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@Choooncey 11 сағат бұрын
great info, i have base frost(not prime) and ngl i dont agree with your take on needing max efficiency, but i like this build and it seems less stressful. on another note.. lemme get that envoy build(i need it)
@IsaiDavid-gd9kq Күн бұрын
Where do you get that simulacrum senario?
@Malurth Күн бұрын
arbiters of hexis sell it for 100k standing, or you can just trade for it with another player
@IsaiDavid-gd9kq 23 сағат бұрын
@@Malurth thanks, It looks very cool ngl.
@flashtirade Күн бұрын
Rhino used to be miserable in high level content due to the lack of shield gating. But now with it gives him enough time to safely put his skin back on even while under fire, negating the need to use that one augment that lets him recast it while active. I think people are still stuck in that old mentality without considering the new mechanics.
@RelyableLerilay Күн бұрын
Around 35 voice cracks, my man. Was a fun minigame
@Malurth Күн бұрын
that many?? shiiit
@cyanide7270 2 күн бұрын
Only reason i built for Ironskin was just gor Index runs, and even then i didnt really enjoy parasitic skin. Preffered just having Energy Conversion for a small boost. Otherwise, just a casual max range Reinforcing Stomp enjoyer lel
@TheXenoKitten 2 күн бұрын
Is there anyway I could copy this build without needing nourish I like having all her abilitys
@Malurth 2 күн бұрын
Nourish is kinda necessary for a primary fire build imo. you can run a vanilla build but then you'd probably be better off speccing for her alt-fire.
@Im-Cobalt 2 күн бұрын
actually my favorite jade build by far. My only question is why use enemy radar when your running primed animal instinct on your companion? Again great build and great video
@Malurth 2 күн бұрын
it bumps my enemy radar radius up from 63m to 93m; if you play with extended overlay map like I do, this difference is extremely noticeable. in fact, due to how circle area math works (namely, using the square of the radius), this actually means that 93m covers ~2.18x more area than 63m does. to me this is far, far more noticeable than what other auras do, save Brief Respite and Combat Discipline + Avenger combos. and it enables me to hunt down packs of enemies far more efficiently, having a much better idea of where they're all clumped at any given time. but yeah, as I always say, it's kind of just a personal preference thing, do as you like. oh and thanks for the kind words! :)
@Im-Cobalt Күн бұрын
@@Malurth That actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the reply G. Hope we see more of these dope builds you cook up
@soosboons4444 2 күн бұрын
Yep ever since shieldgate and overguard changes, I have also been running with Nourish and even a more "squishy" build than you (like I only have 8k overguard normally) since I basically invest all in strength instead and just kill everything before they can kill me and the iron skin will prevent anything from onetapping you. And I find it funny that Rhino technically will be more tankier the stronger the enemies are because of how iron skin works (millions of iron skin hp in Circuit with the Jackal laser walls that lasts until the next one lol)
@jabirkuptar5182 2 күн бұрын
nice build, i just dont see the need for increasing range, when this build subsumes 1 out of the 2 abilities that really rely on it, why not remove the overextended and put on archon vitality, get ur strength back annd double dip with the heat procs on the 3rd ability???
@Malurth 2 күн бұрын
heat procs on your 3rd aren't really doing anything, damage-wise. doubling them wouldn't help. arch vit is good for heat alt-fire builds, but otherwise pass imo. as for overextended, yeah, it's a flex option. you'll notice my nourish 2 build replaces it with Fast Deflection; combined with her 2's shield mode she reaches the -80% recharge delay cap. the higher range is nice mostly for the increased AoE on primary fire, but it's just an option. there are a number of solid other picks for that slot.
@mikerafone-l1w 2 күн бұрын
that build is so good i went crazy with it
@TheScalysnake 2 күн бұрын
THanks for sharing, didnt think of the passive shield gate by the rhino skin break,
@IDomtar 2 күн бұрын
What's the stance animation, bro?
@ERBanmech 2 күн бұрын
Yeah this build really is possible due to the overguard and shield gating changes. Now that Rhino’s ironskin is overguard and both overguard and shields have decent gating duration, as long as you’re aware you can pretty safely recast to get another chunk of overguard to play with. This build is a really good reason why I think it’s way better to have usability instead of power. Unfortunately I won’t be using the same shard setup, I’ve been throttling a power strength build for him so I can turn Revenant’s reave into a oneshot so I would at least need 2-3 strength shards instead but I think with that I’d be able to free up some extra armor via mods elsewhere.
