When you’re gay, but don’t fit in

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Dylan Gabriel

Dylan Gabriel

7 ай бұрын

I hope y’all find this video very helpful and inspiring! Thank you all for the support of my channel. Much love to everyone ❤️
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@crjetpilot 7 ай бұрын
The “gay community “ can be vicious if you don’t fit the mold. I never did, never wanted to. I never liked the club scene, can’t stand drag, and never understood this practice of trying to outdo each other in being obnoxious. I’ve been accused many times of being self hating, or homophobic. (wrong) People judge you by the way they feel about themselves. There’s a place for everyone, even if it’s a small subset of subsets. Stay true to yourself, learn and improve as you go through life. You don’t have to agree with the crowd.
@DGP653 7 ай бұрын
Amen Jetpilot! I’m gay but I don’t put on an “act”. I grew so tired of both homophobics and gays who almost demand you pick a presentation and be promiscuous. I don’t relate to any group, and I’m a romantic 😊
@lurklingX 7 ай бұрын
well put!! i never understood the hyperfeminizing and drag obsession. i mean, to each their own, i guess. but it felt like... you weren't allowed to be different from that?? what does sexual preference have to do with a desire to do drag or not? to wear wigs or not? for chrissakes. :/
@deathbysnusnu8303 7 ай бұрын
I agree! You don’t have to dye your hair or wear certain clothes to be gay. And people shouldn’t be identifying each other by their looks anyway, isn’t that part of the whole movement? It can be upsetting to be gay but not “be gay enough”. For me it feels weird to actually have confidence in my body, because the other gays around me are so set on going against their body’s natural state. It’s so isolating because you’re either all in or all out.
@fredsmith3456 7 ай бұрын
100% spot on!
@bobcatjordan 7 ай бұрын
Please don’t forget the history of the gay liberation movement which was led by the drag queens of New York at Stone wall and that during the height of the AIDS crisis they led the raising of millions of dollars for care of those who had AIDS. Pride is also a big part of what has gotten us to where we are. I say a big thank you to those who came before me and the work they did that enables me to be married to my husband and living in the suburbs. There is no one “right” way of being gay/queer. You be you.
@paulstanton2471 7 ай бұрын
How refreshing to see a gay man being true ti himself, well done man.
@kenb3552 7 ай бұрын
You are certainly not alone. I think the vast majority of gays don't feel like they "fit in" to "a gay community". Realize too - a lot of straight people don't feel like they fit in with a broader community. Social isolation is a huge problem in this country right now - especially for men - gay or straight - of all ages.
@lurklingX 7 ай бұрын
good point. and very very true.
@scaboi 5 ай бұрын
Fitting in is overrated. I wish more people would learn how to embrace the reclusive life.
@rileysteve 7 ай бұрын
I have been a gay misfit all of my life. I used to stress about it all the time. Finally I realized it was just how it was going to be and I went on with my life. Now that I am in my seventies I wear being a misfit like a badge of honor.
@donaldgrove1972 7 ай бұрын
"You think you're better than us because you don't like what we like" boy do I know that one.
@u123881 7 ай бұрын
When you are not fitting in with the crowd, you are on the right path. Peace friend.
@curt5361 7 ай бұрын
You're an old soul and beautiful human being. I've never fit in or conformed to the gay "community". Being gay is the least interesting thing about me. Appreciate you!
@TyroneClark-bu7ml 7 ай бұрын
being a fellow gay person i feel the same my sexuality is not really the most interesting part of me
@brenb7153 7 ай бұрын
@0hffs 7 ай бұрын
Don't worry about it. I'm Autistic and it's okay to find your niche. You're not going to get along with EVERYONE or EVERYBODY. Just find the small few who actually respect you.
@markfaryniak4474 7 ай бұрын
Hay I’m autistic too and at 59yrs old I’m glad I don’t fit in, I don’t want to . I’m glad I’m so unique that I don’t fit anyone’s mold. Don’t worry I’m having the time of my life!!
@adrianops7 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing man, at the end of the day.. We are not here to fit in, We are here to belong.
@Edward-oy7ed 7 ай бұрын
Hang in there, you were born to be you and being gay, is not always a monolithic grouping, we are still individuals.
