The Story of Japan's Most Hated Woman

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Kawahara Miyoko, AKA "Mrs. Noisy" / 騒音おばさん is infamous in Japan. She is known for being the most annoying neighbour you could possibly live beside. But is there another side to her story? Let's see...
PATREON / japanalysis
DISCORD / discord

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@Derfalken 11 ай бұрын
I find it hilarious that the police came to her house in the middle of the night, and instead of talking to her, they spoke over a loud speaker. "PLEASE QUIET DOWN, YOU ARE DISTURBING THE NEIGHBORHOOD!"
@david_r_munson 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, that was odd. Funny/ironic, but also, the police usually knock on your door if there’s a noise complaint. Friend of mine had a crazy neighbor who made baseless noise complaints all the time and the cops would knock and tell him to be quiet, though they both knew the complaint was bull
@iBloodxHunter 10 ай бұрын
"Officer! I do believe, that's the point!"
@jukeboxfandango 10 ай бұрын
It's a typically Japanese passive-aggressive move. Without cause they cannot enter her property and make her turn the music off, people are calling and complaining and wondering why they aren't doing anything, so they come and make a futile gesture that also lets the neighbors know "Hey.....we tried"
@Elenrai 10 ай бұрын
It is a case of blackmail, "face" culture being what it is, cute how their solution is "Gaslight the problem into self containing" like as if it was a documentary about the USA
@ChaserX17 10 ай бұрын
Severe limp wiener energy there.
@emmahill6832 Жыл бұрын
The "noisy old lady" reminded me of the behavior of people in the early stages of degenerative brain disease, where they stop being able to emotionally self regulate or come up with rational solutions to problems, and start getting paranoid.
@kaziered Жыл бұрын
Yeah, my first thought was akin to alzheimer's: all the symptoms fit and if not caught then can escalate to such seen behaviour. Symptoms such as delusion, aggression and confusion all fit, and if she's been a carer for her husband and children for a long time then maybe her mind is perceiving her neighbours as a threat to her family. However it should be noted if she did a good job in court using that found legal material then this may not be the case. But to me it sounds like an older lady whos been through a lot and has simply reached her limit, in one way or another, so quiet sad
@hexen4907 Жыл бұрын
Haha pee pee poo poo brain disease
@_Chessa_ Жыл бұрын
What a sad situation for both the victims and the person going through this disease. I’m scared of becoming that, knowing it runs on both sides of my family.
@failuretocomply8528 Жыл бұрын
@@kaziered you speak of her as if she’s a dog🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@fridgeisco0l Жыл бұрын
I thought you was gonna say the lady from kung fu hustle
@alexandersmith9499 11 ай бұрын
My time in Japan taught me that mental illness is very pervasive and often ignored issue there. Admitting a family member is afflicted with mental illness involves a loss of face. My country is definitely no better - probably even worse....
@eeveeofalltrades4780 10 ай бұрын
What is your country?
@Alsry1 10 ай бұрын
@@eeveeofalltrades4780 probably another asian country
@Leto_0 10 ай бұрын
This is still a thing in the US too thanks to religion My friend was having a full on manic episode for weeks and his family refused to bring him to any professional. The mother shamed him for "shaming the family" They kept it as secret as possible until he got worse and worse and eventually had to get him help. He's still fucked up years later.
@chrism4008 9 ай бұрын
​@@Leto_0thats his family, not face-culture
@Clippidyclappidy 9 ай бұрын
@@chrism4008​​⁠​​⁠​⁠​​⁠​​⁠​​⁠​​⁠​⁠​⁠​​⁠​⁠I mean there literally is a culture in America of dismissing and ignoring mental illness until it boils over. Not sure if you’re aware, but putting it lightly there’s a bit of a mental health crisis in America. To sum it up as just the actions of one family when it’s a societal problem is extremely disingenuous to the overall issue. There are still people calling schizophrenic people and sexual assault victims “hysterical” or “possessed” and trying to exorcise imaginary demons from them with torturous methods. Hell half of Americans still think that demons are real. It’s no wonder sound mental health can’t found in such a society. Americans, especially Catholics and evangelicals have a compulsive tendency to try to be “normal” in societies eye, even if their perception on what is “normal” is warped from reality in every sense of the word. So much so they would rather believe demons are attacking them or their family member/friend instead of the fact they might have something “wrong” with them mentally. In fact, it’s often an excuse for clergy members to abuse and rape vulnerable victims already suffering from mental illness. Give it enough time to stew and you got another offshoot/cult of Christianity even nuttier and more radical than the last in 10-20 years. It’s happened time and time again, and it will continue to happen until a meaningful societal shift occurs and better educational/mental health services are amended.
@felipewilliams3047 10 ай бұрын
The best part of this channel is that it explains all the gintama's references that i missed while watching it.
@nervousbunnygaming Жыл бұрын
My worst neighbor was the old man who lived underneath me in Japan. He and his wife smoked all day all day and it came into our apartment. And he insisted they weren’t…,, but inside of his apartment… the walls were yellow so…. Really doubt they WEREN’T smoking, we told our landlord and they called him and told him he can’t smoke to where it bothers other people in the building, he never stopped. He harassed my poor husband who was just trying to protect me and my sanity. He was terrible. The other worst one was in America. The two women who were dating fought EVERYDAY. So loudly. They woke people up not just us they ran over each other with their cars… they were insane. So crazy neighbors in every part of the world!
@nunyabiznes33 Жыл бұрын
Those sort of people has convinced me that forced euthanasia should be a thing.
@ShinyMew151 Жыл бұрын
this is why I cannot stand living in an apartment. you're basically living under and on top off and to the side of people.
@kerduslegend2644 Жыл бұрын
>the two women who were dating fought everyday Yes... It's probably a hot take but hear me out.. Never EVER had a lesbian neighbors. I've had 3 in the past and Holly crap they make hella noises just on the most random time ever
@dreadinside654 Жыл бұрын
@@kerduslegend2644 what kind of noises? Making out? Or arguing all the time?
@kerduslegend2644 Жыл бұрын
@@dreadinside654 arguing.. How's lesbians make any noise when making out?
@_slier Жыл бұрын
No matter what she went through, nothing can justify the fact that she blasted the stereo to her neighbor house for 24/7 for 5 years.. that's just pure madness
@urpiorihuela Жыл бұрын
Ok but she needs help no jail
@spoingus4193 Жыл бұрын
if i had to listen to that for 5 year’s **I’D** be the one in the mental hospital 😩 i’d go crazy
@r.8902 Жыл бұрын
@@urpiorihuela unfortunately, mental health in japan is usually disregarded or ignored completely due to stigmas around it so a lot of people are left untreated
@givinglzzz5482 Жыл бұрын
Kinda reminds me of my worst neighbor, my family was the first and only black family in 50 years and in a 20 km radius who moved in the community. We were stared at from everyone and kids started crying when they saw me but my neighbors were on a different level they popped out tires, slammed our car while screaming nigga move in your country back, their own kids learned that behavior and called us names, they stole our electricity wire a cable, we lived 10 years next to them and it was a nightmare. I had to move out alone with the fact being 16 years old because it was unbearable. The neighbors behavior+ being an outsider because of my skin color. I experienced racism on a 1960 level just because in my country living in the country side and being black is rare as fuck. Till today I live thru the negatives brought up from the racism.
@ZeranZeran Жыл бұрын
If she did that in my city, she would have been shot
@VertigoXD 6 ай бұрын
I had a childhood friend whose mom got into a feud like this. The neighbor butchered her trees that she claimed were over her property line. The friend's mom responded by blasting music outdoors daily until quiet night cut-off time and threw extra garbage on her backyard compost heap by that neighbor's yard. It went on for years until one of them moved for other reasons.
@PeeperSnail Жыл бұрын
I cannot imagine that endless noise being good for her family, either. Miles more disruptive than just a single lamp, especially if what her family’s condition is affects their balance and gives them vertigo.
@g2macs Жыл бұрын
My Grandmother was just as nasty to her neighbors, it seems that she felt so isolated after her husband died that she actually enjoyed causing trouble and cheered herself up by deliberately instigating fights. The cherry on the cake was the neighbor directly below her flat was her sister who she hadn’t spoken to in thirty years.
@purplefloyd1513 Жыл бұрын
How the actual hell do you not speak to your sister who is one floor beneath you for THIRTY YEARS that is beyond me
@bell.e.flower Жыл бұрын
@@purplefloyd1513 spite 😎
@g2macs Жыл бұрын
@@purplefloyd1513 Technically the fault of the U. S. Navy, Nylons, chocolate and informing your brother-in-law who was in the desert, that his wife has been doing her bit for moral whilst he was fighting Rommel.
@onyonable Жыл бұрын
That's fk up
@refriedboogie Жыл бұрын
She should have smoked some pot and listen to heavy metal and drinked mango juice
@ibenzawla Жыл бұрын
I can't believe the authorities allowed this nonsense to happen for that long.
