Sovereignty at Stake: A documentary on the South China Sea dispute

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2 ай бұрын

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"Sovereignty at Stake" is a groundbreaking CGTN documentary that explores the complexities of the South China Sea issue, addressing global inquiries on this contentious topic. Through individual narratives and authoritative interviews, the documentary offers valuable insights into the historical background, legal principles and geopolitical dynamics.
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@jbario 2 ай бұрын
Follow the international law.,Respect the international law,,Save the Coral environment..
@wchengvision Ай бұрын
China ratified the UNCLOS with an exclusion clause (Article 298 in UNCLOS), that historical territorial claims before the UNCLOS (to be exact, "territorial sovereignty and maritime boundary delimitation") are beyond the range that UNCLOS can rule. This is the real international law.
@yang5159 Ай бұрын
Do you follow international law. China alrwady claimed scs before international laws😂
@jbario Ай бұрын
@@yang5159 you imagine China claim Nine dash line to International Law UNCLOS,,what happen many countries No favor in China..,every country have historical Story not Only in China but other Country too.,Need follow the international law decision for peacefully.
@Bugelaa Ай бұрын
The US of America want other countries to obey UNCLOS but US itself doesn't accept and is not doesn't want to be part of UNCLOS. The US didn't even signed it. The double standard huh, Philippine pawn
@LowCap_Trader143 Ай бұрын
@@yang5159 following your logic, then Mongolia has the right to claim China, and if some people would come out and claim that they were Romans then they would have the right to claim the former territories of Roman Empire🤣🤣
@drexxsuma1749 2 ай бұрын
Evil will never prevail
@appledapple6802 2 ай бұрын
And who is the evil? Might i ask?
@teammaglulupa6186 2 ай бұрын
@@appledapple6802 china ..
@appledapple6802 2 ай бұрын
@@teammaglulupa6186 exactly!
@garrycoleman8537 2 ай бұрын
The US invading war against the Philippines in the Philippines is Evil!! Stop interference by foreign countries, let Asian countries come to agreement!
@ferrylv5125 2 ай бұрын
Correct evil, not win ... international community is watching.., and china must stop for wrongdoing ,especially their damaging the coral in Philippines water in our own EEZ..
@violetsha2087 2 ай бұрын
The Philippines will only say that what is closer to it belongs to it.
@bilibili833 2 ай бұрын
If you look at it from the earth, the Philippines is also very close to China, so?
@ferrylv5125 Ай бұрын
How come is very close to china , from Hainan province less than 2000 miles compared to 200 miles?
@user-gl9zd6on6i Ай бұрын
@@bilibili833 HUH??? WHAT COUNTRY ARE YOU?
@doctorycn5148 2 ай бұрын
The territorial sea is not an accessory of the territory. China took back the South China Sea from the Japanese in the post-World War II order.
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
Wrong! took back is a wrong word China never occupied Spratly nor stationed any troops before WWII.
@nicojohncervano7690 2 ай бұрын
@@greatzaliv993 Hello there again, I see you. The Spratly islands was actually under the jurisdiction of Taiwan-Republic of China during WW2. Japan relinquished those islands in the Treaty of San Francisco, where Vietnam also claimed it. The PH was not present in the Treaty of San Francisco. You lost your argument with me in the other comment. Now I'm giving you a 2nd chance to face off with me.
@gilbro8889 Ай бұрын
Ancient Philippines first use boat to navigate sout china sea becoz it is archipelagic country china is not. Ancient China only focus mainland near yellow river not coastline.
@greatzaliv993 Ай бұрын
@@nicojohncervano7690 So I thought China has historical claim to the Spratly dated back in some dynasty? So why now again change with Taiwan jurisdiction? Surprisingly it was never mentioned in the video. By the way lost for what?
@greatzaliv993 Ай бұрын
@@nicojohncervano7690 If your going to read all the comments I scrutinize the video and give comments each section.
@vhong68 Ай бұрын
Exactly. Philippines claims it 200 nautical miles which is under the EEZ and UNCLOS Ruling
@tsongtahong7257 Ай бұрын
if dare speak of ancient times.. then Tibet thus stayed as Tibet
@good_man4083 2 ай бұрын
Americans kade the international law for US law 😂😂😂
@jotape420 2 ай бұрын
@jeffreyINAus 2 ай бұрын
It is called The SOUTH CHINA SEA
2 ай бұрын
We have country called Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
@luxx8251 Ай бұрын
not all there is a south China sea,It's Philippines adjucent is west Philippine Sea we only want 200 naughtical miles from our soil, even though not all is a South China Sea! 💪
@jeffreyINAus Ай бұрын
@@luxx8251Hi ,Dude. The huangyan island was found by chinese people 200 B.C. and Filippino was founded in 1946.During Duterte government, the chinese government allowed Filipino fishermen to catch fish near huangyan island. However, your current president Marcos violated the common rules.
