The Truth About The Oriental Orthodox

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Voice of Reason

Voice of Reason

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In this video, I respond to a Patron's request about the Oriental Orthodox.
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@Gym.lover._ 16 күн бұрын
I oriental Orthodox of ethiopia
@Sixpenny2480 16 күн бұрын
I'm Coptic Orthodox
@TrueAnswers7 16 күн бұрын
Peace be with you and lets pray for Christian Unity✝️🕊
@emmetranous9682 16 күн бұрын
God bless you
@ruel762 16 күн бұрын
wendeme don't belive a word of this video watch "daniel kakish the lions den" keza yigebahal
@1monk1year 15 күн бұрын
If a thousand Schisms separates us, we are still brothers ✊
@nathanfikre8718 16 күн бұрын
as an ethiopian orthodox i hope all the apostolic chruchs reunite
@killianmiller6107 15 күн бұрын
What do you think about communion with the bishop of Rome?
@aronyacob2065 15 күн бұрын
@@killianmiller6107 papal infallibility is heresay
@WaybetterthanBron23 9 күн бұрын
@@killianmiller6107We are fine with it. Us Syriac Orthodox call him Baba actually meaning father
@Ortho_1_Christ 6 күн бұрын
@@killianmiller6107 communion with Rome at this moment is a big NO. Their Pope is leaning towards embracing secularism.
@killianmiller6107 6 күн бұрын
How so?
@alacson100 16 күн бұрын
“Oh how beautiful it is when brothers dwell in unity!”
@dylanarmour6727 15 күн бұрын
Hopefully all ancient schisms will be healed soon ☦️
@famicommike9014 9 күн бұрын
Im actually a convert into the Coptic church (raised Catholic originally) and I love your enthusiasm for ecumenism. It can happen but we also have other things to discuss like Purgatory and the Filioque that was added into the Nicean Creed for starters. Most Orientals would love to be back in communion again but it also takes time too because some Oriental sames did say things against Catholics and some Catholics did say not so pleasant things about Orientals in prior centuries. It will happen one day but not something that can just happen overnight but praying and hoping for it one day and a lot of progress has been made so far!
@RebiwGiant-um8vp 15 күн бұрын
As an **Ethiopian Orthodox** brother, I must express my deep appreciation for these videos. Plus your voice is just amazing. I could easily listen to you for hours. Additionally, I admire the inclusion of these tags, like #ethiopianorthodoxtewahedochurch.
@junicornplays980 10 күн бұрын
For those interested in learning more about the Oriental Orthodox I recommend the Coptic Orthodox Answers channel instead of anonymous random people in the comments claiming to be Oriental Orthodox and who are committed to keeping the churches divided.
@daniiiiiiiiiii12 16 күн бұрын
love from ethiopia
@tamynona 16 күн бұрын
I’m catholic and agree with you 100% brother
@deerez_3447 16 күн бұрын
Thank you VOR for another beautiful vid! God Bless🙏🏽
@Saul-StPaul 16 күн бұрын
What a great breakdown. I always enjoy your breakdowns.
@XD_.. 16 күн бұрын
So, so many Christians broke away from the Church because of one misunderstood word. that is quite sad
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
@@XD_.. that is not true. Voice of reason is confused himself. A refutation video will be coming soon
@Teddy-ke6xh 16 күн бұрын
@@kidus_1010 Please sent the refutation video on this thread as soon as it is made. Bro really did no research and proceeded to get every single Christology wrong 😭😭
@yenenehw 6 күн бұрын
@@Teddy-ke6xh -------------------------------------- 1/2 ---------------------------------------------- It is important to acknowledge that the EO Church at the Council of Chalcedon opted to adopted a new Christological formula introduced by Pope Leo of Rome. Consequently, the notion that the OO broke away from the Apostolic Church and need to go back is misleading. *_The EO cannot present any quote from a pre-Chalcedon Church father that advocates for the Two natures in Christ after the union. In my forthcoming post, I'll provide evidence to illustrate the contrary perspective._* I'll present a brief two-part response to address the above points. *✝THREE MAIN REASONS WE REJECT THE COUNCIL OF CHALCEDON (451AD):* ⛔Leo, the Bishop of Rome, stated in his Tome "Christ is two: God and man, the One astonished us with miracles and the other received disgrace and suffering": a Divine nature performing its functions and a human nature carrying out its role. The EO fathers deviated from the teachings of the pre-451 Church Fathers, such as St. Cyril the great, the two St. Gregories, St. Ephrem, St. Hilary,...etc., who advocated for the "One Nature of God the Word Incarnate" and instead, they accepted the Nestorian-like Tome of Leo and persisted to this day in Leo's Dyophysitism. St. Dioscorus, however, firmly rejected the Tome and remained steadfast in his adherence to St. Cyril's formulation of "One Nature of God the Incarnate Word." We’re aware that subsequent Ecumenical Councils of the EO later made amendments to the Tome of Leo, removing any Nestorian-like positions from it. This fact confirms, without dispute, that St. Dioscorus was correct in his stance. ⛔Theodoret of Cyrus and Ibas of Edessa had insulted St. Cyril of Alexandria by their deeds and writings and had supported Nestorius and his teaching, for which, they should have been characterized as and removed. But yet, they were accepted and were present at the Council without having renounced their Nestorian-like positions. ⛔St. Dioscorus of Alexandria, representing the OO Churches, made a request for the removal of the two heretics, namely Theodoret of Cyrus and Ibas of Edessa, from the Council. However, his request was denied, leading to his decision to abstain from further participation in the Council. Nevertheless, in the EO Church's Fifth Ecumenical Council held in 553 AD, the Christology of Theodoret of Cyrus and Ibas of Edessa was scrutinized, and their Nestorian-like and anti-St. Cyril writings were ultimately condemned. This indisputable fact confirms that St. Dioscorus was correct in his assessment during the 451 AD Council. Yet, it took the EO a millennium (102 years) to rectify the errors of the 451 AD Council and finally excommunicate the two. *✝THE NATURE OF THIS UNION:* The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church's 's Miaphysite faith is based on St. Cyril of Alexandria's formula “One Nature of God the Word Incarnate." To say this could not possibly mean or entail mingling, merger or anything of that kind, how could it? If we call the only-begotten Son of God become incarnate and made man ‘one’, that does not mean he has been ‘mingled’, as the EO suppose; the Word’s nature has not transferred to the nature of the flesh or that of the flesh to that of the Word-no, while each element was seen to persist in its particular natural character, mysteriously and inexpressibly unified he displayed to us one nature (but as I said, incarnate nature) of the Son. ‘One’ is a term applied properly not only to basic single elements but to such composite entities as man compounded of soul and body. Soul and body are different kinds of thing and are not mutually consubstantial; yet united they constitute man’s single nature (One nature) despite the fact that the difference in nature of the elements brought into unity is present in the composite condition. Christ's Divine nature is one with his human nature yet without mingling, confusion or alteration; a complete Hypostatic Union. Words are inadequate to describe this union. It was said, that without controversy, "Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh" (1 Tim. 3:16). Isn't it ironic that, the EO venerate St. Cyril while simultaneously dismissing his teaching on the "One Nature of God the Word Incarnate"? St. Cyril the Great taught us not to talk about two natures after their unity. So we can say that the Divine nature united hypostatically with the human nature within the Virgin's womb, but after this unity we do not ever speak again about two natures of Christ. *✝AN ANALOGY OF UNION BETWEEN IRON AND FIRE:* The concept of the union between iron and fire has been exemplified by both St. Cyril the Great and St. Dioscorus. When we consider ignited iron, we do not assert the existence of two separate natures, namely iron and fire; instead, we’re presented with one composite united nature describe as an ignited iron. Similarly, when we discuss the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Incarnate God, we do not employ the phrase "God and man." In the union of iron and fire, neither the iron transforms into fire nor the fire into iron. The two elements are united without any mixture, confusion, or alteration. Our intention is to emphasize that once the iron is ignited with fire, it retains all the properties of iron and all the properties of fire simultaneously. Similarly, the nature of the Incarnate Word is One Nature, encompassing both the Divine characteristics and the human attributes. *✝AN ANALOGY OF UNION BETWEEN THE SOUL AND THE BODY:* The example of the union between the soul and the body has been utilized by esteemed theologians such as St. Cyril, St. Augustine, and numerous ancient and contemporary scholars. In this analogy, the essence of the soul united with the physical earthly nature of the body, resulting in a single nature known as human nature (one nature). This united nature does not include the body alone nor the soul alone but both together are united without mixing, confusion, alteration or transmutation. *_Given our acceptance of the unity between the soul and the body within one nature, it raises a pertinent question: Why do we not embrace the unity of the Divine and the human into one Nature?