@PizzaCat42069 Жыл бұрын
No lie, I would’ve ended up killing that bitch😂
@comicbookreviewer4856 Жыл бұрын
when you realize Japan had its own Karen who was a secret weapon made to show Japan, they too have their own Karen and was giving the code name Mrs. Noisy as their plan weapon
@shaddaboop7998 Жыл бұрын
In Japan there's a very strong stigma against mental illness. If someone is behaving in a completely socially unacceptable way they will be ignored and ostracised. British people will be familiar with this dynamic, where everybody pretends something bad isn't happening in order to cope with it. In Japan this reaction is so ingrained in their culture that it extends even to the police who are reluctant to intervene in cases involving mentally ill people (much in the same way police were reluctant to intervene in domestic disputes in many western countries until quite recently).
@contessa4490 Жыл бұрын
That's japan for you. No wonder why people like it so much lol.
@Obi7Haki Жыл бұрын
@@comicbookreviewer4856 no, that’s still stupid to keep that going for 5 years.
@jfatsnorlax 11 ай бұрын
For those who need to know, the song playing at 3:40 is Just Communication, the opening theme of Gundam Wing.
@torbenstegmuller329 5 ай бұрын
I really like you including the original texts etc. in your videos. As someone who speaks Japanese this is just the perfect format for me since I get your thoughts and summary of everything that happened without having to fear a mislead translation from the source material into English.
@ultraali453 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I think its amazing that neither side attacked each other physically all these years. Also, they both seem doubtful.
@doubletapazh9081 Жыл бұрын
There was fistfights on the street and she apparently attacked a cop
@Gm-jr8pd Жыл бұрын
Exactly what I thought. Anyone trying this in here would get jumped every week both by old ladies and working men that need to sleep. Edit: I'm from EU safest country.. but you don't mess with the ones who don't mess with anyone..
@jayyyzeee6409 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, she's luck she didn't get whacked.
@Lethargic320 Жыл бұрын
@@doubletapazh9081 that wasnt with sato tho it was with her previous neighbors
@Gm-jr8pd Жыл бұрын
@@aweigh1010 I'm a white european and She would 100% get it.
@AaronMichaelLong Жыл бұрын
It's too bad, because I think this is a classic case of displaced anger. Based on your story, it seems like she had a really tough break in life, and had pent up all this resentment about her misfortune, and didn't have anywhere to vent it, until this completely trivial matter of the lamp provided her the pretext to vent at her neighbors. It's unfair to expect random strangers to have to bear your burdens, but I can't help but wonder if a more compassionate response might have forestalled this entire ridiculous tale.
@turuus5215 Жыл бұрын
Omg, your English is so good. New words for today: Pent up Forestall What do they mean?
@AaronMichaelLong Жыл бұрын
@@turuus5215 Pent-up is an idiomatic expression referring to feelings and emotions which aren't expressed or released. Its origin comes from agriculture, where livestock would live in a pen or enclosure. Ending an English word with 't' instead of 'ed' is a more archaic form, but you can see it in such words as 'went' or 'bent'. So the phrase implies that your feelings are fenced in, unable to run free. Forestall is another word with archaic origins, it comes from the Old English word for 'ambush' foresteall, ie: to steal something before it reaches the market. It has since evolved into a synonym for 'prevent' or 'stop'. Is English your first language?
@turuus5215 Жыл бұрын
@@AaronMichaelLong No, English is my second language.
@AaronMichaelLong Жыл бұрын
@@turuus5215 Cool! Well, I hope my responses have been helpful. I don't mind showing off.
@turuus5215 Жыл бұрын
@@AaronMichaelLong Are you a linguist?
@gwinbeer 10 ай бұрын
As soon as you mentioned SCA, I immediately thought "that's the '1 Liter of Tears' drama." OMG that show was very hard to go through. I feel for Miyoko honestly
@SpinelessVermin 9 күн бұрын
Lmfao. You feel for her huh? Being a total demon to an innocent family just because your family is dying... Your priorities are messed up. Bet youre the kinda person who cries at sappy (made up) back stories on shows like Americas Got Talent.
@zixty_ 8 ай бұрын
Amazing video!! so well researched. This is the third in a row from you ive watched so I must sub! Keep it up my friend. I really love how you present information. so professional
@ImCurrentlyNaked Жыл бұрын
Hard to say who started it, but it does seem like they're both fire shots at each other and Miyoko was in her right to react (as was the neighbours) - BUT the speakers that were blearing 24/7/365 was over the line. And while I pity her for her tragic family history, it bares little weight on how she's acting outside the house (at least for such an extended period of time) - her family's problems are not her neighbours problems.
@SergioLeonardoCornejo Жыл бұрын
Nay. She's a Karen.
@ImCurrentlyNaked Жыл бұрын
@@SergioLeonardoCornejo I mean, I still said she's at fault so what more do you want you want?
@41052 Жыл бұрын
Same, if she wasn’t disturbing others I wouldn’t care but playing music 24/7 affects everybody
@silverfoenix Жыл бұрын
First The court should have sent her to therapy! She needed psychotherapy, facing such hardships alone (she is not meant to be a wolf she IS HUMAN) Her behavior indicates serious problems maybe she is masking her problems with loud songs or something. Worst thing would be suicide... Also the neighbors fueled the situation. Regardless of how it started the LOUD SPEAKER is not OK. I wonder how she herself sleeps through all that tho~
@liben5052 Жыл бұрын
i'm kind of shocked she wasn't arrested earlier. that level of noise at a constant duration? there's plenty of stories where noisy neighbors get killed because the exhausted people around them get fed up. and i agree, her problems could have been dealt with in ways that didn't straight up terrorize the neighborhood. while exhaustion can make anyone act irrational, most people know when to stop and get help. something worth noting is how many people seem to want to hate this woman because of how much we HATE sound torture. truly, one of the interrogation tactics used even today.
@pkre707 Жыл бұрын
It’s heartwarming to know that insane neighbors is a universal thing
@bollockjohnson6156 Жыл бұрын
why wouldn't it be a "thing" you racist fool?
@thedwightguy Жыл бұрын
we just got rid of one; but in Vaughan Ontario one guy just took out five people. thank God most Canadians aren't allowed to own hand guns.
@jothain Жыл бұрын
@@thedwightguy Yes. Things like this is the exact reason why (most, like 99,9%)people shouldn't be allowed to carry guns. Where I live it's mandatory to have test to get gun carrying permit. Then permit specifics what gun you can buy, like pistols aren't available generally speaking unless you're very specific group. Then you have to specify usage for gun, which most likely is hunting and that already also rejects many gun types out of the question. If you meet certain criteria, then it's still checked out if you have violent past and if you do something bizarre while drunk or something, police will come and ban your weapons for certain times or indefinitely. All this and it's still very, very illegal to carry weapon into public places or you'll absolutely lose all your weapons. People carrying weapons in public is the worst thing I can imagine. Much better to go into public places knowing that no one is carrying guns that can kill. Like here if you're stopped to by police they are very so-to-say lenient. You can pretty much fiddle around doing whatever and police will simply approach you without being alerted. Looking american police actions I would be F'n terrified to be pulled over etc. looking how alerted cops seem to be = accidents waiting to happen 🙄 And I get it that cops are alerted there. Why wouldn't they if every weirdo can carry guns with them?
@Redrum___ Жыл бұрын
Also heart warming to know they are allowed in society, even when she has been convicted multiple times on the same charges, she's probably going at it again as I'm typing this comment. Society and human evolution is held back by the existence of individuals like these
@user-tm8jt2py3d Жыл бұрын
@@thedwightguy if only those 5 people had a way to defend themselves.
@danielpenalvapanighel7475 5 ай бұрын
I know that the suffering she was going through was great, but I am not capable of feeling sorry for her after causing so many problems for an entire neighborhood for so long, she stopped being innocent when she caused problems for innocent people.
@TigerBeam-hz7hw 7 ай бұрын
New subscriber here. Thanks for these videos. Keep on making them!
@SacredDaturana Жыл бұрын
She was clearly severely mentally ill. Why did it take the government years to put a stop to this? Like I can't fathom letting someone get away with blasting loud music 24/7 for two years straight, that's ridiculous. This should have been stopped a week in at most, not like... 700 weeks in.
@patriciaszabo8015 Жыл бұрын
Because nobody care about mental health care if they aren't young enough aware of something.
@amberg4131 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if the guy got any repercussions for the window proofing he spent to try to drown out the noise level. $90,000 that’s a lot of money to spend I’m guessing the owned the property?
@Birthold Жыл бұрын
white privilage
@Christobanistan Жыл бұрын
Did you not watch till the end?
@sendmorerum8241 Жыл бұрын
Did you even watch the video?
