The Rebellious Origins of Witchcraft: Taoist Magic Edition

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Benebell Wen

Benebell Wen

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What is your hypothesis on the correlation or connection, if any, between witchcraft and rebellion?
First, to clarify (or maybe this will just add to the confusion, who knows...), here's something I wrote back in 2019 on witchcraft vs. ceremonial magic:
Across world history, witchcraft and vibrant magical traditions have long been associated with rebellion, insurrection, uprisings, or an oppressed group’s reclamation of autonomy, liberation, and personal sovereignty.
This is a casual chat exploring Chinese history and how at every turn of insurrection or uprising against oppressive governmental or political forces you’ll find Taoist magic and secret societies of mystico-religious traditions.
Broadening the conversation out to general esoteric philosophy, I wonder if the divinity that answers the witch’s call conditions answer of the call on-- even in terms of psychology or neuroscience-- having endured a specific prerequisite experience of persecution?
Andrea Furtick, author of Wild Root: Modern Works of Traditional Hoodoo Magick (forthcoming 2023) and creator of the Afro Goddess Tarot and Oracle cards
Sherry Shone, author of Hoodoo for Everyone: Modern Approaches to Magic, Conjure, Rootwork, and Liberation (North Atlantic Books, 2022)
Introduction to Buddhist-Taoist Esotericism (Playlist): • Introduction to Taoist...

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@bluelilacfawn Жыл бұрын
always learning something from you, benebell! 🤗
@denisemannino 8 ай бұрын
Truly brilliant insights, and the reasons for my late-life rejection and rebellion from the Judeo-Christian beliefs I had been steeped in, to acknowledging my ‘higher self’ had different instincts that could no longer be suppressed.
@joahlui9596 22 күн бұрын
From my own lived experience, i can really relate to pain and persecution being fundamentally embodied step stools to accessing power, presence, and access to the tao. My unique path, to the Tao, is Tao. Being present with my pain, allowing its teachings to unfold - not rushing to fix it - brings signposts to the ‘way’. Also, being curious about historical context, and finding my place as both oppressor (painful, shameful) and victim (oppressed, traumatized), and seeking through tea ritual and temple practices the companionship of deities like Mazu and ancestors of the Indigneous lands where i reside and my own, brings a great, magical, catapulting into my magickal path. For all your deep generosity and learned, guided research that has accompanied my seeking of my Tao, i am rver grateful dearest wonderful Benebell 🙏🏽🙏🏽✨✨🍃🍃☯️☯️☯️
@brokeheartwolf3733 Жыл бұрын
Great Wisdom again👍🏼👍🏼🦉
@lorenawolfman9333 Жыл бұрын
Wow! The points you raise are fascinating... yes, you did clump a lot together, as you say, and I think starting with the preliminary distinctions between witchcraft, shamanism and ceremonial magic might be an important step in unraveling the thick braid and seeing what strands are present. Could we say they all share the element magic? And if so, magic with what intentions and out of what necessity? Could we say that magic in some important sense consists, among other things of the focusing of mind (in its imaginal, symbolic potencies) and vital energies (embodied and beyond body awareness harmonized in and attuned to different dimensions which influence the collective and individual sphere in different ways)... depending on culture the symbology would vary, though there are thought to be universal archetypes. So, those who are oppressed in some sense, through suffering accumulate a certain kind of power through accumulated learnings from pain of different types (some of that may be on emotional levels, but also on levels that go beyond the emotional) and concentration through containment, of necessity they must act which judiciousness and so the containment, in that way, grows the power... The fact they are not in "power" allows them to see truths the powerful do not, being "underneath" can allow them to see the other side of the coin, places of the tender underbelly (as servants, slaves), close up. So this goes more to witchcraft, the craft of the oppressed... women, slaves, various groups historically, etc, any underclass are made invisible in some sense. Whereas ceremonial magic if practiced with regularity by ruling classes, though I imagine they may become sloppy in some cases, as they may come to take their power foregranted. Shamanism is communing with the forces of nature, forces seen and unseen, different families of beings of the animal, mineral kindoms and beyond more for growth (coming to see beyond social and even human conditioning), for healing, for collaboration with creation... my thoughts for now... some or maybe many of the underlying principals, laws of magic of metaphysics are what they have in common, but so much goes to motivation, intention, need, context...
