What happened to Worlds Adrift?

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Worlds adrift was a great and ambitious massive open world RPG where players could create their own airships, fight creatures and other players, explore floating islands, ruined temples & more!
In late 2018, Bossa Studios announced the End of Worlds Adrift. Let's take a look why exactly the game failed and what it was like to play it!
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Thumbnail by: noctalosis.carrd.co/
- Worlds Adrift OST Soundtrack - Worlds Adrift
- Worlds Adrift OST Soundtrack - Take To The Skie
Music by Epidemicsound (www.epidemicsound.com):
- Civilization Meltdown - Eoin Mantell
- OUTRO: Let's Bounce - Gavin Luke
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@twentypandora96 3 жыл бұрын
Being a veteran of this game, and a founder of worlds adrift, I couldn't stop crying during the final event that shut down the game... that sky whale was amazing, so I really hope that voids adrift is enough to get bossa to bring Worlds Adrift back...
@cailco100 3 жыл бұрын
I hope so too. Almost had a few of my own created islands placed into the game. One of which I think did make the cut but might have been a little...complex to be implemented at the time. If you search up Worlds Adrift - Islands Spotlight - April 2017 and look for the thumbnail that has the cracked head my island is the last one that be shown. Had a few more that didn't get as many views
@krymsun3134 3 жыл бұрын
Sky whale? They released the sky whale?
@Aci_yt 3 жыл бұрын
The sky whale was in the end of the world community event :)
@REMAG_NORI 2 жыл бұрын
Have faith brother
@Ghawl30 2 жыл бұрын
dito cryng thingking abut it :'(
@robertwells9903 3 жыл бұрын
Well this opened old wounds and now im going to be depressed the rest of the day...
@Viirrvill 3 жыл бұрын
Same, Bröther. same....
@Glub009 3 жыл бұрын
@@Viirrvill Wöw, Ï rëälly fëël yöü.
@permanentlydisappointed6594 3 жыл бұрын
I downloaded all the chill WA music, added them all together and play it if I need to chill.
@dingyweasel233 3 жыл бұрын
Welp. My heart just died.... again
@peza. 3 жыл бұрын
''I'm 14 and i'm dead inside''
@shadeshrike4205 3 жыл бұрын
I never got an advertisement for this game. Real shame, I would of enjoyed this
@jean-lucpicard581 3 жыл бұрын
One thing he didnt mention was that the game looked like a super cute exploration game, but under the hood it was a super brutal, full-loot pvp game without ANY safe zones. THIS was an aspect that pissed many players off that came to the game, lured by those cuddly graphics, building for hours on their first ship and then get sunk by a bunch of T4 pirates - only to find out that EVERYTHING was gone and they had to start over again. I fell in love with this game just because of that. I am normally not a hardcore pvp player - but this world and its persistency and not having instances, was just absolutely great. It forced you to THINK and learn the whole geography of the world, making safe and hidden caches etc. My god I miss this game so much!
@KoryLunaa 2 жыл бұрын
@@jean-lucpicard581 Man, I wish game devs would take marketing a game much more seriously, this game just had so much potential to just be left dead because it didn't have enough players
@esoel 2 жыл бұрын
@@jean-lucpicard581 They eventually made a PVE server but it was too late. Before that they used to answer reviews that complained about the ganking with a player written guide on how to be ganked and give away all you own to maybe hopefully save your ship. To everyone here that misses the game and has spent time ganking low level players: *you did this to yourself*.
@jean-lucpicard581 2 жыл бұрын
@@esoel I never ganked low level players. We sometimes trolled them in fun ways - but I never griefed them. The PvE server was stupid and a mistake. They never planned for it to be PvE - but they marketed the game completely in a wrong way bec. they themselves first didn't understand their own game and how people played it. Maybe they should have made some T1 zones as safe zones for new players to learn the game in peace. But that should have been the maximum. They marketed the game to the wrong audience, who then ended as cannon fodders for the trigger-happy pvp folks. If they would have been clear about what the game is about in their early marketing vids - those folks would have not even bought it to begin with.
@esoel 2 жыл бұрын
@@jean-lucpicard581 Well there were people happy to _pay_ to just explore and build ships (and not lose progress). Since they closed down because they didn't have enough players ( enough money ) I would say they should have done the PVE server a lot earlier, and retain more people. I don't understand why PVP folks get always so upset about PVE servers. If you want a challenging and interesting combat it doesn't make sense to play with people that are not interested in combat. If you want people to slaughter and gank then that's the only explanation I can see for not wanting a PVE server. My 2c.
@benisommer3176 3 жыл бұрын
I liked this game so much more than Sea Of Thieves because of the progression and that you could actually upgrade your ship... So sad it's gone
@sondrestrand1338 2 жыл бұрын
THIS. I was so hyped for SoT. But a game with absolutely no progression? No thanks, not for me. Worlds adrift on the other hand, couple hundred hours, loved it. I loved the custom ship building.. I built a tank with internal engines.. and it just worked, haha omigod
@benisommer3176 2 жыл бұрын
@@sondrestrand1338 same, I had so much fun searching for better engines and guns and upgrading the materials of my ship
@086009970611 2 жыл бұрын
Same we could even design how it look and each room every piece of it. We build by our own, I was so disappointed with Sea of Thieves when I know that I can't build my own ship like this.
