How To Stop Fearing Death
How To Manifest MONEY
Ай бұрын
Why I decided to get SOBER
2 ай бұрын
Feeling LOST in your 20’s?
Say YES to Saying NO!
4 ай бұрын
Life with Bipolar Disorder
6 ай бұрын
Life in the South as a gay man
My life as a drug addict
7 ай бұрын
Keys to a Healthy Gay Relationship
@ThePoobears Сағат бұрын
at least people acknowledge you Dylan I get completely ignored even by my own family.. except from my mother but sadly passed away 2017..
@stephenbendavid4161 12 сағат бұрын
Ive nevet fit in Dylan. I dont care what other people think.
@stephenbendavid4161 13 сағат бұрын
Your weight and sexuality are nobody's business You are a fine person.
@videoDemon Күн бұрын
_speak for yourself/ there is NO god_ _belief in god is what got us (gays) into this mess_ _homophobia is the handiwork of 'godly people.'_ _wake up, man. their (nonexistent) god is designed to _*_DESTROY_*_ us_
@joshuabeard5140 Күн бұрын
Negative thoughts just do not come natural to you you. That's why you don't understand and that's wonderful. Being negative is a mind trip for some people. They can't remove it because that's who they are. Yin and yang. They are going to be there no matter what. The other thing is true that you said that the more you stare it, the more it stinks . They are going to do that. It's always going to be there negative at the same time is always going to be people like you positive. Just keep your eye on that and you will shine that light you have. That is so beautiful. I enjoy your channel so much❤
@gary5477 Күн бұрын
Everything you said Dylan is true. You are beautiful, very intelligent, and articulate! Mean mocking people are always fearful and insecure and have low self esteem. They need to put down others to try to feel better about themselves. We love you Dylan.
@tracedial6216 Күн бұрын
Hey Dylan, Having been exactly where you are with an eating disorder, actually twice is extremely difficult. I've always been built but not overly done. 5’10”, 165lbs. The first time anorexia hit I went down to 145 lbs &=those ripped abs I worked so hard getting along with defined arms & legs are gone. Muscle is one of the first that leaves in an eating disorder. Mirrors are a #1 thing to avoid. I remember having lost all that weight or muscle, pinching only skin & my mind thinking I could loose a few more pounds. And gaining the weight back is impossibly more difficult than loosing weight when you are heavy. What helps me over that huge speed bump was eating snacks or small meals all day long. I don't know what you do because anyone going through this knows what is best for their body to gain weight back, & keeping it on is just as hard. I have a great & easy Pasta Alfredo recipe I’d be happy to share, with anyone. Let me know.. Trace
@tracedial6216 Күн бұрын
Dyan, I am sorry for your loss, the divorce. To be honest it sounds like he found someone else. It had to be hard, no sorry I know it was hard. We learn from our mistakes. You are a great guy. It will happen, what you want, need to make yourself whole.
@tracedial6216 Күн бұрын
OMG, you are a brother from another mother. I choice to be celibate because I don’t like the dating many guys or one night stands, I want that one man which I hope will last my life. I was lucky I met him. And even though our forever & grow old together well ended way too soon when he died. I still feel his love for me & mine for him today , years later. I know there will be some that won’t understand when I say I have not dated or seen anyone since his death. That feeling to find a new someone isn’t there, I had a great love & I’m willing to wait until I see him again. I love your videos Dylan Trace
@tracedial6216 Күн бұрын
Dylan, firstly & most importantly this is absolutely not your fault. It does not matter what you drank or how much, what you are wearing or not. THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT. WE are so much alike. I was raised on a huge farm & know how to defend myself & I'm almost a black belt in self defense, tae kwon do. And like you was raped. It took a very long time to realize it does not matter how strong you are or male, female, trans or years of training in anything. When this happens it is never your fault. Please, if this happens to you do what Dylan did go to the hospital & get checked over & tested to make sure you physically alright. THIS ABOVE EVERYTHING ELSE, YOU COME FIRST. It is going to be incredibly hard but talk about it. And then talk some more. Go online & post what happened the responses will be overwhelming. There will be those negativity haters just remember ONE THING…😮 DELETE IT. NO NEED TO ANSWER IT. THOSE PEOPLE ARE GOING THROUGH SOMETHING IN THEIR LIFE & IT IS NOT YOU. ANSWER EVERY GOOD, KIND RESPONSE.. WHEN YOU HELP OTHERS IT HEALS YOU. I WAS 34 WHEN MY HUSBAND DIED IN THE AIRFORCE & POSTING WHAT I WAS GOING THROUGH, THE DEPRESSION & EVERYTHING ELSE SEEMED TO LEAVE ONCE I STARTED HELPING OTHERS GOING THROUGH THEIR PAINS IN LIFE. DYLAN, THIS VIDEO WILL HELP SO MANY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE YOU WILL NEVER MEET OR HEAR ABOUT. THANK YOU FOR SHARING THAT TERRIBLE MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE. YOUR HUSBAND IS A GREAT MAN FOR UNDERSTANDING & STAYING. IT HAD TO BE JUST AS HARD FOR HIM NOT GOING THERE & DOING THE WELL YOU KNOW WHAT TO THAT BASTARD WHO HURT YOU. WOW AS FOR YOUR EX-FRIEND. Keep her an EX & let KARMA TAKE CARE OF IT FOR YOU. HAVE A GREAT LIFE.. TRACE TRACE
@michaelb5308 2 күн бұрын
The accent 😮🤤🥵 I would have been captivated immediately
@timward3116 4 күн бұрын
Dylan. I'm old enough to be your grandfather (well, your gay grandfather) and I have learned a bit in life. One of those things is that at least half of any group is mean, dishonest, or stupid assumes it's smarter than everyone else in the room when it is in the bottom 50%. There is a lot of rottenness in this world - and it knows no racial, ethnic, professional, or religious boundaries. Keep the faith, my friend. Be kind. Be humble. And trust God when everyone else seems to fail you.