@jonathanchastain610 7 ай бұрын
I totally agree with everything you said. I'm proud of who I am and that includes being a gay man. But I do not personally care for many of the stereotypical gay things, such as drag, drugs, drinking, or promiscuity. There are stable and sane gay men out there, we're just in the minority. Stay true to yourself and follow Jesus and don't let anyone out there tell you any different. Just be yourself. You'll meet others like ourselves in time.
@okimlistening2u 7 ай бұрын
Dylan, I believe you are absolutely correct. As a teacher and counselor of young people your age, I try to convey this same message to each of them. Thanks.........Ray
@mbellah7149 7 ай бұрын
I know exactly what you mean. As a gay man with two biological children it was not easy for me in the gay community. But that’s when I learned to be proud of being different. Stay strong and know that you have true friends.
@jaywalker1233 7 ай бұрын
You’re spot on about being a “people pleaser” - it’s the death of self. Everyone should live their life for themselves and their loved ones. Too many people have their lives hijacked by others and it should not be like this because the only thing we truly own is our own lives.
@renerod1980 6 ай бұрын
I've felt this for many many years! At 43, I don't care about not fitting in as I did in my younger years. I'm now comfortable with who I am and am mostly solo and I love it!
@robertm.8608 2 ай бұрын
Son...I SO GET IT.....I hated that whole "Gay Stuff" You will make your way. I was with a "Southern Boy" for 48 years.....till he passed....The best person in my life. Take your time. God Bless.
@adriansanders1702 7 ай бұрын
@Ryan.Lohman 7 ай бұрын
Fitting in is difficult when faced with the stereotypical status quo. Being gay, a nerd, into computers, and not being promiscuous really set me apart from everyone so I know how it's like when you feel you're on your own. Kudos to you for putting yourself first instead of one aspect of your life.
@chriscraftguy 7 ай бұрын
Many gay men go through the same self-awareness period you went through. I did, and based on this video, so did you. Like you, I came out on the other end drawing the same conclusion - understanding I would never be truly happy conforming to a version of me that wasn't real. I think every person (gay or straight) has to love themselves first, before they can truly love someone else, and they have to be comfortable with their own company before they can be good company to another. As a man much, much older than you who walked that journey 40 years ago (when being gay was not easy), it's good to see you've come to this understanding at such a young age and recognize the importance of being your true self. As you so eloquently stated, you cannot go wrong being your genuine self. Well-stated, and so true.
@chnalvr 7 ай бұрын
Your experience is similar to mine. When I came out, I had to deal with being a minority within a minority group, meaning that I didn't fit the stereotypes of living at the bars, taking drugs, going to drag shows, attending Pride parades, dressing and acting loudly and flamboyantly. Luckily, I chose to live in a large city where there is a very diverse population, so lots of people are different and not mainstream conformists. My friends now are mostly open-minded heterosexual people.
@glynndove9511 7 ай бұрын
Definitely coming out is a life long venture given the state of affairs we are not amused
@garyryan2980 7 ай бұрын
Dylan, you are wise beyond your years. You have the correct priorities in life. When you first come out, the gay bars/lifestyle can draw you in because it is exciting and provides a sense of community. Having that community is great, but you need to maintain your values. I'm very happy for you and wish you the best.
@gplpba1209 7 ай бұрын
Hello Dylan. I did not think people like you existed. You are awesome and I am exactly like you in your beliefs. How wonderful for you.
@cazb5777 7 ай бұрын
Dylan, I love your openness and your honesty. You're an authentic person & it's so refreshing to hear your thoughts. We live in such a diverse world & it's so important that we a accept one another as we are. It's also so lovely to hear about your partner & your step-children. You definitely have the qualities of a good father. Sending hugs from London :)
@user-xp5cx4on4p 7 ай бұрын
Just got done watching your show and WOW exactly me , I never ever felt like I fit in either . I am 56 years old and I grew up in a small town also in PA. and just never had any gay friends at all. Tried to fit in different crowds but I was a people pleaser and never said no to anyone .. I had a few good friends that I went to clubs with but I fell into the wrong crowd all the time just to fit in. Now single many years but been looking but very hard to find someone like me. I am not about labels or things I AM JUST ME a unique mix of a little of everything and I do my own thing but never knew there were others in same spot . I went to mabie 3-5 pride events just didn't enjoy. I have my circle of friends now that like me for who I am and not a fake or pretend to be what I am not . So nice to see I am not alone.😁💙
@deandavis8506 7 ай бұрын
Amen, I feel you. I’m 44 now, and have had the same mentality as you, since my 20s.
