Theory: The Fade is a Lie (Dragon Age: Inquisition) | Overthinking It

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Lady Insanity

Lady Insanity

9 жыл бұрын

The FIRST of my Series of Theories: The Fade is a Lie. Spoilers ahead! Thanks for watching :)
Read the unabridged version!
Please remember this is just one of my many theories. Anyone can be wrong - it's speculation at this point.
If you don't know, I have been avoiding EVERY SINGLE DANG fan theory that I've been messaged about. So no, as of this video, I don't know any theory. The only one I know that closes the book on ANY theory is the datamined developer notes on the epilogue scene. I want to remain vigilant in staying free of external influences and analyzing Inquisition in my own mind.
Thanks for watching!
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@AxeloftheKey 9 жыл бұрын
I think the most interesting question that is thus far ignored is simply: What is the Void? The place where the Forgotten Ones dwelled, a place beyond the Fade, like what Morrigan mentions when she shows the Inquisitor the Eluvian. How is the Void different from the Fade? Was it created? And by who? Or is it natural, the true place where souls go as they pass through the Fade? The Elves tell tales of one of their Gods, Falon'din, leading souls of the dead through darkness to a place of rest. Perhaps the Void is this place of Darkness, the thing that separates us from the supposed afterlife? Interesting thoughts. Is the entrance to there in the Black City, perhaps put there by the ultimate deity of the DA world to block those who would seek to come to its realm? David Gaider has said we'll never know if the Maker really exists, but it's interesting to think about.
@OwlsAreAmazing 9 жыл бұрын
^This. I kinda just assumed it might've been another word for the Fade but evidently it isnt. Also another thing that struck me as a bit weird is that the Dalish refer to the Fade as the Beyond, but Solas calls it the Fade. So maybe the Dalish got it wrong again and the Beyond and they've perhaps translated it wrong or whatever.
@forhestsage7930 9 жыл бұрын
What if the void is where the Maker really is? I mean, say the Magisters, (Corypheous and the lot of them) went to the wrong place? And got the taint, and became darkspawn, ect. What if the Void is where people go when they die, the Chantry does say, and the Dalish too, as you pointed out. That we pass through the Fade when we die....and go where? 'To the arms of the Maker'? Idk, but the more I think about it the more complicated it gets... :)
@SwobyJ 9 жыл бұрын
Alex Dunn We can never really really know if the Maker exists, but that doesn't mean that the writers can't cause debate about whether the Maker is but a mega powerful 'mage'/man, or a God as the Chant declares. With power levels that high, yet such distance from everyone else, the Maker could still have a ton of lore yet never be proven, or we can learn so much yet some of us will consider him but a man (in the end), while others believe he's truly godly enough to be a 'Maker'.
@SwobyJ 9 жыл бұрын
Alex Dunn I think they're testing this kind of thing when it comes to the elven 'Creators'. Many will assert now that the Creators are not gods at all. Just men. Okay. But its also very easy for others to imagine how appropriate it would be to call these beings gods, despite Solas' words about it all. So do the gods exist? Well if you consider them men, then obviously not. And if you consider them gods, then sure - but the Maker's deal is that he turned his back on everyone, so if we never see him.... see where I'm getting at? All Bioware has to do is sow the seeds of doubt and make the Maker HIGHLY about faith and lack of proof, but many signs. They can still explore his concept and lore for several more games, and leave interpretation in the players' hands.
@SwobyJ 9 жыл бұрын
Alex Dunn Though yes, I'm 100% sure that Thedas and the Fade (Thedade? lol) is created from a Void. My wildest thoughts go technological, that all of this is code in a simulated universe and the void is but emptiness and The Maker is like a User that could enter Thedas if he actually wanted to. The dead of Thedas may never truly die, as their data may go elsewhere, but having a shepherd to guide the dead safely through the Void (a barrier between the world and the outside beyond everything) could make sense. But only in a crazy way :). Perhaps the Golden/Black City is the entry point, like the enter/exit points in the Geth Consensus :)
@rpproductions6241 7 жыл бұрын
I love Dragon Age but it's so dense sometimes, that it's nice to have all the info gathered together like this.
@MessagerOfHell 9 жыл бұрын
Maker's Blood... Then if this is all true, then this means that there are no gods in the world. Just mages with outstanding amounts of power. Old power and knowledge that dwarfs everything known this day. Thaedas and the Fade were once a whole... a world where magic and spirits were nothing out of the ordinary. That's what Solas meant when he said that... Even the Maker could have been just a mage that used the power of the fade to shape the world, separated it and created the Fade, the Veil and Thaedas. Dreamers could be those few with potential to use the original shape of magic as their acts in the fade take effect in the waking world. Mythal... that's her end game... to tear off the Veil... That last elluvian is still dormant and needs a little more to wake up. That mirror could lead to the real seat of the Maker where it all began.
@Redem10 9 жыл бұрын
What both the cake and the fade is a lie? is nothing fair in this world Great vid btw (and that ain't a lie)
@Chaindustries 9 жыл бұрын
This is Veeery interesting. and it does explain a couple of things butI think they're not just Mages, The Gods i mean, i think they might The First Dreamers. remember Feynriel? like that. And then there is something else. some of the dalish legends tell of the dreadwolf locking away both the good gods and the bad ones. I think the Old gods where these bad ones, who, even while sleeping and dreaming where able to create the Tevinter empire so they could strike out at the civilization of the Good gods, Arlathan, basically. they could also have meant to use the blight as a weapon in the same way. And it gets even better. Who eventually brought low the Imperium? Andraste. We do know that Flemeth leaves parts of herself strewn about, just in case, which may be the reason why she isn't "Locked away" well. if you don't have Infinite cosmic powers at your disposal anymore, you need to be smart to defeat your enemy. so you make yourself a prophet and start a religion. Basically the entire History of Thedas sprang forth from a staff measuring contest between two groups of ancient Super Mages. I'm also convinced there is a connection between Lyrium, the Chant and the Taint. Specifically, all three have something to do with singing. Spirits claim lyrium in our world sings to them, more beautiful than anything in the fade. The taint is generally referred to as a song by Darkspawn (Like the mother, though her sanity was questionable at best) As well as the persistence of the Chant, to you know, spread itself. i think there is a conection there, but im not versed in the lore enough to draw conclusions. Anyway. Speculations.
@viktormon 9 жыл бұрын
The connection with the taint and the lyrium is absolutely there. Even wardens start hearing a "song" when the time of their calling nears. Though I don't think it's connected to the chant, necessarily, as it's not always sung. But taint and lyrium? Absolutely. Red lyrium? Tainted lyrium.
@sylvanfeather 9 жыл бұрын
It struck me that Dorian describes the Altus (or Dreamer) class magisters as "Those families who trace descent from the Dreamers, the first prophets of the Old Gods" (enough that I had to screencap it in game: With a bit of lore specifically regarding the Altus (Dreamer) mage class: "...there was a time in which these Altus mages were scorned for their seeming part in creating the Blights as the corruption of the Golden City transformed these mages into the first darkspawn. As a result, many such mages were slain during the period of Transfiguration when the Imperium became Andrastian." So, for myself, I agree with you. This all points to Dreamers being the Old Gods themselves.
@kanoabomb 9 жыл бұрын
sylvanfeather doesnt help that fen'harel is (SPOILER) solas. And solas is constantly dreaming to explore and investigate the fade. As an old god who allegedly comes from the void, I want to know his motivation for doing this.
@NinjaStripes 9 жыл бұрын
It's possible that the Creators, the Forgotten Ones, and the Old Gods are one and the same. Remember how Solas reveals that Falon'din waged wars so that he could gain more followers and that Andruil was also known as the goddess of sacrifice?
@jacobfreeman5444 6 жыл бұрын
I think you should take it as figurative rather then literal. Spirits are rather like ideas that develop self-awareness. So it may not literally sing but rather the sense of it gives a humming or keening that can be interpreted in the same way as singing. Not a literal song but an interpretation of what is being conveyed blood. Lyrium, after all, is titan blood. So is it so unusual that it resonates in the same way as ordinary blood or tainted blood...just with a different emphasis? Or maybe better to say from a different point of view?
@Guanchen 9 жыл бұрын
The simpler explanation: Someone on the dev team was reading wheel of time and thought it'd be cool to add Tel'aran'rhiod into dragon age.
@Ladyinsanity 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all the theories everyone! Quietly making note of the really juicy theories on here for next vid. Don't mind me :)
@Royalj4EveR 9 жыл бұрын
Sadly in my playthought *spoiler alert to anyone that do not wish to hear it* flemeth die's and her spirit gets sucked into the crossroad because i accidentally had on the default story so she didn't have her grandson and the well was in my hero. Where might her spirt have gone?
@TrAdErInSpAiN 9 жыл бұрын
Wow I had the same theory too where The Maker , The Elven Gods and Old Gods are powerful mages... Oh and does that mean Feynriel has the potential to be like Solas and Flemeth and etc.?
