Nonverbal Autism - Learning Speech With Imitation - We Tried Gemiini

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The Wee Family

The Wee Family

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We tried a speech learning program that we always see advertisements for a company called Gemiini (not sponsored). We introduced our girl (diagnosed with autism) to the program a years ago with no interest. This last week, we decided to give it another try. We have heard success stories and no progress stories.
January 11th is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. A tough topic that needs to be addressed in our world. Here is an awesome organization for more information.
Our website:

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@kwaktak 4 жыл бұрын
She will definitely talk. Just keep talking to her so that her receptive communication skills grow. The singing is sort like her instinctively doing physical therapy and maybe her verbal cortex rewiring itself. By the way, she responded negatively to sausage appropriately: “nein nein nein nein!” She may want streusel instead!
@susan7757 4 жыл бұрын
Braylee is smart and will become interested in verbalizing at her own time. Just let her continue to repeat what both of you say. That is what interests her right now.
@deborahfairburn6585 4 жыл бұрын
On a lighter note: I love the way your eyes lit up when you heard the drums, Stacey! Yay! I could hear excitement in your voices. God bless your sweet little family for now, and always.
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
It was such a sweet moment and we were genuinely so excited ❤️
@lissaw4 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for speaking about human trafficking awareness day. I'm a survivor of child sex trafficking. I was finally able to get out and get proper help after being removed by child protective services due to severe abuse. I speak openly about this now as I feel it's important for people to hear and be aware of. Especially with so many misconceptions that prevent people from being seen/heard. David, you mentioned an important point that this isn't just in big cities - it's everywhere, unfortunately. People often think of human trafficking as a "snatch and grab" situation; being manipulated/groomed and pulled into it in big cities; sent to other countries; or that it's always hidden. Unfortunately, it very often can be a parent, family member, neighbor, teacher, a friend or anyone else you would not expect. Human trafficking does not have specific look to it. It's often not hidden away or just sketchy areas/people. It can be happening just next door or with a family/friend you know well. That's partly what makes it so terrifying. That's what makes it so difficult to see and catch. My saving grace during this time was my closest friend and her family. I stayed with them quite a bit and they did everything they could to help me. They knew there was physical and emotional abuse going on but had no idea it was to that extent. They were (and still are) an integral part of my life. They helped show me what healthy, loving adults looked like. Please, if you are someone who needs help reach out. There are many people and organizations who are ready to help. Do not be afraid that you won't be helped just because it may not look like the misconceptions of trafficking. You are valid and worthy of help and support no matter what the situation may look like from the outside. I hope others will take the time to check out resources on outreach and prevention. Remember to love and support those around you as you may silently be their saving grace until they can fully access help. You may not know how severe things are/were until they get out completely, have the proper care and support given to them. This is a terrifying world, but we can all help just by understanding what trafficking is and all the ways it can happen ❤️
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this comment. We are so glad that you got out of that situation and that your friend and their family did what they did to help! I love that they’re still a big part of your life ❤️ You are exactly right though, it can be anyone. The organization that David talked about also very much teaches kids/teens about exploitation and what those signs are and what it may look like so that they can recognize it and the dangerous situations that go along with it, which is also very important! Thank you so much again for sharing this! You are wonderful ❤️
@deborahfairburn6585 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing and educating us. I'm so glad you were able to find help.
@Mack2279 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you so much for sharing. I’m sure it isn’t always the easiest thing to share about. It’s so easy to forget that the stereotypes of these situations aren’t the only ones that exist. Which as you said makes it that much scarier. Again thank you so much for sharing and telling your story. It’s such a great way to educate people and spread awareness.
@savingday 2 жыл бұрын
So delightful to watch Braylee go. She has strong focus in the way she holds her eye gaze. I believe she is a smart little girl.
