Wtf happened to my accent? | Lex Croucher

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Lex Croucher

Lex Croucher

6 жыл бұрын

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@nessazee 6 жыл бұрын
I am the boiled frog. Never noticed the changes lol
@FrannyLuvsAll 6 жыл бұрын
Same 🐸
@rosianna 6 жыл бұрын
The deep voice was the one I had forgotten. TAKES ME BACK.
@carrieanderson2245 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Rosianna-- did you notice your accent change at all when you lived in Indianapolis??
@meganmorais5240 6 жыл бұрын
As a linguistics student, this is hella cool. Accommodation theory!!!
@M.M.Y.B 6 жыл бұрын
I would like to learn more about that. please explain more?
@FleuriAnneViolet 6 жыл бұрын
Same here!!! :)
@PaperTiger 6 жыл бұрын
As a linguist and an accommodator myself, I was very pleased to see this comment! And for those asking, LMGTFY:
@GoingPuddleJumping 6 жыл бұрын
I subscribed during deep voice lex and i completely forgot you used to sound like that..
@katyrasmussen4030 6 жыл бұрын
I'm an accent sponge too, especially when drinking. I'm always worried that someone will notice me taking on their accent and think I'm mocking them.
@corey_el 6 жыл бұрын
i love this, i am an accent sponge too. but to be fair i'm from the midwest of the US and the different regional british accents are a bit too subtle for me to pick up lol
@M.M.Y.B 6 жыл бұрын
@jazminjade2611 6 жыл бұрын
My first time back watching you in a while and omg !! I'm Australian and I noticed an Aussie/NZ tinge straight away !
6 жыл бұрын
I do that too! My accent changes according to whom I'm with... People are always confused with where actually from
@hanblan 6 жыл бұрын
I’m a Geordie from Newcastle but my husband is from Nashville, can imagine the confusion when people meet a British girl with a southern American Geordie accent. Loooool
@Gurkhyvel 6 жыл бұрын
That lipstick is to die for
@OpheliaVert 6 жыл бұрын
I am also from Surrey and I used to just feel so embarrassed about how posh I sounded that I tried to tone it down when I was younger. I don't think that was very convincing to anyone (my name is Ophelia, for goodness' sake), but I have a Nottingham accent when I am drunk because that is where my mother is from. Does this mean that is my true voice? Who knows!
@AllySheehan 6 жыл бұрын
Lex this video is SO aesthetically pleasing, my eyes are in heaven! Ears too, should add. Great content as always x
@blondinevloggt 6 жыл бұрын
this is my new favourite video of yours :) it was so fun and as a more recent subscriber i feel like i got to know you a little better.
@lucyprice678 6 жыл бұрын
OMG I was wondering why you sounded Australian!! This is the video I've been waiting for haha
@CamilaSteele 6 жыл бұрын
This was really fun to watch! I love noticing other people’s accents. Definitely have noticed an Australian tinge in yours lately!
@psychopurple 6 жыл бұрын
I fucking love introspective Lex.
@KRLai 6 жыл бұрын
Same, when I did an exchange in the USA the first person I talked to when I came back said I had American inflections.
@michaelrossinistudio9041 6 жыл бұрын
Very Lex Croucher video. SO happy you got the Stormtrooper out of the hot-tub and into proper home.
@Orsbore 6 жыл бұрын
You sound like you're from England, it sounds good. When I was 15 I moved from Nebraska to Georgia. Two years later I recorded myself, and could not believe what I sounded like. I was talking like a Southerner. I hated that. I made an effort to change my voice back, it was successful. My voice is Midwestern, and it doesn't change any more.
