Toxic Amnesia - The Narcissist's Selective Memory

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Darren F Magee

Darren F Magee

3 жыл бұрын

Darren Magee talks about toxic amnesia, the narcissist's selective memory. A malignant narcissist's elusive way of filtering what they want to remember and what they don't regarding their lies and abusive behaviour. It is a form of gaslighting, emotional abuse, crazy making, leaving the victim either feeling insane or looking like a liar.
In reality, it's just another tactic, a way of being elusive when it comes to being held accountable for their actions.
Victims often experience this when trying to resolve disputes with the abuser. It can lead to a cognitive dissonance in the victim.
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@DarrenFMagee 3 жыл бұрын
The videos I make are topics suggested by you the viewer. Feel free to suggest any mental health or psychology subjects you'd like me to cover in future videos. Just a reminder though, these videos are not a substitute for support from a mental health professional.
@dodgerstone 11 ай бұрын
Thank You, Darren... I Needed This Vid-Validation
@jedimaster3048 3 жыл бұрын
Funny how they never seem to forget anything wrong you ever did or said
@DarrenFMagee 3 жыл бұрын
Isn't it just
@bloocifer 2 жыл бұрын
but somehow when it comes to things theyve done, they have the memory of a goldfish.
@aaroncoles2433 Жыл бұрын
@marjol3in Жыл бұрын
Exactly! My narc mom constantly did that. Not anymore, because I went no contact 2 months ago! Yes, freedom!!!
@marjol3in 2 ай бұрын
@@Christandnature things have changed. I restored our contact in July 2023 and I'm glad I did, because she passed away in Augutst due to an accident.
@catb445 Жыл бұрын
Toxic amnesia makes the victims of this abuse question their reality and doubt themselves and constantly ruminate about what they did wrong. Makes the victims blame and gaslight themselves. Victims feel like they are ‘going crazy’ it’s at the heart of this type of abuse. Thank you so much for this insightful video, people need to know they are a witness of the abuse and learn to trust and believe in themselves to validate what they experienced !
@tool_fighter 10 ай бұрын
In couples therapy it was discovered that 80 percent of their memories were inaccurate.
@DulceN 2 жыл бұрын
A narcissist selective memory can be extremely exhausting for those on the receiving end. I married someone who turned out to be a covert narcissist; we were officially ‘together’ for 22 years before he abandoned the family without notice, previous agreement or discussion. While in the process of remodeling our home, we would decide how to do a certain thing, what materials to use, textures, colors, or talk about anything else in our lives. He spent years as a geo bachelor (Navy) and was home on weekends only, so the subject was not revisited during the week, but when it was time to work on the plans we had discussed, he often insisted that we had not made those decisions and an argument ensued. I had to do mental contorsionism (while in the middle of a severe depression) in order to recall and repeat the conversation exactly as it took place and refute each one of his arguments, but again and again he denied what was said. Occasionally, one of our teenagers who had witnessed the conversation a week earlier would chime in and tell his father that I was right, things had gone the way I was telling them. His ‘amnesia’ also applied to any subject related to our lives and for the longest time I feared that he might be suffering from early Alzheimer’s, since his paternal grandmother died of it at the age of 65. What really baffled me at the time was his capability to remember when someone from work called him for some emergency. My husband was then perfectly capable to recall and spew procedures, codes, orders, names, dates…. you name it, but he seemed unable to remember basic things such as type of moulding to use or a wall paint color…. Now I know it was due to his narcissistic selective memory.
@wakeawake9556 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone remember he's a victim of bullying and forget who they bullied.
@cynthiafields4611 3 жыл бұрын
For years I have thought my husband was just terrible at remembering, had trouble focusing. I just recently realized it was purposeful. I have started keeping a journal so I don’t second-guess myself and think I must not be remembering accurately when he says, “I don’t remember that...”. His favorite phrase is “I must have blocked that out.”
@rjlacroix3334 Жыл бұрын
I started a journal a few years ago and was shocked to discover how much abuse I endured when reading back on my notes months later .It seems that I may have blocked it all out or that it was too painful to recall and remember .Keeping a journal has really helped me to remain grounded in reality and be clear with the facts, especially after experiencing years of gas lighting blame shifting and projection , A journal is a great tool to help you recognize the hard truth and move on .
@silverfoxjo 10 ай бұрын
The toxic person I discarded said.. I am so concerned that I have memory gaps.. The hurtful things he don't remember.. Convenient for him
@kerrycater2795 Ай бұрын
What do you do when the narc DOES have memory gaps due to prior TBI, and, to compound the situation, uses your Afult ADHD forgetfulness against you? How can someone ever sort it out?
