Miyazaki On Using Guides - Elden Ring

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18 күн бұрын

He says it's fine if you do it but it's not designed that way.

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@Sammysouris 16 күн бұрын
What are you talking about?!?!? The quests are NOT completable without guides 😂
@ratatoskr6324 16 күн бұрын
The people who made those guides completed them without guides.
@sparxskywriter2589 16 күн бұрын
There's a reason the message system exists beyond posting memes
@balmain2496 16 күн бұрын
@nicolasaudy2567 16 күн бұрын
Elden ring quests are 100% completable without guides, but no one can convince me I was supposed to find the DS1 dlc without a guide.
@xenvakt300995 16 күн бұрын
​@@nicolasaudy2567 for the DLC specifically, I think there was a "how to access Dlc" post made on some official forum or some such back when it was originally released. Might have had a games journalist article cover it too.
@Mario-SunshineGalaxy64 16 күн бұрын
The leaks are clearly fake. Anyone who has paid any attention to Elden Ring's story knows that the final boss will be Godefroy.
@arkstream176 16 күн бұрын
@@tryeasy6736The final boss from the dlc? Cmon man it says in ops comment 😹
@baka_monogatari3389 16 күн бұрын
Wow. That comment looks familiar lmao.
@Mario-SunshineGalaxy64 16 күн бұрын
@@baka_monogatari3389 I may or may not have borrowed it from somewhere else.
@zachj19991 16 күн бұрын
They definetly do not look fake, they're probably going to be adding context in dlc. Remember Elden Ring's story isn't understood completely till dlc is released as with all fromsoftdlc. In my opinion some of these new fights look incredibly hype including the final boss.
@heibk-2019 16 күн бұрын
@@zachj19991 Some of the leaks are fake. There are some things that look pretty credible but that "final boss" video floating around looks like a really shitty modded boss and is 100% fake.
@maxashworth3364 16 күн бұрын
On a first playthrough Best: Blind Fine: Beginner tips and tricks Avoid: Get OP quick
@GM-xk1nw 16 күн бұрын
Get OP quick is how I learned the game, by searching for each talisman and spell I learn the game in a way.
@tdrc_ 16 күн бұрын
tips and tricks/guides are fine as long as you actually tried to progress and cant figure out what to do next
@rift1067 16 күн бұрын
Honestly, do whatever tf you want. It's best to try not to sound intimidating/gatekeepy in the eyes of a newcomer who wants to hop straight into the game with a power-fantasy bosskilling mage/bloodthirsty ronin build in mind (Ik that's not OP's intention). More power to them.
@maxashworth3364 16 күн бұрын
Obviously do what you want, this is only advice.
@MrRenanHappy 16 күн бұрын
Some players might need that Get OP quick to get into the souls games, and that is fine. They will mostly likely avoid guides later on.
@DonutSwordsman 16 күн бұрын
Being able to jump made me look at every rubble pile differently lol
@jameskyler5441 16 күн бұрын
I played Elden Ring (1st playthrough) as a wretch with no preconceived notions of what my build might be. I let my discoveries shape my character development. Most satisfying gameplay experience I've ever had.
@Medsas 16 күн бұрын
lol after playing so many games, you get a natural instinct on what is broken or not. Really satisfying when you find something is broken then later you check online and everybody saying the same thing 😅
@smithywerbenjagermanjensen 16 күн бұрын
Hell yea me too. Starting out as a total blob and improvising my path is my favorite way to play adventure rpgs. Especially at the beginning it puts real value into something banal like an enemy dropping a weapon or a piece of armor.
@briggy4359 16 күн бұрын
I did the same and I went Unga Bunga greatshield no rolls
@mattmelton7389 16 күн бұрын
Yar, I love starting these games as the blank template and then letting the world shape me. Each time is different. Later playthrus are for trying things I didn't before. Also no realistic level cap makes experimenting into a godawful stat mess viable. :D
@TheSeth256 16 күн бұрын
Same here, although I also tried making a build akin to Giantdad from DS1, so finding the Zweihander was so cool!
@Lordofpools 16 күн бұрын
So glad this channel is spoiler free now that the dlc has leaked
@Blatgotyahatty 16 күн бұрын
Leaked? Wdym
@godly_potatoe69xd19 16 күн бұрын
@@Blatgotyahattysomeone leaked the “final boss” but everything they’ve shown has seemed really fucking fishy, unfinished animations, barely any attacks, extremely basic arenas that hide the background around them (maybe to hide that it isn’t real?). It’s possible this is an early build, so it would make sense how it looks so real but also so fake. Just avoid all these leaks until we get reviews or have the actual dlc tho.
@Lordofpools 16 күн бұрын
@@Blatgotyahatty a few bosses got leaked last night
@Omega77232 16 күн бұрын
the messmer fight got leaked and its very looking legit (the final boss seems fake though).
@Lordofpools 16 күн бұрын
@@Omega77232 yeah the final boss is either fake or it was a dev build idk
@voxploxx 16 күн бұрын
Theres definitely a large portion of players who believe you must play with a guide. I see them in various groups online. Play how you want but i always recommend you just try it without one. Worst case you do a 2nd playthrough to get the things you missed, which youre probably going to do anyway. Best case is you discover that a blind first playthrough of a fromsoftware game is one of the most unique experiences in gaming you can have.
@Ocean5ix 16 күн бұрын
Depends on what you mean by “guide”. I’d say a quest line guide is mandatory, unless you want to spend your next 10 years trying to figure it out. I would say 90% of players at least once searched on google “how to advance X NPC’s questline” and I would say that counts as a guide. Their game design accounts for the fact that people will talk to each other, that’s the entire point of the message system for example. If there was no messages and no internet, people would find new stuff in Elden Ring 20 years from now. I think that’s cool, if it’s the intention, but I don’t think it is.