@Kate-sv4ty 6 жыл бұрын
i’ve been watching you for years and this is the first time i’ve found out you’re from surrey and same! can’t wait to move away for uni later this year after living here my whole life although growing up here has been nice
@gmcdon 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve just come across this video after looking through my old favourites and finding your channel again from some videos back in the day. I’m from Nottingham. During my early teens I was friends with chavs so I took on their accent. In my later teens I was surrounded by posher people and some quite high up in society who spoke really well, so I went through a posh as the Queen phase (but still pronouncing words like bath properly, not barth). When I was 18 I started dating someone from Chesterfield which had a very similar accent to Sheffield so I started getting a northern twang. When that relationship ended my job role took me to working in South Yorkshire and then again, became even more northern. I then had to work in Northern Ireland for a month so I started picking up some N.Irish inflections. Then I came back to England and was working in the North East which again, led me to having a slight Geordie accent. Most recently, I’m dating a Manc and I work all over Derbyshire so there’s a range of Midlands, Yorkshire, and Manc accents all over my patch (from places like Derby city to Matlock to Bakewell to Chesterfield to Glossop). Clearly I’m just an accent sponge and pick up whatever accent it is to where I’m working. I also seem to change my tone of voice and phrasings to suit customers so if I’m working with an engineering team in a food factory I’m more blunt and I have a potty mouth but I also work in some of the private residences in stately homes for members of the Royal Family/high up members of society so I reign my language in and I go back to posh girl. Now I’m just a jumble of accents from all over the country but I’ve never lost my northern twang, to the point where even our lass says I’m more northern than she is.
@florcita72 6 жыл бұрын
Cool video! I appreciated the footage as evidence of the changes. Don’t worry about your accent changing depending on who you are interacting with. I have two friends that have that happen to them all the time without realising. It even expands to when they speak in a different language. It’s a gift I think. Like the gift of accent empathy.
@seaquarian 6 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you made this video because I've never related to anything so hard in my life. I literally can't tell when it's happening, but I always take on the speech patterns of people around me and even when I become aware that it's happening, I can't do anything to stop it. My accent already becomes affected based on which group of my friends I'm around, and they're still all from Southern California. If I moved somewhere that had a significantly different accent, I would start sounding so effing weird.
@aislinngillivan 6 жыл бұрын
I've never really known what my accent is.. my parents are Scottish but I grew up in the north of Ireland. Now I'm at uni in Dublin and I'm dating an English guy. My Dublin friends think I have a northern Irish accent, even more people think I sound Scottish and are confused when I say I'm Irish (but my Scottish family all say how lovely my Irish accent is), and when I go home for holidays I realise I just sound vaguely posh and not like people in my hometown who I maybe sounded like once??
@hollymorgan7420 6 жыл бұрын
I'm so confused for you
@freyaM98 6 жыл бұрын
I definitely get the whole Scottish/Irish confusion- I grew up in Scotland with a Northern Irish mum so I spoke with a Scots accent but all my vowels had a Norn Iron twang... and then I lived in the States for a while so at uni people don’t even try to guess because it’s so messed up 🙄
@isthissuperstition 6 жыл бұрын
I love that you talked about this because I've definitely noticed it with you! I'm a huge accent parrot - when I'm with friends from Hampshire and Surrey I absorb their accents (and them mine!) but when I'm at home in London or with London people I'm a a lot more saaafff landan estuary sounding (that's really the only way I could express that). Accents are baffling and fascinating all at the same time and I love it!
@KatTea 6 жыл бұрын
I feel like I need to save this video and when anyone asks about my accent just have it handy to show people. I'm constantly asked about where I'm from or where my accent is from. Mine isn't so much boyfriends as just all the people around me, but it's maddening. You're not alone in this!
@ilianalampi4072 6 жыл бұрын
i think your voice is lovely and this whole thing is so interesting esp cause my native language isn't english but i have to admit i've been watching you for some years and i hadn't noticed the change bc it was gradual, also great lipstick
@mothcub 6 жыл бұрын
You sound pretty much like everyone I talk to in London more or less, but it's so interesting how there are endless amounts of tiny vocal changes we go through in our lives. I've noticed myself doing that slightly vocal fry style extended words a lot. And saying "like" constantly, of course.
@Lizziel23 6 жыл бұрын
I apparently the exact opposite, went to uni in the north, my accent sounded more southern, came back to the Home Counties and now it’s settled down again to something closer to my old one, on a side note you talking about your relationship with unnamed midlands person just threw me waaaay back to my early teen days spending my whole life KZfaq - man it’s been a long time
@jonathanrhunt 6 жыл бұрын
Great video and investigation into language and accents. Well done!
@lewiswhite9810 6 жыл бұрын
Lipstick and hair on point! Im pretty jealous!!
