Star Trek Picard - No More Reviews, I'm Out

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The Critical Drinker

The Critical Drinker

2 жыл бұрын

So I had an interesting revelation when it came to deciding on my next review, and the prospect of watching Picard Season 2 came up - I just don't care about this show anymore. I don't want to watch it, and I don't want to review it. And here's why.

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@colewrld901 2 жыл бұрын
Not even a star trek fan, but I feel bad for all fandoms when their favorite shows and characters are destroyed 😠
@chasehedges6775 2 жыл бұрын
The Book Of Boba Fett: Hello there
@GamingGardeningAndLayingSiege 2 жыл бұрын
@A 🅥 Oh look more SPAM
@stuartemmanuel3735 2 жыл бұрын
Like Disney and Amazon (Rings of POOPwer) add Halo Series too, all in the name of greed.
@andreivaldez2929 2 жыл бұрын
Saw it happen to Star Trek and Star Wars - wasn't a fan but I felt bad for my friends who were. Then they got Halo, a franchise I really cared about. The last few games have been boring story-wise, but they didn't demean the franchise and its characters like the Paramount show has. Shame on the people who've worked on it.
@jedlink136 2 жыл бұрын
I mean... only if you watch it. Which I don't...
@superfly9487 2 жыл бұрын
You summed up my feelings about Star Wars perfectly. Star Wars, Dr. Who, Star Trek and soon LOTR are simply not worth caring about anymore, because if the creators don’t care, why should I?
@willspeakman2461 2 жыл бұрын
I dred the live action avatar show.
@richardthompson6366 2 жыл бұрын
The creators are dead, or have sold their souls.
@csvickers151 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a passionate Star Wars fan and would take legends over the sequels any day it was painful to watch them destroy such a wonderful creation all in the name of diversity. And I’m a mixed raced man.
@mr_indie_fan 2 жыл бұрын
@@richardthompson6366 rip tolkien
@BenDowdy 2 жыл бұрын
These property owners are not, nor will ever be, creators.
@rolandnemeth3982 Жыл бұрын
My biggest problem with this review is that it's so true... :( I grew up on Star Trek, It formed my world view a lot, and to the better. - I do think I am a better person, because of Star Trek. I learned German and English watching Star Trek. - Today I make my living with the above two languages, all thanks to Star Trek. Now, that I am 20-25 years older, my heart is so heavy seeing how greed and politics ruined all this. It ruined the setting, the characters, and my heart.
@evabodnar8568 Жыл бұрын
If you learned English from these shows, then you learned well.
@cshubs 8 ай бұрын
I wanted to be Spock.
@gw5859 Жыл бұрын
Gene Roddenberry was a WW2 military veteran and combat pilot. He also worked for the LAPD before becoming a producer. It was that knowledge and experience that allowed him to visualize and create a futuristic military federation and that gave his characters goals, logic, emotions, and empathy while maintaining strict, professional standards. Today's writers and producers are man-babies with no experience in complex and professional relationships and situations. Their stories are just pathetic attempts to play grown-up, mired in selfishness, angst, and fake drama.
@williammcdonough6342 Жыл бұрын
Very well said. I absolutely agree.
@johnstrawb3521 Жыл бұрын
@G W If I needed a single supporting piece of evidence for your astute comment, I'd point to the respective bridges of the original series, and STD. Roddenberry drew on naval architecture to arrive at a compact, simple, superb but also a futuristic configuration. Meanwhile STD came up with a completely preposterous arrangement so distracting and incoherent it would be impossible to use, to operate constructively.
@luizalouyoga Жыл бұрын
Wow. That explains it all. Although I'm sure good writers that aren't afraid of sticking up to the original essence of traditional shows would've done a great job.
@toulamaccrue9906 Жыл бұрын
@ G W I agree. They could have done some really awesome throwbacks to great storylines instead we get this monstrosity. It's like someone went to pitch this series with the intentions of destroying everything. Well it's nice to think of what this series could have been .right? LoL
@toulamaccrue9906 Жыл бұрын
@@luizalouyoga Anything would be better then this. LoL since the series started I was it was going to have the original crew or maybe some characters from all the the Star Trek series' When they introduced Seven and definitely was like ok this is going to be great. Well that's what I get for having high expectations This is absolute rubbish
@Dovah21 2 жыл бұрын
"Cultural Vandalism" describes Bad Robot fairly well at this point.
@axiopoenos3901 2 жыл бұрын
"Cultural vandalism" is the signature culture of a certain people 🤔
@razorfett147 2 жыл бұрын
I honestly didnt mind the newer films. Yea they weren't of the same caliber as the originals, but i didnt get the sense that they were actively trying to tear down ST to fit a new narrative. But the same definitely cannot be said of STD or Picard. God, theyre just awful even from an entertainment standpoint
@JohnDoe-xf2ke 2 жыл бұрын
Who runs Bad Robot?
@CowboyRobot2000 2 жыл бұрын
@@JohnDoe-xf2ke JarJar Abrams, the desperate wanna-be Spielberg and purveyor of dreck.
@naamadossantossilva4736 2 жыл бұрын
@@axiopoenos3901 The one with the small hats?
@BizzCat79 2 жыл бұрын
100% nailed it. It's the hopelessness and nihilism in the current show that is the main problem. Star Trek WAS one of the few pop culture franchises whose canon was humanist and gave us all hope that the best aspects of humanity would prevail. That's all gone now.
@TheMeta141 2 жыл бұрын
Star Trek used to be about rising above the barbaric violence of war and solving problems through understanding and diplomacy, now it's a run of the mill shoot them ,EXPLOSIONS, lens flares.
@Nautilus1972 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Roddenberry's vision has been replaced by woke committee 'writers'.
@marktaylor6553 2 жыл бұрын
The very culture these people are trying to take down is the same one that has provided them all with the very medium they are using to do it. IRONY
@whyjnot420 2 жыл бұрын
Not talking about the op or replies here but it seems to me that half the people who even talk about nihilism these days don't even know what it means, they just know it as a buzzword. Which leads to them looking up the basics of the concept before making something that is supposed to contain it according to the current recipe. Going on to make cookiecutter garbage because they only have the vaguest of ideas of the concepts they are "supposed" to be exploring. In the last year I have been called a nihilist for more stupid reasons than I can remember and in a technical sense I am in a way (though I say I don't think life needs some preordained meaning in order to be fulfilling). But when someone calls you a nihilist and pathological liar for defending the way a scene in a movie feels (and not the events it depicts) you have to ask "do you even know what those terms mean?" (Movie was the Pentagon Wars and I was arguing that the design montage segment of the movie while factually inaccurate is a great depiction of design by committee in general.)
@JustAnArrogantAlien 2 жыл бұрын
The woke activists aren’t about inspiring people with aspirations of a better tomorrow. They are about dividing people with narratives of oppression and bigotry. They hope to eventually inspire a full-on revolution. That is why they have tarnished _Star Trek’s_ optimism. An activist can’t make his audience angry if things are looking good.
@scooto57 2 жыл бұрын
showed this to a workmate who has been watching the season. his response was "he's way to opinionated, he must like it to have watched it. why can't he just enjoy the show theres nothing wrong with it" i asked him what he did over the weekend he said he watched a few movies and started that show. asked what movies he watched he couldn't remember. i think thats what wrong with world, to many people just turn their brain off and pretend that everything is alright.
@TheSuperappelflap 2 жыл бұрын
if they dont turn their brains off, they would get migraines from the cognitive dissonance. just let them enjoy what little they have.
@cedric3973 2 жыл бұрын
I couldn't get more than 3 episodes into it. I tried to hold on in STD but it was terrible and made me even more sour about all the new star trek series
@ember3579 2 жыл бұрын
There is room for dumb mindless fun, but way too many shareholders of creative companies seem to think they can either focus test their way to making their art everything to everyone simultaneously or appeal to the incompetent twitter people and scrape in all the cash in the universe. Reality don't work that way, and they are practically molesting good IPs to find out the hard way.
@noelv1976 Жыл бұрын
I know a guy like that too. He likes everything, including what Disney Marvel/Star Wars puts out.
@juonryu2nd Жыл бұрын
"watched a few movies" is what I say when I actually did something I'd rather not talk about
@maxxcarver1525 2 жыл бұрын
As somebody who grew up watching and loving Star Trek. I just want to thank you for doing reviews on Discovery and Picard! I have not watched a single episode of either of them!! See, your suffering is not in vain. You have saved me countless hours and sadness. I appreciate you
@lexprontera8325 2 жыл бұрын
This is true for me too. Precisely the same. Thank you, Drinker! You are doing noble work!
@nuntana2 Жыл бұрын
Knew what was going to happen but gave Picard 10 minutes anyway. That was enough. Just not interested in seeing icons of the screen being meekly brought down by super strong alpha females and turned into bumbling little kittens. It is typical modern Hollywood garbage, which is being obliged to ruin everything that has gone before in the name of progressive. It will get to the stage where anything made will be unwatchable, lest you are one of those precious (extreme left) flowers that will NOT entertain any opinion but their own. Yuck! Vote with your feet people; if everyone stops buying into and watching this gibberish, they will eventually get the message.
@davidalangay1186 2 жыл бұрын
"A show that once exemplified the highest aspirations of human potential, helping to reassure us that, for all our flaws and struggles, there's still something inherently good and noble about the human spirit, now acts as a dark, depressing mirror for all the worst aspects of whatever passes for modern culture". Farewell, Star Trek. 👋😥
@ahoramazda6864 2 жыл бұрын
But Star Trek has never been such a show. It has always catered to the tastes of the majority. So in the 60s, when people believed in psychics, they became part of the ST. And they didn't get rid of them in the late 80s when psychics were debunked. Now Star Trek caters to racial and sexual minorities, and this is not surprising. Their beliefs, by the way, are also anti-scientific and are just a trend
@davidalangay1186 2 жыл бұрын
@@ahoramazda6864 Remember also Critical stated that, even before NuTrek took flight, there were some gawdawful episodes. Spock's Brain in TOS, pretty much half the 1st seaon of TNG, Move Along Home in DS9, Threshold in Voyager, and so forth. For every one of these episodes, however, there will be many more episodes like Let That Be Your Last Battlefield in TOS, The Drumhead in TNG, In the Pale Moonlight in DS9, and Scorpion on Voyager. I challenge any nuTrek fan to find me a Discovery or Picard or Lower Decks episode that comes close to the quality of storytelling these examples presented, and that was the best Trek once was.
@snake57 2 жыл бұрын
And thanks for all the fish.
@mattstorm6568 2 жыл бұрын
How many of you know of the concept of the boiling frog? Old Star Trek was just as woke and insufferably pushing "the message" as new Star Trek, it was just doing it within the bounds of what it could get away with at the time. You guys may not go as far as the current screeching progressives but make no mistake you were/are 1 step behind them.
@HerculesBallsInc 2 жыл бұрын
@@ahoramazda6864 You remind me of the people complaining that Rowling didn't explain exactly how magick worked in Harry Potter. 'There are psychics and transporters aren't real! OMG!'. It was never intended to be that kind of show and you think your lack of discernment is a critique of it. LOL.
@gorbo3040 2 жыл бұрын
I heard that Gene Roddenberry had a rule that there should never be any serious or unfixable conflicts/fights between the crew. This was because he thought a future, more evolved society would have also advanced emotionally and intellectually, to the point where we're above such petty squabbles.
@CrazyMazapan 2 жыл бұрын
Glad he's not around to watch the shitshow the world has become.