_* It is worth highlighting that the one nature we refer to as human nature contained before the unity two Natures: the soul and the body. However, *_the EO, who assert the existence of two natures in Christ (divine and human), do not mention the two natures of Christ's humanity, namely the soul and the body, but rather consider them as one nature._* By acknowledging the union of the soul and the body within one nature in Christ and employing this expression theologically, it becomes more feasible to use the term "One Nature of Christ" or "One Nature of God the Incarnate Word," as taught by St. Cyril. Though man is comprised of these two natures, we never proclaim him to be two, but rather one. All of man's actions are attributed to this one nature, not to the soul alone or to the body alone. Thus, when we intend to convey that a certain individual ate, felt hunger, slept, or experienced pain, we do not say that it is his body which ate, or became hungry, or got tired or slept or felt pain. All man's acts are attributed to him as a whole and not only to his body or his soul. Similarly, all of Christ's actions were attributed to Him as a unified whole, not solely to His Divine nature or His human nature in isolation. *In my next post I'll quote pre-Chalcedon Church Fathers in support the OO.*
@yenenehw 6 күн бұрын
@@Teddy-ke6xh ​ --------------------------------- 2/2 --------------------------------------- As quoted below, several Church Fathers prior to the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD affirmed their belief in the "One Incarnate Nature of Christ after the union," which aligns with the position held by the OO Church. ✝St. Cyril of Alexandria: - *_So just as everything is spoken of the One person, for One Nature is recognized as existing after the union namely that of the Word Incarnate._* [Second Tome against Nestorius] ✝St. Cyril of Alexandria: - The flesh is flesh and not Godhead, even though it became the flesh of God. Similarly, the Word is God and not flesh even if He made the flesh His very own in the economy. Given that we understand this, we do no harm to that concurrence into union when we say that it took place out of two natures. *_After the union has occurred, however, we do not divide the Natures from one another, nor do we sever the One and Indivisible into two Sons, but we say that there is One Son, and as the holy Fathers have stated, "One Incarnate Nature of The Word"_* [1st Letter to Succensus 6] ✝St. Cyril of Alexandria: - Let them take account of this. When one speaks of a union, one does not signify the concurrence of a single factor but surely of two or more that are different from one another in nature. So, if we talk of a union, we confess it to be between flesh endowed with a rational soul and the Word; and those who speak of “two natures” understand it in this way. However, *_once we have confessed the union, the things that have been united are no longer separated from one another but are thereafter one Son; and One is His nature since the Word has been made flesh._* [Letter to Eulogius] ✝St. Cyril of Alexandria: - Surely, it is beyond dispute that the Only-Begotten, being by Nature God became man by a genuine union, in a manner beyond explanation or understanding. *_For as soon as this union has taken place, there is A single nature presented to our minds, the Incarnate Nature of The Word Himself._* [Against Nestorius 2.(Preface)] ✝St. Cyril of Alexandria: - Because, therefore, He is truly God and King according to nature, and because the One crucified has been called the Lord of Glory (1 Cor 2:8), how could anyone hesitate to call the Holy Virgin the Mother of God? *_Adore Him as one, without dividing Him into Two after the union._* [Letter 1] ✝St. Cyril of Alexandria: - We confess that He is Son of God and God according to the Spirit, Son of Man according to the flesh, *_not Two Natures to that One Son,_* One Nature worshipped the other unworshipped, but *_One Nature of God the Word Incarnate worshipped with His flesh with One worship_* nor Two Sons, One, Very Son of God and worshipped, the other the man out of Mary not worshipped, made by grace son of God just as men too are. [St. Athanasius from his work upon the Incarnation of the Word: St. Cyril cited it in his books against Theodore] ✝St. Ephrem the Syrian: - *_Though your nature is One, its interpretations are many. There are narratives exalted, intermediate, and lowly._* [Hymns on Faith 10:3] ✝St. Ephrem the Syrian: - *_Glorious is the Wise One Who allied and joined Divinity with humanity, one from the height and the other from the depth. He mingled (united) the Natures like pigments and an image (One Nature) came into being: the God-Man._* [Hymns on Incarnation 8:2]. The concept presented by St. Ephrem, wherein the two natures unite to form the One he referred to as the God-Man, stands in direct opposition to the belief held by Leo's (EO) concept that maintains the two natures unite but then again remain distinct and separate after the union within one person referred to as God and Man. ✝St. Gregory of Nazianzus: And, if I am to speak concisely, the Savior is made of elements (natures) which are distinct from one another, for the invisible is not the same with the visible, nor the timeless with that which is subject to time, yet He is not two Persons, God forbid! *_For both Natures are One by the combination (unity), the Deity being made Man, and the Manhood deified or however one should express it._* [To Cledonius the Priest Against Apollinarius. (Ep. CI.)] ✝St. Gregory of Nazianzus: - He was, and He becomes. He was above time; He became subject to time. He was invisible; He becomes visible... What He was, He laid aside; what He was not, He assumed. *_He did not become two, but He allowed himself to become A unity (one nature) composed of two elements (natures)._* For that which assumed and that which was assumed *_combine (united) into A Divine being. The two natures compound (unit) into A unit (One nature); and there are not two sons, for we must make no mistake about the commixture of the natures._* [Oration 37.2.2] ✝St. Gregory of Nazianzus: - To sum up the matter: there are two separate elements of which the Savior is composed, the invisible is not identical with the visible or the timeless with the temporal, but there are not two separate beings; emphatically not. *_Both elements (natures) are blended (united) into One, the Divinity taking on Humanity, the Humanity receiving Divinity._* [Letter 101.5-6, to Cledonius] ✝St. Gregory of Nyssa: - *_So how could the unity be separated into a duality (two nature), since no numerical distinction can be made?_* [Letter to St. Theophilus of Alexandria] ✝St. Basil the great: - Amen Amen Amen. I believe, I believe, and confess to the last breath...that this is the life-giving Flesh that your only- begotten Son, our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ, took from our Lady... *_He made it One with His Divinity without mingling, without confusion, and without alteration._* [Liturgy of St. Basil the great] St. Basil stands in direct opposition to the belief held by Leo of Rome who at the council of Chalcedon stated, “Christ is two: God and man. ✝St. Hilary of Poitiers: - We have Christ working in Himself the very things which God works in Him, for it was Christ who died, stripping from Himself His flesh…_*it was none other who raised Christ from the dead but Christ Himself.*_ [Book IX On the Trinity]. Leo (EO) on the other hand presents a division within Christ depicting one aspect of Christ performing awe-inspiring miracles such as raising the dead while another aspect endures suffering and humiliation. ✝St. Hilary of Poitiers: - *_Thus, God was born to take us into Himself, suffered to justify us, and died to avenge us…, God had assumed our weakness... God chose to die of His own will…. since God died through the flesh._* [Book IX On the Trinity]. Leo (EO) expressed that Christ the man was born, assumed our weakness, suffered, and died. But, according to the teachings of St. Hilary, in Jesus Christ, the properties of the flesh have become the properties of Divinity, and likewise, the properties of Divinity have become the properties of the flesh. Hence, although acts such as birth, suffering, death, and weakness are intrinsic to the flesh, St. Hilary attributed them to God, recognizing that the flesh of Jesus Christ is none other than the flesh of God the Son within the One Nature of the Incarnate Word. ✝St. Hilary of Poitiers: - The Only-begotten God chose to become man of His own will... *_God chose to suffer of His own will..._* [Book IX On the Trinity]. God does not experience suffering; however, St. Hilary attributed suffering to God. Even though suffering is inherent to the flesh, St. Hilary attributed it to God because the flesh of Jesus Christ is the flesh of God the Son, emphasizing the concept of one nature following the union.