@WarriorTRZ 9 жыл бұрын
Is it Wrong that i Believe that the Fade and the Black City are a Prison? I Suspect that Fen'Harel and Flameth Conspired against the rest of the Old Gods and Sealed them away when they Made Something so Terrible that it simply had too be Stopped. Sealing it was the only thing they could do so they did. All there goals afterwards have been Destroying/Changing the rules so that they can Stop the "Taint" or the Song of servitude that the Blight has become. I THINK the Blight is just a Tool of the Old Gods too take Revenge on those that "Wronged" them. Then again i Also think that Lyrium is the Physical Embodiment of the Fade and that the Fade is the Collective Consciousness of everyone on the Planet. Mages are simply those that can Tap into it and Alter the Nature of the World around them. Edit: Thinking on it... The DA Universe seems too be Very Similar in some ways too the One from Mage the Awakening (Also World of Darkness RPG in General.. atleast the New one) The Old Gods or Magisters in that are Simply Mages that Ascended too a Higher Plane of Power and Knowledge/Existance and then.. Burned the Bridges Behind them. they Don't Want ANYONE Following them so they Left behind Agents and Misinformation that will get people Killed. They also are responsible for the World being so Crapsack as what they did (Burning the Bridges) caused Reality too Fracture and let things that Shouldn't be.. In. I Wonder if anyone in Bioware is a Fan.... as it would explain why i can see many of the Parallels.
@iiTheMetasysii 9 жыл бұрын
Kind of unrelated but Corypheus refers to the Qunari inquisitor in the final fight saying "Your race was a mistake". Could it be possible that the Kossith were the first life created by dragons, but were perhaps to wild to serve them? Their horned appearance and the Ben-Hassrath theory of dragon blood could be products of the dragons wanting them to be made in their image. Bull says the Kossith didn't look like Qunari so it's possible they were even more animalistic, perhaps slightly more akin to the ogres kossith broodmothers spawn. A wild untamed heritage could also be why the qun is so strict and structured.
@mobius1b470 9 жыл бұрын
In General your theory makes sense but I feel another clue to the nature of the fade lies in the revelations about Lyrium how it is alive and Red Lyrium is the product of the blight infecting Lyrium. Also little bits of information from the codex and from things Cole says indicate that Red Lyrium might be sentient he describes how the Red Templars feel the Red's anger and how some things make it less angry.What I am wondering is if red Lyrium is sentient could normal Lyrium be sentient. Dagna talks about how Lyrium is a part of Dwarves and that it is what prevents them from dreaming and how she had a weird experience working with samples taken from the fade. Here is where things get weird though ancient Dwarves seemed to worship Lyrium (the idol from the deep roads expedition in 2) and modern Dwarves worship their ancestors. We also know Red Lyrium grows from the bodies of those who ingest it. Modern Dwarves refer to their funeral customers as returning to the stone. So what if Lyrium is another form of the well of souls but for dwarves when a dwarf dies maybe they become a part of a giant collective consciousness formed from Lyrium and Lyrium deposits are created from the residual Lyrium in them growing from their dead bodies like red Lyrium dose from the infected. One thing the codex seems to indicate is Lyrium dose grow that a place that has no Lyrium can later have a huge deposit something which minerals just don't do. Further we know raw Lyrium drives non-Dwarves mad making me think that when some one is exposed to raw Lyrium the Lyrium is trying to merge with them like the well of souls did with Morrigan or the Inquisitor only instead of it being a few hundred maybe a thousand minds of is literally millions of minds attempting to link with the person. Another thing that strikes me as odd is Solas mentions that Templars use Lyrium to make reality more real and this is what allows them to disrupt magic. This makes me think that even though Lyrium is alive and exists in the fade that it might not be able to sense the fade which is why Dwarves don't dream. As for why Lyrium increases the power of mages my theory is that using Lyrium is a form of blood magic since Lyrium is alive a mage is effectively using the life force of Lyrium like one would use blood. Another thing that strikes me as odd is that in DAO the codex mentions that neither Dwarves nor Qunari dream and everyone attributes the no dreaming thing as why Dwarves have no Mages. But Qunari do not dream or enter the fade and yet they have mages so why than do dwarves not have magic. (Note even though I use this in my theory another alternative explanation is that this is merely a continuity error by Bioware and that they originally did not intend for Qunari to have mages.) One other thing that is a huge question in this is What is Sandel's relationship with all this. My theory given the fact that Lyrium was revealed to be alive is that his unique nature of being dwarf hybrid with either an elf or human parent he acts as a link between Lyrium and the fade allowing him to at times act as an avatar for the Dwarven collective consciousness and that when in this state he has powers to rival that of a God. How this relates to God's is this I believe there are 3 maybe 4 types of God's in DA. 1) The Elven gods who are powerful dreamers who use the fade to be effectively immortal. 2) The Old gods/Forgotton Ones who are powerful dragons/Mages who used Blood magic to become immortal by transferring their spider to those who ingested their blood. 3) The Dwarven Ancestors in the form of a Lyrium based collective consciousness. 4) A Powerful Fade spirit of Creativity or Faith know as the Maker possibly locked in the black city and possibly tainted by the sins of man into a demon of destruction or Pride. I believe the Maker could be either an Elven god the collective will of Lyrium or a fade spirit. I doubt He is an old god due to the nature of the old gods and the whole assaulting the black city thing. Anyway thats my theory take it or leave It.
@UndeadRLK 9 жыл бұрын
An interesting idea. Possible too. The Elves did make other dimensions so this idea wouldn't be unheard of. Though, you can't solve a puzzle without all the pieces. I'd like to find out more about the origins of the races, particularly the Qunari. We know almost nothing about where their from, and even less about the race that sounds like it's still there (the Kossith). It would be neat to see how they fit into this. Also, I wonder what the black city is. My guess would be Arlathan. It was said to be destroyed, and now that we know it wasn't Tevinter it must have been that war the Elves (and their gods) had. My guess is that it use to be one of their floating cities. Something bad must have happened (whatever the taint is) and made it fall. Perhaps it was banished to the Fade before it hit the ground, or the tale of it sinking into the ground was really it being sent there. As for Flemeth, it sounds like (as she said) she wants to avenge Mythal who apparently was betrayed and killed. By who and why are still questions (the answer is probably for power ;p). Though, she said the betrayal went on from Mythal, to herself, and to the world. Not sure what she means by that. Solas seems to helping her, and based on his statue being in her temple my guess is they were friends/comrades before she died. Maybe more. Really not sure what the end bit was all about. Flemeth going all petrified or something and her soul (as well as Mythals and the Old Gods) going to Solas? Not sure, but like I said, we still need more pieces.
@ItsNik0.0 9 жыл бұрын
This is kind of terrifying. If this theory is true then so many things are even more connected than we ever thought before. First we find Ancient Elves, then Morrigan or the IQ took a drink from The Well of Sorrows, after that we find out that Flemeth really is Mythal/two very capable beings that are fully conscious of one another. Finally, Solas is revealed to be Fen'Harel. We know that Fen'Harel did not murder Mythal and that the two still seemed to be good friends; so that leaves her murderer potentially as one of other Elven Gods or perhaps none of them. *SPECULATION BEGINS BELOW* Perhaps Mythal was killed by a Forgotten One and in order to prevent mass war between both sets of Gods*which would destroy Thedas, the Veil, The Fade, etc*, Solas locked them all away so everyone and everything could be protected. This would change the whole story around of Fen'Harel and paint him as the anti-hero. The Dalish are wrong about a great many things, and I think this is just one more discrepancy they have construed for a false sense of comfort. Mythal/Flemeth says that she is sorry to Fen'Harel/Solas before she "dies" or becomes petrified. I first have a few thoughts on her present state of Flemeth/Mythal. I think that she may have simply entered a state where she is asleep for a large length of time, until she regains her energy or is somehow awakened. That is my weaker theory since I don't have as much evidence to support it, but I thought I would share it. Now, onto my theory on why Mythal was apologizing to Fen'Harel before she "departed. We could take it simply as apologizing for leaving Fen'Harel as the last of his kind in Thedas at the moment, we could take it as her apologizing for all the evil tales that are spun about The Dread Wolf, *or* we could take it as her apologizing for needed someone bounded to her by The Well of Sorrows. If that third idea is true then it could tie into your idea with the Well's "waters" being made up of special composition, which ties into your Darkspawn theory about being subjects of something like the Well's waters. Perhaps those who originally drink from the Well are pure, but if they fail in the task given to them by the master they are bound to...maybe they become tainted, maybe they become Darkspawn. So we could take her apology for her needing to reactivating an ancient ritual/magic that was perhaps forever barred from use ever again. Those are just a few of my own thoughts on all of this...hopefully they help you further your own, Ashe!