@ruthgar9753 2 жыл бұрын
@@sondrestrand1338 Agreed, my crew and I (about 12 of us) built a few well, call them battle cruisers for relatively fast but armored battle(40-45 speed max, could be run and fought with 1-2 ppl) and one slow but heavily armored battleship(about 25-30 max speed and needed at least 5 to operate and fight effectively) that we go out and have fun with gathering resources, blueprints, knowledge, and go pirate hunting. Many a time other players would fire at us thinking we were pirates, but most would cease when we shouted a warning at them to stop firing, though there were a few that did not listen and were sunk to the depths. We met many a player building/rebuilding a new ship and gave them some of our extra materials to both help them out with the gathering grind, and free up our storage for better materials (we'd often be giving them T5-6 materials or better). Those were the days, and I miss them so. These past two years would have been so much better even just taking a simple sail ship on a voyage between the T1 islands and just looked around at the skies while doing so. :(
@michaelweston409 Жыл бұрын
Progression is a must
@henryatkinson1479 2 жыл бұрын
What killed this game was a company unwilling to support the dev team that was actually pretty dedicated to it. The game was incredibly fun, and the playerbase was fantastic. There was some talk from the devteam about making it open source so people could either run servers, or the community could try and get a pseudo-official server back up, but Bossa was unwilling to let the IP go even though they were doing nothing with it. Honestly the whole shutdown process was a huge mess. Originally there was going to be no sort of compensation. For early backers (such as myself), who had dropped 60+ USD on the game, it was absurd. What we got in return was copies of their other, totally mediocre and disinteresting games. Obviously a refund would have been absurd, but I'd MUCH rather have gotten a release of the sourcecode (even if it came with 0 support).
@taddik6869 Жыл бұрын
yea a copy of I Am Bread and Surgeon Sim, I feel cheated
@amCarrots Жыл бұрын
man wtf, i didnt even get a copy of their other games!
@thegoldenatlas753 5 ай бұрын
It wasn't even bossa's fault. They were trapped. They had used the SpatialOS for the game and infrastructure and the licensing made it impossible for them to release it to publicly use, the company behind the SpatialOS killed it and bossa couldn't do anything about it. Now though they have a team reviving the game in the unity game engine, Lost Skies. Same setting and feel just different story and its player hosted coop instead of mmo. It'll become what WA couldn't.
@gamingoli123 3 жыл бұрын
I got one of the founder packs back in the day, world's adrift gave me so many adventures I really miss it
@datpotatoes4005 3 жыл бұрын
I just wanted to say.. your profile picture reminds of Starbounds Novakid race
@jean-lucpicard581 3 жыл бұрын
The constant thrill and adrenalin rush when you heard engines in the distance... omg I miss it!
@hikaeda5102 3 жыл бұрын
That feeling of barely making it through a sand wall only to finally make it with your crew, good times
@gamingoli123 3 жыл бұрын
@@datpotatoes4005 oh yeah that's what it's supposed to be I drew it a while back
@eddiemarohl5789 3 жыл бұрын
@@datpotatoes4005 yay starbound fans!
@krolltheknight 3 жыл бұрын
If I ever get rich Im buying the rights to this game. It was plagued by Pirates tho which was a lot of fun but could be annoying. Really really good roleplaying too. Best times Ive ever had in a video game since. Meeting a stranger on an island was always an experience whether they were hostile or not. A guy role playing as Santa Clause saved me a and friend I met from our ship getting stolen by distracting the pirates. I almost cried because of how genuine the interactions were. Santa even built a tiny ship that looked like a sleigh. This game had more potential than any other on the market.
@robertwells9903 3 жыл бұрын
I was the guy who built a big ship full of box that were in turn full of resources and I'd travel from island to island trading them. Only had 2 instances of pirates luckily but they were the most intense nail bitting experiences of my life. My most proud moment was killing a pair of pirates that managed to grapple to my vessel while their buddy rushed back to their ship to give chase. I set the shit to full speed away, and shot one. The other grappled to my mast and was repeatedly killing me as he spun around and around, but since my respanw pad was still around I managed to respawn, find an atlas shard in my mess of shit and then shoved it into my generator and set the guy soaring into the abyss. Their ship gave chase and I turned to a storm wall and shot at them as I stuggled to keep my ship on course. Then by the grace of Thor a bolt of lightning struck them and killed most of their engines allowing me to outrun them as they were left struggling to repair. Though my favorite was the ship building, expirimenting with different designs and stuff. Met a guy who had a Tiefighter, another who had a ship shaped like an arrow with sails as the fletching. Must have dumped days into making all kinds of weird stuff. Man I'll miss that game something fierce
@krolltheknight 3 жыл бұрын
@@robertwells9903 Now that’s a friggin chase man! I loved fighting pirates. It was such a genuine experience that can’t be replicated. Gotta support Voids Adrift. Because they are trying. Who knows maybe we can crew up once it launches.
@danimation1277 3 жыл бұрын
I got lucky and never ran into any pirates, once a guy even helped me by giving me blueprints.
