UK Sport Attendees Give SHOCKING TAKES On Trans People

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in this video, conure will be reacting to a sky news report on the recent parkrun in the united kingdom. they will be commenting on the disparity between the inflammatory news headline and the relaxed demeanor of the people interviewed, talking about how british media in particular has been responsible for creating anti-trans sentiment, debunking the notion of "unbiased journalism" and how it creates a sense of false equivalency between two sides of a debate, the noncompetitive nature of parkrun and why the participants records shouldn't be published anymore, differences between casual sports and professional or olympic level competitive sports in how trans people should be treated and included, the reasons for the creation of women's leagues in a variety of sports, the inherent misogyny displayed by men when it comes to their perceived advantages against women, how hormones affect the physiology of trans people and how they perform in athletic competitions, social reasons for why women have disadvantages in competitive video games and e-sports, and much more!
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/ 1756296907121451241
0:00 teaser
0:57 intro
2:36 average joe doesn't mind trans people much
7:00 why sports are sex segregated
17:36 how the media creates division
27:17 closing thoughts

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@thenewmase 4 ай бұрын
Right: "We want to cut your arms!" Left: "We won't allow you to cut our arms!" Centrist (to the Leftists): "Woah there, that's not the way to handle disagreement. You should allow them to cut one arm, that way both sides get what they want"
@sigmascrub 4 ай бұрын
The version I prefer is "abort half of the fetus"
@bill0129 4 ай бұрын
You have to use a ridiculous metaphor because anything close to the truth of what is going on does not paint you in the morally good light that you want to be painted in. You are harming women by infiltrating their activities and spaces in which you have biological advantages. We do not want you to be harmed, yet you are okay with women being harmed. That is the more accurate summation of your metaphor.
@jordanwhite8718 4 ай бұрын
I don’t think you’ve met many centrists. The first question I’d be asking is a centrist is hey right wing guy why are you trying to cut off peoples arms. That seems a little weird. Are there kids who need those arms and you figured the left scrawny arms weren’t gonna be that useful anyway? Are you trying to give them steel reinforced prosthetics that can help them lift 2 tons? Do you just want a collection of arms and you don’t really care where you get them from? Why is it that I put way more thought into this analogy than you have OP? I think the general point I’m trying to make is that you’re taking a complex subject and reducing all centrist opinion to centrist want middle of between left and right. That’s not how political opinion works at all. There are people on the left and the right who don’t agree with other people on the left or the right. You have a very smooth brained approach to politics, and I don’t think your fetal alcohol syndrome. Having ass is going to get any better.
@banquetoftheleviathan1404 4 ай бұрын
"We should actually pay women 88 cents on the dollar since that's an even compromise between what we have now and actual equality" type shit
@Gruftkriecher 4 ай бұрын
Centrist: "So you see, both sides have pretty extreme views - now please proceed to praise my moral and intellectual superiority"
@commandercorl1544 4 ай бұрын
It always confused me that these "radical feminists" believe that women are inherently inferior when it comes to sports, and not just physical ones either. They've claimed that women have a disadvantage in games like Chess, and various eSports
@nackskott12 4 ай бұрын
"Radfems" tend to be intensely reactionary and sexist, just that they believe in the kind of benevolent sexism of "we're weak and fragile, so men need to hold doors open for us and not wear dresses cos that makes me uncomfy :)"
@SarastistheSerpent 4 ай бұрын
Spoiler alert: terfs aren’t feminists at all. Often they despise women and womanhood
@ToxicAudri 4 ай бұрын
It's almost like TERFs are just women who have embraced misogyny.
@margotpreston 4 ай бұрын
That's likely because most of these troglodytes aren't feminists in any way whatsoever. They're reactionaries trying to co-opt and twist the label to further their agenda.
@Nerobyrne 4 ай бұрын
Must be that their massive bazonkahonkas keep getting in the way of seeing the board 😂
@Scallycowell 4 ай бұрын
Interviewees: “Seems fine to me, not a problem, everyone can participate and we like it that way.” Interviewer: “BUT DOESNT THAT SCARE YOU AND MAKE YOU SICK?!!”
@EroticInferno 4 ай бұрын
Idk sport aren’t even meritocratic when the wealthiest people can still give their children insane advantages. Nothing in this world is baseline unless everyone gets the same access to everything
@fromeveryting29 4 ай бұрын
Not to mention that most of sports outcomes ARE genetically determined. Limb length and proportions etc. So if the argument against trans people in sports is «it’s a genetic advantage to statistically have a higher likelyhood of height (or whatever)» then that is an argument against sic people with genetic advantages. The literal same logic implies that black people shouldn’t be allowed in basketball or running, for example, because they seem to have a generic advantage there..
@almisami 4 ай бұрын
I mean at equal effort, yes. @@fromeveryting29 Don't try and run against professional Kenyans, for example.
@hayuseen6683 4 ай бұрын
​@@abcxyz2927They were flipping the argument on its head as not about trans women if it's about physical features. Hormones aren't genetic either and don't directly give advantages.