@LizardVVizard Жыл бұрын
Americans: "First Time?"
@troublemakers9760 Жыл бұрын
Americans experiencing Karens in their everyday lives
@casperd2100 Жыл бұрын
Did you watch the full video? Both her daughters died and she has to take care of her crippled son and husband. She went mental over it and you're assuming she had a normal privileged life.
@ezradja Жыл бұрын
@casperd2100 Жыл бұрын
@@ezradja Right, ignore the fact she's mentally ill from her unfortunate circumstances and keep calling her a crazy lady
@agent136 Жыл бұрын
@@casperd2100 Your circumstances help me understand your actions, but do not justify them. An example: I can understand why someone would kick the shit out of a bully for making fun of you in front of the whole class, but it doesn't give you the right to if all he did was talk shit. If he threw a punch at you on the other hand...
@KasbashPlays Жыл бұрын
4:50 - Of course there's a Gintama reference.
@Mancada100 Ай бұрын
My mother was like that in her late stages of dementia. She would be a troublemaker, looking always for a fight with the neighbors and being a general annoyance. The sad thing is mental illness sometimes translates into aggressive behaviour because those persons are so isolated and hurt that are unable to normally connect with other persons, so instead they adopt bizarre ways to try to connect (negatively) with other persons.
@liben5052 Жыл бұрын
hm.. since the events are still shady, its hard to pass judgement... but miyoko shouldn't have blasted noise that affected the whole neighborhood. i did hear that exhaustion impacts people's cognitive abilities as well as their empathy, and considering miyoko suddenly went quiet after prison, i think it's because she finally got the rest she need.
@monirotim5131 Жыл бұрын
A stratigic mistake committed by our hero, the shewolf, myoko-chan
@ugojlachapelle Жыл бұрын
That. Miyoko is still responsible for the few things that can easily be shown to be of her doing.
@yagoossimp Жыл бұрын
You want to do everything possible to defend her, don’t you? I bet you wouldn’t feel the same if it was a man. People like you are annoying
@liben5052 Жыл бұрын
@@yagoossimp spoken like a true simp jokes aside, i'm looking at this from a logical standpoint. if it was yagoo himself i would still try to be considerate. trust me, i really disliked the stuff miyoko did, however you got to remember nurses and doctors lost their shit during covid-19 due to exhaustion and stress. looking after people is tough and not everyone can do it. it would be easy to just demonize her and hate on her without thinking of her as a person, but that's not reality and you'd be really shallow to think that.
@yagoossimp Жыл бұрын
@@liben5052 You sound braindead, that doesn’t even make any sense. Do you even know what that word means? If anything, you fit the definition of one since you’re trying so desperately to defend this woman. Idc what her life is like, that doesn’t excuse her behaviour. Delete your account
@jaramassbuss3-747 Жыл бұрын
"Its not some purposeless noise, it's my cries my screams" is honestly what stuck with me the most. She was evidently unwell and I hope she is getting the help she needs now
@mildanvongrius5530 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, in Japan you won't get the help as you're most likely label as problem person and left alone until you die. And that's why Asian has some of the most wrathful ghost that linger around the street, this is why.
@kenshinflyer Жыл бұрын
Exactly the reason why I thought to myself, "No, not a Karen."
@giblets4510 Жыл бұрын
@Ithecastic unless the other people are struggling with mental health, evidentially.
@notsoberoveranalyzer8264 Жыл бұрын
@Ithecastic rofl. That was far from my experience living there. Though, I was way up in the countryside so things were much much more traditional. I met some of the kindest, most thoughtful people there. But those sorts of personalities seemed to be a reaction to the lack of care and thought towards others. A friend whose new born required surgery was threatened to be fired. It’s not so much of a mindset of caring or catering to others needs than one’s own but rather that you’re not allowed to have problems. Focusing on the larger group is out of pressure/force. And this is a huge factor as to why so many Japanese really like US Citizens. “They ask how you are”, “They care, offer help, listen compared to Japanese with other Japanese and desperately try to leave Japan or at the very least their birth cities. Even the epidemic of missing people, decrease of relationships is thought to be directly related to loneliness & inability to be apart of something. Mind you, it’s an entire nation so it’s really impossible to make an even semi-decent generalization. But you definitely see insane extremes, wether it is the incredibly kind, or the selfish that makes everything only about them. And what amplifies it, is those people tend to get put into higher positions, not necessarily because they’re better than others but because they’re willing to use everyone around them, purely advocate for themselves while bringing others down. Another thing to remember is that Japanese care very much about appearance. So with tourists, those you don’t know well they’re going to put on their best face. But when they come home, it’s a completely different situation. Which sure, is a common enough practice but I had never seen it to this sort of degree, so consistently. I’m not taking a jab at Japan. I loved living there, but I find it important to clarify on this point. Because if anyone begins to open up to you, it’s extremely important to give your attention, as it’s incredible hard for many to reach out. Showing a slight sign of disinterest can really destroy someone. I’ll never forget being at a mall, smoking a cigarette starting a conversation with this guy, and he ended up joining me and my two friends. When we split, this adult man’s eyes were watery. Telling me something along the lines of “I’ll never forget this. For someone to talk to me and invite me”. My Japanese at the time wasn’t very good, and I had to reconfirm that’s what he meant. But again, an EXTREMELY hospitable country however, not in the way of it being natural. Anyone who reads this and plans on going, I highly recommend you make time to find and sit at a “western style” bar if you’re not great at meeting people otherwise. Without a doubt you’ll meet people, and you’re likely to have great conversations. Many of whom literally lack a single friend, or someone to talk/listen to them. As again, it’s not so much that they’re focused on others rather than themselves but just that in society you’re expected to deal with everything silently, and not ask if others are okay. Another example of it, was getting on a 6:30AM metro, this guy passed out on the floor, his phone was out of his pocket as well as his wallet. Instinctively I went to make sure he was breathing, that he was okay. When trying to wake him up, another passenger said “He’s okay. Ignore him.” then went onto saying something like “Why do Americans try to help strangers?” I don’t know if that dude was aware I could understand him. And I don’t think it was out of cruelty but rather just “Why bother?” These are just two personal experiences. And that there is no simple, fast ways to accurately describe an entire nation, with thousands of years of social development. Just look at how I mentioned that I was told by many Japanese that they believed Americans to be very kind. However, others would say the USA is the most selfish. Even though it provides so much volunteering services. Hell, even people who said and asked “why are Americans so kind” also ask “why do Americans like guns and war so much?” Or Americans saying “Japanese are so kind”. It’s just in different ways. Each and every society is insanely fascinating and nuanced. Of course many will disagree with me. Lastly, I’m sticking to personal experiences to point out each individual, and moment will differ. To not label Japan in a singular way, just as in your home countries I’m sure you’re aware how different people can be depending on which part of the county they’re from.
@nguyenhuymanh1459 Жыл бұрын
@@mildanvongrius5530 ghosts dont exist, buddy
@evanjsx 10 ай бұрын
God I never knew about the references to all the random news stories in Gintama Hearing about the actual events make the scenes even better
@swoondrones 10 ай бұрын
They should arrest her. I would have gone totally nuts if I was near her. How could the neighbours even handle that? They should have arrested her straight away. Noise is a weapon. What about the other people? How are they not reacting? That's insane! Honestly, any action like that should be considered assalt. People don't take noise seriously at all. They should have arrested her days into this.
@Yesnog05 Жыл бұрын
As a Japanese-Filipina who visited Japan during this time and hearing about her from relatives, I personally believe the most hated woman in Japan goes to the mother of the boy who kidnapped, raped, tortured, and killed Junko Furuta and she desecrated Junko's grave.
@celebrityrog Жыл бұрын
That whole story is to me one of the absolute worst in history of treatment of someone.
@baibac6065 Жыл бұрын
Why the mother??
@moyashileah Жыл бұрын
@@baibac6065 the mother knew what was going on but decided not to report it to the police and let it happen for so long
@Rosymosy12 Жыл бұрын
@@baibac6065 she didn’t do anything, like she didn’t even reported it to the police and just let her boy and his friends do a lot of horrible things to Junko
@baibac6065 Жыл бұрын
@@Rosymosy12 I understand not reporting your kid, but letting it happen without intervening... damn.
@suna2317 Жыл бұрын
Having a noisy, unpredictable and aggressive neighbour really is the worst thing to deal with at home. When I was a teenager I lived in a poor apartment complex. The neighbour above me was a neurotic coke dealer. At first she was nice, but we quickly realised the problems after living there a couple of days. She was nice only when she wanted to be. Her mood swings gave people whiplash. And she would blast her music, scream at her kids, move furniture around constantly and slam her doors all through the night. From 11pm-5am. Every night. It was torture. The banging and slamming that would tremor down the walls would wake you if the noise didn’t. And it wasn’t just the noise. Her crazy nature caused me real anxiety. I woke up at 2am one night because I felt some sudden heat come through the window. I see her setting parked cars on fire right outside the window (I live on the ground floor). Ever since then I’ve always had my windows closed. She was also a dealer, so the police were always questioning us and there’d always be random shady people coming into the complex. It went on for over two years and it affected me so much that I can still remember the horrible sleepless nights vividly. She was never caught by police, but she was evicted.