@Nathanity 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly the games coding is interwoven with another companies' software, without the software, the game basically cannot exist, that's why it would basically be impossible to purchase the game and make it playable again.
@ruthgar9753 2 жыл бұрын
@@krolltheknight My crew and I were pirate hunters, had a few fast chasers and a heavy slow battleship. Those were fun times
@checht69 2 жыл бұрын
It was such a unique experience and I can say it was by far my favorite game of all time. I went from discovering the game by chance when I was looking for a new mmo back in 2015, played closed alpha and did some mild streaming there, got into a group with the idea of being the bad guys later on in EA, learned what large scale fleet battles were about, and had the time of my life sailing the skies in a Shark Boat.
@Sonacnights 2 жыл бұрын
What sucks is that if this game released today with a simple 4-player co-op mode rather than an mmo style set-up and with some more enemies to fight, it'd be successful. Reading comments on the steam page for the island creator, seeing how much games like Raft have taken off after it's 1.0 update dropped, Grounded right around the corner. This game would blow up today.
@geggiis Жыл бұрын
This this this. It's almost always the MMO/PvP elements that detract a lot of gamers. I'm happy either way because I loved Sea of Thieves and Guns of Icarus Online but I was (and still am) gutted that Worlds Adrift was canned, especially now seeing how popular that genre is.
@frogmouth07 Жыл бұрын
Check out Lost Skies. Its being developed by the same team that made Worlds Adrift and is pretty much going to be exactly what you described
@Grap3Juic3B0x Жыл бұрын
Lucky for you theyre re releasing it and it’s called lost skies on steam
@thegoldenatlas753 5 ай бұрын
Boy do i have news for you.
@Sonacnights 5 ай бұрын
@thegoldenatlas753 Lost Skies right? Lol, the other comments got me like half a year ago, no worries there.
@jase9319 3 жыл бұрын
I own this game. I refuse to uninstall it because I don't want it to leave. I never got to play more than an hour of it because my computer wasn't powerful enough. If Voids Adrift becomes a reality, I will support the developers as much as I can afford. Thank you to Worlds Adrift for the short time we had together.
@mythburger5986 3 жыл бұрын
Good news... There already in early test phase
@jase9319 3 жыл бұрын
@@mythburger5986 I know, I grabbed a key last time they were giving them out.
@prk_kerix 3 жыл бұрын
i would love to play it
@Cultist_Mono 3 жыл бұрын
Me to, it looks so good but well... It got shut down
@ryuudrako86 3 жыл бұрын
I played it during it's hayday. It was fun, but then you ran out of things to do quickly. It was cool running into other players and bypassing the storm walls though.... Truly unique game that needed more content. Grappling hook was physics and momentum based, to the point where you could fly a great distance. Ship making was a little jank, but damn could you make cool stuff. Crew and I made battle ships that were tactically able to stand against things i would only begin to describe as interstellar rockets. You could board ships and take out respawn pads, and take someone's ship and loot them. Sad the game died, but it was quick to see everything.
@Beankoi 3 жыл бұрын
@twentypandora96 3 жыл бұрын
The trading community was honestly insane, especially the clan system, the three biggest being Join or Die (Look up halfblood on YT, he's the leader and a very cool dude) Alterra, and the Borq.
@mythburger5986 3 жыл бұрын
Good thing voids adrift is in it's early test phase
@noipocopaczy 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for breaking my heart again... I thought I already grieved enough the shutting of the servers.
@finshootme 3 жыл бұрын
I never loved a game as much i loved this.. 25 years of gaming and they broke my heart.. GOD DAMN.. Pring this back!
@EarthScienceEnjoyer 2 жыл бұрын
i remember being so hyped during the pre release, A classmate told me about this upcomming game. just made a clan and fucked around on the forums. Once the island creator finally released i jumped into that day one. Most islands were pretty shit back then so my creation reached the top page for a while. Me and some other guy also figured out how to share assets between our island creators, i remember making a thread about that on the forums lmao. Back then we were the first to find out how to do that. Stuff felt cool as hell.Its super cool when you feel like you can contribute to the game you enjoy. I think some people started sharing custom groups as assets after that. They might have added it as a supported functionality after i quit the game but idk. Last time i played it was 2016. ended up never buying the game because during the alpha i realized that the gameplay was not really there. It seemed like the game was so far away from having fun gameplay. also my pc couldnt handle the alpha at all. and I started college the next year :(. 4-8 hours of math homework each day after school really messed with my gaming time.
@Dumb-Comment 3 жыл бұрын
I am an island creator for the game, I've made 5 islands in total and 4 of them got into the game, the reason was one of them was lagging the server. It was so nice to be able to bring such awe-inspiring islands to the players, it's such a memorable experience. Although some hated them for being so huge, at least players were able to gather together and hosted a farewell party for the game and took a screenshot with the word "BYE" on a floating board.
@justarcheo 3 жыл бұрын
The game looks super fun! Shame it had to go. Reminds me of a another super fun game: Sky Noon. That one is also really underrated. Also I love this new type of content!
