the BEST way to build Jade (it might surprise you) [Warframe]

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my 'uh' game still needs some serious work, smh
0:00 greetings, and well met
0:31 demo of how MOST people build her (alt-fire nuke)
1:08 Glory nuke build's mod page in case you were curious (and a mini-rant about the incompatibility of alt-fire and primary fire mods)
1:49 switching to my (BEST ;p) build
2:12 demo of my build (downside #1: needs ophanim eyes)
2:46 upside #1: much lower energy requirements, so much higher Strength
3:53 upside #2: frees you from needing your 1 (which kinda sux lol)
4:48 disclaimer: alt-fire build is still real good, I just think it's kinda bad in comparison
5:03 upside #3: doesn't need cast speed (shards)
5:18 archon shards
5:53 Glory primary fire build
6:26 btw you can hit -35% shield recharge delay from Str and pair with Fast Deflection to hit -80% srd cap, which is pretty neato
6:42 demo of using Hornet Strike without damage buff
7:31 worth noting this is also quadratic scaling
7:44 and upside #4: works just dandy against single targets
7:51 Jade build (finally)
8:05 arcane choices
8:29 aura choices (pt. 1)
8:41 tangent about how you should use Secondary Outburst
9:23 aura choices (pt. 2)
10:30 ok whew I think that does it?
10:40 forgot to mention ceramic dagger (and how it got PATCHED D:)
11:09 also forgot to mention companions can help a lot
11:23 aight let's do this (here are the builds I picked to be clear)
11:45 SP Circulus demo begins
17:49 let's dip
18:23 outro...??
18:57 !!IMPORTANT!! addendum about Secondary Outburst (and its bugs)
21:02 how to avoid the bugs and make Secondary Outburst work good

Пікірлер: 113
@Joel1038 Ай бұрын
I just use Furax with Melee Crescendo, that way i get to 220 combo constantly + Amalgam so extra Fire Rate. And use Varazin for the grouping and Finishers for faster Combo.
@Malurth Ай бұрын
hm...that's a pretty good idea, actually. I suppose max initial combo Furax would provide optimal DPS...and now that you actually have to manually stack ceramic dagger to get optimal damage out of it, this might not be much more hassle to prep. I'll have to do some tests on how easy it can be to stack Crescendo. thx for the tip!
@Joel1038 Ай бұрын
@@Malurth I do it with Furax for the extra Fire Rate for the Amalgam. But a Ceramic Dagger with Crescendo works Fine. I normally use them for my Mesa Build that is where i got the idea.
@Malurth Ай бұрын
@@Joel1038 yeah with Vazarin 2 it becomes dummy easy to stack actually. enemies become all clumped up and ready for ground finishers, which are AoE. literally stacks in seconds. big ups my dude, ima be using that from now on I think.
@xslite300 Ай бұрын
exactly what i use
@RDNS3TV 29 күн бұрын
@@Joel1038melee mesa? Because I saw a video of a dude that did that and it’s nice
@FxverDream Ай бұрын
As soon as they fix the alt fire not being compatible with dmg mods her glory builds will be so much more versatile
@Braneaphobe Ай бұрын
I’m loving this build finally someone goes for a similar take for her using nourish saving so much time and effort with viral and energy, I invested in full cc route with full tau orange, arcane avenger, and secondary outburst and adarza kitty and it’s amazing primary fire has massive dps, with full secondary outburst I’m hitting nothing but orange and reds
@sinisterlemon Ай бұрын
Been playing with this build for an hour now and other than being it really strong. It's honestly just so much fun! Thanks!
@jhh243 Ай бұрын
Love it! Thank you! Thank you for being real and not going for the hype of others. Subscribed!