@digbycrankshaft7572 3 күн бұрын
There is absolutely no evidence for the existence of any god. Better to keep a clear head and employ critical thanking.
@PatricenotPatrick 3 күн бұрын
@@digbycrankshaft7572”critical thanking” 🧠
@kernow9324 4 күн бұрын
Dylan, you're wise beyond your years. I wish I had you as a friend when I was your age. I didn't do any of the things you do to protect my sexual and mental health and as a result I got into some awful situations. Like you, I am from a small, country town, but I was so naive I thought that if I allowed a guy to have sex with me, that must mean we were now in a relationship. You can imagine how that worked out! I was heartbroken when I discovered that the person I had been intimate with was screwing around with other guys. One of the guys he was seeing contracted an STI, so my "boyfriend" took me to a clinic to be checked over. Thankfully I was ok but it really frightened me. Now as an adult I would never let anyone damage my sexual or mental health, but it took me years to reach this point. Stay celibate, stay happy and well.
@Eddies186 6 күн бұрын
Yeah so true I don't follow or be mean to anyone that I don't like i just don't watch them or support them theres no reason for anyone to say anything personal or mean in a Comment..
@nursejoed 6 күн бұрын
Some people abuse the anonymity of the web so they can be nasty without consequences.
@tony-mb9et 6 күн бұрын
Keep it going Dylan I love you 😍
@Razor51769 6 күн бұрын
real man keep it up
@Eddies186 6 күн бұрын
Ive watched this several times and i know its about mean old people that really don't need to be on Social Media but im surprised you haven't had any gay Karens and I hope u don't ! All I subscribe to are gay people and they are some Awesome 1s just like you but mostly all I ever see that hate are weird gay people never the type hateing your getting but ofcourse they could be wierd gay people Idk ? But im really sorry your getting any type hate ..i love your videos and im proud to see a dude from the south on here just because Im from the south like I said i only follow positive and your positive in your videos..hope it gets better .
@jameslawson5211 6 күн бұрын
Wow I been there, thanks for sharing
@jameslawson5211 7 күн бұрын
Wait I’m friends with you on fb, I had no idea you had a KZfaq Lexington here. Glad to find your channel
@williamstringer6519 7 күн бұрын
Dylan, you are vulnerable to all sorts of criticism simply by exposing yourself on the internet. People have all sorts of axes to grind and they find you an easy target to vent their anger without pushback. I find this myself from time to time when in discussions on Quora. I agree with the many upbeat comments here. As an elderly Australian, among other things I find your Southern personality and accent enough to charm the birds off the trees!
@samuelworley7300 7 күн бұрын
Love your videos. I look forward to them all the time.
@paulcgrout5108 7 күн бұрын
@kernow9324 7 күн бұрын
I wrote a nasty comment once about an actress who hadn't been in the public eye for years. Then the actress replied to my comment. I was horrified at what I wrote and that she had actually read it. I felt deep shame. Needless to say I think very hard now before leaving any comment. Words can hurt. That was my lesson.
@rangecow 7 күн бұрын
You're great. The flowers, too.
@RBB52 7 күн бұрын
I don't know about the haters, I just like listening to you Dylan. Much love!
@cosmosgreg 7 күн бұрын
Where do you travel for work? I live in Camden if you ever want to meet in public for drinks or whatever.
@tuneaddicted 7 күн бұрын
Don't pay any attention to the A holes that leave negative things... they're self loathing people that feel better about themselves by running someone else down. I love your accent, I have a good friend from MI that recently moved back there and I miss him. You remind me of him when I hear you talk. You have great insight on many things, great channel
@OLDS98 7 күн бұрын
Very well stated Dylan. They are keyboard warriors. They will say things they would not normally say to someone in their face. People can hide behind a keyboard. You made many excellent observations stated in this video. You cannot take it personal. You are correct people are not thinking or being rational in their thinking because they do not see past their own viewpoints. They can have viewpoints. The sad thing is the people who said negative things about you and they do not know you. They have no personal interaction with you. It is FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real. The hate is uncalled for and not needed.