@mattstorm6568 2 жыл бұрын
@@CrazyMazapan You clearly don't know much about the man or his politics.
@scrappydoo7887 2 жыл бұрын
And here we are with more screechers and polarization than ever before. How depressing. I echo the above and say that it's good that Gene isn't around to see the franchise or the real world
@scrappydoo7887 2 жыл бұрын
@@mattstorm6568 that's the point isn't it. Real creators don't dump their politics into their creations
@ryleighs9575 2 жыл бұрын
@@CrazyMazapan He was writing about humanity 300* years from now. Whether or not problems are solved right now doesn't suggest they won't be 300* years from now. Your comment is more just saying "I think current times are bad", but like, we all do... and that's irrelevant to this. Dude, in Star Trek lore, there was a WW3 before they got on the path to the time the shows depict. Seems like we're not off-track in any way.
@anaconda470 Жыл бұрын
I grew up in an alcoholic family in a post-soviet country. Trek and especially TNG provided me with a compass for my adult life that my family and surrounding failed to give me. I'll be always grateful for this. I also feel a bit sad for the young ones. They'll not be able to experience the same joy and wonder I did. This new thing they still keep calling "Star Trek" will fail. Someone sold Roddenberry dreams and sold it very cheap.
@NornIronMan. 2 жыл бұрын
Hit the nail on the head. When my wife asked if I'd like to watch the second season with her I politely declined. It was a shame because I loved Picard in Next Generation he was my Captain Kirk and bringing back Data and some of the other characters could have been awesome but Star Trek is done now. Let's hope a future generation rebels against the current zeitgeist and we get another reboot in 20 years that is worth watching again.
@MundaneGray 2 жыл бұрын
In 2015, David Burge described the process perfectly: 1. Identify a respected institution. 2. Kill it. 3. Gut it. 4. Wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.
@slevinchannel7589 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed. BUT that doesnt meean epic, hilarious Sci-Fi-Shows are extinct. Try (FOR FREE) 'Starship Goldfish' on KZfaq.
@NotTheStinkyCheese 2 жыл бұрын
The Orville ... that is Star Trek with a few immature jokes, but episodes that not only are equal to some of the best in TNG but sometimes even better in their resolution. Especially the episode "About a girl", which unlike the average Trek episode doesn't have a happy ending and it's not treated as never having happened either ...
@robertg6019 2 жыл бұрын
Perfectly describes what happened to Blizzard :(
@Skyhawk1998 2 жыл бұрын
@@NotTheStinkyCheese The first season was not amazing. It was okay, but not fantastic. The show really found its footing in the second season.
@SpiderMan-rt4cd 2 жыл бұрын
he forgot about cracking the bones open to suck the marrow out
@johnkidd1694 2 жыл бұрын
No sarcasm, no joking, thank you “Critical Drinker” for your time and effort. You have done what traditional critics used to do..sit through hours of crap and tell your audience whether the production was worth one’s time and effort. You have saved me a lot of time.
@goldeneddie 2 жыл бұрын
I get why you'd say that but not in this instance, because the whole thrust of this video was about how he DIDN'T sit through hours of this crap in order to reject it. Wasn't that his whole point?
@segsb7085 2 жыл бұрын
@@goldeneddie he did sit through the hours of crap that was the first season so the OP's point is still valid.
@QHyper_Human 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for pointing out that Enterprise was just starting to get really good and then they cancelled it. I have always thought the same thing. There were good and bad episodes in Enterprise and they spent too long on the Xindi and Temporal Cold War arcs, but as the fourth season started, it was getting more interesting. I wanted to see the pre-Federation world and the kinds of stories it would present us. Oh well...
@josepha.r5839 10 ай бұрын
Also thought same for Xindi/Temporal Cold War arcs.
@keearun 2 жыл бұрын
This is exactly why the creators of Back to The Future didn't re-boot the franchise or sell the rights to other producers. They didn't want to destroy something that is a masterpiece.
@jakebeal8095 Жыл бұрын
Give it time
@mrconroy4672 Жыл бұрын
I don’t think that will be safe anymore along with Friday the 13th. Somewhere and someone is planning their move on how to get them to agree to their plans.
@mudemmeonick 9 ай бұрын
You've got only one person to thank for it. Zemeckis himself. Somewhere he said that as long as he's alive BTTF won't have any remakes.
@happyhammer1 2 жыл бұрын
10 years ago I would have been thrilled to hear they were bringing Picard back or that they would be making a prequel show to LotR. Now it illicits the same reaction from me as seeing a commercial about paper towels.
@guilherme5094 2 жыл бұрын
@josephbassey1501 2 жыл бұрын
Paper towels are tight
@ChaosSolak 2 жыл бұрын
Hear, hear. My sister and I loved Picard, Data and Q. But when it comes to this fake Picard sham, my drink is infinitely more interesting and worthy of my consideration.
@twinklepoof7707 2 жыл бұрын
How 'bout them tampon commercials, eh? New STD and some stinky bloody vjj... yeah that's about the reaction it gives me. I'm done with woke Trek.
@captainblood9616 2 жыл бұрын
It makes me want to do what you do with toilet paper
@connerferguson1667 2 жыл бұрын
“I didn’t want to watch a once inspiring world and philosophy rewritten as a clumsy, one sided stand-in for all our current year gripes and insecurities”. Thanks for putting into words the problem I have with so many shows nowadays!
@donmiles4581 2 жыл бұрын
Wasn't that BRILLIANT? The vast majority of streaming exclusive shows that my co-workers RAVE over, are largely just overly gratuitous "contemporary" and trendy entertainment, that you know will be all but forgotten about in a few years! Whereas the five classic Trek series are so brilliantly written and produced (yes, some more than others).....that they are DECADES old, yet STILL have emotional impact. e.g. Deep Space Nine's narratives are almost prophetic of the social climate TODAY. Like a friend of mine said "The five classic Star Trek series always had some contemporary elements from when they were produced. But as a whole, in execution, the writing was always AHEAD of its time. Trek didn't follow trends, it BROKE GROUND by doing was often.....NOT trendy and popular."👍
@Aquascape_Dreaming 2 жыл бұрын
@Henrik Kowalski it's perfectly fair. Nothing you said in your comment counters a single thing in the OP's comment.
@adamkalb1 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah! Just because we live in more cynical times now does not mean they have to drag _Star Trek_ into it just to show how bad things can get in the other direction. Discovery and Picard are so sadistic, hopeless and mean-spirited, I can only describe them as the universe of Bizarro Star Trek! 😱 I mean, why would these modern Hollywood scumbags butcher Star Trek just to show us how bad things are now and push forward a message, instead of teaching us positive lessons on how good things can be like Star Trek originally did? It is depressing as heck when something we once loved for a long time gets reduced into being the exact opposite, and finding unimaginable ways to tear apart the spirit and ideals of Star Trek by going against what made it unique and special. 😢 I do not want the imagination, creativity and intelligence of classic Star Trek to be outlawed anymore just for messages about "being inclusive!" If you have the rights to make new Star Trek content, but you don't want to make the kind of Star Trek shows or movies that long-time fans are used to seeing and take it in another direction, then don't make new Star Trek content! It won't make you any money if people hate it too much to see it. This is exactly like when Butch Hartman and the people who made Fairly Odder, did not want to make Fairly Odder because of how little it tries to preserve the spirit and lore of the Fairly OddParents franchise. April 25, 2022, 12:58am
@CuAnnuvin 2 жыл бұрын
@@adamkalb1 Because they want to Depress us: By Deconstructing our modern icons, they want to destroy all hope.
@charlieknuppowen93 2 жыл бұрын
Star Trek has always mirrored the times. The only thing that changed was you. You're all so obsessed with being against anything you deem as "woke". It's almost funny watching you guys twist yourselves into knots.
@jrrarglblarg9241 2 жыл бұрын
I watched the first season of Picard and wasn’t particularly impressed but wasn’t actually offended. The second season, though… the character continuity errors alone are enough to make me reluctant to finish the season and not bother watching a third at all. It’s one thing for new writers to make new intellectual choices with an old tv franchise, but actually ignoring the original work instead of building from it as a starting point is narcissistic and insulting.
@blackhatentertainmentofficial 2 жыл бұрын
When thinking about Season 1 and Season 2 of Picard, a great man may have put it best when he said, "First as tragedy, then as farce." Critical Drinker, this quite possibly the most astute and well-stated reviews of this sad "floater" in the cesspool of contemporary culture, and I applaud you for your courageous curmudgeonry. You bring honor to the houses of all true Trek fans, Qapla!
@magnificus8581 2 жыл бұрын
I think this is the most heartbreaking review he's done. Our beloved Star Trek is basically being taken off life support and the Drinker had to pull the plug.
@JonathanGaeta 2 жыл бұрын
I would say the same thing about Star Wars but that’s still ongoing, mostly from the TV shows and other expanded media, the theatrical movies are pretty much done for.
@michami135 2 жыл бұрын
Just wait for the next upcoming series, "Weekend at Star Trek"!
@Ihavethetouch 2 жыл бұрын
@@JonathanGaeta I would say that about TV shows as well since we already know where everything leads. No matter what Ahsoka, Thrawn, Boba, Mando, Luke etc does, the end result will be the fanfiction we call Sequel Trilogy.
@its_dey_mate 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ihavethetouch I would have said that the only possible way to go is...back, like 10 000 years back into the old republic...but then I remembered how *good* that piece of SW lore is, so no. Lucasfilm, stay the f*ck away from the old republic.
@Ihavethetouch 2 жыл бұрын
@@its_dey_mate Can you imagine the sh!tshow that being able to choose Revan's gender would cause these days?
@jamietodd2560 2 жыл бұрын
Star Trek used to be driven by a philosophy of "what if, in the future, we outgrew our current petty squabbles and put aside our differences that seem so intractable? What could we achieve if we actually realize our true potential and used it for the betterment of all humanity?" Now the philosophy seems to be "what if, in the future, we still have the same current petty squabbles, but we have spaceships?"
@johng8837 2 жыл бұрын
If you're going to make such a show at least do it with a franchise that embraces the pettiness of squabbles and beuacracy like Warhammer 40k. At least with that I can enjoy intrinsically morally bad characters because they're flying moon sized cathedrals into one another touting themselves as god's chosen
@DrewAndrews 2 жыл бұрын
Well said. Your comment sums it up well.
@fattiger6957 2 жыл бұрын
@@johng8837 Hollywood people are lazy AF. They did it to Star Trek because it's a proven cinematic and TV success. They don't want to try to elevate a lesser known franchise or (unimaginably to them) create something brand new.
@tarron3237 2 жыл бұрын
True. Funny how some people are all for body-positivity, but when it comes to future-positivity... nah, it'll be fine as it is
@Idengard 2 жыл бұрын
Well, it can’t be that we overcome our flaws in the future, because there is always some injustice to fight…
@MegaroadProducciones Жыл бұрын
Still wainting that you review The Orville. The third season was a, as we say here in Argentina, a goal from beyond midfield. With several plots that kept me on the edge of my seat, and some that made me cry with emotion. Real emotion. With characters that were not afraid to show themselves as they are, excellent portrayals, plus touching on issues in a mature way, as Star Trek used to do, without telling us what to think, just showing us the facts and leaving it up to us the viewers, the verdict. Basically, the series treated us as adults with the power of discernment. Although the beginning of the first season is slow and somewhat sluggish, the truth is that the series is one of the best there is.