@mallorygibbons4975 3 жыл бұрын
I know the feeling-it's boring when my daughter isn't home. Lately she's home all the time with the pandemic n school being virtual. Nothing exciting ever happens when she's not home either. Gemini is a communication app, right? I think I heard Asa Maas mention it before. I love how u guys let her explore on her own n go at her own pace n just go based off of what she's doing rather than try to push things on her. I agree u get better results that way n it's easier on them,not so overwhelming. My daughter has eating issues as well. She ate everything under the sun when she was a baby,in pureed form. Pureed meats, vegetables,fruit, even spinach. As she got older n we started seeing signs of what we later learned was autism, she became a super picky eater. I think some was sensory. She didn't like chunks or bits n certain textures like jello or diced peaches gagged her. I had to puree most of her food til she was about 4/4.5, except for snacks like chips,crackers,fruit snacks. She literally only had 5 foods she would eat for about 2 years. Her reaction when u tried to give her the chicken, rice n veggies was pretty identical to how my daughter reacts when presented with new foods. We used to go to feeding clinic but we stopped because I felt like she was being forced n they actually kept trying to feed her after she would vomit, saying she was doing it on purpose. I couldn't subject her to that. It bothered me so badly. I think methods like that are traumatizing n will not only upset them but also cause them to dislike or possibly even react badly to those foods. I do what u guys do-present a little bit in front of her n let her try it on her own if she wants,if not then fine,n if she likes it she can have more. She's definitely not malnourished-I just don't want her to eat junk n snacks all the time. Over time she's increased her preferred foods on her own.
@TheWeeFamily 3 жыл бұрын
We tried some food programs at therapy but it was SO aversive for her and we just decided to let it go for a while. This video is a bit older but she has been more interested and trying different presentations of some of her preferred foods which is a step. She’s much more willing to try some things too which is good so we are just following her lead right now. Braylee is the same, not malnourished and the doctors aren’t worried but we do wish she ate a bit healthier. We will get there. Even some adults are very specific about their foods so I try to keep that in mind as well
@missluciddreams3472 3 жыл бұрын
My youngest has started echoing words back at three...we just keep working with therapists and encouraging him to express himself 💙
@bennysadiku4549 4 жыл бұрын
What a beautiful family! She will talk. Just keep talking to her and trying.
@soul_luv3710 4 жыл бұрын
Oh wow! I haven't been on in forever. My heart smiled when I heard her 'ish' and seeing her move her tongue across her teeth & smile while watching Gemini. B is such a unique beautiful soul, a one of a kind snowflake. I love how Stacy is like I know she can do this 🤗 and how patient you both are allowing her to explore the world on her terms. Y'all are awesome and inspire me each time I watch. I cannot express how much it means to me you bringing up human trafficking. It's the #1 issue with something like 1 person every minute just in the USA. It doesn't discriminate and it's perpetuators hide behind legit organizations like churches and even gov programs like CPS. My heart aches at the SRA these kids endure and the very real prospect they may never be found. Awareness on this is so vital. Everyone thinks it's something that happens to someone else or far away, but the reality is it's in every city and touches us all. Thank you for helping to get the word out bc your right each of us is a human not a commodity.
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
I think being patient but also knowing when to push and encourage her is huge for her being successful at things 😃 It’s something that we didn’t know or think about until a several years ago and it’s something more people should know about. You’re very right, it doesn’t discriminate and happens to all types of people.
@gretchenderfler6382 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Stacey and David. Been a bit and I am binge watching. I just had to tell you Stacey, the look of pure love on your face when B was at the drums on her own, made me cry.
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
I was actually just wondering where you had been and how you were doing ❤️ I love that other people can see it because I don’t realize in the moment. she really is my world.
@laural6981 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome that Braylee is showing more interest in trying to watch and imitate vocalizing, thanks David for the info during coffee with David, very informative and would love to help if I could. Also, what a terrible world we live in that people can be that way to begin with 😔. I so enjoy watching your videos you make your viewers feel included and cared for which helps combat loneliness for people like me lol, as well as provide education 👌🏻👍🏻❤️ I also notice you guys go out of your way to make sure to like or respond to all your comments ( if possible) and that is like out of this world phenomenal because lord knows everyone wants something validating if they comment.. You guys seem so empathetic in nature! haha
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
She is doing a lot vocally right now so we want to just ride the wave while it lasts. She’s made so much progress! It really is awful that it happens. Just hurts the heart 😞 We try our best!! We do read them all and just want people to know we do see and read them (while we can) and appreciate them. We really enjoy getting to know the people who watch and support our family in doing this!