@meanderer9808 28 күн бұрын
I think your build is probably my favorite or the most comfortable to use. I noticed with the nuker builds people dumped duration for efficiency which means you have to recast your 3 near constantly and I agree with the 1 being really bad
@ethan123-eu7hn Ай бұрын
primary fire just feels more fun
@InfInityNoir Ай бұрын
also alt fire builds are never as fun in real gameplay compared to simulacrum, you rarely get enough ennemies grouped up to get the true nuke, primary fire build is more versatile
@tofu9052 Ай бұрын
@@InfInityNoir skill issue
@JunkyardGod Ай бұрын
Get a better insult 😂​@@tofu9052
@D4nK0d2 Ай бұрын
​@@tofu9052 k
@10nessee 25 күн бұрын
@@tofu9052corn ball
@hassandodan5932 Ай бұрын
love ur videos. your saryn vid made me aware of ur channel. love ur builds . I agree with he video but I still prefer the alt fire build, it feels more powerful but this one feels more chill, they did say they are aware that the alt fire is not working with dmg and multi shot and fire rate and that they will fix it. so its good news over all and we will have the best of both worlds
@SpyroX.I Ай бұрын
Unironically might be the best build from multiple videos i watched. I tried her out and few different build but none of them really stuck. Kinda dropped her, but this build looking good enough for me to try again. Never knew about the Outburst interaction like at all, despite Mesa, and recently Dante being some of my favorite frames. Stacking the combo is kinda awkward tho, and not absolutely maxxing it with Crescendo would feel to me like im missing something i could have, but also it'd take too much time i feel like, especially in a non-solo and/or not endless mission. I've just been using Furax for the Amalgam mod giving Fire Rate.
@RSmeep13 Ай бұрын
Glad I found this video. Blast Glory outperforms Archon-Vitality Heat Glory by a lot! Especially against units like Necramechs in the Sanctum Anatomica.
@very_silly_nikki 25 күн бұрын
glad i wasnt crazy when i saw ppl saying that you NEED to use alt fire, the primary fire is way easier and cheaper, like i dont rly see the merit in building for alt fire besides the silly explosions instantly killing a whole group
@Monarth Ай бұрын
I had similar conclusions with my Glory build, although I used every fire rate mod I could slap on it, so my fire rate is 6 to go full dakka dakka. Viral + Radiation + Heat, as Jade's 3 essentially acts as Magnetic + Corrosive. I'm not huge on setup builds so I don't bother with Outburst. There's initially a little struggle with the damage output, but Jade's damage buff fixes it until the Topaz shards kick in for secondary crit chance.
@Malurth Ай бұрын
you can skip the setup and still use Outburst, in my case it's the difference between a +120% CC/CD buff and a +220% one. the +120% one is still definitely worth using and yea fire rate is real nice...the third mod page I had there, "blastslinger," uses Gunslinger as its flex slot. worth considering over Pistol Elementalist, tbh. but I wouldn't go so far as using the rad one, the radiation kind of shoots you in the foot damage-wise.
@Ave-Satanas Ай бұрын
Its an interesting approach, I came at it similar to how I built titania and her exalted. Arcane Velocity is pretty decent. Not sure if you touch on that as I have only skimmed the highlights (ie mod config) but I'll definitely be having a look through the whole video
@Malurth Ай бұрын
thx for watchin friend. and yeah I say in the vid I think Velocity is an auto-include for a Glory primary-fire focused build, it's pretty cracked
@mikerafone-l1w 22 күн бұрын
that build is so good i went crazy with it
@UnknownRex Ай бұрын
nice build. I also focused on the primary fire, but I did so because I felt like being lazy xD
@fr_z_n3727 5 күн бұрын
One mod that is hybrid is Accelerated Isotope. It's great for Murmur build. You can get Blast Electric and Radiation and having electric procs archon stretch
@intheshadowofathousandbean563 Ай бұрын
With 200+ range her 1 + alt-fire is honestly really comfortable, you can very much play actively with those builds there is really no excuse, in fact you should because repositioning your 1 globes is often necessary and really doesn't take any effort, or you can simply just fly around and blast anything, the setup takes like 1 second so it's really not a problem, it's fun imo. I never had any issues with energy either. I see tons of players doing nothing with Jade, pumping strength to 280 and no range trying to nuke in like 1 meter radius tho lol I will say your build is maybe better or equally good for end game SP content tho, at the end of the day it's probably just a preference. Nice to see a alternative build tho 👍
@mightypepper7719 Ай бұрын
Similar build to what I use. I just maxed out strength & put less duration since you can increase the time on her 2. Her 4 doesnt last as long, but the buffs on her 2 are too addictive. +100% ability strength & -50% shield recharge is stupid. I think I'll just go full red archon shards just to see how far I can push the buffs lol
@NimhNom Ай бұрын
Very similar to the conclusion I came to, except I'm using pure heat with 5 Tauforged Topaz (Probably not at all optimal but I enjoy it).