@Tee90s 7 ай бұрын
Well spoken Dyl. We all know that the LGBT community can very cruel against our own ppl. (But expect others accept and respect us). But I too have felt that I don’t really fit the “standard” for a typical lgbt person. I mean I you can’t tell just by looking at me. Plus I don’t go around hitting on guys. I have a natural flirtatious personality but I can control that. I was never into casual hookups nor have I ever been on Grindr or tinder. But it seems that the majority of our community is promiscuous and into poly relationships and what not. So it’s expected that people have a perception of what we are and what we are into. But that’s not me and I hate it when ppl categorize me. I’m only me. That’s it. Please don’t compare me to others and don’t judge me if you don’t know me. Get to know me first. Dyl. You and I are very similar in a lot of ways. We’d prolly would be great friends because we get each other on a lot of levels. (Please don’t take that wrong when I said that) I’m not flirting or hitting on you. lol. I’m just speaking in general. I have a lot of respect for you man! Thank you and please keep your head up and don’t allow others to dictate who are and how you live your life
@GrannyGarrett 7 ай бұрын
Appreciate you, man. It's just nice to leave these on while I get chores done. I grew up in FL, and am now in NC. For various reasons, I've definitely isolated myself outside of queer community. And while at 30 I'm finally getting out there, it still feels daunting trying to meld in with local queer community without feeling the pressure to assimilate and change in certain ways. We feel like we're different because we are, and that's fine. It can be uncomfortable, but that's life. And while being open to new experiences is important, you are so right in that staying who you are is just as important, and that authenticity shouldn't be compromised in the face of isolation.
@DGP653 7 ай бұрын
I am so glad that you are voicing an opinion/idea that I feel also…be who you are and not who others want you to be…I’m David, an individual, before I identify with a group….people can be mean and judgmental no matter their sexual preference. 😊
@chrisdunn3235 7 ай бұрын
I'm so happy that I've found your page. I'm 75 years old and have tried to live my life by just being me. There were times in the past where I fell into that "stereotypical gay" lifestyle and found very quickly that it just wasn't me. I was married pretty young and have four grown children and grandchildren as well. I can tell you that it sure does wake you up to reality when you realize those types of responsibilities. You're certainly on the right track and I admire you for being you when others in the "community" would want you to be like they are. Those are not your true friends, as I'm sure you have found out by the way you present yourself. I'm so happy that you're having a great life and have someone that loves you for who you are as opposed to who others would want you to be! You're a very insightful young man! God Bless!!
@seanmarshall5136 7 ай бұрын
Right On Dylan ! I'm right there with you Sir ! Bravo ! 🙂
@brockreynolds870 7 ай бұрын
The whole going out to the gay club thing in some ways tends to be age related many times. I did that in my early 20's, but at this point, I haven't been to a gay bar in 25 years. Of course, that was all before the internet existed, so that was more or less the only way to meet gay people unless there was some kind of coincidence.. which DID happen to me once, I was the assistant manager of a garden center, and had a short term boyfriend that I met that came in as a customer. I don't fit in to the gay community in many ways as well. I know politcially its become much more tribalized in the last 10 years or so. And things change that i'm not ready for. Such as people supporting minors who say they are trans being given hormones and such... I just don't agree with that. And I am NOT a Republican!! But guess what? 30 years ago, 95% of all gay people fel the same way I do. I had 2 facebook friends unfriend me because they felt I was too conservative, and then I have people on my local commuinity ridicule me and call me a "lefty liberal". I live on a 40 acre farm, lived here my whole life... and that is also a place not too many gay people live. I have a social circle... just never had a long term boyfiend :( I guess that just doesn't happen for everyone.
@JuanPabloPenaRosas 7 ай бұрын
Its so outdated… thats for another group… even the music changes….
@naobe5 7 ай бұрын
"Such as people supporting minors who say they are trans being given hormones and such" Nobody does in fact, because it's not really happening....pure propaganda....look it up!
@stevekirschman354 7 ай бұрын
So wonderful to see your represent your generation in this way , mine was similar but then aids took away so much causing you guys to not have good role examples as I had , your voice is so needed , thank you for doing your channel you give those that hear your heart so much ♥️
@michaelm5601 7 ай бұрын
Hi Dillon, in the society we are living in today, you could be a victim of honesty. I follow and think you’re a great guy. I hope good things come to you soon. Be well.
@arkbear1 7 ай бұрын
I came out late and always felt different. Realized it ok to just be me. You aren’t alone!
