What Does Sugar Actually Do To Our Bodies? | Health | Trinny

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I’ve long had a complicated relationship with sugar, and I know I’m not alone. So let’s talk about it - why do we crave sugar, how does it affect us in the short and long term, and what can we do to break the habit? Let’s start by sharing our personal experiences and figuring it out together…
00:00 - Intro
00:50 - Trinny's history with sugar
03:07 - Sugar & menopause
04:19 - Write down your relationship with sugar
05:15 - The negative effects of sugar
06:57 - Conversation time
14:20 - Start your sugar diary

Пікірлер: 147
@SadieDLdn Жыл бұрын
My grandmother lived until 105! She loved a cream bun from the great bakeries we have in Ireland and had cups of tea with sugar in and a sweet biscuits throughout the day. Genes are so incredibly important when it comes to skin, health and longevity.
@orlybabe Жыл бұрын
My grandma lived to 97 and ate so much sugar - massive dollops of peanut butter on bread, seven or eight teaspoons of sugar in every drink. But she was very active up to around 90, cooking and cleaning and maintaining a house. I suppose the balance has to be there
@karenlambert4973 Жыл бұрын
I think they ate better, No processed food at all. More veggies and fruit and though she ate alot of sugar, it isn't any where near the amount people eat today.
@63Lsp Жыл бұрын
@@orlybabe Was there sugar in your grandmas peanut butter? Mine just says "peanuts, salt". Please... I can't live without my peanut butter!😃
@hibuy100 Жыл бұрын
Peanut butter without sugar is delicious & good for diabetics... go for it & enjoy!
@orlybabe Жыл бұрын
@@63Lsp there was LOADS of sugar in it lol. If you must eat peanut butter, then workout, be active, eat other healthy things. Balance haha
@Happinc Жыл бұрын
Absolutely get experts on!!! Sarah Wilson is an AB FAB Aussie who has made herself an expert on quitting sugar… she had a health crisis mainly due to her sugar intake… she has done many interviews podcasts etc on this subject… BRAVO TRINNY for bringing this up!🤩❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@Happinc Жыл бұрын
Hi 👋🏼 thank you but I’m not sure what to do? 😵‍💫🫣❤️
@rosejamon_9165 Жыл бұрын
I have eaten chocolate almost everyday since age 16, now I’m 41!! I’d skip meals to eat sugar. I’ve tried everything and can never go over a week without eating it. Such an emotional attachment for me xx
@camm8832 Жыл бұрын
Dark chocolate is actually good for you! ❤
@laura.redfield Жыл бұрын
I can relate to your history with sugar, Trinny. My mother was a dental hygienist who severely restricted my access to sweets as a child. My teenage rebellion centered around sugar consumption. Sugar & simple carbs quickly became my primary food group as a young adult. I didn’t notice a big problem with it until my late 30s. I avoid it as much as possible now and I feel soooo much better. ❤️
@Justmyownthoughts Жыл бұрын
Do you think there’s two debates? There’s sugar (as in sweets, chocolates) but there’s also sugar needed for energy (from maybe less processed sources) too? Low blood sugar can have a massive effect on hormone regulation and mood. Also it’s not necessarily sugar that causes inflammation, sometimes it’s artificial sweeteners which some people take as an alternative to sugar thinking it’s better for you. Anyhoo, I’m not a dietician, just passing on my opinion! One thing I do know for sure is that the big food companies have been poisoning us for decades and we should all be eating local food and unprocessed food. 🌷
@zenabraithwaite1934 Жыл бұрын
I control my sugar and alcohol intake following menopause. Revels which I used to adore I cannot eat anymore - I could eat them and get cramp in my feet within minutes!! I still have some treats but I very much keep an eye on it. Though I don't approve of artificial sweeteners as they are toxic too, even Stevia smells and tastes disgusting.
@dianasanzana1838 Жыл бұрын
Trinny, this would be such a service to us! Please, do it! You are an angel in our lives.