@OzmandisMandis 16 күн бұрын
@@Ocean5ix for the first playthrough I think you should not for quests either. The quests are really not that obscure to follow except for the case where you can break them by just advancing into the game, for that I do agree that's really problematic and clash completly with the openess of ER. I completed Ranni's and Alexander's quest (at least what I could at launch because they added pot village post release) without a guide and I really can't say you have to "spend 10 years" to do it. Maybe you have to do some searching that's fait but don't pretend it's going to take 10 years. At least try it out, maybe you're gonna have some fun ?
@hododod246 16 күн бұрын
@@Ocean5ix Npc's tell you where to go, whom to speak, what to do. I don't know how they can be clearer. Some quests are more cryptic but they are for super secret stuff. And it is okay to have those quests.
@josephbulkin9222 16 күн бұрын
Playing these games blind is nothing but pain and suffering. I've been using guides for games since I was 7 years old. That's how young I was when I realized I cant stand playing games blind.
@DionPanday 16 күн бұрын
Unique in what way?
@slumburger1145 16 күн бұрын
I deeply respect that Miyazaki said that "if player can't find stuff then it's our bad". A lot of Fromsoft fans really treat Miyazaki and Fromsoft as these perfect dieties that can't make mistakes, but we wouldn't even have a game as great as Elden Ring without building off of Fromsoft's previous works.
@ryanli8371 16 күн бұрын
Creative, imaginative, and humble. A rare combinations in game developers, let alone artists in different entertainment mediums in general. Wonder if one day Miyazaki DOES make a mistake or a choice that upsets us, we would start jump onto the "Miyazaki Hate Wagon".
@umwhoalol 16 күн бұрын
That was dumbest thing he ever said. There's a million miles of room for improvement there, and ER was obviously NOT designed that way at all lmao. Trying to get everything for ONE damage type in ONE playthrough without a guide is near impossible and a complete waste of time. Edit* still better than the mess of ds2(try beating mytha the baneful queen or finding casters gear without a guide, and ADP is a stat with no explanation that leveling increases s for rolling). But as bad as ds3, with the sage ring +2(mandatory for casters, only available at the end of ng+2).
@Oracle_Orhyn 16 күн бұрын
@@umwhoalol that’s why it was always ever intended, for all their games, to not uncover or collect everything in a blind playthrough. Just because you can’t have it because you’re playing blind, doesn’t mean that its unintentional. In fact, that quite literally is what these games are intended to be. He intends the blind to play the game, and not look up guides, because the blind will uncover unique and new details on repeat playthroughs… whereas a guild will ruin replayablity as it incentivises you to “complete” your first playthough, limiting the purpose of a second playthough
@Scowleasy 16 күн бұрын
Seriously. Ranni’s ending was the most popular because guides for it came out like the day after the game got released.
@headecas 16 күн бұрын
@@ryanli8371 he did make a mistake.he changed the description of the turtle neck meat
@spicyrock5451 16 күн бұрын
That's exactly why I love messages. They are the bridge between using a guide and playing completely blind. I personally use guides on NG+, because I want all spells, weapons and talismans. Still that experience of being teleported to Caelid and spending 10h in that decrepit land, was such a fun and memorable experience I wouldve never gotten playing with a guide.
@roundninja 16 күн бұрын
Yeah, I just hate that 50% of all messages seem to be either "try hole," "jumping required," or "illusory wall ahead."
@Skiad-OpsGash 16 күн бұрын
First playthrough: Adventure! Second playthrough: Completionist with guide.
@Leeches- 16 күн бұрын
Miyazaki's outlook on his games remind me of that one saying which is something like "I painter can never appreciate their work" which is to say, when I go into Elden Ring blind, its fresh and brand new. I don't know anything. I don't know what the bosses names are, what they do, what the rooms look like, how long it is, what the floor texture is, what the music is, what the sounds are. A game dev never gets to experience that with their own work, and that's quite sad when you think about it. I think about this fairly often while experiencing a game I truly love. Of course they get the satisfaction of seeing their work come to fruition and seeing the positive feedback, but it is curse of the creator that they never get to experience their own masterpiece, all at once, all fully complete, all as it should be. They'll experience each part piece meal, like first a boss song, then a month later, the boss itself, then the boss room, then the lead up to the boss, then with an actual weapon in the game, then as a character they levelled in a test build of the game.
@rafaelbordoni516 16 күн бұрын
There's this video by Tim Cain (Fallout 1 director) about non linear games. He said in the 90s guides were all the rage, and outlets would work with developers to have a guide published at the game's release. He said he had trouble doing that for Fallout because nobody could even understand him, journalists would ask him "What are the players supposed to do here?" and he would say "They can solve it in any way they want, they can use stealth to steal the item, they can talk to the NPC and convince them, or they could just kill them and take it" and they would go "Yeah but which one is the real solution? For the mains story" and he would go like "There is no such thing" and they would go on and on and be unable to conceive a non linear game. They would especially struggle with "you can go wherever you want and do things in any order". Back then, most games were linear and those guides would make more sense. I think today these are just remnants of that culture but a not so small portion of players still see games in a similar manner, a medium to tell a story not so different from a film. Guides and tips for these games make a lot of sense.
@thatoneLerrydude 16 күн бұрын
I despise IGN misleading headline saying "Miyazaki is totally cool with you using guide guys! Give traction to our guides plz", when it's obvious he is "fine" but would rather people played blind.
@burgzaza 16 күн бұрын
He also says they failed a lot of the people that go to guides.
@SweetJohnnyCage 16 күн бұрын
As a guide maker, I agree with him. I had an insane amount of notes from my first playthrough to help my guide making workflow, but I can't imagine a regular player could possibly keep up with all the questlines and NPCs without also taking a lot of notes. Things could definitely be a bit better, maybe with an in-game journal, kind of like the Bomber's Notebook from Majora's Mask. Also sick song choice :D
@fastenedcarrot9570 16 күн бұрын
@eccentricbeing 16 күн бұрын
Playing blind is how one discovers the Catacombs in the beginning of DS1 lol
@Not____Applicable 16 күн бұрын
I haven’t seen that spoiler or heard of it until know so thank you for the heads up honestly, so close to release!