@Maru_Occora 4 ай бұрын
7 years ago I made a tattoo of Yi in seal script surrounded by the word-concept 'Aufhebung'. I was writing my phd thesis on a Hegelian understanding of the universal passage through singular by the hands of the human resources (under it's various more coveted names) techniques of distortion of desires and subjectivities. And since childhood I was blessed by a forgotten Wilhem I-Ching's translation at home. I'm really happy to have find your channel and your books (i've made it! they are shipping your book on fu to Brazil!!!)
@shaunlindsey6467 Жыл бұрын
Great to see you doing Daoist videos again.
@levicoffman5146 Жыл бұрын
There doesn’t seem to be a difference between the way I feel when I am actually threatened and when I only perceive that I am threatened, if that makes sense. Qualitatively it seems to be the same experience. So in regards to practicing majikal traditions that “aren’t for you” or that may be “in opposition” to your identity, I feel like that would be up to the individual. No one can know what is in your heart; we don’t have access to each other’s qualia.
@CultivatingHarmony Жыл бұрын
Excellent points made my friend👆🤗
@devonthedivinesolarchild9413 Жыл бұрын
IFA Religion is my way of life The Mighty Orishas have made me great amongst my people the different tribes around the world , The mighty Orishas have made me become " Chief Devon" from the IFA Religion and family . ASE 🙏🏿🙏🏾🙏🏽🙏🙏🏼🙏🏻
@crazypikachucrcr7529 Жыл бұрын
My ghost whom possess and live with me are three woman ,took a tour of Heaven with Sifu. This journey happen October 18 2022 🐯. The Ghost left my body in the afternoon and returned by night fall. All ,two Chinese woman and a Korean woman ghost. Sifu is a ghost of Shaolin Wonans Temple past days from 🇨🇳. They have explained none of their journey to Heaven to me.☯️ .Look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thank you 🦇☮️
@pamelabatchelor9204 Жыл бұрын
Im going to examine the story Circe by Madeline Miller. Circe has many reasons to feel rebellious while exiled on an Island alone. However I feel her magic is a way to survive and then ultimatly a way to become Mortal so she could die with her Husband and experience mortality....Is surviving rebellious?
@dp9139 Жыл бұрын
The Frenchs understood well the connection between witchcraft and rebellion during the Malagasy revolts, which lead to decolonization. To harm the rebellious villagers' confidence, they aimed at demonstrating that the local witch doctors had no power by throwing them of planes (without parachutes).
@stewartthomas2642 Жыл бұрын
Love your stuff kick on love it
@rodneyillustrations Жыл бұрын
Very pleased to have discovered your channel. Interesting line of thought in this video. From the perspective of a practitioner of Chinese Martial Arts, who is also a student of mysticism, it is really good to hear the topic of "The Boxer Rebellion" discussed from this angle (Shamanistic influences), instead of dismissively reduced to superstition. I get what you are alluding to, and I have a thought to consider. A. If The Principle of Correspondence can be called upon to find an analog, consider that Martial Arts worldwide in several instances emerged in rebellions and uprisings from a need to protect the oppressed from persecution and reclaim power, but on the converse Martial Arts also emerged from a desire that the empowered ones had to dominate/subjugate others in order to retain power. Does this indicate that there is a spiritual parallel, and if so what are the implications?
@crazypikachucrcr7529 Жыл бұрын
@paulmayor1261 Жыл бұрын
This association between magic & witchcraft raises some questions concerning the definitions that different cultures ascribe to the terminology. In her book Magic & Witchcraft, Francis Timbers defines magic as ceremonial practices undertaken to obtain "wonderful" results, not possible by natural means. In Europe where I'm from, this was mostly involving elite white males. She goes on to introduce some possible origins of the word witch (wicce for females, wicca for males), then discusses the idea that this group dealt with more natural elements, such as love potions, charms etc. Finally it appears that maybe the word witchcraft was actually the derogatory expression used during the witch hunts. But of course this was in Europe, and motivations were slightly different with, for example the great shamanic, warrior rebel Ghengis Khan. Just chippin in my 2 cents to what is an interesting opic.t
@ngonfinda9606 Жыл бұрын
In my experiences in Mayombe and Ocha is that your race doesn't matter when going to the Oracles and reincarnation can come up in there reads with pacts with certain enemies and deities. The correlation I think might be In what elitist have come to call "low magic" or folk magic and it's tie to it's history.