@mikewalker161 7 ай бұрын
Dylan... you are an amazing guy. You communicate so well. Thank you for your thoughts. I'm glad you found the right partner who gives you unconditional love. Keep sending your messages because you probably make many gay people feel better about themselves. Luv you
@jodykostal9840 7 ай бұрын
I am so proud of you for speaking your mind. I am 66 years old and have been through a lot of what you went through and you’re speaking the truth you are a grand man. And I’m very proud to be watching you keep it up.❤
@DudleyMahon 7 ай бұрын
You are correct in so many ways. I'm so happy for you that you found someone special for your life. Let hatters hate. you are doing what you love, and you're helping so many people.
@brenb7153 7 ай бұрын
I never have fit in either. I’m a gay Christian myself and have always struggled with the two
@marvinhunt4583 7 ай бұрын
You don't need to fit in just stand out like you are. Love the vids
@bb3ca201 7 ай бұрын
You be you. Pay others no mind. If they don't like you, you're too good for them 🤗
@friend48430 7 ай бұрын
Definitely identify with much of your story. Good message to get out there.
@jyd9591 7 ай бұрын
Be yourself. Be happy. Love and be loved. The most important things in life.
@georgeweatherford1027 7 ай бұрын
Gay is a fragment of who we are. Easy to not fit in when there are intersections. Sometimes I find places to fit for a moment, because it is easier
@ricktomlinson5481 7 ай бұрын
Wow glad I got your message today as I feel the exact same way. Lost my other half in 2020 and wow after 24 years that was so hard. And now trying to find the right person has been crazy bc the world is not the same & I really do not feel like I have the energy to start over again! It's one big WOW ! I am glad that you are happy and 'in the good place'.
@rickyyeley9470 2 ай бұрын
Stay exactly the way you are. I am the same way. Best of luck with your relationship.
@tatsf 7 ай бұрын
You're making good points and I give you a lot of credit for deciding to be authentic. I'm a counselor for gay and bi men and I can tell you that there is a lot of hurt and trauma in many gay men's pasts which can often result in being hyper critical of others (and oneself). Flexing the sexual attractiveness muscle makes a lot of guys feel desired and validated, something that we often didn't get a lot of growing up. However, flexing that muscle too much can lead to the atrophy of other parts of our lives, like developing intimacy and social skills. I notice that a ton of folks comment that they too never felt like they "fit in" with a two dimensional image of a gay man or with a gay community. You sound solid and aiming in a good direction! Hope that things keep going well for you, and thank you for sharing a bit of your thoughts with us!
@tobyb9605 7 ай бұрын
There are far more us that don't fit in rather than do. Love yourself, you don't need approval.
@Poulin-SC 7 ай бұрын
OMG Everything you said, your words... It was as if I was hearing some of my deepest thoughts being spoken out loud. Thanks.💯
@leo-unddieAnderen 4 ай бұрын
You have a warmness and honesty which are lovely attributes. Thank you for your encouraging and helpful videos. We wish you many blessings and happiness.
@dennisnelson4963 7 ай бұрын
Agree with you, be who you are !! ❤️
@DavidEppersonMusic 7 ай бұрын
As seeing from many comments I saw below & my own experience, you are not alone...I never fit into much of the gay culture either, and agree that authenticity is important. It is very freeing to follow the path and interests to which one is drawn (I am very musical as well). In my case, I also felt that I did not fit into the straight world very well (esp the stereotypical one), so I would get overwhelmed. But I ended up realizing that I needed to be true to myself, & was much happier & authentic if I followed my heart, my path, to that which I am drawn, even if it meant that I was alone sometimes. As you allude in your video, it does all work out.
@debbieporter6581 7 ай бұрын
Just found your channel recently. I think you're a wonderful person. I'm not gay, my daughter is. My best guy friend is. I'm a 68 yr old woman and I identify with this video bc I have felt I never fit in my entire life. I have no friends, and I'm just so sad all the time. Thank you for your video. Take care.
@robertpate7161 7 ай бұрын
Just be you, you are so kind. I know how our community is, your friend in Alabama 😊
@user-qv9hb4kp9f 7 ай бұрын
Follow your interests and your best feelings… you might make a few mistakes,but people and things will “come around”.
