THEY’RE BACK - Reaction to The Future - Mystery Skulls

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3 жыл бұрын

Original Video: • Mystery Skulls Animate...
Music used in Mystery Skulls Video:
“The Future” and “Enemy”
Oh my god that was amazing!!! The wait was worth it! Please go and watch the original video and then watch mine because they put a lot of work into this. Please Subscribe to Mystery Skulls channel and then Subscribe to me if you would like.

Пікірлер: 110
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Comment what you think is gonna happen next part.
@Avell_Productions 10 ай бұрын
confirmed next episode coming out this new years eve, hopefully no setbacks
@elroylee 3 жыл бұрын
"ok at least he's not dead" He's talkin about the ghost
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
At least he’s not double dead.
@leothefox3134 3 жыл бұрын
@@RetroBG17 a g r e e d
@stephaniebenson4732 3 жыл бұрын
I just found out about this dude, and his whole personality and reaction to this video gave me so much life
@folopomalopo674 3 жыл бұрын
Nobody talks about the black color in Mystery's heart, it is the deepest wound that he has in all his heart
@sammarino7357 3 жыл бұрын
Yo so I think that the reason the photo changed is because of the realization that Lewis’s version of events is a skewed version where Arthur was jealous of their relationship and then when Arthur saw into his heart soul thing... it showed how it really was that Arthur wasn’t as jealous and more happy fro their relationship... it also explains why in the second video all three of their flowers appeared when shiromori conjures their flowers.
@tomioluwa1284 3 жыл бұрын
Recap from beginning to now: In late feudal Japan there lived a Kitsune, for unkown reasons he gave some of his blood to a plant which would become Shiromori. Some time later a blue haired samurai named Mushi comes to confront the kitsune. Where unsure what happens but it seems the Kitsune is now the protector/ pet of this woman. They go off together leaving shiromori. Fast foward a few hundred years and we're introduced to a teen mystery solving group called the "Mystery Skulls". this group is comprised of Lewis a tall purple man and the leader of the group. Arthur a scronny but good with mechanics orange haired man. Vivi a blue haired excited for mystery and adventure girl. And their mascot Mystery a white, red, and. black fur animal (I say animal because I'm not sure whether to call him a dog or fox). In this group Lewis and Vivi are dating this makes Arthur feel like a third wheel to their love, but all that is pushed away when they arrive to a mysterious cave. The gang splits up with Mystery and Vivi head on to the right tunnel while Arthur and Lewis head to the left. In the left tunnel Arthur and Lewis see nothing other that a pit with spikes at the bottom. Suddenly arthur is possess by an evil green entity that forces feeling of anger for lewis to surface. His arm begins to start turning green and the entity forces Arthur to pushLewis into the spike making him fall to his death. Arthur is horrified by what he has done but is saved by Mystery who reveals himself to be a Kitsune the same one that Mushi had all those centuries ago and rips off Arthurs arm containing the negative emotions. Where unsure what happens whether it's thanks to Mystery but due to some purple energy possible from Lewis or some unkown variable Vivi contains no recollection of Lewis or what happened in the cave. After some times passed and arthur is given a new robotic arm to replace the one they lost the gang heads out for their next mystery. Ghost: After the events in the cave and some time has passed the Mystery Skulls seems to be ding okay. Suddenly their van breaks down in front of a spooky mansion. They enter the haunted place and are then chased around by the ghosts that inhabitant it. During this they fall into the ground and during this three mirrors show them (the audience the truth) that arthur lost his arm, Vivi doesn't know the truth, and mystery is more than meets the eye. As they fall they are split up and arthur falls in a place with a tomb. In this tomb a ghost awakens with glowing purple hair and chases the team all over the mansion. It's then revealed that the Ghost is actually lewis who has come back to get his revenge on Arthur for killing him. Just before he can get his revenge Vivi steps in the way to protect her friend Lewis begins to calm down and gets ready to offer his heart to vivi. Vivi is suddenly yanked away by Arthur as they go to escape thus