@Nancy-yw1rr 2 жыл бұрын
My ex did this repeatedly, and would even deny proof of his "forgotten" reality. He also regularly engaged in rewriting history and making things up that were never said or never happened.
@Eighties-Jadie 5 ай бұрын
This happened me too with a recent ex and I'm still suffering the adverse effects of being gaslit daily and his manipulative crazy making behaviour. When I confronted him on his several inconsistencies, selective memory and lies by omission he played innocent victim and then told me to see a Psychologist. Yeah I need one now alright to get my head straight after months of this insidious abuse but certainly not for noticing and pointing out his shady behaviour. Absolute monster. Sorry you experienced the same because nobody deserves to be treated like this
@karenkilba2907 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for explain this! Wow it’s what I have been living for too long. I thought maybe I was dealing with someone with early stage dementia but I don’t think I am now. History is constantly being changed and agreements are never kept, it’s like they were never made! We have the same conversations over and over like they never happened. It’s crazy making! He also acts like he is so willing to work on things and make things better but then won’t follow through. We can discuss things to death, agree what to do and then he will change those agreements in an instant! No discussion what so ever! So he is obviously aware that he is changing the agreement and not just forgetting! I think I am dealing with someone with toxic amnesia not dementia…
@pegagonza3784 Жыл бұрын
😢 last year I ended in a psychiatric hospital, I thought it was me , I was feeling so confused. Same here about agreements and then changes
@kaitlincox9714 Жыл бұрын
Yes! "I never threw that chair at you. You're insane."
@celtickaizen80 3 жыл бұрын
This video, was very helpful, I was always second guessing myself, but this explains alot in regards to how a narcissist behaves and reacts. Thankyou
@DarrenFMagee 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you I'm so glad you found it helpful
@cdrom1685 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for posting this! This is equally the most scariest and saddening thing I've ever experienced in my life
@JD-im4wu 3 жыл бұрын
this is probably one of the narcissists most incidious of not the most insidious weapon they have. I have suffered from this for years as a child to adulthood until I found out what it was all about. He would remember the most petty wrongs I have done 20 years ago but forget the maniacal and jealous envious hateful things he does 2 weeks ago as if it never happened or I interpreted it wrong or I made him do it... etc. He is Never Wrong. Ever. Thats another thing about a real narcissist they will never admit their faults ever even if its obvious and in front of your face they will somehow and someway tie you to it and say things like "you made me do it", "common, i never beat you like that, you should see how most fathers beat their kids. I'm too soft of a parent my greatest fault is not beating you hard enough thats why you are so spoiled. There are kids being raped and beaten black and blue by their drunk father now thats real abuse."
@Sil26439 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, "you made me do it or I should have beaten you more"... no feeling of responsibility for having been cruel, no respect for the victim, who suffers another form of abuse... narcs are simply cowards who believe they are hurt heroes...
@bloocifer 2 жыл бұрын
im sorry you had to go through that. i have a narcisistic mother who is also evil. so. i get it. hope things get better for u
@joeleonard2222 3 жыл бұрын
Darren. You were spot on. I personally went through what you described. Thanks for you're work.
@DarrenFMagee 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Joe. I hope you’re in a better place today
@joeleonard2222 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Darren. What should I do if I feel someone tried to cause me harm.
@DarrenFMagee 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry I am not in a position to give advice. Maybe you could ask someone who can?
@elev8ted_wellness 2 жыл бұрын
My ex narc never “remembered” the hurtful things he had done. His story would often change several times too; it’s as if he couldn’t even remember his own lies. I could literally show him screenshots from things I had found on his own phone between him and other women, and he would just say, “well I don’t remember saying/doing that but I guess if you say it did I must have”. One night he almost asphyxiated our dog. I had to jump on him to get him to release him. The next morning he didn’t remember any of it. Some experts claim they really don’t remember certain things because their disorder filters them out. I don’t believe that in his case. I think he knows exactly what he did, he just kept lying so much to cover it all up that he probably “remembers” it all in such a way that it makes him not look as bad.
@misss.o.j. 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. The world seems to be getting absolutely RIDDLED with people who have toxic amnesia.