@Spectre2434 Жыл бұрын
A totally onerous injustice! What a splendid way to describe...
@richardjulio5745 10 ай бұрын
@FazartOrganization Жыл бұрын
Please consider releasing an audiobook version of Holistic Tarot.
@karinmartinez6160 Жыл бұрын
I have long held the opinion that ceremonial magick is of the patriarchy and the ruling class, while witchcraft in its many forms falls more into the "rebellious other" category. With regards to Hoodoo, I would encourage people to read "Mojo Workin" by Katrina Hazzard-Donald and contemplate the historical background. As a white woman, I just don't feel that I have the right to participate in that tradition, but I do feel drawn to educate myself about the history and practices. I can appreciate the common threads of practices across many cultures without taking from them what isn't meant for me. As always, thank you so much for your insight!
@pagantalks5993 Жыл бұрын
swimming around with your question about whether having the the ability to empathize could be a spiritual prerequisite to accessing mysteries or deeper realms. That the “rebellion” is from this worlds pain. That only people able to connect would gain that “power” of access to witchcraft traditions. Reminiscent of the Egyptian book of the dead with the feather test…hmmmm.
@augusthavince8909 Жыл бұрын
I would think that a person that feels like they have no other recourse or resource to escape oppression or to gain/maintain their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness would begin to feel the psychological pressure for other means. Feeling cornered and oppressed enough, for long enough, that they get the same effect of a 'witch's cradle.' A sense that they can reach beyond their physical bounds. I was just thinking the other day how trauma, especially the kind I mention above, would give someone a "core of force" for a tendency to wish something to manifest or something to end. That could be rebellion, especially for a collective with a common "core." I haven't really thought it through, it just seemed a salient thought.
@manuelsamperio8559 Жыл бұрын
I think your on point when you mentioned the source of magic. Witchcraft which is associated with "low"/working class magic and ceremonial/"High" class magic makes sense in this social context. The Witches would most likely act as rebellious against the system which the Ceremonialist create through their magic. This string of thought has actually got me interested other forms of sources of magic. Great content!
@n0nyab1znezbutyoucancallme89 Жыл бұрын
Hi I've been going down this rabbit hole watching this video of John chang mastering both yin and yang energy and merging them together creates a certain affect or ChI and he interestingly said that yin energy is the spirit world ? from there i started looking into Taoist sorcery which confuses me a bit because i love the study of the Tao te ching and the philosophy always seemed to be revolved around allness, nothingness, oneness in the sense that you are your reality of 3 in a sense. Im interestingly confused because it makes sense to me to a degree that it maybe involves belief in order to make this a reality for you and if so isn't that just another constructed illusion to sum degree which is termed a kind of permission slip by an interesting 5th dimensional channeling called Bashar by Daryl anka. Im left wondering if someone who does magic or sorcery is really self aware or is he playing a role in a story? i'm constantly reminded that everything in life, all experiences and stories and ideas ARE JUST mythology just to get you to this point in time to have a unique experience of the illusion of free will in the 3/4 density consciousness experience of mind and body. The weird thing is i found that i can bend reality at will just by asking in the present moment but yet i find myself really feeling alone in the sense that Ive been creating this all along for my own sanity. and because of it i seek to understand magic and technology so i can be not as alone and to feel like i can be part of something and contribute. thank you for your time.
@stewartthomas2642 Жыл бұрын
You go girl👍🤫
@AngeloNasios Жыл бұрын
Good conversation starter here. Speaking from a Greek point of view magic/witchcraft is a distortion of proper reciprocity and in that regard is rebellious in a way. But yes, it is fair to say it is rebellious against the powerful. It is very hard for me to not see the obvious power dynamics at work when discussing magic/witchcraft.
@Just.a.person59 Жыл бұрын
Funny thing is I was introduced to hoodoo as man of mixed European decent by someone who is African American.