@shadowgwm 7 ай бұрын
I’m glad you learned from your relationship. My husband and I have been married 8 years and together 23 years. I’m thankful for our love. We have been through a lot of shit. I had to retire from a very good paying job which made a big difference in our lives. Then he lost his job because a guy accused him of sexual harassment. I knew my husband didn’t do that. All our friends and family his coworkers and the people who worked under him said that didn’t happen. Later we found out his boss felt insecure because Bryan knew the job better than him. We found that out from a person that had been friends with the boss. The kid that accused Bryan turned around and accused the boss. Then the lying little bastard got caught in a lie and he got fired. It was a blessing in disguise when Bryan got fired as I think the job was killing him. Bryan worked in management for a local company that has stores in 6 states. We’ve been through a lot. It hasn’t always been easy, but the hard work has been worth it. Take care. I’m a new subscriber but you seem like a real sweat heart. I wish you the best of luck. Take Care.
@alankovacs7636 7 ай бұрын
I hope You continue to make more videos to explain WHO You are and HOW You feel! You and myself and MANY others are the more quiet and conservative type gays. Just as in the straight world, there are liberal and also conservative groups. Over the years, I have found the main difference in us, is our appreciation and value of "time" and our lifetimes. Some live in the moment without much regard to the longterm, while others of us, are bound by the patience and satisfaction of working towards the goals of satisfaction in knowing we are spending our time on earth feeling good about WHAT we do, and helping others find and achieve THAT same happiness. Our side is less VOCAL about what we do, but I do believe in the long run, WE have a more FULFILLED presence in the gift of Life! Somehow, You have the gift of being a little more quiet in Your life but at the same time, speaking out just a little bit more than many of US in HOW it is certainly OK not to be included in those who say the are OUT and PROUD. Like a few others commenting here, I am much older than You, and ENJOY and salute You speaking out to those younger than You to help THEM recognize, the feeling of NOT fitting in sometimes, is not a bad place to be, but quite the contrary, perhaps the BETTER place to find ourselves. God BLESS You Dylan! You are a true HERO...I just subscribed to You and look forward to future words of Love and WISDOM
@hecatesheart521 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Dylan!! This message was really important for me to hear! I'm going through these transitions in life and its not easy but very rewarding! Sending love and admiration!! ❤️💚🧡💛💜
@byronscott5565 7 ай бұрын
Sooo soo true...OMG ...yes...I felt this way far so many years...thanks for doing this video....I'm on SOUTH CAROLINA....I WISH WE COULD BE FRIENDS...😊❤
@michaelalanjunak 7 ай бұрын
You are a beautiful soul, Dylan. I wish you happiness and love ❤️ Keep doing what you're doing. Your truth shines and helps all of us
@gary33316 7 ай бұрын
I can relate. I moved to Fort Lauderdale in 1989 at 28 yrs old. I went to Catholic school as a kid. After high school I joined the USAF. That was before "don't ask, don't tell". After 10 yrs I was so tired of living the lie! So I searched out a place to call home! Fort Lauderdale was considered the east coast version of San Francisco and very gay friendly. It's very scenic here and I love it! I was so thrilled to have a job that I didn't have to lie about my sexuality! I slowly learned I wasn't like the local gay community. The time was during the AIDS crisis. Gay Pride was a horrifying and very sad experience for me. The club scene was for partying and hooking up. Obviously this was prior to Grinder or any of the apps. I was never comfortable in the scene, for the same reasons that you've mentioned. I finally met the right man for me. He's younger, and has s fresh perspective on the gay scene in Fort Lauderdale. Times have changed too! There are gay sports, activites, resources and great healthy and fun options! Although the political climate is changing, I still love my life here and feel so lucky to have made it, healthy and 62!
@Patxi1776 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. I have never felt like I fit in either. I have friends who do and just thank God I have a sense of humor and a brain. I recently got diagnosed with autism which now makes so much sense looking back on things. I tried to fit in but it was just too much stress for me.