haunted mansion. Saddened Lewis drops his heart breaking it and explodes with rage the team escapes. And a saddened lewis looks on as we see inside the heart is a picture of him and Vivi. Freaking out: A few days after the events of the haunted mansion it's revealed the shiromori is still alive and is looking for mystery. While looking we are also shown the Arthurs hand is still alive but that's all we get. While Shiromori is looking Mystery she unknowingly brings back lewis. As they both prepare to battle Shiromori catches wind of where Mystery is an heads off to find him. While Lewis hijacks a truck and heads to get revenge on Arthur. While this is happening the Mystery Skulls are resting with arthur trying to figure out who that ghost is and if he has a connection to lewis. During this thinking Arthur sees a glimpse of Mystery true form as Kitsune and freaks out and drops his laptop on his head making him passout. Hellbent: Still recovering from the events of the mansion Arthur and mystery sit alone in silence for a bit. Arthur still scared of what Mystery truly is begins to open up to him and accept him their calming moment is ruined as Lewis in his ghostified truck speeds towards the Mystery Skulls van. A chase ensues and before vivi has an idea of what's happening she's knocked back to sleep by a weight. While Lewis is chasing Arthur Shiromori appears in front of the Mystery Skulls and crashes into the wind she jabs her scissors through the glass and sees Mystery blood. We now know that she is a ft term his blood possible to be more powerful or she needs. She is pushed off the van and is then run over by Lewis and his truck. As the chase continues Lewis uses his Power to blow out a tire for the Mystery skull van and causes them to crash in a car repair shop where by luck Arthurs dad resides. He arms his shotgun to be ready for the coming danger. Now with the case over each monster comes to attack their target. Lewis for Arthur killing him, and Shiromori to get Mystery back arms more of his blood. As she gets ready to attack she is struck by a bat and sees vivi and recognizes her to be a descendant in Mushi the same samurai that took Mystery away from her all those centuries ago. Enraged she creates a giant paro of demon scissors to kill Vivi with. angered mystery begins to transform. While this is happening Lewis grabs arthur and throws him into a made up world similar to the cave in which lewis died in. He's is then lead to the place where lewis was killed all those years ago. the ghost grabs Arthur by the shirt and hold him over the pit. before dropping him he reveals himself to be Lewis. Arthur is shocked to see his friend and again is is dropped to his supposed death. As all this happens Lewis begins to feel regret, Arthur is shocked to see his friend again. Shiromori gets ready to kill and incapacitated Vivi. And Mystery transforms to his Kitsune form (video ends)
@tomioluwa1284 3 жыл бұрын
Future (Loved it excited for the next part in two year): The video begins with Arthur supposedly falling to the same death that befell Lewis. As Lewis looks to see Arthur dies he sees himself in Arthur position and begins to regret his decision. He begins to dissolve the created spikes when he is hot in his heart by Arthurs dad with his Shotgun. The created world disappears and Arthur lands on a bunch of boxes. Angered and slightly annoyed Lewis makes his way to the Arthurs dad to give him a stern beating. While this is happening Shiromori has vivi at he r mercy and gets ready to kill her. Before she can lay the final blow Mystery Transforms to his Kitsune form and bites himself making Jim bleed. Knowing this is what Shiromori wants she gestures for vivi to escape. Unsure what to do vivi sees her bat is transported to a snowy forest where she sees her great grandmother Mushi. Mushi raises her hand to Vivi to give her the power to protect Mystery. With this new found strength and her bat with new I've power added she gets herself ready to attack Shiromori. Back with Lewis and Arthur. Arthur sees Lewis heart and opens it to see and image of Him and Vivi. But looking closer he see the true picture show itself. Slightly angered lewis grabs his heart from Arthur. Slightly blushing he grabs the hearts and looks inside to see the true picture of him and all his friends Arthur and Mystery included. Showing he doesn't just care for Vivi but all his friends, horrified and saddened by what he was going to do he drops to his knees. Back to the battle with Vivi and Shiromori Vivi is standing her ground against