@YoshtTheAwesome 9 жыл бұрын
My theory about the Black City is that the Old Gods once entered it and contracted the same taint. Corypheus says that the City was already tainted when the magisters entered it so either somebody tainted it before or it was always that way. But Corypheus displays some the same abilities as the Old Gods do, namely controling tainted creatures and taking their bodies after his own physical death although the abilities of the archdemons seem to have diminished since they cannot control the Wardens when in their proximity and cannot take control of bodies of living Wardens. The Chant says that the Old Gods are tainted upon being found but I have seen nothing to support this so I think that's just a supposition.
@normal6483 9 жыл бұрын
I had come to a similar conclusion regarding the Veil. My theory was that the Veil was a construct that took the magic within the world and separated from the physical into it's own world - this being the Fade. When asking Cole about what it's like to be a spirit (or what it's like in the Fade, I can't recall), he remarks on the Veil being a "construct." My theory is that the creation of the Fade was meant as an attack of some sort. By taking the magic of the world and sealing it behind a wall that only the sleeping can breach, one limits the power of all magical beings, and if spirits existed before the Veil, it would keep them from reaching people to harm or possess them. If there were a war of some sort, such between mighty ancient elves, the Veil might be a great way to turn a losing battle into a winning one. It might also be a way for one ancient being attributed with locking away the Gods and Forgotten Ones to keep the mighty battles from affecting the common folk. There are probably plenty of holes in this theory, but I think that the subject of why the Veil was created is worthy of being broached.
@rubenb4259 Жыл бұрын
Oh wow, you must be proud of yourself, you were bang on
@normal6483 Жыл бұрын
@@rubenb4259 Holy shit, I had completely forgotten that I wrote this. Man, my theories are awesome.
@KingOfHeroes1996 9 жыл бұрын
I really like your theory, although I thought I'd bring something to your attention. Myself and many others believe that the Forgotten Ones are not the Old Gods. The latter are simply Tevinter versions of the Elven Creators, this is reinforced by the constellation codex entries you get from the astrariums in which all the constellations depicting the Old Gods are also reminiscent to the Elven Creators in some way.
@SwobyJ 9 жыл бұрын
Illusive Man Yeah, that's the part she might have missed. The Old Gods may be something like physical (non-transmutable) dragons that house the souls of the Creators, while the essences of them are locked away in the heavens. With the soul and the dragon body, they may have resorted to increasingly dark measures in order to reach the Beyond. This would make the Old Gods very much their own entities, but still have a history and an identity as vessels of even older powers. I do wonder about the Forgotten Ones and if they still work their powers from far under the Deep Roads, and if everything Darkspawn/Blight/Red/Blood may originate from them or at least be very related to them.
@memunns 9 жыл бұрын
I think the forgotten ones were the makers. Who were thrown into the void by the Elven gods who took over. Solas locked em both away and gave the keys to powerful dragons - the old gods. Not sure how they got locked up underground though
@KingOfHeroes1996 9 жыл бұрын
Michael Munns The confusing thing is that, the Chantry says the Maker banished the Old Gods (dragons) to deep underground chambers. Now since there is a parallel between the Chantry and Elven religion, would it be safe to assume that Solas/Fen'Harel is the 'Maker'? This seems to correlate with a theory that Andraste was another vessel for Mythal just as Flemeth is.
@sarahIcommented 9 жыл бұрын
Malcolm Swoboda The Forgotten Ones were said to be to gods of disease, terror, spite and malevolence. If there is any truth to this description, the Taint could very well have been created by them, to be used against the elven gods and their servants(?) the dragons. They were also said to reside in the "Abyss", a place no god or mortal could remain for long. It could be that the Black City is somehow linked to the Abyss, it would explain why even spirits and demons will not approach it.
@KingOfHeroes1996 9 жыл бұрын
sarahIcommented The problem is you can't take specific words objectively, like the 'Abyss' for example. I always believed that this was simply a figurative term (as many religions use them) for the parts of the Deep Roads (or even deeper?) where the Old Gods (dragons) are imprisoned. Also, if this Abyss exists than someone or something must have created it, meaning there must be some god/being that can reside there.
@SarEnyaDor 9 жыл бұрын
I believe that Solas/Dread Wolf created the Veil (probably with some of those devices we helped reactivate!) and creating the Veil in turn created the Fade. I think his original plan was to cut the ties that bound the ancient elves to their overlords and in doing so caused the separation between physical and spiritual that had never existed before. I also think the Forgotten Ones are Tevinter Old Gods trying desperately to sunder the Veil and reclaim their previous power through the blight. All of the world is a chess board, with the Creators (lyrium and spirits) and Forgotten Ones (blight) trying to gain better position... whilst Solas runs around trying to fix things and never succeeding the way he wants. (Think he was also Shartan who helped Andraste overthrow the empire and then faded from history pretty much. He is a tragic hero and possibly unintentional villain with his hands in everything, setting up empires he later topples in pursuit of his ideal world where there is freedom for all.)
@kluang1 9 жыл бұрын
Where does the Maker fits in all this?
@SarEnyaDor 9 жыл бұрын
Not sure, but we know that the Maker came to Andraste in her dreams to guide her.... Who does that sound like? I think it was Solas, who Andraste interpreted to be the Maker, and he didn't contradict her because it suited his goals.
@darkdesigns 9 жыл бұрын
SarEnya Dor Theoretically, if all of the different gods were actually just mages (which, I agree with Ashe is most likely the case) then any dreamer could've come to her. My money's on it being Mythal who answered her prayers, and Elgarnan (Mythal's husband in legend) is the being that became the basis for the idea of the Maker. What I will say in regards to the theory that Ashe presented here - if you look at the Chant of Light there is a *heavy* emphasis on both music and silence. The golden city is described almost exclusively in terms of the music everything (from the roads, to the sky) makes. Andraste supposedly gained the Maker's attention by singing in the forest. The word "chant" itself has a musical connotation to it. And the central belief of the religion is that the Maker will only return to the world when the four corners of Thedas *sing* the chant. How does every Warden, ever, describe the "calling"? As a form of singing, or music. Likewise, Avernus notes in one of the writings you can pick up in his laboratory that after extending his life for years (and suffering from extreme corruption) he begins to dream of the Black City - and feels as if he's called towards it. And then there's this little nugget in the Origins codex of the Maker: "Then the Maker said: To you, my second-born, [humanity] I grant this gift: *In your heart shall burn An unquenchable flame All-consuming, and never satisfied. From the Fade I crafted you, And to the Fade you shall return Each night in dreams That you may always remember me*." I sort of get the impression that the Black City isn't actually empty. There's an entity in there (I'm guessing it's Elgarnan) calling all blighted creatures to him. I've heard it suspected that Solas' orb was a key (presumably to the Fade, and to the Black City) I'm suspecting that Elgarnan has been locked away in there. Solas and Mythal intended to free him. And once he is free, his vengeance will sweep over the land. What was it Flemeth said about the vengeance she sought? A reckoning that would shake the heavens? Sounds about right to me. ;)
@mobius1b470 9 жыл бұрын
You know from what I remember of Masked Empire a mural Shartan is describe and he looked very similar to Solas.
@kenzejayd 9 жыл бұрын
Mobius1 B Lots of people forget you actually meet Shartan in origins during the sacred ashes quest, and he looks EXACTLY like Solas. Well it's not actually Shartan but like..a vision or spirit or something in his form. But whatever it is, looks just like Solas.
@beautifulredbird7241 8 жыл бұрын
Awesome theories. I have wondered myself what Flemeth is up to. She may have only had cameos but I still feel she is part of a bigger plot. In every DA game she has contact with the hero/heroine. In DAI you have the opportunity to end your Hawke character or the Warden Commander (or Allistair as the Wardens leader in DAI). But your Warden from DAO is still out there on a mission of some sort. The possibility remains for your DOA Warden to show up a future DA game! It makes me thirst for more!! lol
@JVolpe-qg4en 4 жыл бұрын
Replaying origins and awakening recently something has come to my attention. Justice tells you that the spirits believe in a place beyond the fade itself, and gaxkang tells the warden that he is being watch "at such high places", i wonder if there is a place yet not showed to us, perhaps where the maker it self has vanished to
@JCDenton2012Modder 8 жыл бұрын
From what I understand regarding Solas from DA: Inquisition; The Fade was created as... 'a seal' of some sorts, used to bind the Elven Gods (actually military traitor generals) away from the rest of creation. However, this act had 'unforeseen consequences" for the Elven who prior to these events, who were a mixture of corporal and incorporeal beings. When the Elven sealed away this part of the world, they lost the part of them which was specifically spiritual and maintained their immortality, and thus they slowly began to dwindle away. Some Elven from that time still remain, but... they are very much 'alien' to the average Elf in Dragon Age. This is because the things the average Elf thinks of as legends and stories are to the Shrine Elfs twisted historical fact. I think... that the Dark City is actually the part of the world sealed away by the Ancient Elves. This is where the old traitor generals remain isolated with the great gulf of the Fade separating them from the rest of the world. The reason they can't escape is actually explained in how the mages of Tevinter managed to reach the Dark City. Simply put, it took a lot of blood sacrifices and lyrium to build up enough power to reach the Dark City, and the Traitor Elves on the other side simply don't have access to such resources to help in their escape. When the mages of Tevinter reached the Dark City, I think they were cast out by those Elves and corrupted as Dark Spawn in order spread destruction upon the real world. The objective to this could have been anything from revenge or an elaborate plan meant to force Solas's hand in removing the barrier keeping them isolated.