@MythicqI 2 күн бұрын
this: good
@SpyroX.I 3 күн бұрын
I hate the rain dances, even making sure i have the power from the aura and from focus school is annoying to me (but i must do it since it have it aviable )
@FOXY_SPHYNX 3 күн бұрын
He wasn't lying. His build needs alil tuning 💀 I thought he was joking
@jacquesbonhomme8198 3 күн бұрын
Great build. Subbed
@bnichols1075 3 күн бұрын
You telling me I need ceramic dagger and outburst and maintain a combo multiplier to do damage? That’s too much
@Malurth 3 күн бұрын
no, initial combo needs no maintenance. it just needs prep to set up in the first place. also see pinned comment, I prefer furax wraith + melee crescendo + vazarin instead now also just using a high-initial-combo wep (riven + corrupt charge) is good enough if you don't wanna bother with any prep. and you don't strictly need to do any of that, you'll just lose a lot of damage by not bothering. but in my demo I didn't even have outburst active a lot of the time and it was still fine.
@Crembaw 4 күн бұрын
You play Rhino to be optimal. I play Rhino to color my energy white and blast my enemy with Cum Shrapnel. We are not the same.
@danielssss1342 4 күн бұрын
The people who use iron skin builds sre either sruck in like 2016 or they just dont know that for low level content you dont need that high amount amount, and for high level content it just stacks itself. Besides if youre running rhino its better to have him as a weapons platform with his roar being at 100% power and being able to use nourish
@HeJauxoS 4 күн бұрын
dang I never thought of playing rhino this way. thanks for the vid. that definitely frees up a lot of slots and doesn't pressure me to do some rain dance setup just for the mission to end right when I get the useless big number. I can actually play the game with rhino
@Edwardthornton624 4 күн бұрын
this made me want to rebuild and actually use rhino now
@very_silly_nikki 4 күн бұрын
glad i wasnt crazy when i saw ppl saying that you NEED to use alt fire, the primary fire is way easier and cheaper, like i dont rly see the merit in building for alt fire besides the silly explosions instantly killing a whole group
@myramedchan4775 4 күн бұрын
This is basically the same conclusion i went to xD Secondary outburst is mildly annoying tho because refreshing it means you need to refresh the strength buff too... i wish there was a way to swap weapons mid air. (Mesa can pull out the mele while regulators are active)
@myramedchan4775 4 күн бұрын
Have u seen anumal instinct? Its basically loot and enemy radar in one but on your companion 😊
@Malurth 3 күн бұрын
ofc, I always use the primed version. I just want even more enemy radar
@myramedchan4775 3 күн бұрын
@Malurth 55m×35m is the distance from you to the edge of your mini-map. My animal instinct is reaching 21m and seems to cover the entire mini-map, which leads me to believe we have at least 30m of base enemy radar. Animal instinct is 33m at max. Enemy radar is an extra 30m. What enemy are you trying to see 90m away? And why is ur map expanded?
@Malurth 3 күн бұрын
yes, they patched in 30m enemy radar base, for 63m total with primed animal instinct, 93m total with PAI + enemy radar. my map is expanded precisely so I can see where all the enemies within 93m of me are at all times. this extra radar is very useful if you play with the extended map like I do. this allows me to see much further out where the clumps of enemy spawns are, allowing me to move around killing packs of enemies more efficiently. it's not necessary, I just feel a little blind without it. it's very noticeable once you're used to 93m, 63m feels a lot worse.
@myramedchan4775 2 күн бұрын
@Malurth it might be because I'm on switch, but the expanded map gets in the way unless I'm looking for tile sets for the corupted key doors or caches.
@jacksonmcload4157 5 күн бұрын
Ya know, every time i see a build video on a frame that i simply cant make work and then i see this i just go "am i just that dumb that i didnt think of this" witch yes i am.
@davidbax6691 5 күн бұрын
could i get your build on the envoy?