@roadtoawesomenessxd Жыл бұрын
Yeah it's the exact same here. My advice...Get a spine. These people can't handle people fighting back so I stead of just sitting there either go there or call the cops but stop being a pussy and blaming your situation on that.
@suna2317 Жыл бұрын
@@roadtoawesomenessxd my advice… read peoples’ comments properly before giving them ‘advice’. This was a past situation, I was like 14 years old. She was an incredibly dangerous person and listened to nobody. A physically violent person too. We called the police constantly, but the police were seldom helpful. After so many complaints, she was finally evicted, so something was done. Unfortunately to this day I don’t think she was arrested for any of her crimes. But the apartment complex was finally peaceful after she left.
@dp4l1fe2 Жыл бұрын
Karen - The Origin
@trythis2006 Жыл бұрын
i just knock at neighboors doors if they are too loud and if they are rude or do not comply, i will be the one that fucking destroy their whole life, ill be nice if you are nice, i can be satan if you want satan
@argyrendehringterimksaccu174 Жыл бұрын
@@dp4l1fe2 new vtuber lore by holosomething?(joke:Chara name is also Karen)
@Cats-18 6 ай бұрын
This video was recommended by KZfaq. Truly bilingual, no unpleasant acted-out or artificial voice and an interesting contents! Will be watching more of this channel.
@TheChrosst 11 ай бұрын
"People bullied me" yeah no shit, when you are a menance to society people tend to get a little upset. She needed help but also needed to be put somewhere away from others.
@HealingIsOk 4 ай бұрын
She most likely meant before her actions. She likely has a mental illness, and parts of that is caused by mistreatment from others.
@elidasilva5558 Жыл бұрын
Quite tragic to be honest. A troubled lady taking things way too far. I'm Very thankful for the research you did. 17:00 - Dang, the meme has imbeded super hard in JP culture.
@EggSheeran-vk2yu Жыл бұрын
Id rather have This war criminal Mess with me 24/7 instead of that old hag
@neezduts69420 Жыл бұрын
It just shows that with enough trauma anyone can just break..
@sumayyahadetunmbi4347 Жыл бұрын
yeah, truly sad for the woman
@DanielPereira-ey9nt Жыл бұрын
I hope she got proper treatment for her mental health
@backpackpepelon3867 Жыл бұрын
Pekora too lmao
@Subjectivity13 Жыл бұрын
Even if everything she claimed was true, blasting music to the entire neighborhood was obviously not the right way to handle it, and contradicts her claim that she didn't want to bother anyone other than her immediate neighbors.
@annabaker8137 Жыл бұрын
When I heard about her originally my theory was that it was just the neighbors messing with her until she finally she snaps and then they would film whatever she would do back to them and then twist it to make it look like she's the crazy person- when in reality they're the one just driving her crazy
@arvinr.912 11 ай бұрын
I amn baffled that this didn't escalate further. If this was in another country, blood would've been shed.
@bigsmall246 11 ай бұрын
​@@annabaker8137it's more likely that she was overcome with stress from her dying family and irrationally placed all the blame of her suffering on the lamp. Her neighbours, probably not knowing about her dying family, ignored her, and she started playing loud music. Then the neighbours started framing her. It's also a very good indicator of her being a horrible neighbour (not withstanding her stress from her dying family) when she sues everyone to the point where one of them even moves out.
@tanepukenga1421 11 ай бұрын
Considering she attacked police and not one lawyer in the entire country would take her case on, then lying about her kicking the house despite it being on camera? Yeah, I don't believe her. If her issues were really about her families health, she wouldn't torture her husband and son in the same house, forcing them to listen blaring music, all day, everyday without reprieve. Then as soon as she got out of prison ALL crappy behaviour from her stops? Sorta like she finally learned her actions can have consequences. As I said, if this was really about her family, she wouldn't have subjected them to the same crap and wouldn't have spent nearly a decade harassing people @@bigsmall246
@iseetheendisnear2416 7 ай бұрын
@@bigsmall246I would say the neighbors are completely innocent. I’ve known this type of person before, they love to say “you made me do it” and then later conveniently forget they were a part of it at all. So “you made me so mad I broke dishes” later turns into “you broke my dishes.” Disorders with symptoms of cruelty often have amnesia baked into them. As well as lying.
@Turbo_Waitress Жыл бұрын
Thank you for covering this! I remember seeing this lady on TV when I was living in Japan and I always wondered about what happened.
@cathydowns5442 3 ай бұрын
Sehr interessante Story und wahnsinnig gut präsentiert. Meine Hochachtung!
@janelbbuck Жыл бұрын
This seems to be displaced anger she has due to the stress of her family. It’s not fair for her to take it out on her neighbour, or technically neighbours cause I’m sure the entire neighbourhood heard her. Sounds like she needed mental help. I feel bad for her but her neighbours shouldn’t be her punching bag.
@tanepukenga1421 11 ай бұрын
So far, it seems like you got the best take along with the original sources the creator found. From everything she did and how she immediately stopped after her long stay in jail (and hasn't continued the behaviour in the 15 years since) I'd also say it started from stress instead of an actual mental illness. As for why she kept doing it? Maybe it was the lack of attention at home, the constant stress or just because she enjoyed acting outrageously it doesn't really matter when she's harming others. If we're going to live these more isolated lives, we need something to help deal with the issues that come from being unable to destress or get a little relief. Certainly more than the mental health services most countries can provide
@WeirdVideoGames 10 ай бұрын
I think the really sad part of all of this is how she said this was her problem to deal with by herself. If she had sought help from others, she could have found a way to deal with all of this, but she just got increasingly desperate and lashed out at the world.
@tokesalotta1521 10 ай бұрын
Seems like if her family were the priority, she would've spent more time with them instead of spending all day harassing her neighbors
@omgomg123123lol 10 ай бұрын
We have the same profile pic lmao
@itz_andrey9137 5 ай бұрын
She could have tried to get herself some help instead of disrupting her neighbors every day (before she got worse)
@tiron3218 Жыл бұрын
It‘s hard to say who is right, the truth probably lies somewhere in between, with both sides having dirt on their hands. But even if she was worried about the light because of her husband, she should‘ve acted differently. Take THAT to the authorities, tell them about your worries and maybe get a doctor involved that can help assess the harmfulness of the light. I get being angry. But making loud noise 24/7 and screaming at people does nothing but draw hate to yourself. Even if she did that out of good intention that was not the way to go.
@kittyythecat Жыл бұрын
No one can deny that Miyoko is a loving wife and mother. I think its amazing she can take care of her family. However, you are right about the light. She should have told the authories to get rid of the light.
@KyokujiFGC Жыл бұрын
She's clearly mentally ill or some shit if she's able to keep that up for hours out of spite.
@blushingralseiuwu2222 Жыл бұрын
Really? Telling police? Lol, good luck
@Mint_River11 Жыл бұрын
I think she just rant her misery out to other people
@hatefulgaming1800 Жыл бұрын
@@blushingralseiuwu2222 Ah yes because the police are evil no good men who would never help a civil dispute.
@Swizdom 22 күн бұрын
Being from Saskatchewan and not knowing you were Canadian the SGI picture got me 😂 I was so confused lmaooo
@thedisconnect5769 Ай бұрын
So im gonna be real real with you. I have a grandma that acted exactly like this lady to a tee. Like terrifyingly similar. Turned out to be depression anxiety and a bit of bi-polar disorder. She flew the coop completely.
@GalliardJaws Жыл бұрын
I had a neighbor who knowingly backed her car into my fence and destroyed part of it. She didn't tell me it was her but when I confronted her about it, she told me " I thought I heard a bump but didn't care". She also had a habit of playing Eminem really loud at 3am while showering, never answering her door when I went to complain because I couldn't sleep. She'd turn off her lights and music then pretend she wasn't there. Absolute whack job, so glad shes gone now.
@nunyabiznes33 Жыл бұрын
These days, she'd probably get shamed online.
@maclura Жыл бұрын
i had a neighbor like that, but he was into alternative medicine and after he got covid he didn't make it.
@TheOGDominic Жыл бұрын
@@maclura damn lmao
@aizo85 Жыл бұрын
@@TheOGDominic "damn lmao" 🗿
@ascendedbox612 Жыл бұрын
@@TheOGDominic snap back to reality
@kerinohwithatwist Жыл бұрын
She had to take care of her family yet she had all this time to annoy her neighbors.
