Why Call Of Duty ISN'T Fun Anymore - Modern Warfare II

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The Omega Initiative

The Omega Initiative

9 ай бұрын

Money money money

Пікірлер: 247
@Kingj411 9 ай бұрын
Something that drives me crazy is how they’ve handled the gunsmith. It feels like I have to level up an entire class of weapons to unlock one attachment for the gun I actually want. Which means I either have to play with garbage weapons I don’t like for a while, or I have to use the base version of my desired gun, which guarantees that I’m outclassed by the ADHD fuckheads that sprint around and drop shot me with the fully decked out guns that they bought with their mum’s credit card.
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
The gunsmith is the biggest standalone issue I have MWII. It's innovation for the sake of innovation. 2019's gunsmith allowed you to turn a gun into a different one. Eg. AK-47 turned into RPK, AK-74 etc. But now they've split all the options into full in separate guns which actually limits the guns you can make. For example you can't make an RPK-74 because you can't put the RPK barrel on the Kastov 5.45. It also means there's an incredible amount if guns that feel the same, like in the video that dlc gun could be made with one or two different attachments but for some reason it's a whole new gun.
@astartesrex 9 ай бұрын
@@TheOmegaInitiative But OI, but forget something vital here: $$$
@VisibleToeHead 9 ай бұрын
Fortnite and its consequences have been a disaster for gamers.
@tinyzinc7344 9 ай бұрын
Just like the Industrial Revolution
@albernard8751 8 ай бұрын
I wonder what the world would’ve been like for gamers had it never came out… In my opinion? Probably better than this shit.
@ReadIcculus93 8 ай бұрын
But it's great for 8 year Olds hyped up on too much Mountain Dew, who steal their mother's debit card while she is nodding out. So it makes more money than appeasing life long fans and customers.
@biggyr6252 4 ай бұрын
fortnite actually monetized itself well, you could use one battle pass purchase for multiple seasons if you actually play the game and use excess vbucks to buy extra skins, ever since 2017 games have just went downhill
@Jason-ip6wq 3 ай бұрын
@@albernard8751loot boxes 😂
@mr-fatji1491 9 ай бұрын
You basically covered all my complaints with the game ,like many other AAA titles it's just more of a product than a game , it's made to sell overpriced cosmetics first and be a fun and original experience second.
@lee.as.in.l.e.e.7394 9 ай бұрын
Why buy a cosmetic character model you will only see the hands of?? Call me weird, but I’ve found more enjoyment drawing these cosmetics even if I’m not that good at drawing
@slugshell2901 9 ай бұрын
But false advertising, is the only thing that sells! !
@mr-fatji1491 9 ай бұрын
@@slugshell2901 why focus on improving your game and providing a good experience when you can slap the name call of duty a game you havent changed for the past decade and some idiot online will pay 110 bucks for the same game he's been playing since 2019.
@SquidCena 9 ай бұрын
​@@lee.as.in.l.e.e.7394The hands aren't even proper, it's been proven that many characters sleeves/gloves are off.
@brendanmuller7301 9 ай бұрын
Stop buying AAA.
@Atlas_Summit 9 ай бұрын
It’s rare to see a COD criticism so well structured, thanks for bringing this to our attention! I hate to be that guy, but do we have a ETA for the next Enclave in fallout 76 video?
@141_studios_ 9 ай бұрын
Dunno about well structured. Passionate is probably more accurate.
@Atlas_Summit 9 ай бұрын
@@141_studios_ Yeah, that sounds better.
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
I'm only about half way done writing.
@Atlas_Summit 9 ай бұрын
@@TheOmegaInitiative Ok, thank you.
@austinkopp4715 8 ай бұрын
hey omega i wanted to ask how did u come up with ur name?@@TheOmegaInitiative
@astartesrex 9 ай бұрын
This is some great criticism and I’d like to add one piece, even if it’s only somewhat related: Part of what made MW19 refreshing was the general commitment to the “MilSim” aesthetic. Sure, there’s skins like the Cat Ears one, but those were pretty subdued compared to the rest of the series. The guns were mostly accurate to their real versions, with realistic attachments, designs, and their real names, etc. Now? Everything feels like a toy, like it’s plastic and not metal. Like I’m in GI Joe, not a gritty FPS. Maybe that’s just me.
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
It's sickening that the concept of "mil-sim" skins exists within a military shooter.