@suprhomre 9 жыл бұрын
Interesting. Please keep these vids coming I'm addicted already.
@DonArlem 6 жыл бұрын
All I know is that your voice is wonderful and so pleasant to listen to, and I'm gonna spend hours on your channel.
@kerianhalcyon2769 7 жыл бұрын
With all these theories in mind I honestly wonder what role the Maker has in this. Considering how all these other "gods" were far from make believe he clearly has some sort of involvement, I honestly doubt Andraste didn't just come up with him on a whim. Perhaps he's a Titan? Maybe some sort of powerful Fade Spirit? Who knows...
@alexnocher3958 9 жыл бұрын
Me and some others were getting the impression that perhaps the elven Gods are the Old Gods. This is backed up in part from Solas's reaction to the idea that killing the Old Gods would end the blight as well as Flemeths strange connection to dragons which is also shared by her daughters.
@Rowan2112_ 7 жыл бұрын
Umm I need a minute... or a year. Orr a lifetime.. my mind has literally lept out of my skull, waddled across my bedroom floor, out the door, and into the road to await a car. They call you Lady Insanity for a reason, dear.
@Elisabeht-Swan 9 жыл бұрын
Wow, my head is spinning. But I think you are on the right tack here, so much information I need to think... Good work.
@bennyj795 8 жыл бұрын
I love your videos. Very insiteful. Can't wait for the next
@bazinga699 9 жыл бұрын
Interesting theory indeed, maybe one day we'll have an answer but at this point I love theorizing! Flemeth is definitely more key to everything than we can possibly imagine :o
@AbadyDoubleX 9 жыл бұрын
did I mention how much I love your videos ash? it doesn't matter if I agree or not they are always interesting..
@Chaosmage42 7 жыл бұрын
personally i think what we are seeing is mythal putting herself back together. I think when she was killed by the other elven gods -evanurists -she was shattered into 7-8 fragments. solas said that the first of his people don't die easily and flemeth has demonstrated that she can split herself into parts i think this is because each of the blighted old gods is a piece of her soul its also one reason she can become a dragon. each time an archdemon is slain i don't know if she gets that piece back or not -either is possible at any rate the piece she took from kirin is a piece of herself i suspect that is im guessing more that what she currently is and i also think that we will see possibly the final 2 old gods in the next da. Also with solas revealing that the fade was a normal part of the world till he formed the veil to lock the evanurists out i suspect that he did more than that. the black city was never golden -any illusion of that was magical to attract the magisters to come there. its really a prison to keep the evanurists bound so they can't do any more harm. The darkspawn and the blight are them trying to break free of their prison the reason they come to the surface is more than likely to find a way into the fade hell it could be that they have been looking for solas or the orb this entire time. at any rate what ever the source the blight is what corrupted the evanurists to and even larger degree -which is why solas thinks its dangerous has hell. Either way i suspect that the next da game is going to be massive
@PhoeniXCh1 7 жыл бұрын
I get your point and to some extent share many of your thoughts, though I think there could be a little more relation to what is being said here too. It is obvious that Flemeth/Mythal is a pivotal piece of the narrative here and that the Void is also important to some degree. We just haven't been exposed enough to what it really means or how it works. As I see it the themes of the games have been setting the world for us to understand what is going to happen later in the story. Origins talks about the Blight, Archdemons and the taint that threats to consume the world so we know it is of importance. DA II shows us magic, its effects, how the Fade is used to get more power and the dangers of its misuse. In Inquisition we learn about the Fade, Spirits and the connection between both worlds, we also learn that the Maker and the Elven Gods might just be constructs that people devised to understand the world so in the future we could see the creational myths with a broader scope and disprove what is told in folklore (Ameridan's information for example). After this, I think that comes the setup of what Solas' plan really is going to be about because at first, it makes no sense. He himself says that he punished the Evanuris by creating the Fade, but now he wants to tear it down, setting them free again even when he confesses that they won't die easily and he doesn't even have his full strength back. If at least some things are to be believed from what the Chantry says, the Veil pre-dated the existence of the Old Gods (which might be fragments of Mythal corrupted by the Void, since she cannot fully die) so Flemeth has been collecting these pieces of herself ever since the First Blight ended. Now Solas might e planning on using the power of Mythal along with his own to deal with the Evanuris without having to separate both worlds. How exactly will he do it? I have no idea because if they couldn't destroy Mythal or Fen' Harel what is the point of trying to free them back. Also, Solas has a pretty bad judgement for plans (the whole Corypheus/Breach thing was a huge fumble on his part)
@Chaosmage42 7 жыл бұрын
granted but remember solas wants to give the elves back their immortality and magic -he has to remove the veil -i suspect that when its removed the elven wounders he spoke of like the library will be restored as well like switch back on the power and restoring from a back up copy of a computer for example. The other element i think is that solas screwed up the first time is because he had NO other options -i suspect he has found something this time that gives him options - also the corypheus issue was because he didn't know he could cheat death -and in all seriousness how could he. Also the void i suspect is where the blight comes from i suspect its what corrupted the evanurists
@PhoeniXCh1 7 жыл бұрын
There's where Mythal comes in play. Why is her death so important (feelings aside) that he has to tear down the whole world to prevent the Evanuris from doing something worse? What if Mythal's death was not a result of their corruption but the first part of their plot to bring down the world to their knees. Also they haven't revealed anything from this "war" the Elven "Gods" participated in or who it was against
@Chaosmage42 7 жыл бұрын
can't say its hard to tell what actually happened in the past. and i do think mythal being killed was significant but im not sure we will see
@stevenhiggins3055 7 жыл бұрын
Personally, I think the Blight and what the Dwarves call the Gangue are the same thing, as are Arlathaan and the Golden/Black/Eternal City. I think that by killing the Titans and mining their bodies, the Enuvaris released the corruption which tainted their city and Solas made the Veil to stop them from spreading it, but then the Magisters broke in and brought it back with them.
@Im-Not-a-Dog 7 жыл бұрын
Two theories I kinda like are the possibility that the Old Gods are the last offspring of the extremely powerful Original Dragons that Yvanna is trying to wake up. Their closeness to the Original Dragons would be why they are god like in power and worshiped by the first culture that encountered them due to their ability to use magic that wasn't connected to the Fade, possibly because they were born before it was created. The High Dragons we hunt down in DAI are their descendants that have gotten weaker as the strongest ones in each generation since the Old Gods have been hunted down by dragon hunters like the Inquisitor(either one). This theory has basically no actually support, just a cool what if. The other one is that the Qunari were ancient elven slaves that the Magisters somehow mixed with unblighted Old God blood. The Qunari were made before the trespass against the Golden City and the creation of the Blight, so Old Gods were still appearing for the Tevinter priests to answer prayers. So it's possible that they prayed for a god to appear and let them create a new species from them. Then either used magic to mix them or injected Old God blood into a slave(possibly pregnant?) or maybe the Old Gods could shape shift like Flemeth and Morrigan allowing them to actually impregnate an elf. Regardless of the how, the Qunari are way too dragon like for dragons not to be in their genealogy somewhere.
@rpproductions6241 7 жыл бұрын
I also think your theory has great merit, but can't really say more till I play through the games again. Great job!
@johnpotito 9 жыл бұрын
I do feel there is very much a grand plan that Flemeth is orchestrating, but considering she may well be as compelled as the others you mention in the vid; I suspect she'll end up being a pawn behind a greater being/entity/force. At least for the sake of storytelling as choosing her as the titular antagonist of the entire series would be very anticlimactic and too predictable. Even Solas would fall to the same issues. Despite the addition of elven gods and pre-fade dragons, I think the taint will end up as the focus. The source of it and it's removal. Ending the tale where it began so to speak. If anything it would be poetic.
@SwobyJ 9 жыл бұрын
John Potito I think the taint is just part of it, but I do agree that it would be appropriate to really end 'Dragon Age' with something that addresses the taint more than any other power. But yeah, we're getting the sense that any humanoid character is playing to a tune of greater powers, and any of these greater powers themselves either utilize or are also subject to larger 'natural/supernatural' forces, the 'tune' they dance to. DAI really emphasizes the Red Blue Green as Mass Effect 3 did, but imo in both games, we're only seeing the beginning of a much larger story, as the smaller stories either end or are minimized in emphasis. Flemeth imo will still matter and for all we know, she may have other 'shards' of herself out there (especially if you spared her in DAO?), but the movement more into Elven lore will likely have her at least matter less after DAI, if only so new players don't get so utterly confused at so many names being juggled around. The lore will always be there to refer to, not as stories go on, you don't need to know everything. Like comparing the LOTR prequels to LOTR.