@mallorygibbons4975 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree with u-Braylee absolutely has all the precursors n ability to be fully verbal. I think it's just like when my daughter was little to like u said-the brain knows what it wants to say but getting that message to the mouth is difficult. My daughter was saying 1-3 word phrases at one year old but never progressed any higher than that by age 3. When she was diagnosed at 3, almost 4 by the time our turn on the waiting list came up, she began receiving speech therapy n between that n my husband n I talking to her n engaging her as much as possible n school where she was interacting with her peers, she's talking her little head off now, even reading n spelling. All things are possible with love, patience n determination. My daughter keeps losing teeth left n right also. She's 6 n had lost 6 teeth in as many months. The first bottom 2 in the middle her brother pulled out for her, the 3 to d one she pulled herself, the next one I felt like a bad mom because I have no idea when or how it came out(it was just missing when I went to brush her teeth), the next one she swallowed eating a kinderjoy n the last one came out in a gusher. I'm just like u-I get so excited when she does the little things on her own when she never has before n them staying in a room n playing on their own without running out n in back n forth every few seconds or couple minutes is a huge deal. My daughter used to say very few words n point to things n lead us to things n now she talks her head off. Just keep doing what you're doing n keeping the outlook/attitude that u have n things will work out great. Is that a chuck e cheese pic of u 3 on the fridge? We have the same one with a purple border. Your orange 🐈 is identical to mine. His name is Tiny thanks to my son. I love how u named yours Nemo. I think it's awesome that u spoke about human trafficking awareness n compassion,empathy n respect. This video should have way more likes with the amount of views it has.
@alinamae1506 4 жыл бұрын
I’m 27 and actually fairly recently diagnosed with autism (early 20s) and watching your videos really helps piece together some things I just didn’t understand about my childhood. I’ve always been very verbal but have a hard time understanding and processing “normal” people’s social cues and whatnot. I think it might be cathartic to me to be able to see such an understanding and loving household. I wish my family had known about my autism and autism in general but they were amazing to me nonetheless. Much love to you, Wee Family!
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
I know a handful of women who are more recently diagnosed in their 20s as well. They’ve said that getting a diagnosis has been helpful to recognize and understand things that they did growing up or do now. I can’t imagine how hard it would be growing up and not understanding why certain things are difficult or not having the support. I’m glad to hear that they were amazing to you!! ❤️ we don’t ever want B to feel unloved if we can help it.
@mallorygibbons4975 3 жыл бұрын
I've heard that alot of times autism can present itself differently in girls than in boys so it leads to many autistic girls being undiagnosed/ diagnosed late. Unfortunately, even though it's 2020, many people didn't know much or anything about autism til the later 2000's. I am 36 n I always knew alot for my age n I had never heard anything about autism until I was in my mid or late 20's. That's why education n awareness is so important. People like the Wee family,Maas family, Kaitlyn and Kaidele, Jen @ rebranding autism n Lauren Brazee make that possible.
@shaunalea823 4 жыл бұрын
You guys are doing exactly what you should be for your girl, she will get there one way or another. Human trafficking needs to be talked about more often thankyou for sharing!!!
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, she will get there! We just want to keep exploring to see what works and what doesn’t. Luckily she’s open to trying things with us and tolerates it 😂 We agree!
@kristinwallace6551 4 жыл бұрын
I believe that Braylee will talk when she is ready. I also whole heartedly believe that speaking isn't what signifies ones intelligence. I am pretty new to your channel but I have mentioned before (not that I expect you to remember lol ) I volunteered doing equine therapy with kids on the spectrum. ( I have since recently had to quit due to health issues of my own, but hope to get back at it) I worked with a little boy that had both Autism and speech Apraxia for about a year and a half. When he first started riding he did not speak in sentences. He would say words here and there but that was it. He has steadily made so much progress in speaking. He now speaks to the horse, tells the horse to walk, tells the horse commands, tells the horse about things he sees while riding, about his day etc. When we speak to this kid alone he doesn't respond as well and I think that is due to anxiety about how others will judge him when he speaks due to being bullied at school :( Horses are great therapy because they listen and they don't judge or talk back. I love that Braylee feels a connection with them! Sadly a lot of kids and people are not knowledgeable about these struggles and are quick to judge a kids IQ or intelligence based off of them not speaking. Even professionals do this to some extent when performing diagnostic tests. We live in a world that accepts speech as the primary way to communicate but it really doesn't have to be! There are many ways of communicating and I think that it is really important for people to learn to accept that everyone has their own way of communicating and that is just fine! No one way is better than another. I have Autism and am now an adult. As a kid I did a lot of speech therapy, and equine therapy and even though I speak I still find it hard sometimes to communicate by speaking. I do better writing. Its easier for me to get my thoughts out on paper than by having a conversation because I feel like people can be very judging if you do not think of words fast enough or if you don't look them in the eyes. Anyway just wanted to comment my thoughts on this and that Braylee is extremely intelligent. ( you obviously already know this haha) That is easy and plain to see and I hope that no one ever doubts her because she will go far in life!