@TacticalBaguette 9 ай бұрын
​@@astartesrexBattlefield and the Tom Clancy games face similar problems although at least they're seeing a decent pushback from their communities over it. Whenever someone tries to make this point with COD a bunch of people always rush in and defend the game because the gameplay itself isn't realistic.
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
@@astartesrex I'm Australian. I don't think the skins need to be full on simulation level, like accurate down to the pouches and everything. The original MW2 wasn't the most accurate thing ever especially with the Russians but they still looked like soldiers. So my point is that the term "mil-sim" only exists because there's skins that are such far cries from any semblance being military related that they need the term to classify them, and that is a problem. In a military shooter all skins should look like feasible outfits a soldier would wear even if they're not completely accurate to the faction, setting ect. Like I don't really care if Russian soldiers are using US night vision as long as they still look like soldiers.
@astartesrex 9 ай бұрын
@@TheOmegaInitiative OOOOOOOH that’s what you mean. My bad, fam. Apologies about misidentifying the accent, by the way.
@jackfarnum97 9 ай бұрын
That pic of lil timmy playing No Russian is so real, I remember my child brain having a dopamine explosion at the novelty of shooting civilians rather than the typical people who shoot back.
@GMan9029 9 ай бұрын
Preach! I had a friend who dropped near a 100 bucks on the latest battle pass and I legit almost fell off my chair from the sheer shock. Imo the only good things that have come from the recent COD games have been the mods for Fallout, sure they might not fit the aesthetic but their quality cannot be underestimated imo.
@youtuberobbedmeofmyname 9 ай бұрын
tbh 100$ is like paying for 10 movies or 10 fast food combo meals these days. if he gets more than 10 hours enjoyment from spending 100 it might be worth it. But I would not feel good giving $100 to Activi$ion
@Gyrfalcon312 7 ай бұрын
I played with a few MW2019 / 22 guns in my Xbox One copy of the game. Fun times, indeed.
@kylemartin6343 9 ай бұрын
I'm so happy to see someone share my sentiment about the MW2 2022 campaign (I played the MP for like 10 minutes so I don't have an opinion on that). All of my friends were singing this game's praises and I'm just sitting here like "did we play the same game?" It felt so much smaller than the 2009 game in regards to scope. Third person cutscenes were the beginning of the end for Call of Duty.
@celticwarrior5261 9 ай бұрын
Gaming will continue to decline since none of these companies have any financial incentive to put in effort anymore.
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
Normies ruin everything smh.
@Lil_B_Fan47 9 ай бұрын
Got sooo tired of playing the new CODS. Now i just throw bricks at homeless people for fun now
@soyvoysoysauce3316 9 ай бұрын
Can’t wait for the Brotherhood of Steel cat ear power armor operator pack
@nfl_pro_03 9 ай бұрын
to see the game franchise I basically grew up playing fall this low hurts. every story has an ending and mine ended when they decided to tarnish the mw2 name
@spartanwarmc3288 9 ай бұрын
As a kid that grew up playing halo, welcome to the club.
@motherurck7542 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, that's why I have no real hope for GTA 6 after seeing Rockstar changed after GTAO. It feels like every game series I've enjoyed growing up is filled with same BS. I miss the PS2 and PS3 eras.
@abadenoughdude300 7 ай бұрын
As someone who's gaming career started in the 80's and has watched the industry become a wretched cesspool of scum and villainy My name is Legion, for we are many. I know your pain.
@spartanwarmc3288 7 ай бұрын
@@abadenoughdude300 well that doesn’t sound great lol. Mark 5 6-13: 6 But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him, 7 And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not. 8 For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit. 9 And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many. 10 And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country. 11 Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding. 12 And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them. 13 And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea.
@camioincogneato3635 9 ай бұрын
Mostly AAA games are made for the "whales" and are loosing most of the fans with every iteration.