@terryfischer1070 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely have a problem with sugar. I can go for 1 cookie and end up eating 10. I feel and look so much better without sugar, but just can't seem to break the addiction!
@angela7185 Жыл бұрын
Sarah Wilson is an Australian Author and former Cosmopolitan Editor and a Journalist who went on a 'journey' to quit sugar and wrote a book about it.
@007Vixenful Жыл бұрын
I am peri-menapausal and I would like to learn more Trinny!
@kannl_veg Жыл бұрын
I so appreciate you bringing up the complexities of sugar addiction. I've been in the process of kicking sugar & processed foods for two years, have lost 75 lbs., eliminated knee pain, improved my overall health, but I know I can still relapse. (I'm 65, btw.) The addiction is real. Bright Line Eating and Dr. Susan Pierce Thompson have been instrumental in the success I've experienced.
@jenwilliams9649 Жыл бұрын
I love your raw honesty about these hard topics around addictive traits Trinny. So many of us have so much shame about these hard topics and I love how fresh and honest you are ; let's do this together loves!
@gailwade Жыл бұрын
Thanks Trinny - I think you are right this is important to talk about this. And look at your relationship with it
@winefashionistaMO Жыл бұрын
I'm a wine sommelier and most wines do not have sugar in them. They are fermented completely dry. True, some of the mass-produced supermarket wiines, especially some popular red blends, do have some sugar left over from fermentation, but sugar isn't added. In many countries - France, Italy - it is illegal to add sugar. There are also specific wine styles - dessert wines like Sauternes, late harvest and off-dry Chenin Blanc from the Loire Valley and German Reislings that range from completely dry (Trocken) to semi dry to sweet.
@natashabourne2167 Жыл бұрын
Yes, great idea. I'd love to hear more from some experts. Thanks for this initiative.
@edelcranwell9524 Жыл бұрын
Trinny you are the best for doing this. I am so addicted to sugar and use it when I am down or lonely. You have hit the nail on the head about this issue. Please get some experts on this forum to discuss this matter further. Well done.
@biancalucas9718 Жыл бұрын
Yes Please get the experts in! I’m 49 and learning very much on foods versus hormoons, as I had the feeling menopauze was hitting me. And I’m experiencing a difference already
@slippery-out-there Жыл бұрын
Yes please re experts…..loved that you are starting a conversation about this. I keep getting face rashes and I’m sure it’s inflammation that’s causing it. I’m just hoping I can finally solve this recurring issue 😢
@kittylou22 Жыл бұрын
I get massively addicted to sugar in the winter 😩 but this spring I gave up eating all the crap and lost 3kg without even exercising or changing my regular meals. Now winter is approaching I really don’t won’t to go down that addicted cycle again. I have discovered Stevia mini chocolate bars which curb the cravings. There is definitely a link with sugar and inflammation 💯 percent.