@Nyrufa 9 жыл бұрын
MAJOR THEORY: What if The Maker was one of the magisters and manipulated Andraste? You said in one of your other videos that the Magisters are only known by their titles, and so far we have The Architect and The Conductor. All of the other old gods have proper names, this Maker is the only one who's called by a title.
@bindair_dundat 8 жыл бұрын
Theory: The Golden City/Black City was a prison. The idea that the Maker "must" be residing in the big unreachable structure in the middle of the Fade is pure speculation or symbolism. Just like how we believed god was living among the clouds in the sky. And the fact that it is unreachable from the Fade is maybe an indication that it tries to lock something away from the rest of the Fade. What is, or was, in this prison then? The Taint. And humanity was actually foolish enough to break into this prison to unleash the Taint upon Thedas. Now considering that the Old Gods, specifically Dumat, told the Tevinter magisters to enter the Golden City, they might have intended exactly this to happen. They were not only "locked" away in Thedas but they were seemingly weak. Compared to their former godlike powers they were much weaker. And this Taint was locked away in a secure place from the Old Gods, and after their scheming, it is now returning to them. It could be the old source of their power. Or a new one. And the humans were simply a tool for releasing it. Because the Old Gods probably never wanted humans to be godlike or anything when they offered them to enter the City. That was just a lie. This fits with Corypheus claiming the City to be black when they arrived. That's why the Black City cannot be reached from the rest of the Fade. To prevent the Taint's spreading. And even if the Taint is not just the power of the Old Gods but also something more, it still gives them power. It could be some great evil locked up in a place. But the Old Gods were strong, then they were imprisoned by the Maker, then they whispered to humans to enter the Golden City and now that the Taint is free they keep returning with great powers. Coincidence? I doubt that. Now why is it good for the Old Gods? Evidence suggests that at least Dumat still lives in some way or form. And considering he was the first Archdemon and was slain, he could maybe gain something out of each Blight. And so could the other Old Gods, or he may have betrayed them to grow more powerful and is "tying up loose ends" with each Blight.
@NoAmbition5328 9 жыл бұрын
Anyone else just dying for some DLC to pop out? And great theory Ashe, I would really like to hear more on what you think about on the topics you mentioned: Fade, Void, Blood, Blight and if you think there are more. Remember that conversation with Morrigan? She hinted at other realms beyond the Fade.
@sarahl6011 9 жыл бұрын
What do you think about lyrium, it's song, and the dwarves? Normally I would never ask this, but after hearing how red lyrium is corrupted with the blight and Dagna's odd experience when she studied the Fade, it's become a big question for me. And also- do you have any more insight on Sandal? And Cole mentioned something once to Sera about songs hidden away waiting for her to hear them- do you think this could be lyrium or the fade or... something?
@khatack 8 жыл бұрын
Maybe the taint is something created by the ancient elves in some forgotten power struggle, and the fade was created to contain it. The fade might have been a physical realm once, or even part of thedas that had to be transported away and sealed magically. It all might have something to do with the destruction of the ancient elves.
@damvid21 9 жыл бұрын
Fascinating stuff! I need more. More! MOAR!!!
@CapitanMargarita 9 жыл бұрын
Nice theory! I like it. I've always wondered if they were going to go all Witcher on us, multiple worlds with whatever the fade is made of being the 'in between''- raw power that could be shaped.
@donaldcooper1658 9 жыл бұрын
That is a very good theory, I enjoyed it. Can't wait 4 the next 1.
@TiberiusRex182 7 жыл бұрын
Ok your theory is sound. But I have a few things you missed I'd like to point out. Corypheus does say he saw the seat of the maker, and it was empty. He tells the herald this during his attack on haven. 2, Solas tells us that the reason blood magic obscures the fade is because it draw on life itself, which is enforced by the mortalitasi trainer when you question him about his practice. 3, flemythal compounds what abelas says about the well by telling us that it is essentially condensed memories in the form of distant voices, and we know the fade stored memories because we are shown such at the temple of sacred ashes when everyone present sees the memory of the divines capture. With that said, I think your theory is spot on and I believe that the waters of the wells are somehow the only "physical" material to come from the fade into reality. I believe it's not water at all but the conjured and condensed spirits of the elvhen that gave their life to the wells. Great video. Also your voice is hot
@christineherrmann205 3 жыл бұрын
I really do think Mythal's quest is to destroy the Taint/Blight; I think that was a rare moment of Flemeth being 💯 honest with the protag.
@demengaara 9 жыл бұрын
This Theory is quite interesting and sure makes the train of thought to go into motion around it. I guess the only thing I'd really believe differently is the gods actually being human/elf mages. What I remember of dialogue from Flemeth for when she described her origins she recalled she once was human until Mythal herself bonded to her thus then becoming one being (same with Solas/Fen'Harel) so I think the gods are actually gods. Plus it doesn't explain what the Archdemons are if the old gods weren't actually dragons to begin with either. One theory I've always had thought about is if The Architect himself too is one the Magisters that first entered the black/golden city with Corypheus, but just doesn't remember his past (possibly from the taint or something).
@olddirtymongrrel 9 жыл бұрын
If any of you know LOTR lore understanding DA will be much easier, one the Elven gods are not Mages, they are the first born,powerful spirits/arch angels, same goes with the forgotten ones. Dragons being the first spirit to become flesh have a stronger affinity to magic than anything after them. The Maker is the universe itself, it sung creation into being, it is not a he or she but the source of all creation of all magic. The forgotten ones and the Elven gods created the fade to ensure they had powerful well of magic available to them, but doing so corrupted creation magic. First the elves lost their immortality, then the corrupted creation essence became the blight. In the end this is just my opinion and theories, but since I enjoy a lot of fantasy lore I find DA lore strongly influenced by LOTR lore and world religions.
@natikfire 8 жыл бұрын
+olddirtymongrrel there is a touch of gnostic lore as well, we know for a fact now that Solas created the viel and made different the worlds, the physical world was never meant to be, and the one who created it was percieved to be a god, until a "prophet" came and showed other wise.
@TheProGeorge 8 жыл бұрын
+olddirtymongrrel Solas saying that he's made fade to close there Evanuris. Black City it's Arlathan, in my opinion.
@kamillayessenova4482 9 жыл бұрын
the big theory that me and my friends had is that the Golden/Black City is actually Arlathan hidden by ancient elves in the fade from tevinter armies/probably something else (Arlathan was already falling when the humans arrived). and that in the ancient times, the fade and the "real" world were the same thing, and that caused the separation of the two realms. Maybe our dear Solas did it, locking the creators in the fade (the heavens) and the forgotten ones in the real world (the abyss of time - as the time does not work the same way in the fade), as we've seen that the eluvians can provide acces to the fade (interesting thing, it was made possible by someone with an old god soul) and the key to all eluvians given to Briala was the Dread Wolf's blessing. So..maybe, he was some kind of key keeper, making sure that the realms stay apart until the moment when the old elves/gods/whatever were ready to return.. I'm not telling that the forgottens ones are the old gods, but there's a connection between the elven pantheon and the tevinter one (constellations, for instance. like mythal and dumat being the same for exemple). Or...maybe the old gods were the same thing to the elven gods as Corypheus's dragon was to him, a part of himself (like Flemeth saying things like "maybe I am a dragon?"). Humans idolazed them because, well, dragons. As for the Maker, maybe he exists, but he wasn't sitting on a throne somewhere in the middle of the fade, as the chant says. P.S. sorry if my english is weird.
@JenoSnetrem 9 жыл бұрын
A bit crazy, yes, but also very insightful! I very much love these videos :) The fact that gods like Mythal and Fen'harel are still around does baffle me... Something that I'd like to know is, what about the Maker & Andraste? Are they still around?
@Tlokienfan 9 жыл бұрын
So I'm curious as to what your thoughts on something are: (and spoilers ahead that refer to datamined designers notes) Recently, some people did some datamining and discovered that Flemeth, at the end of the game, had passed on her godhood to Morrigan, and that she had planned this for Morrigan all along. As a matter of fact, Morrigan had misunderstood the ritual in Flemeth's grimoir as involuntary possession, and not for a gift Flemeth had planned for her. I know you probably already heard this, so I'm curious as to how this fits in to your theory.