@yenenehw 6 күн бұрын
@@Teddy-ke6xh ​ --------------------------------- 2/2 --------------------------------------- As quoted below, several Church Fathers prior to the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD affirmed their belief in the "One Incarnate Nature of Christ after the union," which aligns with the position held by the OO Church. ✝St. Cyril of Alexandria: - *_So just as everything is spoken of the One person, for One Nature is recognized as existing after the union namely that of the Word Incarnate._* [Second Tome against Nestorius] ✝St. Cyril of Alexandria: - The flesh is flesh and not Godhead, even though it became the flesh of God. Similarly, the Word is God and not flesh even if He made the flesh His very own in the economy. Given that we understand this, we do no harm to that concurrence into union when we say that it took place out of two natures. *_After the union has occurred, however, we do not divide the Natures from one another, nor do we sever the One and Indivisible into two Sons, but we say that there is One Son, and as the holy Fathers have stated, "One Incarnate Nature of The Word"_* [1st Letter to Succensus 6] ✝St. Cyril of Alexandria: - Let them take account of this. When one speaks of a union, one does not signify the concurrence of a single factor but surely of two or more that are different from one another in nature. So, if we talk of a union, we confess it to be between flesh endowed with a rational soul and the Word; and those who speak of “two natures” understand it in this way. However, *_once we have confessed the union, the things that have been united are no longer separated from one another but are thereafter one Son; and One is His nature since the Word has been made flesh._* [Letter to Eulogius] ✝St. Cyril of Alexandria: - Surely, it is beyond dispute that the Only-Begotten, being by Nature God became man by a genuine union, in a manner beyond explanation or understanding. *_For as soon as this union has taken place, there is A single nature presented to our minds, the Incarnate Nature of The Word Himself._* [Against Nestorius 2.(Preface)] ✝St. Cyril of Alexandria: - Because, therefore, He is truly God and King according to nature, and because the One crucified has been called the Lord of Glory (1 Cor 2:8), how could anyone hesitate to call the Holy Virgin the Mother of God? *_Adore Him as one, without dividing Him into Two after the union._* [Letter 1] ✝St. Cyril of Alexandria: - We confess that He is Son of God and God according to the Spirit, Son of Man according to the flesh, *_not Two Natures to that One Son,_* One Nature worshipped the other unworshipped, but *_One Nature of God the Word Incarnate worshipped with His flesh with One worship_* nor Two Sons, One, Very Son of God and worshipped, the other the man out of Mary not worshipped, made by grace son of God just as men too are. [St. Athanasius from his work upon the Incarnation of the Word: St. Cyril cited it in his books against Theodore] ✝St. Ephrem the Syrian: - *_Though your nature is One, its interpretations are many. There are narratives exalted, intermediate, and lowly._* [Hymns on Faith 10:3] ✝St. Ephrem the Syrian: - *_Glorious is the Wise One Who allied and joined Divinity with humanity, one from the height and the other from the depth. He mingled (united) the Natures like pigments and an image (One Nature) came into being: the God-Man._* [Hymns on Incarnation 8:2]. The concept presented by St. Ephrem, wherein the two natures unite to form the One he referred to as the God-Man, stands in direct opposition to the belief held by Leo's (EO) concept that maintains the two natures unite but then again remain distinct and separate after the union within one person referred to as God and Man. ✝St. Gregory of Nazianzus: And, if I am to speak concisely, the Savior is made of elements (natures) which are distinct from one another, for the invisible is not the same with the visible, nor the timeless with that which is subject to time, yet He is not two Persons, God forbid! *_For both Natures are One by the combination (unity), the Deity being made Man, and the Manhood deified or however one should express it._* [To Cledonius the Priest Against Apollinarius. (Ep. CI.)] ✝St. Gregory of Nazianzus: - He was, and He becomes. He was above time; He became subject to time. He was invisible; He becomes visible... What He was, He laid aside; what He was not, He assumed. *_He did not become two, but He allowed himself to become A unity (one nature) composed of two elements (natures)._* For that which assumed and that which was assumed *_combine (united) into A Divine being. The two natures compound (unit) into A unit (One nature); and there are not two sons, for we must make no mistake about the commixture of the natures._* [Oration 37.2.2] ✝St. Gregory of Nazianzus: - To sum up the matter: there are two separate elements of which the Savior is composed, the invisible is not identical with the visible or the timeless with the temporal, but there are not two separate beings; emphatically not. *_Both elements (natures) are blended (united) into One, the Divinity taking on Humanity, the Humanity receiving Divinity._* [Letter 101.5-6, to Cledonius] ✝St. Gregory of Nyssa: - *_So how could the unity be separated into a duality (two nature), since no numerical distinction can be made?_* [Letter to St. Theophilus of Alexandria] ✝St. Basil the great: - In all these cases we do not mention two, God apart and man apart *_for He was One, but in thought we take into account the nature of each._* Peter had not two in his mind when he said, "Christ has suffered for us in the flesh." [The extant works of St. Basil - Dogmatic] ✝St. Basil the great: - Amen Amen Amen. I believe, I believe, and confess to the last breath...that this is the life-giving Flesh that your only- begotten Son, our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ, took from our Lady... *_He made it One with His Divinity without mingling, without confusion, and without alteration._* [Liturgy of St. Basil the great] St. Basil stands in direct opposition to the belief held by Leo of Rome who at the council of Chalcedon stated, “Christ is two: God and man. ✝St. Hilary of Poitiers: - We have Christ working in Himself the very things which God works in Him, for it was Christ who died, stripping from Himself His flesh… *_it was none other who raised Christ from the dead but Christ Himself._* [Book IX On the Trinity]. Leo (EO) on the other hand presents a division within Christ depicting one aspect of Christ performing awe-inspiring miracles such as raising the dead while another aspect endures suffering and humiliation. ✝St. Hilary of Poitiers: - *_Thus, God was born to take us into Himself, suffered to justify us, and died to avenge us…, God had assumed our weakness... God chose to die of His own will…. since God died through the flesh._* [Book IX On the Trinity]. Leo (EO) expressed that Christ the man was born, assumed our weakness, suffered, and died. But, according to the teachings of St. Hilary, in Jesus Christ, the properties of the flesh have become the properties of Divinity, and likewise, the properties of Divinity have become the properties of the flesh. Hence, although acts such as birth, suffering, death, and weakness are intrinsic to the flesh, St. Hilary attributed them to God, recognizing that the flesh of Jesus Christ is none other than the flesh of God the Son within the One Nature of the Incarnate Word. ✝St. Hilary of Poitiers: - The Only-begotten God chose to become man of His own will... *_God chose to suffer of His own will..._* [Book IX On the Trinity]. God does not experience suffering; however, St. Hilary attributed suffering to God. Even though suffering is inherent to the flesh, St. Hilary attributed it to God because the flesh of Jesus Christ is the flesh of God the Son, emphasizing the concept of one nature following the union.
@EliasRendonJr 16 күн бұрын
These videos are so good!
@tysongames2750 16 күн бұрын
Coptic Orthodox here! Thank you so much for reiterating this. I remember that you made a video about this before, which I greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. We Orientals are so tired of being called "MONO"-physites. Bless you and pray for unity of God's Church on earth. God bless!
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
@@tysongames2750 brother he totally misrepresented our church and the issue surrounding the schism. Don’t be so quick to declare your support just because he did the bare minimum of recognizing that we’re not Eutycheans.
@tysongames2750 16 күн бұрын
​@@kidus_1010How did he misrepresent us? 🤔
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
@@tysongames2750 For one thing, he says that we think the word physis means Person which is totally false. He then builds his argument around this error which then makes anything he says afterwords completely wrong and thus a misrepresentation of our position and of the events surrounding Chalcedon.
@javierduenasjimenez7930 16 күн бұрын
​@@kidus_1010 What does physis means for oriental orthodox then?
@one.hyperion 13 күн бұрын
@@kidus_1010 i'm genuinely curious since i've looked into the schisms, but have no knowledge of the languages. what did voice of reason say wrong?
@OOMiguelGonzalez 16 күн бұрын
Nice video, I agree with the language barrier issue. Thank you @voice of reason🙏
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
language barrier is completely irrelevant to the issue
@jesusnieves5689 16 күн бұрын
Yoo I’m here early for the first time big fan
@Prime_Apologetics 16 күн бұрын
Love you man❤
@michaelmarcus509 11 күн бұрын
I’d love to see union, great video and God bless you
@user-wj2lt1uy8j 16 күн бұрын
I am Syriac Orthodox and I fully agree with you!!! Our churches are one since they all come from the apostles and therefore the original stays original and anyone who leaves the apostolic churches for a new pop up church should return back to the true heard of god, this is something that I pray for. A question please: are all the humans that was born before Christ doomed because they didn’t believe or receive the word? Or did Christ save everyone who was righteous and true believers of god?
@NX2-30 16 күн бұрын
Look into the harrowing of hell
@shinta9377 16 күн бұрын
Yes. Christ also saved all the righteous who were born before Christ. It shows in Ephesians 4:8-9 when He proclaimed the Gospel in the lower parts of the earth (known as Abraham’s Bosom or paradise where the righteous were waiting) and led the captive of captivity to heaven.