@pavolhuska755 9 ай бұрын
Oh boy you really dont want to dive deeper into that rabbit hole as a layman Its not just about whales altrough they dominate, its about the basically making you an sisyphus and thus any type of grindy game your basically an hobby if you dont whale there And i am talking abour rarity traps, unfairness sales, appeal to power, power teasing, artificial lenghtening of gameplay in order to make you play longer by mental draining and so on. just mentioning stuff they would ever consider at all add and absolutley not endanger powerhouse of whales by withdrawing from adding new content I think someone even made a game (or rather lecture game for layman and recommend to see it on yt) out of many of these strats which are also employed in modern warfare 2 rebooted in 2015 but sadly i dont know how its called correctly its something like pay2win tricks exposed
@Call-Me-JessE 9 ай бұрын
I really hope this blows up you really hit home with all the points you made, as someone who’s played nearly every game including the original 3 this franchise has truly lost all respect for what they were once trying to represent. I remember when after the credits of each of the original trilogy it would honor all the people who lost their lives in World War 2. Call of Duty has truly lost it’s meaning over the years.
@shreksnow1918 9 ай бұрын
If they gave us a WingsofRedemption skin all would be forgiven. Can you imagine just how funny that would be? I would just die laughing if that happened😂. That would probably be the ONLY skin I’d be willing to buy.
@abadenoughdude300 7 ай бұрын
"Back in my time (pre-always online era anyway)" you would mod whatever skin you wanted into the game FOR FREE and much lulz would be had at your LAN party. But now you'd get banned to heck by the admin-level anticheats for daring to touch the game files instead of coughing up buckets of $$$.
@weirdeurasianboy8091 2 ай бұрын
When you ping something "LOOK HERE LOOK LISTEN!"
@billybob7135 4 ай бұрын
As someone from California, it annoys me how we went from being known for gangstas, alternative rock, and the wild west to being known as the losers who get triggered by all 3 of those things.
@TheSHOCPOGER 9 ай бұрын
@TheOmegaInitiative Man, I love your videos. Every single time I see your videos I get extremely excited and look forward to it at the end of the day. You release videos not too much or too little Just right. The fallout stories are my favorite by far. They’re beautiful man Keep it up!
@KMD_362rd 9 ай бұрын
True! NovemberHotel has spoken about this one in his videos about these games nowadays. Devs just make the gameplay look ready to serve the consumers just only to sell the skins that price the same total price as the main game after release, while the story campaign looks boring in the middle story cause devs just make the story look finished but no resposible to take care of them. but is worse than that some of the games campaigns got canceled and released only multiplayer.
@hauptmann1391 9 ай бұрын
Microtransactions killed the entire series for me, and i stuck to it since the first one and up to ghosts. I can put up with anything if the game that used to pat itself on the back for how immersive and gritty the first installments were would actually continue to be so. Hell, that's how tarkov became my main shooter. Now it's all about shiny glowing stuff and people ingame i don't give a thing about shooting each other midair with purple bullets.
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
In terms of losing identity and turning all goofy, I think Ghosts held together pretty well, Advanced Warfare started out nice but the introduction of supply drops greatly harmed its status post launch. Black Ops 3 was when they gave up, turning it into a hero shooter without a trace of anything realistic or military.
@colonel1003 9 ай бұрын
I didn’t mind Snoop Dog that much in Ghosts and Lee Ermey was amazing. All these skins of famous people just show that society has the spotlight constantly on these shitty singers or soccer stars and none to actual people who served. At least the cod Endowment is still a thing.
@derekfrostwestbrook4941 9 ай бұрын
MWII: i thing im not good anymore Codm: yeah MWII: _bRo HoW?_
@_Nuda 9 ай бұрын
3:30 I like guns, and I won't touch that game for a second ever again. The example you showed is one of the funnier ones, since that gun doesn't just shoot all your rounds until empty, you have to rotate the mag, which is pretty much a bunch of combined tubes holding shells. As someone who likes games and guns, the CoD is a joke on both fronts, animations are good tho
@matthewlayne5151 9 ай бұрын
Completely agree with everything u are saying and the gun nut thing? Yea none of this guns are the “actual” guns they all don’t technically work by how they are portrayed
@colonel1003 9 ай бұрын
I feel like there’s a difference between a gun nut and a hoplophile. A gun nut is someone who actually owns a gun and you’ll see arguing about .22 and 9mm in the comments of a video about real guns. A hoplophile are the morons you see crying about reload animations from an obscure 2002 game. They are also the ones that jerk off to the mw2019/2022 reload animations because the character vigorously pressed the eject magazine button
@OkamiiSenpai 9 ай бұрын
"The battle royal and its effects have been a disaster for gaming."