@melisa9805 Жыл бұрын
Lmao that's what I was thinking🤔 seriously I could never handle a neighbor😭 like her I mean a nightmare neighbor like her I think I would end up losing my mind and end up killing her😬 like my anger issues could never💀
@ducati3241 Жыл бұрын
@@melisa9805 😂😂😂😂
@Villosa64 Жыл бұрын
what's more fucking baffling is how she is able to take care of her family constantly and blast music everywhere, like where did she get the money from
@path1024 Жыл бұрын
I think it's clear there was more to the story. People don't often behave like this for no reason. I believe they framed her for things and harassed her as well, but of course they were the only ones smart enough to get video that tells one side of the story.
@johnjohan7907 Жыл бұрын
@@melisa9805 get checked
@Jesusandbible 4 ай бұрын
I find playing white noise from speakers can block out a lot of sound, to refine this I think brown noise was my favourite sound blocker. This is used by jet pilots. But banging noises can get through it a bit.
@leowakefield5942 6 ай бұрын
seeing the SGI logo show up here was like a jump scare to me omg at least it reminded me I need to renew my drivers license
@mundmannequin2074 Жыл бұрын
I'm an Eikaiwa tutor, and I just want to say thank you so much for making these videos! Sometimes I use your videos as topics with my students and they are always surprised that I know such things that are only relevant to Japan. Japanalysis keep up the good work and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ♡♡♡♡
@turuus5215 Жыл бұрын
Ah, so sweet
@Eddietheteddie Жыл бұрын
I think Miyoko is probably deeply mentally unwell, due to the horrific stress caused by her situation, the sato family are not at fault, but neither is Miyoko. Miyoko clearly needed help. Since this blew up a bit I just thought I'd add that in a country like Japan, mental health is a very taboo subject, meaning she likely had very little support available to her and very little knowledge regarding what she was dealing with. Truly a tragic story. Edit 2: a lot of people are saying that she is still in the wrong. That is a frankly uneducated take. I studied psychology. She was suffering from most likely PTSD, Bipolar and depression to name just a few. Please watch a documentary on these conditions, especially bipolar and you will understand that the actions of a person during a mental breakdown do not make sense and are often completely different to how they truly are.
@Ru1nxl0ve Жыл бұрын
You worded it really well, broski. I can tell, normal people wouldn't have these kinds of behaviors or a level of wrath like her, I can sense that Miyoko is screaming for help BUT can't ask people for the help, and most of people with this madness are really mentally unwell inside. Miyoko needs help after all
@yesterdayitrained Жыл бұрын
Mental illness may have caused her behavior. But that doesn’t make her blameless either.
@eej9888 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, watching this made me feel so sad for her. Jail and time and fines only exacerbated this woman's problem, making everyone suffer unnecessarily
@amano6979 Жыл бұрын
I probabli kill myself if Im in her position. having through all that and no one care enough to lend a shoulder. my neighbors are the kind of people that stick their noses on everything that happens around them, they can be annoying but when needed, they'll always there to help.
@adamw.7169 Жыл бұрын
Having mental and physical issues isn't a free pass though. She needed help, yes, but that doesn't excuse or make acceptable what she was doing.
@mikeylitchfield4651 11 ай бұрын
It's normal to try and rationalise crazy behaviour but sometimes people are just crazy. Even if this behaviour was taken in revenge it's still very unhinged behaviour.
@grumpysloth7928 10 ай бұрын
She is no victim. She terrorizes those around her and is bullied in return. Zero sympathy. My mother is exactly like this. She was always starting fights with those around her.
@chinBTT 10 ай бұрын
the point is to figure who started it. she might not be in the right but the neighbor is clearly a liar too. nobody cares or needs your sympathy.
@annamossity8879 10 ай бұрын
Is your mother mentally ill? There might be help for that
@grumpysloth7928 10 ай бұрын
I assure you after 45 years there is no helping her.@@annamossity8879
@taylorpeay8991 10 ай бұрын
uhm you can have sympathy for her family literally slowly dying a terrible death. freak.
@grumpysloth7928 10 ай бұрын
Please this behavior is unhinged there is no excuse for it. I have dealt with people like her and all they do is start fights and lie. Now please piss off with your outrage.@@taylorpeay8991
@E-A-Z-Y Жыл бұрын
Bro she was blasting Nine Inch Nails and Metallica 😭
@SeymoreSparda Жыл бұрын
When you got no other medium or way to share your fire mixtape with the world, other than, ya know, blasting it directly onto your neighbourhood. Say what you will about Hirohiko Araki...Westaboo?...Creatively-bankrupt when it comes to naming villains' names? Rest assured, whatever entity that is governing the universe has that shit taken care of already for him, unlike this poor woman.
@SeymoreSparda Жыл бұрын
Bruh...imagine if she got Skinny Puppy, Ministry and Godlesh on that shit! Or the other 3 bands in Thrash's Big Four pantheon! Or some deep cut shit!🤣🤣🤣
@rileymichael2694 Жыл бұрын
based grandma
@moinmahmud6265 Жыл бұрын
@@SeymoreSparda skinny puppy, Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer went to one of those concerts
@TheDrexxus Жыл бұрын
Ive heard of stories like this in the US, and it's always some person with extreme mental illness. They almost always end up institutionalized.
@jazzfeline5970 Жыл бұрын
Most of them don't end up institutionalized in most parts of America, at least not anymore. The Reagan administration shut down most of the asylums in the 80s. It's why there's such a staggering number of deranged homeless people.
@nehehehgraylois 10 ай бұрын
​@@jazzfeline5970 Mental institutions still exist though, just not the scary lobotomy kind. I blame our crackhead hobo problem on US cities being shitholes in general but I'm open to scrutiny here because "Loons on the loose" does sound like it has credence
@RT-qd8yl 10 ай бұрын
We use them for manual labor here in ohio
@nehehehgraylois 10 ай бұрын
@@RT-qd8yl erm based?
@lolasdm6959 6 ай бұрын
@@nehehehgraylois Yeah wait your turn
@ezekielbrockmann114 Жыл бұрын
We have a neighbor who was like this. Sadly (or thankfully) her dementia has progressed so that we in the neighborhood need to daily watch out that she doesn't lock herself outside and get frostbite, or die on her porch swing in winter months.
@mikeviscusi4260 5 ай бұрын
Meh, I wouldn't get involved.
@thefondcarpet5230 10 ай бұрын
Great story man. Well written. I don't have much money but I do appreciate the effort.
@Yoshifurmi Жыл бұрын
I honestly want to thank you since you sometimes explain stuff that were in Gintama which I could not understand but I shrugged it off as an insider joke or something. I love Gintama
@mfreak1126 Жыл бұрын
Her sister's grandchild wasn't bullied. Her sister only said that she was afraid of the possibility that people around her would know she's Miyoko's sister and that her grandchild would be bullied because of that.
@mfreak1126 Жыл бұрын
@@Geekaloompa Reading my comment made you think like that? Interesting...
@hegbol8384 Жыл бұрын
@@GeekaloompaBeing mentally Ill is bad and unwanted. It’s not right to bully someone who has one, but be real with yourself.
@Geekaloompa Жыл бұрын
@@hegbol8384 You should take the time to stop and read my comment carefully again as you seem to have misunderstood what I typed. I said that Japan's mindset is toxic because they believe that mental illness is bad and unwanted. That does not mean I also believe that so stop assuming the worst ffs.
@vichentez Жыл бұрын
@@hegbol8384 Honestly I thought the EXACT same thing. Although I agree it shouldn’t be shameful, it doesn’t mean people want mental illness… It IS bad and unwanted.
@hegbol8384 Жыл бұрын
@@Geekaloompa Every place on Earth must be toxic then lol. Disabilities aren’t desirable to any sane person. Are you starting to get it through your head?
@Penumbra-ias27 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, i feel kinda sorry for her. People like this are usually the most misunderstood, socially awkward, and lonely people…and figured the only way they get genuine interaction is becoming a menace- kinda like how children do when they’re being neglected.
@armorpro573 28 күн бұрын
But imagine being her neighbor for all those years. You’d definitely go mad
@TimothyTimPSP Жыл бұрын
Great video. Thank you.
@Chris14141 Жыл бұрын
It's funny cuz here in the USA you don't get any sort of recognition for being Japanese level quiet but over in Japan you get super famous for being American level rude.
@dsandoval9396 Жыл бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Nice.
@LootandScoot Жыл бұрын
As soon as I saw this video, I knew it was going to have a Yank like you in the comments belittling his own country for some dumb reason. A lot of you Americans need to venture out past the computer desk and learn you aren't the only place in the world with rude, selfish, loud knob heads, and it's quite common everywhere you go. I get that the pommies try to convince you guys that it's just America and that they're all perfect, but no, everywhere has pricks and in great numbers, not just America. This whole "America is bad" thing has Yanks like you constantly complaining about their country, which is the stupidest thing ever. It stinks for everyone right now, not just Americans. It's time to buck up, mate, because the grass isn't greener anywhere else you go.