@barbaraheathe7069 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Trinny for bringing up this subject, specifically for women of our age. I’ve had a sugar addiction all my life. I’ve never had issues with my cholesterol until I went into menopause. Now my cholesterol is too high and I know there is a correlation between my sugar intake, my change in my hormone levels and my cholesterol. Everything you mentioned in the video is spot on and I can relate to. Look forward to hearing from some experts you find. I’m going to start my sugar diary tomorrow and see what I unearth. Big fan! 😘❤️
@jenwilliams9649 Жыл бұрын
Yes I would ABSOLUTELY love some expert takes on sugar and for this much needed conversation to continue. I love the idea of levels of sugar and to start small (otherwise it can feel so overwhelming); I know when dealing with addiction /perfectionism that part of the healing is breaking that all or nothing thinking and being. Therefore I love your ideas of levels is sugar! Let's please continue this conversation and start reframing how we view sugar from being a treat to a highly refined hepatotoxin. Dr Susan Pierce Thompson is an inspirational person and speaker and an expert on this! Love you Trinny and our Trinny tribe! 💜
@helenmcdonald2737 Жыл бұрын
Hi Trinny. I could write a whole book on this, but I’ll try and just write a few things that come to mind. I “quit sugar” for three years and lost half my excess weight just doing that (about 8kg). This was inspired by my dad who also lost all his excess weight and continues to maintain (at 86 years old). Unfortunately following an Easter I got back on the sugar and have gained it all back. I’m trying to go off it again but am finding it harder this time (I’m 48 by the way). When you do it’s great, I lost my cravings, even had the office biscuits next to my desk and never tempted by them. My skin is so much better when I don’t eat it (no pimples!). The key is moderation but with sugar moderation is way lower than you think (try 10-20grams per day). “Healthy” food like fruit juice, cereal and yoghurt have some of the highest amounts of sugar. Fructose is the problematic part of sugar, fibre is what’s needed to help (which is why eating fruit is better than eating, say, honey.) definitely look up Sarah Wilson. Her recipes and her blog were a big part of my success when I did “quit” sugar. I have kept many of the healthy habits from quitting sugar (don’t drink juice, eat the fruit instead, don’t eat honey (try rice malt syrup instead), don’t eat cereal with more than 5% sugar). BTW once I quit sugar I did not continue to have higher level of cravings around my period. Honestly the hardest thing about quitting sugar is the social pressure to eat what everyone else is eating. I look forward to more content on this, and guests (invite Sarah Wilson on your channel!). Sorry that was a bit of a brain dump LOL.😂
@Happinc Жыл бұрын
Bravo for sharing… i have had quite the journey trying to stop sugar and it hasn’t been sweeties or processed sugar I stopped that years ago but fruit is my downfall! I do not consume fruit in moderation but in binge proportions if it is available to me, you are right fructose is definitely addictive!! 😵‍💫
@suzangroves959 Жыл бұрын
Yes get the experts on!! Please x
@mirjanapucarevic2105 Жыл бұрын
Problem is we need sugar as a fuel for our body ,but like limited consumption.
@MariaNickLambert Жыл бұрын
This is very interesting, i would more discussions on this topic. Thanks Maria
@nmehmood8499 Жыл бұрын
Yes please do get the experts on! I only recently realised the fact that I’m addicted to it.
@flower-ss2jt Жыл бұрын
In 2010 I was told not to eat sucrose (sugar) but to restrict to fructose (the sugars in fruit and veg). 13 yrs later I can honestly say that giving up sucrose has changed how I feel about myself, how I shop and most of all it has improved my health. Firstly I can taste food, so the saltiness/sweetness/sourness is all amplified. It has become such a pleasure to eat. Second, I no longer look at calorie intake, but nutritional value - basically 'is what I am eating going to benefit my body'. Yes, I have lost weight, but that is not as important to me as to how much healthier I am. Third - I no longer feel guilt when I eat, before I would buy packets of expensive good quality buscuits and feel so much guilt as I ate them, that has all gone as I no longer crave the sugar, so no longer buy the biscuits. I do make cakes but use fruit and veg as the sweetener - even in chocolate brownies which are full of beetroot. Not one grain of sugar. The other food I had to stop eating was cow's milk - and giving up cheese was dreadful. Although I could eat goat products, and now there are so many good hard cheeses made with goat or ewe.
@kaye_rubi Жыл бұрын
Sarah Wilson ‘I quit sugar’ is amazing. I would love to see her as one of your experts. Thank you Trinny 😍
@jesusiseverything1334 Жыл бұрын
Trinny! Please ask Dr Susan Peirce Thompson to talk about sugar. She is THE EXPERT!
@rachaeltate2836 Жыл бұрын
This is such a great topic Trinny, would love you to get some experts on 😊 I feel that demonising a food group only makes the desire for it more xx
@rmfdbn Жыл бұрын
My sugar addiction is wine. I know it’s the sugar and not the alcohol as I don’t crave any other form of alcohol. It’s really frustrating as I can easily say no to cake, chocolate and all food forms of refined sugar but the wine is a problem.