@gilbro8889 Ай бұрын
@luxx8251 Wrong.Ancient Philippines first use boat to navigate sout china sea becoz it is archipelagic country china is not. Ancient China only focus mainland near yellow river not coastline.
@jhierold Ай бұрын
@@jeffreyINAusPresident Marcos never violated any agreement, it’s all your delusion! China is the one who’s violating Filipinos own territory! You are all living in the past! New world has it’s law! You are stuck in your history book!
@user-bd7oq3yx2k 2 ай бұрын
Treaty of Peace Between the United States and Spain; December 10, 1898 Article III. Spain cedes to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippine Islands, and comprehending the islands lying within the following line: A line running from west to east along or near the twentieth parallel of north latitude, and through the middle of the navigable channel of Bachi, from the one hundred and eighteenth (118th) to the one hundred and twenty-seventh (127th) degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich, thence along the one hundred and twenty seventh (127th) degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich to the parallel of four degrees and forty five minutes (4°45') north latitude, thence along the parallel of four degrees and forty five minutes (4°45') north latitude to its intersection with the meridian of longitude one hundred and nineteen degrees and thirty five minutes (119°35') east of Greenwich, thence along the meridian of longitude one hundred and nineteen degrees and thirty five minutes (119°35') east of Greenwich to the parallel of latitude seven degrees and forty minutes (7°40') north, thence along the parallel of latitude of seven degrees and forty minutes (7°40') north to its intersection with the one hundred and sixteenth (116th) degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich, thence by a direct line to the intersection of the tenth (10th) degree parallel of north latitude with the one hundred and eighteenth (118th) degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich, and thence along the one hundred and eighteenth (118th) degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich to the point of beginning.The United States will pay to Spain the sum of twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) within three months after the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty.
@user-bd7oq3yx2k 2 ай бұрын
The Nansha Islands are obviously not within Philippine territory
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
A real proof that West Philippine Sea legally belong to the Philippines.
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
Succeedingly there was a Treaty of Washington in order to include those other features outside of the above (Treaty of Paris) reference line
@nicojohncervano7690 2 ай бұрын
​@@greatzaliv993 Treaty of Washington never mentioned Spratly Islands. Japan conquered the Spratly Islands in 1938 when the PH was still a US colony, but the US never retaliated against Japan in 1938.
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
@@nicojohncervano7690 No upon discovering that there's still features outside the reference line of Treaty of Paris, the US paid again the Spain in order to include those feature in the Philippine Archipelago.
@lisakong8651 Ай бұрын
'even the panda has its patience & limits'......well said
@ammegs778 Ай бұрын
even panda , they ate it....panda claws soup.
@maharlikacreative887 23 күн бұрын
Your not alone in this world, life is so short to be selfish
@erwinspiritful Ай бұрын
Like what you said, Historical. It's already history. Done. Not the present. There are already laws that the whole world is following and respecting. Even China has agreed to the same.
@rainiercornejo333 2 ай бұрын
Dont allow u.s. to interfer on this region,its all about china and asean,dont allow u.s. freedom of navigation op.its only u.s. strategic tactics to maintain hegemony
@legpol Ай бұрын
@achilles2029 2 күн бұрын
Why you China so gullible and greedy sans common sense?
@matiasazali7793 2 ай бұрын
I want to be part of Community South China Sea
@ronaldwang9838 Ай бұрын
美国在统治菲律宾时期,由美西与美英三个双边条约确定了菲律宾领土界限,即1898年美国与西班牙签订的《巴黎和平协议》,1900年《美西关于菲律宾外围岛屿割让的条约》,1930年美 国与英国缔结的《关于划定英属北婆罗洲与美属菲律宾之间的边界条约》。中国南沙群岛及黄岩岛均不在条约规定的菲律宾领土范围之内。1933年,在法国侵占中国南沙群岛“九小岛事件”中, 美国国务院明确宣布:“既不考虑该群岛为菲律宾之领海,复以该问题无关菲律宾之利益。”1961年,在美国出版的《哥伦比亚平科特世界地名辞典》中,对“南沙群岛”条目的表述是:“南中国海的中国属地,为广东省的一部分。”   对于南海诸岛属于中国这一点,菲律宾其实也心知肚明。1946年菲律宾独立后,其国内法和与其他国家缔结的有关条约,都认可美西和美英三个国际条约的法律效力。菲律宾官方地图 是明确将南沙岛礁划在中国版图内的。菲律宾总统府地图勘测委员会1964年初版和1970年再版的《菲律宾地图》中,南沙岛礁都被标注在菲律宾领土范围之外。由此可以肯定,20世纪70年代菲律宾窃占中国南沙部分岛礁,既违背其认可的国际条约,也违背其自己订立的国内法,是对中国主权的侵犯。
@allanbanes9665 Ай бұрын
They said they owned it since ancient times😅😅😅 but their ancient maps shows that their southern most territory is hainan island. Including their 1947 constitution it also says hainan island is their most southern territory. How you can own a territorial sea if you dont have a reference natural island above waters during high tide. Claiming a territory based in your fantasy 9 or 10 dash line without coordinates is purely greediness.