@kozymoon664 11 ай бұрын
What about looking at it from the standpoint of the persecution of nature itself by society? Sowould any human practices that call on or align with nature be under the umbrella of persecution at this time in history? Is the rise of environmentalism go hand in hand with the resurgence of those looking for root practices? Love your work, attitude and perspectives so much! Thank you for sharing Your content.
@tokoyonokuni4656 Жыл бұрын
Sacrifice is consecration. In modern times, people are condamned to prison, to pay money or to death in the name of Justice, that is to say Ivstitia, a goddess... in two thousand years, arrogant new-modern historians will say of this epoch that they were practicing human sacrifices too, in order to justify their own standards and banana republics who "progressed" so much compared to the near-prehistorical antiquity of the 21st century. But... it is a nice way to cope, I suppose, with having lost successively the chinese dynasties that dated from primordial times, with only the Imperial house of Japan left with divine blood, plus some descendants of the Solar and Lunar dynasties in India - allegedly. While their is certainly a form of opposition in "witchcraft", magic, in a more general way, is not at all associated with rebellion. It is defined, more precisely, as the application of human willpower to the dynamics of nature (this I heard from a Kabbalist), and in the Introduction to Magic by Gruppo di Ur, it is written that their goal is non-other than to leave a sword in our tombs, like the immortal taoists of yore ; when speaking of witchcraft, moderns certainly do not have in mind Chaldean mages, hellenic magicians, etruscean Fulguratores (who considered themselves scientists, by the way, and looked at prophets and oracles with just as much disdain as modern scientists do; guess who it will happen in the next millenia? lmao), or the archetype of the Odinic King (who is a magician and a priest more than a politican ruler or a military leader, in fact he could be even militarily inept and still looked fondly at by his warriors! cf. for example, A l'Ombre des Dieux, an interfiew of Jean Markale, on the website of the revue3emillenaire), and so on. In Mongolia, in Vietnam, and even in Korea, their are still shamans today. And while their might be gate keepers who transmit special gifts or tendencies only to the oppressed ; these retired militarily officers who go on to worship Trần Hưng Đạo as shaman-priests, or these mongolian and siberian shamans who practice simply part culturally and part as an utilitarian thing, and so on... these people are not oppressed. Jinmu-Tennô, who was shamanically possessed by the god Takami Musubi no Kami during the ceremony of his enthronement, was not oppressed either, as he was the conqueror of the land ; even now, although it subsists only in vestigial form, the Celestial Emperor impersonates Ninigi no Mikoto, the Celestial Grandscion, descending from the metaphysical plane of the Empyreum, and there are other such shamanic stories, such as that of the god Ajisuki Takahiko-ne no Kami, mistaken for the deceased Ama no Wakahiko (Heavenly Youth Sun-Child (i.e. Tribe's Chieftain)), the god destroys the funerary altar and return to Heaven in the form of a lightning bolt, and the omen is interpreted by a young female medium. So, your arguments are too historically contingent to make into some sort of universal law. This hypothesis does have merit, however. And while it might really be unto something, in spite of its contingency ; in my opinion, the divide comes from the fracture of the First Function: the Sacerdotal / Sovran Function. Those endowed with highly rationnal intellects, and those backed up by an establishment, will tend to see the wilder, more primal shamans - who experience the divine and the spiritual - as something unpredictable and dangerous... for themselves, that is. During the japanese medieval period, the Hijiri (now used as a family name, somehow) were holy mendicants often living beneath the floor of buddhist temples where they built altars to the Buddha, and the monks, while pretending to see them as holymen and genuine Bhakta, also feared them as inconvenient weirdoes. Similarly, in Orthodox Russia, the "Fools of God" were legal, at the express condition that the Fools were really not madmen, just pretending to be...