@gillianking2566 Жыл бұрын
Sugar is completely addictive. I was aware of its effects as young as 10 years old. I gave it up early so I never had the health problems and weight issues my other family members have had. However, I was always viewed as “different” because I didn’t use it to celebrate life goals.
@coopernutrition Жыл бұрын
Ph.D in Nutrition here. There IS scientific evidence that refined sugars (as opposed to natural sugars found in fruits, for example) have multiple negative effects on the body. Refined sugars, especially those found in sugar-sweetened beverages (which are absorbed very quickly) raise insulin and over time, can lead to type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the pancreas, which produces insulin, simply can't produce more insulin.
@beckyhorne1325 Жыл бұрын
Do artificial sweeteners cause the same issues with the pancreas?
@coopernutrition Жыл бұрын
@@beckyhorne1325 Not to my knowledge (at least based on the research to date). But artificial sweeteners can do other tricky things like raise our appetite. I personally don't mind them, but I like to stick to Stevia which is a plant compound that is even sweeter than sugar. :)
@lisainthelowlands Жыл бұрын
I'm 41 and I have been on a journey recently with all addictions. I feel like sugar to me is in the same bracket as alcohol...substances. It is an easy peasy grab. Like a blanket on the sofa. A sweety drink or a pudding. I wrap myself up in it and it feels amazing for about a few moments and then it's awful. The aftermath.....like getting drunk. Isn't worth it. So I am trying to not just work on sugar consumption, but on the feelings. Tackle the feels. Hard to do. Really hard. So yes some experts would be amazing.
@jenwilliams9649 Жыл бұрын
Wow this is such an inspirational post and I definitely relate to parts of it. I'd love to hear how you get on in your journey. I so so many right now really wanting to tackle addictive habits and learn to soothe difficult feelings (and the 'void'!) in healthy ways 💜
@anyuliabrown805 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for starting this conversation, I have experienced first hand the toxicity and harmful effects of sugar. It is most noticeable after a few days of not consuming it. Is it hard to quit it? For some more than others, but every body would benefit from consuming at least less of it. Personally, I feel way better. Emotionally and physiologically without sugar.
@ludmilamudrikova Жыл бұрын
Yes please for experts...great topic to learn about...my cravings before period are just insane...i need something sweet after my lunch and because my premenopausal symptoms are showing my joints are killing me...not talking about bloating😄😄so yes please and learn together🙏
@susanhaworth7494 Жыл бұрын
Great video Trinny and really important subject. I crave high sugar, high fat foods when suffering depression. 15 years ago I took steps to eliminate what I call the easy sugars from my diet and I found my sense of taste changed significantly. Foods I used to eat would taste too sweet and I didn't want them anymore. Unfortunately workplace bullying, life and resulting depression led me back and I'm now once again trying to kick the habit. However I think a key thing to address along side of this is how we relate to food. I grew up with sweet things as either a reward/celebration or as something to console us if bad things happened so it was never just food. I think this has a lot to do with the difficulty in "giving up" sugar, in addition to its chemical nature. I'm definitely interested in hearing from experts.
@tracyaf6084 Жыл бұрын
I relate so completely. The emotional attachment to sweets is so strong. I definitely got out of control during Covid lockdown because I was depressed. I gained weight and my skin looked awful. I’ve basically given up those sweets and I’m feeling like I’m on the right track. I hope you find your way.
@gillianbooth8225 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this Trinny. When I cut sugar out I sleep so much better. I am going to get back on track!
@christinewoolfries6057 Жыл бұрын
My teenage stepsons decided to cut sugar out of their diet during covid. They still don't eat anything with added sugar. They found that a their anxiety levels lessened. We have learned to cook with honey instead of sugar.
@coopernutrition Жыл бұрын
Happy to serve as an expert, Trinny.