@RechtmanDon 2 ай бұрын
Philippines, still an expendable people according to the U.S. Remember the Philippine-American War--1899-1902, with continued fighting until February, 1914, two months prior to WWI? The U.S. gov't faked an attack by Philippine Muslims to justify its invasion and the subsequent deaths of more than one million Filipinos. Do you really think the U.S. has your best interests at heart? As usual, to find the truth, just follow the money: the new Marcos can also be bought out and has no hesitation about sacrificing the Island's inhabitants.
@dionemontepio5439 Ай бұрын
This is kind of propaganda which I don't like a communist style
@RechtmanDon Ай бұрын
@@dionemontepio5439 Yeah, I know, facts can sometimes be perceived as "anti-American."
@kokoon2530 2 ай бұрын
Dear CGTN. The Chinese empire power stretch over a large area from current Chinese territory to South East Asia long time ago as in school history text books. In this documentary there has been some detail island map records possible dated back as far as 1600 years ago. I wonder if CGTN could make a documentary on global warming and rising sea level with these detail old map. I wonder how many island went underwater or possibly became other countries territory, just like the story of Okinawa. Thanks
@johnchristopherdelegero1728 2 ай бұрын
Countries are formed due to historical claims. Weather and climate is not a country. Two different thing don't share the same logic.
@kokoon2530 2 ай бұрын
@@johnchristopherdelegero1728 hey pare, gising! gumising? What are you talking about? I just wanna know how much geography changes due to climate change since the Chinese have such detail map possibly dated 1600 years ago. I am not interested on the president asong amerikano. Philippines do not own any records at all. If there is a asong fight, just do it. I don't care.
@kokoon2530 2 ай бұрын
@@johnchristopherdelegero1728 pare gumising?i am not interested on Pinoy away ng aso. I am referring to detail historical island map that could show some indicator on geographic changes and sea water rising of 1600 years ago and now. We all know the Chinese occupied South China Sea from school text book dated 1600 years ago. Their wooden boat is bigger than titanic. Philippines have not own any map showing anything and historical don't have any boat that is big enough to sail there,
@ammegs778 Ай бұрын
​​@@kokoon2530 dont talk if ure not sure!
@kokoon2530 Ай бұрын
@@ammegs778 little granddaughters. I suggest you do your study. Its all in archive, many in London before WW2. Many in US after WW2. Many more documents in China, Malaysia, Indonesia and some other countries. Many in older books as well. The Chinese wood vessel is bigger than Titanic. When the Chinese start sail we are still in our small skiff. Chinese armada in early 14 century commanding almost 28,000 men and comprised 300++ ships. Lastly young lady I wishes you happy time and please don't entangle in all these fake news the western media feeding you. That includes recent Philippines news media. The president is like father like son.
@Garidelcia Ай бұрын
Bring your evidence in Court period.
@bookiankhoo8786 2 ай бұрын
China occupying uninhabited islands compared to USA taking over occupied islands like Okinawa Guam Palau bikini eniwetok Diego Marcia Hawaiian islands
@viral_videos0314 2 ай бұрын
So Tibet is unoccupied land aswell?
@bookiankhoo8786 Ай бұрын
@@viral_videos0314 Syria Afghanistan Iraq is occupied Land not islands. Tibet is inherited from Qing dynasty when the Manchus ruled China. Tibet was a feudal monarchy where all land belonged to king. Now Tibetans can own private property.
@echoeorti6314 Ай бұрын
Yeah thats why, but china is really really know that philippines is very near in that place ayungin shoal. China always take advantage to other they really dirty in taking advantage interms of mineral. Look when the chinese fisherman cross the boarder in the sea specially in Australia etc. they are not hesitate to attack them. But in the philippines chinese fishermen can pass or they are foist that's whey the abusive.
@marudesugaming5686 Ай бұрын
Rule based order was established for national security. Simple, follow that.
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
25:49 Look at the mark on the upper right corner, that is an official seal means its an official map.
@markcabahug3293 Ай бұрын
stupid anything can be reproduced why not use one for your brain.
@wchengvision Ай бұрын
A map drawn by a western missionary in the Colonial Age. It was not an official map of Philippines supporting its claim, because the sovereignty of Philippines wasn't even in the hands of (nor defined by) its own people by then.