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
Speaking definitely isn’t the measure of intelligence! She is so smart as are others who don’t speak or are limited verbally. There are SO many forms of communication and people sometimes assume that speaking is the only one that matters. Many people prefer to write over speaking because it allows them to gather and organize their thoughts better 🙂 She does so well with horses and they are so therapeutic. We have a lot of hope that she will talk. She is getting closer all the time and we are continuing to practice with her!
@bethohara8239 4 жыл бұрын
I know this is super late. If you email them and explain your situation (if you want), geminii will likely give you a discount. And your videos are great. Braylee is too cute!
@jannetpinheiro5602 4 жыл бұрын
Braylee is so adorable! And I love all your pets Nemo and Dory 😍! When I see them in the background I always go awww kitty. And Carlos is just a dog I need in my life.
@terrijohnston7739 4 жыл бұрын
Good afternoon to the Wee family. Thank you for sharing your daily life with us and the life with a daughter with autism. I have learned so much for you all. The love you show for your daughter is so heart warming.
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I am so glad you enjoy and learn from us 🙂 she is so easy to love!
@paulagap2222 2 жыл бұрын
Repeating words it's called echoalia & doesn't guarantee progress in kids with autism, so don't be too disappointed if she doesn't progress quickly. However I love how you trying new stuff to help her with communication & eating and other stuff ! I learned things from you guys !! Also great job your daughter do progress thanks to that you are focus on her & follow her growth to teach her stuff. And it's great that you stay positive, it's great that you show how amazing kids with autism are !!
@TheWeeFamily 2 жыл бұрын
Yep! She has some echolalia but we know she may never fully communicate and that’s okay. A lot of her spoken communication is prompted rather than spontaneous. So we don’t get too discouraged. 🙂
@danachubb571 4 жыл бұрын
I just found your channel, I love it. You share your story In such a beautiful way. I would love to bring you a piece of encouragement for your journey. I am a mother of an autistic son, he was diagnosed at 3 years old in 2012. He didn't speak until he was 4 years old, he only said a few words then. Fast forward to today, he can tell you about his day, about things he likes, and where he is hurt or how he is feeling with little coaching ( a big deal for me). It took a lot of hard work, but it paid off in such a huge way. I encourage you to keep trying, keep coaching her to use her words to communicate ( try having her sing to you what she wants). You are doing an amazing job raising a beautiful and Brilliant little girl. She will grow at her pace, dont let others make u feel like you aren't doing enough. You are enough, you know exactly what she needs. I cant wait to watch her blossom and grow, before you know it she will be doing things you never thought she could do. I hope you have an amazing day!
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
This is such an amazing and encouraging comment. Thank you for sharing that! We would’ve never guessed even a few years ago that she like be here. She is starting to say words and the last year or so has made such great progress. ❤️ We really appreciate you. Have a great day!
@mallorygibbons4975 3 жыл бұрын
What an awesome story. Your story sounds alot like mine with my daughter except she's only 6 right now n we haven't reached the point where she can tell me about her day or how she's feeling. I hope that will come in time. Thanks for sharing this. So encouraging.