@MCPunk55 8 жыл бұрын
I'm not am expert on Dragon Age lore. I'm a noob actually, but Solas says that the Fade is a reflection of one's thoughts. The Spirits/Demons are the embodyment of emotions. Some good, some bad. Coryphius says he found nothing, "dead wispers" and an empty throne he seeks for himself. But strangely, Coryphius is a Darkspawn, yet he is satient, in control of his own actions and with the peculiar ability of jumping to another vessel once he dies. Why did this "taint" did not have the same effect on Coryphius as it did to every other dark spawn? What exactly is Calpernia's role as vessel and why the Well of Sorrows and the Eluvian? What do those have to do with a plane of existence that merely reshapes itself to fit the emotions of whoever is there? And finally, why is young Cole so afraid of the Fade?
@SwobyJ 9 жыл бұрын
Agreed, but rather, everything in Dragon Age is a construct. It was 'Thedas', but of unified magic. Something 'created' the Fade, but all of existence still incorporates both Thedas and the Fade/Beyond. What is still a total mystery is what created this original 'Thedas', but we have some older myths that might be about it.
@DarthShadie 8 жыл бұрын
Interesting theory. Considering what we now know from Fen'Harel himself about him creating the Veil to separate the Fade from this world, it's possible that the Fade used to be, not only a bit different than how it is now, but was meant to coexist with the actual world. Perhaps the Fade as it is now became so when Fen'Harel created the Veil. I'm not sure about ti all being for Mythal, knowing about Fen'Harel now. It's possible that her purpose was to help Fen'Harel while he slept, to put things in place for him and his mission once he'd awaken. It's also possible that tearing down the Veil is what will destroy the world of Thedas, but perhaps there is evidence that can be uncovered (by next character from DA4 perhaps) in order to find a way to create a coexistence between the Fade and Thedas, without tearing down the Veil per se, which would ultimately restore the world that once was, since the wolrd that once was is quite possible the world that existed before the Veil was created by Fen'Harel. It would be intersting to see in the next DA installment if will include many different choices, such as joining Solas, saving him, killing him but only to have power and destroying Thedas, killing him and saving Thedas... And if this includes tearing down the Veil or a symbiosis or coexistence between the Fade and Thedas, and what all these choices would have as repercussion on the world. Maybe once choice would make that all beings had magic, perhaps another choice would destroy human, dwarves, Qunari, perhaps since dwarves do not dream, perhaps a choice might have an effect on them, good or bad. I'd like to hear you expand on this theory and perhaps you have some info on lore that could come and either support of contradict parts of this theory :)
@batusan4927 9 жыл бұрын
you just blew my mind it makes so much sens what you are saying
@AmellsGrace 9 жыл бұрын
IIRC the way Flemeth worded the Darkspawn taint is "it threatens her just like anyone else"
@DuelSoul 9 жыл бұрын
Oooh I like your theory. Though we aren't certain of much, I'm almost certain FleMythal will be taking sweeptakes given she has the most unfair advantage a gambler can have, namely she can see future (how much is up for debate). All your dragon talk got me thinking about possible connections to FleMythal. We know Mythal was murdered and betrayed and that she's out for revenge, what if the connection she has to the Old Gods was they were her disciples originally. In the 'Untranslatable elven texts' after drinking from the well we get a good sense that dragonhood was something she bestowed upon her followers, the fact she can give this knowledge to Morrigan cements this. Not to say dragons couldn't exist independently as creatures, but the Old Gods were hers, or at least vessels of her power hence why she was getting Yavana and Morrigan on the job. She's amassing her power, even as Solas takes what's left of the power in her old body (all while just before she's fiddling with an eluvian, sending something through it?), she's got a spare ready to go unlocked from the Well of Sorrows (the thing that jumps out of the Well as Cory breaches the temple and everyone jumps through the Eluvian, there's even a character model called "naked flemeth"). So FleMythal getting ready for war, or a the very least, aims to get her original powers back, though the fact she needs so much power for revenge is scary, or does she have plans beyond that? Highly likely.
@Kaelxx124 9 жыл бұрын
I've always theorized that the veil is of elvish origin (originally I thought this was the Dread Wolf's betrayal but I need to revise that). Inquisition has only cemented this theory further to me. Even without the veil, the fade and thedas are still separate (yet connected) places, the large influx of fade energies everywhere could've been part of the elven immortality. The creation of the veil ruined that. Solas even describes spells that take centuries to cast and harmonized with old magics, which tells me the elves had to have ruled for a long ass time. They could probably have cast the spell to create the veil if some spells took that long. I don't think the elven gods were just mages (even Flemeth hints they are something more) but they are not gods. Perhaps they were spirits taking elven form and being worshiped. Flemeth describes Mythal as "a wisp" which is a fragment of killed spirits/demons. Solas' descriptions of Arlathan also sound similar to the golden city to me. A city floating in the clouds filled with wonder and power. We already know from Masked Empire that Elven "realms" in the fade react positively to elves and negatively to others. I figured maybe the blight was the result of the city reacting to the blood magic and humans. In this way the city is also literally the seat of the gods (just the elven ones). The thing that gets me is the old gods and elven lore. I always figured they were the forgotten ones, but Solas claims there is no link between elves and the dragon old gods. Despite this, he knows tons of things about the blight (even implying several times that once the old gods are all dead it will be worse. I am assuming this means the darkspawn would just go rapid/insane like the mother and destroy everything). Flemeth could turn into a Dragon (which would make sense for the old gods to just be possessing dragons/taken their forms and still be elvish), and tevinter was basically brought up on the Elves scraps (so the old gods they worshiped had to have known some stuff about them at least to send followers after the artifacts). I love the ideas about blood though and they make sense. Blood is supposed to represent the physical, which is why it makes communing with the fade (the non-physical) much harder. This would also make sense why blood magic was the only way they could get to the black city, because it is a physical city sitting in the fade. This is why it is a constant in the fade, while everything else is constantly changing. It also then makes sense why this is a called a trap and lie. There is nothing there anymore but corruption from the human interaction and/or maybe the source of the blight (I've also thought it might be the forgotten ones from the Dread Wolf myth, while the others are in the mirror). I'm really curious to see where the elven story goes. Solas is clearly out to try and free the elven gods from the Eluvian he trapped them in since that is why he wanted the orb/key. He also claims that the people need him, so I think despite his hatred of the dalish and that he "doesn't consider elves as his people" he is talking about restoring the elves power.I also wonder if Solas is truly an "elven god" whatever the are (Dread wolf was considered to walk between both pantheons, who knows what the other one might be). The Foci are used to channel the power of the gods, and are dedicated to specific gods. Solas' orb in the game files is listed as "orbofmythal" (not exact but it was mythal the god, which is the important part). If they were old friends, maybe his power was just from channeling mythal the whole time, a god he got favor with.
@1BFAssassin 8 жыл бұрын
Well you were correct about the Veil being made.
@shanemoran4346 9 жыл бұрын
Love videos like this. Make more!
@heavystorm1614 9 жыл бұрын
Sera could be the vessel of Andruil. Some interesting theory on that.
@XxTaiMTxX 6 жыл бұрын
I think Corypheas (sp?) actually says, "The City was black before we arrived" in reference to the Golden City. I think he also says, "The throne was also empty".
@phoqueme 9 жыл бұрын
Another fantastic "dissertation" on this beautiful realm of lore hahaha, well done, very interesting points. Did you by any chance learned of a "secret" discovered by another youtuber when he reversed the sound of the whispers at the Well of Mythal and one of the whispers stated "Mythal speaks the calling"? If it is only a Red Herring by the developers or in fact a very clever hidden easter egg... it certainly brings ALL of the theories and lore into a new light...
@Ladyinsanity 9 жыл бұрын
Yup, I've heard Geek Remix's whisper vid. The only thing I disagree with on that interpretation is that Dirth meant Dirthamen. There's a place in the Exalted Plains called the Dirth, which holds tons of secrets and background for the elves. Something is there.
@phoqueme 9 жыл бұрын
Ashe | Lady Insanity Yes I remember, where there is also that tomb, which If I remember correctly there was a locked door which I couldn't enter, it got me very curious. Maybe it could be a future DLC patch or something else...
@amberreid4318 9 жыл бұрын
Michael G if you are talking about the elven graves infested with demons. you can access the door through grave robbing
@phoqueme 9 жыл бұрын
Amber Reid yes I know, I was able to enter the tomb through grave robbing but INSIDE the tomb there was a locked door... couldn't get in...
@Embrace-The-Dork-Side 9 жыл бұрын
Just thought of something else... I think the blight and what/who created it was responsible for the fall of Elvhenan. The sentinels say elves warred upon one another, perhaps a rogue faction worshipped the blight and who created it while the rest remained loyal to their own gods. (Perhaps leading to dalish myths about a war between gods). The elven gods were killed in the fighting except for Fen'harel/Solas, who sealed the enemy within the black city. And Mythal who escaped through her possession trick. It would explain Solas' disgust for the taint and those who meddle with it(magisters,wardens, ect.). If there is gonna be some scary endgame I think the blight and its creators will be responsible. The Dread Wolf himself claimed the grey wardens weren't saving anything, but merely 'buying time'.