@greatzaliv993 Ай бұрын
@@wchengvision Unfortunately that map was one of the strong evidence of Philippines in the arbitration. China of course will not accept it as usual.
@wchengvision Ай бұрын
@@greatzaliv993 That was a map by a western missionary when the sovereignty of Philippines wasn't in the hands of its own people. You don't seem to understand what "arbitration" means - it is only valid when two sides agree to resolve an issue through an arbitration. China ratified the UNCLOS with an exclusion clause (Article 298 in UNCLOS), that "territorial sovereignty and maritime boundary delimitation" are beyond the range that UNCLOS can rule. This is the real international law.
@klkoo3137 2 ай бұрын
China must come out with more of this to set this matter straight and clear. No amount of disinformation and nuisance from other countries can prevent China's territorial and sovereign rights.
@tatasfarm.8479 Ай бұрын
Manila has been recorded in your annals. Therefore its also a china territory.
@user-gl9zd6on6i Ай бұрын
@ronaldwang9838 Ай бұрын
将南海诸岛标注为中国领土的其他国家出版的地图   1954、1961和1970年联邦德国出版的《世界大地图集》;   1954至1967年苏联出版的《世界地图集》;   1957年罗马尼亚出版的《世界地理图集》;   1957年英国出版的《牛津澳大利亚地图集》、《菲利普地图集》和1958年出版《大英百科全书地图集》;   1960年越南人民军总参地图处编绘的《世界地图》;   1968年民主德国出版的《哈克世界大地图集》;   1968年英国出版的《每日电讯世界地图集》;   1968、1969年版,法国出版的《拉罗斯地图集》;   1968年法国国家地理研究所出版的《世界普通地图》;   1972年越南总理府测量和绘图局印制的《世界地图集》;   1973年日本平凡社出版的《中国地图集》。
@ramongabutina8015 Ай бұрын
Peace for centuries enjoyed by world maritime traveller in the international waters of South China Sea was broken when China on its own w/o consultation claim SCS w its dash line which included parts of the Exclusive Economic Zones ( EEZs) of the Philippines,Vietnam, Indonesia,Malaysia & Brunei. EEZs are mandated by worldwide-recognized & observed UNCLOS which give signatory countries as having sole jue risdiction & domain over their EEZs.China agreed to this as signatory to UNCLOS...Its best China appeal & present to the UN Arbitral Court which invalidated its claim & present its historical evidences so as to peacefully & legally settle the issue.
@SuperDarknyt26 Ай бұрын
Philippine is a maritime nation the sea is our main highway you cannot own the whole sea its very greedy nation it keeps expanding
@starmix77gamer Ай бұрын
Calling China to respect international law get out to Philippine territories. Your claim is no basis at all
@banaterist Ай бұрын
It should be called ASEAN sea
@timawa22 Ай бұрын
China love to use the word "Ancient" like 7000yrs ago🤣🤣🤣
@christianmasculino4895 Ай бұрын
LIE. Bring your evidence to international court.
@gilbro8889 Ай бұрын
The Philippines Part of Coral triangle near sout china sea whithout Philippines Corals No fish for China people,China cannot eat good sea foods.All fish from south china sea are raise from Philippines Coral tringle.South china sea have few corals left becoz china destroy some corals by dredging for artificial islands
@nuketv27 Ай бұрын
Lolz its not urs!! Youre claiming everything in the south china sea
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
17:05 It's true about the Northeast and Southwest monsoon, do you even know how rough the sea and how violent the wind of monsoon? As a sailor myself I can clearly say those ancient ship will never survive the high waves even modern ship today having steering/navigation difficulty during monsoon season. Im pretty sure based from my experience they will never reach Spratly Islands alive.
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
5:05 This chart is a Navigation Chart which was used by even modern ship's today and it's not ancient Map.
@SuperDarknyt26 Ай бұрын
They had no ancient maps its only navigation diary hahahaha
@user-zb9pg9rf9b Ай бұрын
Respect international law of wea undwr unclos 200 nautical milesfrim souvereign land
@user-zb9pg9rf9b Ай бұрын
It's a west philippine sea
@jonast4405 2 ай бұрын
A good comprehensive exposure on China claims of soverignity compared to shabby Philippines proximity claims. Even ASEAN does not support PH claims. If you want to blame, blame it on Marcos Senior who didn't make a claim while he was president.
@MikoSoza 2 ай бұрын
Philippine claim are supported by UNCLOS and all countries except China. China is alone in this one even Russia doesn't support your dashline hahaha
@teammaglulupa6186 2 ай бұрын
anyone can claim on somethings ..but is the claim valid?? even america can claim south china sea ... the claim of china is claim of strenght ..bullying smaller country who is the real owner to claim all water.. stop spreeding lies.. china is greedy period.