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
That concept of us all being the same is condemned by the Syriac Orthodox Church. Please learn your faith before blindly agreeing with others.
@rubemartur8239 16 күн бұрын
​@@kidus_1010 what do you mean? Arent we of same species? What's the point? There are "sub humans"?
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
@@rubemartur8239 where did I say anything about subhumans? Do you know what the church and the Bible says about heretics? You are not to have anything to do with them. Scripture is harsher than even I am being. If you contradict the faith of Ephesus and the saints, you cannot be a part of the fold.
@catholichad 16 күн бұрын
God bless you!
@dioscoros 16 күн бұрын
The OO definition of "Nestorianism" is taken from Ephesus 431, in the Conciliar Homilies of St Theodotus of Ancyra, and the Third Letter of St Cyril to Nestorius, all included in the Acta. These reject the idea that the "parts" or "natures" which Christ was composed of remain 2 AFTER the union, and that's where the heresy of "Nestorianism" was condemned. Once again, that heresy being "two natures after the union of two natures." The Lion's Den YT has covered this extensively, and will continue to cover this extensively.
@Teddy-ke6xh 16 күн бұрын
May God bless you for spreading the Truth
@eddardgreybeard 16 күн бұрын
That's just splitting hairs if you ask me. Getting bogged down in minutia.
@dioscoros 16 күн бұрын
@@eddardgreybeard that's not minutia at all. According to Ephesus 431, it was extremely pivotal, because number inherently carries the force of division. To say that Christ is a duality after the union is to say that there is division after the union. Some people think that Arianism, Sabellianism, and other early heresies were just splitting hairs, but to the Holy Church these were very important metaphysical heresies.
@eddardgreybeard 16 күн бұрын
@@dioscoros The entire point of the hypostatic definition is Christ is one person with two natures, meaning Mary have birth to the entirety of Christ, not just his human nature and is rightly deserving of the title the mother of God. Everyone agrees Christ is one man and not two. This is minutia. I absolutely agree that this is a language issue, were arguing about the sand and lost sight of the beach.
@dioscoros 15 күн бұрын
@@eddardgreybeard wrong, in the writings of St Cyril and the Ephesus 431 fathers, they speak about how the hypostatic union is a union of 2 hypostases into 1 hypostasis, which union abolishes us speaking of duality. I do, of course, agree that St Mary gave birth to the whole Christ and not just half of Christ, but if we were to entertain the erroneous Dyophysite paradigm, this would mean that St Mary gave birth to 2 natures, which means she gave birth to the human nature and to the divine nature. This will reduce in many absurdities, unless we accept that there is 1 nature/hypostasis from 2 natures/hypostases, the union abolishing all duality of the parts.
@stephenler3850 13 күн бұрын
Thank You for this great explanation for me understand the split in 451 AD.
@kidus_1010 13 күн бұрын
@@stephenler3850 it was actually a terrible explanation because almost everything he said was straight up false or he ignored the most significant things
@soslab5246 16 күн бұрын
I am from Ethiopia Orthodox and i like you content, i get more knowledge about Catholic and protestant from you, God bless you....
@XMZ1283 16 күн бұрын
Good video
@WaybetterthanBron23 9 күн бұрын
I am A Syriac Orthodox member. I can only hope we can reunite.
@TheoVonKing 14 күн бұрын
Eastern Orthodox hier ❤ God bless you all my brothers time will come we will unite God willing
@davidmilo61 16 күн бұрын
What about the writings of Theodoret of Cyrus and Ibas of Edessa which was against the writings of st Cyril of Alexandria and their writings was accepted in the council of Chalcedonia and what about the persecution of chalcedonians to copts right after the we left the council? We can forgive but we never forget.
@SY-cp4mb 6 күн бұрын
This! 👏
@hopeyohanes 3 күн бұрын
Thanks bro I'm here from Oriental Orthodox Eritrean Tewahdo church . my tip for u our church is name that Tewahdo means Miaphysite In our language ተዋሕዶ. May God blesse you
@Pr1nce_Scaler 16 күн бұрын
Can you make a video about The Maronite Catholic Church? There are so many miracles in it like Mar Charbel and Mar Estephan, who are dead but their body is still there, I actually saw Mar Estephan's body a few days ago, it looked like the body of an actual person, and I've also seen Mar Charbel's body when I was younger.
@Ortho_1_Christ 6 күн бұрын
Ethio/Eritrean Orthodox here. . . . I just found your channel today. In your other video, I heard you saying that Orientals are working on resolving issues and making communion with Rome. The idea can be good, but their Pope is leaning towards embracing secularism though. Anyways, your channel has good content, and I subscribed to it.
@Joeonline26 15 күн бұрын
"Eh yo Adrian". Another episode of Church history with Rocky Balboa.
@noblemottythomas7664 7 күн бұрын
Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch Armenian apostolic church Tawhedo Orthodox Church ❤❤❤ The small flocks asked by Lord Jesus to stay don’t be afraid
@Miguel-gx1so 16 күн бұрын
Coptic’s are amazing people I hope we will join together soon plus they have a amazing liturgy and the reverence to the Eucharist is eye opening
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
@@Miguel-gx1so there will be no union in our lifetimes because the issue is deeper than what he tried to present it as in this video. He is speaking from ignorance
@soulking4740 16 күн бұрын
May Christ reunite us all 🙏.
@christian.editz1 2 күн бұрын
I'm Coptic Orthodox from Egypt 🇪🇬☦️ Oriental Orthodox
@donaldturnbull 16 күн бұрын
The simple things that cause schisms are insane. 🤦‍♂️
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
What he described is not what caused the schism. Voice of Reason is ignorant on this topic.
@BiruktiSiraj 5 күн бұрын
Papal infallibility isn’t a thing in the Oriental Orthodox Church and we definitely have other dogmatic differences, but God willing, we’ll all come together one day❤️
@fanboyc5 4 күн бұрын
one of the things that stopping the oriental church from accepting the whole catholic church teaching is because of the catholic church's that has female priests and the gay case as well
@nicks0alive 2 күн бұрын
How does he have such a deep voice? Is he just blessed or was it through practice?
@ejchiasson9254 15 күн бұрын
You should respond to God.Net's new video that he did on you and the catholic church. Seems to me that he is picking and choosing points to make and points to shy away from, all while spreading a misleading narrative about Catholicism
@johnadel3609 7 күн бұрын
can you make a video about the history of the church explaining everything in great detail, even if the video is four hours long I will watch it. I am protestant and I always wonder if was going to heaven or if I would die eternal death and experience suffering for eternity.
@elvenfay 16 күн бұрын
If you have hallow you can create a prayer groups there is a lot of Catholics on it.
@shlamallama6433 16 күн бұрын
Tell me more about the prayer groups on hallow
@edgar5814 16 күн бұрын
@@shlamallama6433its actually an evil app! Its very broad and supports false religions. Look into it and whos funding it
@johnhenein1330 5 күн бұрын
I appreciate your clear explanation for the falling out of Chalcedon. I think the talks between the Oriental Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church may have continued if it wasn’t over the recent and confusing statements of blessing same sex couples. The notion of blessing what is an abomination to the Lord, regardless of its official or unofficial capacity with in the church, seems confusing at the very least to satanic. 1 Cor 14:33
@daumantasbuskevicius6814 16 күн бұрын
Hey man, I used to be catholic and converted to lutheranism. I know your view about us, but I still really respect you and my Brother catholics. you are the best christian youtuber I ever watched. I also really liked, how you challanged muslim, who picked on christian, that did not knew his faith to a dabate. Still waiting for it. Peace be with you Brother ❤💪
@georgepierson4920 16 күн бұрын
What did Luther give you that God could not?
@roshankurien203 16 күн бұрын
Lutheran..??why?… come back home.
@julieelizabeth4856 16 күн бұрын
You left Jesus in the Eucharist.
@PatrickSteil 16 күн бұрын
Also interested in why you went Lutheran.
@daumantasbuskevicius6814 15 күн бұрын
@@PatrickSteil I did not agree with some of the things in doctorine of catholic church. And I also had cultural problems with them. Plus, lutheran theology is way better for me, cuz It's simple and true
@joelmillerurena7874 4 күн бұрын
I was confused too when I was in the Coptic Church
@danis4157 16 күн бұрын
Yo bro can you explain how you said that Nestorious wasn't a heretic? I saw a clip on someone’s story and I don’t know if the clip was taken out of context or if you actually believe that
@RJDJ__ 16 күн бұрын
It was an out of context clip. Reason and theology clarified because it was actually out of context
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
@@danis4157 many Catholics today are realizing that they actually agree with the things Nestorius said so they are now backtracking and claiming he was misrepresented by St. Cyril. Obviously this would mean the ecumenical council of Ephesus supposedly led by the Holy Spirit was wrong in condemning his Christology which would in turn make the Papist church false.