@hayuseen6683 4 ай бұрын
@@abcxyz2927 You use "genetics" yet I've yet to see any explanation of what, genetically, is at play. What specifically is an advantage and how, in terms of actual studies showing that? You're apparently too uninterested to get it straight what is being discussed since it looks like you're talking to me like I'm the one that made an argument instead of OP. Personally I'm interested in the substance of claims, but when people arrogantly refuse to back up claims I find it hilarious. Are you going to make me laugh at you or interest me with the evidence? "Common sense" and what you see as obvious isn't proof of anything. Show your homework. It could be worth my time then.
@actualgoblin 4 ай бұрын
​@@abcxyz2927 ....You don't think women can have large hands and feet? Are you one of those transvestigators or something?
@JeremyMinagro 4 ай бұрын
The "Why sports are sex segregated" section was just fantastic. Great take, Conure.
@OverlyCriticalAnime 4 ай бұрын
Of course a trained athlete is going to smoke an normal joe. A trained male will always beat a woman. Look at the Olympics for world records as proof. This dude is clueless.
@joster6268 4 ай бұрын
no it isn't. It doesn't talk about physical sports, instead opting to use E-sports as the main example as to why we shouldn't seperate gender divisions (a "sport" that doesn't have any real physical attributes) and also states that gender divisions were created because women kept beating men in sport (another complete lie. I don't even know where they got this information from as it is just entierly false). Finally they vaugley reference "advanced biology" saying the right wouldn't understand before refusing to elaborate and promptly moving on. There is no substance, no point and no evidence just a wild amount of baseless random claims and lies. It's the worst ten minutes of anything i've ever watched.
@andrewgreen5574 4 ай бұрын
​@@joster6268 they spoke on "physical" sports, specifically track. If you are talking about contact sports, it depends on which sport and I don't necessarily believe automatic banning should be necessary. If a woman is able to compete, then she should be allowed to. For example, the NFL and the NBA doesn't have an official policy against women playing, although there is an underlying bias at the scout and coach level. Yes, the right does deny basic biology. A large portion doesn't believe in evolution, much less the complicated understanding of sex development in humans, phenotypic expression of sex, or the theories around gender identity and it's development from social exposure to its morphological/physiological connections within the brain. Something like 80% of the Republican Party identifies as Evangelical, guess why they have an underdeveloped understanding of BASIC science.
@mikael0317 3 ай бұрын
No, it wasn’t. The average joe isn’t probably going to win against a professional female athlete. The point is that in general men are better at explosive sports and this is true most of the time. Exceptions don’t make the rule. Biological differences exist between men and women.
@athrowawayperson9990 3 ай бұрын
​@@mikael0317you don't make the rules either, love.
@thesaltybeard1793 4 ай бұрын
In a video game lobby this happened where all the dudes were being weird and making weird jokes about the fem that was on the team. I made a joke or two lightly and laughed and then kinda slid into an in-between in the conversation like "Haha yeah, lmao, women amirite?...but uh...why are we all dogging on this chick, again?" And someone was like "cause she's a chick bro haha" And I was like "...yeah I know but uh...why do we care? You ever wonder why that's the go-to thing?" Dude was like "...bro why are you being such a f*g?" And then they proceeded to roast me. So the moral of the story here is, uh...huuuh....I don't really know.
@casem8723 4 ай бұрын
Moral of the story is probably not to talk in video game lobbies lmao Im a trans too (ftm) so video game lobby chat is a no-go for me, that shit is insta-muted. I had one instance in vrchat where a straight dude was hitting on me, I kept telling him I’m a gay guy, and he kept going “yeah but you’re basically a woman so it’s not gay” and kept borderline doing verbal SA. Then when I started ignoring him he tried threatening me. Blocked him ofc, but that was enough for me to never talk online again outside of my friend group, because people are fucking weird and I don’t have time for that shit lmao
@banquetoftheleviathan1404 4 ай бұрын
From the beggenings of xbox live, world of war craft. These places have been awful from the start. Its put me off of gaming because all the companies focus on that kinda stuff now. Its easier to charge people for stupid in game shit that way. Xbox really just didn't ever belong. Shoulda been sega dreamcast in that spot. Boooo xbox and booo warcraft for ruining the world.
@dynamicworlds1 4 ай бұрын
The moral of the story is some people don't deserve their teeth.
@hayuseen6683 4 ай бұрын
Insecurity makes people be competitive with supposed "lessers" in any possible way that makes them feel like they're better
@ramenbomberdeluxe4958 4 ай бұрын
Just gonna leave my usual reminder that women and men in sports and combat has always been a very messy subject, tainted by misogyny and the assumptions that women are inherently totally insurmountibly surpasssed by men, when the reality is, at bare minimum, more nuanced. My short take is; in at LEAST most sports, especially combat sports, women arent really that screwed, and a lot of the separation comes from a variety of rigged factors (like socialization, how even women in strength sports are expected to stay thin and toned at most, instead of even bulking up naturally to noticeable and impressive levels), and even still, weight class and other factors should be a deciding issue, NOT gender. Besides, plenty of sports started out intergender, like marathon runs for example, but only got segregated once women started beating men sometimes. Not that they ALWAYS beat men, but as individual athletes, they showed a capability TO beat men, and consistently, like how men can consistently beat other men.