@TheWalf999 Жыл бұрын
Omg lol true
@NightDawnDusk Жыл бұрын
In general if you're quiet you wouldn't get any recognition
@KaotikBOOO Жыл бұрын
Japaneses aren't that quiet, especially young people, I don't recommend living near them But yeah American are even noisier so I guess on an American scale they're pretty quiet
@RealHumanBeing276 Жыл бұрын
the story of her family is heartbreaking, and I understand if she needs to vent after going through all that, but that doesn't excuse her behavior, if she lived with her sick husband, how did they even sleep with all the noise that she was making too?
@indiasuperclean6969 Жыл бұрын
@KAlberich Жыл бұрын
@@indiasuperclean6969 your point being?
@josheboythespeedrunner8491 Жыл бұрын
@@indiasuperclean6969 yeah that clean air with all those cars and traffic jams must be nice
@substomebois Жыл бұрын
@@indiasuperclean6969 ya is this a joke or not because if this a joke I wouldn't mind and if this ain't a joke then i would hate india more
@WeirdShower Жыл бұрын
@@indiasuperclean6969 “free punjabi hello your computer has virus” - 👳🏽‍♂️
@sazziestar202 11 ай бұрын
The local officials are at fault as there was no real attempt at conflict resolution.. that lady needed help caring for her sick family members. It's extremely sad for both parties
@charlenebuwenting 13 күн бұрын
People are not born like this. It was the Psychiatrists, Psych nurses and people around her that drove her to this state. Tragic 😢
@Fanez17 Жыл бұрын
that was really sad she needed help i hope she's in a better place now in her life
@jaylinliu3376 Жыл бұрын
I had a relative who had similar symptoms of banging/kicking doors, yelling at people, suspicious of strangers, banging pots and pans outside of her house, playing a speaker oustide of her house etc. She had a very serious mental illness and relapsed many times before she got better on community treatment order. When I saw this video, it immediately took me back. It's sad that in some parts of the developed world, people do not recognize this as a mental health issue and and instead persecute these people using the courts system. I sympathize with the neighbours who are subjected to this day and night. However, as a first world country, Japan needs a better mental health system to help these people who are seriously ill. People like her can get better with proper medication and counselling. My relative was proof of that.
@maddieb.4282 Жыл бұрын
That was my immediate take. She was obviously mentally unwell and acting out. She really needed help.
@KelrynGrey 11 ай бұрын
​@@maddieb.4282definitely. Mental illness in East Asia is wildly under addressed. That's probably 90% of the reason this all went on for so long. And just because she is visibly mentally ill doesn't mean she is incapable of being crafty to avoid consequences.
@Kennyiaf 11 ай бұрын
May I ask do you know what disorder your relative has?
@jabloko992 11 ай бұрын
Bro, if someone blasts music for 2 years straight their ass is getting persecuted. If you have a mental health problem, go seek help, that's what I did. I never got let off for anything I did or didn't do because of my mental health issues and I was NEVER this level of antisocial. It's not an excuse. The crazy lady who wakes up the whole neighborhood over a lamp gets locked up. I don't care where she gets locked up, I don't care what medicine she gets or doesn't get, stop disturbing the sleep of your entire neighborhood.
@nabagaca 11 ай бұрын
@@jabloko992 Ideally both happens, she gets a forced stay at a psychiatric ward until she's no longer a threat to her community. You must recognise that there are some psychological disorders (e.g. Bipolar) where some people with the condition aren't mentally well enough to recognise that they need to seek help.
@Vaidiss 11 ай бұрын
literally my house and neighborhood before i moved out, now its quiet every night and nobody's blasting music or yelling outside the window.
@ViewTube_Emperor_of_Mankind 6 ай бұрын
Seeing your loved ones in agony.. slowly perishing before your eyes.. that will destroy you body and soul.. she took care of them.. not like others who wouldve just left such a situation.. going to buy cigarettes at the gas station and never return.. Being confrontational doesnt make sense tho.. investing all that energy just to mess or get back at the neighbours makes a bad situation worse...
@RealTragoe2 Жыл бұрын
The amount of effort you've put into this video is incredible! I appreciate all the research you've done for it.
@Japanalysis Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much!
@onegrapefruitlover Жыл бұрын
My money is on the cause being unresolved mental health issues, particularly with that family situation. Either outright lack of emotional regulation (like the dementia scenario that others pointed out) or a ton of painful and stressful situations that she wasn’t capable of handling on her own and therefore expressed through those obnoxious behaviors. It’s easy to imagine things unraveling badly after that. “It wasn’t just music, they were my cries” Psychological treatment would have helped her to manage and express her emotions in ways that didn’t get her in jail and bullied by people.
@annehannapink1691 Жыл бұрын
My student's neighbour threw urine and s*it in plastic bags into their compound... Her family decided to move away to avoid such a terrible neighbour...
@jimdavis8391 Жыл бұрын
No sh1t Sherlock.
@JohnAbobo-mx3tn 4 ай бұрын
My neighbor cut the tree that my grandfather planted in our backyard saying that they needed firewood, and this backyard is included in their plot. We have the necessary documents to support, but we didn't have the chance to sue her for she met an accident in front of our house, she was run over by a car while buying something from the adjacent store. She died
@vintagebrew1057 4 ай бұрын
What an evil woman. Your ancestors took their revenge on her!
@ganjalfcreamcorn8438 6 ай бұрын
3:19 lol good thing these statements were highlighted so we could all read them together
@foxdavani4091 Жыл бұрын
My mother was sick. A neighbor in his early 20s kept riding a noisy gas powered scooter around our street for hours a day. I asked him multiple times to stop because mom needed to sleep. Her life depended on her having the strength to fight against her own body and mind. He wouldn't listen. He even kicked me as he road by around probably 20 miles per hour more or less. The second time he came around, after days of his noise pollution not letting mom sleep, even though mom pretended she didn't care, I was beyond tired. I stepped out of the way as he started moving and since he was much slower his time for some reason, I was out of his line of travel and I kicked him hard right off his scooter. He tumbled and got up. The fight was one. But I didn't want to fight. So I baited him. I'm small. I don't fight. I ran with him on foot. Went to the community office and as I thought, he was so pissed that he chased me in and the security grabbed him. He got kicked out of the community within days. And I don't care what became of him. Fuck people who don't care when they are abusing others around them.
@Lil-Britches Жыл бұрын
FUCKING white people
@dacoup5955 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like you're the prick here, its an open neighborhood you don't own it all and as long as he's not trying to do it deliberately in front of your house to cause problems then there really shouldn't be an issue, if it don't suit your mother and its really an issue find a place that will, do you know how many douchebags i have to deal with in my apartment complex that own v8's with loud exhausts that roll through every day intentionally reving their engines or noisy neighbors? ... Its annoying but thats part of living in the area i pay to live in and i understand people got things going on, not much i can do about it if its that big of a problem its on me to move, its not my neighborhood just like you don't own the whole block, its a kid trying to enjoy himself and you're out here acting a fool with a 20 year old, if its an issue call the police but the minute you went out and assaulted someone you crossed the line and i'd be willing to bet had the cops known about that you're ass would have caught a charge or worse since you don't fight gotten your shit kicked in by him or a member of his family ... there's always someone out here who thinks their problems have to affect everyone, i'm sorry to hear about your mother but if changes have to be made then make em but you can't expect everyone to just do what you ask because YOU got problems ...
@Davis... Жыл бұрын
That was probably the second best way to deal with him. I'll leave the first best way up to your imagination.
@aeoligarlic4024 Жыл бұрын
Omg he could get ran over by a bus and i would still don't care for him. Good for you
@warmuzi4240 Жыл бұрын
Oh so u a bitch gottu
@yukisuperstylish Жыл бұрын
I saw the movie and it was full of emotions and drama. They twisted the events slightly but you can feel how all of them the neighbors and her were in a very different situations. It was a nice movie
@nehehehgraylois 10 ай бұрын
Given the meme nature of the neighborhood war that's surprising to me
@Dr-Weird 10 ай бұрын
I was looking for this comment thank you
@fragrantbloom 4 ай бұрын
Could you tell me the name of the movie
@HalXV 3 ай бұрын
I live in Tokyo now but I'm from Mexico. I used to live in an apartment complex with my wife, there were neighbors infront that would make parties and shoot guns to the air in late hours when we called the police they either were their friends or they told them to be quiet but as soon as the police leave, they start the noise even louder. Not only that, they would close the gate of the apartment complex and when police arrived the couldn't legally get in unless someone opens the gate, so, usually the person who called them went out and open, that way the noisy neighbors knew who called them so they would vandalize that persons car or apartment, the would stand behind that persons door and make sounds with their guns (like reloading) to intimidate that person. Of course they also didn't pay rent, they basically one day arrived saw an empty apartment and got in and never left, they didn't pay services either, for example, we only get 1 bill for water for the entire apartment complex and depending of how many people live in each apartment we payed accordingly, but these guys never paid, they know that we will have to pay for them or else the water supply would be cut. Seriously f this guys they made us move
@critically.panned Ай бұрын
I had… weird… neighbors once. They moved next door to us and within days started almost bragging that their last house had burnt down on Christmas Eve. They had three kids around my age at the time and they were AWFUL. Zero discipline and no accountability for anything they did. They had a Great Dane who was really sweet, but every time (yes, EVERY time) I would go over to pet her the mom would remind me that big dogs die young and theirs would probably only live for four years??? It was creepy in a way that’s hard to explain. Then one day after years of living there they just disappeared. Gone overnight without a trace. I think the bank foreclosed on them after a while? Either way, eventually a nice woman and her family moved in next door and it was all a thing of the past. Bizarre.