@bumbayker 2 ай бұрын
Hahaha! That's total bullshit. China has no legitimate or legal claim over the South China Sea. They know they can't present irrefutable evidence to support it and resort to force to control the region. Even Ancient Chinese maps show their southmost territory is Hainan Island. The 9/10 dash line is pure fabrication by Chiang Kai-shek's cartographer.
@user-gl9zd6on6i Ай бұрын
@user-gl9zd6on6i Ай бұрын
@georgephilis 2 ай бұрын
The world needs more videos like this one. Thanks CGTN, good job.
@johnjoelfajutag822 Ай бұрын
Crap propaganda by CCP.. all but lies
@ronaldwang9838 Ай бұрын
@Garidelcia Ай бұрын
China must follow the International Law the International Order like what Philippines did, No one is above the Law. If China have claims in West Philippines Sea bring it in Court. It is right and proper way rather than provoking and spreading fake news and false narrative to social media..
@Garidelcia Ай бұрын
China wants to block the entire South China Sea so that other cargo vessels from other countries will not pass by to the South China Sea without paying to Chinese it's like a toll free you know or it's just like a SuezCanal where all the cargo are oblige to pay
@Garidelcia Ай бұрын
Bring your evidence in the proper court not in Social Media.
@christianmasculino4895 Ай бұрын
Totally agree. If you really respect other countries boundaries and follow international law, bring your evidence to the proper court.
@tatasfarm.8479 Ай бұрын
Therefore philippines is china territory because they can do things illigally in the phillippines. They can simply ask any body now and say that it is china territory then you should agree. Two choices is given a. Yes i agree B. No i agree.
@user-zb9pg9rf9b Ай бұрын
Qrespect international law of sea not just China in this country have more countries lies in that sea
@risingflagtv409 2 ай бұрын
China is an Agricultural Nation, they have been dealing with the North, Empress Dowager closes China to the world. It is the Filipino whose seafaring in ancient times, Listen to the language of People of Madagascar, Indonesia and Malaysia, People of the pacific they are Austronesian speaking race not mandarin speaking or its variant. stop spreading lies
@greatzaliv993 Ай бұрын
One of the dynasty of China invading Vietnam had been defeated by Vietnamese. Chinese were never a sailor in ancient time.
@risingflagtv409 Ай бұрын
@@greatzaliv993 Yes, Chams and Iranons were close and friendly seafarers just like now.
@jaysusbriz5695 Ай бұрын
This means war
@thndrngest 2 ай бұрын
Very good report. It all boils down to is that once the u s war regime is removed, then China and the Philippines can work out a realistic and practical solution to this issue. Marcos jr. is too weak and no good for the well-being of the Philippines, he should step down wittily before the u s harms his life.
@appledapple6802 2 ай бұрын
You are up for a disappointment honey, you’re talking about how you want things to happen not how it is happening at this present moment. Just dont be too hard yourself when reality hits you , okay?!
@walkingmanyoutubechannel 2 ай бұрын
Your just punny puppet by the CHinese goverment a blatant traitor to your Countrymen The Philippines you served only once master Xi Xinping
@khaelavellano1966 Ай бұрын
It's good to have more friends with like- minded countries PH, Vietnam, Japan, India, Indonesia South Korea, European Union, Australia and USA vs. loner PRC. 😢
@user-gl9zd6on6i Ай бұрын
@chrislee5685 Ай бұрын
Not gonna happen. Everyone know politician especially those that put their money on US like Marcos Jr. will never care they got too much confidence in US supremacy.
@taurus1246 Ай бұрын
Just learn to respect other nations territory that is all about
@paraboygamer Ай бұрын
Will the people of the Philippines not afraid to died to fight what is our the claim china is overlapping other area belongs to the fisherman in the Philippines other countries 🙄
@kaytiimanmir4106 Ай бұрын
they feel so entitled living in this planet that they feel they owned everything. maybe they inherited the earth from the dinasours and owned the planet since ancient times and with their nine dash line maybe they can also claim the mars and the moon. and remember it is indisputable😂😂
@Ai-vq8rj Ай бұрын
@Ricardo-lb4so Ай бұрын
Uti possidetis is the principle of international law that should be invoked here. I see china has a strong case in regards to sovereignity over paracel islands. However as for spratly shoals there's the problem of phillipino de facto occupation with that shipwrecked. President marcos behaves as if his country was an U.S. proxy. The model for resolution here isn't alegal one but a d facto model I' m afraid
@Makusogak Ай бұрын
This is a lie, it's a huge PROPAGANDA!!!!!!!!