@djdee6386 4 ай бұрын
I think it makes much more sense to segregate sports based on weight class/similar aspects, if at all Edit: wow I completely did not see the middle paragraph where you said exactly that due to how the “read more” button chose to show ur comment”
@ramenbomberdeluxe4958 4 ай бұрын
Now, am I saying men dont have their differences or even upsides in certain physical aspects? Not at all, I'm not denying the mild advantages. What I am denying is the severity of said advantages + how allegedly frail and far behind women are. I'm also denying the ridiculous notion that women cant ever hold up to a man in a close on sports or fight encounter.
@ramenbomberdeluxe4958 4 ай бұрын
@@djdee6386 LOL its okay man, dont worry about it! :P
@bill0129 4 ай бұрын
This is factually false. Men absolutely outperform women. We are biologically advantaged in nearly every sport. There may be outliers, sure, but having a seperate league for women provides many outstanding female athletes with a career that would maybe otherwise be fairly nonexistent. I guarantee most female athletes would rather be known as the top female 100m runner, than the 6348th 100m runner. That's also a ridiculous statement to claim that female athletes in combat are pushed to stay fit while men are not. Combat sports are some of the most rigorously dieted sports because of the weight classes associated with having a successful career within the sport. This is probably the most equal aspect of the sport between men and women. They are both pushed to become stronger, yet stay lighter. That is how you become the best within a weight class. Finally, women today are completely allowed to perform in nearly every "male" league. There aren't usually rules forcing them out of them. They just perform far better in their own league. You can research the top female scores in comparison to male scores to see for yourself, but it would essentially only allow a tiny handful of women to have careers in professional sports if we removed a women's only league.
@bill0129 4 ай бұрын
@@ramenbomberdeluxe4958 these subtle advantages that men have might not be extreme in many situations, but they are statistically prominent. Keep in mind that in nearly every sport, the athletes are competing for the top position of those in that state, nation, or even globally. There are a lot of women who can outperform a lot of men, but when it gets to a professional level, you get thousands of men who slightly outperform the best woman in that sport. This is why we see so many cases of trans women who are 1600th in an event in the men's league place in the top 10 of female sports. It just flat out isn't fair or beneficial to women to judge them on an equal basis as men for most physical activities. To remove this would remove women from sports almost entirely. I don't want that, and you shouldn't either. If it makes you feel better, women outperform men in birthing children every single year lol. There are just differences between the sexes, and it should be celebrated, instead of ignored.
@leahsilente8737 4 ай бұрын
I'm a transwoman and i practice sports a bit sport, when one of my coach ask me to try competitions we add to ask the federation about the rules for trans people. And trans people are so rare that they didn't even now what to respond THEY STILL HAVE NO RULES ABOUT IT and that they 'll think about it ... talk about an epidemic
@ookamiblade6318 4 ай бұрын
Olympic sports started to segregate by gender when women started to medal over men. In specific, in the sport of skeet shooting a woman won gold and the very next year they barred women from competing with men and created a ‘woman’s division’ .....That didn't have enough women to actually compete so the champion of the year before couldn’t even compete the following year. In the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ in tennis the woman won, yet this changed nothing about how we perceived male superiority in the sport. Studies on child athletes found that female athletes were still expected to participate in rendered household chores and that cut into their % time of training where as male athletes were encouraged by their families to focus on training. This, it was determined that we cannot rule out that the differences in time trials between genders are caused by social expectations rather than biological ones until we socially support the athletes equally as children.
@Lucifer-Riding 4 ай бұрын
It doesn't even have to be a currently at her peak athlete. My gran has this story she tells meof her being at the pool and these teenage boys are taking the piss out of her because she's a very large lady (she had tendons cut by an inexperienced doctor during a c-section that caused permanent damage, actually, but w/e). Anyway, she was a former university swim athlete, maybe 25 yearsish before this incident. So she challenges the little twerps to a race and soundly thrashes them. Boys really do be thinking they're special just because the world tells them so all the time.
@yoyohayli 4 ай бұрын
People SERIOUSLY TRY TO ARGUE that in that video of the runner woman beating the average sexist guy who thought he could beat a trained athlete, that because he was "able to keep up" in the beginning, it shows he was right. Like...honey. Runners do not go all out right out of the gate. The cope is so bad.
@joshbates9015 4 ай бұрын
Saw a few who, when faced with the cognitive dissonance of their own sexism, immediately switched over to racism, saying that she only beat him because she's black. Like, goddammit man, it's like playing a game of whack-a-mole with these assholes. You knock em for one piece of shit take, then they just pop back up with another.
@galaxyocicat5660 4 ай бұрын
I'm not surprised the people arguing this have zero knowledge on sports. It's always the people with no sport experience who think they think dictate who is qualified or not.