@SaoirseGraves Жыл бұрын
My first thoughts (informed by a European historical perspective) is that I think it depends on what one means by witchcraft and WHO calls it witchcraft... I wonder about practices we might define as folk-religious, for example, *until* they prove to be useful tools against external pressures AND the object/target of external pressures. This can happen indirectly...if, for instance, the suppression a demographic isnt precisely their craft or religion but rather their financial significance to the aggressor (ex. historically anti-semitic accusations showing up almost verbatim in witchcraft trial records because culturally similar governing bodies were feeling the heat). Witchcraft or religious identity may become a useful unifier or identity-based mode of defence in such situations...or it may do centuries later, looking back...or it may just be part of how that demographic responds to any pressure by default. Another example - when does someone go from being a cunning-woman (or man, or any other personal identifier) within a societally Christian framework to being a 'witch' if their practices are the same? Is it identity-first terminology or is it superimposed? And was it superimposed by contemporaries or later on? ...This is also where, at first glance, it feels like the answer will differ geographically/temporally in significant ways. It seems like a correlation vs. causation kind of debate? So, only initial thoughts here, but I'm not sure how universal any model or set of parameters would be? 🤔🤓☺️ This was a great video to watch! I have things to look up now!!! 🥰
@BenebellWen Жыл бұрын
Indeed the entire question is made more challenging to answer because a key term in the question, “witchcraft,” cannot be agreeably defined. Are we perhaps speaking to folk-religious practices? And in my inquiry, specifically the role that folk-religious practices of a marginalized group play when they seek liberation and rebellion? Great points!
@tokoyonokuni4656 Жыл бұрын
If that help, I read (in an old book, in french, not in random internet) somewhere that in the archived records of the trial of Jehanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) (yes, they were already taking the minutes of trials back then, and she was also an excellent self-lawyer too, which is why the perfidious anglos ended up making the tribunal private, so that the people of Calais would stop rooting for her and laughing at the accusations and the anglos...), part of the arguments they used to accuse her of witchcraft was really just folk practices. I don't remember the details, because it has been many years, but it was something like dancing around a tree and probably hanging things on the branches (which is pretty much what christians now do at Christmas... but it seems that this particular custom in Christmas is very recent and didn't exist at all in the european Middle Ages).
@Spectre2434 Жыл бұрын
Are there Bonpo practitioners in China
@FarahWayAstrologyandTarot Жыл бұрын
I have dabbled in this area of witchcraft off and on now for about 5 years. I noticed witchcraft seems to start rooted in rebellion, but loses its rebellious nature and morphs into group think and following protocol. This group think can and does suppress contrary thoughts, through many psychological and social forces. But also at the same, its nature is exclusive, through the labeling and labels, though seemingly talk about inclusivity. Universality is that which shared by all people regardless of culture, religion, or ideology, therefore the concept of rebellion or the concept of witchcraft is not universal. I clicked on this video because of Taoism. Lao Tzu talks about that which is named is not the Tao. Also, a leader is best when people barely know he exists. How can outright rebellion with labels be the way of the Tao? Also, Lao Tzu talks about, nature does not hurry, but accomplishes everything. Just playing “devil’s advocate”, sort of speak. And besides what do I know? 😂
@shinobu19 6 ай бұрын
The inner teachings, referred to here as Witchcraft existed before oppression. Just as Houdou comes from West African religion/shamanism that traces back to black KMT(Ancient Egypt) and before the art of Yoga/the Way/Metu Neter are ancient. I also dont see them as different but as calling on the same energies by different Names ... they only appear different to us becsuse we have different languages, rites customs which may be more or less effective nonetheless thougb their may be different paths to the top of the mountain the view from the top may be said to be the same. It is One, whether we call it Wuji, Amen, or Allah that source of power we are seeking is unified.. That said to answer your question, oppression leads to resistance and adversity lead one to seek a patb out. As in the 39th Hexagram when one has nowhere to go it is inside where we must seek... Oppression is a fertile ground from which to seek God and the power to overcome... fewer seek in times of wealth, and affluence... more will call upon in times of the military saying goes-"their are no atheists in the fox hole". Peace
@lorimaynard3601 Жыл бұрын
Hi everyone
@ivylady13 Жыл бұрын
When witches (European Pagans) were told by Christians they could not practice in a building, they took their rituals outdoors. The Christians moved into a building to practice and persecuted all those who practiced outdoors as Pagans and witches. The Pagans had every right to rebel as they were being displaced and told their practices were not worthy enough to be a legitimate centerpiece of a community.
