Tim Stanley | Britain and America's value divides | SDP Talks

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Social Democratic Party (SDP)

Social Democratic Party (SDP)

3 жыл бұрын

In this episode of SDP Talks, SDP leader William Clouston speaks with the historian, author, and journalist Tim Stanley.
Tim and William discuss political divides in America, the storming of the US Capitol, and the choices available to the Biden administration. Afterwards, they reflect on Britain's "Red Wall" and the extent to which Labour and the Conservatives are culturally misaligned with it. Finally, Tim and William discuss how well social conservatism can sit with purism on free trade.
Listen to SDP Talks in podcast form: pnc.st/s/sdp-talks
Learn more about the SDP at: sdp.org.uk/
Visit Tim Stanley's website at: www.timothystanley.co.uk/

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@davidwarden4974 3 жыл бұрын
Tim comes across really well - very knowledgeable and articulate. I didn't realise he has a doctorate in history and has migrated from Labour to Conservative (and from Baptist to Catholic!). Both he and Will made fascinating points about the West being committed to values which are undermining the West (principally hyper-individualism). They suggested that Labour has lost the ability to talk to its core constituency which begs the question of how it can ever gain power again. Both appear to be arguing for 'social conservatism' (family, community, nation - barely supported by the liberal Tory party) with Will in particular wanting to combine that with left-leaning economics. I think it was Tim who said that most people support nationalisation of the railways and secure borders but no major party is meeting those key demands. I liked Tim's final point that those who claim that 'it's over' (Hitchens?) are breaking faith with Burke who said that we have a contract with the future as well as the past and present, so we should never give up hope. Will said he has no illusions about the SDP but it's better to light a candle.... indeed. It's great that the SDP exists.
@GodsOwnPrototype 3 жыл бұрын
32:48 Open Borders necessarily means the freefall of wages, the skyrocketing of property prices, the overcrowding of housing & the death of the communities, ethnicities, nations and country of the land where this occurs; I fail to see how there could be a single moral reason let alone 'entirely moral reasons' why this is argued for.
@grannyannie6744 2 жыл бұрын
Due to covid, Australia has been closed to immigration for eighteen months. Despite lockdowns, this has resulted in a fall in unemployment and an increase in wages (things we are told are not affected by immigration) The governments response is to import two million GDP cattle, as soon as possible, to restore low wages. High immigration has bipartisan support among the major political parties, so their is no democratic alternative.
@samhirst2830 2 жыл бұрын
Economic Liberals love immigration because it means cheap labour, keeping wages low. Social Progressives love immigration so they can use minorities as pawns to help them get into power like we see with the Democrats in America.
@grannyannie6744 2 жыл бұрын
@@samhirst2830 Exactly in two party democracies there's barely a cigarette paper between their policies, only the rhetoric changes.
@kayedal-haddad 3 жыл бұрын
Another good talk: please do one on Economics and the need for Economic reform here in the UK!
@GodsOwnPrototype 3 жыл бұрын
48:12 This is because they understand the benefit to themselves of pulling up the deep cultural ladder to minimise the emergence of competition to themselves, their families and their friends.
@GodsOwnPrototype 3 жыл бұрын
49:10 as an aside The Pepsi Taste Test just established that a single mouthful of Pepsi was preferable to one of Coke, (because it's sweeter); however,when a whole can was asked to be drunk, majority preference returned to Coke, (because being less sweet it's more enjoyably consumed in quantity).
@apt155 3 жыл бұрын
If there is one moral from this episode its one thing. America needs an alternative to Democrats and Republicans.
@roystonowl1 3 жыл бұрын
Nice Telecaster behind Mr Clouston.
@Cinemadamenic 3 жыл бұрын
Superb interview; clear-sighted analysis. Thank you!
@joeheppell7085 3 жыл бұрын
Only part way through and this is another great conversation. Please keep doing these!
@GodsOwnPrototype 3 жыл бұрын
44:17 Politics is Downstream from the Culture of the Power Elite -if it came from the general culture it wouldn't always be so at odds with mass feeling
@seanmoran6510 3 жыл бұрын
Greed, Corruption and Concentrated Power What could go wrong.
@GodsOwnPrototype 3 жыл бұрын
41:50 This is also absolutely correct
@honestjohn6418 3 жыл бұрын
A great conversation though. Lots of interesting things to chew on
@honestjohn6418 3 жыл бұрын