her. But shiromori manages to land a cut on Vivi this angers mystery and she grabs her scissors while Shiromori and holding them and throws her into the truck. Shiromori unscathed from the explosion see Mystery standing beside an excited and surprised Vivi. This angers shiromori even more and she unleashes a full on plant assault on her. leaving the van Arthur whose is carrying his father and Lewis see this attack and are surprised. Mystery grabs Vivi by her scarf and gets her to ride atop of him to save her front the attack, while Lewis Burns away some of the plants with his powers while Arthurs runs to put his father down somewhere safe. Mystey in his Kitsune form with Vivi on top of him ride across Shiromori attack but are launched in the air. Mystery unable to do anything in this moment Vivi saves them by slamming her bat in to the plants freezing them and freezing and cutting off both of Shiromori arms. As vivi gets ready to land the final blow on her Mystery steps in the way and gestures vivi to show mercy she does and walk away. Before leaving Mystery takes one last saddened look at shiromori and then walks away in the mist with Vivi. This is the last straw for Shiromori and she gets ready to full on kill Mystey. Vivi blocks her oncoming attack and in the process is heart from her attack. Mystery becomes angered and we see his heart begin to burst with colors and a six tailed kitsune. Eyes red and full if rage mystery rushes to attack shiromori and is hurt quite badly from her and begins to bleed. On the ground and feeling defenseless vivi sees Shiromori heart exposed from Mysterys assault she uses her strength grabs her bat looking more and more like her Mushi she runs towards Shiromori who is slightly saddened by shat she has done and hits her heart defeating her for good. Mystery s shocked and saddened as he watches his former master who he still cares about die in front of him this proves to much and we are show his heart bursting with more colors and a nine tailed Kitsune. And then he goes unconscious. Vivi runs to help the injured Mystery ad tries using her scarf to stop the bleeding but her efforts in vain. Mystery has passed saddened by the lost of her friend she begins to cry. But all is not what it seems Mysterys open his eyes but they are green. the blood he has lost comes back to and he begins a new transformation. Vivi is blasted into the Mystey Skulls van from the shock wave. An ear piercing sound is released that cause Lewis to cover his ears while Arthurs robot arm goes haywire as if something is controlling it. Seeing vivi hurt and on the ground Lewis rushes to her side. Vivi still not knowing that is Lewis is amazed by the ghost while Arthur is still trying to gain control of his arm. All three of them surprised look up to see a new Mystey with black fur, nine tails each ending with a different color, a new pair of glasses, and three eyes. before the video ends we are shown and image of Mysterys heart releasing 8 differnt colors each representing some one and the evil hand of Arthur grabbing onto it.
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for all of this information! I know much more about this now! ✨😁
@tomioluwa1284 3 жыл бұрын
@@RetroBG17 your welcome and now that you know all of this you can be excited as you wait two years for the next video to drop
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
@@tomioluwa1284 It’s worth the wait!!!
@darkdragoness5 3 жыл бұрын
@@tomioluwa1284 just to point something out, Mystery had 9 tails in his flashback with Mushi, but 6 in the Ghost flashback. He had 7 when he transformed, and when Vivi was hurt he gains 1 (plus the rip leaked blue energy), and when Shiomori dies, he gains his 9th and a white rip. Also Mysterys behaviour seems to be trying to prevent Vivi and Shiomori hurting each other, which may be to prevent this transformation.
@Editor1204 3 жыл бұрын
So you have the main cast consisting of Arthur (Orange), Lewis (Purple), Vivi (Blue) and Mystery (The Dog). Then you have secondary characters such as the hand - which currently doesn't have a name - Shiromori (Bonsai Tree Lady) and Mushi (?) which is the ancestor. [Also I have a theory that the hand may live off of trauma, which would explain the reason why it went for Arthur and Mystery since they seem to have experienced the most of it. It would also explain why - in the first episode - Vivi's reflection is blind. Since she doesn't seem to remember any of her trauma. Additionally, since Lewis is dead, it would explain why the hand didn't use him as a vessel.]