@rubyrootless7324 4 ай бұрын
​@@abcxyz2927bro nobody was talking to you 😭 it's cool you did that you go king, that's awesome but this has nothing to do with long running, why are you trying to argue over nothing
@RageOfBeef 3 ай бұрын
​@@abcxyz2927 this is funny because a lot of athletes particularly ACTIVE athletes especially in women's sports have been on the side of trans women, especially black athletes who have been loving pointing out that all the things you guys tend to bring up were the exact complaints fabricated about them when they were having to fight for the right to compete
@RageOfBeef 3 ай бұрын
​@@abcxyz2927 so how about switch that too "when we want to know what a meat head ex athlete with brain damage claims, we'll let you know"
@crystalkirlia4553 4 ай бұрын
The British media is the only transphobe in the country. The billionaires care about "the trans issue" but I'm telling you, 99% of ordinary people don't care. The billionaires fund the news media and at the end of the day, most journalists and editors just want to get paid and go home to their families. We are way too complacent and quiet over here and unless a thing directly affects us, we don't care enough to yell about it. Quiet disagreement is our culture... (and tbh that sucks sometimes)
@lloroshastar6347 4 ай бұрын
Yes exactly, people thinking of us as TERF island is the equivalent of the world believing the whole of the US is full of Christian Nationalist gun obsessed cowboys. Our media sadly projects the image of the UK it wants to, we do have a problem I think with xenophobia in this country though, but people always try to convince themselves they only care about 'illegal immigrants' but more often than not that Incompasses all immigrants regardless of whether they are legal or not.
@politiqueen420 4 ай бұрын
They are state owned. Not private entities.
@lloroshastar6347 4 ай бұрын
@@politiqueen420 BBC is the only news media that's State owned and it has certain rules in place where it's not meant to favour one political party over another. TV news Media in the UK has similar rules in general, or it did until GB News and Talk TV came along. Newspapers can print any propaganda they want and get away with it.
@chariot5660 4 ай бұрын
That's one of the few things I gotta give to the French those mfers are willing to riot when their governments on some bullshit but I just don't have that faith in the British public
@lloroshastar6347 4 ай бұрын
@@abcxyz2927 "left-wing BBC" 🤣 the same transphobic station that tried to paint all trans women as 'r*pists of lesbians'. Channel 4 is partly funded by the government but also by advertising, but it is not 'state run', the state most certainly do not get to dictate what they say. The current government did try to manipulate the BBC and OFCOM to make them less balanced and more biased to the Conservatives but they weren't subtle enough and thankfully didn't get away with it. Now they know that a Labour government is incoming that they can't be as biased towards the Tories anymore they actually have to present information as it is not so it makes the Conservatives look better like GB News, Talk TV, Sky News, ITV, 5 News, The Daily Express, The Daily Mail, The Sun, The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Spectator and many many more Tory client media outlets do.
@EroticInferno 4 ай бұрын
10:12 this is his ATLA sokka arc. Maybe he’ll treat women with more respect now lmao
@ianking7511 4 ай бұрын
I'm trying to picture the guy who really cares deeply about park run time records, and I have a feeling that's a very weird guy.
@BubblegumStudiosOfficial 4 ай бұрын
I swear we’re not all terfs in the uk 😭
@sassylittleprophet 4 ай бұрын
Thank you 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💛🤍💜🖤
@BubblegumStudiosOfficial 4 ай бұрын
@TheAnimeMegaFreak 4 ай бұрын
i do ask, "why can't women compete against men in video games, chess or trading card games?"
@ToxicAudri 4 ай бұрын
The answer. Because bigotry.
@themajesticmoose8147 4 ай бұрын
Because there is an indentation on the female skull that slows their cognitive ability. Men don’t have this indentation and thus their cognitive abilities are not impaired like a females.
@bill0129 4 ай бұрын
​@@ToxicAudribiology isn't bigotry.
@prozierozie5692 4 ай бұрын
​@bill0129 The physical advantage to playing Pokemon card games. That Pikachu only responds to he/him users I guess.
@ToxicAudri 4 ай бұрын
@@bill0129 No, but denying the fact that biology is more complicated than the simple version you were taught as a kid does tend to be rooted in bigotry.
@akgfilming 4 ай бұрын
Honestly as a "person" from the UK I find it insane that despite having a literal god-king as HEAD OF STATE we have probably less than a percentage of the religious fanaticism as in America, an officially secular state
@joshbates9015 4 ай бұрын
Mind you, all of the religious fanaticism we have in the states stems back to the puritans, who y'all sent packing to the colonies because they were to much for you to deal with. This is what happens when you improperly dispose of your garbage.
@JaiaV 4 ай бұрын
With video games, it doesn't help that particularly in competitive games men tend to be extraordinarily toxic as hell, on top of video games themselves often being eye-rollingly misogynistic and sexist in general still.
@callummacalister 4 ай бұрын
Just to let you know, it's pronounced "Clap-'um" Brits tend to swallow vowels.
@HarrowwInk 3 ай бұрын
and clapham is real!! (idc if it's a joke i hate the "britain isn't a real country" jokes and similar ones they're not funny)
@daikucoffee5316 4 ай бұрын
Fairness isn’t real. There should be no sports.
@Ara-gq7sb 4 ай бұрын
The mention of the need for competitive groups separated by gender due to social reasons reminds me of Stereotype Threat, which is a term in psych. It's when someone's performance at a task lowers due to the awareness of negative stereotypes about a part of their identity(Usually their identity as a minority). The expectations for men vs women in sports is a great example of a social reason for the distinction of men's and women's sports as separate entities
@octosalias5785 4 ай бұрын
Its a difficult situation on multiple fronts, between strict physical requirements and being able to compete freely (and of course sheer bigotry is an issue). I truly think there needs to be intersex competition.