@danis4157 15 күн бұрын
@@RJDJ__ where
@RJDJ__ 15 күн бұрын
@@danis4157 it was on his instagram a while ago like 1 or 2 months ago
@youngd9554 16 күн бұрын
Someone trying to disprove the church Enter Alex
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
Alex doesn’t know anything. He completely misrepresented the OO position
@edgar5814 16 күн бұрын
Net.God just cleared him actually
@GRIZZLYBOI13 14 күн бұрын
Are you gonna respond to needgod?
@Thommaaas 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for being nonbiased in your video. Actually, most Eastern Orthodox brothers still think to this day that we, Orientals, are Monophysites. May God have mercy upon us all.
@Georgy-bt3cl 5 күн бұрын
I am a copt. While i value the idea of uniting the church, centuries of separation have led to different traditions, rituals and cultures which make it extremely hard to unite the two churches. Now as we see the pope in Rome allowing blessings for gay marriage which is heretical. The differences in the beliefs of things like papal infallibility and the catholic belief of the immaculate conception of St Mary also play a factor. There is also the belief of purgatory that both churches disagree on.
@Lya3588 16 күн бұрын
@OOMiguelGonzalez 16 күн бұрын
@Voice of Reason which one I should convert to?
@Salvdrr 16 күн бұрын
@pdub69triniboy 16 күн бұрын
@Meatyyyy 16 күн бұрын
@Teddy-ke6xh 16 күн бұрын
OO is the Truth.. Study Church History
@pdub69triniboy 16 күн бұрын
@@Teddy-ke6xh bro yall still live in the fifth century, meanwhile the Catholic Church have evangelize and baptized the world
@sai3e8w65 5 күн бұрын
That picture says A LOT
@revolverocelot9996 16 күн бұрын
@jesusholy4344 16 күн бұрын
Protestant Christian from Frisco, TX
@PatrickSteil 16 күн бұрын
Formerly Methodist, Catholic revert. Also in DFW area :)
@jesusholy4344 16 күн бұрын
@@PatrickSteil You weren't Methodist then
@PatrickSteil 16 күн бұрын
@@jesusholy4344 What in the world does that mean? lol
@jesusholy4344 16 күн бұрын
@@PatrickSteil You were just Methodist because your parents are Methodist
@Kjmmaps 16 күн бұрын
You are in wrong church my bro
@AlwaysCatholic 16 күн бұрын
I know it doesn’t relate to the video but I’ve been asked this question a lot and i can’t fully answer it in the best way I can. The question is how does full of grace mean without sin? God bless
@gregorybarrett4998 8 күн бұрын
Well, as a start, you can make sure that everyone understands that sin is not a something. Instead, sin is a withholding of a something that should be there, such as love, or trust, or obedience, or knowing God as a greater good than the thing that I turn to instead of God. In turn, sin diminishes the sinner's ability to engage with reality, in any and actually in several of many senses. From there, you can make sure that everyone understands that grace is God's supply of His own goodness and faithfulness and love to someone who needs it, has no claim to it, and cannot do anything without it. From there, you can point out that this grace must be freely received. The degree of reception of grace is commensurate with the freedom and the fullness of that reception. From there, you can show that sin diminishes the ability of the sinner to receive grace. From there, you can show that a diminished ability of a sinner to receive grace diminishes the degree of grace the sinner is able to receive, relative to his initial potential. From there, you can show that a sinner cannot be full of grace. From there, you can show that Mary, who is declared to be full of grace, must be without sin.
@AlwaysCatholic 8 күн бұрын
@@gregorybarrett4998 Thank you! This is very helpful! God bless
@gregorybarrett4998 8 күн бұрын
@@AlwaysCatholic Oh, I'm glad, Always. And I hope it proves as helpful to your dialogue partners as you find it. God bless you.
@HenryDurth 16 күн бұрын
@Philosophy.T 16 күн бұрын
Many mistakes in this video I don't know where to start, but I advise everyone watching this video to do his/her own research on the matter and be informed. It is not that we don't want to reunite, but we don't want to do that at the cost of compromising the truth of the church and the Fathers. And we don't want to just hush things under the rubble as if they were just linguistic barriers.
@dioscoros 16 күн бұрын
Precisely. Also, this guy completely misrepresented our Faith. He made it sound like we don't believe Christ is only one nature from two natures, when it is absolutely the case that our profession is that there is only one nature after the union of 2 natures. It is all throughout our patristics in Ephesus 431 and after Chalcedon 451.
@Teddy-ke6xh 16 күн бұрын
@junicornplays980 14 күн бұрын
I have done the research. And sorry, I don't think there's a fundamental difference. When I read Oriental Orthodox writings on Christology, the only thing I disagree with is their misconception of Chalcedonian Christology. 🤷🏽
@dioscoros 14 күн бұрын
@@junicornplays980 did you know that Oriental Orthodox teach that the union of Christ consists out of 2 hypostases specifically? That's a tenant that many Chalcedonians openly disagree with. There are 3 hypostases of the Trinity, and we say that 1 of these hypostases (the Logos) composes Himself with the human hypostasis taken from St Mary. These 2 unite into 1 composite hypostasis, and all duality whatsoever is abolished.
@junicornplays980 10 күн бұрын
@@dioscoros Hmm, that doesn't sound right. I've been in this situation plenty of times, were Oriental Orthodox give conflicting information on what they believe. The Coptic Orthodox Answers channel just came out with an excellent video about what they believe and that's who I'll listen to.
@gunshotlagoon922 16 күн бұрын
I love my Oriental brothers in Christ. I for one am not too worried about the physis controversy. A greater stumbling block to overcome is the linguistic and procedural dilemma concerning the filioque between the Greeks and Latins.
@pdub69triniboy 16 күн бұрын
The church fathers taught the filioque, Dwong videos is the best on this issue out their
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
@@gunshotlagoon922 with respect, we OO do not feel the same way about the controversy because Voice of Reason has completely misrepresented us. There is a substantial difference in our Christology and they are not compatible.
@MrAwak3 15 күн бұрын
Ok and why are they not back in communion? As someone who recognizes they need to be in an Apostolic Church, the arrogance of all sides to not get together to iron out these issues for all Christendom is astounding. All I want is to be in an Apostolic Church, receive the Eucharist and worship the way God wants. This sectarian infighting is unnecessary.
@mspme19 13 күн бұрын
Basically the Athos communion is oppose to communion as they feel inter alia that a 1600 years split cannot be resolved in a couple of years
@MrAwak3 8 күн бұрын
@@mspme19 So Jesus can forgive a thief on the Cross immediately but we can not humble ourselves and forgive each other unifying His Church?
@meina0614 4 күн бұрын
@@MrAwak3tbf youre comparing an infallible person to fallible human beings.
@MrAwak3 4 күн бұрын
@@meina0614 I guess you’re right but that was not my intention. I was trying to use Christ’s example and show it’s not being followed.
@locksmith9498 2 күн бұрын
@@mspme19I am an Eastern Orthodox and honestly I would have to tell you that we are always the reactionary ones to the point of being childishly stubborn, rigorous and obstinate to the very extreme. I have almost never ever heard a Catholic say anything harshly against us but the Eastern Orthodox will hurl insults upon insults on the Catholic. Mostly the young men, the hot heads. On the other hand I have been to Athos twice, we had Catholics with us and they weren't treated very differently. Mind you, it's best to not have a T-shirt with the papal insignia on. In essence, if everybody just calms down and stop chasing our own tails we can all have a charitable discussion. In today's culture on the internet everything seems to be at war with something else. Crete 2016 made us look really bad because all could not show unity, not even sit down at the same table. That's a childish way for men to behave.
@REAL-uh1ti 3 күн бұрын
Am Ethiopian Catholic
@eliess3002 6 күн бұрын
I am Oriental Orthodox of Syria.
@newman2022 12 күн бұрын
Actually,this topic is very important Being coptic I always wonder why the split happened in the first place, It's merely because if you introduce philosophical terms trying to explain the Gospel instead of simplicity in the bible you will cause division Jesus Christ is son of God in flesh That's it
@wearelovedbyGOD 10 күн бұрын
5:13 there is something called Holy Spirit everyone know the truth . only one truth. if you say misunderstanding you are saying there is no holy spirit to guide . there is no misunderstand in language. GOD WOULD HAVE GIVEN THEM THE ability to talk in all the langue of the world if it was only that. when it come to truth
@edgar5814 16 күн бұрын
Reply to Net.God!
