Midori Ito 1987 Worlds Long Program

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9 жыл бұрын


Пікірлер: 54
@Fedeilfico Ай бұрын
She’s still a legend. A real breakthrough the history of this sport. 100 years from now everybody will still remember and admire her.
@mj6547 4 ай бұрын
Who can believe that this program was performed 37years ago!!She is so amazing Midori Ito!
Ahead of her time. 7 triples and a wonderfully choreographed program with very difficult content spread throughout. that opening 2xAxel euler 3x Salchow was freaking huge!
@arz9163 Ай бұрын
The first to do the triple axel and still the best triple axel we have ever seen a woman complete. Ito was a treasure!
@junemi0112 9 ай бұрын
フィギュアスケートファンとして、 1位伊藤みどり 2位浅田真央 3位紀平梨花 になってしまいます。 本当に伊藤みどりのジャンプは凄かった!
@RrkmMr 2 жыл бұрын
1:21 冒頭の2A-3Sの飛距離エグくて笑う 普通の選手の何倍跳んでるのってくらい凄まじい
@paulsumiso2248 Жыл бұрын
@PerAllwin1963 Ай бұрын
She literally floats in the air.
@georgerobbins3 Жыл бұрын
The opening Ina Bauer into 2a+3s into flying sit spin gave me chills 😍
@little5770 Жыл бұрын
@user-fi1do4lm1r 4 жыл бұрын
最初の2A-1Eu-3S+アクセルシットって、 今もできる人いないんじゃないかってぐらいの畳みかけ。 真近で見た観客が本当にうらやましい。 その後も3F、3T-3T、イーグルから3Lo+フライングキャメル、3Lz(転倒)、つなぎでさりげなくインサイドアクセル、スプリットジャンプ+ウォーレイからの3Sとかステップで両手を下げたまま2T、2Aの直後にバタフライとか・・・ これはもう宇宙人ですわ(確証)
@user-qe9qp9lz4s 2 жыл бұрын
技術的にもこれだけやって最後までバテない体力も凄いですよね。 当時でジャンプの入りと着氷後、細かくウォーレイを入れたり、ジャンプの手の位置を工夫したりと本当に素晴らしいです。あのアクセルシットスピンはあんなに高く上がると他の選手だとバランスを崩してしまうと思います。私は天性の体幹だと思っています。 今までもこれからも彼女以上の女子選手はあらわれないと思っています。
@androidnipper 2 жыл бұрын
@user-om9tz5wr8v 8 ай бұрын
知る人とぞ知るですね… 。😂
@user-nh6wz5ju8n 5 жыл бұрын
@村司香 Жыл бұрын
@user-vk3jc8dp2z 4 ай бұрын
@jondavwal13 2 жыл бұрын
For 1987 this is nuts!! I saw her live a few times. What you don't get from this, although you see it a bit, is just HOW much faster than everybody else she is going. How much higher she jumps and how much more ice coverage on her jumps. Before you realized how secure she was technically she was a little frightening. Nobody ever used speed and momentum like she did. The rotations almost didn't matter. She was going so fast and jumping so high you can count out the rotations while she is in the air. Try that with the current crop of Russian "skaters".
@usaskjock 2 жыл бұрын
well freaking said
@eyen30 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree! Her triple jumps are bigger than the quads performed by the russian skaters now!