@TrishLee 3 жыл бұрын
This is really helpful Darren. Thank you so much for sharing. I just joined you to see more of your upcoming videos :)
@DarrenFMagee 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind words and support 👍
@sarahlovesyoga325 2 жыл бұрын
Just recently, an old acquaintance wrote about a specific time in her life I was a part of on Facebook. However, her retelling of this time in her life was not accurately portrayed. Her dates were way off but had to be to in her retelling so that the truth was not told. The lie was that 9/11 killed her business. The truth is her business opened in August 2001 and grew for the next few years until there was a big drama blowup and she lost most of her clients. These things are easily checked too. I laughed when I read it.
@mashudali8482 Жыл бұрын
this happened yesterday - I am in utter shock and disbelief at the new lowly levels this person can call home
@aroz4949 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the knowledge, truth and transparency on this topic. From one soul to another, I am grateful for your graceful transparency and integrity. You, Sir, are an intricate and vital force of love and light during such a time where so many human souls are in need of this information being delivered to them in a neutral, concise manner. ‘Selective amnesia’ could quite possibly be one of mankind’s most dangerously irreparable behavioral traits. For it not only questions therefore diminishes but attacks another’s sovereignty of not just their soul but their emotional, mental and physical freedom as well. This is a act of malignancy that brings with it a long-withstanding ripple effect worse than but comparable to a nuclear fallout. I believe this willful forgetfulness can be found in almost all of human history, not leaving one soul, one tribe, group or a continent untouched and unscathed forever. For so long now, many souls have had their inner guidance and inner truth - their light and their truth-snuffed and silenced due to behaviors such as selective amnesia. Simply due to the heartbreaking fact that there was no other “rational” or “socially acceptable” option presentable at the time. They had no option but to not trust their inner voice. We human beings, if and of any report, no matter our past or current decisions, choices and circumstances, must act quickly and make a choice to speak to others about these topics. These most raw and painful and unapproachable topics and behaviors. We should feel free to speak clearly, loudly with such confidence and such strength because it is wrong to allow such behavior as this to continue when we know about it. This comes down to the mere principal and virtue of what we as a group allow and accept to continue into the future. For, on the Earth, universal law will always remain sovereign. For what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. This is not a matter of personal opinion- this is universal law. We have a duty to help ourselves, the future inhabitants of this planet and to at least- attempt - to start an open dialogue whenever and wherever we can about these things. For they are an act of mental, emotional, and spiritual warfare. Because when we, one at a time or even hundreds at a time start to stand up and speak (even if that means just speaking your true feelings out loud to a stranger one day instead of continuing to hold it inside because that is what we have been conditioned and beaten into doing so as to have such accustomed depths of TRAUMA that we now, today, can no longer decipher the difference between our inner most truths due to someone else’s deeply deeply repressed trauma. In the past, we have been accustomed to accept these behaviors by sheer force but now they have bound and tethered out souls into the lowest depths of isolation -isolation from SELF. Isolation and doubt of your inner voice, of your innate knowingness that every and ALL human beings arrive here on Earth with. Trauma. It is hard - no, there are not yet words to describe or convey how guttural all of our traumas are. Singularly and collectively. So, if we cannot or simply choose not to talk about the pain and trauma behind these behavioral traits such as selective amnesia, let us give others and thus ourselves the grace, humanity and love to hold the space for an open dialogue about it. Love and Light. Remember where you came from. Remember your power. Remember your light. No amount of abuse, no amount of being silenced in any way shape or form can EVER take that from you. Remember your light and then hold it the space open to shine on others so that they too, can be graced with the unfailing conclusion of remembrance as well. 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
@louisehudson2095 2 жыл бұрын
@Eighties-Jadie 5 ай бұрын
Thanks very much for this Darren ❤ I've watched online videos like this for a long time but need a refresher course on escaping Narcissistic Abuse because naively got myself back into another abusive relationship without realising he's a narcissist until a few months in. The love bombs, future faking, gaslighting, lies by omission, mind games, twisting the blame, playing victim when confronted, several inconsistencies, selective memory and rewriting history are now very see through. I stupidly stayed and gave more chances and "the benefit of the doubt" until I could do so no more. I can identify when you said about being met with incredulous disbelief from the Narcissist where they deny anything happened and asked for examples - it's an awful reaction to be met with and even when they're given solid examples and proof they still lie. The constant chaos takes a toll and I'm sorry you endured this horror too. Thanks again for your channel on spotting red flags. A literal lifesaver 🙏
@maria-gorettimillard6253 3 жыл бұрын
Very interesting!🤔 Didn't realize yet another form of gaslighting! 😱 Under the guise of addictions dysfunction - They don't remember! 🤥 Free pass. No! Me accepting fake apologies! Enabling etc.... until the next time! Boundaries!😎 Consequences! Getting off my merry-go-round called Denial🤦 TY! 😁
@DarrenFMagee 3 жыл бұрын
You're welcome I'm so glad you found the video helpful
@Peecup 3 жыл бұрын
I lived this for 20 years.
