the landknechts and the spanish had not received pay for months, and in fact were quartering in the lombard counrtyside living off the local population, they were following Pescara just because he promised them a pitched battle in a few days and because he made a good speech. if the french had abandoned the siege and moved to the hills west of Pavia they would have been in a much stronger position and the imperial army imo would have just disbanded or refused to attack because of the lack of possibilities of victory and payment. That's also the opinion of Guicciardini when he writes about Pavia.
@pikeshotBattles 4 жыл бұрын
That's for the next episode...
@paolostival6972 4 жыл бұрын
@@pikeshotBattles sorry, your videos are the only ones I comment so compulsively
@higochumbo8932 4 жыл бұрын
Were the french aware of all that? Otherwise it's kind of hindsight and we can't really call it a mistake.
@paolostival6972 4 жыл бұрын
@@higochumbo8932 They were, the French captains adviced the king to do so but Francis thought the earthworks and palisades protected by artillery he made to defend his encampment would have been enough and his Italian mercenaries pretended to be double the numbers they were to get double pay.
@phillip_iv_planetking6354 4 жыл бұрын
@@paolostival6972 Francis was a moron plain and simple and deserved to lose.
@patriciusvunkempen102 3 жыл бұрын
collonnas actions are excellent he decides when and where the enemy will fight him, and the enemy driven by the lack of pay has to follow him as he leads them into a trap after the next
@omkarchakraborty1739 2 жыл бұрын
"We do a little trolling" -- Colonna (circa. 1522)
@Cherb123456 4 жыл бұрын
What luck! I enjoyed a good plate of Spaghetti Bolognese with this video, thank you!
@vojtechsulc5899 4 жыл бұрын
Brilliant work as always! :)
@Rocinante2300 4 жыл бұрын
Please keep at it, these videos are great.
@vicentgalvan70 4 жыл бұрын
Love your stuff, man!! Keep uo the great work!
@eliasghanem9191 4 жыл бұрын
Great video! Lively and thrilling. Thanks !! Congratulations man
@Khasidon 4 жыл бұрын
I like the accent, it sounds great but still very easy ti understand.
@pikeshotBattles 4 жыл бұрын
It's Hungarian.
@artflob4639 4 жыл бұрын
To me he sounds exactly like Donald Tusk, president of EU Council. Like I said before, listening to pike&shot seems to me like being told the history of Europe by the President of Europe! :)
@Velkan1396 4 жыл бұрын
@@pikeshotBattles I back up Khasidon statement. I hope u cover the wars during the reign of Matthias Corvinus
the subtitles help
@DLeadShot 4 жыл бұрын
I love these videos. You and BazBattles do a great job of keeping the non-informative content of the videos SIMPLE. No interspliced videos of Total War, standard symbols for cavalry and infantry. Great job!
@lukalisjak2106 4 жыл бұрын
When you finish the Italian wars, you should do the Hungarian game of thrones, 1440-90 next!
@juliuszgodek6514 4 жыл бұрын
Hell yes he's back
9 ай бұрын
Contrary to what is mistakenly believed, the Spanish army had a large number of harquebusiers, who were decisive in both the Battle of Bicocca and the Battle of Sesia, although it must be recognized that at this time there was a huge component of pikemen; but by the time the Tercios were created in 1536 (the evolution of the Coronelias), the number of firearms practically equaled those of the pikes and each time this weapon was reduced in number in favor of the arquebuses and muskets, so It makes no sense to see the Spanish infantry as a unit that fought like the Swiss, in large, deeps and old-fashioned pike formations, when instead they used firearms combined with pikes and in smaller and more mobile formations than is believed commonly (companies gave great flexibility to the Tercios, forming them in different ways depending on the situation).
@DreamerFromBeyond 4 жыл бұрын
Wow New content from pike&shoitBattles!
@SteamGear747 4 жыл бұрын
love the videos, onwards to Pavia!
@gotbaka3 2 жыл бұрын
What an excellent series on a war I had never even known about. Absolutely riveting.