@tiffsaskia401 4 жыл бұрын
My nephew is on a similar level with B, he couldn’t talk but after years of copying what people around him say he can just about fabricate his own sentence and reply to your questions / ask you for something and he’s only 9! There’s always hope 🖤
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
That’s wonderful to hear!! We are definitely making strides in the right direction! There definitely is always hope 😄
@elainewhitelock5347 2 жыл бұрын
I once looked after a young lad with autism who didn't speak and a great help to him was a video of children's songs sung by children and which he became thoroughly enthralled for listening. He is now an Adult and speaks well but his speech began with singing the words of the songs as a child. Just a thought that may be worth trying perhaps. ?
@bh9844 4 жыл бұрын
Good job B playing drums
@tyreesetjjoyner1995 4 жыл бұрын
Very sweet of Braylee for being smart.
@kalibreeze24 4 жыл бұрын
I’m so proud of you B!!! Keep up the great work all three of you! ❤️
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Kali!!
@brendashadley6007 4 жыл бұрын
Human trafficking at it's all time high I'm an Activice for MMIWM full time out of every raise there is native American's going missing more then anyone 225 a day 85% are Native's it has to STOP and I'm personally saying thank you for speaking about this ... My nephew just went missing Dec 24 puff he's 17 finally tracked him down in Vagas just yesterday thank God he was alive not many come bk alive stay Blessed 🖤🌹🖤
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
So glad that your nephew was found! It’s so scary and I can’t imagine what that must’ve felt like.
@brendashadley6007 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheWeeFamily it was it's a feeling I NEVER EVER want to go threw AGAIN .. I post MMIWM daily on my FB lost of people say oh that won't be me or my family 🤔 hmmm so you can look into the future SMH ignorance is bliss ... Stay Blessed 🖤🌹🖤
@mallorygibbons4975 3 жыл бұрын
I've heard that there are many cases of missing Native American women that are unsolved. This is so wrong n sad.
@lissaw4 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if it was intentional, but I really loved and enjoyed your filming and editing style on this video. It truly felt immersive and grabs your attention. I've been noticing your progression with filming and editing the past few months. I hope your able to recognize it as well. It's one of those things where you may not see it immediately because it's a daily thing for you (sort of like weight loss others can often see it more than you do at times). Braylee did such a good job mimicking the general sound of elephant even if she wasn't fully focused! That's a difficult word too.
@lissaw4 4 жыл бұрын
A specific example of the filming and editing style for me would be the shot on the couch when you guys were talking about Braylee playing the drums. Stacey you looked so beautiful and at peace there. You could truly feel how elated, peaceful and amazing it felt to hear/notice that Braylee independently explored and played with the drum set. You could feel that this is a milestone. I hope that is explained ok, and doesn't come off as weird. The filming and editing just felt perfect for that moment and all throughout the video. It was really enjoyable and immersive.
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
It’s not weird at all! David puts a lot of work in and he loves when people notice! I’m the one responding but he reads them all too 🙂 I think it’s great when people recognize or compliment him on why he’s doing! It also helps him to hear what people like so he can expand on those things! So thank you!! ❤️❤️
@AmbyJeans 4 жыл бұрын
It's so inspiring to see how far Braylee has come! She reminds me of my daughter so much, it gives me more hope for her future seeing videos like this 😊
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
When she was younger, it meant so much to see videos/posts of kids like her but a little older to kind of give us that hope. When she was young we couldn’t have pictured where she is now! So definitely keep hope for the future as well!! ❤️❤️
@Emmisullivan14 4 жыл бұрын
I have a lot of faith for Braylee learning to talk. Her progress is amazing.
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
We sure hope so! It comes and goes in phases but every time so far it seems like she gets closer.
@blucklightfoxartinnovation9357 4 жыл бұрын
nice video well done keep the good the wee famliy rock they are good parences
@brendashadley6007 4 жыл бұрын
Braylee girl you said 🐟 Yahoo you are very smart one day it's going to click and you be talking up a storm so so happy stay Blessed 🖤🌹🖤
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
That would sure be wonderful!