@tsuest2759 Жыл бұрын
Yes! I definitely have an addiction to sugar, and I am 62! Nothing good about it except the temporary high from it.
@traceyroberts-jones6236 Жыл бұрын
I gave up sugar totally 2months ago - even fruit sugar and feel now amazing- week 4 was the hardest
@emilymunton9978 Жыл бұрын
Sugar is the hardest drug to kick. I walked around like a zombie for three days when I stopped eating it. I would add another important problem - seed oils. I felt much better off sugar, but vastly better off plant fats. Saturated animal fats have been a mental health game changer.
@shoegal7 Жыл бұрын
I agree, seed oils are diabolically bad for us yet are touted as "healthy" while saturated fats such as tallow and lard are demonised (as is cholesterol). We really have been led astray.
@janecollinson8891 Жыл бұрын
yes, I would love some experts in to discuss sugar, also intermittant fasting for post menopausal women please x
@bluemoon5411 Жыл бұрын
Would love to hear more about giving up sugar ....
@suesims6538 Жыл бұрын
Love Sarah Wilson I Quit Sugar books, have cut out sugar now for over 3 years and never felt better
@patricias4772 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking about this, Trinny. Yes…on the experts. And, yes…sugar is addictive, like crack cocaine! Talking about people’s relationships with sugar is so helpful. Thank you.
@patricias4772 Жыл бұрын
Hi Trinny…I didn’t know I entered anything.
@michael7286 Жыл бұрын
Was diagnosed PRE type 2 diabetes earlier in the year ... Around March time 2022. I've since cleaned up my diet and always look at the sugar content in foods by reading the content using the traffic light system ( found on most food packaging ) before buying. I've also stopped the snacking but have the odd naughty snack now and again ( I'm only human lol ). To summarise ... I've cut out the bad sugars, I eat more fruit and vegetables, have smaller food portions, and drink more water. I am Tee Total ( no alcohol ) I exercise when the time and mood allows. The Bottom line really is ... To eat in moderation but WITHOUT the bad sugars. Since March of this year I've lost just over 2 and half stones in weight and feeling so much better for it, also my clothes fit and look better, and that in itself makes me feel great. My goal is to quickly reverse the Pre type 2 diabetes diagnosis, and hopefully I will. Sugar is bad for health, SUGAR IS CRAP. It Would be really good if you could make more videos explaining more about sugars Trinny, and the very negative affect the bad sugars have on our health like the sugars found in cakes, biscuits, chocolate, sweets, ice cream ETC. You tell it just how it is ... With no messing around or beating about the bush ( as so to speak ) and make me laugh along the way, that's good, thank you Trinny. ☺️
@karenlambert4973 Жыл бұрын
Eating lettuce will help remove a sugar craving. Obviously more than one leaf! Really works!
@gailjohnson5031 Жыл бұрын
I lost my beautiful Mother to dementia and read many studies that have shown there is a link between sugar and dementia.
@alison64able Жыл бұрын
My mantra is " I dont need sugar to feel better about myself"
@behoney00 Жыл бұрын
Hair loss, weight gain, depression, hypertension, diabetes, Hormonal changes, unwanted hair growth and tooth loss!
@mspader8 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I would love a guide to decrease sugar in my daily! I am addicted to chocolate and peanut butter, and all kinds of sweet cookies. I am post menopausal, and pre diabetic, plus suffer from not sleeping!
@mspader8 Жыл бұрын
Hey Trinny, seems we have the all annoying Telegram bit on your messages. :(
@beckyhorne1325 Жыл бұрын
I love caramel. My husband is doing keto diet so I hide it and feel terrible about it but my cravings are overwhelming ☹️
@annefoggensteiner710 Жыл бұрын
I can’t seem to process sugar. I always break out and I’m 64! I don’t have a sweet tooth at all but just occasionally I really want a piece of cake or some chocolate which I love.