@bopject 3 жыл бұрын
damn man, I feel sorry for Chevalier de Bayard he was a good man
@blugaledoh2669 4 жыл бұрын
0:58 The elector must be happy they are getting lot of money.
@orange2115 4 жыл бұрын
You forgot to add #8 (this one) into your Italian Wars playlist.
@benhadaway3322 2 жыл бұрын
How many times has Milan been sieged/taken at this point, like 10+ easy? Poor Milan.
@pikeshotBattles 2 жыл бұрын
Mian was definitely F'd, although first prize would go to Pavia.
@justinpachi3707 4 жыл бұрын
@pike&shotBattles Another excellent video. Where did you get that baseman from? What are you using to make such high quality maps? Do you know where I could find a relief map like that?
@pikeshotBattles 4 жыл бұрын
It's all done in photoshop with some custom brushes and a very large google map as the template. After I set up a patreon the maps and artwork will be available for download.
@darioalberto1128 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Battle of PavÌa (the stress is on the i). You forgot to mention Giovanni delle bande nere.
@pikeshotBattles 4 жыл бұрын
There are so many things I can't mention due to time constraints... But I think I will mention them in an upcoming video dealing specifically with the military innovations of the renaissance. And certainly as a footnote if I ever publish a book on the Italian War.
@darioalberto1128 4 жыл бұрын ;)
@patriciusvunkempen102 3 жыл бұрын
btw at the battle of sesia, were those musketeers real musketeers or arquebusiers? becuase in the early 16th cnetury muskets were especialy large argquebuses built for wall defence that were used as basicly armor pircing weapons, often in low numbers only but as they manage to wound and kill heavily armored french troops i could imagine those are actualy those heavy musket troops, normal arquebuses often had not the power to pirce plate armor, especialy with disctance and the fact that the angles usualy were not favorable
@lukatomas9465 4 жыл бұрын
Charles inherited Burgundy from his father Philip I, not (directly) Mary.
@villiamkarl-gustavlundberg5422 4 жыл бұрын
What will mistake will francis do in the next episode? Hmm.
@dorianlelong 2 жыл бұрын
What a shame Catholics fought each other. They should have engaged in a crusade instead.
@pikeshotBattles 2 жыл бұрын
@garbancitolentejas486 2 жыл бұрын
France was never Catholic.
@shelv9538 2 жыл бұрын
@@garbancitolentejas486 ?
@garbancitolentejas486 2 жыл бұрын
@@shelv9538 Really
@shelv9538 2 жыл бұрын
@@garbancitolentejas486And why the hell are you even lying?
@diegoapalategui579 Жыл бұрын
My ancestor lead the army that defeated the proxy French army in NAvarre
@phillip_iv_planetking6354 4 жыл бұрын
Swiss superiority was shattered by Spanish guns.
@malcigloe 4 жыл бұрын
German Landsknechts are Lutheran
@phillip_iv_planetking6354 4 жыл бұрын
@William Ewart Gladstone From what I read the Italians were but a small contingent. Most were Spanish and German. The Spanish came from Naples under Gonzaga and he had a small Italian contingent with him.
@BicornioSPA 4 жыл бұрын
@William Ewart Gladstone Nah, and by the way the core of all SPANISH TERCIOS, was always SPANISH.
@velazquezn 3 жыл бұрын
@veewsol7078 3 жыл бұрын
@WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE why are you crying?
@diegoapalategui579 Жыл бұрын
Why do you call the new world Colonies??? They were no colonies, check your facts
@yukinomose5728 4 жыл бұрын
France is used to lose wars LOL
@shelv9538 3 жыл бұрын
@charptho 2 жыл бұрын
It was basically them against everyone else, that's why they eventually allied with the Ottoman.
@bliecoug1029 Жыл бұрын
Napoleonic wars 100 hundred years war ww1 crusades
@Holybatman3603 Жыл бұрын
@@charptho France had a numeral advantage at Bicocca, anywhere between 19,000 to 31,000 troops against 7,000 Spaniards and Italians. Also, having an alliance with the Ottomans against your own Christian brothers when the Persians and Moroccans were the reason why the Ottomans didn't push into India and the Atlantic is kind of back-stabby.
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