@itsd0nk Жыл бұрын
The Orville is going the same route as TNG in a very good way. They stumbled a bit out of the gate, were a bit derivative, but still had the right idea. By season three they were hitting home runs almost every single episode, and stirring unexpected genuine emotions to the point of fighting back tears. Sci-fi hasn’t done that to me since TNG until that last Orville season.
@mveytia 2 жыл бұрын
Enterprise really isn't that bad. One of the worst sins the network did was cancel this show just as it was finally starting to get good.
@eddstarr2185 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Drinker, when the original Star Trek aired in 1966 I had white schoolmates for the very first time. The public schools in my city were newly racially desegregated and my new friends loved to chat about the wonderful future that awaited us all. The positive outlook of Star Trek TOS mirrored the optimism all around me. The light from that bright 60's future still shines because it now comes from the online world that we've made together, right here with You. Happy Easter 2022. Cheers to Drinker, and everyone around the world!
@AllanGildea 2 жыл бұрын
Live long and prosper, Edd!
@MALICEM12 2 жыл бұрын
Only goes to show, that the naivete of our modern times was with Star Trek from the beginning.
@themimsy 2 жыл бұрын
What’d you think about the late 90s and early 2000s? I feel like those were the best years in terms of racial equality
@academyofshem 2 жыл бұрын
@@MALICEM12 You must be one of those whiny Millennials CD was talkin' about...
@notmyrealname8448 2 жыл бұрын
❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for this.
@DoorisJ 2 жыл бұрын
*"The imagination, creativity, and intelligence that made Star Trek so special is practically outlawed in modern Hollywood."*
@JohnP538 2 жыл бұрын
They have perverted a hopeful vision of the future into a contrived commentary for a generation that finds hope in nothing.
@7F0X7 2 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of that Star Trek TNG episode where Picard meets an alternate reality version of himself, and he tells Q he'd rather die than to spend one more day as that hollow husk that's completely bereft of creativity or passion.
@Ottophil 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine watching star trek and thinking that the future would be less woke. It blows my mind how many people were never fans in the first place. Roddenberry would love everything trek became after berman left
@your.dark.lord. 2 жыл бұрын
In one episode,riker insults worf, calling him sexist for disliking the gala uniform. He just said it looked like a dress,and riker shamed him with wokism. Yeah the seeds of destruction were already there
@7F0X7 2 жыл бұрын
@@your.dark.lord. Ya it's been a slow steady decline since TNG hasn't it?
@princesse0920 Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad I started watching their newest series Strange New Worlds instead of Disovery or Picard. It’s so good I honestly can’t believe it’s made by the same people who made discovery and whatever this show is. Yeah, it has some minor continuity errors that don’t match 100% with the tos series, and some episodes have dark moments, but each episode is its own self-contained story. I liked how they weren’t too set on “THE MESSAGE” and instead showed us the conflict instead of using the conflict to push a narrative on me.
@danielshagman Жыл бұрын
Agreed, I think it's the best Trek for years. Smart, funny, no sign of THE MESSAGE (well, maybe except for the first episode), just good hearty morality stories.
@princesse0920 Жыл бұрын
@@danielshagman Yeah, the first episode I saw a bit of messaging and it annoyed me because January 6, 2021 wouldn’t have existed if Earth was destroyed in the 90’s like the original cannon. But it still ended with a happy feeling instead of feeling overly dark and depressing.
@handsworth101 2 жыл бұрын
I couldn't make it past the scene where they were horrifically torturing Icheb. Voyager being my favourite series, seeing Icheb and Seven brought back in this way was unforgiveable. Star trek is a closed book now until they can replace the creative team.
@heatherwade2373 Жыл бұрын
I heard about the torture of Icheb and refuse to watch it at all. Icheb was a character I cared about.
@josepha.r5839 10 ай бұрын
I had no idea what was coming when I watched it. So horrified, so pissed off.
@dash4800 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't even grow up a star trek fan. I only watched them for the first time during the lockdowns while I was working from home. And I've seen all the classic shows at least 2x through now. But even I, a new fan, was irate at what they did to the series in the new shows. You don't have to have decades old nostalgia to see how they have ruined everything about it. In fact I think watching it fresh for the first time and then trying to watch Discovery makes it even more apparent what a complete 180 they did with the entire philosophy of the universe. It went from a crew of professional, compassionate, optimistic scientists and explorers to a cast of petulant children who talk to each other like modern day millennials and just want to complain and destroy things.
@thunderstudent 2 жыл бұрын
At least JJ Trek had the decency to be it’s own timeline and not ruin TOS like STD has or how STP has for TNG.
@markcoleman9892 2 жыл бұрын
I was in high school during STOS, and a paid member of the original fan club. I feel your pain. Assimilation is a process. Resistance may be futile, but, as Robert Heeinlein said in one of his books - "You can't conquer a free man. The most you can do is kill him."
@jamesb1221222 2 жыл бұрын
Well said.
@fnerXVI 2 жыл бұрын
The thing I always liked about Star Trek was how they used the alien races and situations they were in to explore aspects of humanity. It really seems like that's lacking in the new Trek shows.
@guguigugu 2 жыл бұрын
@@fnerXVI id even say that was the defining feature of star trek. without that, its not trek anymore.
@sophieamandaleitontoomey9343 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not even a Star Trek fan but as someone about to suffer through the Lord of the Rings being ruined, I feel all of the sympathy.
@wickedmirage 2 жыл бұрын
I feel for you. The last Star Trek anything I watched was JJ's first movie. I was so wicked pissed in the theatre I almost got thrown out. Star Trek died for me that day and I knew there was no going back. I've been following the Lord of the Rings new "show" teasers and what's being said. I will not watch it. It is a squalid abomination of a masterful work. Refuse to view it - hit them where is hurts.
@sophieamandaleitontoomey9343 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I’m not watching it. From the lack of beards for the female dwarves to the non long haired elves, it’s clear they don’t respect the lore or recognize the beautiful story they have. Peter Jackson did even if he didn't nail 100% of everything. At least you could feel the love and care for the fans and the books. The ones from Amazon don’t. I'm not even mad at the casting. I'm more mad that that is the priority rather than honoring the works of the author.
@jacobl6714 2 жыл бұрын
@@sophieamandaleitontoomey9343 To be fair a lotta us would have been pissed if they HAD given the female dwarves beards, because odds are it would be done for the sake of the lgbtq agenda, and it would annoyingly be hailed as an achievement in cinema for having ladies with goatees. These a-holes have corrupted and ruined things so much that it's kinda like the inverse of the boy who cried wolf. Instead of lying about wolves until no one believes him, The Boy (of Indeterminant Gender) Who Cried Woke instead has brought wolves to our village so often that the mere sight of him makes us go "welp, I bet there's about to be a bunch of wolves." If that makes any sense : p They wouldn't be doing it because they respect the lore either, it would be "hey here's an excuse for us to wedge some cross-dressing in, and maybe we can have one of the female dwarves be told by an awful racist white male dwarf to shave off her beard, and then she kicks him in his ballbag." It's all so ridiculous. Don't forget folks, it's like modern abstract art or experimental jazz, the sjw's don't like things like tokenism and crt and other things that make no sense to normal people, they like that people NOTICE them liking those things. It's the act of being into a band that other people just don't "get" because then it's easy to pretend that instead of most people knowing those things are bad, you can pretend that it's ignorant and hateful of them, and you're one of the only people smart enough to see the world the right way. So, so stupid
@knightslegion1731 2 жыл бұрын
I'm going to give the Amazon show a few episodes, but I have little hope it is going to be good.
@Mister__Jey 2 жыл бұрын
@@wickedmirage And in 1996 was allowed to be in a Star Trek film for the first time, at that time Star Trek 8 first contact, half of the viewers wore a Star Trek uniform from TNG, and when the film started everyone applauded, and when we saw the Enterprise E, everyone is totally freaked out. Man was that a great feeling. That I can remember to this day, and that was back then in Germany.
@josephmagin8501 2 жыл бұрын
The worst part about Picard is the fact that I was genuinely excited for it at first and I even told myself "its gonna get better! just wait!" and it just sucked! : (
@lawyeroutlaw 2 жыл бұрын
I like that the waking up blacked out on the beach picture shows he at least thought to put the cork back in the bottle. Can't waste a drop!
@rbayly3043 2 жыл бұрын
"That’s all it is now. A sham perpetuated by professional conmen who somehow manage to keep failing upwards in their careers." Nailed it.
@arnandegans 2 жыл бұрын
A long sentence to say "Hollywood" though 🤣
@RiotDogGaming1 2 жыл бұрын
@@arnandegans Je...
@stryyker9 2 жыл бұрын
see Joe Biden
@RightTurnClyde 2 жыл бұрын
We do live in an era of utter crap
@cpthornman 2 жыл бұрын
America in a nutshell.
@specialk9424 2 жыл бұрын
Patrick Stewart has told the story several times, about how an LAPD officer he met told him about all the awful things he saw each day, as a police officer, the terrible things people did to each other, and how he would have to be the one who would clean up after it, and he would see first hand how rotten people can be to each other, and how it would cause him to question his faith in humanity. If we were all just doomed to become completely miserable assholes. Then this cop would go home and watch Star Trek: TNG, and see the possibilities of what could be. What humanity had the potential to become, if only. How we could grow beyond the hate, and the things he would see at work, and how Start Trek would give him hope. Almost like our future was already written, and we hadn't got there yet, but Start Trek WAS that future, and everything would eventually be OK. And Patrick Stewart said that was the greatest compliment he'd ever received. I guarantee that same cop ain't watching Kurtz Trek with the same optimism, now. Far as I'm concerned, TNG crews last mission was Insurrection. I don't watch Nemesis. They killed Data, and I don't forgive that shit. Now they've killed them all, and pissed on their graves. Gene Roddenberry's, too.
@Jimoshi1 2 жыл бұрын
Every STOC movie was great and starting from TNG all movies were trash.
@neetijkrishnan8466 2 жыл бұрын
It appears that Patrick Stewart decided that what the cop saw during his beat should be what’s actually in Star Trek.
@InfernosReaper 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jimoshi1 To be real, 2 of the 6 movies focused on the OG crew were overall trash. The first movie was just a tiresome rehash of an episode that tried to be more like 2001, while 5 had potential, but was dragged down too much by being overbudget and underdeveloped. To be fair, that's not a bad ratio. Compare that to the TNG movies, where the only one that was actually good was First Contact... or the new movies where at best only 1 was okay...
@sgshaday 2 жыл бұрын
Yup. Anything before Nemesis is in the least, somewhat decent in terms of movies. Some of the TOS ones were amazing. Nemesis... No. Just no. Brent. He is awesome, but Data did not deserve to go the way he did. But even if he did there were books - Cold Equations - that brought him back in actual meaningful ways. Heck, those books even got me thinking how interesting would be to have a series based on Noonien Soong and his misadventures until he becomes who he becomes, and creates who he creates... But the writers of those books back the understood the characters and the way Star Trek worked. If the producers of STP cared, they would have gone to those books and bring ideas in the least, from them. It would have been a better show than whatever is it that they created.
@drowningin 2 жыл бұрын
@Tim Barrett too bad that ended as quick as it began
@brocton1000 Жыл бұрын
Bang on.....every word, every pause....pure gold.
@guillaumeklimczak7563 2 жыл бұрын
Literally couldn't have put it better myself, your videos, the large majority of them sum up perfectly how I feel about whatever new release has been regurgitated up, and i find no pleasure in it other than knowing i'm not alone. I miss getting all worked up for new releases, alas, I'm not sure I'll see those days again. Easily the best and first channel I go to for reviews!