@cjgeminitarot6836 16 күн бұрын
This video made me realize that Miyazaki can never play his games blind, and there’s something sad about that.
@chrislinks6867 16 күн бұрын
I'll never forget my first playthrough trying to do Ranni's quest blind & ending up going to deeproot from the gargoyles coffin. Nokron & Nokstella & Lake of Rot are still my favourite areas. That feeling of exploring & having no clue how deep it goes is unmatched.
@Oracle_Orhyn 16 күн бұрын
My favourite gaming experience of all time was going through the fantastic legacy dungeon of Leyndell, then sumbling upon a secret sewer system (shunning grounds), then finding out it goes even deeper into and ancient tomb (frenzied flame area), then finding an odd looking wall and smacking it only to find that there’s EVEN MORE LAYERS with the Deeproot depths. Hands down my favourite video game moment, all masterfully done without a SINGLE loading screen. From Leyndell to the Deeproot depths is an incredible blind experience. It was the first time I was ever reminded of the Firelink Shrine moment for the first time since Dark Souls 1
@Knoloaify 16 күн бұрын
@@Oracle_Orhyn YES! Finding the Deeproot Depths not from the Aqueduct but from the Frenzied Flame area was an absolute kino moment for me. I didn't even know you could take that coffin to go up the waterfall lol.
@weirdo3116 14 күн бұрын
How did you ever finish it blind? I got to astelle blind but the parts before that were way too confusing
@chrislinks6867 14 күн бұрын
@@weirdo3116 As said above I got lost trying to get the fingerslayer & went too deep, but went back & found the right way down. After that it's straightforward if you read the item descriptions & spoke to Iji inbetween. Only other hiccup was killing astel & getting blocked by needing ring.
@weirdo3116 14 күн бұрын
@@chrislinks6867 wait item descriptions give directions for quests?
@oBigBusiness 16 күн бұрын
Going through Blind is the best experience. I did use a guide after Elden Beast for anything I missed. For example, I still had an achievement i was missing, it was for the Dragonlord boss. I wouldn't have found that without a guide haha One of the best bosses imo
@RazzleTheRed1 16 күн бұрын
For me it really depends on what type of game it is... For games like Elden Ring and the Souls games, there's no way I'd ever use a guide at all first playthrough. But in a game like Monster Hunter where there isn't all that much of an exploration focus and you're just fighting monsters repeatedly I don't really see any harm in looking up where to get the mushrooms I need to upgrade my weapon for example. But I wouldn't really look up strategies or gear loadouts for specific fights. I do also look up a guide on a new weapon when I try it for the first time just so I'm aware of what most of my moves are (cuz the games aren't really the best at telling you how to use any of the weapons lol)
@NathBeLive 16 күн бұрын
@tobiaszeller4323 16 күн бұрын
song name?
@ecal8808 16 күн бұрын
Wood Carving Partitia is the name of the song
@tobiaszeller4323 16 күн бұрын
@@ecal8808 thank you very much
@coffeeberry625 16 күн бұрын
I'm glad I don't really use social media. I had no idea there was a leak. lol I know next to nothing about this DLC this time around.
@Zyckro 16 күн бұрын
lol nice! I’m struggling with going dark but I’ve managed to be completely blind so far. Only watched the story trailer and that’s it. Makes me even more excited! Just a few more days…
@majorasmask5523 16 күн бұрын
You know that Prince of Death face beneath Stormveil Castle? I was smacking it with the Greatsword, and it was bleeding.
@Derpdeder_ 16 күн бұрын
I just saw a episode of the play watch listen podcast where they recommend playing your first fromsoft game with a guide, it makes me sad to hear that people recommend ruining a first playthrough.
@kisukoev 16 күн бұрын
I could undertand a guide about the UI, menus and controls since they can be tricky and counterintuitive, even npc quests, since most of the time they are almost impossible to complete on your first run, or at least it's impossible to understand if you completed it, maybe there's another ending, perhaps it continues ecc. but guides about everything is definitely too much.
@WealthyHomeless 16 күн бұрын
people like them are plugged in the mainstream most of their opinion dont have nuance
@yatharthrai4658 16 күн бұрын
Back when Sekiro came out, 8 decide to start my Souls journey. I played DS1 following Fightincowboy's guide. I copied his builds until I learned how to do them on my own (it was basically my first rpg). Dropped DS2 (just didn't click with it). Completed DS3 blindly. 100%ed ER, looking only certain quests and items online. Today Sekiro, and ER are my all time favourite games. With the souls-genre being one of my favourites. AND I WOULDN'T CHANGE A SINGLE THING ABOUT MY JOURNEY.
@La0bouchere 16 күн бұрын
It honestly surprises me that anyone does this, let alone recommends it since it effectively spoils everything you could find on a first playthrough. Using a guide if you get completely stuck, or after you beat the game makes sense, but before then it'll only lessen the experience.
@Knucklebreaking 16 күн бұрын
​@@La0boucherethere's definitely levels to the guide thing. Mechanics tend to be okay to look up and maybe where to go next if you're already looking for something specific but story and cheesing are usually where most people draw the line.
@Ronin11111111 16 күн бұрын
The only thing I used a guide for is the side-quests because the reputation of them being easily fuck-upable made me really anxious. Still had some orgainc moments like randomly finding Miriam in Altus. I tried to only look at the current step I was on, but I still spoiled myself sometimes, but it made me feel less anxious so I think my play experience was improved overall. I'll try not to do this in SotE.
@Preston241 16 күн бұрын
My two cents, because anyone cares: First playthrough: no guides. You only get one blind run, so make the most of it. Subsequent playthroughs: play each area without a guide, and then, when you think you’re done, open the guide to see if you missed anything you care about.