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for all of that info! And yeah I still wonder what the hand originally was. Was it some kind of curse ? Or maybe Arthur got possessed and was saved by Mystery.
@Editor1204 3 жыл бұрын
@@RetroBG17 You're welcome! If I remember rightly, the hand was ripped off by Mystery early on, which lead to Arthur being reluctant to comfort him in Hellbent. Also, if you look closely in Ghost - you can see a green fog surrounding Arthur before his hand is possessed. Perhaps that was why the cave was marked as dangerous?
@Samgreen90 3 жыл бұрын
Lewis alive, he's purple. Lewis when he's a specter, he's pink, I think.
@LavenderKitsunes 3 жыл бұрын
Since he wasn’t mentioned, I’ll add on that Arthur’s relative is his uncle, and his name is Lance!
@Editor1204 3 жыл бұрын
@@LavenderKitsunes Thought I'd forgotten someone, thanks!
@myutantplant2712 3 жыл бұрын
I've seen enough. Im satisfied. No seriously, this is the most human reaction I've seen on KZfaq so far and it's making me really happy
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Being a human is my job
@Coffeetsune 3 жыл бұрын
If you look closely, the more holes in the heart (or soul) of Mystery, the more tails he has. While he was turning into a demon, he managed to grow his ninth tail, being a kitsune, although he had only seven tails (in the first clip - six). 5:06 5:34
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Woah nice catch on that detail, I still wonder if the colors have any meaning though. Like Vivi’s main color is blue and she can somehow use Ice magic. Lewis is mainly purple and uses fire. I don’t think Arthur would have a power but his color is orange. And Mystery’s main color is red.
@MegaHuntress 3 жыл бұрын
​@@RetroBG17 Colours are always a deliberate choice, and sometimes they have deeper meanings other than too just look good just like you suspected. No idea about Arthur, but Mystery’s main colour being red is probably because his blood plays a huge part in everything that is going on. Same reason as to why Shiramori is white and red, as to mirror Mystery’s true colours. Shiramori, the white dryad/Kodama or whatever she is.... Was grown from a magical flower into a huge magical tree(or even a whole forest ) by Mystery using his own blood. It's most likely a really good drug to her as the song Hellbent talks about drug addiction when she is attacking the car. It's possible she needs it to live, but just as likely she only wants it to grow stronger... but that later would give Mystery less reason to feel guilty about it. Their relationship is briefly explained in Hellbent when Shiramori is walking towards Vivi after the car crash in some really quick flashback pictures. In one of those flashbacks, we also see mystery living in / defending Shiramori´s forest with corpses around Mystery and Vivi´s *NINJA* ancestors. ( Ninjas and samurai are very different things after all :P ) The flashbacks also sync with some flashbacks for Louis when he is walking towards Arthur. Louis flashbacks explain why he believes Arthur is to blame for everything. The main reason being that when the demon-possessed Arthur pushed Louis off the cliff, He could only see the evil half of Arthus. The demon could only posses half of Arthurs body before it was ripped off by Mystery so Louis doesn´t know that it wasn't Arthur that pushed him. Arthur ( and Vivi) also don´t know that Louis is dead because of a memory loss from the event, and is the reason they are looking for him in the first place. If you go and look at the first episode Vivi and Arthur and travelling around looking for Louis because they don´t know he died. This is also why Arthur is so *surprised* ( instead of scared shitless ) when he is thrown off the cliff, he never knew it was Louis. The Mystery Skulls series had a ton of small details that deepen the lore and explains a lot even without words but its really easy to miss most of them.
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah you really need to focus on the visual details to understand it.