@AbbeyDabbyDoo1 6 жыл бұрын
This reminded me of one of those episodes of Friends where they look back at old episodes. People also have difficulty with my accent, I’m Welsh and all the Welsh people I know say I sound English, my European friends think my accent is extremely Welsh however lately strangers have been asking me if I’m American. I think the reason for this is I have a knack for imitating accents and I’ve been listening to a lot of American podcasts and shows/movies and I’ve possibly picked some up
@Thebetzee 6 жыл бұрын
I do this too!! I'm from just outside of Boston (USA), but I've been dating someone from the South for 5 years, and live in the northernmost part of Minnesota, so my accent is ALL OVER THE PLACE.
@CameupLavender 6 жыл бұрын
I totally relate. Both my parents are from New York. I was raised in the California and grew up in the south. So my sentences can be all over the place sometimes with some words sounding northern and some sounding southern. When I'm hanging around people with a strong southern accent, I definitely start to sound like them.
@DizGrl 6 жыл бұрын
Happens to me too. So you're not alone.
@Munchme1198 6 жыл бұрын
lol as a TCK this is my life. I can’t even tell what my ‘regular’ speaking voice IS anymore, or even what it’s meant to sound like.
@MercuryCalling 6 жыл бұрын
This video is brilliant. Do more reflection videos.
@ladyrose837 6 жыл бұрын
I started watching your videos when you still had your dark hair and were wearing rock tees ^_^ I’ve never noticed much of a change in your accent because of how gradually it happened, but after watching these clips, it showed how much you’ve grown and changed , regardless of accent, and how you genuinely seem more confident in your life and who you are, and that’s super awesome!
@RaraOne80Love 6 жыл бұрын
Me too! I’m from Sydney but have always had a british twang from what i presume to be all the brit shows I was exposed to to this day. I am constantly asked where I’m from and occasionally get paid out for it! I’m also a massive accidental accent sponge when travelling... it’s absolutely mortifying sometimes. Also noticed that when drinking with other Aussie’s in the UK that we get more british when drunk???? Just me?
@tiejanamckayla 6 жыл бұрын
Im the exact same. Also I binge watched all of your videos about a year ago, and didn't notice a thing :')
@SomeoneBeginingWithI 6 жыл бұрын
I've been watching you for ages (since I think 2010?... wow), and the change had been so slow I hadn't noticed it. It was an interesting video and I'm sending it to my linguistics friend because I think she'd like it too.
@noitsbecky1795 6 жыл бұрын
Your lipstick is always so bomb and I would probably die of happiness if you did a video showing your lipstick collection. The one in this video is giving me “classy goth businesswoman” vibes and I dig it so much
@clarke045 6 жыл бұрын
I cant hear your accent changing that much between all those clips...
@butanoverture 6 жыл бұрын
Same. I'm from Ireland, went to England for uni, have an Australian partner, and now live in Canada. You can only imagine what my accent sounds like.
@xxfrancesnthomasxx 6 жыл бұрын
I am from Nottingham, family from Liverpool, lived in Lancashire for 3 years, and moved to Galway on the West coast of Ireland last year. Approx 100 people have asked me if I'm from Australia.
@ezranexcalibur 6 жыл бұрын
I do this too! every time i start talking more to someone with a different accent my family can tell because my accent adjusts.
@Mandagooltje 6 жыл бұрын
Hahaha, I had just been wondering about your accent change about two weeks ago! Such a coincidence. I kind of have the same, but I usually hear so many different accents that nothing quite sticks and I just mix it all up...
@clairreads1965 6 жыл бұрын
I'm from Suffolk (between Norfolk and Essex), I have family from the midlands, London and Orkney, I spent 3 years at uni in Wales, then another in
@kvinettaf09 6 жыл бұрын
Hahaha love this!! I can relate, fellow spongy human..I think it's something pretty normal. If someone close to you that you're speaking all the time with has a different accent than you, it'll be pretty hard not to adapt certain commonalities. Just like when you move to a country and adapt their accent, no one is like oh you sponge !! ;) I'm from Australia and have Kiwi family, and can definitely see its influence in the way you speak. I think it's so cool !
@Rese92 6 жыл бұрын
I totally get what you say about adapting to your friends. I once had a good friend from a different part of my country (Germany) and when I got back my parents always asked me why I speak weird. And I also speak really different to my northern family. Humans are strange
@bucketgarden 6 жыл бұрын
I've watched you from basically day one and it so subtle I barely hear the difference... even with the clips. But the pitch I did notice. I enjoyed your slightly deep and monotone voice.