@loki3378 2 жыл бұрын
"The opposite of love is not hate but indifference." Not sure who originally said it, but indifference is pretty much all I feel towards modern Star Trek and Star Wars.
@gustavo_oviedo 2 жыл бұрын
i think i heard it in jujutsu kaisen XD
@Otokichi786 2 жыл бұрын
I've read/heard of the quote before, in crime drama circles.
@helvaxh8348 2 жыл бұрын
That’s a very apt description. Hate is like a twin sibling to love. Love is an abundance of emotion - so is hate. Absolute lack of emotional investment is the definition of indifference. I never thought I’d see the day when I just don’t care about anything Trek being produced.
@CountZero78 2 жыл бұрын
Loneliness is said to be an opposite of love.
@d.ryanwebb1166 2 жыл бұрын
Whoever said this had no idea what they were talking about, and I get the strong feeling that they thought they were saying something different and profound. Indifference is the opposite of caring, not love. The opposite of love has always been and shall always be hate. Extremely stupid proverb, this.
@silvernova354 2 жыл бұрын
You did well to get this far, Drinker.
@dontdex8221 2 жыл бұрын
Took a lot of alcohol though
@GamingGardeningAndLayingSiege 2 жыл бұрын
@UCFKAfskl440BXqofecHpJpw Oh my, more SPAM
@litteliten4999 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I sure Didn't.
@jakomioftherose2434 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, he can see this as a way to rest. Cuz I sure as hell saw this as a good bye to Star Trek.
@glennbabic5954 2 жыл бұрын
Last scene in Picard episode 7 introducing the FBI as a new plot twist I'm like so f-ing over it too.
@paperfred Жыл бұрын
I cannot agree more with your assessment of Star Trek. I came to this exact conclusion after the first season of Picard. Once, I thought Star Trek was one of the most important shows ever made. Now, I don’t care if Star Trek even exists anymore.
@bakuhakudraws5603 2 жыл бұрын
I genuinely, unironically mean this: If you want to watch more Star Trek, go watch The Orville and Lower Decks. They're both comedies, and there are points where the dumb haha gags get in the way, but both of those shows actually get what Star Trek is supposed to be about. Hell, Seth Macfarlane WANTED to work on Discovery when he heard CBS was making a new Trek show, and they turned him down (despite having a complete pitch bible and episode outlines for the entire first season from what I hear) because he's the 'haha funny sitcom man', and he can't do a serious sci-fi show. So he took it to fox, said 'we should make a Star Trek Parody', and then little by little pruned out the comedy until by the end of the first season it's about 90% drama. It is genuinely the best Trek show since VOY, and depending on how the third season goes, might be even better. Lower Decks is much more comedy focused overall, but it's the kind of poking fun at Star Trek that only genuine fans of the series can pull off. It still explores the interesting philosophy and high concepts to some degree, but does so in a more subdued, down-to-earth way by following the average every-day crewmen instead of the command staff. It explores some of the questions that Trek never really had room for: the small, nitty-gritty family and relationship type stuff that was only ever really touched on in parts of DS9, and it manages to be actually funny (most of the time. there's a few dud gags throughout) while doing it. Honestly, the spirit of Star Trek is alive and well, just not in Star Trek itself. It's living on in the generations inspired by the original. which, oddly enough, is most in line with the philosophy of Star Trek to begin with.
@FanboyFilms 2 жыл бұрын
I would have to disagree on Lower Decks, although I can only comment on season one. Take away the "references to stuff you remember" which is at least half the show and what's left is Mariner who becomes the real focus of the show. She seems to hate earnestness and Starfleet for no real rational reason other than "she thinks it's dumb" and the problem is, every character on the show wants to be more like her. It's a very anti-Trek show. Unless it changed direction in season two.
@ForlornDrifter 2 жыл бұрын
As a life long fan, I couldn't have said it better myself. Star Trek has boldly gone where no one cares anymore.
@hamhockbeans 2 жыл бұрын
Star Trek did not live long or prospered.
@THX..1138 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I hit the acceptance stage with Into Darkness . Haven't watched anything new since. Star Trek is done they clearly wouldn't know how to make real Star Trek if they wanted too and they don't want to.
@Jsa460 2 жыл бұрын
This is so incredibly sad. I used to hang out for episodes of star trek each week and it carried a message of hope and wonder for the future. Not all original trek is good by any means, but it tried and the hits tended to outweigh the misses. The third installment of the rebooted trek tipped me over into indifference I think. (I somehow went back after into darkness, but waited until it was on TV rather than go to the movies for it.) It was so bad. It's like in new trek they replaced all the interesting storylines, character development and structure, with hyperactive extremes (idiots or mary sues/gary stus) who have no idea what the chain of command is and swing from one hormonal laden overacted event to the next like some kind of demented soap opera. Want a show that speaks to the better natures of humans everywhere and gives hope for the future? Well too bad. Picard is one of my favourite captains, and I couldn't even finish watching the first episode. It just wasn't very interesting. I haven't even touched New Worlds or Discovery, I just haven't had the motivation as no one seems to be saying they're good enough to spend time on. They just no longer feel like star trek. There's no excitement anymore when a new movie or series gets released, just (slightly bitter) indifference and the acceptance I should understand that it will be awful and not in the spirit of the "old trek" until proven otherwise. Maybe one day someone will get the rights back and make something true to the original spirit of star trek again.
@Omgtired 2 жыл бұрын
So what should i watch if i never watched star treck?
@charlieknuppowen93 2 жыл бұрын
Huge ratings and Rodenberrys son says it's fantastic and his dad would have loved it. Awwww, the narrative doesn't fit into your hateful and bigoted pigeon hole. Sad face.
@garysmith3037 2 жыл бұрын
"To break down anyone who dared to stand tall", "tearing down what previous generations built up"....those two things really stand out as hitting the nail on the head for the mindset of these people.
@lookoutforchris 2 жыл бұрын
These people are civilization destroyers. They've been kicked out of nations 109 times for their bullshit.
@jeffumbach 2 жыл бұрын
"Strong men make good times. Good times make weak men. Weak men cause hard times." sounds about right.
@jakubrejak1114 2 жыл бұрын
@@jeffumbach So you prefer the hard times?
@ZeroB4NG 2 жыл бұрын
The statement "no more white comfort" comes to mind, the destruction of everything we enjoy, all our heroes, our role models is the goal with ALL of this. Some of these activists are more blunt and blatant about it than others. So i say, DEW IT! Kill it all! ...and see where that gets you. In the meantime, i'll put my money where my mouth is and support Orville, which is my Star Trek more than any of this licensed product NuTrek crap.
@KdogPrime 2 жыл бұрын
They are fools who refuse to learn from the past.
@inflintity 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with you. Star Trek, Star Wars, Aliens, Terminator & Predator movies should be impossible to screw up but in reality they’ve become impossible to get right. That was the Beauty of the 80s, the movies were full of art great soundtracks & fantastic imagination. CGI is great but is over used and movie executives have zero imagination, they can’t even make a movie by copying previous movies, & that says a lot. Not dropping your pants showing everything in a movie is becoming a lost art in Hollywood, No movies today are being made that lets the audience’s imagination interact with the story, just over the top green screens that removes the most important layer in film. CGI cannot compete with human imagination, which is why books are so monumental. You’re not told how to interpret but instead aloud to read, your imagination takes care of the rest. Great analysis Mr. Scott 🖖
@NeonVisual Жыл бұрын
The main issue is that Star Trek fans have seen most episodes and movies half a dozen times, whereas the writers on these reboot atrocities haven't watched a single one all the way through.
@Joethesensei 2 жыл бұрын
Very well said. Sums up basically how I’m feeling towards netflix, disney, social media, the news, politics, and most of my neighbours. Going back to reading good books, exercising, and painting little pictures of flowers. Time to huddle up, enjoy small life-affirming activities, and spending time with trusted loved ones.
@firestick4991 2 жыл бұрын
You said it!
@kaptinbarfbeerd1317 2 жыл бұрын
It's amazing what you can do just by spending less time online
@RandomStuff-yx4rx 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 50 so I'm pretty much there as well. I've spent more of my life without the internet and mobile phones then I have with it. It means, I don't really need it to be honest. I'm finding I'm reading a lot more nowadays, like when I was 16. I also used to just listen to albums - yup just sit there and listen to a whole album - crazy! It's not a bad thing to leave it all behind to be honest. Like you, I can't be arsed with the news TV, social media or any of that stuff anymore.
@johnnicol8598 2 жыл бұрын
Well said!
@thomasmills339 2 жыл бұрын
What I'm more concerned about is the person who held a gun to your head and forced you to watch all the shitty TV. Why don't you ask a girl out? Or a guy. Maybe they'll say yes
@MrBDB001 2 жыл бұрын
I remember as a child laying on the carpet and watching Star Trek and being totally enthralled and believing in a bright future. Then the future came to be and Star Trek turned bad like last weeks milk. There are no longer inspiring characters there are only self absorbed, self righteous children crying and tattling on each other. I am with you my friend Drinker in saying "Go away Now" to Star Trek.
@NicTheGreek1979 2 жыл бұрын
Yeh I'm firmly with Rich Evans on this one, TNG gave me the warm fuzzies. This new shit. Is just that. Shit. "How does it feel to see every franchise you love go down in flames?" Lol.
@poerk551 2 жыл бұрын
I feel the exact same way about those shows. I do enjoy The Expanse however. That show is quite good 👍😉
@P.HATHCOX 2 жыл бұрын
You are absolutely right. Where did Star Trek's ensemble crews and its optimism go? It's gone downhill.
@Cynycter 2 жыл бұрын
Well put. I feel the a 90's kid...TNG is the Star Trek I grew up on and Picard was my hero (along with Data and Worf). To see what it has become has angered me to the point I don't want to be near anything with the brand on it. Thanks, Kurtzman.....
@Ihavethetouch 2 жыл бұрын
Future was supposed to be bright and full of wonder, instead we can't even define whether people are male or female
@KoshNaranick 2 жыл бұрын
I literally started laughing out loud! You had me at "I didnt want to fucking do it!"..
@SteelWolf13 2 жыл бұрын
Up to 02:45, he's not wrong. Especially about the hope and logic and exploring being replaced. I hate "THE MESSAGEeeeeee"
@nadavegan 2 жыл бұрын
"to elevate the new products of lesser minds" Brilliant phrasing, and a poignant synopsis of much of entertainment in this era. Nicely done, CD.
@nothingtoseaheardammit 2 жыл бұрын
As a former trekkie who, as a kid had all of the toys and went to star trek cons, this had to be one of the most impactful "Go Away Now" s to hit the channel. So sad.
@michaelholloway8 Жыл бұрын
That, my friend, is a helicopter beanie. Respect the beanie!
@bloodrunsclear 2 жыл бұрын
Rich: What’s it like to live long enough to watch all your favorite franchises go down in flames? Mike: It feels great :D
@elvinhayes7120 2 жыл бұрын
I started watching Star Trek in 1968. I've been a "trekker" ever since. I've never gotten all the way through any of the recent movies, nor any full episode of STD or STP. They are abominations. Your analysis is articulate, insightful, and spot on. Thank you.
@marklatimer7333 2 жыл бұрын
Haha STD aptly named! - all aboard the Star-ship USS Chlamydia.