@stephaniejohnson6365 Жыл бұрын
Yes, please bring on the sugar experts.
@stephaniejohnson6365 Жыл бұрын
Just realized I didn't.
@jennycording2032 Жыл бұрын
Nibbling on dried fruit such as dried cranberries can satisfy the desire to eat something sweet or huge amounts of chocolate. Magnesium supplements can help reduce chocolate cravings.
@sharonconnolly7811 Жыл бұрын
Sarah Wilson is very famous in Australia for her research on sugar.
@hoops8534 Жыл бұрын
It is so addictive😩 I haven’t had sugar for a couple of months, and I have lost the craving. I really want to stay off it.
@myryammarya522 Жыл бұрын
Yes please, it's a good idea
@sharonconnolly7811 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Trinny, a chat with one of your experts would be great.
@alicook9088 Жыл бұрын
Trinny, get Dr. Lustig on … he’s amazing!
@christinemack2153 Жыл бұрын
I was craving protein bars and realized loaded with sugar and carbs. I reach for dates and indulge in decaf coffee to satiate my cravings. Eating habits for me needed to change to combat this. My arthritis seems better.
@ElenaKamesh76 Жыл бұрын
Ciao Trinny, I'm living without sugar at all, 3 years already, on Keto have no cravings, had addiction that caused Insulin Resistance & other health problems still fixing consequences. Sugar is growing bad bacteries in our gut wich makes as crave more sugar, causes a lot of gut problem that leads to mostly diseases, disbioses Irritable bowel, Pcos, diabeties etc...I think is really bad drug, if people knew how so badly affects the body, would consume less hopefully. Yes would be amazing to watch Professionals, specially about healthy gut, here everything starts.
@extraordinarywomennextchapter Жыл бұрын
I'm a sugar addict. I had a good run of not eating sugar, but then fell into it again and intensely crave it- every single day- and not fruit or even chocolate, but junk candy, even sugar cubes work in a pinch. I hate and yet love my sugar addiction.
@63Lsp Жыл бұрын
I do love ice cream and Red Hots candy! But thankfully it's not a hell for me. I'm your age and raised my kids in the No Fat era. (Aside from addiction issues) I think all of the deprivation eras make us feel like failures unless we can "control" and totally deprive ourselves. Many people don't have good access to fresh whole food (expense, time to cook, proximity to markets). I'm privileged enough to have access and still need way more veggies and less carbs! My fave sugar is... bread😃
@NBportofino Жыл бұрын
Ice cream and red hots! Love both. Though hot kills my stomach now so I don’t eat it anymore and ice cream is a rare treat. Makes me fat sooooo fast 😢
@missjenny1953 Жыл бұрын
It’s always been a problem until I stopped eating between meals and cut out a lot of processed and diet foods. That alone gets rid of most sugar. You also have to watch how much natural sugar eg fruit and honey and forget the fruit smoothies. Lots of protein, Whole Foods and fibre. I’m nearly 70 so a lot of old habits I’ve had to address. My mother died with dementia recently and the links to diet and lack of exercise have been studied. Watching someone you love loose themselves really makes you think.
@elisabethvanni589 Жыл бұрын
I use to eat between 3 to 5 cakes a day up to my thirties ! I was and still is slim but I have almost totally stopped having sweets, biscuits and cakes because as you say Trinny it so much increases inflammation and ageing process !!! I really feel that the best and easiest when not to have sugar is NOT TO KEEP ANY AT HOME. I may go out to buy some but getting out from home luckily costs me much !!!! Truly it is a drug ! Please teach your children and grand children to be away from it !
@busrayalavac Жыл бұрын
Im addicted too, kitkat for breakfast lunch and dinner. I sometimes do meal replacement with chocolate literally… and lets not forget binge eating!! Im 30 btw
@sherrygaley4675 Жыл бұрын
I use an app called Cronometer and I track everything I eat. It will tell you how many grams of all types of sugar you eat. Having actual numbers helps me to see what I can and can’t eat. It makes it easier to cut back.