@dth92301 Жыл бұрын
Interesting subject, there does seem to be some very valid points in history that align with a flow toward these practices when other avenues become unavailable to marginalized segments of population.
@TomiDeLuna Жыл бұрын
I do not think Magic (also known as Heka) is rebellious in the eyes of Deities or the Fates because they gave us free will and the powers to make changes in this world and other realms according to the Ancient Egyptians. Some people would like to take away our free will and make us believe what they believe but today people are becoming much more intuitive and powerful with their Heka because of all the strange things going on. Some people mistake magic for simply being the manipulation of events but it is much more than that. Magic is transformation and that is not rebellious, it is personal. The ancient Egyptians would say: "Heka is the Deity of all things, the force beyond all and the force sustaining all." Heka is very difficult for people outside of Ancient Egyptian paths to fully understand. Heka is the "The Egyptian Way". I notice a lot of similiarities between Taoism and ancient Egyptian beliefs. The big difference is women were seen as more important than men spiritually because they give birth. Men used to wear women's clothes as a sign of a high status. That never went away. Popes always wear dresses. Sorcery and sanctity are the pillars of every society.
@anthonyhudson3158 Жыл бұрын
Interesting idea
@cerebrocaustlives 4 ай бұрын
A very interesting line of thinking to explore, but I would fundamentally assert that race has nothing to do with spirituality. In my experience the forces involved with that sort of thing find the concept to be silly. And it is -- there's no inherent difference between a person of one race and a person of another, that's a purely human misunderstanding of biology. There is a certain amount of regard for culture and identification with history that goes into successfully integrating a tradition of magic into practice, but even citing witchcraft as an inherent tool of the oppressed I feel is inaccurate. In fact, looking at the early days of the Inquisition and the ways magic became outlawed in Christendom, the only people doing ritual magic at that time were the ones educated and wealthy enough to know how to do it, which were largely not only Christian, but often higher up in the hierarchy of the church. You had to know how to read and write to be a magus, and the Inquisition's early imperative was to secure assets for the church through the seizure of property of the accused -- what use is it to accuse someone who doesn't have anything to take? So spells and rituals that were once fairly common practice for members of the clergy became forbidden and some of those traditions were picked up by people who were rebelling against the church. In other words, none of this has ever belonged to the rulers or the oppressed, to black white tan or brown, or even to one culture or another. It's all just a swirling miasma of human experience and spirituality, it isn't anyone's intellectual property.
@MichelleJNorton Жыл бұрын
I think essensce of witchcrat, in the west at least, is in being different, whether that is because you chose to be different or someone perceives you as different. (are you rebelling against something that was done vs something that is done to you). Cerimonial magic has always been rooted in the search for personal power. I believe witchcraft brings that in itself but it is a way of life and how you practice and your history or lineage dictacts much of that. I'm lucky enough to have been given a chance and gifts from different lineages, but I know as a white woman, it's not my place to teach or even own them. When I teach, its from my own personal lineage, not from others that I may have been gifted with. Having said, learning from other lineages has given me deeper empathy I think.
@craigdelaney8737 Жыл бұрын
🤔..! From My notes on Magic, the true source of All power is EMOTION!!! The Emotion of Desire is The Central Spark & Flame for the entire work..! After that comes the nature of direction & intent.. The problem in the world is Fear, Anger and Pain are the Easiest source's to draw on to power the Intent. Love & Affection are Very Powerful but slow and Too Subtle to perceive the effects. That's what makes the greater portion of Magic seem evil [Black]. And why It's most often used in negative ways. In concept; it's far easier to Scare you, and get you to Fear me than to make you happy and love me. As for social and societal situations the power is most present in situations of lack, oppression and suffering!.. these situations present a great deal of energy for the working Mage to raise and direct the power towards the situation and an outcome for Desire.. It ALSO, is used by the government and people of power to direct and control the masses. Look at how political people and institutions use fear-mongering to influence and direct the population under their control..! 🤗 I like your Work! I have your Book, and Now look forward to your next book!..👍🏾💕 Жыл бұрын
You have beautiful eyes. Warm and compassionate - shining with erudition. A superficial point perhaps, but, I felt it needed to be said.
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