@molliesoldtheworld 6 жыл бұрын
I feel like this is perhaps quite common? I’m from rural Oxfordshire, and grew up speaking with quite a posh accent, but somehow as a teenager picked up on my mum’s (faded) Stoke accent which means I can never decide between glARsses or glAHsses. I’m currently living in Wales, and whilst I haven’t yet picked up a twang (if anything I feel I’ve become more English...?) I do find myself saying Welshie things every now and again - like ‘b’there’ (where did the b appear from? What is it’s purpose? Nobody knows...). So, I think it’s normal to pick up on the speech patterns/accents of those around you, especially if you spend a lot of time with them. Just makes your accent more interesting 😉
@odatol7412 6 жыл бұрын
I am from Norway, grew up with American English media and English teachers, and spent some time in Florida. I developed a VERY thick American accent. Then I moved to Oxford and was teased by my housemates for it and after a brief transitional period (sounded Canadian for some of it) of like half a year, I now have a British accent. The poshness of it depends on the day. I lived with people from the south/London area, so I've taken some pointers from them but living in Oxford made me quite posh (if I want to). I've also basically no Norwegian accent left, and keep confusing people when I switch from posh-ish British to Norwegian, especially when they find out I've only lived in the UK for less than 2 years.
@rosease4087 6 жыл бұрын
It's quite interesting when listening to a Scandinavian / Norwegian (or other countries idk.) speak because its like they either go with the English English Accent or American Accent or some mix of the two.
@odatol7412 6 жыл бұрын
I know! I think it has a lot to do with your teachers at school and the media you consume! It is really intersting to see the variation in accents and also how much of a Norwegian(in my case) accent you have left! Some, like myself, are basically passing as native speakers while others have a really heavy accent so that as a Norwegian I can tell where in the country they are from even when speaking English!
@johnnypopstar 4 жыл бұрын
Surprised you can't hear your own Aussie inflections, it was one of the first things I picked up on when I stumbled across your "10 worst things about Rise of Skywalker" video just now (which incidentally is at least 90 items short of the mark). It's most apparent in the "oh" sounds in "only" or "both" or "don't" or "know" or "note" and that. Accents!
@16mockingbirds 6 жыл бұрын
You def have the NZ monotone. Congratulations, it's a gift
@annatucci7631 6 жыл бұрын
It's amazing to me how there are so many distinctive accents within Britain! I never thought about it much, but the way you can tell where people are from within such a small country is kind of incredible. I'm from the states and the only really distinctive accent for a large group of people is being from the South. There are some characteristics of people from places like New York, Boston, Philly, or LA, but even that is usually difficult to pick up on outside of certain environments. I found out the other day that a girl I know just moved here from a state that's 2000 miles away, but I would have had no idea based on her voice. I wonder if it's because the US is so young, so we all kind of have picked up similar accents from TV and such, while communities in Britain have been much more insular for much longer? Who knows
@blueberrykissel 6 жыл бұрын
Yesss I do the same with my language without realizing!! It’s so weird and sometimes really awkward, but still very interesting
@madelineh8124 6 жыл бұрын
Hell yes!! I’m in reverse though - I’m Aussie but I have those British inflections and I get a lot of people, mainly customers I serve in retail, ask me where I’m from or if I’m putting it on. I’ve spent literally 2 months of my 20 years in the UK so I’m starting to wonder if it’s simply watching British youtubers/tv. Who knows at this point 🙄
@jmcosmos 6 жыл бұрын
Accent-chameleoning is SOOOOOOOOO much a thing! I grew up in North Central Texas and in my childhood had what you would call a West Texas accent. Then during high school I went to work at the local radio station , and started to get the accent knocked out of me in the process of gaining a "radio voice" (which, btw, I still have more than 40 years later). Losing the native West Texan accent (except when I have to go home to visit family, when it comes back out in spades) meant that I turned into a mimic: let me talk to someone for more than about ten minutes, and I'll start to pick up and reflect back their inflections quite unconsciously. Once or twice it's got me in trouble with people who thought I was mocking them, and I had to explain myself away. But still I do it: I pick up the inflections and the idiom of people to whom I'm speaking, and I've had to make peace with sounding like whatever I'm around. (OTOH, I've also learned to turn it on at will, and can entertain an audience enormously by channeling the language of my youth.)