I worry about what he considers “quite frankly racist”. I oppose racism. I oppose antisemitism. I oppose the BNP and Patriotic Alternative. I just don’t think that any group, should become the minority in their own countries without them being allowed to decide if that’s what they want in a referendum. No nation’s native stock should be forced to accept minority status just because we’ve decided it’s racist to recognize that natives of Europe exist or matters as a group in their own right. Be they European, African or Asian, no people should be required to accept such a situation. I support low level immigration and love low level diversity. I don’t hate, I don’t want “whites only”. I’m not a racist. I just think that there are limits and the limit comes a long time before the possibility of native minorities. What’s racist about that? If no hate is involved and I don’t think deporting citizens who aren’t native is moral or acceptable, I don’t see why such a view would be dismissed as racist. The only logical reason to dismiss such a concern is to say that Britain has no natives. Which is to say, “we’re a nation of immigrants” which is why the left are in such an unpopular mess on immigration and it also happens not to be true. Or to say that there’s no possibility of the natives of any nation becoming a minority due to mass immigration. That it’s a far right conspiracy theory. Yet everyone from those at the Guardian to Eric Kauffman to David Goodhart, Douglas Murray and I believe, the UN, project minorities to become the majority in the UK and Western Europe in the next few decades. So it’s not a conspiracy theory and such non racist people and organizations I mention above couldn’t be projecting minority majority if we were always a nation of immigrants and demographics were of no consequence. That is unless a view like mine isn’t what is being referred to here. In which case, this comment is irrelevant, but I get the distinct feeling it isn’t. Before we can proceed, we must clearly define the parameters of the charge of racism and preferably in a way that doesn’t condemn anyone who wants to preserve their majority status in their own country.
@anglogang1939 2 жыл бұрын
They got let in
@John-he6yh 3 жыл бұрын
Equivocal as ever.
@tobyyorke2539 3 жыл бұрын
Care to elaborate, John?
@John-he6yh 3 жыл бұрын
@@tobyyorke2539 Yeah, why not. Due to their "civic nationalist" positions, these men can only ever refer to symptoms. Tim "The Zionist movement is needed today as much as ever" Stanley referring to the violent nature of "far right-wing politics" is knowingly rhetorical nonsense (his statement "the pattern is that of being well-armed, and militia-style politics", which tries to disguise the fact that it is not possible to characterise "the right" as violent, is a corker). Tim Stanley is more on the neoliberal side, and as such his ideas are a little less equivocal, and he is also more dangerous for that reason. On William Clouston's side, even though he loves describing himself as a "social democrat" he is slowly morphing into a neoliberal, apparently without realising it. This is an effective change, since his total lack of opposition to neoliberlism (or I should say its root causes) equates to acquiescence. "Every sensible person should have been expecting Trump to contest the election should he lose, because he said that ... all he was doing is reciprocating, times ten, 2016". This is a great example in how his views are essentially determined by the general mainstream consensus. William Clouston is not stupid. He knows, like anyone who has taken any time to investigate Trump's claims, that the US election of 2020 was fraudulent. But he *is* weak. The weakness here manifests in the cowardice needed to claim that the 2020 election was clean. One hallmark of the equivocal, weak or subversive character is the conscious willingless to draw false equivalencies like he does here between the 2016 and 2020 elections. His reading of the "Covid-19 pandemic" has parroted the same mainstream talking points (his weak and insincere opposition to lockdown is farcical). Neither of them are prepared to discuss the stark facts that are ruining the society they presume to hold dear. For example, don't these fools realise that the "civic nationalism" or "classical liberalism" which they claim to espouse is demonstrably flawed just by looking at America's trajectory? In America's case, you don't even have to look that hard either! I remember hearing Clouston denigrate the policies of Victor Orban a short while back. Does he know realise that Orban's government is about as close to the idealised "social democracy" to which Clouston only pays lip service? These guys are maxing out their intellects (by talking, talking, talking) and in doing so expressing absolutely nothing intuitive, and therefore very little truth. Each time I hear these cyphers having their hollow, articulate conversations, I am amazed to feel even *more* embarrassed for them. With each discussion, the make-believe paradigm they operate under is increasingly contrived (given how quickly the world is moving around them), and, therefore, the deliberate professing of their ideas can only now be read as subversion. You can actually hear in their voices how little they are invested in what they are saying. Tim Stanley has that nasal insistence thing, which sounds sterile and faintly narcissistic. The cadences of their sentences say a great deal, and it's really obvious