@emersonmeadows2896 3 жыл бұрын
This hit hard, worlds adrift was one of my all time favorite games and i remember playing it with my dad when it was released, I was so sad to see it go and i hope one day, some developer decides to open up that hardrive on their computer at Bossa studios (I know its there somewhere) and relaunches the game.
@frogmouth07 Жыл бұрын
Check out Lost Skies. Its basically singleplayer/co-op Worlds Adrift remake being developed by the OG worlds adrift team at Bossa
@Sealdrop 3 жыл бұрын
best game ever!
@pizazi3697 Жыл бұрын
Bro I can’t believe I never heard about this game. It looks so amazing. It sucks that it’s ended.
@Sealdrop 3 жыл бұрын
who's cutting onions
@Surger. 3 жыл бұрын
@Beetless 3 жыл бұрын
@Joseph-rs1rx 3 жыл бұрын
Watched it again and damn. No videos or explanations can truly give this game justice. It's a mmo in it's truest form. All islands are real people's ideas. Hand crafted. All people you meet in game. Real people. You can walk up to someone and talk to them through local proximity chat. Animals. Although not optimized and dream forgotten for performance reasons. Were meant to be functioning ecosystems with feeding, aging, and breeding. You used to be able to. With a extreme amount of dedication. Clear multiple islands or maybe even an entire zone from a species for awhile. The community in this game was absolutely amazing. The developers offered no cheat sheet. People independently studied a materiels properties and how they effected different ship components very precisely. To the point where they can calculate the results of certain items before a ship was even built. Every dedicated player knew the basics of these sheets by heart. Like how to get the best lift out of a sky core. And all of them kept the links and cheat sheets. Then there was the islands and zones. There were a number of community made maps dispersed throughout the game community through steam, discord, and most amazingly; word of mouth from the people you'd meet working on their ships in game. Seeing it was such an amazing vibe. Once each wipes map was mapped. There were very clear hit spots discovered. Some servers had their own trading outposts where people liked to essentially set up shop. Some places were very common spots to simply hang out. People would bring pub inspired ships. Or giant ships with logos or that are essentially flying homes to events. I'm getting off topic. But experiences like that makes it feel a lot more than just a game. The world had worth. The world lead to so many memories and friendships. Each player and ship had a story. Each person you interacted with positive or negatively. Had a really real effect on people. It certainly gets it's tile for being a mmo. Likely the best one I'll ever play. If you're looking for similar vibes. My current suggestion is the game called Starbase. Almost completely different theme. But has some similarities in terms of being a social massively multiplayer game with a huge scale. Beautiful scenery. Amazing soundtrack that fits perfectly. Ship building. And a similar very respectful progression grind. That's completely different then most mmos.
@USER_S4V4NT 3 жыл бұрын
i feel like the concept of this game can be refined into something amazing because their was no other game like it
@brtko_marek Жыл бұрын
no other game gave me so much freedom and crativity as worlds adrift. I loved thinking of new ways to build a ship, mastering materials, everything, even finding rare gear to look cool. meeting random people, pirates, geting destroyed. starting again with a blank sleeve, but better :) or hitting a JACKPOT when finding a long overlooked chest full of stuf or findig som elegendary engine! :D man i loved this game. My heart still aches that its gone. This would be my lifelong game love. I really hope and pray, that maybe one day will someone pick it up. and bring it back even better as it was. the athmosphere was surreal. the vertigo i got from ingame jumping arround or falling thruu an island felt crazy :) and... i was there... at the end, with all of the poeple, watching the leviathan appear for the first time. I was there, when all the island sunk below the mist. i was there and i was sad but happy i could enjoy this game.
@frogmouth07 Жыл бұрын
The Worlds Adrift devs are currently developing a remake called Lost Skies. There is yet hope
@jamesforgie6594 11 ай бұрын
I only found out Worlds Adrift was a thing about a month after it was shut down... I was really quite devastated, it looked like a lot of fun.
@thegoldenatlas753 5 ай бұрын
Lost Skies my friend. Worlds Adrift lives on in Lost Skies. Bossa making it happen.
@zcar123 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely loved this game while it lasted; I had so many fond memories on it. I can hope, maybe one day, that it’s revived in some form or another.
@gannoncraw7151 3 жыл бұрын
You may be surprised
@mythburger5986 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah skip to 5:50
@allseeingeye3182 3 жыл бұрын
It's so sad to see something as cool as this get shut down
@lorm_ 2 жыл бұрын
I had world's adrift back when I was using a shitty Toshiba satellite laptop. It barely ran the game, but I still absolutely loved it. The game shut down a few months before I got my first actual PC, so I never experienced the game to its fullest potential. I hope to see a return, but I know it won't happen. The game might be dead, but it's spirit will live on in our hearts.
@the_steamtrain1642 3 жыл бұрын
When I first heard about voids I was exited, but now I’m kinda disappointed. They mainly just write stories last time I checked and the thing is, Dani literally made a 10 minute tutorial of how to make a grappling hook 3 years ago, grappling hooks aren’t the hardest thing in the world
@nickizanewb8433 2 жыл бұрын
I wanted to try out worlds adrift, but since I can't, instead I checked out voids adrift... it looks a bit cheap
@rafu9248 Жыл бұрын
Had so much fun with my crew on this game (Green Pearl) and also with Anne defending her against other pirates
@zoe_cookieyt9093 3 жыл бұрын
As another player of worlds of adrift I agree it had so much potential but they let it die which makes me upset that it did. I am now having sad vibes!