@yiann.plans.videos Жыл бұрын
I am in the recovery road with my carnivore lifestyle. This means that I don’t eat any carbs nor sugar (incl. alcohol). I was suffering from inflammation and my acneic skin had be managed with a Dermatica prescription. I’m on day 73 of my initial 90 and I have never felt better, I’m 46. I even wake up at 6:30 with energy, no swollen face, no pain in my joints even though there’s a condition in my family. I eat and feel satisfied rather than getting peckish a few hours later. So far, I don’t miss it. You can parade the most luxuriously delicious cake in front of me and it’s as if I don’t care for it’s existence. While I have only lost 4 kilos I have gone down 2 sizes. I’m not advocating for people to go carnivore, each one to their own. But, I would encourage people to listen to their body, it tells you everything from spots, to swelling, cramps, acid reflux, bloating, excessive burping, yawning paired with constant migraines, inconsistency with bowel movements, swelling of the hands and itching in the thighs when walking… etc. I could go on from my own experience. Yes, not everyone is the same, especially when we compare ourselves with a previous generation but we tend to overlook the problem because we have become bias with regards to our addiction. I’m glad that this conversation is taking place.❤
@shoegal7 Жыл бұрын
I'm on a similar journey and the benefits of a carnivore "diet" have been nothing short of amazing.
@yiann.plans.videos Жыл бұрын
@@shoegal7 I’m glad to hear it! I wish I had known about it before, it would have saved me from a lot of pain, discomfort and damage.
@judyking6913 Жыл бұрын
I used to have about 12 mugs of tea and coffee every day with 2 heaped spoons of sugar and i realised I couldn't go on doing that so one day I spooned about 24 tea spoons of sugar into a cup which is what I was having over the course of a day and thats not including every else that we eat and haven't a clue how much sugar is in each thing and I was shocked when I saw it all together in a cup and over the course of a couple of weeks I started to cut back and now I'm down to about a quarter level spoon and I've also cut down on the amount of tea and coffee I have.
@SuzanneChloe Жыл бұрын
Yes get the experts.
@phantomthread4385 Жыл бұрын
I remember in my 20's and having to have a kitkat at the same time in the afternoon everyday. If that isn't a drug I don't know what is. That was a hard habit to break.
@winnied87 Жыл бұрын
I had a very sweet tooth, but something clicked before hitting 30 and now my sugar consumption is minimal. No additive sugars, some always enters our bodies with other products (bakes, fruits (fructose) and even pasta turns into sugar).
@sjc94941 Жыл бұрын
I've always found that sugar makes me not feel well and my body feel inflamed. I tried the Whole 30 and felt 1000% better- I had more energy and slept better at night, and I felt better all around. While I don't eat refined sugar, it's hard to control natural sugar from fruits.. Needless to say, it's a journey...
@karengamble-huymann3562 Жыл бұрын
Supplementing magnesium helps reduce the desire for sugar
@cheedos9867 Жыл бұрын
Chromium is my blessing! I definitely recommend.
@rachelteeuws1241 Жыл бұрын
If I crave something sweet at night, I’ll have a warm cup of milo to ease my cravings! Not sure if milo is better than having a chocolate or biscuit
@zenabraithwaite1934 Жыл бұрын
Eating adequate protein in meals and having a protein snack is much better to take away cravings- eat nuts and cheese ( lite babybels), low sugar protein bars.
@elalogar7340 Жыл бұрын
I don't care about sugar. Not at home. But that's mainly because I very rarely have any sweets at home Well, except in a form of an Irish Cream or Chai cappuccino, and Schweppes Tonic that I treat myself at the weekend. But at work. After my lunch at work, I always have to have a desert. If I don't, I feel as if something is missing. Right now, I'm in a state that I'm trying to replace it with a fruit, but it's not working that well. I noticed that I need for sugar to be abstinent for at least a week or two for the craving for the sweets to disappear.