@dallasonwheels768 7 ай бұрын
Hey, Dylan! I hope you're having a great Thursday afternoon. I have to say i love when you upload. Keep going you're a light on this platform 💪❤
@PhilipWeisman-dl4ik 7 ай бұрын
Great talk Dylan with very truthful content. People forget the definition of diversity and that there is a reason the rainbow flag has so many colors. Look forward to more content. Keep speaking
@TightyWhiteyTrash 7 ай бұрын
*I love your accent* So fricken adorable! Anyway, once I turned 30, I had lost in touch with friends I used to go to gay bars and clubs with. I’m not into drag culture and drag queens shouldn’t be telling stories to kids. I’ve never been to a pride because I also don’t believe it’s a good reflection on the community for men to run around 75% naked. I sometimes go on Grindr, but not every 20 mins of the day. I haven’t been with a guy in several months. I like, you know, doing 3rd Base things more than home runs (don’t want to get to specific about that 😏). Anyway, idk I’m not sure if I’ll ever end up with someone or not; like a commitment or something. I’ve had 3 boyfriends in the past and 2 cheated. I don’t have trust issues from that, but you just learn to be more cautious. *And tbh, I really wonder if my life would be easier as a straight man* . I wonder it s lot; to the point where I kind of wish I was. Being gay is hard. I know how vile, pretentious, self-absorbed, materialistic, catty, judgmental, shallow (and other words I can’t use) gay men can be. I live pretty close to West Hollywood and I just avoid going there. *It’s hard for me to make friends with gay guys because they just want to hook up; not be friends* . And tbh, I’ve never really been invited to many gay parties (like those pool parties in someone’s backyard where all the dudes are in speedos and have color coded cups based on what position they are 🤦🏼‍♂️). Anyway I thought this was a nice video and it’s kind to know there’s other chill, down to earth, genuine, good hearted guys out there. I know I would vide with others well if I got out of California, but I’m stuck here for now. I’ll subscribe and please keep posting 🤙🏼😜💙
@StephenLondonUK 7 ай бұрын
Uplifting, inspiring video Dylan! Thank you ❤
@raco722000 7 ай бұрын
Give yourself strength to love yourself and then you will find the love that will permanently fulfill you.
@twanohguy 7 ай бұрын
Boy, do I relate to this! When you don't fit into the straight community nor the gay community, you can feel very alone. But, stick to YOUR values. I am now 77 and made it through. You will too!
@timward3116 7 ай бұрын
Regarding imagination and identifying with children, I remember my old Irish-born grandmother who died when I was only seven years old. She used to point up at an airplane flying over and say in her Irish accent, "How would ya like to be hangin' on the tail of that one?" And I would actually imagine myself hanging on the tail of the plane going over! I'm old now, myself. The years fly by, Dylan. Looking back, everything feels like it just happened. I feel as though I'm hanging on the tail of a plane flying overhead. I have always been like you, and through the years, I have acquired a few very close gay friends and probably even more straight friends. And none of these very close friendships rely on sex or the "gay lifestyle" (as pushed in the media). And these people have come along without me even looking for them. They just appear in my life one day - and stick around for the rest of my life! You REALLY have your head screwed on right, Dylan. As my mother used to say, "You're an old soul." Keep up your good work. KZfaq needs great people like you!
@grahamexeter3399 7 ай бұрын
It's great that you've got this sorted out for yourself while you've still got most of your life ahead of you. I'm in my 70s and spent too much of my youth believing there was something wrong with me for not being interested in gay clubs, parades, bars, etc. - what I experienced more as a ghetto with its own strict rules, than a 'community'. I was accused of being internally homophobic, which was nonsense. When I found my life partner we were together for over 20 years until his death, and were an openly gay couple living an ordinary suburban lifestyle surrounded by straight friends and neighbours, none of whom gave a damn that we were gay. I now live alone and am very comfortable being who I am - someone who minds his own business and enjoys his own company. I'm not interested in hooking up with strangers for sex. If another Mr Right comes along, so be it. If he doesn't, so be it. Not fitting in leaves me free to make entirely my own choices.