@zacharywiggins9660 3 жыл бұрын
also, in the mystery heart scene, there are the colors (white, black, violet, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, and red) coming out of (or being the color of) his heart right before the hand grabs it, and the colors have something to do with mystery's tails and maybe even personality or things keeping his soul together (maybe the two band aid things are the people in the mystery skulls group and Shiromori), and is the same colors as the tails in the mystery scene, random-ish theory: Shiromori maybe wasn't always a bonsai tree girl vampire thing and maybe had a relationship with Mystery (maybe even in love at one point, who knows), but something happened that put Shiromori's soul into that bonsai tree body or something and it almost seems like her heart is a red soul inside of some kind of blue-ish caccoon
@MegaHuntress 3 жыл бұрын
​ @Zachary Wiggins considering that the "band-aid" on his hearts start leaking once his friends get hurt/killed it's very likely that the other colours are related to other people. So the other colours probably relate to people he cares for one way or another. ( *sorry if I get some colours wrong as I am colourblind* ) Consider that his heart is already in shambles and every other colour is already fucked up they are most likely dead or on bad terms with mystery. My personal guess so far is that he got so tired of living after watching friend after friend die/get hurt or abandon him that he opened himself up to corruption. We know for sure from the video that white is Shiramori and light blue is Vivi and we know why both of them started leaking. Purple and orange are most likely Louis and Arthur. We know that Arthur is subconsciously still afraid of mystery even after getting his memories erased (he has nightmares about it as seen in Hellbent.) Louis is actively trying to kill Arthur... so that one kind of explains itself why it would hurt mystery´s feelings. That leaves Pink, Yellow, Green and black. Pink could be Mr pepper or somebody from the Pepper Family as most of them have some level of pink hair. ( Mr Pepper and Paprika most of all ) The Pepper Family is Louis *adoptive family* and if I'm right he most likely feels guilty over what happened to Louis... ( Btw There are pictures of the Pepper Family in the back of the Sc̶o̶o̶b̶y̶ ̶d̶o̶o̶ ̶v̶a̶n̶ mystery van in Hellbent ) Yellow could be Chloe, a friend and co-worker of Vivi who wants to join the mystery group but was rejected by Vivi. Or it could also be Mrs Yukino, who is Vivi´s mother... Green Could the demon, not for the sake of mystery actually caring for it, but because he did something that "tore a hole in his heart". ( also on a side note before the hands grab mystery´s heart at the end, notice how the heart starts glowing green *from the inside* ) The only other character I know that even remotely has green is the truck driver Rooster whos truck Louis stole (that btw exploded, rip Rooster´s job) However, I have no idea about black... no character that I am aware of has predominantly black colours other than mystery himself. ( when possessed ) So unless he has some kind of evil alter ego or its a hint towards his " dark past" I have no idea. Also, something worth pointing out is that there are 8 colours flowing from the heart, that combined with the red colour of the heart itself makes 9 colours. And 9 is an important number for Kitsunes.
@0Magicallywild0 3 жыл бұрын
Notice when Shiramori(plant lady) turns around at 13:41 there's a tear on her eye.
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh you’re right!
@0Magicallywild0 3 жыл бұрын
@@RetroBG17 also! Maybe Mystery(the dog) didn't want Shiramori to get killed off was because he was the one who gave her life so maybe he felt like he owed her that at the very least?? Idk just a thought I had xD
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
That makes a lot of sense! Since in Hellbent it showed Mystery pouring is blood on a flower!
@0Magicallywild0 3 жыл бұрын
@@RetroBG17 Yep! :3
@Spady_Arts 3 жыл бұрын
vivi:the girl who has blue hair . arthur the dude whit orange hair. lewis the ghost dude. mystery the dog. the other dude whit orange hair is the uncle of arthur . and I don't really remember the plant girl name i think is shiramori
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@Spady_Arts 3 жыл бұрын
@@RetroBG17i write wrong some part because I'm a little sleepy
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Aren’t we all?
@quiinsoni6606 3 жыл бұрын
It’s Shiromori! You were close Lol
@bunnyattack2097 3 жыл бұрын
Well I think Lewis’ (the ghost) heart change because what really matter the most for him was his friends, and him going after Arthur (the one with the mechanical hand) after all that happens is just pointless Arthur didn’t even knows that that Lewis died as a result of him being possessed and was actually searching for Lewis. That scene really broke my heart, it’s like Lewis realizing that his goal for coming back can’t be fulfilled he just can’t kill one of the person that he cares about and he’s just sad because he regrets the time he was alive and happy with his friends.