@SomeBustred 9 жыл бұрын
OCome to think of Solas in full, he is probably is the maker of Blight, or a supporter. Oposes Gray Wardens, knows that blight would not end with archdemons deaths. He said that when he changed the world it become more dreadful (comes to a nickname, i suppose) - it was in the cutscene when his asked if mak changed the inquisitor. If he tricked The Elder Ones, then they could return the favor or something like it. remember that - veil fire is only used where veil is thin, but elves had it everywhere, as says the codex entry. Blight was contained in Black City. Veil was created to contain the blight.
@Fireandbubbles 9 жыл бұрын
I was just re-reading the Saga of Tyrdda Bright-Axe to get ready for when I have time to play the DLC. There is a bit in there where Thelm Gold-Handed refers to the Gold City as a place he dreams, then asks Tyrdda to take her tribe across the Waking (sea?) to raid it. What if this was before the Veil? What if I had it all wrong thinking Arlathan was the Golden City? What if the Golden City was where *Kirkwall* is before the Veil was made? Why is it called the Waking Sea anyway? After the DLC, it may be interesting to examine Tyrdda's story again. There is a whole lot of lore there and I think it will matter in the future.
@rosskliebenstein8363 9 жыл бұрын
interesting theories as always
@memunns 9 жыл бұрын
The fade exists but it's weird. It's basically a construction made by the collective consciousness of all living things. But I don't think reality could exist without the fade either. They are inextricably linked. I think best info comes from solas and he's told us the elven gods were just powerful mages, We also know the Old gods are Elven Gods are linked with each god matching eachother and the old god souls being keys to their eluvian prisons. Is there anything outside of powerful mages? Bioware leaves it open. Solas even says that there might be a 'maker' or something bigger we don't know about. Theres also the forgotten ones which we know little about except that according to legend - they were fighting with elven gods/creators and Fen'Harel supposedly locked both away. By the way, why lock them up? why not kill them? As solas has explained - that spirits can never truly die. they will disperse but may come back together again altho not exactly how it was before. The blight is an answer to this - a for the locked up gods to escape their prisons. It makes a monster that must be killed - to free their souls.
@Balinux 8 жыл бұрын
The fade was created in the sense that it didn't exist before. It was all one world.
@yukisnows 9 жыл бұрын
I love this theory. I wonder what is the ultimate endgame for the now elven and tevinter gods of old in the world of thedas and of course with the fade and void ;Solas as the Dread Wolf and Shartan and what happens next will he sleep for another thousand years? Or will something else cause him to take another name for his "Greater Good?
@elmurdoc 9 жыл бұрын
Maybe the Fade and the Void are Planes or maybe is something like the Weave in Forgottem Realms, or where the old god live time ago or where the old gods die time ago.
@RevivedSaiyan 7 жыл бұрын
good theory, morrigan needs to be in the main squad for the next game, playable like origins. she has the most knowledge atm of all magics and would be a needed member to deal with solas and flemeth if she returns again.
@CarlosHernandez-jv6il 9 жыл бұрын
That was the coolest explanation of the fade, makes a lot of sense.
@CottonPanzer 9 жыл бұрын
As far as I have read; in the loreworks: the elven pantheon and the old gods are not creators, in fact both acknowledge the Maker as the Maker, just under different names. They are what we call demons or spirits, but much stronger, their power granted from worship. The human belief in the Maker simply skips the "middleman" part. The Andrastian part and the Chant of Light is up to debate. The Maker himself allows freedom of worship; as long as he is acknowledged as the creator. However he does not care about altering his creations internally, as Dumat eventually did. I am of the belief that Dumat created the spawn, however not on purpose. In the Fade things are defined by their nature, the human heart is not tainted, but prone to sin, which is also what corrupts demons as Solas made clear. In turn the Fade altered the magisters as per "Fade nature laws". There are no shades of grey in the Fade. But there are so many contrasting things in the DA lore. Which is what makes it great. Akin to GRRM, but unlike DND and Tolkien which has fully explained and onesided lore.
@bitesizedhero8030 8 жыл бұрын
"You love to dance, but can't. You hate to sing, but can." - Cole Maybe Sera is a crazy godess! One that refuses to sing.
@sabersloan 9 жыл бұрын
Question: is flemeth a God that needs a phisical vessel to maintain the spirit? I wondered that a lot
@TheLongasen 9 жыл бұрын
Since there's theories everywhere, My theory is that someone from Bioware found a way to enter the world of Thedas and got all the back story from there so that might explain all the cliffhangers and loopholes..They simply didn't gather enough lore! maybe they might in the future but then again..ITS JUST A THEORY..A GAME THEORY.Thanks for reading.
@amberreid4318 9 жыл бұрын
a comment about the "song". Bartram hears the song after he has been corrupted by the red lyrium (blighted lyrium) an alternate source of power for those seeking something else. Red lyrium is alive an has a will of its own. Red Lyrium is spreading becoming more accessable and corrupts all it touches. is red lyrium a sign of the weakening of the old gods prision?imagine a world torn apart by magic, the veil weakened, if anyone, not only darkspawn can be corrupted...... oh wait that is DA:I. a prequal to a "prision break"
@crazyredsimpkins 9 жыл бұрын
Here is my possible theory. The Black City is Arlathan. Possible Evidence: #1: Abelas mentioned that Arlathan was destroyed by the elves, not tevinter. If the elvhen gods and the Forgotten Ones were powerful mages, Their story of them fighting could've been a great war between the two and the fall of Arlathan could've been the climatic ending of the war brought by Fen'harel. It could be that the Forgotten Ones were trapped in the fade and the gods in the real world. #2: The Lights of Arlathan from DA:O Witch Hunt DLC. With the fall of Arlathan, many elves that survived went to Cadash Thaig. In the dlc, you need to find weak points in the veil to use the scrying ritual to find the lights and, once found, fight the guardian protecting the lights. #3: The Eluvians. In the Dalish Elf Origin Story. your temporary companion Tamlen mentions seeing a city inside the corrupted Eluvian. In the book, DA The Masked Empire, the group travels the roads from one eluvian to another before winding up at a crossroads (or THE crossroads). Corypheus is trying to find an Eluvian to enter the fade, and if Morrigan has a child, Keiran will activate his mothers Eluvian and enter the Fade itself to meet Flemeth. Crazy or no? Will try to find more evidence.
@owenwildish331 5 жыл бұрын
is it possible that there's an ancient yet unknown/ secret enemy working from behind the scenes... in DA..?
@mr.hancock7965 9 жыл бұрын
That's an interesting theory, then what did the Elder One see in the 'Fade' and what did that expedition with the Tevinter magisters find in the 'Fade' but please note I am only only knowledgeable from dragon age inquisition when the fade was talked much about. But it's all the same, no one truly knows what is in the Fade, only those who dreamed the fade until the battle of adamant when the inquisitor fell into the fade which seemed to be made of the nightmares and dreams when the black city was remained closed. No one truly knows.
@MooseRouse 7 жыл бұрын
What if the fade is the maker, the demons being the sins at tainted him, the city being his way of showing himself.
@solinvictus7245 9 жыл бұрын
You're insane, Ashe. A maverick! But you might just be right. Seriously though, your theory certainly does make sense. And if it does turn out to be right, well, Flemeth is damned sight scarier than I first gave her credit for.
@stupogo0 9 жыл бұрын
a theory I have had since the legacy DLC is the old Gods knew that if they took on the blight they would be immortal, since If I remember right it took about 200 years after the first blight for the Gray wardens to form , so since as far as the old Gods knew they were immortal and would control an endless army, all that power
@crow5098 9 жыл бұрын
I read that Sera could contain Andruill . Like what Flemeth was doing with Mythal.
@Barl3000 9 жыл бұрын
I think the darkspawn blight has something to do with the nature of the physical versus the nature of spirits. So far we have seen no Darkspawn spirits it seems only "living" physical things can be tainted, such as Lyruim. My theory is that the Golden City/Black City is Arlathan locked away in the Fade to contain the blight, after it was released by the ancient elves during their civil war, for whatever reason. Perhaps Solas and the other elven gods sealed away the city themselves. Which further leads me to suspect, that the archdemons are the tainted forms of these gods, who have escaped with the mages from the Black City. This would explain why Solas is so upset over the warden plan to wipe them out with the demon army, but not really caring about the actual demon army, only that they intended to kill the archdemons. Maybe he still feels he can cure them somehow. If the archdemons was the elven gods locked away, they could also very well be old gods Tevinter worshipped in the past, like so many other parts of eleven culture they repurposed, why not the tainted forms of the elven gods, there are many notes in the game explained the similarities between the Tevinter old gods and the elven gods. The Fade itself may also be a construct, Solas also speaks of a time when the physical world and the fade were one and spirits freely roamed. The nature of the fade lets anyone impose their will on the physical world, So this would have meant a sort of non-scarcity utopia. Some elves perhaps sought dominion over others and wanted more, perhaps the elven "gods", and thus made the fade so only those with a strong connection could impose their will directly on the world, albeit in a weaker form, IE mages and magic. If the blight only works on physical beings, it would also make the fade the perfect place to seal it away. Since it takes powerful magic to cross into in physical form. Magic only the "gods" would have in the beginning. This can also explain how the elves were immortal, their race evolved in world that was equally physical and spiritual, which would make them sort of half spirits once the world was sundered. With each generation their bond to the physical worlds grows stronger and they begin to lose their immortality. Cole is evidence that the fade and the physical world are perhaps closer related than we would think.