@DarrenFMagee 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you got sharing. Hope you’re in a better place today
@Peecup 3 жыл бұрын
Darren F Magee I am. It took some work though. 17 months separated, divorce very soon. My advice to anyone in the same position, get out, run, flee for the hills. I was left totally confused with no sense of self, angry, depressed, suicidal. I had absolutely no idea she had a personality disorder, therefore I tried to reason with the unreasonable for 20 years. These people make the rules up as they go to suit themselves. 1+1 can = 3, 3+3 can =9, and nothing you say can change it if that’s what they say is correct. She had me totally unaware. Thank god for the Internet. I’ve used every day of this 17 months to heal myself as best I can with therapy, journaling, good health, exercise, no drinking, lost 26kgs, meditation, yoga, self love, self awareness etc etc. wow what a ride!! I made it!!
@xrc7445 2 жыл бұрын
@@Peecup I hear ya. I lived with TWO of those for 9 years. My "dad" and my "sister". My dad would HIT ME on a weekly basis and, wheb asked why he hit me half an hour later, he would say "I hit you? When?! I dont remember that!". I was so insanely baffled. But with my sister always pulling switcheroos on my memory regarding our past arguments - and me being unable to understand such evilness exists - instead of doubting my father (because I was a good kid, so I couldnt be the reason I am hit for zero reason), I ended up seeing a phychiatrist in a mental asylum. These people will stop AN NOTHING. They don't give a damn FOR THEIR OWN KID. My dad took advantage of me having NO OTHER PARENT (my mom died wheb I was 14) to TORTURE ME. SICKOS!
@PensareFilms 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this. It was very helpful.
@larasudomlak7128 6 ай бұрын
A most helpful segment of information that brings to light the acknowledgment of this behaviour.🙏
@rjlacroix3334 Жыл бұрын
I was sitting in my parked car not long ago at a shopping center and my estranged personality disordered wife of only one week came over to my car out of the blue and damaged my vehicle while I watched . I did not exit the vehicle .She smiled at me through my windshield and then hopped into a car with another man driving and drove away . Shocking does not even begin to describe this abuse . Can you say coercive control ? When I confronted her by telephone the next day she said she didn't know anything about it, it must have been someone else ,she wasn't there . She was dead serious .It was scary to think that she is completely delusional or worse delusional with a level of malevolence directed at me with precision to continue to injure me emotionally . I really enjoy your channel. Outstanding information as always to help those of us who have suffered at the hands of gas lighting blame shifting people whom we have sincerely loved and cared for . I
@aleyaniguess6826 3 жыл бұрын
This is a very informative video thank you 🤍
@DarrenFMagee 3 жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@CodyOATV Жыл бұрын
I never said that, I never did that. That thing you told me 1000 times over, this is the first time I'm hearing about it
@lakenyalawson1818 3 жыл бұрын
I remember dealing with someone like this once..hed do or say something shady or hurtful then deny he said or did it..I realized he was playing with me, I bet wherever he is right now he remembers the last time I left his house and NEVER went back..and I bet he remembers calling me every day for 6 months and getting no answer!!🤧🥱😭🤣
@ElisabettaLily92 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, thanks for this great video! So.. Just a question.. Does the narcissist realise that they are lying?
@DarrenFMagee 3 жыл бұрын
Hard question to answer. If they’re gaslighting you then I’d say yes they know they’re lying. Other times I think they might really believe what’s in their head at that moment.
@xrc7445 2 жыл бұрын
Depends on the narc caterogry (unfortutely, I know them well enough to be able to recognize their subcategories). Narcopaths know full well. Vulnerable narcs know deep down but their Ego will prevent them from seeing it UNLESS they can gain something, in which case they will realize their shit and correct it.
@r.vladl.8558 2 жыл бұрын
You explain with very good examples! Thank you for the videos!
@rachelv.stewart2304 8 ай бұрын
Thank you. This was very helpful.
@Poppy-yx8js 27 күн бұрын
I’m glad I have not hurt anyone.
@Lvcharm 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this! It’s so helpful 😊
@someonesdaughter3180 Жыл бұрын
Very helpful. Thank you.
@forrestfey 2 жыл бұрын
Have a diary, take notes.