@ashaether991 29 күн бұрын
tbh i think you can still put avengers in since you have nourish but to make it more viable with avengers youll have to put either equilibrium or a violet shard(idk if it’s the violet shard that does the effect but you get what im saying)
@fran11390 Ай бұрын
This is what I wanted!!! Alt fire feels clunky af.
@navi1545 Ай бұрын
If you do choose to build some efficiency, you can do fun stuff with grimoire temporary strength and madurai and her 2 ability to snapshot a really strong version of glory, then just...stay in it. Forever. Obviously doesnt work in circuit, but getting 60% off the grimoire lets you be more flexible with taking off blind rage
@Malurth Ай бұрын
eh, secondary outburst too good to pass up. if you stay in 4 the whole time you can't refresh it. but this is a solid approach if you either don't have it or can't access it (EDA, Circuit)
@navi1545 Ай бұрын
@@Malurth fair
@darkphoenix7225 Ай бұрын
Even though her alt fire is great, I do prefer he regular fire because it just feels more fun. Sure it's probably a lot better to use altfire on acolytes but...most content I would roll with your build lol.
@adsazin Ай бұрын
Bro is actually beign active
@myramedchan4775 25 күн бұрын
This is basically the same conclusion i went to xD Secondary outburst is mildly annoying tho because refreshing it means you need to refresh the strength buff too... i wish there was a way to swap weapons mid air. (Mesa can pull out the mele while regulators are active)
@jhh243 Ай бұрын
have you considered Furax melee with the amalgam mod that gives 45% fire rate to secondary weapons? Would that be a good alternative to the ceramic dagger given the patch to ceramic dagger?
@Malurth Ай бұрын
it's way less damage. but if you don't want to use ceramic for outburst it's the next best option
@Glamador Ай бұрын
I _loathe_ Secondary Outburst with my entire being. Anything that makes me refresh every 30 seconds drives me nuts in the first place as I am constantly letting buffs expire for minutes at a time. But that's not the issue, no. In a sabotage or defense or interception I'm lucky if I get 100 kills *the entire mission*. Whether it's primary or secondary, using my weapon to get 100 kills when I'm trying to use an ability DPS frame is infuriating. I'm not here to use guns. If my gun is good enough to get 100 kills fast enough to not be annoying THEN I'M JUST GOING TO KEEP USING THE GUN. It's not issue on Circulus or Mirror Defense or any other high density mission type, but even then if I'm in a squad that's stealing my kills I'm not having a good time.
@Malurth Ай бұрын
yeah I reaaaaally wish they didn't fix it to actually need Primary kills. super cringe. was so much nicer when you could stack it with your exalted. that said imo it's still worth using unstacked. with a riven my dagger hits 6x combo unstacked, a +120% CC/CD buff, which is still worth.
@Chiefhomer89 Ай бұрын
My thought it to run a similar build, but because i dont have nourish yet, is to put eclipse on her 1. Since her Glory is an exalted weapon, do you think that would work/make sense? Or is the energy cost for everything going to make in less viable?