@meganeemden 4 жыл бұрын
You may have already tried this, but what really worked with our asd daughter was having her kiss food as a first step. If she kisses it, she gets a preferred food (can be like one m&m or something really small). Next is touch tongue. Every time she does it, she gets a preferred food. Next is take a bite. Again, reward with preferred food. Then you can move up to multiple bites. You do this slowly over a few days and eventually she’ll start eating more different kinds of food. Also, her first step to talking was mimicking us. She now frequently talks in full sentences. So, speech will come. 😀
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
She’s at the point of licking or even putting foods in her mouth but not eating. Just slow and steady. I’m hopeful that she’s in the right direction for becoming verbal. She’s made so much progress
@MsChrryBlssm26 4 жыл бұрын
I love how much you love Braylee 😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭 it warms my heart ❤️ new subscriber ❤️
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
Aw, thank you! She’s our everything ❤️
@sophiemccormick6796 4 жыл бұрын
I am dyslexic I have all the symptoms of dyspraxia and fiddle a lot and sometimes stim
@mallorygibbons4975 3 жыл бұрын
My daughter repeated everything we said for a long time. She still does but now also says things on her own with a lot of speech therapy n school. It will happen eventually in time.
@TheWeeFamily 3 жыл бұрын
She made huge improvements through the year and has had some regression but we know she’s capable and we will just keep working together. 🙂
@sarahp12 4 жыл бұрын
The thumbnail. 😂 Great video like always.
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks!! 🙂
@davedollar4 4 жыл бұрын
Loving B playing the drums.
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
We want to try to get more footage of her playing, she’s just sneaky fast!
@baileybullins3862 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheWeeFamily that cat is so funny my cat is like she is in the the bad 2 age but I don't know how old she is
@Dragonlove3 4 жыл бұрын
@NinaS___ 4 жыл бұрын
Have you tried the AAC app Speak for yourself (SFY)? If not (or anyway), you could check out the mom’s channel, dmgnieder (Dana Nieder). Her daughter is called Maya. She was undiagnosed for years, but later was found to have some genetic condition and also autism. Also the little brother (who don’t have any special needs) used SFY when he was a toddler, before he could talk (clearly). Maya (and several others who use/have used SFY has gained more speech via using the app, as it gives immediate response. (Letting the kid «stim» to explore the words over and over, and not performing as a «say this, say that» prompting is crucial. The Speak for yourself user group on facebook is a good place to get more ideas. Also the website )
@jp911 4 жыл бұрын
So I never realized you could talk to Suri to schedule reminders...omg am I behind the thanks for the the lesson on that David! Boy is Suri going to be busy....:) Can you get Suri to do laundry or anything?
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
All these smart devices (Siri, Alexa, google etc) have so many more functions than we even realize 😂 I wish they did laundry or dishes!
@WaiterSTORIES 4 жыл бұрын
When Braylee opened something, the sound that she make i heard over and oven: what is it? What is it?? Please go back to this video I have a feeling that she might swing more words just with sounds.
@staceyruwoldt9158 4 жыл бұрын
Gemini is a wonderful idea best invention ever created! :)💗 I just wondered does Abbie have the same condition, cos Abbie's never come close to saying a verbal word, only noises that sound like one, and she's Non- verbal too. So was just curious if Abbie Maass has got the same condition as Brayle or is it just similar? ❤💙💜 xo
@catietommo 4 жыл бұрын
Stacey Ruwoldt they’ve never mentioned dyspraxia, so I’m assuming no.
@amybudafulldisaster3646 4 жыл бұрын
Oh it seems like she was really interested I hope it works but maybe if not now then in a few mos... who knows 💟
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
Yep! No worries about it, just wanted to check as she’s been more interested in mouths and imitation. Maybe!
@karenthomas7342 4 жыл бұрын
I think she will 🙂
@Kaichannel612 4 жыл бұрын
Reaction to catnip is genetic. If your kitty doesn’t respond to catnip you could try Silvervine. It has a similar affect on cats and often works with cats who don’t respond to catnip. 😊
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
That’s so interesting! Will have to look into this 🙂
@Kaichannel612 4 жыл бұрын
@winter7186 4 жыл бұрын
7 day trial isn't very long for people to decide if it's working for them. They should give people, like, 30 days.
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed! It’s also very expensive software.