@AjimoleVarghese 4 ай бұрын
Selective amnesia = lie+reluctant to admitthe truth +hiding things deceiving
@adrianwooldridge4245 7 ай бұрын
She would forget just normal things. Like it was another person
@marilynross1242 5 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot. My husband does this all the time. 😮
@edwinsargent9105 2 жыл бұрын
This video has audio and video out of sync'. Thank you for your wise words. This is the second video of yours, that I have watched today. Thank you for your succinct and calm explanations of the symptoms of these conditions cause.
@matikramer9648 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Very helpful
@deleteduser2193 Жыл бұрын
Actually am undergoing a broken friendship with someone accusing me for something I wrongly did 6-7years ago and actually apologized over the same time period. It was only provoked when we were fighting over her not being open/honest with the other and how she'd expect the other to change when she hasn't.
@diamondvoicedmermaid 2 жыл бұрын
I mean how do they forget the major things they have done though? Terrible though these people are, I doubt they are stupid. Do they just somehow know how to block the initial offense out of their minds? Or do they think "compensating" by doing all these supposedly great things for other people somehow buries it...instead of actually acknowledging what they did and apologizing to the actual person they hurt? Because admitting to what they have done is just too unbearable for them to face and own up to? 🤨
@recenthuman5629 2 жыл бұрын
Nah, it's been years, they don't... Or she don't...
@manfromspace1506 2 жыл бұрын
I think its a Mental disease I thought before its something they could control. The way they act like nothing happened the way they can't hear you while talking, its a mental disorder due to trauma like a coping mechanism they cannot control.
@manfromspace1506 2 жыл бұрын
That doesn't mean we should cope with these people. I found peace knowing that I don't have to cope with these kind of people any more. If they don't want to heal we don't need to bear with them. I learned it the difficult way.
@BrendonSchaferCT 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure I was victim to this. However, in my experience, all my alleged wrongs were brought up. Even though the events leading to my wrongs were never mentioned. I was also repeatedly accused of saying things that - for all intents and purposes, I may have said it, but only a very small part of what was said was filtered out and used against me. So I never remembered the specific accusations. Those things I was accused of was in a greater context of other things that I said at the same time. I have personally always had poor memory anyway. Absent mindedness is probably a better term. What got me thinking more clearly about this issue, is our times we sat listening to sermons on KZfaq. Teachers and pastors I know and trust, whose doctrine is flawless. They are meant to have said certain things, which taken by themselves, it is not possible for them to have said it, unless it was in an illustration explaining a greater topic. Very interesting. Thank you.
@rosierb852 2 жыл бұрын
I asked him what my mom’s name was a few months after she passed. Then he got angry and I asked why are you getting angry. He said he doesn’t remember her name. Even though I cried to him for weeks after she passed. Didn’t remember how to spell my last name even though we were together for 4.5yrs. These people are truly dangerous! Sometimes they really don’t remember the horrible things they did. How messed up does a person have to be for their brains to be wired in such a way. They need to be on a registered Offender list so others can be warned to proceed with caution.
@fionas-uf1wo Жыл бұрын
Delusional partner told me I couldn’t stay in the house and needed to get to a place of safety as the gang were out to get him and possibly me and he didn’t know what he would do, took my keys, gave me a suitcase to pack some things and forced me out. Awful shock and horror doesn’t describe this episode even weeks in especially as he has been telling everyone I left him and went and I’m called a liar if I bring it up
@heathermixson1265 Жыл бұрын
Ohhhhh YES!! My husband is MASTER of this!!!!
@ellaj1605 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the videos. I remembered being berated and attacked because I didn't want to have sex again the next morning after spending some time with him. I had to go to work I wasn't trying to tease him. gave him a kiss before time to leave and he took it as me teasing him and got very angry. Saying how terrible I was that I would do that to him and then leave. Yelling is if we're not in a condo with neighbors. Commenting on how strong The male Drive is in that I'm causing him all this distress. I remember going up and down the steps to get my stuff crying here we go again. He was perched in the doorway like a gargoyle as I went up the steps. I even changed his name in my phone to gargoyle to help me remember to stay away. He remembers a romantic evening and that we had a wonderful connection. It's interesting that through his counseling he's able to say the words to me that he has selective memory. And spoke of it as it was okay oh, unfortunately. He seemed to view it as a tool that's okay to use to preserve himself. Now that I type that he actually does use that term a lot to preserve himself. He must preserve himself. Self-preservation doesn't mean gaslighting other people. Or kicking them when they're down and then calling the reactive. Got to stay away. And I'm working on not caring about what his opinions are about me and not hearing that he recreates my past in such a way I am just reacting to things. No acknowledgment of how has Behavior has affected me the announcement of his abuse it's just me acting a certain way. Very sad. Thank you for the video very accurate I've definitely experienced this to the T.