@Malurth Ай бұрын
eh you can get away with no nourish but it does dramatically lower the build's power in my experience. if you were gonna use another damage ability I would definitely make it Roar, too; it's a much better buff than Eclipse gives.
@Chiefhomer89 Ай бұрын
@Malurth gotcha. Thanks for the quick reply!
@LootDoctor 25 күн бұрын
I 100% agree but I did almost the same build as you but with Xata's Whisper for Weapon Damage.
@AlexisLestrange Ай бұрын
Have you considered including Archon Vitality in the build? (Forgive me if you mentioned it in the video, I couldn't find it) For example, replacing Augur's Reach for it because having heat damage applied twice will only further increase your dps throughput. I'm not sure if it applies to Rad/Blast/Gas, but with Glory dealing Heat damage by default it is something to consider.
@Malurth Ай бұрын
it's on the alt-fire nuke build I was using. it doesn't really do anything for a blast+viral build, tho.
@AlexisLestrange Ай бұрын
@@Malurth Ah gotcha. Thanks for the response!
@jacquesbonhomme8198 24 күн бұрын
Great build. Subbed
@Nightmareblackop Ай бұрын
Hey I've been theory crafting for and thinking maybe it would be best to remove her 3rd ability for nourish and then outsource her armor strip to emerald shards. That way with nourish and Arane energise you can completely solve your energey issues archon and have her Glory do Viral +Corrosive + Blast with full armor strip. And you can still have the heal from your 1 for combat discipline + arcane avenger
@Malurth Ай бұрын
yup that sounds like a solid approach to me. if only the devs allowed you to put nourish over 2 different ability slots without needing to build a whole extra frame 🙃
@AlexisLestrange Ай бұрын
@@Malurth But you don't have to? I thought the helminth only affects one config not all of them, does it not?
@Malurth Ай бұрын
it can affect as many configs as you want, but you can only choose 1 slot per ability. in other words, I can put 6 Nourish loadouts on a frame, but they all have to be overwriting the same ability. if I wanted a build with Nourish over 1 and a build with Nourish over 3 at the same time, I'd need to build an entirely separate copy, one frame for slot 1 and one frame for slot 3. I really really hope they fix that sometime...
@mikewaln2534 Ай бұрын
Bro cooked...nice build!
@Sandro_de_Vega 19 күн бұрын
I agree with you. First thing when i tested her in real fight i figured that without 1 you get shits not marks. And if enemies arent in big groups then you need to blow up them multiple times which drains your energy in seconds. So i decide to just make build that i called assault helicopter. Just flying and shooting thousands deaths in a minute.
@ToastieMoon 27 күн бұрын
hi just started following the build but i was wondering what is making the energy orbs come to you while youre in the air? i havent put all the mods on yet so i could be missing something but i was just curious as ive never seen it before.
@Malurth 27 күн бұрын
not doing anything special beyond regular ol' Vacuum on my companion. (if you aren't using Vaccum/Fetch in every companion mod page, you should start :p)
@ToastieMoon 27 күн бұрын
@@Malurth oh thank you I never realised haha I was also going to say I’m yet to have ceramic dagger, is that going to affect my dmg a lot?
@Malurth 27 күн бұрын
@@ToastieMoon nah, it's not vital to the build; in fact, I now use a Furax + Melee Crescendo + Vazarin setup instead (see pinned comment). you do need Secondary Outburst for optimal damage tho, that's the whole point of initial combo stacking. it's not strictly necessary tho, in my example run I didn't even have it active a lot of the time and the build still works fine.