@WealthyHomeless 16 күн бұрын
games like elden ring don't come by frequently so be pretty sure with how you want to expirence your first playthrough.
@DionPanday 16 күн бұрын
There’s plenty of open world games and soulslikes released each year
@WealthyHomeless 16 күн бұрын
@@DionPanday sir i think what you took is comepletely different from what i said.
@DionPanday 16 күн бұрын
@@WealthyHomeless you’re saying games like Elden ring. Is Elden ring not an open world game and a soulslike?
@WealthyHomeless 16 күн бұрын
​@@DionPanday Elden Ring is in the same vain as Skyrim and breath of the wilds which provide a sense of adventure that you just can't get in any other game and how many of games like these are out there to provide a grand adventure on this scale? I bet very few. you seems to be stuck on it just being souls game and a openworld game hence my confusion of you not getting what i was saying. And Elden Ring is not a soulslike.
@WilliamPertzer 16 күн бұрын
Best way to play through a fromsoft game is with a friend on call or with you. It lets you ask questions and get useful advice while limiting what you see
@lordgiblets7585 16 күн бұрын
Literally the only thing I ever hear when I ask anyone anything is "Google it." Even when we both know that they already know the answer.
@Veerorith 16 күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure the final boss is Gourdfrey, the Great Pumpkin, but they can't say until charlie brown enters public domain day after tomorrow.
@taylorbriggs5034 16 күн бұрын
Props on the background music. Symphony of the Night is one of my all time favorite OSTs
@marcinolszewski2260 16 күн бұрын
But I believe they design things hoping that messages left by the players can guide others to some secrets
@cherubin7th 11 күн бұрын
So they are designed to make money with the online service.
@aephyn_ 16 күн бұрын
The symphony of the night track, as always ur choice of soundtracks are immaculate
@yatharthrai4658 16 күн бұрын
I think people are forgetting that a very large portion of ER players are not souls veterans. I don't know how a first time player is supposed to know "keep taking to NPCs until dialogues are exhausted", or literal "hidden fake walls".
@Oracle_Orhyn 16 күн бұрын
These are insignificant aspects of the game, I think, that aren’t quite intended to get the whole experience when beating the game. Sure, it rewards the curious soul… but, ultimately, something as small as NPC dialogue and Hidden walls are deliberately unintuitive. Hell, the “hidden” walls thing should tell you enough😂
@Knucklebreaking 16 күн бұрын
@@Oracle_Orhyn NPC dialogue unfinished can straight up gate you from completing a quest. Idk If I'd consider that insignificant.
@ghjong001 16 күн бұрын
I'm one of those for whom ER was my first souls game; talking to NPCs until dialogues are finished is pretty typical RPG gameplay. Fake walls were not expected, and I did indeed miss out on a couple things because of that, but not a whole lot. The big things I missed were Nepheli's and Millicent's quests because of my sequence breaking.
@Knucklebreaking 16 күн бұрын
@@ghjong001 In older RPGs that's definitely the case but newer ones not so much
@Knoloaify 16 күн бұрын
I'm a Souls Veteran and still missed a lot of quests in DkS 3 (seriously, to hell Anri's quest, even with a guide) and a few in Elden Ring. It's not a big deal, you can still use a guide in NG+. And talking to NPC until dialogue is exhausted is RPG 1-0-1, it's absolutely not exclusive to Elden Ring.
@seb1520 16 күн бұрын
playing Elden Ring for the first time was genuinely one of the best experiences I ever had in a videogame. If I ever was just completely stumped by something, i would only look up the next step, but never the entire quest or anything like that. Just to nudge me into the right direction. This game is phenomenal played completely blind.
@rainer9931 16 күн бұрын
Accidentally saw the new rememberance leaks 😭 they look great, but I wish I hadnt seen them. Thank you for posting these spoiler-free videos Ratatouille 👍
@Enraric 16 күн бұрын
I do think From could do better on NPC quests in particular. While they CAN be completed without guides (the people who wrote the guides completed them without guides), everyone I know personally who plays these games uses guides for NPC quests (even though they don't use guides for anything else). As Ratatoskr himself outlined in a video a few years ago, the open world nature of Elden Ring works against the quests being intuitively completable. For example, if you decide to do Caelid after Altus Plateau for whatever reason, you are unlikely to find Millicent in the Altus Plateau and complete her questline. I wish more NPCs did what Varre does. Varre leaves you a message at First Step when he moves to Liurnia. If NPCs were clearer about where the hell they're going next, I think less players would feel the need to fall back on guides for NPC quests.
@Knoloaify 16 күн бұрын
Yes. I absolutely agree with this. A few NPC quests are actually very well thought out in similar aspects: Rogier's quest helping you find Ranni's, Hyetta being always near areas with Shabriri grapes, the most important Alexander encounters being around some of the main areas and mentioning heading to Radahn's Festival...But a few more hints would have been great: Maybe have Hyetta mention going to Leyndell or the Erdtree (which would lead you to Leyndell), and maybe have Gideon talk to you about Latenna since he already knows about her, small things like that definitely would have helped with making quests easier to follow without having to rely on inelegant solutions like quest markers.
@DarkFay 16 күн бұрын
Finally someone with common sense. Some quests are fine But others are so particular and ridiculous on what you need to do that no one would find out if it weren’t for guides
@-TriP- 16 күн бұрын
FYI the people who write the "official" guides are given all the information they want directly from the devs who make _sure_ they don't miss anything -- they have something far _more_ than a guide. There is nothing they have to figure out themselves when it comes to progression. For the unofficial ones... well, those are mostly the results of combined efforts, usually through forums or discord or whatever. It's very rare that a guide will be written by someone who just did it all themselves.