@juniper890 3 жыл бұрын
okay so the first picture in the heart are his desire's but the second picture are the desire and feelings he suppressed and they came forth when Arthur touched his heart.
@TwilightFox777 3 жыл бұрын
In the third animation "Hellbent" the past between Mystery (The dog) and Shiromori (Tree girl) is explained in quick flaskback stills. The reason she was after his blood so singlemindedly was because she was once a flower that he gave his blood to. Using the power in his blood she grew into a great forest which likely offered protection to Mystery in exchange. Vivi's ancestor can be seen fighting Mystery as well. Likely she managed to defeat Mystery gained him as an ally. So now he protects her descendant Vivi. Shiromori is after more of Mystery's blood for more power. Mystery is torn between his alliegances to his two allies former and current. Which is likely why he stopped Vivi from finishing Shiromor when she had the chance.
@ThatOneMelodyRat 3 жыл бұрын
“freaking out” ah man i also like that. episode of mystery skulls
@detowerwarriar3678 3 жыл бұрын
Blue one: Vivi, orange young dude: Arthur, older orange dude: Arthur’s uncle Lance, purple: is Luis, the kitsunie: a “dog” named mystery
@detowerwarriar3678 3 жыл бұрын
All but lance where a group of friends who, like the show Scooby-Doo, go out to solve mysteries. They were all very close until an accident involving the hand demon. Vivi ended up with amnesia and doesn’t remember Louis and mystery tore off Arthur’s arm, thus the robotic one and Louis went revenge crazy although at the end he forgives Arthur
@rainbowocean5075 3 жыл бұрын
Each one has visual storytelling you have to pause plus there is also background information the creator wrote
@luissantiago5163 3 жыл бұрын
Nice reaction. Clean
@rainbowocean5075 3 жыл бұрын
@Spady_Arts 3 жыл бұрын
♪you are freaking out♪
@nonnie2smoove 3 жыл бұрын
If you look you kinda notice Mysterys heart opens up Haven the same colors of Vivi,Arthur, Lewis, and Shimori, what I think is when mystery went through more trauma at the end like vivi getting struck with Shimori's scissor's that opened up his heart then when Vivi strucking Shimori's heart killing her that also caused more trauma bursting his heart even more the hand had full control over him at that point, and if you noticed Lewis put a Genjutsu over Arthur like they were at the cave, but when arthur's uncle shot it put him out of it, I think mushi the ancestor was the protector of mystery and shimori was brought to life from mystery I think she wanted to use his blood to revive other tree's
@nighteclipsus4010 3 жыл бұрын
Purple is Lewis, Orange is Arthur, Blue is Vivi, and Red is Mystery the Dog/Kitsune Fox Demon who awakens to his 9-tailed form. Arthur's uncle is also Orange and his name is Lance
@nighteclipsus4010 3 жыл бұрын
My theory is music calms the savage beast, if you know what I mean
@kennedyj4046 3 жыл бұрын
Youre literally the sweetest dude
@laggytaffy7857 3 жыл бұрын
This video is dope
@Spady_Arts 3 жыл бұрын
i think the heart holes whit colors is what happend in his life of the dog 1 the dead if lewis 2 vivi hurting 3 the dead of the plant girl. andi don't know the others
@user-zj6ks1ph4p 3 жыл бұрын
Arthur is orange hair Lance is orange hairs uncle purple haired is lewis blue haired is vivi plant girl is shiramori dog is mystery
@froggy12koreangirl 3 жыл бұрын
Lewis: Purple Arthur: Orange Mystery: kitsune/Dog -Blue/ samurai So, With Arthur’s possesses hand, It kills Lewis; Mystery severed the arm off from controlling Arthur which feeds on Anger/Fear/Jealousy. -I thought it was Mystery used his blood to bring the plant kikomori to life; and is it safe to say that each color represents the care between each person in mystery’s life?