@dmp7252 2 жыл бұрын
My entire neighborhood heard me laugh while reading this comment. You took the words right out of my mouth. Thank you passing on the stories and anecdotes of seeing this legendary talent in action. While the skaters are more proficient in certain aspects today, no one to date has been able to propel themselves through the air like Midori. We've seen signs from Kaori Sakamoto, but even still, she doesn't achieve the same breathtaking height on her jumps. Every time Midori launches into the air you can hear the audience sort of gasp in disbelief. Scott Hamilton may have been right: Midori truly is a once in a lifetime talent. Till this day, those words still stand tall, unshakeable and true! And then, before Midori gets off the ice, she offers a beautiful curtesy to a handful of fans. Hard to keep a dry eye on that one. Her level gratefulness was always beautiful to see. Other skaters today could benefit from this level of decorum. What we just witnessed at the Beijing Olympics with the Russian ladies was a disgrace. And it pains me to say it because I speak Russian, know Russian culture, and have been a big fan of Russian pairs for years, but what we saw at the Olympics with Trusova's meltdown was an absolute travesty. There were many times Midori could have rightfully grabbed some of those judges by the neck, and trust me, she would have had the backing of the crowd. Yet, never, ever, did she behave untowardly. Yet, here we have Trusova, feeling entitled and thinking she's both the competitor and the judge at the same time, and how dare anyone take away what she thought was hers. Excuse me? Excuse me? If your performance deserved to win, trust me History will right that wrong, and those who thwarted said victory shall, indeed, live in infamy. Skating fans never forget! I think the main goal should be to skate program worthy of being remembered. If you win an Olympic medal, yet people struggle to remember any of your performances, what have you truly given the sport? THAT is what they should be pounding into the heads of these young skaters today, the question of: WHAT have you given the sport? Have you delivered performances - I REPEAT - PERFORMANCES that stand the test of time? (Not jump drills.) They should be focused on that, instead of some gold medal. Learn how to have some integrity about yourself, maybe then they might feel bad about cheating some of those jumps of theirs. When you're a person with integrity, cheating (in whatever forms it comes) rubs you the wrong way. Half of them can't even take off on the proper edge when doing a Lutz, and are using all sort of cheating devices to get around on what should be basic triples, yet we want to demand Olympic gold medals. Please! Have a seat! Some simply don't understand the power of their position. When they give something back to the sport, they transcend it, and people can draw inspiration from your victories, and learn from your defeats. You have a voice that matters in this conversation of the human condition. Your voice, through your skating, breaks through and the world, humanity, listens. An Olympic gold medal, alone, will not give you that. So, I encourage all up-and-coming skaters to look at Midori and follow her regal example of how a true champion carries herself. She indeed carries herself like a true Queen. She deserves every accolade History will continue to bestow upon her.
@eyen30 2 жыл бұрын
@@dmp7252 I still remember the 91 Worlds when she unfortunately ran out of ice surface and crashed into the board and camera. She picked herself right up, finished the routine, then skated over to the camera person to see if they were okay and apologized! The contrast between her sportswomanship and what we saw at the Beijing Olympics truly is shocking! I too feel that Sakamoto comes close but doesn’t quite have the same amplitude but was so glad to see her skated well because I truly was about to given up watching this sport. Just too many low and small jumps, cookie-cutter choreography, arms flailing in the air with no purpose (this so makes me miss Sasha Cohen) and long-winded footwork that is excruciating to watch (this makes me miss Manley, Ito, Yamaguchi and Sato). I hope figure skating grows from the fiasco of the Beijing Olympics!
@usaskjock 2 жыл бұрын
@@dmp7252 I really like what you wrote. I would say however, that Anna Scherbakova absolutely exemplifies the graciousness and humility that Midori exemplified, and has done so without fail. She is an incredibly polite, conscientious and absolutely delightful young woman and thus it makes me sad to hear you can't watch her Olympic winning performance. No she doesn't have the height or technical purity of Midori Ito but she skated two perfect programs of insane technical content (3 triple triple combos including a triple lutz triple loop, 2 quad flips, no mistakes)
@quiddy 3 жыл бұрын
She’s so fast on the ice, it’s almost dizzying to watch her through a camera, with the audience whizzing by in the background
@jamesmoffatt9217 3 жыл бұрын
Witt’s program was great, but this was amazing! How did she not get 1st in LP?! Insane
@luthorlex-fc9ft Жыл бұрын
Skated in the earlier flight. That is all. If she were in the final flight she probably wins the free skating in most competitions back then. Figures not only affected the overall points so much she had almost no chance to medal, but skating in an earlier flight it would be almost impossible to be given 1st place marks in the free skating too.
@user-qc9cx3mi1p 4 жыл бұрын
みどりさんが滑り終わった後の、お客さんの拍手の大きいこと! 外国でも人気のもみどりさん!これだけの大きな拍手もらったら 次に滑る選手の人は、やりにくいだろうな?