@Diomedes01 2 жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more. I have been a life long fan of Star Trek since childhood. Being born in the 1970s, I watched TOS and the first few movies while still very young. Then into my teenage years, I was spoiled for choice with TNG, DS9 and Voyager, coupled with numerous movies throughout the 80s and 90s. Enterprise had its flaws in the early 2000s, but it still had that 'Trek' feel. Also, I will always admire Enterprise for giving an absolute love letter to the fans with the In a Mirror Darkly two part episode. Seeing the Constitution class USS Defiant power up and fire its phasers was amazing nostalgia. But now? We have nothing but an endless stream of sub-par movies and television shows with a thin Star Trek veneer. They are Star Trek in name only and pay no homage to the originals that made them great. The writers will gleefully tear down established characters to try and prop up the completely uncharismatic modern characters and they have no qualms about ret conning anything. They have no respect for the classics that made Star Trek great. And as a result, I have no respect for them.
@RevTox 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I tried to enjoy watching, but I think I started breaking out in a rash after a few episodes of STD. It had action, but it was a bit ridiculous and maybe even vacant while obviously pushing agenda. Picard tried to throw a few good bones to the nostalgia fans, but it seemed more like it was trying to change the whole story and probably push more agenda in fantasy world while ignoring Sci-Fi. The usual thing Hollywood does to good old stories and franchises.
@tobymiller111 2 жыл бұрын
glad i dont have a episode of Stds
@UltraMAGAKing2024 2 жыл бұрын
@QuietRenown 2 жыл бұрын
"Have we become so cowardly that we must extinguish a man because he carries the blood of a current enemy?" Classic TNG line. I would love to hear something poiniant like that in a Star Trek site now.
@bengough6772 2 жыл бұрын
But.....that would imply the enemy be...considered....a fellow human? 🙄 logic....brain....arrrrgggghhh
@RobKMusic 2 жыл бұрын
Let me save you some time, ahem… "Have we become so cowardly that we won't extinguish a man because he carries the blood of a current enemy?"
@maybeimrambling9401 2 жыл бұрын
i don't get it? what was the context of that line?
@RebornV3 2 жыл бұрын
@@maybeimrambling9401 Episode is The Drumhead basically the Enterprise warp engine is sabotaged and some stuck up admiral starts investigating the crew she accuses some Half Romulan of sabotaging the Enterprise with her only evidence being hes half Romulan.
@QrazyQuarian 2 жыл бұрын
That is a line from my absolute favorite television episode ever: season 4, episode 8, titled The Drumhead. In it, Picard, when put on trial for defending his officer, says the following: "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first thought forbidden, the first speech censored, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably. [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden upon, we are all damaged." This phrase could not call out the state of media today more accurately. It is an absolute testament to the corruption and evil of those who wish to impose their world order on us by sending their flying monkeys after anyone who would stand up against them in the form of social media witch hunts, as well as altering the news and skewing our view of the world.
@antonisautos8704 2 жыл бұрын
I have watched TNG voyager, DS9 over a dozen times through, each. The story and writing was fantastic, messages made you think and you could really argue both sides and the ethics really had you guessing as to where it was going to go. But these new ones aren't like that. It's just a pitiful excuse to use the name to try to make money. Instead of building on the story and taking where it should have logically went, it went into a crapshoot excuse of a series. There are so many things they could have expanded on, or went over that could have cast all new people with new stories and obstacles to overcome. Such as shooting down the rabbit hole that was crewman Daniel in Enterprise, exploring the temporal cold wars and the ethics behind it, whose right, whose wrong, or are they both a degree of both? We will never know because they didn't bother to watch the content before creating the crap they created.
@anthonygray333 2 жыл бұрын
Was a huge ST fan as I am old enough to recall the original runs in the 60s and the wonderful daily syndication runs in the 70s. Haven’t watched a minute of this latest stuff. For all the reasons you list.
@chucksenhowzen9740 2 жыл бұрын
That’s the best way to hurt these awful Kurtzman companies, through their wallet. The fewer people watch, the sooner it gets canceled
@tacotoosday42 2 жыл бұрын
think it's a tax write off or something.
@Dousch 2 жыл бұрын
@@tacotoosday42 Yup. They’ll keep churning out the agenda and censor and ban old media, until the only thing people think about when they hear ”Star Trek” is Kurtzman, and Kennedy when they hear ”Star Wars”. Hold onto your physical media.
@andreivaldez2929 2 жыл бұрын
That's the thing - the show has no viewership and it keeps getting greenlit and given a budget. Like Batwoman, it just doesn't want to end.
@MAGAMAN 2 жыл бұрын
@@tacotoosday42 That's not how Tax write-offs work.
@heritageimaging7768 2 жыл бұрын
Worked for Stargate Universe.
@davidgantenbein9362 2 жыл бұрын
When ST:Picard was released, the first thing I realized was that while it pretended to cater to my nostalgia, it was the opposite, it was hell bent on ruining it. Since then I did my best to avoid it and just cherish my memories of better times. There is no reason to give these products a glance and allow them to ruin stuff. Maybe Star Trek is done forever and it will never recover from this, but I have my memories and my fondness for the real Star Trek. I can be happy without ever watching a minute of ST:P, I don’t need it. PS: Personally I think nihilism is a bad foundation for story telling. It being so prevalent in Hollywood makes me ask the question of where else I will have to look for Interesting stuff. After all, I owe Hollywood no loyalty and I don’t care for nihilism.
@ryanchall5333 2 жыл бұрын
A while ago I saw a comment on reddit discussing how ST: Picard has been hell bent on ruining a once great franchise, and the poster ended with a quote: "The best way to hurt a man after you've taken everything from him, is to give him back something broken." This is exactly what they gave us with all modern Star Trek.
@rdubayoo 2 жыл бұрын
@Henrik Kowalski Oh, here we go, the "Nothing has really changed, you're the problem" argument. Look, your comparison is correct in only the most superficial sense. Yes, bad things happened in TNG. Yes, Picard questioned the Federation sometimes. But people on the other side of issues weren't moustache twirling villains in TNG, sometimes they had some good points even if they were ultimately still wrong. Right now Picard is fumbling around with ICE agents whose big crime is that they dared to enforce immigration laws, the monsters. And of course they are portrayed as pure evil and doing their jobs with total malice, nevermind the flood of illegal immigrants swarming the country. Face the music, the talking point of "Star Trek has always been woke" is a lie because it fails to understand what wokeness is: A movement of embittered losers that hate and want to destroy everything pure and decent in the world.
@gilbertrosa7330 2 жыл бұрын
Me neither
@adamkalb1 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah! Nihilism is not for Star Trek.
@jonhstonk7998 2 жыл бұрын
Asia has been producing high quality entertainment in the last few years, I’d look to Japan and Korea maybe hong kong and Indonesia for good movies and Japan gets an extra golden star for its animation industry
@glen917 Жыл бұрын
I’d be interested in hearing you review Star Trek Continues.
@bryantmarwitz3753 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with basically everything your saying. It's like people have this weird aversion to acknowledging greatness or anything that is tradition or normal.
@SSingh-nr8qz 2 жыл бұрын
Being a lifelong Star Trek fan since the original series, I am convinced the "New Trek" writers don't know how to be optimistic in their writing. They would point to Deep Space Nine as a dark show but even that show always had hope, reflection, insights, and really trying hard to show all perspectives of an issue. New Trek tries too hard to be an action Sci Fi show. Yes we LOVE out fantastic battles, and cool visuals but at the end of the day, I care about the universe and the characters having depth and gravity. This is why you have such passionate debates. The problem with New Trek is they simply don't respect anything that came before. They cherry pick ideas but refuse to take the time the history and why it has held up for so long.
@MensHominis 2 жыл бұрын
Actually, it becomes clear during Picard S1 why the setting has been so dark - and S2 isn’t pessimistic at all, at least in the background story. That the core plot of S2 is a bit dark again (though less than in S1) stems from a plot device that, too, has been applied before, so that you can’t call it uniquely pessimistic here either.
@johnbanks4761 2 жыл бұрын
and they throw in ideas just to be "hip" to what they think the new trend is......
@SSingh-nr8qz 2 жыл бұрын
@Henrik Kowalski There is a difference between dealing with dark ideas, and being dark as a show. THIS IS MY CORE ISSUE. You brought up the Equinox from Voyager. Look at how the subject matter was handled. You had 2 Star Fleet ships trying to get home. Two Star Fleet captains with opposing views. Both you can respect why they are acting the way they are and understand why the "villian" is being supported by their crew. It was not hamfisted or thinking the audience is too dumb to decide for themselves. These kinds of episodes make Star Trek what it is. It makes a person wonder if you or I were put in a position in charge of the lives of hundreds of people, if we would stick to our ethics. Star Trek by DEFAULT tries to be optimistic even in the dark times. THATS MY POINT. Janeway could have taken up with the Equinox and got her people who but didn't. There was even a bit in that episode about how humans in the past you "lower life" creatures for scientific advancement. THAT is the exploration of the mind. DS9 had Chief O'Brian. A war veteran. Him dealing with the fall out and sometimes even slipping down a dark math but ultimately the story is optimistic because through the support of family, and community, his life is not the cliche drunken PTSD trainwreck veteren storyline. Odo is also a great character. His people are basically genocidal monsters but is optimistic that things can change for this dying race of people. The optimism only works when there is a genuinely dark subject that has no clear right or wrong answer. It's easy to do bad things but harder to try to stay positive and keep your ethics when the universe can be so bleak.
@lewisner 2 жыл бұрын
I never rated Star Trek when I was a kid, I always preferred "The Invaders". There were only two series and except for the awful 1995 mini movie it has been left alone. Never improved on, never ruined.
@View619 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine pointing to Deep Space Nine as a dark show. Even during it's most dire moments the core concepts of hope and ingenuity shone through on DS9. And it tended to be rather goofy overall. It just goes to show that New Trek writers don't understand the franchise's history at all.
@madelinetracy3847 2 жыл бұрын
I am a Trekkie. My parents were Trekkies. My /grandparents/ were too. R.I.P. Star Trek, I’ll only remember the good times 😢 💔 I’ve been mourning ST’s death for at least five years and the irony is poignant. All the human failings that the franchise warned us about is actually what assassinated Star Trek by outsiders who aren’t even fans, let alone intellectual/well-educated people with love for Roddenberry’s vision.
@StarTrekGeek47 Жыл бұрын
Amen. Similar situation here. And it is nearly unbelievable to me that there are still a significant portion of Trekkie fans that think the new Picard and Lower Decks shows are good and still solid representations of Trek. I mean, I'd get it if it were like, 2.5% of the fan base. No group is perfect. But it's a large portion, and that just makes me sad.
@user-wi3yx3gy2o 9 ай бұрын
The first season seemed to drive on. I started to suspect that I was suffering from depression, watching an episode every few days, because it made me wonder if I had anhedonia. But the end pissed me off. It was a chaotic mess of dropped and childishly unrealistic motives and implausible events. The Romulans would have blown up that antenna with no delay or concern for getting distracted by the opposition. They could have blown it up, even losing a few ships, then waved the white flag. They could have multi-tasked. How did star fleet go from “we don’t care” to mobilizing an entire fleet of capital ships and getting them where then need to be, all coordinated and such, in what seems like a day and a half, with Riker in command no less? It is the man hanging over cliff …commercial break…oh look a hot air. Balloon has come along for no reason of cliff-hangers. As me for that matter, since when do you just ask the people trying to exterminate the galaxy nicely not to while acting like the people trying to blow up their (what is essentially a weapon) are the enemy.
@brianbierlein4747 2 жыл бұрын
The last Star Trek thing I watched was Star Trek Beyond which was at least trying to be a decent Star Trek film and I enjoyed it for what it was. I haven't watched anything else Trek since though. Since, as you said, I just don't care anymore.