@ElizabethHernandez-hw6zu 4 жыл бұрын
Omg Nemo is the same as my Ms. Boo Kitty.😉
@deborahfairburn6585 4 жыл бұрын
Sex or sexual abuse and molestation were never discussed when I was a child. It was kept behind closed doors. Mine began at the age of three, with a door to door salesman who sexually abused me once when I was home alone (I was only alone for about 10 minutes.) Just a few years later, there were three of my family members who sexually molested me for a few years, and then my father sexually abused me for three years. My sister was also included in these travesties. We reached out to our mom to no avail, she said that's just what happens between father and daughters. ugh! This is why getting it out in the open is so very important. Protecting the children who need protecting can not be stressed enough. If these organizations were around back then, we would have been placed in other homes and our parents arrested. My family was constantly on the move, from city to city, and State to State. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized my parents moved us so often because they were being looked into by the schools that had teachers who noted certain signs of abuse, such as us not making eye contact, wearing only two changes of clothes, not getting medical, dental, or eye care after they had notified the parents of the need for care. I am grateful to have come out of such a situation and to get the help I needed as an adult. We were never trafficked, and for that I am grateful. What a different world we live in today, thank God for more awareness and action taking place. Thank you so, so, so much for being brave enough, and loving enough to share this information. I went to the site suggested, and will read it all when I'm able to without tears of injustice flooding my soul.
@joannacouncil3875 4 жыл бұрын
God bless you
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
I am so so sorry that happened to you, and the fact that it happens to anyone breaks my heart. The organization David shared helps teach kids about exploitation as well which I think is great because it’s more than just trafficking, it’s teaching them what signs are of exploitation so they can know what’s wrong and stay safe. Unfortunately, I’m some cases the people who are supposed to keep children safe are the ones doing wrong by them. 😞 Thank you for sharing your story. We are so glad that you have come out the other side are are able to speak about it ❤️❤️
@deborahfairburn6585 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheWeeFamily We are helping make the world a better, safer place by helping others learn from our experiences. You both are so good about sharing your lives and Braylee's. Thank you for sharing! You bring light into others (and my) lives. Education is powerful.
@deborahfairburn6585 4 жыл бұрын
@@joannacouncil3875 He has, He does, and He will! :) Thank you, and God bless you as well. He is the One who brought me through it all and led me to people who could love, counsel, and educate me.
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
@ElizabethHernandez-hw6zu 4 жыл бұрын
You could try boiled, skinless chicken breasts. Finely finely minced and mix in with her mac and cheese. Just a thought. 💙🤟🧩
@siobhan9197 4 жыл бұрын
She might talk, she might not. Even if she doesn't, hopefully she can use her device to communicate. I'm verbal, but I haven't always been able to communicate verbally because I couldn't "find the words" or something like that. And writing kinda gives me more of a voice than my own voice does, especially when I'm having a hard time saying something or articulating.
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely. We will try all types of communication. I’ve heard other people that struggle that way also, finding the right words even if they’re verbal or being able to write better than speak.
@siobhan9197 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheWeeFamily yeah! I hope gemini works for y'all!
@JuvieJones 4 жыл бұрын
Do y'all do any kinda sign language or anything wit her??
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
We have tried it and she hasn’t taken to it much, we do still try on occasion. She’s focused more right now on vocal language and using her AAC.
@siobhan9197 4 жыл бұрын
When I hear about stories like human trafficking, I get mad because I'm always like "how can you do something like that to someone?" I guess things like sexual abuse, rape, and etc. Sorry if this is triggering to anyone.
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it’s hard to even try to comprehend why anyone would do those things.
@stefanimerritt1185 4 жыл бұрын
That's my ella with food....
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
It’s so common and definitely a big challenge sometimes.
@walther7147 4 жыл бұрын
What acute thing
@jrn3342 4 жыл бұрын
Check out forbrain auditory feedback headphones, I finally ordered them from Amazon after almost 2 years of thinking about it. We actually receive them tomorrow. My son just turned 9 and has severe speech issues. They may be better as she gets a little older that’s part of the reason I held off on getting them.
@TheWeeFamily 4 жыл бұрын
That’s really interesting. We haven’t heard of that before.
@issacherry8598 4 жыл бұрын
The super loud music over her sitting is unnecessary an too loud my goodness
@misskeya8412 4 жыл бұрын
ISSA CHERRY It’s because what she was watching was copyrighted
@issacherry8598 4 жыл бұрын
You put unnecessary things in your videos love your family but blogging an editing needs more structure
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