@CaspianT 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness, now I want the game back even more! Thanks Aci, now I'm sad! No seriously, thanks, I think I needed to be reminded of the game and the fond memories I have of it! Worlds Adrift actually was what I imagine to be the perfect game, despite my internet not allowing serious Worlds Adrift gameplay. For me if a game has clunky or janky movement, the entire game would feel terrible, but the movement in Worlds Adrift felt good, it felt natural! The sense of scale was also incredible, just by standing in awe of the size of a storm wall! The community was also great, and I think it might have been better than Deep Rock Galactic's current community, which is saying a lot! Two people (Bliznarn and Cakey were their usernames!) gave me a glider at my starting island! Someone gave me a ride to a larger island! Someone helped me build a ship for 30 to 40 minutes! I was one of the many people who purchased the Captain's Founder's Pack, and I honestly don't regret purchasing it. Of course I did flaunt the exclusive sail, flag, scarf, and such whenever possible! My name is actually in the "Founding Captains" part of the website! Not trying to toot my own horn, though. I think I might have even met IGP in-game! I can't prove it as it wasn't something he recorded and I didn't get a screenshot, but I swear I did! One of my fondest memories is when two people hijacked my ship, and while the ship really had nothing of value and was ugly, it still mattered to me! Honestly the combat was fantastic, even though there was only one hand-held weapon. (not counting time bombs) I feel like I would have enjoyed the game a lot more at my current age compared to how I was 2 years ago.
@Frogboyaidan 3 жыл бұрын
i rember this game never played but I always wanted to .
@Csp499 Жыл бұрын
Played it extensively in its early days. There was actually a short story I wrote about an experience I had in the game (in which I spent 30 minutes enacting a hairbrained revenge scheme against the wrong crew and was rightfully executed by an innocent skipper) that the devs printed onto a poster and displayed at their booth at some event. Unfortunately, all I have left of it is a photo of the poster; was titled "The Saga of Blast Hardcheese: Misadventures in Petty Revenge" (I think) if any people are better at recovering stuff than I am.
@traveler-vii 2 жыл бұрын
Man, one of the main reasons I was intending to finally get a PC was Worlds Adrift, so you can imagine my pain when the game shut down only a couple months before I got it.
@alejandrozapataq 3 жыл бұрын
actually the best comparison with this game is windforge, windforge is basically the same game but in 2d and older
@DancingCrickets04 3 жыл бұрын
Nice video man, it was fun to watch. Also, Community Tab Squad let's go!
@zachabsher8546 3 жыл бұрын
The first time you got a shitty little sky raft to lift off and go to another island was such an amazing experience
@adamdrexler Жыл бұрын
I miss this game so much! I spent hours just exploring, checking out islands, and running into other player was always a unique and funny encounter
@argophontes 3 жыл бұрын
Even as rough as it sometimes was, this was one of my favorite games of all time. It was sooo good.
@Belgar 2 жыл бұрын
I miss this game so much, the only other game that scratched the itch a bit was Sea of Thieves, but even that hasn't come close to satisfying the need Worlds Adrift used to satisfy. I love the MMO aspect but the gameplay was so fun I wish they had worked on a singleplayer survival kind of thing, just so that we could still play the damn game.
@Tatchkoma 2 жыл бұрын
Very happy to see some appreciate for this jewel of a game. I played quite a lot of Worlds Adrift, my main account was over 2500 hours and I had 6 accounts total. It was useful to be able to 'store' multiple ships and loot and I felt happy about supporting the project. I will always remember my boys in the Beaver Dam. Obviously a project bleeding money like would be a driving factor in it being shut down. However I do think there were some things about what led to it shut down that are worth mentioning. WA was an in-developement game being built on an in-developement engine, it started out well but over time performance got worse and worse and i do believe the is the main reason it failed to gain traction. The game was not able to be moved to later versions of the engine without massive amounts of work. Although the game was losing money it was imperative to get the game running smoothly before they could truly advertise and populate the worlds beyond its small but enamored community. After the 4th major update performance took a critical hit and did not improve. Near the end any sort of combat between two ships led to unplayable lag, but in the beginning we had massive multi-ship battles with, compared to the 'end days', really had minimal issues.
@HASHEN_F0X Жыл бұрын
I remember the hype for this game when it first entered early access; so disappointed that it never took off, it had such crazy potential especially with the mechanic of upgrading your ship. I would be obsessing over this game if they actually went through with it, hopefully someone can rework the idea into something truly spectacular in the future. I seriously think this could have been as big as minecraft with enough content; so sad they had to shut it down in its infancy.
@frogmouth07 Жыл бұрын
Bossa is currently developing a remake called Lost Skies
@vizthex Жыл бұрын
god, i miss this game.... it was the gold standard for MMOs imo. no bullshit level grinding or constant expansions, just you, the players, and the world.