@enman009 16 күн бұрын
Ever since DS1 I think there was a responsibility for both the Dev and the players: we as a community and individuals *should* put the effort to find things out, in the same way we learn boss patterns and enemy placements. ER made questlines and overall progression far easier than most Soulsbornes by virtue of having characters spell out what they want or feel to do. It's true some stuff are too vague, but ever since DS3 I felt Fromsoft pushed us a bit into the right direction with enough vagueness to mess up. Heck, DS2 started the trend of guiding enough to a small extend without pointing the right way. Missing things isn't bad, the same way having community assistance isn't bad. It's an exploration game and a RPG after all.
@DionPanday 16 күн бұрын
Its an entertainment product calm down, the players have no responsibility other than having fun in the way they choose
@craigwil1716 16 күн бұрын
I honestly think there should just be more put into the design of quests where people don't feel the need to look up guides. If so many people are looking up guides to play the game then at that point there are obviously design decisions that push players towards doing that. I'm not advocating for quest markers or ways points or even really a quest log(tho I would appreciate a consolidated place for information that isn't a wiki), but at some point people have to voice their issues if they want improvements. I enjoyed the quests I managed to "complete" while doing my own playthrough, but come find out after my play through that I never saw the ending where they died or missed a step in finding them. Usually if people can find the quest they can do the quest, but the main determining factor about whether I got to engage with that character being actually finding them was a major sore point for me. I did shit blind and I went in knowing that I would miss a ton a shit and never have a complete first play through. I also thought I would do some new game runs which never happened due to burning out near that boss rush endgame. There aren't ways for people who actually want to engage with parts of the game to improve at that. I can't organically through the game actually do what I want to do. I remember being told that I didn't explore good enough or thoroughly enough so because I missed out on that quest that it was my own fault and not because I didn't go in a direction I perceived as a backtrack enough. Newsflash the solution being to explore better is not a solution. You don't see people saying to never use torrent because you move so fast that you don't look at the world or immerse yourself. People saying they don't want questing quality of life in my mind just sound like people in a world where elden ring didn't have torrent and all the meat riders saying that elden ring wouldn't be a souls game with mounts. That sprinting everywhere and wasting hours of our life was integral to the souls experience and it just being similar to never completing a story line since having to organically find and miss quests was just oh so critical to the intended experience. Guides are a solution for people facing problems. The problems these people are facing require either lucking into finding the solution sooner or spending dozens of hours methodically scouring the map. Many people will never do a new game plus play through to be able to "organically" find the new content by also not having a lot of time either. This is also a complete fuking non issue btw. Someone else using a guide and not fully realizing the "potential" of a game has no impact whatsoever on anybody else. Simple service announcements like this video saying that hey you might be tempted to use guides but also really the first time you should try it without guides but also if you are strapped for time or burning out or aren't planning on doing any more play throughs then sure go ahead and actually complete that questline.
@onyxtomahawk4788 16 күн бұрын
Maybe it’s just me but for soul games I’ve always had to look up or ask my friends how to complete npc quest. It’s rarely obvious where you’re supposed to go
@Oracle_Orhyn 16 күн бұрын
And that’s the point! These games were made without a guide, or internet, in mind. Meaning, the intended experience is to completely MISS a quest character, and then possibly organically discover them on like your 8th playthrough or something. The internet, or a guide, limits the possibly replay value of these games significantly, because the main purpose of hidden content in these games are to allow for replay value organically. And guides/internet attacks that replay value. The best example I have of looking up guides is equivalent to save scumming Baldurs Gate 3. Both guides (Elden Ring) and Save scumming (BG3) have the exact same effect of limiting any and all errors one may have in a playthrough, discouraging them from replaying the games and getting better and improving, or even have more an understanding on what/where the content is on a repeat playthrough. OF COURSE, I need to stress that this is my opinion on Miyazaki’s game design. Others may not like it, and that’s OK!! Use guides and friends if you’re ever having trouble
@west5385 16 күн бұрын
@@Oracle_Orhyn yeah, screw that. I want to play this game once and 100% it. I'm using a very short/spoiler free to the point npc quest guide and I prefer it this way but I understand what u mean Edit : by 100% I meant I just want to beat the main story + all npc side quests. I dont go looking for "OP weapons u must have" type videos or build videos
@janitorizamped 16 күн бұрын
​@@west5385you literally can't 100% the game the first playthrough, and trying to do so will result in a 200 hour playthrough where you're incredibly over leveled by the end. Seriously, don't do that, there are so many reasons why it detracts from your experience
@onyxtomahawk4788 16 күн бұрын
@@west5385 I agree if I’m gonna try to do everything when I do a play through of a game. And if I talk to a npc and then never talk to them again cause I can’t find them feels awkward and incomplete.
@Knucklebreaking 16 күн бұрын
I will stand on that certain quests make no sense and are actually aggravating to try and figure out (Ranni's Dark Moon for example). If you've looked for a solution for hours and hit that breaking point, you're better off looking it up.
@FellixNoAmatsu 13 күн бұрын
The main thing I hated most about doing quests in nlind in Elden Ring vs the older games.. was that in an open world scenario there is no linear path so finding the next spot for certain NPC's felt almost up too chance. Sure they added the NPC icons on the map, but they still only appear AFTER you've ran into them once. I screwed up a lot of quests because I'd take obscure paths looking for caves and secrets and ended up reaching story progression points that ended my questlines without me knowing. However this is a storytelling problem that ALL open-world games struggle with. FromSoft just so happened to struggle with it as well.