@aronyacob2065 15 күн бұрын
Why would he waste his time on that lying heretic
@7Zee790 8 күн бұрын
I heard boys of reason
@pikoujimbok 16 күн бұрын
Copt here, there are a couple errors here that ought to be addressed We NEVER believed physis meant person. it’s always meant nature, i.e. an individual instance of essence. a person is an identity or ‘mask’, and was not synonymous with hypostasis at the time of Ephesus and Chalcedon. the reason we reject Chalcedon is because the belief of 2 natures (kyana) and 1 person (parsopan), is nestorianism. not 2 persons. furthermore, the agreed statements between the OO and EO (the RC church wasnt involved at all) was meant as a REJECTION of Chalcedon, since it affirmed 1 nature in reality, with the distinction of 2 being in thought alone. the claim that the RC church isnt nestorian doesnt hold up at all, since Pope John Paul II made an agreement with Mar Dinkha IV of the Assyrian Church of the East (ACoE venerate Nestorius, Theodore of Mops, and Diodore and remain faithful to the christology they taught), and in this agreement he states that they are of one faith christologically. In the agreement he invokes the Holy Spirit as well, meaning that unless you’re a sedevacantist, this document is infallible. He also grants partial communion with the ACoE, which is still practiced today. Pushing for unity is fantastic, but unity cannot be achieved with disagreement. that’ll only cause more division later. christology cannot and will not be compromised. I pray the Roman Catholic church can return from error, and God bless. Here is the agreed document between RC and ACoE:
@tysongames2750 16 күн бұрын
Look brother, I'm a Copt too, and I get that, but that's not where this guy is going with this video. It was actually a very pro-Oriental video and one I think we should appreciate. At least it's a step in the right direction. I get your frustration, but we can't move towards unity if we only focus on what divides us 😕. God bless.
@pikoujimbok 16 күн бұрын
@@tysongames2750 it’s not pro-Orthodox. he mischaracterizes our position, mischaracterizes the position of the Assyrian Church of the East, all to push a false narrative that we share the same christology. Nothing is wrong with ecumenical dialogue, but no dialogue is going to be successful if we just ignore our differences. The christology of Ephesus, which has been preserved in the Oriental Orthodox Church, is not the same christology that was professed at Chalcedon, and that needs to be addressed.
@henokmarkos3124 16 күн бұрын
just to be clear the agreed statements were not meant to be a rejection of Chalcedon it was understanding that the reason for their schism was due to a language barrier between OO and EO and it is still very difficult to come to unity saying '' you guys were wrong before ''. how will the EO accept that please do your own research don't just say what feels right for you✌
@pikoujimbok 16 күн бұрын
@@henokmarkos3124 Second Agreed Statement of 1990: The Oriental Orthodox agree that the [Eastern] Orthodox are justified in their use of the two-natures formula, since they acknowledge that the distinction is "in thought alone". The Tome of Leo: Accordingly while the distinctness of both natures and substances was preserved, and both met in one Person … The faith we agreed to in 1990 was not the faith that was accepted at Chalcedon.
@xerxez-yt3846 11 күн бұрын
Very informative to read I usually see the Nestorian position get butchered and people then go on “so there’s 4 in the trinity?” And creates confusion without need. You should make video essays 🙏
@jwong5682 16 күн бұрын
if you're truly for reasoning, maybe you should listen to the rebuttal video of NeedGod. Dont be blinded from the truth. The Bible is word of God and is the Truth. Examine things not because of pride but with humbleness and a heart that seeks the truth.
@bishoyshinigami9422 5 күн бұрын
Coptic orthodox from egypt
@zenjm6496 6 күн бұрын
India did not have Orienta Orthodox back in the day. St Thomas Christians belonged to The Church of the East. Syriac Orthodoxy in India can be traced back to the schism after the arrival or the Portuguese. They established themselves probably in the 18th century.
@meina0614 4 күн бұрын
False. There’s evidence from at least the fifth century of them having contact with both Antioch and Alexandria.
@yenenehw 6 күн бұрын
-------------------------------------- 1/2 ---------------------------------------------- It is important to acknowledge that the EO Church at the Council of Chalcedon opted to adopted a new Christological formula introduced by Pope Leo of Rome. Consequently, the notion that the OO broke away from the Apostolic Church and need to go back is misleading. *_The EO cannot present any quote from a pre-Chalcedon Church father that advocates for the use of the concept of Two natures in Christ after the union._* In my forthcoming post, I'll provide evidence to illustrate the contrary perspective. I'll present a brief two-part response to address the above points. *✝THREE MAIN REASONS WE REJECT THE COUNCIL OF CHALCEDON (451AD):* ⛔Leo, the Bishop of Rome, stated in his Tome "Christ is two: God and man, the One astonished us with miracles and the other received disgrace and suffering": a Divine nature performing its functions and a human nature carrying out its role. The EO fathers deviated from the teachings of the pre-451 Church Fathers, such as St. Cyril the great, the two St. Gregories, St. Ephrem, St. Hilary,...etc., who advocated for the "One Nature of God the Word Incarnate" and instead, they accepted the Nestorian-like Tome of Leo and persisted to this day in Leo's Dyophysitism. St. Dioscorus, however, firmly rejected the Tome and remained steadfast in his adherence to St. Cyril's formulation of "One Nature of God the Incarnate Word." We’re aware that subsequent Ecumenical Councils of the EO later made amendments to the Tome of Leo, removing any Nestorian-like positions from it. This fact confirms, without dispute, that St. Dioscorus was correct in his stance. ⛔Theodoret of Cyrus and Ibas of Edessa had insulted St. Cyril of Alexandria by their deeds and writings and had supported Nestorius and his teaching, for which, they should have been characterized as and removed. But yet, they were accepted and were present at the Council without having renounced their Nestorian-like positions. ⛔St. Dioscorus of Alexandria, representing the OO Churches, made a request for the removal of the two heretics, namely Theodoret of Cyrus and Ibas of Edessa, from the Council. However, his request was denied, leading to his decision to abstain from further participation in the Council. Nevertheless, in the EO Church's Fifth Ecumenical Council held in 553 AD, the Christology of Theodoret of Cyrus and Ibas of Edessa was scrutinized, and their Nestorian-like and anti-St. Cyril writings were ultimately condemned. This indisputable fact confirms that St. Dioscorus was correct in his assessment during the 451 AD Council. Yet, it took the EO a millennium (102 years) to rectify the errors of the 451 AD Council and finally excommunicate the two. *✝THE NATURE OF THIS UNION:* The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church's 's Miaphysite faith is based on St. Cyril of Alexandria's formula “One Nature of God the Word Incarnate." To say this could not possibly mean or entail mingling, merger or anything of that kind, how could it? If we call the only-begotten Son of God become incarnate and made man ‘one’, that does not mean he has been ‘mingled’, as the EO suppose; the Word’s nature has not transferred to the nature of the flesh or that of the flesh to that of the Word-no, while each element was seen to persist in its particular natural character, mysteriously and inexpressibly unified he displayed to us one nature (but as I said, incarnate nature) of the Son. ‘One’ is a term applied properly not only to basic single elements but to such composite entities as man compounded of soul and body. Soul and body are different kinds of thing and are not mutually consubstantial; yet united they constitute man’s single nature (One nature) despite the fact that the difference in nature of the elements brought into unity is present in the composite condition. Christ's Divine nature is one with his human nature yet without mingling, confusion or alteration; a complete Hypostatic Union. Words are inadequate to describe this union. It was said, that without controversy, "Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh" (1 Tim. 3:16). Isn't it ironic that, the EO venerate St. Cyril while simultaneously dismissing his teaching on the "One Nature of God the Word Incarnate"? St. Cyril the Great taught us not to talk about two natures after their unity. So we can say that the Divine nature united hypostatically with the human nature within the Virgin's womb, but after this unity we do not ever speak again about two natures of Christ. *✝AN ANALOGY OF UNION BETWEEN IRON AND FIRE:* The concept of the union between iron and fire has been exemplified by both St. Cyril the Great and St. Dioscorus. When we consider ignited iron, we do not assert the existence of two separate natures, namely iron and fire; instead, we’re presented with one composite united nature describe as an ignited iron. Similarly, when we discuss the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Incarnate God, we do not employ the phrase "God and man." In the union of iron and fire, neither the iron transforms into fire nor the fire into iron. The two elements are united without any mixture, confusion, or alteration. Our intention is to emphasize that once the iron is ignited with fire, it retains all the properties of iron and all the properties of fire simultaneously. Similarly, the nature of the Incarnate Word is One Nature, encompassing both the Divine characteristics and the human attributes. *✝AN ANALOGY OF UNION BETWEEN THE SOUL AND THE BODY:* The example of the union between the soul and the body has been utilized by esteemed theologians such as St. Cyril, St. Augustine, and numerous ancient and contemporary scholars. In this analogy, the essence of the soul united with the physical earthly nature of the body, resulting in a single nature known as human nature (one nature). This united nature does not include the body alone nor the soul alone but both together are united without mixing, confusion, alteration or transmutation. *_Given our acceptance of the unity between the soul and the body within one nature, it raises a pertinent question: Why do we not embrace the unity of the Divine and the human into one Nature?