@SalmaS95 3 жыл бұрын
Ahh...the nostalgia hit back with full force. I wanna cry now!! TT_TT
@REMAG_NORI 3 жыл бұрын
I played the game and in memory of it my discord status is forever set to Worlds adrift veteran
@imfromaustria9327 2 жыл бұрын
I saw a ton of videos about building ships, exploring, cool air battles... But actually it was logging in, people following you until you have a lot of resources, kill you and rob everything. After several attempts I managed to survive and build a ship. But air battles were several people hooking stealthy onto your ship, dismantling your respawn point and kill you. It was a paradise for ganking, grief and noob bashing. There wasn't a day going by new players addressing this issue and all they heard it's supposed to be like that. Suprise the game died out. New players didn't enjoy it, because it was nothing like the videos with building, exploration and ships shooting each other. It was teams shooting you as soon as you got near an island and steal your stuff and ship. With nobody to harass the older players also died out.
@terasgamer9097 2 жыл бұрын
For me, I only ever found another person once. We sailed the skies and had a wonderful time. I never saw them again.
@anonemouse1434 Жыл бұрын
Basically my experience every time I tried to enjoy the game.
@aka-47k 22 күн бұрын
yeah funny how this video doesnt adress the real reason why this game died: assymetrical pvp, there is a reason why in pvp games each team size and ressources are equal at start of match and why matches reset pretty quickly, because if you allow ressource hog this will snowball into all new players leave and old players leave too cause they find no victims.
@Aci_yt 21 күн бұрын
@aka-47k asymmetrical games are a thing.
@aka-47k 21 күн бұрын
@@Aci_yt yes and then they fail and die and shut down.
@puppetdragon9145 3 жыл бұрын
anyone just come back to say goodbye ...feels bad
@voodookitten7718 3 жыл бұрын
If I ever get into game development I would definitely make a game featuring team-vs-team battles on giant Laputa-style airships.
@F0KZ 3 жыл бұрын
Got the pioneer edition of the game as soon as it came out, still one of my all-time favorites. God I miss this game so much
@DawnbreakerDivinations 3 жыл бұрын
Goddamn this was a piece of art
@chogchey3473 2 жыл бұрын
I first got into worlds adrift from the Shadowfrax video, and I loved every second I played. I wish Bossa would allow people to pay them to server host for them.
@ectoplazmatic2683 2 жыл бұрын
i saw this when it came out but i was 14 at the time nor did i have a strong enough computer but the game was, and i cannot stress this enough, *EVERYTHING* i was looking for in a game, as in: crafting system, different benefits of resources instead of just being direct upgrades from one another, completely customizable ships and not being stuck to grid systems, mmo, space related, pvp and pve, open world, so on and so forth. so after i saw this game i imediatly fell in love, so i started saving. as soon as i was close to saving enough for a better pc and the game, it closed its servers and i was heart broken that i never got to play my perfect game. but now that im seeing voids adrift is a thing, im glad ive still got that better pc (average now lol) to follow its journey now, and maybe even do concept art of my own for it seeing as im a decent artist now
@anotherperson2627 2 жыл бұрын
Me and my friend still bring this game up every so often. Nothing quite scratches that itch for us yet.
@Nova_Avali 3 жыл бұрын
I remember loving igp playing it but then it did just disappear
@Aci_yt 3 жыл бұрын
+CHUKM please don't say that, even as a joke.
@itsmie11 3 жыл бұрын
@@chukm7128 i already joined brother
@the_steamtrain1642 3 жыл бұрын
I think he said in multiple videos that it took very long to make the video’s, why make worlds adrift vids when you can make a vid that takes half the time to edit and record and gets way more views. You can try to keep it up but at some point you have to give up
@chukm7128 3 жыл бұрын
@@Aci_yt right i have slighty shifted my View, and im only hating on those who raid our servers
@josemanuelgajardoandia6133 2 жыл бұрын
many times it happens that some project does not achieve it but puts the seeds of others who will return it
@TheHadjiro 3 жыл бұрын
Can we get the worlds adrift community to start a petition to Bossa Studios to bring this game back. This was without a doubt the best gaming experience I have had since Minecraft released when I was a kid. I haven't met a single person who played world's adrift that doesn't miss it and wishes we could still play😪😪 miss you worlds adrift
@cailco100 3 жыл бұрын
The main reason we didn't manage to get access to host our own servers was due to the propriety server engine and physics engine they were using. The community even offered to help fixes some of the bugs for free but that was a no-go due to Bossa having to release their source code and in-game Dev that is a no-no if you don't want another game company to try and outflank you with it.
@Irres169 2 жыл бұрын
I loved this game, played it from Alpha till close. Thanks for the Voids Adrift discord.
@CappeSun 2 жыл бұрын
Another important reason was licensed software, which was not only very expensive, but prevented private servers after the shutdown
@Cheshire_Katzen 3 жыл бұрын
I just realized that this video came out the day after my birthday. XD I miss this game usually weekly when I pass my eyesight over the discord server. This game hit so many amazing notes and feeling and there has been nothing like it since. It was the game I never knew I so desperately wanted until I was given a copy. I pray that this game will be given another chance so that I can climb the tallest building to sing praise of it once more.