@The8OJ4N 16 күн бұрын
On my first playthrough I wondered for days not knowing how to level up. Was sent o hellscape called Caelid by a trap and not knowing you can fast travel, went through all those mobs on foot. I'll never forget crouching in some hole, shivering, hiding from a giant mean bird, asking myself why the hell I gave 60 euros for that game... 😅 Even later, after I finished the game I didn't know about NG stuff. I played three new games with new characters from the beginning, level 1. 😁
@MRFISH-rs6sq 16 күн бұрын
fantastic that rata appeals to the “covering eyes with pinkies and ears with thumbs on the roller coaster” type of player such as I
@Transformers217 16 күн бұрын
I love using video guides to figure out where to walk too. 😊
@zachdelaney4131 16 күн бұрын
imo the pathway to the Beast is doable without guides - kill shardbearers -> Leyndell-> Mountaintop -> Farum Azula -> Ashen Capital, that’s all relatively linear and can be done organically - the QUESTS however are difficult to me, I’ve never been able to do Hyetta’s quest, didn’t know for 2 playthroughs that there’s a yura quest line, and definitely would’ve struggled or failed ranni’s, millicent’s, seluvis’, sellen’s, and etc quests without some help lmao (however I do have to play offline so no notes or messages)
@HateSonneillon 16 күн бұрын
I don't think playing with guides immediately removes the sense of adventure and exploration if you're just trying to not miss items and such. You can find guides on just the item locations and not spoil the rest of the experience. This is what I do because I love to collect weapons, I look up the weapons and read only where I can get them while being fully surprised as to whatever stands in the way of me and my weapons. I do have a lot of self control in that regard though where as I know others might not. Sometimes I do run into spoilers but the beauty of FS games is most of the time it just confuses me like, "wtf did I just read?" and its not until I get to that part that I understand. Elden Ring was interesting though because most of the weapons had not been found by the time I was searching for them. Sometimes I did find them before the guide was filled in. With some weapons, namely the partisan, it was really frustrating because the guide was actually wrong and caused me to spend way too much time trying to farm it at locations that it does not drop, or if it does, it is an impossibly low chance.
@SashaandStorm 16 күн бұрын
Love that you keep using “Wood Carving Partita” and “Dance of Pales” from SotN. Such a great OST.
@Horstolord04 8 күн бұрын
My man doing Gods work 0:40
@adsventuresome7511 16 күн бұрын
I like to play open world games with a few landmarks on a map. For ER, I just used the sights of grace on a map, but explored everything organically as much as I could.
@zombiehampster1397 16 күн бұрын
My first run thru ER was a blind playthrough and it was a one of kind experience and well worth it.
@marcosramos5117 16 күн бұрын
I like to go through blindly for the most part but I definitely use the Fextra guides when I want to clean things up. This all stems from DeS and DS1 - they were very unforgiving on some quests that would entirely lock you out if you didn’t progress them correctly which is why sometimes I lean on the guides to make sure I’m not missing out. In turn however that also taught me to really explore things and read lore from the subsequent games.
@chickensofdeath490 16 күн бұрын
There is no “being stumped on a quest then figuring it out” being stumped implies you are missing something, when Alexander says he’s “going to caelid” you know he’ll be there somewhere, just literally anywhere in an area larger than most of ds1. So you have to decid, do I waste possibly hours of my life to find this one guy? Or do I just look it up. This quest design worked in the linear smaller games, but it does not work in this game at all.
@roundninja 16 күн бұрын
Definitely planning to do the DLC blind my first time. Once I complete it or get totally stuck, I'll probably check a guide so I can unlock more content. I'm not a purist but I do think the first time experience tends to be better the longer you hold off on checking guides.
@blackbloom8552 16 күн бұрын
I think there also something to say about how using a guide can you miss out on the experience of missing something itself. There are many cases where missing a particular item or npc will completely alter your experience. A big exemple would be all those people who didn't happen to find mimic tear and couldn't rely on it to get them through the harder fights. There also a certain excitement in seeing someone find something you didn't and find out at the same time as them.
@shan_2933 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for filing me up for the day ratatoskr.
@TheNwahDango 16 күн бұрын
"If you play with a guide, you'll miss out on the experience of finding those things on your own" I'm too dumb/bad to find those things on my own. Even using a guide first time thru, I completely missed 95% of Elden Ring's quests/characters and as a result I had a much more negative opinion of the game than I do now. Looking it up was sorta like "Oh, ER _does_ have all that stuff I was looking for." I just happened to explore in such an order that it all wiffed right by me. I almost feel punished for exploring and doing things at my pace, because one tiny slip and an extremely cool moment/character/storyline is suddenly completely locked for the rest of the playthrough at little to no fault of my own. How was I supposed to know crab-face wouldn't talk to me if I went to the Volcano?!
@fastenedcarrot9570 16 күн бұрын
He's in an area well before Volcano Manor and Rya who takes you there is not only in the same area but involved in his questline. The structure Rya is on is marked on the map and there are several of the, others have sending gates, smithing stones and other stuff. She asks you to find Boggart. None of this is particularly complicated but it rewards exploration.
@MarkHogan994 16 күн бұрын
You're not supposed to know. That's the point. These games are all about the sense of mystery. You are not meant to know how to do the quests. You're meant to think about it, struggle, figure some of them out, and miss others. Missing things is not a big deal. People need to get over themselves. Missable content gives the game a sense of discovery. Because you can't have discovery if there is no risk of missing anything.
@TheNwahDango 15 күн бұрын
@@MarkHogan994 Yup. That sure is exactly what I was saying. I agree you can't have discovery if you can't miss things, but making it possible to miss _everything_ ?? I decided to explore the manor before finishing ALL of liurnia, as a result, I'm locked out of one of the coolest stories. That seems unnecessarily punishing simply because I wanted to explore the amazing world they crafted. It's like "Do whatever you want. But don't do that yet"
@Matheusss89 16 күн бұрын
Wow! Leaks confirmed the final boss of the DLC will be a kart race.
@anitaremenarova6662 16 күн бұрын
I've only watched new weapons footage so that I know what build to go into the DLC with to be able to try out as many of them as possible.
@eljaggerstanleynintendo917 16 күн бұрын
The other day I was thinking how it's almost summer solstice, the longer day of the year. Then I thought of Elden Ring, its the sun's symbolism and Miquella's eclipse, and thought it would be interesting if the release date of the dlc, summer solstice, is no coincidente at all.