@Luigigirl17 6 жыл бұрын
So nice to see baby lex videos 😍 didn’t really notice the accent change over the years but it’s a real shame the northern accent didn’t stick, as a northerner all southerners sound basically the same in all honestly
@AlanaRogers 6 жыл бұрын
I'm from New Zealand and I truly hadn't noticed the NZ inflection until you mentioned it and now you sound like a Kiwi to me
@Sarah-yo8qz 6 жыл бұрын
I came back from 6 months in NZ sounding like a native. Thank the lord it's not just me. Also, holy shit, I've been watching your videos for a long time. We old, Lex.
@delicatedreaming 6 жыл бұрын
I commented on one of your videos before you were starting to sound Australian! Now I can see it's New Zealand :) that's so cute you've picked it up from your boyfriend
@sylvesterl.9617 6 жыл бұрын
I just found your channel you seem really cool!
@itsamiamario69 6 жыл бұрын
I always do this as well! I’ve apparently picked up a bit of a Welsh accent now, which makes sense considering I’ve been with a Welsh guy for almost 4 years and lived in Wales for almost 3 lmao.
@DavidPuckArtist 6 жыл бұрын
I totally get this - my accent and voice changes so much also. Around England, + USA, + strange mixes from living in Spanish and German. It's a fuckup. I don't have videos for most of it but I did see 1 from uni the other day and it was like listening to a stranger. I think it's empathetic people, prone to mirroring others, subconscious social tool etc
@laurawardrobe 6 жыл бұрын
I relate to this too - I was born in the North East, grew up in Lancashire/Manchester now living in Yorkshire. If I travel to either home town/hang out with family members my accent changes. My boyfriend is Welsh and even though his accent isn't strong at all I have picked up the Welsh inflections. I'm terrible with Southern accents so can't pinpoint yours at all but I can definitely hear the differences!
@marengrape2244 6 жыл бұрын
Same here but in my native language German. In kindergarten I spoke my local dialect but lost it soon after for standard no-accent German. When I moved to my uni town I took up parts of the local accent and got more aware of the parts of dialect I still had (also due to studying linguistics) and started speaking dialect with my parents sometimes. Now I'm living in an area with a variation in accent to my native one and took up parts of that (which is horrible). But luckily my boyfriend has influenced me with his local accent and I am pretty sure when I moving to his area I will completely mix up my native and his way of speaking (palatinate and a southern Baden dialect). I hope my parents will still accept me then.
@CharleyReadsBookTube 6 жыл бұрын
ohmygod i am exactly the same! growing up i moved around a lot so i was either full on london cockney (thanks dad) or country bumpkin devon haha!
@screwmondays 6 жыл бұрын
Whaaat? I've been watching you since near enough the beginning and I've never noticed...and I STILL don't notice! All of those clips sound the same to me lol (except maybe the low voice thing, but I always just thought that was an I-just-woke-up or a I-went-to-a-concert-last-night thing)
@hayleyen4983 6 жыл бұрын
I'm the same! I'm Australian so I think my accent is already quite ~neutral~ but I have a loooot of friends from England (mainly London and Yorkshire) plus my dad's parents are from the north so I tend to articulate my words in such a way that sometimes I just sound VERY British - it doesn't help that my dad picked up on his parent's pronunciations of words that in turn I picked up on (yogurt instead of yogurt). It's very irritating because I KNOW it sounds like I'm putting it on to sound pretentious but it's just not something that you can really control. Thank you for bringing awareness to the accent sponges of the world xx
@hayleyen4983 6 жыл бұрын
also I couldn't stop staring at your lipstick in this video, it looks SO nice on you
@FreyaC94 6 жыл бұрын
I never noticed the changes honestly, just think you have a generally pleasant speaking voice!
@JemmaKate 6 жыл бұрын
Haven’t watched in a while- came back for this title n yes change 😂💓💓
@JemmaKate 6 жыл бұрын
I’m also from New Zealand and the way you said “what” I was like??? Hello kiwi friend
@bruisedmagic 6 жыл бұрын
Where is your shirt from? I like the square neckline!
@sittingonarose 6 жыл бұрын
I am terrible about picking up accents as well. I am from the midwest, living in Canada, and I watch a lot of British youtubers. Your hair look lovely by the way.