@no0bw1th4gun 2 жыл бұрын
My big problem with modern Hollywood isn't the "message" it's the fact that the message doesn't exist to say or do anything, it exists to put up a shield between the creators of the product and the consumers. It's their magical get out of jail free card to escape and deflect all criticism pointed their way by using "racism" and "bigotry" among the audience to discredit their criticisms and elevate themselves above their shitty, hack writing. I just wish people would stop falling for it, but we all know how impossible it is for rational discourse to emerge the second someone starts calling the other side a nazi.
@Greg-lo1tl 2 жыл бұрын
Well said, sir. One would love to put all those preachy production company execs under polygraph and find out how woke they really are.
@somethinglikethat2176 2 жыл бұрын
I think there is an aspect of the "message" coming from Hollywood too. These are the same people who knew about numerous sexual assaults and with rare exceptions said and did nothing. The same people who just the other week saw Will Smith attack Chris Rock then after doing nothing cheered and clapped when he won an award 5 minutes later. And because satire is dead because reality killed it, cheered and clapped again after Will called himself a "vessel of peace". It's one thing for a virtuous person calls for people to be virtuous, it's quite another when that same call comes from a bunch of shameless hypocrites who will say and do anything for fame and success.
@no0bw1th4gun 2 жыл бұрын
@@somethinglikethat2176 Ya, that's the big sticking point, isn't it? I looked at Hollywood and the message they wanted to push and I thought to myself "there's no way that THESE people actually care about any of this stuff unless their heads are so far up their own asses that they're completely blind to the very concept of irony." Hollywood as a whole is so blatantly self-absorbed that any kind of social commentary from them just makes me laugh.
@keanuxu5435 2 жыл бұрын
Just like TLoU 2
@maidenofiron 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not even a Star Trek fan but you perfectly summed up all my feelings towards Doctor Who these days.
@thejacal2704 2 жыл бұрын
Me too, can't wait for the Sea Devil special........ A countdown, deus ex machina ending, virtue signalling, Yaz being the hero, Dan being a clumsy dick.......just a few predictions.
@fictiontheorizer1991 2 жыл бұрын
Same. I used to love Doctor Who.
@omnibrain3198 2 жыл бұрын
y I just stopped to watch that show - as well as star trek diversity. Wanted to give up picard season 2 at episode 4 - it was just histerical woman crying at each other. Todays episode was just BS. The drinker is right - it's not worth time anymore.
@DragonSire 2 жыл бұрын
This is pretty much where I am at for Star Trek / Star Wars / Doctor Who / Getting closer and closer with MCU
@mikey5396 Жыл бұрын
Shows like Picard, Rings of Power and the more recent Star Wars movies are simply reminders of how good things USED to be. Thankfully we can still hold on to those memories along with our DVD box set of every season of Star Trek Enterprise. They can't take that away from us......yet.
@Lundarian1 2 жыл бұрын
As has been said before, this is not Star Trek, it's the attempted destruction of it, despite the fact that Roddenberry's Star Trek still exist, and can be viewed by all to veer into the depths of the human condition, in a positive light, in the pursuit of knowledge, understanding and upholding morals, learning from the journey. That legacy can NEVER be removed, no matter how much these sad people kick and scream, and cling to their false ideology.
@jakubrejak1114 2 жыл бұрын
It never will be and no, they're not removing it.
@Deathbytroll 2 жыл бұрын
This was always the logical conclusion of star trek. The TOS existed in this boomer liberal mindset and as that future failed to materialize it became a bitter angry resentful trash heap. Much like liberal ideology
@Astares9 2 жыл бұрын
@mgh7634 2 жыл бұрын
There was already a good entry that deconstructed Roddenberry's vision-- it was called DS9. The difference is that DS9 wasn't a cynical post-modern cash grab. It didn't completely embrace edge, darkness, and hopelessness like some Game of Thrones wannabe, written by a teenager in their emo phase. It didn't set out to tear everything down (because a deconstruction isn't the same thing as a total fucking butchering and betrayal, no matter how much Hollywood would try to convince you otherwise) or ignore the virtues within the human condition. It just tried to tell a gripping story where a space communist federation wasn't all-powerful and didn't have all the answers for every problem a border station and its captain would have to deal with. And that was enough. It could challenge the messages of what came before without selling it out, belittling it, or destroying it. The preachy Hollywood of today however can't imagine how to even do that. They can't understand how to flip a script while still honoring a story and its characters, themes, setting, etc. Everything now has to be overtly insulting of what was, in favor of a 'new' direction, because they legitimately think their way is right, you're wrong, and how dare you ever think otherwise you pleb. That's the Hollywood of today, arrogant and disrespectful. And they wonder why people loathe them.
@richardcranium851 2 жыл бұрын
@@mgh7634 DS9 a very good trek, I liked it.
@MommasBoy-ul8nj 2 жыл бұрын
Of course they had to introduce a female "Picard". Also Q always had a important lesson to teach humanity. While his methods left much to be desired, a deeper look shows that in a his own strange way he helped us or prepared us. He never just messed with us to screw us. These writers don't get it.
@robinthrush9672 2 жыл бұрын
Picard has conflated Q with Chaos from My Little Pony since the actor basically played the latter as the former with a different motivation.
@ninjabearpress2574 2 жыл бұрын
As when Q told Picard if he couldn't take a bloody nose now and then, he should go home and hide under his bed.
@rickpool6437 2 жыл бұрын
@@robinthrush9672 His name was Discord. And both Q and Discord managed to be a damn sight more entertaining than all of modern Trek put together. Modern Trek doesn't deserve John de Lancie.
@KBoneZone 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, and you are being extremely generous calling them "writers"
@robinthrush9672 2 жыл бұрын
@@rickpool6437 Right, sorry. Not good with names. Also agreed on modern Drek
@botox9907 Жыл бұрын
Remember the one where they all locked in "matrix" pods? Brilliant.
@ND-dy2of Жыл бұрын
Lower decks and Strange new worlds I think are doing their 100% best to undue what they can. Lower decks is amazing. first couple episodes failed to grab me but once I went past episode three... it really started to blossom. It's actually one of my favorite Trek's. The final few episodes of season two blew me away! Strange New Worlds also felt like.... Star Trek. Disco had a few eps I liked but I just couldn't get into it. Was really disappointed with Picard. Not with the actors but with the feel of it. I've been watching Trek for 30 years, and now I get to enjoy it with my children. They always have questions and we always discuss the moral implications of each episode. DS9 is their favorite at the moment...I just couldn't really do that with them in Picard or disco. SNW is great to be honest. They have loved every episode and Thursday became the best day of the week for a while, looking forward to seeing where it goes. As for Lower decks... well, that's just aspecial treat for mum and dad haha. Love the Cerritos and her crew.
@princesse0920 Жыл бұрын
@ND I agree. My favorite episode of Lower Decks is when instead of solving a conflict with rogue ferrangi with violence, they found a clever way of showing them how their evil actions actually wasn’t profitable and proposed a more ethical, and more profitable way to resolve the issue. I was so happy that they used critical thinking skills to negotiate peace instead of griping about how the world is so unfair. Strange New Worlds had me worried because Pike and Spock were in STD but I was pleasantly surprised that the writing was good and that each story was dedicated to one episode, just like how the old Trek used to be.
@mecheva9098 2 жыл бұрын
"A tired, aging franchise in decline, low on new ideas and creative energy." Pretty much sums up ALL the entertainment industry now. sigh.
@robertmiles1603 2 жыл бұрын
no point in coming up with good new franchises either, sjws and morons will just steal and shit on those too
@deathstrike 2 жыл бұрын
Probably because while Picard may be bland, banal, and pretentious, it is only showing us what we as a society are becoming. You don't need a "message" to see a dark, dank, and dystopic future ahead of us at this rate
@Jaydee-wd7wr 2 жыл бұрын
What annoys me the most is that the best shows I watched in the last few years, The Owl House and The Expanse, both got cut short. Sometimes I feel like the entertainment industry hates entertainment.
@adamkalb1 2 жыл бұрын
@@deathstrike Then never stop trying to become better people who write better stories! Accept new, original ideas that people can get behind for being entertaining and escapist. All I can say is, I am eternally grateful that there is no 9/11 in Turning Red's 2002 period piece, period.
@adamkalb1 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jaydee-wd7wr Yeah! What is entertainment when it does not want to entertain? In Mr. Enter's review of Out of Jimmy's Head, he told me that mean-spirited humor can be funny when you have really good comedic writing. Santa, Inc is another bad show like Out of Jimmy's Head with more woke politics injected into it because Santa Inc is too mean-spirited to the point where it is just unpleasant and unfunny, and everybody hated the way it tried to dump on Christmas and systemic sexism.
@yoshiforpm 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, at least they managed to make that $1000 budget look like a $1001 budget.
@GamingGardeningAndLayingSiege 2 жыл бұрын
@sityy SPAM, reported.
@eugenejamesbon4355 2 жыл бұрын
@VoidPocket Жыл бұрын
Damn, man. That was beautifully said in what is just sheer anger and depression from me on what has become the destruction of so many good things. Thank you. The nihilistic retconning of Star Trek, Star Wars and Doctor Who has filled me with so much disdain. But, I too, while not completely there yet, am reaching complete indifference. Don’t get me wrong it’s not like i have really any hope for any of the three properties and I’ll never watch any of them again unless the the people who made them good come back somehow. But, I still have a bit of anger left at seeing such once great properties wholly defiled by talentless and bitter people to arrive at full indifference. But… I’m almost there. Hah. The love and time I poured into all three to just see them all taken over by people who actively and often publicly HATE the shows and movies they are tasked with continuing. Well, as I said, still have a small inkling of the anger that hasn’t subsided yet to let it go and get me to full not giving a rat’s @$$ about ever even thinking about any of those three ever again. Well, except watching the originals for the billionth time, haha. I go through many yearly cycles of watching Star Treks TNG, DS9 and Voyager every year. But, the little I saw of all three properties being perverted by these continuity charlatans with all the horrible news shows. Was enough to know all of them were dead on arrival and, man, that still sucks to know. Even seeing something as kind of small as the people in these new Trek universes, the people from the Federation at least. Caring at all about profit and money was enough to make me sick and wanting to help Roddenberry roll and spin in his grave. Again, just a great review of these dreadful shows and what’s truly happened to all Star Trek. Thank you.
@lestinmurillo2566 2 жыл бұрын
the thing i hate the most of this moment in time is the absurd idea that you can't enjoy a movie or series if it don't have a character of your same ethnic.
@benjaminpowell2617 2 жыл бұрын
This is the exact point I've reached with Doctor Who, just can't be bothered to complain about it because it's too far gone.
@thehumblepotatoreborn9313 2 жыл бұрын
Minute they got a female doctor it was over
@Choom2077 2 жыл бұрын
It was ruined for me when Steven Moffat became the show runner. Shortly after the Matt Smith episodes, the show really took a steep dip on my interest and I stopped watching all together. Never even got to the female doctor. The Tennant years were my favorite. Some of the Matt Smith episodes were good, but gradually got worse for me.
@pierrotA 2 жыл бұрын
@@thehumblepotatoreborn9313 The worst is that the actress is, imo, a pretty good doctor. The problem is that the story is just... gone.
@verilyheld Жыл бұрын
@@thehumblepotatoreborn9313 The Doctor can certainly be female, it fits the regeneration aspect. I am fine with that. However, figuring people will be soooo impressed by the like, edgy daring of making The Doctor female that nothing else needs be done, now there I object!