@shaneerasmus2591 Жыл бұрын
Dishonesty by ommision
@blee9304 Жыл бұрын
They would blame they had general anesthesia and causing memory loss.
@AfterAFashionASMR 2 жыл бұрын
Concerned about this in current relationship as he says he doesn’t typically remember things but he says it because he has so much anxiety. How likely is it that having a lot of anxiety would mean someone would forget things frequently?
@veterankamikaze3591 2 жыл бұрын
Having suffered through anxiety for two years before i realised what it was, anxiety is when you think too much. Remember stuff and it eats you.
@startnewtherapy9918 3 жыл бұрын
It's toxic and selective
@virgochick1 2 жыл бұрын
I have a question I hope someone can answer. I dated a sociopathic-narc. I gave him a gift and a couple of weeks later he claimed to not remember me giving it to him! He said. "Oh, I wondered where I got that?" When I asked him about it. It was so humiliating. Is this a form of toxic amnesia? Thank you.
@Claire90409 Жыл бұрын
No, I think he was purposely belittling you to make it seem like your gift meant so little to him, he couldn't remember. My boyfriend said it about a t-shirt I'd bought for him once. ' I don't know where *that* came from' as he tossed it in the bag to go to charity. I didn't react, so he tried again later, more obviously this time, saying 'did you buy me this shirt? Oh, I'll throw it away then'. Very odd.
@virgochick1 Жыл бұрын
@@Claire90409 I believe you're right. The guy I dated, I've learned much about him since. He's a messed up dude and I'm not just saying that. Now that I'm much further out from dating him I can see how truly dysfunctional he is. Your ex sounds like a piece of work too. Thanks for your answer question.
@daisydaffsforever723 2 жыл бұрын
A good friend once told me to write everything down and in my ignorance I didnt....I now wish I did. I cant actual;ly remember things in the past as I ws so busy being a mum and was working later oni in my married life. I no longer day dreamed like I did prior to having children. I stopped thinking of the future and just got on with day to day life. By the end of my marriage my husband accused me of saying certain words which I dont ever remember saying. He says he has a great memory and knows that I dont. Does this make me a narcisist for not remembering?
@Christandnature 2 ай бұрын
She only surrounds herself with other narcissist so people never see through her.
@jerrybaharlias9809 2 жыл бұрын
Is selective amnesia real or not ? Do they actually not remember or do they just pretend not to remember to avoid responsibility ?
@adrianwooldridge4245 7 ай бұрын
I seriously think my ex has severe mental health issues. She literally subconsciously did a lot of things
@dianawolf894 Жыл бұрын
Selective memory
@lilianaluoch3045 8 ай бұрын
What are the pitfalls of toxic amnesia on a company
@adrianwooldridge4245 7 ай бұрын
But they are damaged. Not making excuses but they are damaged
@wd2616 Жыл бұрын
I am a male. And my older brother forced me to sodomy I was a child. I did not even know what sex was. I did not know what was happening. He did this to me multiple times. He poisoned my life at a very young age. I am 57 years old now. I recently confronted him on the issue. He denied it. Please respond
@la6136 10 ай бұрын
Narcissist will always deny what they did wrong they will never admit it. Wish there was a way you could prove it and send his sorry ass to prison!
@MINDBooner703 Жыл бұрын
What do you do in response to toxic amnesia?
@shaunahamilton9463 Жыл бұрын
What if your dealing with someone who matches multiple videos you have posted?
@Dizzyestep Жыл бұрын
I've experienced this technique. I .did not want to forget what w as said or done. 1 min 40 sec. L
@blueskies6475 Жыл бұрын
Is it possible they have brain damage? I have tested their memory repeatedly and they really don't remember. One even admitted to making things up when there are holes in the memory. No memory will cause a lot of problems.
@Mouse_Metal 8 ай бұрын
Maybe they supress the events to keep their grandiose, prefect image untouched.
@alyshacleavin9727 11 ай бұрын
Yes I do basically everything iv experienced very selective memory except they can always remember chips and racism Hitler's agenda and buying drugs
@Dizzyestep Жыл бұрын
@kristina7542 11 ай бұрын
Yep I know someone like that !🧿🪬
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