@bb-3653 4 ай бұрын
Loool clapham is actually real. Its in london. And its pretty popular. Pronounced "clapuhm or clap'm" by us. And even the bus announcements. 😂
@ValerietheLovelyDeadlyItalian 4 ай бұрын
Clapham? its called clapham? oh f*ck off no its not. they made this whole town up
@jurassicsmackdown6359 4 ай бұрын
I've heard other weird names The hell is "Stoke On Trent", anyway?
@AzarathMetreon 4 ай бұрын
@@jurassicsmackdown6359It’s somewhere between the likes of Stratford-upon-Avon and Shitterton
@zendata4354 4 ай бұрын
Ill always remember the great Nigel Timsby goal for Clapham Town versus East Ham in the FA cup. Wonderful goal and cracker of a sportsball match.
@sigmascrub 4 ай бұрын
The whole damn country is made up
@callummacalister 4 ай бұрын
@@jurassicsmackdown6359 A city called Stoke on the river Trent. It's not imaginative, which suits the British mentality down to the ground!
@CymruGoch_ 4 ай бұрын
I've always felt like there should be a mixed league, which should be the main one pushed. For 90% of sports, anyone with the drive to get good enough to be professional can do so, so why not have a league where THE best of the country compete against each other. Imagine a football world cup where it is literally all of the best players across the world competing. Would make it more interesting imo.
@paulbrown9328 3 ай бұрын
I agree a mixed league would be hella interesting. More interesting than the divisions we have now. Even though I agree with gender separation in physical sports. Even within gender separation is warranted like weight class in boxing or height positions in basketball.
@an0bserver2000 4 ай бұрын
1:22 damn. hope you get better soon 🙏😔
@lillithflames856 4 ай бұрын
@BartholumewKuma 4 ай бұрын
lmaoooooooooo I live there its real conure
@Preciouspink 4 ай бұрын
I could watch that tik tok again.A humble mature young woman,love that!
@fruitchewx127 4 ай бұрын
I find it extremely funny how your impression of a british accent is a mixture of cockney and welsh
@tileux 4 ай бұрын
Caster semenya is a pretty good example of why its dumb to try to ban transgender people from their adopted gender in sports. For those that dont know, semenya was born female (sorry, but i couldn’t think of any more tactful way to write that) but has naturally high testosterone levels. And for some reason that natural advantage is deemed bad so she has to take hormones to keep her testosterone levels down. Which is a bit like saying michael jordan’s height was an unfair advantage and requiring him to run around bent over. So, if youre born with big feet and hands, which gives you a huge advantage in the pool, and youre michael phelps, thats ok. Go win lots of gold medals. But be born with the ‘wrong’ hormones? Thats bad and you’ll be handicapped by sports organisers. Organised sports basically just doesnt make sense. Especially when it comes to women.
@alan62036 4 ай бұрын
But wasn't it because she had testes that simply didn't descend? Or was that fake news?
@tileux 4 ай бұрын
@@alan62036 fake news. She just has naturally high testosterone.
@athrowawayperson9990 3 ай бұрын
​@@alan62036I'm curious why that matters
@alan62036 3 ай бұрын
@@athrowawayperson9990 Because that then means she went through a male puberty, right? So her taking hormones is basically the hrt any trans athlete would have to do.
@athrowawayperson9990 3 ай бұрын
@@alan62036 well, it depends. some cis women have higher testosterone levels than average just due to random chance. it happens. I can't confirm if she had an underlying condition which caused her to have higher testosterone levels, but whether she did or not, the full hormonal regulation would have stopped some time in her early twenties regardless, meaning that it really couldn't have an effect on the race beside the traits that high testosterone would have left, anyways. they were within perfectly normal levels, so it's unlikely that a failed decent, if it was even present, effected her testosterone levels any more than a woman with naturally high testosterone would have been affected. only situation where it could play a larger role is *during* puberty, since the sudden increase in testosterone during those years would promote muscle growth; which, just like in men, would reduce to normal promotion by roughly the age of 18
@politiqueen420 4 ай бұрын
Anyone have a link to the claim that conure mentioned in the video? Who lost to a woman in sports and which event was it?
@celestine5231 4 ай бұрын
I swear, there was an article at some point in the past 5 or so years about how women's college sports teams regularly are given worse facilities and resources compared to the men's teams and people were finally having a conversation about how gender discrimination accounts for a very large amount of the gap between men's and women's performance. But now the anti-woke hysterics have ruined any amount of progress we could've gotten from that.
@allieridgeway3670 4 ай бұрын
The reporter had such a sour expression on his face when the people he spoke to didn't give him the answers he was so obviously fishing for.
@karmageddon9047 4 ай бұрын
Spiteful/Petty solution: Someone makes a site for the races times to be uploaded, and people time themselves and submit the timers the way people do on speedrun sites. :]
@thomasfplm 4 ай бұрын
When I practiced fencing, there was a woman in the club that absolutely no one in there was able to surpass in terms of explosive strength. She wasn't the best there, because other people were better in terms of strategy and technique, enough to frequently win against her.