@SoddingSuperHero 9 жыл бұрын
Could be the Black city originally Elven capital ancient City of Alarthan ,then slowly corrupted? . Elven gods & Old gods are somewhat related ,though Solas imprison his other Elven gods to save em ,regret filled his mind sooner later. Corypheus seeks godhood to enter the Black city , also Solas willingly have the Orb to him ..
@jakedickman756 9 жыл бұрын
It makes much sense as one can with magic I suppose I always knew Flemeth was up to something but after the ending of the game who knows what will happen next I guess we have to wait for another Dragon Age game
@aidanjurd5144 8 жыл бұрын
Here's an idea. Corypheus told the Inquisitor himself that the Maker's city was already black when he arrived. I think that the same taint that creates darkspawn turned the Golden city Black (if it was ever Golden to begin with). Lyrium, blood and spirits, the sources of power. We learnt that Lyrium is actually the blood of god-like entities called Titans and not even they are immune from the blight. The Old gods can be corrupted and the result is called an Archdemon. I believe that there is no barrier the Taint can't cross. I think that demons are spirits that have been corrupted by the taint and that the fade became completely blighted when Solas/Fen'harel created the veil. I don't know how the taint came to be, maybe it was the old gods maybe it came to be by itself...or maybe the chantry got it right and it was the Maker who made it. The blight doesn't just devour people, it devours power: Lyrium, blood and spirits. Avernus said that demons taught man blood magic and know it. So blighted creatures are being given power in the form of blood when blood magic is used. But he also said that the taint is foreign to them and holds power over them. It isn't foreign to them but it does hold power over them just as it does over every single thing that exists. Maybe instead of having created the taint, the Old gods (who were extremely powerful spirits) wanted to escape the fade but couldn't because of the veil, so they had the Tevinter magisters open the door for them to escape and then went of to posses dragons and hide in the deep roads. But in the process the tainted magisters escaped the fade and spread the taint to Thedas. Maybe Corypheus wanted to tear down the not because he wanted to enter, but because he wanted the taint and demons to cross over. When the inquisitor saw the future where Corypheus succeed, the sky look like the fade (unveiled and blighted) and everything looked dark and dead (blighted). Oh and on last thing to think about. Solas banished the Elven 'gods' to the Fade before creating the veil. So they were trapped in there before the taint was created and may have been tainted themselves...and now Solas wants to let them out. Or have they already left? There 9 elven gods, all were expelled to the fade except Fen'Harel and Mythal...leaving 7, which is the same number of Old gods. We learn Mythal possessed a human, so maybe Elven gods possessed high dragons. Maybe this also explains why Flemeth/Mythal is so facinated with the blight and also wanted the Archdemon's soul. Please Ashe, respond to this.
@majors77 7 жыл бұрын
Great Vid!
@spartanhexus6759 8 жыл бұрын
Well, since it affects lyrium as well, maybe the dark spawn taint uses not only blood but also life itself.
@LukaBlight69 9 жыл бұрын
That reminds me... I wonder if the Architect was also one of the magisters of Tevinter.
@LukaBlight69 9 жыл бұрын
LukaBlight69 Correction: He was in fact one of the Tevinter Magisters who entered the fade. He was the priest of Urthemiel. Not sure if anyone knows this, but here it is
@TimeGhost823 8 жыл бұрын
Damn Ashe, you were nearly spot on
@ghaldurinanubios4290 8 жыл бұрын
the last theory... it was interesting, but you forgot to mention the other two races like the Kossith (the ancient ones of Qunari) And the Scaled Ones (they were at war with the dwarves at the time after Tivinter was founded. But their existence was completely erased.)
@TheGodlikeDragon 9 жыл бұрын
Could it not simply be that both the Forgotten ones and the Creators where just some of the great dragons that Yvanna spoke of? That they where the oldest living dragons that had learned how to use a more powerful magic? And also it would explain the story about the Creators and the Forgotten ones being locked in their respective realms, the Forgotten ones locked underground waiting to be awakened by it´s servants just like the ones in the Silent Grove. But Mythal who had taken over a host body after her murder, found their well and tainted it, so when the sleeping Forgotten ones told their servants to seek out the black city in the fade where the well was, they had no idea that Mythal had tainted it, and their servants became twisted and turned when they drank from it. I guess the Forgotten ones used to be part of the hierarchy with the Creators, but did something that gotten them thrown out of it, and they then sought revenge against the Creators and found the Humans without gods and taught them to use blood magic since(I am just guessing now) the Fade was created and controlled by the Creators so they would not be dependent on it. And I guess the Forgotten ones made sure that Mythal was murdered before the war, since she was the strongest. The war probably raged on for a long time, the Creators might have been more powerful then the Forgotten ones, but they had more servants then they did, so I guess in a desperate act they used some powerful combined magic that put both of the "gods" to slumber
@danieltilson4912 9 жыл бұрын
comic books arent cannon
@jonathanm8850 8 жыл бұрын
This is a brilliant theory!
@sheldonmustdie2 9 жыл бұрын
you make some very good points
@eliesaad 9 жыл бұрын
Hey Ashe, by spoilers you mean that I should be done with the main storyline of dragon age inquisition? If not which particular part do you spoil in this video? (Just to know whether to watch the video or not)
@snarf0596 8 жыл бұрын
Did the sealed Elves give the taint to the Mages that entered the black city of hopes the corruption would free them somehow from the prison Solas created?
@RyngoGames 9 жыл бұрын
YOUR INSANE!! Lmao Jk.. Great theory Ash ! Can't wait for the next one! Kinda sad you didn't stream today but this was very interesting.
@bairdduvessa 9 жыл бұрын
i think you are on the right track
@soldierbreed 9 жыл бұрын
one good point that i found is there are 9 elven creators 7 old gods, 2 elven gods not sealed away in the fade being mythal was supposedly killed by fenheral before he sealed the reaming gods so 9 - 2 equal 7. this theory is further supported by the fact the old gods do not show up in history till after sealing of the elven gods.
@SaintRafem 8 жыл бұрын
You know, the question that is still hounding me after this is: "Solas created the Fade, the place where the Golden/Black City and the Maker were/are. So what was the Maker? One of the ancient elves? Solas himself? Or something else entirely?"
@kraziiXIII 2 жыл бұрын
I am totally necroing this thread but DA is my top obsession so sorry! I think the events of both Algammark (yes I know I spelled that hideously) and The Descent and Jaws of Hakkon will play directly into answering that question. The focus on the elves has always been heavy handed while the dwarves and their ancient culture are ignored. In Inquisition there was always a heavy association with dwarven ruins outside of the main plot. Even the events of DA2 rely heavily on ancient dwarven ruins and the red lyrium coming from the ancient thaig. There have been a lot of hints that Titans, stone sense, dwarven ability to handle lyrium, and the very clearly implied fact that an important Alammari mage and a dwarf were married when dealing with that one quest in the Hinterlands are leading to one important suggestion: that the Maker and Andraste in turn were heavily related to Titans and lyrium. The fall of Arlathan has been heavily referenced and speculated about in DA beyond the Trespasser DLC, but the fall of the dwarven empire has not played center stage beyond Deep Roads missions and some of the books. DA:4 will definitely change that since the setting is in Tevinter (possibly Seheron) rather than in Ferelden, Orlais, or Kirkwall. It's a good decision to take the setting away from Ferelden because it gives the opportunity to explore new ideas like the elven pantheon and ancient dwarves having a direct connection without the already existing ideas contradict it too heavily.
@SNBullen0002 7 жыл бұрын
you earned a new subscriber today.
@HyperOpticalSaint 9 жыл бұрын
7:57 and 8:17 could someone linked the full cutscenes? I played this game twice and haven't seen them.
@josephmoore5422 7 жыл бұрын
Corypheus mentions a cahir being empty and Corypheus does gain "Godhood" as seen when going to the future. I like a lot of what you are getting at but some holes
@Palamutong 8 жыл бұрын
why i had feeling that dragon age lore and mass effect lore is connected, i remember solas say that Elven pantheon are supreme being created by another war, and also those green light on fade.
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