@user-qe9qp9lz4s Жыл бұрын
I always thought her artistry was fine. i was do compelled to watch her move.
me too… She was always captivating to me!
@PerAllwin1963 Жыл бұрын
I like the music in this program.
@tenshin-okakura 8 ай бұрын
これ何で2倍速なの? ジャンプ直後にFSSpやFCSp、バタフライ、またはステップを入れているし、ジャンプ前にもイーグルやステップやウォーレイを入れていますね。それであのジャンプの高さと飛距離とスピード。36年前のジャンプの技術を未だに超える選手が出てこないとはスコットハミルトンの言った100年1人の天才とは本当でしたね。
@user-bn6jy7tw8g 8 жыл бұрын
@quiddy 5 жыл бұрын
Did anyone notice that how she fell on her triple Lutz here was exactly how she faltered on her triple Lutz in the 1992 Olympics? There’s only a handful moments in Olympic history where you wish you can go back and change what happened. Midori’s triple Lutz in her short program at Albertville is one of them
@alexsdb9712 4 жыл бұрын
That's where her natural speed and power sometimes caused her to overrotate the lutz. Thankfully, not all the time. However it's interesting that if it happens, it's only her triple lutz jump. Again about how much power she had, it only means she was working hard to harness it while skating. That's another thing to worry about then.
@quiddy 3 жыл бұрын
@@alexsdb9712 yea I guess that was the cause of the problem. Which makes sense since her best lutzes historically has been when there’s a slight delay in her initial rotation in the air. The delay is just enough to prevent her from over rotating the jump
@jondavwal13 2 жыл бұрын
She was also way too close to the boards again.
@quiddy 2 жыл бұрын
@@jondavwal13 yes but just like her high leg wrap, this unorthodox technique is what excites me about her jumps. The visual texture and movement while airborne "gives me the feels" (borrowing a millennial expression) There is no doubt that she does jump close to the boards, but the horizontal travel that she gets from her jumps, while being an otherwise positive effect of her power, doesnt help either
@jondavwal13 2 жыл бұрын
@@quiddy I just mean I wish she would just give herself an extra 5 feet before takeoff. The rinks in Japan are longer. She needs to adjust for this in the West. LOL. As for the leg wrap it is not really a wrap. She just hold the foot up higher on her leg as she needs to slow down the rotation based on the height she achieves. As a skater, you are taught to use that leg position for an axel, around the lower shin for a 2A and down at the ankle for 3A. She is so fast and high she can use the axel position for her triple lutz and her 2A position for her triple axel. Real leg wraps are a technical flaw. Hers are not.
@geminitaurus2711 29 күн бұрын
Ahhh the name of music is "Percy faith"
@j_hsu 4 жыл бұрын
2A-3S 3F 3T-3T 3Lo 3Lz 3S 2T 2A これが87年の女子フリースケーティングですよ とんでもないプログラム
@shigerutogashi9860 4 жыл бұрын
@alexeydymov5602 2 ай бұрын
Странно что Деби Томас была выше
@alexsdb9712 4 жыл бұрын
0:02-0:10 Noisy noisy Americans as usual
@alexsdb9712 4 жыл бұрын
@Philip Alumbo This is the www. Not America web. You provided a fine example of the attitude and stereotype of Americans known and discussed worldwide.
@MrJm323 Жыл бұрын
They were noisy Americans being noisy ....in their own country (Cincinnati, USA). "You provided a fine example of the attitude and stereotype of Americans known and discussed worldwide." Indeed. Now get the fvck off our interwebs!!
@alexsdb9712 Жыл бұрын
@@MrJm323 Thank you for contributing to the point, for the world to see and continue seeing. All the best!
@MrJm323 Жыл бұрын
@@alexsdb9712 Yes, pointing out the priicks who get mad at people for cheering the performances of excellent athletes (and generally having a good time at such events) is my pleasure. Cheers!!
@pressesprecher645 3 жыл бұрын
The marks for artistic impression are really too high. They should bei lower.
@crazygympuppy Ай бұрын
Artistic impression is as you said, impression. It's subjective. I'd say they should be a lot higher.
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