@jesselaier7286 16 күн бұрын
Miyazaki hasn't accounted for the fact that i'm very stupid.
@ashscar8878 16 күн бұрын
One thing that makes the first time blind playthrough more fun is having friends who are also doing so since we will definitely have different experiences out of it. So when we meet up to share our experiences, we might learn from each other about stuff that we missed, our different approaches to the same sidequest, etc and for me, that is more motivation to explore more thoroughly and take notes for subsequent playthroughs.
@Crusaderbones 16 күн бұрын
I used guides for my first playthrough of Elden Ring and even though I spoiled a lot of the game just watching those guides I loved every moment and I'm still having fun over 300 hours later
@antonyayala3782 2 күн бұрын
Honestly, I wouldnt have been able to finish the game without guides. this being my first souls game i knew I was gonna get frustrated quickly since I didnt get any of the systems that were being shown to me. I didnt look for a guide to become op but i did look up things like how stats worked and picked a build that I liked. Now that I got the experience of the main game I feel prepared to go in blind foe the dlc. I just think that guides are a huge help for people new to this type of game like I was.
@Rory626 16 күн бұрын
It's your game. Play it however you want
@echoq7594 16 күн бұрын
If they wish for that, then I wish they would actually provide us with a Journal.. with at least an NPCs last location and their dialogue and they certainly need to do better with NPCs hinting on where they will go, ESPECIALLY in a game like ER where it is open world and NPCs can move areas backwards cause you can do stuff out of order, with no hint on where they might be at all, cause I'll be honest, the only reason I ever open up a guide for these games is to look up whatever obscrube bullshit I need to do to activate an NPC's neurons so they can progress or where the hell to find them.. Like legit my wishlist for their next RPG project is well.. more RPG mechanics please?
@knars7888 16 күн бұрын
The SOTN music is much appreciated
@SomeUnkindledAsh 16 күн бұрын
Blind is the way for me, but i do sometimes look at guides for areas/quests that ive already experienced just to see where i messed up or to check if i missed something. Usually before heading into NG+, I'll start going over what ive done and see if i cant grab something i missed before the next playthrough. It sucks to miss a "once per playthrough" weapon or something
@michaelbarnes2126 16 күн бұрын
I’m sorry but I’m not a Souls veteran, I didn’t enjoy beating Bloodborne and it took about long time to beat Elden Ring (with a guide). I went thru half of my 1st play through of Elden Right blind, however I don’t enjoy getting lost and I don’t enjoy missing out on items and weapons that are powerful or that I would need. I find enjoyment in using a guide cause i have my bearing mostly. To me, regardless of a guide or not you still gotta develop the skills to beat the game, no guide can help you with that.
@BigBADSTUFF69 Күн бұрын
thing is, if you have better stronger items, and more runes the game is significantly easier. So when you know things it's a different game, and experience matters. So basically the people who need the most help, people that are new to soulslikes, have the hardest time which is kinda backwards
@Sir_Vaza_JTV 15 күн бұрын
My laptop froze as you said "On this channel we're doing daily spoiler-" Lol
@starrunner2838 16 күн бұрын
I love these videos. 4 DAYS
@Tfisk 16 күн бұрын
My og playthrough went like this kinda: played limgrave. When I had moved on and was done in limgrave, look at guide to see if there was anything I missed. "Oh, twinblade in lake? OK close tab. Time to scrub the lake. Oh look I've been tp'd to the other side of the map." This way I kept the sense of discovery, and only when I felt satisfied that I found everything I cared to look for, I'd check and only read a hint or area that it was in. I ended up discovering the patterns to finding things and just played the game that way.
@n8doggy733 16 күн бұрын
Rate my list of favorite weapons: Demons Souls - Blueblood Sword DS - Black Knight Ultra GS DS2 - Blue Flame Bloodborne - Holy Moonlight Sword DS3 - Fume Ultra GS Elden Ring - Warped Axe
@drbinxy9433 16 күн бұрын
Thanks Michael Zaki.
@mastername5373 16 күн бұрын
I do feel even if not most a large portion do look at the guides to finish quest since in steam the Age of Stars ending has more percentage than the regular one and that's an ending.
@Veerorith 16 күн бұрын
I generally only go to guides and wikis either on ng+, or once I've hit end game and I'm thinking about what sort of end game build I want, what items I might need for it, etc. and then it's not like I take a step by step guide to find the ring of noodly power, I just see where it sits on the map, find the mini dungeon its in, and then do the dungeon blind. So for finding the little details later in my run basically.
@rexxtheawsome 16 күн бұрын
Messages on the ground and seeing other players ghosts will always destroy thks argument for me. As a veteran souls player i look for the messages, phantoms or bloodstains before entering a room or talking to an npc. Its never "truly" blind. You get as much help as you look for
@robotbrad 16 күн бұрын
Conversely i turn off all online interactions on my first play through.
@sparxskywriter2589 16 күн бұрын
The messages are hints at best, don't make that argument, it's weak and flimsy.
@TheIsh1000 16 күн бұрын
What if you don’t pay for online?
@DionPanday 16 күн бұрын
I guess you expect everyone to just fork over more money for PlayStation plus or Xbox live huh?
@majorshepard2 16 күн бұрын
I mean, if you use a fextralife guide, you are just gonna hinder yourself because they are never right, even on a basis like normal attacks. It's like driving into a wall full speed to make your car faster.
@jessetoews2446 16 күн бұрын
My first was Sekiro, the hype around the difficulty had me steering clear of FS, but I loved the world of Sekiro so much, I watched multiple boss fights and vaati vids before playing. I assumed I wouldn't be able to play it but read enough to believe I could cheese the bosses with a guide and make it through. Glad I did the first time, cause it eliminated a wall for me and I now I'm excited for a blind playthru of the DLC. Learning to parry Isshin was an Amazon moment for me.