@xhana_ Жыл бұрын
I had a very similar neighbour for about 3 years, tho mine was an alcoholic. She'd do things like kick her door with her feet to the point you could see her appartment through the holes all over, or yell "you'll sleep when I decide you can" at any point of the night. The police were called countless times, they never , not even once, showed up. Turned out she was living there for 15 years and the police stopped telling her to stop a long time ago. For month after I left, every morning I'd wake up convinced I was in my old appartment for a few seconds. Everytime I said "I'm going home" I'd have the feeling that my home would be the old one, before realizing I moved and I was ok now. There is only one word to describe these 3 worst years of my life ; traumatic.
@Explosionman27 Жыл бұрын
I used to have a neighbor who had a snake that would get loose anytime he drank. He would go on weekend long binges and forget to lock the cage, causing the python to explore the inside of the walls and neighboring apartments. During these binges, he would have shouting matches with himself, yelling long, rambling arguments with his invisible step-mom for hours during which he'd punch and kick the walls. When he was finally evicted, he barricaded himself and the police had to get him out.
@unicornsrice1667 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like he went through trauma from his step mom. Sad.
@applesandgrapesfordinner4626 Жыл бұрын
Pov: You live in Florida
@icedtohfuu9555 Жыл бұрын
Maybe he needs psychiatric help? Getting aggressive, where it gets physical, as a result of your imagination is really concerning.
@LittleKitty22 Жыл бұрын
Good grief! I hope they caught the snake. And I hope it hadn't been breeding...
@VidiaReePhoenix 4 ай бұрын
Due to the way you worded the sentence, it sounded like you were saying the snake was drinking.
@aipaloovik 10 ай бұрын
5:49 Clarification between rug and casual couch would've been useful early on. Futon means something else here, but you know that.
@Sb82828 10 ай бұрын
My mother is delusional, thinks all neighbours are planning plotting with dad to hurt her and taunt her, my father is abusive physically emotionally mentally financially. He also has many affairs. It tore apart our family. I feel bad for our neighbours too. My mom wud see or hear anything n jump to conclusion and start abusive in the filthiest language ever! It frustrates me sm . There r little kids and babies in our neighbourhood. This doesn not happen everyday or all day tho. But when ever it happens it's so intense it makes me panick or want to run away. On top of that our neighbours n we share common walls that means the windows n balconies r so close it's insane.
@doctorakiba5667 Жыл бұрын
Her personal tragedy does not justify the noise abuse. No one inflicted that medical issue on her family. She has no right to take it out on her neighbors this badly even if she feels slighted by the lamp. If she had a proper reason for being against a lamp, she should have asked assistance from local authorities instead of taking matters into her own hands. Even worse is the fact that her actions also affected her extended family due to the notoreity she earned. All that said, information on her family being sick is circumstantial. Its a cute narrative twist to pull viewer symphathy and engagement, but plenty of things don't add up.
@ascendedbox612 Жыл бұрын
what doesnt add up? i just want to know more
@Kris-wo4pj Жыл бұрын
Strong lights can cause people with certain illnesses to get extremely dizzy and faint. It's pretty common. It adds up just fine. It's a degenerative illness that effects the muscles. Those are extremely common. I get ya don't like a Karen not just being a Karen but get over youself.
@AyushSingh-js3rf Жыл бұрын
@@Kris-wo4pj I can second you I myself have muscular dystrophy and I don't plan to have kids ever cuz I don't wanna ruin their life or my wife's
@thecrimsonfuckeralucardlor5087 Жыл бұрын
@@Kris-wo4pj what doesn't add up is just because they have an illness it doesn't excuse their actions. No one is denying they have an illness they're saying it's not an excuse to be an asshole. Having a disease doesn't equal taking it out on others. If people do that then their disease isn't a shield from criticism, people need to be held accountable. Doing that still makes them an asshole even if you feel bad about their situation and it doesn't get them out of consequences or any legal trouble.
@ryuli9723 Жыл бұрын
How about the alleged frame ups with graffiti and broken gates?
@potato-sweet Жыл бұрын
this was some insane research, it's so cool! 10/10 honestly this was so interesting to learn about something i've never considered. plus, i needed to watch something while i had dinner and this was perfect!
@Japanalysis Жыл бұрын
thank you!!!!!!!!!!
@kerryvanskonsol792 Жыл бұрын
@@Japanalysis definitions of Japanese Karen
@TheDeadBacon 11 ай бұрын
The music started the day I was born. Fills me with some fun sense of pride, what a silly coincidence.
@vasenkasi4846 Жыл бұрын
Whatever reasons she had, once she went 24/7 noise, wouldn't her own (surviving) family suffer as well? The authorities should've enforced it harder.
@blackpearl9504 11 ай бұрын
This is a point it seems a bunch of people have made to the folks defending her. And is EXTREMELY valid. But literally no one has been able to answer this.. A mere light out in the street is detrimental to a sick person's health. But you retaliate by blasting loud music through the entire neighborhood 24/7. And that doesn't effect the sick person's health. it's a huge contradictory hole in this story.
@deathmorphosis Жыл бұрын
The whole ordeal even has a specific name in Japanese, namely「奈良騒音傷害事件」or "The Nara Noise Injury Incident", loosely translated. The Wikipedia article for it is, even though the whole situation is tragic, highly amusing in the sense that it literally lists "weapons', namely a "boombox, carpet beater and a car horn". EDIT: Oh, he had actually put that info in the last seconds of the video, never mind.
@navyntune8158 Жыл бұрын
it makes sense in context
@heliotarrara 9 ай бұрын
Did anyone create a playlist or archive of music she liked? Curious to check that out if someone has got a link
@urfavoritehumanbean879 6 күн бұрын
About 85 DECIBELS OUTSIDE the house??? Imagine how loud it must be _inside_ besides the fact it's playing all day and night. That's seriously detrimental to hearing
@thedwightguy Жыл бұрын
As much as we're all being TOLD to have empathy with those who have struggles, the flip side is that doesn't give those same people the "Right" to make others lives miserable acting out.
@maddieb.4282 Жыл бұрын
But there are laws against “acting out” and you get punished. Nobody is forcing you to have empathy and complaining about other people having and promoting empathy is kinda nasty behavior
@jabloko992 11 ай бұрын
@@maddieb.4282 You know what else is nasty behaviour? Keeping your whole neighbourhood up for 2 years straight. I would say that's a lot more 'nasty' than calling names. Having empathy for antisocial lunatics like this woman is counter-productive and stupid. Try living next to her and then tell me that 'oh she just needed help'. They should have locked her up until she stopped being a nuisance. Should she have received medicine and care while she was in? Absolutely. Should have have locked her in an asylum instead of a prison? Probably. But nasty behaviour must be discontinued. Apparently, the laws against 'acting out' allowed her to terrorise her neighbours non-stop for years without reprecussions until she was finally locked up. These people deserve more severe punishments, not more empathy. They get enough empathy, apparently, when they are given 2 years to stop the bullshit. That's plenty of empathy for a loon bag like this. I too have and had mental health issues, guess what, I got 0 fucking empathy for it, from anywhere, nothing I ever did or didn't do was excused and I just had to cope and control myself. People's asses are always bleeding over POOR MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE, until it's their turn to deal with them. I can guarantee you, you would not be promoting any kind of empathy for this woman if you too lived next to her. It's very easy to be 'empathetic' in a meaningless youtube comment.
@chasepalumbo2929 11 ай бұрын
@tanepukenga1421 11 ай бұрын
It took 9 YEARS for this woman to be jailed for long enough the lesson finally sunk in. AND she stopped straight after, kinda showing her hand that it wasn't a mental issue, just someone CHOOSING to be an A-hole until it became too costly. She pretty much proved she didn't need empathy, she needed a clip round the ear @@maddieb.4282
@ACDBunnie 10 ай бұрын
Okay, I made a comment about having empathy, but I didn't write that people don't have the right to bother the community because I shouldn't have to say that. So please don't assume that everyone with empathy thinks it's okay to be a bother. It goes without saying.