@kinshasav Жыл бұрын
Sugar and processed foods and perimenopause/menopause. I'm 50. I haven't done sugar or flour in 10 years, but I am steadily gaining weight and feel anxiety and tired constantly. I can't stop the coffee. It's black but I need to stop.
@rubinaazam405 Жыл бұрын
I left sugar for 4 years my skin tur ed yellow my grand father came to visit us and told me u are not having sugar. now I take monk sweetener in tea but by evening I carve for like just want it and after it I feel Good
@anjabrinkmann8494 Жыл бұрын
I don't use sugar for more than 10 years, I actually don't crave it, and feel great. I am sure it's a physical addiction and apart from that a filler for emotional needs
@evanick823 Жыл бұрын
I stopped having hot flushes when I quit sugar.
@catherinechandler3250 Жыл бұрын
I’m so addicted and like you, it’s been life long. Dunking biscuit, chocolate and kitkats. I have no idea how to stop. I’ve heRd it’s harder to give up than heroin. H E L P
@jacquelinearcher1158 Жыл бұрын
Apple Cider Vinegar helps with sugar cravings
@meriemmayamaya3571 Жыл бұрын
I went into a no sugar diet to lose weight. Than once i went to a birthday party and had a piece of cake. I notices that it burened my tongue and my inner mouth area very stange sensation it was like having acid second i was bloated and wakwup in the middle of the night with bloathing a small diarrhea.... so i guess my body dont want it anymore
@tayd.7373 Жыл бұрын
I am not a person who seeks out sugar stuff…candy, cookies etc. amazing how many products have sugar in them..but they r different. Refined vs unrefined. Sugar eaters have more inflammation.
@michelles2299 Жыл бұрын
I gave up sugar and a month in I was totally craving sugar and i caved in and had a cake and then I got palpitations had a terrible night after I was unable to sleep it was a big wake up call that surprised me to be honest
@tracyfrost Жыл бұрын
Excellent idea, I only eat dark chocolate.
@thepinkerthebetternone5351 Жыл бұрын
Please please help!! I am so addicted to sugar. I am always trying to fill that “hole” with sugar. It would be amazing to have an accountability group🙏😘
@stacyfelton8714 Жыл бұрын
What did she say that stops sugar cravings???......
@caitokeeffe5923 Жыл бұрын
Max Lugavere of Genius Life goes into all the scientific data on sugar - yes diabetes, heart, cancer all come from sugar, bread, grains all have to be limited
@hollyjensen4398 Жыл бұрын
I do Bright Line Eating by Susan Pierce Thompson PHD. She’s a neuroscientist and studies the effects of sugar and flour on our brains. It’s a way of eating for those that are high on the susceptibility scale for food addiction. No sugar no flour, 3 meals per day weighed/measured and I feel better than I ever have. Truly the best decision I have ever made for myself. She has written books and posts a weekly vlog on KZfaq if anyone is interested. ❤
@antoniaburns3522 Жыл бұрын
When I eat ice cream and chocolate, I cough constantly. When I stop eating ice cream and chocolate, I stop coughing. Result, and no rocket science required. 👍
@winnied87 Жыл бұрын
Also, I absolutely love this look. A navy jacket with a glittery silver vest. What can a man wear underneath a dark jacket instead of a glittery vest and look interesting? White shirts and tees are getting boring.
@morreenczuczor7169 Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget the damage sugar can do to the teeth. . Bad teeth can also be responsible for inflammation and disease the older we get.
@rosemarymccarron3887 Жыл бұрын
Trinny I eat suger from morning to night.
@loredelore7286 Жыл бұрын
Boarding school at 6?
@nsg6225 Жыл бұрын
30 days without sugar, and it tastes sickeningly sweet. I changed to good quality 85% or 90% black chocolate and now regular chocolate is too sweet and has less taste!
@ibrahimlovesblink Жыл бұрын
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