@darrell4982 Ай бұрын
So where is your critical analysis sharing facts and data to support your statement. Anyone can say what you say easily but make a valid case! Make an argument which counters this video with facts, historical and legal……bet you can’t!
@user-zb9pg9rf9b Ай бұрын
Follow international law earth is not yours its in our God father
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
11:20 China's Constitution stated that Hainan Island is the Southern most territory? The it was change to Paracel?
@pgibiagirianjoseph3256 Ай бұрын
There is already an international law. UNCLOS ruled that claim of historic rights to resources in areas falling within this invisible demarcation "had no basis in law and is without legal effect". Respect the law and fisherman's rights.
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
26:17 China choose not to participate and insisted a bilateral talks, then after the ruling you will say it strange? You should participate and bring all your historical documents, the genglubu maybe Tribunal will be in your favor.
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 2 ай бұрын
Why must the owner arbitrate???
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
@@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi It's because of the so called 9 dash line 10 11 12 13 or whatever, and nothing was resolve in the bilateral talks. Arbitration is a proper and professional way.
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 2 ай бұрын
@@greatzaliv993 nothing happened in the bilateral talk is because Philippines wanted to challenge China's sovereignty instead of negotiating permission to use their eez inside china territory.
@khaelavellano1966 Ай бұрын
​@@LeeSkJohn-sv8wiNO SINGLE country recognized and supports your delusional historical claims! Even Russia and North Korea. Greedy and shameless Chinese! Yuck!
@nelsonlopez9971 Ай бұрын
Back off stop illegal activities on illegally claimed Territories respect your neighbor's and respect international laws peace be with you.
@jan3019 Ай бұрын
you can have all the South China Sea buy don't go over our 200 nautical miles EEZ
@vonedwardgranel6391 Ай бұрын
It is not a claim by the Philippines because the cojrt ruling is firm that that part of west philippines sea is within the eez of the Philippines. Accept it
west philipine sea💪 dont be fool
@timawa22 Ай бұрын
Patawa china🤣 sige nga try nyo kami kasuhan sa international, tignan natin kung kaya nyo kami talunin on legal basis, total madami naman kayo evidence diba?🤣
@Markus09062 2 ай бұрын
Top notch Ccp propaganda just pure bullshit and lies😂
@darrell4982 Ай бұрын
Wow, a comprehensive and intelligent analysis.
@gilbro8889 Ай бұрын
Ancient Philippines first use boat to navigate sout china sea becoz it is archipelagic country china is not. Ancient China only focus mainland near yellow river not coastline.
@nelsonlopez9971 Ай бұрын
Absolutely right. Nevermind that master of black propaganda and false narratives
@jbario Ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂respect the international law CHINA,,
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
7:22 Is this the ancient Map? So during ancient time they have already surveyed the depth of water? There are depth contour on the map.
@appledapple6802 2 ай бұрын
Be careful brother they'll go ballistic with that question
@legpol Ай бұрын
@LoneAdventure32 2 ай бұрын
@ericvalencia161 Ай бұрын
Why your propaganda is not working in the free word? It is because of your inconsistencies, you are talking about caring for environment but you destroyed hectars of corals just to build you military base inside Philippine EEZ.
@Makusogak Ай бұрын
It's super bias 😅 one sided documentary 😅
@user-uj5xj6kn2d 2 ай бұрын
China propaganda
@LoneAdventure32 2 ай бұрын
@winniesiapno9483 2 ай бұрын
Pls sir who is the first navigator of that sea we Pilipino called today are the one we ride to our ship called balangay as a warrior at that. Time you Chinese people at that time go with us to make merchant as barter trade because they see that many warrior Pilipino wore and adorn with gold during Mongolian dynasty ming dynasty han dynasty did not conquered the Philippines bec they know that Pilipino people is a true warrior at that time
@itsmechrls 2 ай бұрын
philippine's claim is supported by 300 yrs old ancient map while the chinese commies use the invented 9 dash line map of 1952😂
@appledapple6802 2 ай бұрын
High on fenta or maybe pollutants
@user-gu8qi4me8x 2 ай бұрын
​@@appledapple6802l actually agree with you
@doctorycn5148 2 ай бұрын
At that time, the Philippines was a colony
@user-gu8qi4me8x 2 ай бұрын
@@doctorycn5148 l actually agree with you
@greatzaliv993 Ай бұрын
Don't forget before the invention of 9 dash line they have copied a British Map and translate the English Names into Chinese without checking the actual features in the SCS.
@maharlikacreative887 23 күн бұрын
Your lack evidence pirate being greedy stealer
@thepedronix5318 Ай бұрын
people from the philippine islands use to raid the coast of china during ancient times!
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
13:56 I thought the topic is all about ancient map? 1940s 1992 are ancient map?