@ToastieMoon 26 күн бұрын
@@Malurth oh okay well Ty
@syrian9301 Ай бұрын
8:45 secondary outburst feels too much work for me after they fixed it with Jade shadow, having to switch to your primary and get the combo multiplayer up Edit: 21:53 thanks for explaining the bug , I'll just pass on secondary outburst for now it's too expensive anyway playing on phone just make managing such bug even more annoying
@Im-Cobalt 22 күн бұрын
actually my favorite jade build by far. My only question is why use enemy radar when your running primed animal instinct on your companion? Again great build and great video
@Malurth 22 күн бұрын
it bumps my enemy radar radius up from 63m to 93m; if you play with extended overlay map like I do, this difference is extremely noticeable. in fact, due to how circle area math works (namely, using the square of the radius), this actually means that 93m covers ~2.18x more area than 63m does. to me this is far, far more noticeable than what other auras do, save Brief Respite and Combat Discipline + Avenger combos. and it enables me to hunt down packs of enemies far more efficiently, having a much better idea of where they're all clumped at any given time. but yeah, as I always say, it's kind of just a personal preference thing, do as you like. oh and thanks for the kind words! :)
@Im-Cobalt 21 күн бұрын
@@Malurth That actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the reply G. Hope we see more of these dope builds you cook up
@kevinluu7024 Ай бұрын
I always like to slap 1 purple shard on spamming frame it helps with energy gains
@Malurth Ай бұрын
in my early roar tests I tried one purple shard for energy (paired with a synth deconstruct companion), it didn't really move the needle much in my experience (it was a normal 20% one tho). a couple tau energy orb effectiveness shards did, but I ultimately removed them cuz it's extreme overkill for a Nourish build
@kevinluu7024 Ай бұрын
@Malurth maybe I'll give tau energy a try I always been using purple cuz of synth
@wellersondasilva7168 Ай бұрын
Can I alter the damage to match the faction am against or is this Glory strictly a blast build?
@Malurth Ай бұрын
it's blast + viral with nourish. you could change the element but I've found it'll perform worse.
@wellersondasilva7168 Ай бұрын
@@Malurth Thanks! I'm still trying to wrap my head around builds and stuff, your videos are helping me immensely!
@TheXenoKitten 22 күн бұрын
Is there anyway I could copy this build without needing nourish I like having all her abilitys
@Malurth 22 күн бұрын
Nourish is kinda necessary for a primary fire build imo. you can run a vanilla build but then you'd probably be better off speccing for her alt-fire.
@yofolkdem1256 28 күн бұрын
This is similar to the build i been using, nourish over her 1 but my Glory is built different.
@jabirkuptar5182 22 күн бұрын
nice build, i just dont see the need for increasing range, when this build subsumes 1 out of the 2 abilities that really rely on it, why not remove the overextended and put on archon vitality, get ur strength back annd double dip with the heat procs on the 3rd ability???
@Malurth 22 күн бұрын
heat procs on your 3rd aren't really doing anything, damage-wise. doubling them wouldn't help. arch vit is good for heat alt-fire builds, but otherwise pass imo. as for overextended, yeah, it's a flex option. you'll notice my nourish 2 build replaces it with Fast Deflection; combined with her 2's shield mode she reaches the -80% recharge delay cap. the higher range is nice mostly for the increased AoE on primary fire, but it's just an option. there are a number of solid other picks for that slot.
@Siegram999 Ай бұрын
I dont even go crit tbh just pure status and archon vitality
@gb.gamezone Ай бұрын
How do I get this simulacrum?
@Malurth Ай бұрын
Steel Meridian sells it for 100k standing now. it is also tradeable
@bnichols1075 24 күн бұрын
You telling me I need ceramic dagger and outburst and maintain a combo multiplier to do damage? That’s too much
@Malurth 23 күн бұрын
no, initial combo needs no maintenance. it just needs prep to set up in the first place. also see pinned comment, I prefer furax wraith + melee crescendo + vazarin instead now also just using a high-initial-combo wep (riven + corrupt charge) is good enough if you don't wanna bother with any prep. and you don't strictly need to do any of that, you'll just lose a lot of damage by not bothering. but in my demo I didn't even have outburst active a lot of the time and it was still fine.