@Malurth 5 күн бұрын
envoy build: i.imgur.com/SVRGXWn.png riven: i.imgur.com/Yen77vn.png replace riven with Serration if you don't have one imo
@jacobtyler9984 5 күн бұрын
I’ll preference this by saying your builds do look good and have high kpm but downplayed weapons platform builds imo. They can also have high kpm setups but no they can’t spread spores for 56m, as I’ve seen you point out, that’s not their strength or goal. I especially think your downplaying the kuva sobek I was absolutely steam rolling through the map earlier granted with comically long pauses to reload but my point is, it works exceptionally well and is fun. Plus my lizard brain see bigg number get big happy and weapon platform saryn will do that
@jacobtyler9984 5 күн бұрын
Don’t mistake me for any of these other ppl who seem to just be hating on ur setup but i did see comments that I resonated with. I can walk into a room of corrupted heavy gunners or eximus corpus and damn near 1 shot delete the whole room but I’m not as much of a dick as he sounded. I just want to advocate the full capability of wep platform build same as u want to advocate ur build. I feel like most people here are just building wrong that’s why they’re disappointed in their kuva sobek performance but if theirs was doing what mine is no way they can be disappointed at that. Just walk into a room find the biggest guy, drop ur nuts on him and everyone is dead. And also I say u say that u didn’t show kpm of gun build bc spores did half of the killing but even if they did actually do half of the killing that’s still a vital part of the saryn build. Your not subsuming over spores so it’s still part of her kit that you will be using so I don’t understand why those kills wouldn’t count
@Malurth 5 күн бұрын
well, what is their strength/goal, then? from my point of view Saryn is a middling weapons platform, but is also the best AoE fodder killer in the game when built for that. so you should build her for her unique strength, of course. I mean sure sobek saryn is kind of fun I guess (and as I always say I'm not the fun police, do whatever floats your boat), but it seems to me that in 99/100 scenarios it just performs much worse than either picking a better weapons platform frame or building for spore DPS. edit: oh just noticed you had a follow-up comment too. admittedly my build in this vid wasn't the best but I rectified that in my Kuva Sobek vid and it still felt quite underwhelming to me. mind sharing footage of what you mean? cuz outside of simulacrum demos even in other content creator vids I've never seen anything particularly impressive. that's part of why I made my own demo here, to demonstrate my experience with it. as for the kills part because the point is to show off how weapons platform saryn performs, if the spores are killing enemies first that's just more evidence that you probably don't need to be shooting them in the first place; the more that die to spores instead of the weapon, the worse a look it is for the weapon. but the end game screen doesn't separate those kills so it's kind of not worth showing the mix. I probably should have anyway tho in retrospect
@jacobtyler9984 4 күн бұрын
⁠@@Malurth the strength of the weapons platform saryn build is to dps not nuke fodder, not saying weapons platform doesn’t have high kpm it’s just not an ability nuke like ur showcase. It does more than kill fodder. It’s more versatile than spore dps imo bc of the mission types it’s useful in. Examples: cascade, disruption, netracells. Platform saryn excels in all of those but not just while ur build would fall off in comparison. And I’m my experience there aren’t any other weapons platforms that are better than saryn unless it’s a very specific Warframe/wep synergy. Please give me examples that are better than saryn. I understand where ur coming from on the spore killing more than wep but in a dedicated weapons platform experience ur weapon will be doing majority of the killing. But I believe my main point still stands, spores are still an essential part of the build, weapons platform or not that’s why I think it should also be counted And abt that video that’s up in the air as of right now idk if I’ll do that Edit: just to clarify the difference to me between dps and nuke is that I’ll deal a lot of damage in an smaller aoe than let’s say an explosive legerdemain mirage who can nuke a while eso til set. Even if ur raw kpm Is higher I kill more than just fodder like, demons, eximus, thrax, acolytes, etc while also having high kpm
@hallfed 5 күн бұрын
If i dont have ceramic dagger what can i use
@Malurth 5 күн бұрын
see pinned comment, imo furax wraith + melee crescendo + vazarin is actually better anyway you just wanna get your initial combo as high as you can. you can use any weapon with the melee crescendo + vazarin strat too, furax is just better cuz it also has a mod to give her 4 +45% fire rate too (and gets +20 initial combo as the weapon's unique passive). alternately settle for a weapon with a good +initial combo riven + corrupt charge I guess
@EddyCantillo 5 күн бұрын
Ya see. It's a great build. A build I would choose. The only problem is and why I still choose the 5 mill iron skin build is because when I cast iron skin, now I have to rely on enemies to attack me which isnt hard, but the iron skin rating is incredibly low so I'm only getting a few thousand. With the high investment parasitic armor build I don't need to wait to do anything. I do my steps and then charge into 5 enemies, dont even need a big group just a simple 5 and I'm at like 2 or 3 mil iron skin. Yea in level cap with this build maybe you get a few hundred thousand and can just keep on the move and you wont have to recast it for some time but if we're being truly realistic here; No one is bringing Rhino to endurance runs level cap when theres other frames who are much more worth it to bring. Really really solid build though, just not my cup of tea. Edit: Also, not including the first time you casted Iron Skin on your demo survival mission you casted it 4 times after in 5 mins and if you count the first time thats 5 times, casting Iron Skin every minute does not seem optimal especially when the whole point of Overguard is it's toughness and survivability. It's not a duration based ability like Roar. Recasting Roar is fine becase that's the whole point of an ability based on duration and there's only so much duration you can build but there's NO cap on armor so you can get an insane armor rating with Ironclad Charge and recasting Iron Skin once every minute doesn't seem true to the ability. The Rain Dance build I use, I wouldnt have had to cast it again until at least 10 or 15 mins maybe even longer. Yea, it aint hard to press one button again, I'm not lazy, but why would I want to when my other option is just way more efficient? Aint nobody gonna read this, but that's just my two cents.