@kharlashannon2183 6 жыл бұрын
This is so interesting - I'm from Australia & in one of your recent videos I noticed some Aussie inflections. You still sound very English to me (I can't differentiate regional accents) but the AU/NZ accent pops through every now & again! Strangely enough, when I lived in the US my accent became markedly more English-sounding... I think it was because I needed to enunciate & speak super clearly so Americans could understand me, which, by default, meant that I got rid of my Australian drawl/mumble!
@4994izzi 6 жыл бұрын
I'm from New Zealand and I noticed right from the beginning of this video that your accent was a little NZish. I thought the reason was going to be your holiday in NZ but you having a NZ boyfriend makes a lot more sense. I moved to London at the start of this year but apparently my accent has not changed at all because everyone can still tell where I'm from!
@JonasNyholm90 6 жыл бұрын
I'm from Newcastle and I can instantly recognise you as one of our own.
@GraphicFiorire 6 жыл бұрын
I haven't really noticed my own accent changing, but my mom's definitely does. She was born Texas and moved to New Mexico when she was 13. Depending on who she's talking to, it ranges from a pretty "normal" American accent most of the time, to having a bit of a Texas twang, or a bit of a Spanglish influence. It's especially noticeable when she'd on the phone, you can sometimes tell what the accent of the person she's speaking too is.
@toin9898 6 жыл бұрын
I've spent a few weeks in the UK (Canadian) on several occasions and I definitely picked up on the accent, totally involuntary but my boyfriend thought I was putting it on. Then I went to SoCal and had a similar experience where I had a whole lot of vocal fry for a while.
@beckygriffiths 5 жыл бұрын
Omg! I hadn't noticed the NZ accent but now you mention it, I hear it!!
@SnidySenses 6 жыл бұрын
I do the same thing with accents, even just from watching tv shows/movies/KZfaq. The first time it was pointed out to me was in high school I went to visit my cousins in Chicago (I'm from Ontario, Canada) and my aunt said I had picked up a stronger accent in the week and half I had been there than my cousins had in the several years they were there. Came in handy when I was in Grease a couple years later though 😂. I find the random accents I've absorbed come out in certain words..which unfortunately means I can have several random accents pop up in one conversation.
@sha2424 6 жыл бұрын
i remember all these eras . . . this is so weird to actually properly listen for
@magnificantmoongod1414 6 жыл бұрын
I eventually began to sound more like my dad who was a doctor. At an apartment complex I became "The Doctor!" So eventually we become our parents. I also was told I had a good singing voice, now I sing. It's in the soul where a voice is. You have a lovely voice. I also read British poets so I should know.
@shabnomnom 6 жыл бұрын
i definitely subconsciously change my speech mannerisms (and sometimes even physical mannerisms) depending on who i'm with. it's most pronounced around my family, though... i learned english from television pretty much so i don't have any sort of ethnic or regional accent at all, but when i'm around my family for long enough a slight hint of a persian accent comes out of nowhere :o i also have a friend who goes full aussie when she's drunk. i'm...not sure if she's actually australian.
@natassa9297 4 жыл бұрын
I do this! I live in Sweden so I can't really hear the difference in your accents lol but I definitely do this when I hang out with people from other parts of Sweden
@sarah291096 6 жыл бұрын
Just like my sister- we're from West Yorkshire then when she moved to uni in Cambridge her accent completely changed to a mixture of Cambridge/general southern poshness, she started dating an Australian so her accent got even weirder (still a northerner living in Cambridge around an Australian and loads of posh people)... then she moved to New Zealand and wow it's been a rollercoaster of accents, I swear it's different every time I see her
@meggeorge1 6 жыл бұрын
I am the same! im from oxford originally, so i sound a bit posh and have the kind of oxford/posh london (chelsea) drawl. when i was around 17 i was dating a south african and picked up so much of his accent. shortly after i moved to cardiff and whenever i would go back to oxford, people would tell me i sounded welsh. in my final year of uni i was dating a guy from the midlands and definitely toned down the posh and picked up loads of his vocal mannerisms. now im living in wales and with a welsh boyfriend and we both have inexplicably ended up sounding like we're from the west country! confusing business.