@hallfed 25 күн бұрын
If i dont have ceramic dagger what can i use
@Malurth 25 күн бұрын
see pinned comment, imo furax wraith + melee crescendo + vazarin is actually better anyway you just wanna get your initial combo as high as you can. you can use any weapon with the melee crescendo + vazarin strat too, furax is just better cuz it also has a mod to give her 4 +45% fire rate too (and gets +20 initial combo as the weapon's unique passive). alternately settle for a weapon with a good +initial combo riven + corrupt charge I guess
@hipposapien5434 5 күн бұрын
Lmao those "glitches" may destoy your framerate, but they're also giving you 50% more damage. Her 4's primary fire has a 10% chance to apply a judgement to enemies hit, which is probably what those are.
@Malurth 5 күн бұрын
no, they were just glitches. they've since been fixed.
@hipposapien5434 5 күн бұрын
@@Malurth oh ok ty
@maxwelldalauta7947 Ай бұрын
I have this build already, i also tried xata and roar
@Rich_Rulez Ай бұрын
No need to lurk broham
@adamin97 28 күн бұрын
Imo best ability to replace is warframes hemlith ability... In most cases~
@myramedchan4775 25 күн бұрын
Have u seen anumal instinct? Its basically loot and enemy radar in one but on your companion 😊
@Malurth 23 күн бұрын
ofc, I always use the primed version. I just want even more enemy radar
@myramedchan4775 23 күн бұрын
@Malurth 55m×35m is the distance from you to the edge of your mini-map. My animal instinct is reaching 21m and seems to cover the entire mini-map, which leads me to believe we have at least 30m of base enemy radar. Animal instinct is 33m at max. Enemy radar is an extra 30m. What enemy are you trying to see 90m away? And why is ur map expanded?
@Malurth 23 күн бұрын
yes, they patched in 30m enemy radar base, for 63m total with primed animal instinct, 93m total with PAI + enemy radar. my map is expanded precisely so I can see where all the enemies within 93m of me are at all times. this extra radar is very useful if you play with the extended map like I do. this allows me to see much further out where the clumps of enemy spawns are, allowing me to move around killing packs of enemies more efficiently. it's not necessary, I just feel a little blind without it. it's very noticeable once you're used to 93m, 63m feels a lot worse.
@myramedchan4775 22 күн бұрын
@Malurth it might be because I'm on switch, but the expanded map gets in the way unless I'm looking for tile sets for the corupted key doors or caches.
@fuzzo2734 Ай бұрын
Why so much range ?
@Malurth Ай бұрын
mostly for primary fire AoE; due to heavy falloff, the larger the range, the higher the damage (unless you hit the target dead-on), and ofc the farther away you can hit them. with max range and P. Fulm, primary fire shots are 8.064m radius, higher than the Tenet Envoy's base AoE of 8m. in other words it's just real good for mowing through crowds more easily. (the value of this is made more obvious in more open tilesets, I was kind of in a hallway simulator for most of this one.) it's also just nice for long range Eyes and Nourish buffing. my alternate build drops Overextended for Fast Deflection tho, it's kind of to taste.
@robinnop9272 Ай бұрын
Is the build complicated ?
@Malurth Ай бұрын
the secondary outburst part is, but that's not strictly necessary anyway. aside from that nah it's simple af
@yahwehra1771 Ай бұрын
I will never tell my build but jade op af lol
@Rich_Rulez Ай бұрын
Only op on low level content, so no need to tell
@yahwehra1771 Ай бұрын
@@Rich_Rulez what do you mean by low level?
@Ave-Satanas Ай бұрын
@@yahwehra1771 she starts feeling a little weak around 1000
@tofu9052 Ай бұрын
@@Rich_Rulez try to put mods in her
@tofu9052 Ай бұрын
@@Ave-Satanas revenant player is talking
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