_* It is worth highlighting that the one nature we refer to as human nature contained before the unity two Natures: the soul and the body. However, *_the EO, who assert the existence of two natures in Christ (divine and human), do not mention the two natures of Christ's humanity, namely the soul and the body, but rather consider them as one nature._* By acknowledging the union of the soul and the body within one nature in Christ and employing this expression theologically, it becomes more feasible to use the term "One Nature of Christ" or "One Nature of God the Incarnate Word," as taught by St. Cyril. Though man is comprised of these two natures, we never proclaim him to be two, but rather one. All of man's actions are attributed to this one nature, not to the soul alone or to the body alone. Thus, when we intend to convey that a certain individual ate, felt hunger, slept, or experienced pain, we do not say that it is his body which ate, or became hungry, or got tired or slept or felt pain. All man's acts are attributed to him as a whole and not only to his body or his soul. Similarly, all of Christ's actions were attributed to Him as a unified whole, not solely to His Divine nature or His human nature in isolation. *In my next post I'll quote pre-Chalcedon Church Fathers in support of the OO.*
@Orthodox_MKD 5 күн бұрын
@Beth-zalin 3 күн бұрын
Youre diplomatic with all respect. Christianity must hold on because times is hard now for all christians,,,, but you have to big wrongs,,,, 1. The kyrilos in the edgde heretic deckared nestor before him arriving in the meeting to defend hes standpoint. The roman church saw the assyrian (syriac) church to be to big and competetive ( we reached to japan) so they saw the oppurtunity to find a play with words to split our church ( nowdays syriac and assyrian church are divided in several ones)… the chatolic church are also responsible for the chaldeans split of the Assyrian church also,,,, so for the ones with open mind and intelligens this is not even a question to be discussed. 2. Later on the the persians and the romans used the assyrian populations that was divided in two different churches that was even used to wage war on eachother on each side of the border… this ignited a civil war among assyrians,,,so facts, this is not a mather of religion it was about breaking down the majority population to controllable size,,,, still today the vatican undermines the assyrian struggle and funds islamic fanatic groups like the kurds that are settled in assyrian lands…. Jessja 19: 23-25 is very clear,,, underminig assyria is like working for the devil
@the1allahprays2 16 күн бұрын
Didnt the copts just break off dialouge with Rome for blessing same sex unions?
@Songmyz 16 күн бұрын
Break off due to confusion. Priests can’t bless the union, only individuals.
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
@@Songmyz it’s not due to confusion. Individuals coming together to receive a union from a priest is not substantially different than the priest blessing the union. Additionally, why would such a statement even need to be made or written by the Pope since nobody has ever denied that a priest can bless a man who struggles with same sex attractions.
@ant9771 16 күн бұрын
Tower of babel
@davidm1536 4 күн бұрын
The EO's should lift the anathema on St. Dioscorus and apologise
@Yo0264 16 күн бұрын
For orientsls: God Son - Jesus 1 person 1 nature 1 will
@pdub69triniboy 16 күн бұрын
One nature is heresy. He was already one nature before his incarnation
@junicornplays980 14 күн бұрын
Believing in monothelitism (1 will) is rejected by both all of the churches including the Oriental Orthodox.
@EarlyChurchThought-rf6xy 16 күн бұрын
In Oriental Orthodoxy physis refers to hypostasis, not person. They don’t mean the same thing to us. In the Chalcedonian vocabulary physis (nature) refers to essence but even that word is also used differently between us. And there was no misunderstanding at Chalcedon. It redefined the faith of Ephesus, it’s that simple. That is why it’s anathematized according to Ephesus I Canon 7.
@mspme19 13 күн бұрын
Actually that's incorrect. The Syriac "parsopa" means person. The Syriac word for hypostasis is "qnuma" and for nature is "kyana". So physis in the oriental sense is person and not hypostasis. However, that was not the issue of the split. The split was due to the chalcedonian statement that Christ has two kyane (natures) rather than one nature where the divine and human natures are fully united
@EarlyChurchThought-rf6xy 12 күн бұрын
@@mspme19 I think you’re confusing Syriac and Greek because I’m not really seeing the relation in what you said. Physis is a very ambiguous word that can be used to mean different things but nobody in history has ever used it to mean person. That is why Nestorius when he said Christ is in two hypostases he’s actually saying He’s in two natures (physis) and not two persons.
@meina0614 4 күн бұрын
@@mspme19kyana and physis means an individuated essence. Physis does not mean parsopa/prosopon as this would imply Cyril believed in a prosopoic union.
@joelmillerurena7874 4 күн бұрын
Don't forget Assyria and Syriac
@RayBooM_ 16 күн бұрын
Needgod responded to your videos already on youtube. Hopefully you two can debate
@jwong5682 16 күн бұрын
I hope he listens to the truth from God (Scriptures), not just by NeedGod as a person. NeedGod is just an instrument to speak forth the truth which is the Bible.
@RayBooM_ 14 күн бұрын
@@jwong5682 Jesus gave us the church so it could be the normative authority here on earth. Without it, anyone can interpret the bible for themselves and it creates division just like it has with many different denominations. If individuals that are baptists, oness pentecostals, and mormons, all claim to interpret the bible because they have the holy spirit, they are wrong because they all contradict each other.
@jaymoret7418 15 күн бұрын
Thanks. So what does the Oriental Orthodox Church say is preventing re-unification? I'd imagine after this long apart, if Christology isn't the issue, it might be acknowledging the Pope as head of the Church. A reunion would be wonderful, for the Church and the world. They would probably become another Eastern Rite and maintain their liturgy, traditions, etc.
@Philosophy.T 14 күн бұрын
Sweet dreams you seem to have. 😅
@jaymoret7418 6 күн бұрын
@@Philosophy.T With God all things are possible.
@Philosophy.T 6 күн бұрын
@@jaymoret7418 well, there is no possibility of us acknowledging the Pope as infallible. We never did in history, and will never do so. The primacy of honour is all throughout the councils that is no issue. Infallibility, never. As for Christology, there is a difference, and Chalcedon for us is non-negotiably always rejected. Or we may press, why not accept Ephesus II? Why us to Chalcedon?
@jaymoret7418 6 күн бұрын
@@Philosophy.T I understand you have your reasons. I believe you think they're justifiable. It seems as though you've replaced your idea of papal infallibility with a different idea/form of infallibility that suits you and your church. I will refer you, and all Christians of good faith, to the Gospel of John. All "Christians" that talk of dis-unity with no intent of attempting re-unification seem to be going against Our Lord's wishes that we be one. This is why pride is the mother of all vices. But God can overcome this. It will take strong leadership on all sides and a desire to pursue Our Lord's wishes over ours. No talk of "winners" or "losers"...just Him. God Bless.
@Philosophy.T 6 күн бұрын
@@jaymoret7418 I am not against reunification at all. Rather I am in favour of it. But the problem is, there never was a time in our Syriac, Ethiopian, Coptic or any OO church that taught the infallibility of the Pope, thus the teaching isn't universal and we never acknowledged it, and for this reason alone (among other reasons) it doesn't apply to us to “submit to the Pope” So one thing if the Catholics don't want to contradict their dogma of the Pope is, they can say while the Pope in theory has all that, he can only exercise it in the RC's jurisdictions and leave the OO churches to their own exercise of their jurisdiction, thus without contradicting, having nominal infallibility, but only applicable to the RC jurisdictions in exercises. As for Christology, there is a real difference, the question is can we sort it out? Maybe, maybe not? God willing we may do so. I am not against a reunion, but I am against it if under the pretence of linguistics, as the video implied and many scholars did imply and even say explicitly all the time. And the other question is, for us since Ephesus II was before Chalcedon, and since we reject Chalcedon, and we accept Ephesus I and II, there is no possibility of us accepting the heretical Tome of Leo and Chalcedon, as all our theologians had said in the dialogues we had with RCC and EO. Even our previous St Pope Shenouda had said, that possibility is a closed case, no acceptance of Chalcedon. God bless.