@salonglosswoodstock5773 4 ай бұрын
I came out in 1984 and that was also the year I first went a club ( even though I was only 14......thanks fake id) I LIVED for the energy of the dance floor and it became a staple for me several nights a week for 20 years. Many of my friends were heavy drinkers and drug users....however that never appealed to me. There was a very large hook up culture then, but it was different from today- you actually had to make an effort and have conversation for several hours before there was a decision to hook up with them. Although I wasn't into drugs, heavy alcohol or hooking up all the time, I still felt connected to the community. The one thing that made me feel different from the rest was my interest in long term relationships, marriage and children. Back then it was unheard of to see a gay man or couple raising a child but I knew that I would. It was not an option.....it was GOING to happen. Even as a little boy I pictured myself with a husband and a family. 9 out of 10 people that I told that I wanted to be married and I wanted to have children thought I was out of my mind- they jokingly called me a breeder and alot of people told me that unless I did it the natural way that it wasn't going to happen. Literally NOONE that I started to date wanted kids in thier future. I felt as if I was the only one. So I said "F' it.......I'll do it on my own". In 1995 I met someone that I really liked. While on our first date, I wasted NO time asking him "So- what do you think of kids?" He replied " Uh, I don't know....they're alright I guess". I said " Do plan on ever having any?" He said " Having any??? You mean like being a parent?!?!?!? I said "Yea." He replied " Oh God no, absolutely not, no way, mmm mmm, no sir.............Why?? I said "Oh really" He said "No...why would I ever want to do that!?!?!?" I said " Huh!! Well I do and it's nice to know where you stand on that subject. Now I know not to waste a whole lot of time here with you". He said "Well, I don't know. ...maybe" I said " But that's not you said a minute ago. You said no way, mmm, o God, no....." He said " Well I don't know....you kinda caught me off guard" I said "Uh- huh..........well just know that children ARE going to be a part of my future if you are still interested " He said "Ummmm........ok" 5 years later ( yes, he stayed aboard) - we were driving down the interstate and I said to him "remember our first date???" He said " yes" I said "Do you remember what we talked about?" He said "Mostly.....what part are you talking about?" I said " Rwmber when I told you that kids would be a part of my future?" Helooked at me me with a leary half smile and said "Yeah" I said " Guess what?" He said smiling " No, no, no, no no." I said " Oh yes, yes, yes, yes." He said " wait.....we have to talk about that." I said" No we dont......I told you from the start.......you've had 5 years to discuss it." Well, 6 months later we had a baby boy!! And since then we also had twin infant girls too. Greg and I had a wedding in 2003 attended by both families and we have now been together for 29 years!! Our son is now 22 and our daughters are now 13. I cannot imagine my life turning out any other way. When Greg and I adopted our baby boy in 2001, seeing 2 men with a baby just didn't happen. I NEVER saw another couple with a child. When we went to Atlanta pride in 2002, you would have thought we were on display at a zoo or something. I mean the looks and inquisitive stares from our own community. We were definitely trail blazer in the child rearing department. Now we see it all the time but I relate to you feeling like you don't connect to the community as I also found myself back then not fully aligned with the status quo way of thinking. I wanted more than what the rest did.
@nursejoed 7 ай бұрын
Life is so much more than sex and status. Important thing to consider- is the world a better place because you're in it? If not, you're not living up to your potential. If it is, keep going and growing...
@LMays-cu2hp 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing things and life with you.
@larrycoates811 7 ай бұрын
your the man of the hour....just full of life-u made me fall in love with u just being true blue... thank you! you got it!!!! hugs!
@toddhupp 7 ай бұрын
Dylan: The gay sites are really very dehumanizing .At least in the bars one can meet a prospective lover in person. The gays do tend to form circles/cliques. I was never into this either. Seemed odd. I am am a one guy guy as I gather you are also. A nice topic for you to address. Be careful with your new lover. You are a very kind giving person. Perhaps vulnerable .Looking great. You have magic with the camera .Have you considered acting? You are able to project emotion nicely.
@erikadarling 7 ай бұрын
Am completely behind you. You are a person who we have not seen (many exist but are afraid to be public), since the marxist alphabet took over LGBT .
@Dovndyr13 7 ай бұрын
Yes I agree with your message - love thy self Though I think pride is fun, for me it's also always been more about getting a connection with a guy and build a partnership. Than just having "fun".
@josephmisseri7017 7 ай бұрын
Your not a ho and that's okay. You be you and don't worry about what anyone else thinks.
@CollinW93 7 ай бұрын
I’ve always felt that I don’t fit in either. It’s very weird feeling 😕
@user-xs8fx2dy8y 7 ай бұрын
I love, love, love your content! I can relate a lot and finally feel represented. Thank you :)
@humblemonkm61 7 ай бұрын
I've never fit in with my people (gay folks). Never was a bar fly or interested in being "fabulous" & playing the gay hookup games. I always attracted the psycho violent closeted type. Ugh... Talk about draining. But hanging with straight guys was always easier because there wasn't any sexual vibes going on, which made me feel safe & relaxed. I have two gay friends (who are similar in temperament as myself) & the rest are all straight folks. For me that's just easier. Keep up the great work!❤
@ahkiv6127 7 ай бұрын
Dylan, new subscriber here and I love your videos! Keep it up, you are an inspiration!