@ferrylv5125 Ай бұрын
The Philippines 🇵🇭 has 1734 map , this map is one of the solid evidence that they submit in the arbitration rulling , so that's why the Philippines 🇵🇭 won ,, and china not admitted they lost ... and please, china, don't damage the coral in the Philippines' water..
@greatzaliv993 Ай бұрын
@@ferrylv5125 Now they are saying it's unofficial draw by a Jesuit. While compared to the Genglubot they have as a proof which I find a little funny. A fisherman book??? When does a fisherman book become an official document. Aside from that I don't find the book in the video as old book visually it's not that old.
2 ай бұрын
The UNCLOS arbitration rules do go through the jurisdiction issues and the arbitration did evaluate the jurisdiction in the issues and declined judgement on several issues based on not having jurisdiction. But it also found that it had jurisdiction in several issues that it did make judgement for and these are binding judgements. PRC has signed these rules, it should abide by them, not try to avoid them or break its word. PRC itself decided not to participate in the arbitration because it knows its case is weak. But the UNCLOS rules, that PRC has signed, state clearly that the arbitration can be held regardless, just to prevent countries stopping the process by non participation when they know they have no case.
@doctorycn5148 2 ай бұрын
Yes, China signed it, but this treaty is about the sea, not the territory. The territorial sea is the same as the territory, and the ocean is not a gift from the land.
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 2 ай бұрын
The owner of SCS do not need to arbitrate. It's Philippines that should go proper international court UN ICJ with jurisdiction to deny china historical ownership. Not unclos arbitral tribunal.
@tkh2944 2 ай бұрын
Only silly people would think that a nation that can advance so far & fast economically & technologically would sign away their own sovereign territories like an idiot !😂
2 ай бұрын
@@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi The arbitration considered the issue and made judgements where it mattered and didn't elsewhere where it considered it didn't have jurisdiction. Just because PRC claims something, doesn't make it true.
@unifieddynasty 2 ай бұрын
No, the 2016 arbitration was done by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), a non-UN European court, which was in effect a onesided presentation made by American lawyers paid by the Philippines. The PCA has *zero* jurisdiction pertaining to the UN. The UN has made no ruling on the South China Sea.
@Ryanlbris Ай бұрын
Far away from your country 😂😂😂😂propoganda never win
@LoneAdventure32 2 ай бұрын
@maharlikayahudim4454 Ай бұрын
Respect UNCLOS and stop telling lies.....
@wchengvision Ай бұрын
You don't seem to understand what "arbitration" and UNCLOS means - Arbitration is only valid when two sides agree to resolve an issue through an arbitration. China ratified the UNCLOS with an exclusion clause (Article 298 in UNCLOS), that "territorial sovereignty and maritime boundary delimitation" are beyond the range that UNCLOS can rule. This is the real international law.
@SaintMichaelArchangel Ай бұрын
China Miles away from the disputed waters and while the Philippines in the backyard. And no one owns it God owns.
@edgarvalente6425 Ай бұрын
Narrative of a greedy nation.follow international law.respect eez of neigboring country.
@ZiaoXhaio Ай бұрын
It's not the South China Sea; it's the South West Taiwan Sea. Get it right.
@antdavisonNZ Ай бұрын
In the salty deserts of East Turkmenistan (aka Xinjiang), they have found tattooed 6'6" tall men and 6" tall women with red hair and wearing tartan patterned clothes. Some of these ancient mummified people are on public display in a museum in Ürümqi, clearly these are not Han people. Return East Turkmenistan to the Scots
@user-bw6vd3he7f Ай бұрын
what a propaganda of china Philippines government pushing too far the contested water for chinese thousands of miles from them unlike from the Philippines it just about 200 miles The questions is who pushing to far
@luxx8251 Ай бұрын
First of all, It is Philippines sea territory, boundary Of south China Sea, before Spanish Came to Philippines,we call it now the West Philippine Sea, when China grabbed some features there or shall we say trespassed by China, The Philippines brought it to UNCLOS an International body to decide who is has the right China or Philippines, but Philippines emerged as the rightful to own it so please China do not fabricate a story to tell it as yours, stop envading territory like Russia did! 🤧
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
16:34 That's fact you cannot say it's your because your people fish there.
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 2 ай бұрын
That's not the only reason. Google ROC position paper on south china sea. There is detail historical records.
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
@@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi That position paper had been submitted by China to the PCA however ruling was in favor to the Philippines.
@marvinmendoza5116 Ай бұрын
Wow...very entertaining propaganda... respect the international law!.. your imaginative history has no basis on claiming the West Philippines Sea..
@brozeshowbizcentral Ай бұрын
Misleading and Fake Claims!
@LoneAdventure32 2 ай бұрын
Our MAP is 1800s its belongs the West Philippine Sea to the philippine Map. But china invent an map in year 1940s. Shame on your country!