@tommcewan7936 Жыл бұрын
For me, Doctor Who ended when it was cancelled back in 1989. Everything that has called itself "Doctor Who" since then has honestly just struck me as *trying way too hard to be Doctor Who,* and thereby failing at exactly that, because the original classic series honestly always just seemed really relaxed and comfortable in what it was. Another case of "obsession with identity," so rightly called out in this video.
@GameSuenden 2 жыл бұрын
The Drinker is actually the one going away now... From Picard and I am not even mad.
@egomania2792 2 жыл бұрын
Ja moin! Dachte mir schon manchmal, dass du ein Drinker-Fan bist 🤣 Welcome!
@eugenejamesbon4355 2 жыл бұрын
@m0-m0597 2 жыл бұрын
We all are going away now
@chasehedges6775 2 жыл бұрын
@@m0-m0597 💯💯👍
@pikestance8851 5 ай бұрын
We really see eye to eye on this. I tried to watch Picard, but after a few episode, it became a chore. I ended up watching TNG instead.
@timw483 2 жыл бұрын
I wholeheartedly agree with you Drinker. I couldn't even finish Picard, S2. To remind you of what GOOD Trek looked like, check out the fan film Prelude to Axanar
@slevinchannel7589 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed. BUT that doesnt meean epic, hilarious Sci-Fi-Shows are extinct. Try (FOR FREE) 'Starship Goldfish' on KZfaq.
@fungmeat 2 жыл бұрын
TNG was my favourite Star Trek show. Picard was an intellectual badass. His character was part of the reason why I pursued an academic career. His character taught me that you can be tough yet intelligent and intellectual at the same time. It's a shame that modern writers could not see that. Modern trek is associated only by name. Not substance.
@mikehawk6120 2 жыл бұрын
Except, Picard was a twerp. Kirk was a badass.
@allankilic 2 жыл бұрын
Now in films and series, characters can be intelligent and a nerd... or intellectual and a psycho. XD
@bencarlson4300 2 жыл бұрын
@@mikehawk6120 Kirk was also occasionally ignorant and stupid. A good captain, no doubt, but not as level-headed as Picard
@fungmeat 2 жыл бұрын
@@mikehawk6120 I did say an “intellectual badass”. Yeah, Kirk was a physical arsekicker, but Picard showed me that you could use your brains to fight. And I’m a boxer! If his character could show me to use my brains instead of my fists, then that’s something to reflect upon.
@fredstriker2042 2 жыл бұрын
Agree brother, loved it as a young man. Attended a few comic cons, hell even bought those damn vhs collection off TV. Today I'd never watch it, can't stand what it's become, and have now zero interest in any part of the franchise. What a waste
@bulkington 2 жыл бұрын
I watched the first episode of the second series, I thought the premise was intriguing but as soon as I saw Rios chomping on a cigar on the bridge of the Stargazer it reminded me of everything that is wrong with this show. I just kept rerunning the scenario in my head and imagining what Captain Picard would do if he walked onto the bridge of the Enterprise and saw one of his senior officers smoking a cigar. The show is called Picard, it has a guy called Picard in it played by Patrick Stewart, but it's not Jean-Luc Picard.
@jam1124 Жыл бұрын
i would say that Strange New Worlds is really fun. Definitelly in another league, when compared to Picard or Discovery
@realitycheck469 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, it only had a 5 year mission! We were expecting too much! Too bad it went boldly down the toilet in the last 10 years.
@caryslan5890 2 жыл бұрын
You know, I struggled through Picard and Discovery season 1 before I finally said "Screw this" and walked away from. The issue is not a darker tone for Star Trek, Deep Space Nine was a much darker show then it's siblings shows and Sisko was willing to do things that Picard never would. But it was always treated like a moral dilemma that Sisko struggled with, and his actions were for the greater good such as tricking the Romulans to join the Federation-Klingon alliance against the Dominion. No matter how far DS9 went in terms of darkness, it still clinged to hope, to the belief that despite everything things would be better. Modern Star Trek seems to chase the trend that everything is hopelessly dark and everyone is a cynical asshole by nature. That's fine, they can take modern Star Trek and shove it down a wormhole. I'll keep watching the first five Star Trek shows, the ones that showed us a better future, that we as humans could be so much more then greedy, selfish, bigots.
@CD-vb9fi 2 жыл бұрын
I only liked DS9 for the dominion wars, but it does have one of my all time favorite Characters in Star Trek or any IP... Garak. Otherwise, because Sisko did things like that is why I down rank him as a character. There is no such thing as a "greater good" when you are tricking, lying, or stealing to manipulate others. People just call it that to makes excuses. But as Garak would say about things... They're all true, especially the lies!
@NotDuncan 2 жыл бұрын
@@CD-vb9fi ‘the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one’ sums up the concept of The Greater Good (Which reminds me of Hot Fuzz). Another way to say it would be, the lesser evil. Worse than lying to other people Sisko lied to himself and believed it
@MichaelPohoreski 2 жыл бұрын
Come join us and watch “Seth” Trek (The Orville.). It understands what makes great Sci-Fi: *Exploring the social and moral implications of technology.*
@guguigugu 2 жыл бұрын
correct. star trek was always about bettering yourself and overcoming the odds through perseverance and strength of character. we cant have this anymore, because personal responsibility and growth has been cancelled in favor of positive discrimination and collective guilt.
@RandomStuff-yx4rx 2 жыл бұрын
Plus, modern Trek just has garbage writing and shallow as eff characters.
@orboakin8074 2 жыл бұрын
As a millennial newcomer to Star Trek, I will always be grateful to my friend, Darrell, whom I met in the gym in 2019. He is a life-long Star Trek fan and he helped me get into the franchise. He was also adamant that I avoid more of the kelvin timeline movies and shows and boy am I glad I listened to him. I watched the 2009 movie and thought it was okay but then I hated Into Darkness. Thanks to Darrell, I decided to buy the OG series, Next generation, Deep Space Nine and all the pre-kelvin movies.
@jerrymcnulty4668 2 жыл бұрын
Darrell is a real one!
@channelbree 2 жыл бұрын
Still rewatch TNG & DS9 when bored or low on options. It’s the dry, naval style chat with militaristic preparedness that offsets the crazy alien races and space mysteries just perfect. The new stuff is like long boring emotional soap opera vibes.
@vinnyc.1265 2 жыл бұрын
If you are a millennial, I am the King of England.
@spankynater4242 2 жыл бұрын
Your friend is lying to you. Star Trek fans don’t go to the gym.
@michaelmasserang8922 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting. Are there more like you your age that see past the b.s? Perhaps there is hope for the west after all. No question that Star Trek reached its peak during the TNG/DS9 era. It also corresponds to Gene Roddenberry's death in 1991. This was also the year when Star Trek VI (The Undiscovered Country) aired. Once Roddenberry died, the franchise began to slip some. If you really want to understand Star Trek, study Gene Roddenberry in depth to understand the man, as well as seeing how his personality was injected into the franchise. And how important that is. I always thought Roddenberry to be a constitutionalist libertarian. It is that matrix that created his idea for the prime directive which is a hybrid or a futuristic version of the bill of rights and the American constitution snazzed up for Sci-Fi. The Holy Bible of the franchise. During this time there was a more "positive" attitude towards America as the memory of WWII still rang strong in the minds of most older Americans. And Americans hated totalitarianism and communism at that time. Now the opposite is true with many students coming out of our colleges embracing Marxism and hating the constitutional genius and merit of our system of government that is unique in the world. Hollywood has turned into a cultural Marxist garbage dump of collectivism and authoritarianism. And you see it in all of the shows and movies. If you indeed enjoy the old trek as you should, it is because you embrace the very basic constitutional values of freedom of speech, viewpoint diversity, and individual freedom. The very building blocks of our Republic and Star Trek alike. Star Trek teaches you how to think, work with others from other cultures, and solve massive engineering and scientific problems. I think that is my favorite part of it all. Perhaps one day they will get back to that. I have my doubts unfortunately. Nice comment!
@stevefischer6516 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with most of what the Drinker has to say about Picard and Disco, but I really hope he takes a look at Strange New Worlds. I've seen the first two episodes and it's really well done, and has that classic Trek feel about it.
@Mister__Jey Жыл бұрын
I finished the second season and it wasn't that long ago and I can't remember exactly what happened, I really don't remember. It was that insignificant.
@Don-ol8ze 2 жыл бұрын
"I'm out" is exactly what I was telling myself the other day. Apologies for the following rant: About a year ago I thought I'd give Picard a try. All the widespread abuse of my beloved film and movie franchises over the last two decades led me to have doubts, but I still held out hope for this one. I *wanted* to like it. The first episode felt... okay. Some good, some not so great, but there still seemed to be potential. But it wasn't really interesting enough to hold my attention, and I got distracted for about a year before giving it another shot. Then I watched the second episode, and to my horror saw a Starfleet admiral drop an f-bomb yelling at Picard. It was disgusting - not the profanity in of itself, but because even the most cursory viewer of the originals should have been able to see how wildly inappropriate that was. That moment alone was nearly world-breaking, showing complete disregard for the tone and spirit of what came before. Still I pressed on - till I reached a seizure-inducing scene between two villains with some of the worst edits I've ever experienced, where I literally had to look away because the speed of the cuts and the "x-treme" low angles was making me ill. From there the slew of apparent problems only seemed to grow, the worst being that through it all there seemed to be no attempt to make anything look or feel even remotely related to the original universe in atmosphere or tone. Anyway, made it through about five episodes before continuing became impossible -- watching was becoming an ordeal. All of which is to say that I can't blame you for choosing to not slog on for the sake of further reviews.
@jeffumbach 2 жыл бұрын
Picard Season 2 had a promising first episode only to ruin it all by episode 2, not even Q coming back can draw me in anymore after the whole "we gotta time travel back to 2024 to fix this " nonsense appeared. 1) fuck having a whole season of Trek time travel shenigans and 2) hmm 2024 can we already guess who the big bad will likely be a stand in for?
@alaron5698 2 жыл бұрын
@@jeffumbach I always hated time travel in any show, honestly. At least when it's "we are in the past, so we can't disturb anything. We must pretend like we are from the present time" and so on. It is also often just a cheap get-out-of-jail-free-card like in Marvel Endgame - go back to the past to undo everything. If you can do that, nothing matters. It's cheap. Star Trek time travel to the past episodes are ones I skipped even in the original shows. No chance I'll watch the new crap that has a season dedicated to it.
@Goorney 2 жыл бұрын
I gave up on Star Trek Picard after the first season, utter tosh. Fortunately there are other things to watch like the brand new series of Reacher which is top notch,
@lukestrawwalker 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, exactly, felt the same way, guarded but hopeful, first episode of Picard was meh, but maybe like TNG it has to find it's footing. Second episode was "WHAT is this, cuz it ain't Trek!" and by the fifth episode I was SO disgusted I could almost puke and couldn't FORCE myself to watch anymore. Past done with that utter rubbish. STD is a farce and worst sort of agenda propaganda, no redeeming value whatsoever, and I've lost ALL interest in even checking out their new attempts at series because even if they're mildly interesting they'll find a way to fvck it up and ruin it, so why bother? I'm out! Trek is dead, long live Trek! OL J R
@fadge4105 2 жыл бұрын
I made to half way through the second episode and turned it off...