@Paulschultz-ny6hz 7 ай бұрын
What a great person lucky to be smart and good looking and very sincere. Wish I met one like you cause I was afraid.
@cesarsantos1761 7 ай бұрын
You are doing great, Dylan!!!! I totally agree with you!!!!! I do not believe in the "gay community" behavior. Keep safe!!!!!
@Valboy380 6 ай бұрын
You're a real inspiration buddy. Love your vids.
@alaskafan21 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Sir !
@bruceweaver1518 7 ай бұрын
What you have said in this video is something I have lived with all of my life. I grew up in a time when “gay” was not mentioned. If that weren’t bad enough I got fun of in gym class because I was a klutz. Even the gym teacher singled me out for ridicule. I loved Classical music, composition, reading classics. I tried to deny who I was which was a mistake. When I finally got up enough courage to go to a gay bar, I was rudely ignored, although the date of another gay man stared and stared at me. I didn’t like the taste of alcohol, and I couldn’t find anyone. I love children and also wanted to have an old-fashioned relationship. I am very close to my nephew & nieces. My new boyfriend is 20 years my junior but we love each other very much. I am composing a String Quartet in his honor and I can play many instruments. I plan to move to North Carolina to live with him. I would like you to come to my wedding, when the time comes: btw you have the sexiest accent I’ve ever heard.
I'm So Happy I Found your Channel ❤
@eddieflxible379 7 ай бұрын
This video reflected on my life growing up in the early 20s some 20 years ago. Now in my early 40s, one thing ive learn and one thing you touched on is keep doing you, love yourself, and its ok to be different.
@cucamonga5565 7 ай бұрын
😂❤i like do much the maturity you express your viewpoints! Hugs. Mike
@stevenpike7857 7 ай бұрын
I felt the same way back in the 80's. Most of the gay men I met in clubs were extremely effeminate; calling each other "girl," and other nonsense. It's fine, you do you, but it was difficult to find men I could click with. I did eventually find men, and dated a few that were more like me and my interests. I was never a jump in bed on the first night kind of guy, and was always into a meaningful relationship -- something in short supply in the scene. Back in the 80's we didn't have the Internet (later we had AOL), cell phones, and social media. You pretty much only met other gay people in a bar. God forbid you came out in High School - that is something you NEVER EVER did. You would be beat to a pulp, and ridiculed out of town. The 80's were brutal.
@Coedai_76 7 ай бұрын
Great video and advice! I spent many years trying to "fit in" and was never truly happy. I feel so much better now that I've decided to just be myself and participate in the hobbies/activities I truly enjoy. I'm getting up there in age, but hopefully I'll get to experience a truly organic relationship with someone who loves me for me.
@mariostylianou7725 7 ай бұрын
Hey buddy!!. Well said.. Just live life to your fullest..
@OLDS98 7 ай бұрын
Tesitfy Dylan! You were on it in this video and telling the truth about the community. This video will impact and help someone who does indeed feel isolated by the community and do not feel hopeful. I understand what you are saying. I did not feel accepted by the gau community, but I paved my own one way. I have always been different. That is okay. No, I have not found love yet, but there is still hope for me despite being older. You really covered a lot of the stereotypical things seen in the community. You keep making your videos and standing in your truth.
@machoman6969 7 ай бұрын
Being true to yourself is not easy specially in the community and you are shooting yourself in the foot if you follow that path. They will dislike you, call you " heteronormative " You may end up alone. I know I did ! It took me years to be comfortable with myself and love myself, be confident.... yeah... but at what cost?
@philblane5752 7 ай бұрын
Looking back on it all, I feel relieved that I never quite fit in.
@davidpp330 7 ай бұрын
I don’t fit in and never had. I’ll never find another relationship. It’s hopeless!
@bakert7000 7 ай бұрын
Dylan you have a good head on your shoulders. I am glad you came out at a young age. I understand not fitting in. My experience was being gay in a conservative church, so I found an accepting church. There is a group out there for everyone. I wish you the best of luck with your boyfriend. It is nice that you want to have a family. I wanted to get married at one time but I haven’t found anyone else that wanted to. I am 60 now. It may not be too late. Keep your positive vibes.
@keithblevins5093 7 ай бұрын
I am glad you found a partner. I know how you felt. I'm an older man. It only gets worse with age. Good luck in life buddy.
@stevekirschman354 7 ай бұрын
You are on track ♥️
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