@Malurth 5 күн бұрын
because it's not way more efficient. you waste a ton of power slotting in all those build-arounds (2 augs, primed redirect, parasitic armor), and add the hassle of needing to do the rain dance to the build too. your Rhino will be less powerful and have fewer useful skills (skin + roar instead of nourish + skin + roar + stomp). all this for the incredible boon of not having to press 2 once a minute, which is extremely easy and low-effort. I still frankly cannot comprehend why anyone would be so averse to pressing a single button once in a while. plus now that's there's jade eximus you can get millions of overguard even with this build if you just let the laser focus you. but I mean you do you, if you still prefer the armor stacking builds after all the arguments I put forth in the vid, then so be it. just saying it makes little sense to me.
@simdb7597 5 күн бұрын
Great video and as a frost andd tenet envoy enjoyer this was dope to see! Cheers to the red crits!
@LootDoctor 5 күн бұрын
I 100% agree but I did almost the same build as you but with Xata's Whisper for Weapon Damage.
@very_silly_nikki 6 күн бұрын
might finally get frost now, especially since i have his heirloom skin
@very_silly_nikki 6 күн бұрын
what simulacrum is this?
@Malurth 6 күн бұрын
Moonlit Courtyard simulacrum, purchased for 100k standing from New Loka. or you can trade for it, like I did :3
@LikeAFemaleDog 6 күн бұрын
Meanwhile Nyx...
@sorsrusdavid353 5 күн бұрын
@joeybobbson2622 3 күн бұрын
​@@sorsrusdavid353Absolutely FOUL
@imajoker6859 6 күн бұрын
I’d rather maintain 20,000 overguard than do a gimmicky inconsistent setup to get 1 mil
@piplupxpp 6 күн бұрын
Why would you play this when revenant does everything better 😂
@Malurth 6 күн бұрын
revenant does defense better. Rhino does offense better. true Roar + free Helminth slot is gonna do more damage than just nerfed Roar will. also stomp is pretty cool guy
@lagartopunkarra 6 күн бұрын
I understand people that run his charge augment for big iron skin... but I would never understand why they would waste a mod slot for his iron skin augment so the ability is recastable. Like, it's literally useless when it's better to have that overguard gate to quickly jump to a safe location if you're going for the big iron skin setup.
@Joker5662 6 күн бұрын
As a Rhino main since I started. I applaud this video for just showing how good Rhino is without all the hoops and loops shenanigans most people post about. I personally just run the augments for his 1 and 2 to get good ironskins and go positive on all power stats for a well rounded build. Good stomp radius, high roar bonus still, and more ironskin then you'll realistically ever need still. Rhino is great due to how simple he is but how far you can take him. Again, good video demonstrating that aspect
@InnocentiusLacrimosa 2 күн бұрын
Yeah. I like the Iron Shrapnel augment so I can recast iron skin when I want. No other iron skin specific setups.
@marsupialmartian496 6 күн бұрын
Did you use an aura forma just to get enemy radar? Pets can do that and loot radar with one mod.
@Malurth 6 күн бұрын
I use an aura forma on like every frame I use. and obviously I run PAI too. it's just not enough radar for my tastes
@MegaGrassman 6 күн бұрын
the more radar the better
@ToastieMoon 6 күн бұрын
hi just started following the build but i was wondering what is making the energy orbs come to you while youre in the air? i havent put all the mods on yet so i could be missing something but i was just curious as ive never seen it before.