@LoneAdventure32 2 ай бұрын
@mrtalakitok9113 Ай бұрын
😂😂😂 propaganda
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
28:06 Why would Philippines consult ASEAN where 4 ASEAN members also claimed parts of the area.
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 2 ай бұрын
Of course. Philippines unilaterally arbitrate. How about other Asean claimnant???
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
@@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi Do you even know the content of the arbitration and the coverage of UNCLOS?
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 2 ай бұрын
@@greatzaliv993 I know but it's irrelevant as china , Taiwan and Vietnam has historical right in SCS.
@khaelavellano1966 Ай бұрын
@@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi just wait for Vietnam to challenge China's claim thru Arbitration. They are ready for it.
@johnjoelfajutag822 Ай бұрын
Full of lies. This should be ban
@franciscebo4941 2 ай бұрын
😂 China tell your Story to Turtle 🐢 they listened to you why China dont Filed a Case to UNCLOS if the South China Sea is yours 👈😊
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 2 ай бұрын
Why must the owner file a case???
@franciscebo4941 2 ай бұрын
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 🙄 to Proved China's Claim of entire South China Sea if China Water. 😊
@tkh2944 2 ай бұрын
Chi na must file a case to who that Chi na belongs to Chi na ? How idiotic can it get ?💤 All countries in the world must go around filing a case to some kangaroo court that their respective countries belonged to them ? Ludicrous !!
@franciscebo4941 2 ай бұрын
@tkh2944 if China don't ho Believed in China's Claim 🤔🙄🤭
@FilipinoFirst-zl1tx 2 ай бұрын
@@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi Because, according to the owner, his property is being questioned by another owner.
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
Re-uploaded? Still no solid evidence for China's historical claim only pointing to some recent map/chart, a fisherman book and as usual propaganda.
@rougedaug7251 2 ай бұрын
in 1405, almost 100 year before columbus "discovered" america, China's admiral Zheng He sailed throughout the south china sea. to this day ethic Chinese people are represented through out the countries of south east asia. this is well documented and indisbutiable. ignorance is bliss
2 ай бұрын
@@rougedaug7251 So do we give areas to people who first navigated them? Because you would be giving most of world ocean areas to colonial empires, Brits, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands.
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
@@rougedaug7251 7 Voyages of Zheng He never passes the Philippines Islands including the Spratly, there are alot of books, even voyage routes was published in National Geographic Magazine.
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
@@rougedaug7251 Zheng He voyage started from mainland China navigated the now East China Sea pass the Taiwan Strait and proceeded to Vietnam the to the Singapore / Malacca Strait and so on, never pass close to the Philippines. Even a Chinese scholar working Naval of PROC drew these voyages.
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 2 ай бұрын
After ww2 Japan return SCS back to china in the Taipei treaty obligated by postdam and Cairo declaration. They already admitted they took from china during ww2
@MancanHung Ай бұрын
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
13:48 the Philippines protest for that map.
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
Even today Filipinos dominates world shipping compared to Chinese. Everybody knows that Chinese are more on agriculture than being sailor so I hope you can find more concrete evidence to your claim, Genglubu still no any map showing the area as part of China, map shown on the video are Navigation chart not an ancient map.
@keosad8196 2 ай бұрын
Nope. If you are familiar with General Zheng's expedition, they navigated Africa during 1400s (prior to Spanish colonization) and their ships were much more advance compared to European ships during the colonialism era. This is the reason PH has the oldest Chinatown and we do't have Pinoytown in China. Most of PH history before Spanish colonization were written by the Chinese
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
@@keosad8196 Do you even know where is Chinatown in the Philippines? It is located in Manila and during pre-colonial time there's no Manila and it's far south in the island Luzon why would Chinese go there during the ancient time not in the northern part of the Philippines? And of all the Southeast Asian country Filipinos, Indonesians are has no or least resemblance to a Chinese unlike the Vietnamese, Thai and it's neighbors.
@keosad8196 2 ай бұрын
@@greatzaliv993 Based on your comments, You need to learn basic Chinese and Southeast Asian history so we can have a productive conversation. Regarding your inquiriy, Chinese culture has great influence in SEA. Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Chinese cuisine such as wok use, soy sauce, tofu, etc. That's why PH have toyo in adobo, lugaw, batchoy, taho, etc. For resemblance, the color is just the difference. East Asians, American indians, Eskimoes, Inuits and Polynesians came from an ancient Asian ancestor.
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
@@keosad8196 Well real adobo don't have toyo. Not even single Chinese religion dominates the Philippines.
@greatzaliv993 2 ай бұрын
@@keosad8196 I know Philippine history and our race came from Igorot, Indones and Malay and never a Chinese.
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