@benjaminvella2736 7 күн бұрын
You tell them the truth ! Dylan 👍
@neilschipper3741 7 күн бұрын
You're doing a great job with your KZfaq channel. I was brought up old school, if I do not have something good or positive to say to keep my mouth shut! Just a suggestion.... You might want to use a microphone because it's hard to hear you especially when you're at the cemetery. How is anxious to watch your postings❤
@douginprague 7 күн бұрын
I once knew a guy who in person was polite, pleasant and civil; but on the Internet he wrote such nasty vitriolic things about people he didn't even know. Like he was two different people. So it was not easy to figure out what was his true self. But my guess is the nasty part was his true personality, which was hidden when he met people in real life.
@Eddies186 7 күн бұрын
Yeah theres always gonna be haters especially gay people i didn't relize how visous they were till social media i always thought going thur being gay made us more understanding but Nah theres alot a bitter out there and Gay is the Worst ! I use to follow some really nice gay dudes but they got to thinking they fell out of heaven their videos would make u vomit ! I only follow and support positive ..Don't worry about what they have to say just keep being u and keep busting.
@garywilson9640 7 күн бұрын
How do you deal with a hateful neighbor with a huge mortgage. Extremely jealous of me and internet trolls me too?
@videoDemon 7 күн бұрын
_people are inherently selfish and self-centred_ _pack enough people into a small enough area and their true nature emerges_ _the first traits to emerge: _*_self-preservation, tribalism_*_ and _*_meanness_* _kindness is rare - altruism ever more so_
@jyd9591 7 күн бұрын
Being hateful is a way of life for some people. How they were raised has a lot to do with it, I think, and it's a rare thing if some of them break the cycle. It's sad. It's hard not to hate them back but the best thing is to just feel sorry for them and leave them alone. They usually can't be reasoned with, unfortunately. Thanks, Dylan for another thoughtful video.
@timward3116 7 күн бұрын
Well, Dylan, I think you're GREAT! You're smart, wise, and easy on the eyes!
@ThatBernie 7 күн бұрын
Stay strong, ignore the haters, we love you <3
@Jimmerca 7 күн бұрын
Dylan Gabriel, Happy memorial day weekend 🇺🇸🫶🏻🏳️‍🌈
@Jimmerca 7 күн бұрын
It seems like the far right religious fanatics are like in a cult and if you don’t live in their world, they want nothing to do with you. This US veteran totally support you. The reason I served my country so we could live in a free country to be who we are and live in a democratic Society. Keep doing what you’re doing. You have a great channel and ignore the haters. 🇺🇸🫶🏻🌈
@James-jq2yh 10 күн бұрын
No body realizes how often this happens, and when you’re a gay male the devastating thing is we blame ourselves, no one believes you, no one wants to talk about it. And effects every part of you for the rest of your life. I like you was very good looking and always wondered if I gave off the wrong idea or said something that would make people come after me all the time . Now I’m much older and look at my younger pictures and realize how beautiful and handsome I was . People would later go on to tell me they thought I was out of their league and honestly I had no idea . But I was attacked several times in the late 70s and badly beaten in the mid 80s and i still vividly remember every time. My heart goes out to you and anyone else who reads this and understands. It now seems very far away and it was a different place and time , but seek out thearpy it helped a lot just don’t relive it all .
@bereatha1 11 күн бұрын
Your best friend set you up. She was in on it.
@aclem8246 11 күн бұрын
So which is it ? At one point you said you could not have been drunk and then later you said that you were drunk. Did you let this guy know up front that you were in a relationship and were not interested in him or is it possible that he thought the opposite? Accusing someone of rape is not a casual thing.
@hairyscotman 12 күн бұрын
she was NEVER a friend....had a woman I thought was and she was NEVER!!!
@mollynicole4614 12 күн бұрын
you are a good speaker. thanks for sharing your stories and being so honest. I enjoyed hearing this story, and I can see where you were coming from and why you dated her.
@mollynicole4614 12 күн бұрын
that's so awful they did that to you!!!
@mollynicole4614 12 күн бұрын
I'm a gay Christian. I feel like Christians often push gay people away from God, because of the toxic things they say to them and make them think that God doesn't love them. It's so sad. I wonder if you have heard of "Church Of Christ" which is like a chain of churches that have a chalice as a logo, and they fly a rainbow flag outside and are welcoming of gay people and perform gay marriages. I feel like I don't hardly have any hope of meeting a lesbian Christian to be in a relationship with because so many have been burned from Christians and end up walking away from God because of the lies they've been told by Christians. I feel like the only place I might meet lesbian Christians is at Church Of Christ but I don't go to church hardly because of Covid. Thank you for making videos.
@mollynicole4614 12 күн бұрын
you are a good storyteller/speaker
@jimmymckcovers383 13 күн бұрын
Very informing of you 👍 and nice crystal