@kevtlee08 Жыл бұрын
If you’re blasting music that loud every night when people are trying to sleep, of course you’re going to get harassed by the neighbors.
@mildanvongrius5530 Жыл бұрын
And here is the question of the day, who started first?
@sneakyg491 Жыл бұрын
The woman clearly declined to enter the secte and she get bullied every day, I understand why she was like that.
@lukaswilhelm9290 Жыл бұрын
@@mildanvongrius5530 in Japan the police could act very fast so rather than doing bad things because other gave you same treatment you should rather report to police.
@mildanvongrius5530 Жыл бұрын
@@lukaswilhelm9290 yes but, the fact that she kept doing it despite being arrested means that the police or the government isn't very strict with the situation. Unlike American or Chinese police whom either lock her a very long-term or remove her residence to keep the peace (if possible in your country), the japanese police which to me is uh kinda slow at everything, even solution.
@lukaswilhelm9290 Жыл бұрын
@@mildanvongrius5530 wait, they can do that? Remove you from your house because you're a jerk to your neighbor? Well in my country it's not the police who do that but the mob who would dare to burn your house.
@Domarius64 11 ай бұрын
Put it into perspective, when you consider the only thing Sato faked was the graffiti and the kicking of the gate, after Miyoko has already been playing music and keeping them awake 24/7, what lengths would you go to when the police haven't intervened for years? People who aren't bad, always get caught out when they attempt to retalliate by doing something "bad" because they're not as good at it as actual bad people.
@bonson9156 10 ай бұрын
No one ever thought to call the Yakuza? I mean, when all else fails...
@sergpie Жыл бұрын
We had an old lady that lived the next building down from ours back in Italy. She was a widow, and one of the few that wore all-black since her husband passed way back in the early 1980s. This woman terrified the kids in the neighborhood, as she’d constantly scream at us, would throw dirty mop water at us from her window, and one time took one of our soccer balls and cut it with a pair of scissors; she then yelled “I dare you to come get it” as she tormented us from her stoop. She was a local celebrity of sorts because of this, and several of the police in town grew up with her doing the same to them. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, especially if she’s also alone and embittered. She passed away way back in like 2001/2002. I’d never think this as a kid, but I really hope she’s found some solace, and met back with her husband. She likely missed him so much that it made her hate the world around her for it.
@Imtoohungrytodie Жыл бұрын
I think what she meant was that the world is so cruel after her husband passed away she began to hate people around her,I guess
@mehchocolate1257 Жыл бұрын
@@Imtoohungrytodie I've never seen a Japanese Karen before
@LittleMissDeath Жыл бұрын
One of my childhood neighbors got worse and worse over time. I went to school with his son and his mom seems to think well of me, but he just sort of started acting... off. He was always pretty humorless and standoffish, but it got worse. He started making lots of noise which was the worst of it. We asked him multiple times to quiet down, especially in the mornings. He said no. Another neighbor, who battled cancer 4 fucking times including during the height of his bullshit, begged him to keep quiet in the mornings when she was sleeping. Again, he said no. Cops were called a few times. He and his wife started fighting. Pretty sure his oldest son threatened to beat his ass over it, as well. Eventually his wife threatened to leave if he didn't seek mental help. He got on medication, admitted to my mom that it helped and went back to his regular, grouchy, standoffish - BUT QUIET - self.
@yourlocallesbian9928 Жыл бұрын
@LittleMissDeath Жыл бұрын
@@yourlocallesbian9928 Bipolar.
@eval4010 Жыл бұрын
@@yourlocallesbian9928 let’s not harmfully misdiagnose people online when you don’t have any qualifications, education on the fact and assume just from this tiny bit of context. Autism first of all is not a disorder and medication isn’t even needed usually. Don’t just throw labels and misdiagnosis around like that
@Andytlp Жыл бұрын
@@yourlocallesbian9928 nah like most of the stories posted here its likely crazy mixed with more crazy. Past traumas surfacing later in life people going mad. Dementia. Schizo. psychosis or everything in between.
@yourlocallesbian9928 Жыл бұрын
@@eval4010 got it.
@abbasallamy2312 Жыл бұрын
I am from a small part of Lebanon and I hear people yelling outside all the time and I think it's no big deal. Along with the honking and the hitting sounds but not the music
@lukaswilhelm9290 Жыл бұрын
She's a definition of "when life give you lemon i will share the taste of sour to y'll".
@sultan__8636 Жыл бұрын
@ellorasg4525 Жыл бұрын
Pffffffft Bwakakakakakakaka
@sultan__8636 Жыл бұрын
@@ellorasg4525 bawakaakakak
@Saturnia2014 Жыл бұрын
"When life gives you lemons, squeeze it in people's eyes!"
@worldofdaisy._ Жыл бұрын
@darkcorestudies6038 Жыл бұрын
Story about neighbours from Russia. My neighbours from the upper floor often was screaming at each other, fighting and every night my family and I was hearing how mother beating her child for almost a hour. Almost all other neighbours called cops every night, but it didn’t helped. So, one day child screamed almost for half of night and then, at the morning there was medics under our apartment, and this night and a few next, there was no crying or screaming. Of course people started asking questions and found out, that her child in the hospital with broken rib cage. Long story short, next morning she was found with multiple broken bones and beaten to a pulp around trash cans. Child after this was finally taken away and Moyer is still here, but now she scared of everyone. Actually after everything that happened we found out, that her ex husband is a local police chef and it explained everything. He lost his job after this incident.
@m1nor1ty30 Жыл бұрын
Wait does the ex husband beat her wife for abusing his child?
@kovicrisi1726 4 ай бұрын
How does one person not stop even after having to pay so much fines and spend so much legal time.
@mukkaar 8 ай бұрын
Whatever happened in these people's lives, blasting music/noise and vandalism is just unacceptable.
@anniedaynoww Жыл бұрын
Sounds like she was dealing with a lot but I don't see how that leads into a neighborhood harassment campaign
@HelloItsMikkan Жыл бұрын
The whole family medical issue must have taken toll on her sanity. For a Person who is losing control, they would usually try to find control within other aspects of their life... For her it was probably her strict control over other people in the neighborhood.
@spacecadetkaito Жыл бұрын
Sometimes people reach their limit and it drives them to wild things. A lot of times these insane Karen videos have dark backstories, those over the top reactions arent the product of a healthy mind.
@saumyavig8964 Жыл бұрын
@@HelloItsMikkan dosent justify or properly explain any of the shit that she did, i mean i have ocd and fear loosing control, but dont do this kinda shit, just wash my hands until they are rock solid lmao. Albeit, our situations are different and mine milder, it still dosent explain it cuz other people go through worse shit, dont turn out like this.
@HelloItsMikkan Жыл бұрын
@@saumyavig8964 it really depends on the person. Hell I have a neighbor who has 2 daughters who would act like they own the neighborhood and would insult anyone nearby. And OCD doesn't really factor in to that behavior. There is also a difference between OCD and being Controlling person. It's in the mindset and intent.
@elisegeum1514 Жыл бұрын
Feels like her family stress got released outside. Things are never black and white. Hope you don't need to deal with noisy neighbors, it's so tiring. Great video.
@Shepherdservices317 9 ай бұрын
I'm curious about your background, how are you so good with japanese internet? Lol teach me sensei
@dabeastfromdaweast9788 11 ай бұрын
"and she would blast R&B and hip hop 24 hours of the day" 3:28 damn she's got a really interesting taste of r&b and hip hop, that's some gangsta ass shyt right there
@gdore15 Жыл бұрын
You got me at the Pekora part, I thought I clicked on one of her video, then I realized what you did. While I understand that something might have triggered her, she went too far, I would have stopped to interact with the other family and never go close to their house.
@Tine_of_Nice_Dreams Жыл бұрын
I understand why bizarre behavior interests people and becomes a spectacle, but my experience is that there is always a real human behind the character and a story that i prefer to see treated with respect instead of paraded around freakshow style. It's hard to say who started what or what the reality of these people's inner lives were, none of us were there or can psychically understand a stranger. But it is an interesting story and I appreciate you including detail and nuance so I can recognize what the memes are referencing.
@Daiki0391 Жыл бұрын
I understand that… it happened to me a couple of times
@xAznSkyxx Жыл бұрын
Sounds like a SCP documentary
@42Nightsyesterday Жыл бұрын
Oh really? In your experience is that there is a human being behind the character? Here I was thinking it was a lizard. Thanks for that revolutionary idea
@thepersonwhoasked.. Жыл бұрын
@@42Nightsyesterday what lizard?
@redline1916 Жыл бұрын
@@thepersonwhoasked.. The woman.
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