@biggielittle1384 2 жыл бұрын
RedLetterMedia’s “Half in the Bag” episodes did a good job on analyzing the problems with how the show handles politics. I don’t think most people have an issue with Star Trek delving into politics (it’s inherent to the show.) However, the lazy show writers handle these issues with the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Instead of writing creative stories with ethical dilemmas (which is how DS9, TNG, and even TOS handled these stories,) they do a standard “good guy vs bad guy” plot without any exploration of these issues. Throw that in with lazy writing and serialized plots with no sense of direction, and new-Trek is worthy of everyone’s indifference.
@SK008 2 жыл бұрын
That's the state of media in general.. you can have undertones or subtle messages in your show because it doesn't hurt the enjoyment of the viewer. Entertainment used to be inclusive because it was purposefully made to be inclusive so that it can reach to a wider audience. But now when you can just demonize and vilify the people for not supporting your message, why would you want to work hard and use subtlety? If somebody doesn't like the show, he/she is a racist/bigot/misogynist/transphobe/homophobe/insert bad word here.. just do that and collect paycheck.. most of the modern shows and movies suck. Just go back to the past and enjoy the things that came before the dark times.. I guess that's the solution
@biggielittle1384 2 жыл бұрын
@@SK008 I will say in fairness, there are a good number of people railing on new Trek for simply having gay characters on the show, so I wouldn’t say bigots don’t exist (I know that isn’t what you’re saying; most fans of Classic Trek envision a future where everyone is treated with respect, to the point where the diversity of the characters is so normal that it’s an afterthought.) TNG had Riker fall in love with a character with no specific gender. The message was clear, and certainly controversial for the 80s, but the key difference is that it wasn’t patronizing or insulting to viewers who either didn’t get the message or disagreed with it. The sack of sh!t being produced under Kurtzman and co. doesn’t even try to make an appeal to their audience or create a legitimate dilemma; they simplify viewpoints on both sides and, as you said, label anyone who criticizes the quality of the storyline a bigot. That’s just lazy.
@SK008 2 жыл бұрын
@@biggielittle1384 The social commentary isn't a bad thing in a Star Trek show. It has always been a part of it. There always will be people who oppose inclusiveness because of their bigotry but the core star trek audience never had a problem with the things it had to say. They are missing the main point of the show. People didn't watch Star Trek because of just social commentary. People watched star Trek because it had interesting characters who made smart decisions in tough situations which had stakes and consequences. It had somewhat of a continuity throughout the shows but now there is none of that. You can have social commentary in your show but it shouldn't be the focal point of the show. It should compliment the writing and the characters with subtlety instead of bludgeoning you in the face. I notice this trend emerging more and more in Hollywood now which is just disappointing to see.
@biggielittle1384 2 жыл бұрын
@@SK008 Yeah, exactly. It isn’t even effective or well thought out commentary, and when it’s missing both character development and a cohesive story (which is especially necessary for a serial,) it only highlights how contrived the whole story is. I’d love to see the actual numbers for the show, but I can’t seem to find them anywhere.
@SK008 2 жыл бұрын
@@biggielittle1384 they wouldn't advertise the ratings for this show.. The main issue is that the story is so contrived and stupid and the message is so bluntly delivered that it seems like that their goal of telling a good story is secondary to the commentary.. it's like a please clap moment so you don't focus on the actual story and just give it a benefit of the doubt because commentary fits with your political beliefs.. bringing back Picard was a waste because it feels like they didn't have anything to say in this show with his character.. he already died in season 1.. we are looking at the literal husk of a man just going through the motions..
@edwoodsr 2 жыл бұрын
I was in Peru a few years back and witnessed the following convo: UA: How much? PN: Quatro Sol UA: HOW MUCH? PN: Quatro Sol UA: IN DOLLARS! HOW MUCH IN DOLLARS!!! Seems like the same thing is going on between Disney and the public.
@CarParts08382 2 жыл бұрын
[In my best Reaper-voice impersonation a la _Mass Effect_ ] _Get excited for product._ _Consume product._ _And get excited for next product._ _Don't ask questions or dare to think out of line._ _The Message demands it._
@marychocolatefairy 2 жыл бұрын
I grew up in the 80s/90s, and watching reruns of TOS is among my earliest memories. A childhood highlight was when we got to go to the Trek display at the Smithsonian, and it was always a major event for my family when a new movie came out with the original crew. My favorite shows in high school were TNG and DS9. As an adult, these shows became very helpful as I've struggled with serious health conditions. But as you said, it's not been the same since 2009. The current two series completely miss what made Trek unique. It's so strange to hear Kurtzman and Stewart say, "We need Star Trek's hopeful future now," and not see that anywhere on their show. They must have a strange idea of a hopeful future!
@Capohanf1 2 жыл бұрын
@TipTWhip 2 жыл бұрын
@@Capohanf1 Yeah, it's the "woke" crap that's spoiling everything. "Woke" people can't stand anything good.
@Supervillain725 2 жыл бұрын
DS9 was slow at first, but once Sisco grew the beard it was on.
@brybish 2 жыл бұрын
The only show that captures some of the spirt of startrek is lower decks with a humour that's light hearted but respectful.
@zohanrock 2 жыл бұрын
Too bad they went for WOKEFUL future instead.
@schweitzer-man6227 2 жыл бұрын
A friend and I occasionally discuss "Voyager" and it's weird; we both acknowledge it's flaws, lack of character development for anyone not named Seven of Nine, Captain Janeway or The Doctor, but it's still a series that we enjoy and maybe even love because you can tell that the people were trying to make a good show and keep the spirit of Star Trek alive. With "Picard", there's none of that. I remember a scene where Agnes admits she's never been in space before (She's on a starship for the first time) and all she remarks is how boring it is. Why would I want to watch a show about someone like that?
@WaxTheDolphin 2 жыл бұрын
Voyager had some interesting episodes. The Doctor is my favourite character.
@schweitzer-man6227 2 жыл бұрын
@@WaxTheDolphin Voyager had some very interesting episodes. "The Thaw" is one of my favorites. Sadly though, after Seven was introduced (And I really like her as a character) she got most of the attention but very little character growth.
@tenditown2378 2 жыл бұрын
Picard, Discovery, the new woke Starwars franchises should honestly just be dismissed and ignored, treat it like some garbage "fan-made" flick and pretend it doesn't exist. That's how out of touch these idiots are.
@battlesheep2552 2 жыл бұрын
Remember when Tom Paris got in trouble and was demoted to Ensign only to eventually get his Lieutenant rank back, all the while Harry Kim was stuck as the eternal ensign?
@schweitzer-man6227 2 жыл бұрын
@@battlesheep2552 That irritated me so much. I remember watching the finale and thinking, "Chances are when we first see Harry, we'll see that he got promoted between this episode and the last." I was wrong because as Rick Berman put it, "Someone has to be the Ensign."
@oscarslagfoot Жыл бұрын
The flush is final... R I P Star Trek.
@normusdoar Жыл бұрын
TNG was my favorite Star Trek Series and Picard was my favorite character in TNG. I was anxious to see a series was begin developed title Picard. I stopped watching it after the first 2 series. I realised immediately that was not Star Trek. It was like someone who isn't fan written the scripts and stories: they think Star Trek is about spaceships, phasers, teleporters. Star Trek was developed by Gene Roddenberry after reading some books about humanity, that is why TNG is so different than OST. It was about honour, morality, humanity, about being the better person.
@zakw4110 2 жыл бұрын
I can't remember the last time I actually watched a film or TV show. I just watch my favourite KZfaq channels at this point and I can say it's absolutely refreshing to watch people who aren't plagued by the message.
@ayaa.1351 2 жыл бұрын
But even they are, too.
@TheSuperappelflap 2 жыл бұрын
there are still some good tv shows. in the past year, ive watched the expanse, resident alien, reacher, and i even managed to enjoy peacemaker by skipping through all the scenes with the token diverse lesbian couple.
@veramae4098 2 жыл бұрын
TV used to be free. Advertisers paid money to TV networks for time on air, the networks made shows that would attract viewers, the public had free entertainment. (Once the TV and antenna were purchased.) Naw, I'll watch KZfaq and I won't pay for networks. Oh. And I'll do a lot of reading. Turns out "boring" "classic books" aren't boring at all. Just finished with the guy on the French guillotine saying: It is a far far better thing I do than I have ever done. It is a far better place I go to than I have ever been.
@adamkalb1 2 жыл бұрын I really enjoyed watching Amphibia and Turning Red because they did not have any references to COVID-19 and 9/11 trauma whatsoever. Young Rock, Abbott Elementary, The Ghost and Molly McGee and The Patrick Star Show are other good TV shows I have watched this year that are all fun to watch in their own right and have their own positive messages to teach us, rather than _the message._
@SK008 2 жыл бұрын
@@veramae4098 this is from a tale of two cities?
@internetsideshow 2 жыл бұрын
The last episode of ST:TNG was titled "All Good Things." The title comes from the saying, "All good things must come to an end." If a thing never ends, it can not be good. Star Trek, Star Wars, the MCU and countless other franchises have not been allowed to end and each one has suffered for it. They have become ghosts of themselves.
@WhiplashPuppet 2 жыл бұрын
Now that you mention it, that's kinda what happened with New Super Mario Bros when if 1st came out. The ones for DS and Wii were pretty good but, after a while. You could start to notice the diminishing returns, which is why most people didn't even care about the one on 3DS.
@JadeRunner 2 жыл бұрын
All good things come to an end, then 20 years later they get a revival or a reboot.
@notacompleteidiot...1285 2 жыл бұрын
As a former aspiring writer/storyteller, I've long adhered to the belief that you need and end. Your characters have their time, their adventures, but at a certain point, their time is over. You can circumvent this at times by bringing them back, if you actually have a purpose for them. That they actually have something to do. But things usually have to settle and move on before that can be done. I think 1 of the largest problems is the co-opting of franchises, or concepts by certain people of an ideological bent. Who, by default, neither understand what made a franchise great, or how to create something new and interesting that captures the same spirit. Rather like the Borg in Star Trek, those persons have a goal, and twist whatever they have in attempts to attain that goal. 1 of the other issues, is the episodic nature of most entertainment now. It's often quantity over quality. With production companies being focused more on pumping out a profit, they have little interest in creating compelling content. They just throw sh!t at the wall, to see what sticks. It's about how wide an audience they can reach, often to the detriment of any core fanbase of certain genres. Which leads me to the 3rd issue... Fanboys. The reliance on fanboys. Fanboys will blindly consume content, often overlooking the quality of said content. When targeting the lowest common denominator in an audience, specifically due to their lack of discernment, how can anyone expect a comic book, film, or TV series to be good? 🤔
@OriginalMergatroid 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree. There is no reason a franchise can't continue if the writers are good enough to introduce new things without completely changing what the shiw is about. New producers and writers have completely failed in this respect. And End Game was awesome. It was the woke MCU movies that failed.
@nailboard6492 2 жыл бұрын
@@OriginalMergatroid Star Trek could continue if written well, but TNG and Voyager's stories were over decades ago and they should have stayed over. In Picard they're basically continuing the story of whatever Star Trek characters they can remember to cram in, like the whole galaxy is populated just by people who have been on screen in Star Trek shows.
@Energeds Жыл бұрын
I'm probably not the first not be the last, but really would love to see your take on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. It was the first Star Trek I've ever watched, and its interesting to see what you have to say as someone who watched way more Treks than me.
@mudemmeonick 9 ай бұрын
Everything said in this video, albeit about Star Trek, is summed up and at the same time treated in-depth in a book called "Industrial Society and It's Future. The author may surprise you, but it's a damn good read and will offer some explanation as to why things like this are happening and will keep on happening.
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