@McDudes 16 күн бұрын
I play every frimsoftware games blind. Even got the Japanese version of DS3 so I could play it 1 week before the global release. And I was able to find all secret locations and beat all Bosses before people started unloading spoilers all over the internet. It felt great!
@0x0404 16 күн бұрын
There is plenty of content you could entirely miss forever if you never used a guide.
@J35h13 16 күн бұрын
you've been miyazakied
@p4ladin167 16 күн бұрын
The Symphony of the night music caught me off guard
@ZackeroniAndCheese 16 күн бұрын
I play a lot of videogames and I always have to look up soulsborne quest progression. That is the one area these games can improve
@zachmartin6058 16 күн бұрын
the only optimal play through is naked level 1, humanity’a truest, raw form
@BaldorfBreakdowns 16 күн бұрын
I dunno how anyone did Hyetta's quest without a guide. But I probably did 80% or more on my own and got to Elden Beast with about 200+ hours before I looked at a guide for anything.
@fastenedcarrot9570 16 күн бұрын
I was doing fine with it until it bugged and would have done it if not for that. I got completely stumped and looked it up to find out that it could just break. I was highly invested in it first playthrough too so it was a shame.
@pop_my_kernels8127 16 күн бұрын
Really can’t believe the final boss was John Elden ring
@gnperdue 16 күн бұрын
Blind playthroughs are the best. I did my first mostly blind except I looked up how to get to Consecrated Snowfield eventually. Over time I broke down and let more and more seep through and then eventually by my third or fourth playthrough I was hitting the wiki pretty hard. I would have loved to have somehow had this game when I was a kid in the days before the internet... it would have been amazing to just discover more and more over time. I'm pretty sure there is a lot of stuff I would have never figured out... Milicent's quest. Boc's quest. Rya's quest, LOL.
@cavestudios8944 5 күн бұрын
Yup, they're designed to go in blind, except the fact that they nerfed dodging, the most used mechanic so much that it took you two years since release to figure out jumping like it's super mario is much more efficient. Jumping was overlooked by the developers this time, but expect it to be nerfed in the next fromsoft game. These games are true old school difficult games for the sake of getting more play hours, the difference is back then they actually had a reason to do that, they were limited by the hardware
@nopupils261 16 күн бұрын
My man has good music taste
@reasonablechristianity 15 күн бұрын
I mean there's a lot of bushes to attack to see if they're shapeshifters or fake walls to attack to open hidden passages, without a guide to do it trying to find everything would be an extremely long and tedious process and one might never even figure it out.
@inuclearpickle8628 14 күн бұрын
Usually use a guide on a second play through. I did use a guide to find a weapon in elden ring on my first play through cause I have having choice paralysis on what I wanted to play
@bengorham1605 3 күн бұрын
My general rule of thumb goes as follows: first playthrough: complete blindness. I find what I find, and if my friends find stuff, I’ll let them share it with me. Second playthrough: guides are ok, I wanna find the stuff I genuinely couldn’t in my first playthrough. My one real flex is that I found the shaman village with no guide.
@TK_TK811 16 күн бұрын
I saw a joke of soldier of godrick as the final boss with aspect of the crucible wings.
@MasutaMJ 16 күн бұрын
I only used the guide on boss weakness when I get steam rolled 50× in a row. Specifically the morning star beast on top the mountain in that crater back when the game cams out
@ARCThunder 16 күн бұрын
I'm still finishing my first playthrough of Elden Ring, and I did much of it blind. However, there are tons of things (quests) that are so opaque, that I've never experienced them because I had no idea where to go or even that it was a quest to pursue. And my experience of the game hasn't been enhanced by missing out on the timing of Rya and Boggart's quests. Or as I have just gotten to the Grace outside Malenia's battle, presumably Millicent's quest. Were it not for a guide, I would never have finished Ranni's quest because I didn't realize there were dialogue options at a certain Grace. I'm not the kind of person that will invest the sheer time in doing multiple playthroughs of Elden Ring, after two years I'm still working through my first. And so, at this point, I earnestly regret not using some sort of guide (or quest tracker) to at least point me directions to complete quests (a reminder to talk to an NPC that might be in the area or something), because now there are quests and stories I'm not going to experience through play--I can only read the guide to imagine what it would have been like to play it. So, I appreciate the sentiments of going in blind, or that Miyazaki feels there is room for improvement, but none of that has value to me after its already too late.
@amwazdraws6890 16 күн бұрын
I only use guides to clean up after completing the game tbh and I did miss a lot in my initial playthough. Used guides tho to get some good stuff like Mimic Tear, because I reached Farum Azula and couldn't get past Godskin Duo
@callmekrautboy 16 күн бұрын
Video Idea: Are there any known technical changes being added in the dlc. Graphics options… widescreen, lod settings, etc When ER first came out there were some stutter/performance issues. I think they scaled back some fidelity, wonder if they added any of that back. Primarily draw distance I think was reduced.
@biggums5 16 күн бұрын
In my opinion not using guides helps encourage replay value by making you want to replay for what you've missed. I'm on my 5th elden ring playthrough and I'm still finding new aspects of certain legacy dungeons.
@alcoyot 15 күн бұрын
I have gotten a lot of enjoyment with guides. But this time I’m not going to at all. I’m gonna come in just like everyone else like I did with AC6. Just figuring strategies that work for me. It’s interesting to see how your strategy/build stacks up against the meta after you beat the game.
@TacticalReaper56 16 күн бұрын
Born a raised when the internet became a more useable source for more information. My first playthough of Darksouls was a perfect Giant dad guide run. From falling perfectly, to the cheesy stuff. I later played a different style. Without that guide, i think i wouldve been too overwhelmed by it. Keep in mind i was like 13-15 at the time of my first playthough. All i knew was overwatch and call of duty then. Guides help the hardcore and new comer.
@fili0938 16 күн бұрын
I heard about the final boss leak and it disappoints me but it does explain something I wasn't certain of.
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