@Reeceisinpieces 4 ай бұрын
@heatherquinn777 4 ай бұрын
I think the next ten years all sports should be mixed gender equal girls equal boys (and to satisfy the transphobes we'll count trans people as their birth sex it's not like it'll matter once the point is proven) and use the opportunity to see once and for all whether or not genders being on the same team or competing against each other actually makes a difference and while i have my theories (that it doesn't) i am willing to accept if science says differently because I'm so confident that I'm going to accept the answer either way I'm willing to put it to science to determine what the actual truth is A middle ground would be for everyone who's gone through puberty 2 electric boogaloo put them in their own league since it "works for well for the little ladies"
@bibianaguadalupeislasherre9880 4 ай бұрын
*Riley Gaines, Paula Scanlan and J.K. Rowling leave the chat.*
@bevishhh 4 ай бұрын
Jsyk anything with "ham" at the end is generally pronounced "um", eg. Clap-um. It's silly, the UK is silly.
@alan62036 4 ай бұрын
10:04 Can you cite some sources of this claim?
@amyh3223 4 ай бұрын
Made it up.
@caesiumtable-baron7314 4 ай бұрын
1902, Madge Syers made second place in a British figure skating competition. There was a loophole that allowed women to compete solo, which was closed soon after. @amyh3223
@amyh3223 4 ай бұрын
@caesiumtable-baron7314 conure's claim is that men are not superior to women in sports. You've fallen way short of proving conure's claim
@alan62036 4 ай бұрын
@@caesiumtable-baron7314 Thank you :)
@paulhammond6978 4 ай бұрын
"row" - meaning argument is not pronounced the same way as "row" meaning a line of something, or using an oar to move a boat. (r - ow!) as opposed to (r - oh!) But, yeah, the "backlash" was coming from anti-trans people who like making a lot of noise about trans people, especially trans women being included. It's like Kemi Badenoch (who is the Equalities minister (joke)) saying that she has "consulted queer people" when she has made sure to only talk to "LGB without the T" who agree with her that trans people need to be excluded from equality legislation.
@paulhammond6978 4 ай бұрын
@@abcxyz2927 LGB alliance are not really representative of gay folk. If you look into it, it often turns out that their spokespeople are not even gay. Badenoch consulting only them and thinking they represent any kind of broad view of how queer folk view the trans people among them just shows how out of touch she is.
@paulhammond6978 4 ай бұрын
@@abcxyz2927 LGB Alliance is an anti-trans hate group. The fact that they are based in Tufton street and supported by so many Tory MPs leads me to wonder if they are not a front like so many of those other right-wing think tanks on Tufton St funded by obscure money who are used to provide spurious legitimacy to right-wing ideas by presenting themselves as "research" establishments rather than political pressure groups.
@jacineyatrakos3149 4 ай бұрын
LGB Alliance has been classified as a hate group you obsessed transphobe @@abcxyz2927
@paulhammond6978 4 ай бұрын
@@abcxyz2927 the fact that the anti-trans hate group is getting new recruits is not a good thing. It's not representative of mainstream queer opinion.
@paulhammond6978 4 ай бұрын
@@abcxyz2927 Equality and Human Rights commission is being nobbled. By the people Kemi Badenoch is putting in there to make it "legal" to discriminate against trans people.
@Jinyblitz 4 ай бұрын
Yeah Go F1 academy
@t.c.thompson2359 4 ай бұрын
I love seeing women in lingere, but I hate Lingere Football, i am willing to bet most of those women just dont have any other option to play American Football as adults.
@seto749 12 күн бұрын
Why is it okay to use an accent as a slur just because one dislikes those people? That seems rather short-sighted.
@Anjerz 4 ай бұрын
@SFlare1 4 ай бұрын
Dreamt that you were stuck by lightening while doing a tightrope walk. And got possessed by a female demon.
@erichamilton3373 4 ай бұрын
You say boys have been socialized to play video games, with girls being disincentivized. We are assuming that video game playing is advantageous. Why not reverse it all: Girls are socialized to play with dolls, with boys disincentivized here. Isn't this equally bad? Are video games inherently superior?
@athrowawayperson9990 3 ай бұрын
yes, it's equally bad. why are you confused? it is a bad thing to gender things, in general. that applies to baby dolls, video games, G.I. Joe, monsters, horses, clothes, etc. all it does it push boys and girls apart by putting them into manufactured boxes.
@erichamilton3373 3 ай бұрын
@@athrowawayperson9990 Not confused...just raising the point.
@UnnTHPS 4 ай бұрын
Yeah men have video games and women have friends It's all socialization
@LURLINE_ 4 ай бұрын
u okay?
@Gaawachan 4 ай бұрын
Guess I'm a man, then... huh.
@prozierozie5692 4 ай бұрын
​@@LURLINE_ do you have to ask
@LURLINE_ 4 ай бұрын
@@prozierozie5692 maybe someone aughta
@UnnTHPS 4 ай бұрын
That was a joke yal it missed sure I get it i was commenting on something conure said at one point
@tartoflan 4 ай бұрын
Tldr : injustified boys clubs in sports are injustifiable. What a shock!