in Clouston in this interview; his expression is circular, soporific and disinterested. He will never generate any enthusiasm or meaningful conviction in anyone because he can't even do it in himself! Still (perhaps *for this very reason*) they are referred to as "sensible", "voices of reason", "rational", etc. I would preface these descriptors with the word "merely". It is "sensible" to walk when crossing the road. Does this always apply when drivers do not drive sensibly? It is "rational" to obey the speed limit. But what if your wife is giving birth? There is an emergency in the west which requires a sense of urgency in politics. Clouston points at everything that does not, essentially, matter. The fact that these things are relatively unimportant is actually what qualifies those things as suitable topics for conversation. "Any organisation not explicitly right-wing will go to the left". I know Clouston would not characterise the SDP as a "right-wing" party, but a couple of years ago he seemed to be expressing what were essentially "right-wing" talking points, since the only meaningful use of the term "right-wing" refers to social conservatism, and this is what he seemed to be going for. The SDP are now a firmly "centrist" party. They become less relevant by the day, and will never achieve even moderate success. Theirs is the most impotent, equivocal political position you can take. The centrist is unable to express himself robustly, is incapable of action (which he sees as "distasteful"), and instead he loves talking, talking, talking. Talking about how misguided those on "the left" and "the right" are, and about how there is a "niche" for him and those like him. The centrist in fact does not interface with the ideas of "the left" or "the right" at all, so how could he possibly harness the best from both? Clouston likes the "Blue Labour" sort of thing ("There can be a synthesis of some of the ideas"), but refuses to acknowledge that the success of the reciprocity of which such an arrangement is perhaps moderately capable depends on an *unequivocal* nationalism, and an unrepentant resistance to subversion within society. He is not that way inclined. What he wants is that the synthetic construct that exists only in his mind be overlaid onto a reality which increasingly will not accommodate it. He has read, heard and thought a lot about these ideas, and he actually does know they aren't reflected in the world around him, but he still really does like them, and he'll discuss them with anyone, as long as they're already that way inclined too. He doesn't realise how artificial his philosophy is. He seems to think he's really on to something. As political and social activity in society becomes more and more unequivocal (the expressions of nationalism and globalism in almost every sphere of life has never been clearer), he willingly divorces himself from reality and anchors himself ever more firmly in intellectual doldrums. He will advocate neither for nationalism nor globalism, and will therefore allow himself to be pulled in inertia drift towards the latter. He may have once swam weakly against the current of degeneration, but has since given up and allowed himself to float until he has ended up static, treading water together with those who chose to do the same. This is why he sounds so calm, and resigned. He appears to have made peace with this decision. He's comfortable here. Nothing unpredictable. No-one here to trouble him, to hold him and his ideas to account. He risks nothing. And ruffling feathers is uncomfortable, and low-brow. He in fact feels the privilege of making pronouncements which I expect he knows will never be manifested, and avoids any "danger" arising from swimming against the current of globalism by espousing any ideas which explicitly diagnose the problem and offer a robust solution. He is conscious of some ambivalence within himself, but his intellect glosses it over makes it easier to deal with. It is this awareness which makes him profoundly irresponsible. To be able to talk, talk, talk *around* an important topic without acknowledging its centre shows a voluntary relinquishment of responsibility. To know and not to say. I'll repeat: he *only* discusses symptoms. There is no animation, and, effectively, no natural intuition in him whatsoever. The SDP is a box of floating "ideas" with no structure to them, no overriding principle. Essentially it is an empty box with the words SDP written on the outside. There is no life, let alone humanity here. No direction. There is just talking, talking, talking. At any given point in the future, these caricatures will be saying the same things, in the same ways, but more so. They will sound tireder, vaguer, even less interested. And can Clouston go one interview without referring to the vacuous, flimsy, nihilist John Gray (whose oppositional, fart-sniffing and soulless "philosophy" digests itself on close inspection)? I dare you, William!
@MackerelCat Жыл бұрын
@@John-he6yh Peter Hitchens is that you?
@anglogang1939 2 жыл бұрын
Lol they where not trying to take the country or somthing
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