@user-xh4ng1il6f 4 күн бұрын
We dont belive with composite one nature, one will, and also we dont belive Jesus is one persone from two persons . When u adress the theology take in mind this difrences as catholic dear voice of reason !
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
You need to take this video down. You have no clue what you’re talking about.
@gunshotlagoon922 16 күн бұрын
@@kidus_1010 All you do is whine and complain and slander with no arguments or explanations behind your anger. Is that why you made a KZfaq account?
@channeljan8529 15 күн бұрын
So I just watched NeedGod's response video and quite frankly I'm a little disappointed. A couple things: 2 Timothy 3:16 doesn't say that Scripture is all we need, all it describes is what Scripture is able to do for us. This is a very misleading attempt to indirectly prove Sola Scriptura as a Bibilical doctrine. As for 1 Timothy 4:3, you have to refer back to 1 Timothy 3:12 talking about deacons as husbands. Deacons in the Catholic Church can be married. Deacons, however, cannot marry after being ordained to the priesthood. Why? It's because Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:7-8 wishes for all to be single and unmarried like him, followed by 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 when he points out how unmarried men and women are anxious to please and give their holy undivided attention to the Lord, unlike those who are married and are attached to worldly things. These are why Catholic priests and nuns are called to celibacy in their service to the Lord. And this is just one of many instances of how Scripture and Tradition work together in tandem as the two pillars of the Church.
@mikeoxlong6351 6 күн бұрын
I dont agree with the unification of the Catholic church and Orthodoxy, I agree with the unification of both Oriental and Eastern Orthodoxy.
@ty_m02 6 күн бұрын
same here. im eastern Orthodox btw
@litafskatecrew4122 15 күн бұрын
Romans 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. We need to stop fighting over this nonsense and unite though Jesus Christ our Lord. Is Christ divided? We all need understanding. The only way is to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal you the truth. Its the only way.
@kashfox1050 15 күн бұрын
"New videos every week defending Catholic faith." Why hold on to religion, brother? Why faith in Catholic? Seek Jesus, surrender everything to Him, make Him your greatest. No one needs religion. What we need is to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
@TruthApologetics 15 күн бұрын
Jesus built a Church upon Peter (Matthew 16:18) Ask Jesus why he built his own Church
@mireaman1 3 күн бұрын
satan is always planting seeds of division
@Teddy-ke6xh 16 күн бұрын
I would love to reunite with my Catholic brethren in Rome too.. But this video is sadly Mistaken. It wasn’t just a language issue concerning the word “physis” You also got Monophyiste Christology wrong. And Miaphysite Christology and Dyaphysite Christology are vastly different. Let me address all these points 1: You said in the Video that Orientals condemn Monophysite Christology, we do however you said that Monophysite is just 1 nature. That is not what it means, Monophysite takes One of the Aspects of Jesus.. Whether that be his humanity or divinity and, it teaches that Jesus is Either Fully Man or Fully God not both, and in one nature. But we know Jesus is Fully Man and Fully God Simultaneously.. So that’s just false. Miaphysite Christology is vastly different, it teaches that The Son is both Fully God and Fully Man in ONE COMPOSITE NATURE, yes you heard me ONE NATURE. While Dyophyistism teaches that Jesus is Fully God and Man in 2 NATURES. So you see how it’s different Dyo teaches 2 natures, MIA teaches 1 natures of the Logos. The Orientals believe that splitting Christ into Two Natures is also Splitting Christ into Two persons and this wasn’t just a language barrier. 1: if it was a language barrier that’s just an insult on the Holy Spirit for His Ability To preserve our Church. 2: if it was simply a Language Barrier, we would’ve reunited a long time ago. 3: in reality it was: politics, Language, and Theological differences. St Dioscorus fought hard to keep the Faith of our forefounding Early Fathers who all taught one composite nature.. Athanasius, Severus, And Cyril… Ephesus Clearly Affirmed One Nature.. However POPE Leo was a Heretic. That is the Oriental View of things.. and if you have objections well I can give you the writings of the Church Fathers and The council decrees to back up my Claims. Finally, I’m going to be sending this link to an oriental server to see the Oriental Orthodox reactions.. To this video-and I’m telling you they will say this video definitely had some errors. God bless you.
@arucaneshurtugal1523 16 күн бұрын
If the dyophysite position is heretical, then how do you explain the 1988 Joint Statement on Christology signed by both the Catholic Church and the Coptic Orthodox Church? If your position is correct, that means that the Coptic Orthodox Church affirmed a heretical Christology.
@Teddy-ke6xh 16 күн бұрын
@@arucaneshurtugal1523 show me the documentation or something from this joint agreement that affirmed the doctrine of Miaphysite Christology to be synonymous with Dyophysite Christology. I promise you the Joint agreement was about something else.. or else we would reunite with the EO’s faster than the Catholics. No where does it say that the natures are the same. So we don’t believe in the Same thing.. we believe in the same aspects regarding to his humanity and divinity of Christ but not the same nature and until we can come into a resolution regarding that we will never reunite.
@dioscoros 16 күн бұрын
@@arucaneshurtugal1523 the Coptic Orthodox Church abandoned this agreement when the Roman Catholics turned around and agreed with the Assyrian Church of the East (classical Nestorians). The Pope of Alexandria who signed that, HH Pope Shenouda, had a more determined view of the fact that the Christologies are different toward the end of his service on Earth. The Coptic Orthodox refutation of Dyophysitism and the modern-day agreements is in "Christology and The Council of Chalcedon" by Father Shenouda Ishak, commissioned by the Pope of Alexandria.
@arucaneshurtugal1523 16 күн бұрын
@dioscoros Do you have an official statement of where the agreement was rejected? The most I can find online are statements that it is "threatened" by the 1994 joint statement with the Assyrian Church. Regardless, the 1994 statement confirms that "his divinity and his humanity are united in one person," which is clearly not the Nestorian heresy. There is nothing in the statement that should have cause the Copts to doubt that it was professing the same Christology that they had agreed to 6 years prior. In fact, it seems to me like the Copts rejected the Assyrian declaration that they held to "one person, two natures," which is the Chalcedonian formula (Chalcedon was later affirmed by the Assyrian Church) and is expressly affirmed in the 1994 statement, in favor of claiming that the Assyrians believed in a different "two persons" Christology and then imputed that Christology onto the Chalcedonian formula (which is, in fact, exactly what your explanation does by demanding that two natures means two persons). That's an illogical position. But you still haven't answered my question - if dyophysitism is a heresy, then surely you must condemn the Pope of Alexandria that signed that original 1988 joint statement right? As well as all the previous agreements from 1973 onwards. Even if they later changed their minds, you would have to hold that the entire Coptic Church cooperated with a heretical Christology for two decades.
@kidus_1010 16 күн бұрын
@@arucaneshurtugal1523 bro respectfully, you have no clue what you’re talking about. Any joint statement means absolutely nothing as it’s purpose is to merely proclaim what we already have in common. For example, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Catholics can sign an agreement stating that there is 1 God and 1 Christ but that wouldn’t mean that all of a sudden the Roman Catholic church agrees with Arianism.
@lindaglendenning3896 2 күн бұрын
@lindaglendenning3896 2 күн бұрын
@Hgcc-ec3on 6 күн бұрын
Following you from Egypt christian Egyptian my roots are pharaohs not those who immigrate from Saudi Arabia 🤣☦️☦️❤️❤️❤️🇮🇱🇪🇬
@candecar000 16 күн бұрын
This guy got destroyed by NeedGod check out the video he responded
@Xanax55 15 күн бұрын
Don't be disrespectful brother, we are all Christians here.
@aronyacob2065 15 күн бұрын
Shut up heretic.
@okj9060 16 күн бұрын
Needgoddotnet responded to you 🥴
@Sixpenny2480 16 күн бұрын
His response was really poor. He's saying things like Baptism is a work. Making it seem optional.
@arshadmediadotcom 7 күн бұрын
spoke 9.31 minutes of nothing
@soslab5246 16 күн бұрын
I am from Ethiopia Orthodox and i like you content, i get more knowledge about Catholic and protestant from you, God bless you....
@Tvkampen070 15 күн бұрын
Thats nice brother but protestants teaches some wrong things so stay within the church that came from yhe Apostles the Orthodox and Catholic church
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