@benjamineholt1 3 жыл бұрын
I started to play Worlds Adrift on my laptop and i lost count of how many hours i had on the game. I remember I hadn't played the game in a long time and about the time i was looking to get a pc again the game had just announced the End was coming. I didnt get to play it after that but the way they had all of the different environments divided off by the storms made it soooooo fun. Maybe one day we can all ride the skies again.
@Ty-bz7zx Жыл бұрын
You got your wish... LOST SKIES.
@gameboycolor47 2 жыл бұрын
only got to play for one glorious 4 hour session. it took me and my group the entire session to build a... mostly functioning boat. It was a perfect example of "Ape together strong" getting that thing working. wish the game was still around. Also the grapple hook is the best grapple hook put into any game. you could get yourself killed a lot but MAN when you get a string of great swings or just successfully hanging off the side of a cliff with that thing it felt SO GOOD. I hope Voids Adrift works out
@BusBusII 2 жыл бұрын
I sure had some good times in this game, and made alot of friends. It really is a shame that its gone...
@haydenmoore6583 3 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@MercenaryZack Жыл бұрын
I always had my eyes on this game, but never tried it due to reviews that wrote that there was serious pirate clan problems, and I usually enjoy solo gameplay styles I knew I would not stand a chance. Regardless, the world, style and feel of the game that I saw in videos kept bringing my attention back to it. When I finally got around to wanting to try the game, it wad no longer there. I never thought such a game would cease to exist, just seemed to unique for that to happen. I really hope it can be resurrected, so many, limitless possibilities to bring this game towards.
@YourSaddestDeer Жыл бұрын
I used to roam around on my silly boat meeting players and trading in clothes, I would also play them a nice little tune using the ingame guitar system and they often gave me stuff in exchange for some entertainment. I miss this game so much, wish it'd come back...
@086009970611 2 жыл бұрын
I really love a game like this, survival that allow player to design and build their own ship or vehicle then we can live in it. I bored of build a house or base and stick in one place. Me and my friends made it through the sand storm in world adrift with our flying house almost get destroy. We cover all our window even at the cockpit room and left only one window for me which I am the pilot and I can only watch at compass height level and only front window. When we finally made it out from sandstorm, we were so happy. I really miss world adrift please make more game like this.
@bsquidismeplayz8432 2 жыл бұрын
i remember i met 2 russian guys and we went around together and we all crossed the wind wall and were so happy
@moonlite3896 Жыл бұрын
I never even got to play this game. I watched a youtuber play it and was looking forward to getting a computer so I could play it myself and then the youtuber stopped playing it and I didn't know why. I forgot about it and am only just now learning that it's gone for good. I'm crying rn.
@robsin27mvlg94 3 жыл бұрын
Such a cool video as every time!
@chrisbanks1574 2 жыл бұрын
I always felt it was such a big waste not allow private servers. Maybe then then it could have a chance at coming back
@chemdogog8782 3 жыл бұрын
we all remember the first time going through each of the walls.
@Immortal_Fish 2 жыл бұрын
I played this game back in 2018 and was sad to find out this..
@theunknownducklord4190 3 жыл бұрын
First time hearing of it. Too bad it was canceled because I would have LOVED to play this with my friends
@greymagic857 2 жыл бұрын
I just wish they allowed us to make our own servers.
@Morbing_Time 2 жыл бұрын
I only heard of this today and I really wish I had the chance to try this out
@ApostateltsopA 3 жыл бұрын
Always fun to revisit the old WA.
@Ryzard 10 ай бұрын
@Geex1988 24 күн бұрын
I had high hopes for this game and enjoyed every minute in it. It was kind of a slap in the face that they didn't try to give us a singleplayer version or even host our own servers. Instead they just got rid of a game that to this day was so unique you can't find a similar experience. I wonder how Voids Adrift will perform since this video is 3 years old and you can't really see much on steam today.
@red-eyedatlas9119 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to see voids take the place and go farther than worlds went, I think it and its dev team have the potential to make voids what Bossa wouldn't and what worlds couldn't be. I have high hopes that voids will do more than worlds, though I will remember that voids would not be here if worlds didn't exist. hope that voids lasts longer than worlds did.
@gannoncraw7151 3 жыл бұрын
Voids adrift is trying to be original while simply re making worlds adrift. With their release window of a year from now I highly doubt anything will come from voids adrift
@scooter6340 3 жыл бұрын
I have hope for Voids Adrift. Looking at some of their new grappling videos makes me happy for the future. Worlds Adrift will always have a place in my heart
@rafaelparohinog4817 2 жыл бұрын
I always watch vids about worlds adrift about 4 years and forgot about it and been searching for years now, i never knew it ended
@filurenerik1643 3 жыл бұрын
I remember watching some youtubers playing this game back in.. was it 2018? I don't remember. It was so fun to watch! Seing this video made me really nostalgic.