@OverlyCriticalAnime 4 ай бұрын
I'm going to need a source on that woman were the beating the men so they separated the sports
@winterfreas7504 4 ай бұрын
You cant change your biological league rank
@Jjjbbb5678 4 ай бұрын
There arent such things as “Mens sports” there is sports and womans sports. There is no rule preventing woman from playing in nearly all the top sports, including esports.
@Jjjbbb5678 4 ай бұрын
In response to 23:15
@bill0129 4 ай бұрын
So why do women play in women's sports, and not regular sports? Perhaps biological men have such natural advantages in these activities that women cannot compete on the same level? There'd be some argument for trans in sports if they performed proportionately compared to women as they performed against men in men's sports, but they don't. There's just far too many cases of men who are placed in the hundredth or thousandth rank in men's sports and miraculously rank top ten in women's sports. It's polite, not fair, especially when we don't give women a choice in the matter. Some park runners may be accepting of it, but women on professional teams do not get a say, and are disqualified if they speak out or choose not to compete. Sports, bathrooms, all of these place that have been separated by sex have been separated before the invention of "gender" as it means today. They aren't defined to accept people based on feelings. It's based on simple biology. I fully support new spaces and activities where we define these things by gender instead of biology if need be, but leave those with common sense alone to be in their biologically defined spaces, instead of forcing them out of what is rightfully theirs.
@Alex-cq1zr 4 ай бұрын
​​@@bill0129 good thing that trans women are no longer "biological men" (btw, this phrase makes zero sense, since you can't be a man biologically - only male) provided they take hrt, since sex is made up of many factors and chromosomes aren't that significant - hormones have more weight... just like how there are plenty of cisgender women with "male" chromosomes, yet no other "male" characteristics Oh wait, i forgot! Bigots only use *basic/simplified* biology - *advanced/complex* biology is too complex/inconvenient for them 😂
@spyfire242 4 ай бұрын
@@bill0129 This is not exactly true, the trans women placing in "hundredth or thousandth" fell to those ranks after taking hormones. Or at least that is the case with Lia Thomas. The issue of "trans women switching to dominate women's sports" is completely overblown by reactionaries, do your own research. Why are you saying "women don't get a choice in the matter" as if trans women aren't women themselves, and furthermore why should women on professional teams get a say over people more qualified than them, such as the doctors or team organizers who actually do the research and test the hormone levels and compare muscle mass or w.e else. Trans women aren't allowed to compete just because of social pressure, trans people don't have that kind of political power, they are allowed to compete because experts have determined that it is fair for them to do so. Actually bathrooms are separated by sex precisely because of feelings. There is no biological difference between men and women that demands the need of a segregated restroom. Its people's irrational fear that cis women will be preyed upon in the bathroom by trans women that causes the issue here. You have it completely backwards on this issue, we define these spaces based on gender not sex aka its social pressures not biological ones that segregate these spaces to begin with. Common sense is just a scapegoat for people who haven't thought critically about the issue.
@errrkt 4 ай бұрын
on average, men have faster reaction times than women. at least that's what current data shows, and that could be a big deal in e-sports.
@errrkt 4 ай бұрын
aquired skill can definitely overcome this advantage though, much like in athletics wrt testosterone levels. these are just baseline differences, training usually means a lot more than that.
@Fritzgar 4 ай бұрын
Compare world records in physical sports between men and women, men are significantly better. (example 100 meter run, mens record is around 9.5 sec, women around 10.5, thats a huge difference. The top 50 men are still around 9.8.) Why is that? Because not a single woman ever has put in as much efford as hundreds or even thousands of men? Or maybe because men just have a biological advantage? I really don't understand why anyone would deny the biological advantage men have... I find it way more degrading towards women to say that they just didn't work hard enough (even if you excuse it with society and socialization).
@ThePanMan11 4 ай бұрын
I think it has more to do with there being a lot more infrastructure and funding for men to train and to sustain themself being an athlete. If you're a talented football player that's a man you'll get scouted and paid while you train full time. If you're a talented football player that's a woman you get scouted, barely paid and maybe you can train a bit when you're done working your shift at your fulltime job. When you're a male professional athlete you get access to the best equipment, healthcare, trainers and facilities. When you're a female athlete you simply do not. At the end of the day, the man that's the most talented at a 100m sprint is likely to be an athlete in that sport right now. Meanwhile the woman that's the most talented at a 100m sprint is probably some house wife somewhere because there was no similar path for her to pursue that dream.
@Fritzgar 4 ай бұрын
@@ThePanMan11 That's just not true. Yes, there is more funding for 'mens' sport (which is in no way limited to men most of the time, women can compete, they are just competetivly irrelevant...), but the women on international level and in bigger countrys national level (in somewhat big sports and somewhat rich countrys) are also fulltime training and getting paid very good (although often worse than men). The gap between men and women is probably widened by external factors, but its not exclusively caused by them.