@Malurth 6 күн бұрын
not doing anything special beyond regular ol' Vacuum on my companion. (if you aren't using Vaccum/Fetch in every companion mod page, you should start :p)
@ToastieMoon 6 күн бұрын
@@Malurth oh thank you I never realised haha I was also going to say I’m yet to have ceramic dagger, is that going to affect my dmg a lot?
@Malurth 6 күн бұрын
@@ToastieMoon nah, it's not vital to the build; in fact, I now use a Furax + Melee Crescendo + Vazarin setup instead (see pinned comment). you do need Secondary Outburst for optimal damage tho, that's the whole point of initial combo stacking. it's not strictly necessary tho, in my example run I didn't even have it active a lot of the time and the build still works fine.
@ToastieMoon 6 күн бұрын
@@Malurth oh okay well Ty
@KhristianBolano 6 күн бұрын
I just picked him up yesterday, before watching this video, and I tried to build something different than "the usual tm" for him and I noticed all these things. 1) Rhino Stomp affects Eximus and Acolytes, which makes it one of the very few abilities that makes you able to worry less about those enemies. Other Warframes would subsume an ability just to deal with those enemies, and Rhino has it in his main kit. 2) Any Warframe would love having Roar in their base kit, and Rhino has the unnerfed version. 3) Any Warframe would like a built-in survivability tool. As you said, the community's conception of Rhino is heavily biased by big funny numbers but what the ability does at BARE minimum (assuming the iron skin gets depleted instantly) is that you have, most likely, something between 5.1 and 6 seconds of invincibility, not even counting how much the overguard actually lasts AND without investing in anything else. That's because there's the 3 seconds invulnerability from Iron Skin, then there's the Overguard-gate duration of 0.5 seconds where you're invincible, and then there's the shieldgate duration that goes from 1.6 (550 base shields) to 2.5 if heavily investing on shields. I actually like the Piercing Roar Augment by the way. First of all, it makes you able to recast Roar so you don't have to wait until it ends to refresh it, which is already a nice QoL. Then it actually does Crowd Control because it knockdowns enemies and gives some breathing room, which also means enemies are open to ground finishers (which might also unlock Arcane Trickery builds if you really want, other than giving easy executions to heavy units). Another great bonus of Piercing Roar is that it applies 5 Puncture status effects on all the affected enemies, which is the maximum stack. Enemies that suffer from 5 Puncture effects are more susceptible to Critical Chance from direct hits, which basically means you have a flat +25 chance of critting against enemies affected by Piercing Roar (puncture in general). That's helpful for any weapon because it's flat, it can make a crit weapon have an edge for higher crit tiers or make a non-crit weapon actually crit and get access to that critical multiplier which is almost always welcome (except for zariman incarnon weapons). Add this to Arcane Avenger and you basically get a 70% flat crit chance as long as you stay active in the mission. Boom, Rhino is a caster.
@ZzX010 6 күн бұрын
I don't know that I'd say you have quote unquote, the Best build Ever, but it's certainly a nice change from the usual min/max. I personally don't go for explosive weapons that much, and as such, don't jump around as much as you do so I won't be maining your build, but will consider it an Alt build (with tweaks of my own) Cheers
@very_silly_nikki 7 күн бұрын
whats that tenet envoy build tho
@Malurth 7 күн бұрын
envoy build: i.imgur.com/SVRGXWn.png riven: i.imgur.com/Yen77vn.png replace riven with Serration if you don't have one imo
@very_silly_nikki 7 күн бұрын
@@Malurth ty :3
@jackbarrett8766 7 күн бұрын
Very neat build with the new arcane. For players without arcane energize a few yellow shards might even do the trick to replace it. Fleeting really helps here.
@Malurth 7 күн бұрын
yeh in my experience 2x tau (or 3x normal) yellow shards for energy orb efficiency are about as good as an Energize in the average case
@jackbarrett8766 7 күн бұрын
@@Malurth for sure. I run a hybrid day and night equinox with full terrify armor strip. 250 energy pool and with one tauforged equilibrium shard and one tauforged yellow shard, I can spam enemies to sleep all while my drain is active on my 4th. and I never run out of energy. This is still my favorite build. For rounds 1-30 I stay in day form and just nuke everything. After things get sketchy I'll switch to night form and sleep everything. I can still nuke as well you just have to do it a bit slower.