@KeithDameo 3 жыл бұрын
Loved the game, put 700+ hours into it. I can tell you, so many of the thumbs down that happened was purely because of the griefing. So many people much like I did, joined the game and right after spawning spent the next several hours of game play getting blown up. Initially they told everyone the game was about pirating. Except that's not what was happening. They didn't want your resources, they just wanted to blow up your dingy that didn't even have storage on it. Everyone was scared to make friends in game because people would act friendly then dismantle your atlas core while you're flying between islands and there goes your ship. It got so bad that they released a video trying to explain to people the difference between griefing and PVP. However at that point the game's already lost. People had been begging for a PVE server, or at least make tier 1 maybe even tier 2 zones PVP free so people could at least learn the game and get off the ground. They eventually did it but that was basically when the game was 6 months from closing down. The PVP servers were barren, I was on the PVE server and I can say it was the best time I had in the entire game. I could explore, work on my ship, go through obstacle courses with hazards and turrets. And any time I actually wanted to do PVP, there was the tier four zone I could go to. They brought in so many people that were dazzled by the ship building, island building, exploration... They were open to PVP but were chased away by the griefing. Bossa didn't take those people seriously enough and that's what did the game in. They were chased off, and others discouraged from joining.
@steamrangercomputing 3 жыл бұрын
I barely even got my first cannon and engine, and I would still give so much to get the game back.
@steamrangercomputing 2 жыл бұрын
I still agree with myself.
@ColeMooMoo 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely fucking adored this game. Wish it makes some sort of comeback.
@denielalain5701 3 ай бұрын
Yo! The "airship" was boat sized. There were no skywhales, but there was only one skywhale at the very end of the game. Only the silhouette was visible in the sky, it was uninteractable. The devs were showing it before the final shutdown of the game.
@Artinthedark83 2 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy the island creator. I'm sorry I wasn't there for the game. I'd love this game to get a VR port
@Artinthedark83 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I'm making islands still for a game that doesn't even exist anymore
@citnil522 2 жыл бұрын
So I found worlds adrift through IP years back, and I only found out it had been closed last year and I was devastated because I desperately wanted to play it
@chrisdonovan8795 Жыл бұрын
The video missed two critical points. The first is that there were guilds, and they were very active. The other issue is the real reason why they were bogged down with tech issues. WA used a physics sim to track ALL movement in the game. ALL OF IT. ALL OF THE TIME. It was extremely resource heavy, and Bossa didn't develop the server tech; they leased/rented it. Every time the server service changed, it would break Worlds Adrift. They took a shortcut, and this left them at the mercy of another party.
@ainsley5843 3 жыл бұрын
this just made me remember about gigantic and now i’m sad
@quintonneal2881 2 жыл бұрын
I miss this game so much. It was an absolute fav of mine, and I put hundreds of hours into it in just a few weeks. The community was so cool, and I love the politics that broke out within the game. Dang I look back on it with such nostalgia
@asir9129 Жыл бұрын
It seems I heared of /saw 'Worlds Adrift' somewhere somehow, but I don't know when or how it happened. A few days ago the name of the game started popping in my head, I knew it was a game but I didn't know anything else, so I searched and that's how I ended up here
@AmaryInkawult 3 жыл бұрын
I haven't played it... But have you heard of the legendary epic The Flight of The Cube?
@anonemouse1434 Жыл бұрын
Surprised you didn’t touch on it at all, but the divided community might have had something to do with it. The game was originally marketed as an exploration, adventure, RPG type game (and the reason I purchased it) but further into the development devolved into a PvP, pirates free for all battle royal. To me it seems whenever a game introduces PvP a very toxic element can be introduced to the environment and sadly, that happened here. With no limits to certain areas, veterans could just waltz into a newbie’s spawn and camp them until they changed islands or servers (which sadly happened on my first play session and reeeally turned me off from the game). And yet, the option for private or PvE only servers was debated and danced around, with Team PvP complaining and tossing around statements like “if you don’t like the game/don’t have time for the game, don’t play the game.” (As if that is a viable option for someone who just dropped a minimum of $30 on the game.) I really think having the option to play on private servers or PvE only servers would have drawn back people like me, who hate forced PvP, especially when hardly grasping the basics of the game. Either that, or limiting who could enter newbie spawn areas. Not everyone has unlimited free time to learn the ropes, and getting spawn camped and ganked in the back is exactly the reason why I quit and never looked back. From a distance it seemed like a great game, but if you weren’t in a clan or “crew”…you were pretty much a dead man.
@TheBadassTonberry 2 ай бұрын
Other players wanted some relief from the constant threat/opt out. If you can only opt out by not playing, then you're doing a bad job as a developer.
@Heeroneko 2 жыл бұрын
Never even realized the game had come out. I remember hearing about it way back when, but I thought it was still in development hell or something. A real freakin' shame. o__o
@_JB89 3 жыл бұрын
Im so fucking sad now. Idk what it is about this game but its the only one that gives me a heart wrenching feeling thinking about how Ill never play it again and there prob wont ever be a replacement.
@_JB89 3 жыл бұрын
Ive tried the Voids Adrift alpha.. Idk the art style just isnt the same
@hamilton2861 Жыл бұрын
I was really excited when I saw the trailer years ago, I never had a pc capable of gaming until after the server were gone if this ever gets up and running again I'll be buying
@jonke1989 2 жыл бұрын
i miss this game so fucking much.. had so fun with it, both with friends and solo :(
@girafficationzone9521 Жыл бұрын
Do you guys know if "Aloft" (in development now) is made by any from Worlds Adrift?
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