@froggy12koreangirl 3 жыл бұрын
Meant shiromori*
@leandrewzephyr3448 3 жыл бұрын
The past is explained in the last song
@leandrewzephyr3448 3 жыл бұрын
The dog/wolf gave a flower it's blood then the samurai comes a few years after to kill the dog/wolf the samurai so reincarnation
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I watched them again and saw that the dog (Mystery) was pouring his blood on a flower.
@Samgreen90 3 жыл бұрын
(At 2:27) Uncle.
@Samgreen90 3 жыл бұрын
(At 11:20) no he didn't. Mystery ripped it off (or bit it off) to save him, from it spreading.
@Spady_Arts 3 жыл бұрын
and the blue hair girl has a reincarnation that she fight with shiromori (the plant girl)
@adryanalves670 3 жыл бұрын
No, that's not confirmed yet. It's just a possibility.
@Spady_Arts 3 жыл бұрын
@@adryanalves670 it's kinda obviously ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, but I will wait for the confirmation
@xrogue1218 3 жыл бұрын
What the fuu- *AhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHH*
@panpanhoney258 3 жыл бұрын
Ok i think mystery died because after the tree girl lost her heart he died so im guessing that her heart was actually apart of mystery and thats why he died but im not sure why he became that thing
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Well at the end it showed the green hand grab Mystery’s heart. That hand is Arthur’s hand btw. It was torn off by Mystery back at the cave.
@cowboymagpie 3 жыл бұрын
in a flashback of the last part, we can see that mystery (the dog) was protecting some trees that really look like the flower girl so maybe he didnt want vivi to kill her because she looks like the trees?? i dont know if that makes sense, but thats my theory edit: when the flower girl died we can see mysterys heart again and i think thats what caused him to turn into that black kyubi. maybe the reason he was protecting the trees in the first place
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah that makes sense, plus in the last part Mystery poured his blood on a flower so that could be the flower girl. It also explains why she is after Mystery’s blood so she could become more powerful. But I don’t know why she would want to become more powerful though.
@cowboymagpie 3 жыл бұрын
@@RetroBG17 im guessing that has to do with the red flower in freaking out
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Well I was referring to a part in Hellbent where it shows flashbacks from Lewis and the tree girl (I don’t know her name)
@edisauka6510 2 жыл бұрын
Uhm the skull guy is lewis the yellow human is arthur and the girl is vivi and the kitsune is mystery and the demon creature is shimori
@edisauka6510 2 жыл бұрын
This was epic but how much tails dosa kitsunei have ?
@user-tt4xr4zq9z 3 жыл бұрын
Wait a minute,who are you?
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yes.
@Lucas-Stl 2 жыл бұрын
Hay RBG, mind if I suggest an AMV or two of mine for a Reaction?
@elmerdiaz6533 3 жыл бұрын
@edisauka6510 2 жыл бұрын
Oh nvm its 6 tails
@swiatowidciesslak6249 3 жыл бұрын
You know, Lewis IS dead. Sorry.
@edisauka6510 2 жыл бұрын
Oh its 8 nvm
@Dago11007 3 жыл бұрын
Нус лучше чем нечего
@dg_06mcjaba29 3 жыл бұрын
@mrmesten5487 3 жыл бұрын
@Dago11007 3 жыл бұрын
@@mrmesten5487 Так стоп не я один ищу реакции на Future?
@mrmesten5487 3 жыл бұрын
@@Dago11007 да не один
@dg_06mcjaba29 3 жыл бұрын
Russian number 1
@RetroBG17 3 жыл бұрын
You right
@dg_06mcjaba29 3 жыл бұрын
Sheltered Home-Schooler's Friend Reacts | Mystery Skulls - Ghost (animated)
Michael Reacts to Music
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Scary Teacher 3D Nick Troll Squid Game in Brush Teeth White or Black Challenge #shorts
Mystery Skulls Animated - The Future
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Mystery Skulls Animated - The Future REACTION
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Mystery Skulls Animated - Ghost Reaction!
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Power of science !! #shorts #explore #fyp
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When dad sneezes 😱😵‍💫 LeoNata family #shorts
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