@JulieOfSuburbia 6 жыл бұрын
I actually have noticed that you've started to sound a bit more kiwi. From a linguistic point of view, it's normal to pick up on the accent around you. I once heard that it's especially common for actors to do that, so you being an entertainer, I'm not really surprised at all. I'm Danish, but I lived in the U.K. for two years. First six months in London as an au pair, which left me sounding veeeery posh. Then I moved to Liverpool with my ex and picked up a bit of a scouse accent there. We eventually moved to Denmark and he and I broke up, so my scouse accent slowly fizzled away. Now I sound more midlands as two of by best friends have boyfriends from the Stoke area and I mainly speak English with them. However, last Saturday two scousers visited the theatre where I work, and my scouse accent IMMEDIATELY came back. With a vengeance. It was crazy. Very often other Danes will tell me I sound American, but I think that's because they're used to the southern, long A pronunciation of words like "baaaath", rather than the nothern, short A "bath".
@KateriRansom 6 жыл бұрын
I'm from California and my valley - "north valley" - accent comes out when I go home. I live in SoCal now but a lot of my friends are from all over so I feel like I have less of an accent here. Even when I was visiting family in London for a few days I found myself wanting to ask questions in weird ways... lol
@therebex23 6 жыл бұрын
I've always assumed, and was also taught through post-secondary English and Psychology courses, that your accent is something that is influenced by those who taught you how to speak and that changing your accent was an "exercise" that you had to practice. I am intrigued that this may not be the case but also am second-guessing my "haha" thoughts about Madonna's "suddenly English" accent in the '90s. In terms of pitch and tone, I have my "formal" voice, my "customer service" voice, and my "chatting on the phone to a friend/family member" voice. It isn't voluntary. I recall shifts as a server where my voice would get higher and higher to the point of what in my head sounded like Minnie Mouse. I grew up in South East BC and lived as an adult on the South West coast of BC. I haven't noticed a change in accent, but here it's more of a "use of slang/phrases" that differ. When you move (in terms of accent) across Canada it definitely shifts, West Coast vs. East Coast (ie. "Newfie") the accent is very noticeable, the East Coast being the stereotypical Canadian with the "eh's" and all that. Perhaps because it is *British* Columbia we have maintained a very "English" way of speaking, in terms of less slang and "speaking grammar."
@annabelyates5219 6 жыл бұрын
I'm also from Surrey and have the same sort of accent you started with. People always ask me what country I'm from! I also take on the accent of people around me, which is a bit annoying...
@Tess_-cm3jd 6 жыл бұрын
Ok I’m from Sydney and by the end of your video Lex, you sounded very aussie! Hahaha freaky!
@CampMelp 6 жыл бұрын
Fascinating! I totally do the same thing.
@laraghkeane5224 6 жыл бұрын
Omg when you mentioned New Zealand, I could literally only hear Kiwi 😂😂 I was born in Liverpool, lived in New Zealand from when I was 4 until I was 12 and then moved back to Liverpool (from 2013 until present). Both my parents are Irish as well so because I spend a lot of time around Irish family, my accent is a mix of Irish, Scouse and Kiwi 😂😂
@Helcaloth 6 жыл бұрын
I relate to this a lot!! I had a general British-ish(?) accent when I was learning English at school, but I would switch to a more American accent whenever I'd watched a US TV show/talked to someone w an American accent etc. When I lived in New Zealand a lot of people thought I was Irish or Australian, but Australians thought I was kiwi haha. I'm sometimes worried people will think I'm mocking them when I take on their accent features, but it's not on purpose at all! It just happens... I'll stick with the empathy theory hahah
@rosiesteelevlogs6070 6 жыл бұрын
I totally thought you grew up in Aus. I do exactly this though. I reflect who I am with too! X
@4LifeNinja 6 жыл бұрын
I didn't notice it! But I feel the same - I also do this. Sometimes a word will slip out and I'm like "I wasn't raised like this!"
@SamanthaRichardsonWP 6 жыл бұрын
I have done this too. I had a weird Australian - London accent when I lived in the UK. Now I have a weird half-Canadian one since I've lived in Canada for so long. My Australian comes back when I go he to Australia though!
@sasha9883 6 жыл бұрын
The changes are noticeable with all the back to back clips but it’s definitely quite a subtle change. I suspect it happens to everyone but most people have less video evidence
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