@ThePanMan11 4 ай бұрын
@@Fritzgar Nah that's just not what reality shows. The 100m sprint female world champion built a net worth of 1-5 million dollars over her entire carreer. Meanwhile we have Ussain Bolt making 5 mil every year. If you really don't think that discrepancy in investment makes a difference then I have a wireless suspension bridge to sell you. If you wanna pretend that Florence Griffith-Joyner has received the same levels of training and opportunities that Bolt has gotten, and don't think that makes a massive difference, then your issue is clearly an emotional bias. Or ignorance of biology of course. There isn't a single boxer from before the 1940's that could step in a ring with Mike Tyson. Do you think that's because people only started getting talented at boxing since the world war? Men before then were just nancy's? Or do you think maybe Mike received way way way better training, equipment, funding and facilities?
@ThePanMan11 4 ай бұрын
@@Fritzgar Jack Dempsey was one of the most talented heavy weight boxers in history. This man threw hands like nobody else. Today Jack Dempsey wouldn't beat a single professional heavy weight boxer. The difference in training, equipment, facilities and opportunities is just so vast that even the man who made boxing into an international sport can't overcome that with biological advantage or talent.
@Fritzgar 4 ай бұрын
​@@ThePanMan11 So with 1-5 millions you can't train fulltime because you have to work or what? Yes, way more money is invested in 'mens' sport than in woman sport, but even investment wouldn't close the gap in results. Mike Tyson probably was straight up the best for a period of time, and not just as a product of training. Not everyone will achive the same results through the same training. Or how did he get to the top? Did someone just decide 'let's get this random guy the best training and no one else'? But with this examples we can always find a way to make it not comparable for one reason or the other. So let's take an clear example: womens national teams in soccer play around the level of U16 men. (ignoring the time a women national team lost 0:7 to U15 boys not even national team but just of some first liga team...) In this case the women trained full time, for a way longer time, and get paid way better than the literal school boys.
@bill0129 4 ай бұрын
I think it especially matters in childrens sports and places. It's all fun and games if there isn't most of the biological advantages being displayed yet, and the stakes aren't as devastatingly high as they can be for professional sports, but there are still biological differences and advantages that aren't shared between boys and girls of young ages too. I think it'd be a shame to dissuade girls from competitive sports by showing them from such a young age that they have to compete against women, and men as well if they want to be athletes. What about making a new designation? Our current events and spaces are seperated by biological sex. How about we just have activities and spaces that are based off of gender, and then the normal ones that are based off of biological sex like they've always been? It may seem impolite, but it's fair. I'd rather have a society that is fair than polite. I think you'd find a lot less push back against your ideology if you sacrificed some of your desires to make reasonable compromises with people who follow the logical biological system that we have designed all of these activities and spaces around.
@daikucoffee5316 4 ай бұрын
Then no sports should happen at all
@bill0129 4 ай бұрын
@@daikucoffee5316 why? We can have our normal biologically separated sports, and then leagues for people who want to follow league rules that adhere to new gender rules. Why would this mean that we need to have no sports at all? It's worrying that someone would want to completely remove something that is perfectly moral because they disagree with it.
@UsenameTakenWasTaken 4 ай бұрын
I sure am glad you aren't in charge of anything. You'd end up traumatizing children.
@bill0129 4 ай бұрын
@@UsenameTakenWasTaken I'd end up "traumatizing" you, maybe. Not children. Children don't have decades of ideological brain rot to turn them into goofballs who get "ptsd" from somebody who disagrees with them.
@daikucoffee5316 4 ай бұрын
@@bill0129 it’s just a disagreement. If the issue is being framed as trans people needing to be segregated I think it’s best the event doesn’t happen at all. Sports is just politics and all athletes are just opportunistic, I deny them the right to compete. We defund all sports.
@vercingetorixarverni6343 4 ай бұрын
We comment for the algorithm 👏👏
@jenniferferris44 4 ай бұрын
🏳️‍⚧️❤️‍🔥The Olympics put together that study you asked for using official doctors and physical therapists for Olympic teams to make their rules, the answer is they divided it by testosterone in someone's body, if a ciswoman has too much they have to compete with 'men' and if a transpersonal too much for Cis hormone level the have to do they same. However what about the fact transwomen have so much less testosterone than ciswomen do. But i havnt read that study cuz i have been aware of the answer and why. It didnt show significant results but their was a minor one that fit into their own error chance that testosterone provided, but men had a fit so they had to stick w mens and womens instead of high and low testosterone(again results that this was beneficial was within margin of error) ❤️‍🔥🏳️‍⚧️
@garnet4846 4 ай бұрын
Let them play on the hiway in front of speeding busses.
@thesquirrel5034 4 ай бұрын
Wait you live with vaush.... he likes cp.... moving soon?
@benefitsbrian9199 4 ай бұрын
He doesn't like CP? Lolicon is not CP?
@FunKayyy 4 ай бұрын
​@@benefitsbrian9199 it's very sus regardless but didn't vaush explain it was yet to be sorted for his folders or whatever?
@explosion6768 4 ай бұрын
@@benefitsbrian9199 Dude it literally is cp, lolicon has fucking children in it which makes it cp
@lloroshastar6347 4 ай бұрын
​@@benefitsbrian9199umm, it's not a good look is it especially when you consider he's had the cp lover label attached to him for a good long while now, he was able to dismiss it as rumours before, not so much now.
@jordanwhite8718 4 ай бұрын
@@benefitsbrian9199 I mean for all intention purposes, it kind of is. I would say morally it’s a step below actual child porn, but that’s a very small step below.
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