@oskaranddaniel7582 9 ай бұрын
Cool video 👍 Btw can you make a video where the Legion won the first battle for Hoover dam or one where China won the Sino American war because i would love to see more fallout althistories
@JaydenGoods 4 ай бұрын
I feel like this is the marvel effect you no longer play as a soldier/spec ops operator but rather as a superhero with a gun not the same anymore
@Gyrfalcon312 7 ай бұрын
I just learned a new word today! _Hoplophile_ ... Also, it's been too damned long since I've tuned in. Good to know you're still publishing videos here on the 'Tube!
@murkywateradminssions5219 8 ай бұрын
Come on Activision, Treyarch, WHERES MY FUCKING WAR CRIME INFUSED CALL OF DUTY! I refuse to believe this is the same company that made and published Call of Duty World at war
@OllieLato 9 ай бұрын
I’m glad there’s someone that has a bigger voice on here that can speak for us. You hit the nail on the head with this. As much as I want cod to be an actual video game and not some stupid meta fps with everyone’s favorite characters from any show, I think Activision is too far gone.
@dullestbucket1348 9 ай бұрын
Amazing video this is so true man new cod is not fun anymore I do have a question though is there a date yet for the fallout enclave story if there is one please tell me man it’s such a good story but great vid man you deserve more dubs man
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
I do not have a date, I'm still writing it.
@dullestbucket1348 9 ай бұрын
@@TheOmegaInitiative thanks man no rush just keep up the good work I always look forward to your vids and have watched the enclave ones a few time good work and keep it up
@bloodmoonangel8925 9 ай бұрын
@Joshua_Graham2281 9 ай бұрын
Can you do a What If Benny’s plan succeeded? Like I know it heavily unlikely but I just think it would be neat
@disasterdivision4981 9 ай бұрын
Glad to see other people who have the same opinion on cod
@Dalocklear73 7 ай бұрын
And the hint to the next fallout 76 enclave video, this video was fantastic bro!
@TenkoBerry 9 ай бұрын
This this is Good Keep up the Great work 👍
@jurassicarkjordanisgreat1778 9 ай бұрын
Finally someone who can put into words all my thoughts, this is so frustrating people like actman called this garbage “so awesome” this is a horrible imitation of what came before and I’m so fed up with it. I’m glad more people speak up about the truth in this game
@kelvinsantiago7061 6 ай бұрын
Man a Warzone like games with Jetpacks and Grapling hooks + advanced movement would either be a great game if done properly.
@timimy1009 9 ай бұрын
It‘s good to see people who cares about the old games especially from the COD, it will be ever critic on the new COD games but there Are to much gamers who plays that the publisher or some of them would do something for those who Are not happy about theGame and i find it funny that the publishers Said that the mw2 would be hold longer before a new COD would come and now a mw3 which will exactly like the other two new modern warfares
@Kiddo5010 9 ай бұрын
This is the same for most games, like i feel obligated to play when i dont want to.
@Joshua_Graham2281 9 ай бұрын
Me: *sees a COD video on the channel* a surprise to be sure but a welcome one
@adamstolarik6618 9 ай бұрын
Streamers , movement
@USECXJ13 9 ай бұрын
MW2 2022 did one thing right they made Shadow Company the best thing in COD
@ZeSgtSchultz 9 ай бұрын
I always loved the campaigns, but the new ones really have no guts, it's all graphics now.
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
But at what point does it stop? Do we need so many resources spent on individually modelling each operators ass hair? I'd rather them leave the graphics at the level they are now and just focus on everything else.
@joemama-vo4xy 2 ай бұрын
this has aged soo well, spot on
@bradleykalinoski99427 9 ай бұрын
If they got rid of skill based match making everyone's experience would be so much better
@kevkevplays5662 9 ай бұрын
Ayo what that cat doing
@pumpkin7301 9 ай бұрын
Thought this was a 21Kiloton video lol
@Randomusername56782 8 ай бұрын
I get more enjoyment playing xenonauts which is basically a streamlined XCOM (the original) then the entire and I mean the entirety of modern call of duty lmao.
@enocescalona 9 ай бұрын
holy shit, "Commiefornia" i freaking love it, i'll use that. Great work in the vid.
@NuclearMolotov 7 ай бұрын
I mainly agree with you but, my guy, it's been like this for years and it's only slowly gotten worse over time. I keep telling people to jump off the AAA competitive FPS train, go play other games, diversify your interests, because this genre is dead and there are way better games and even mods out there that are being released even now that are way more fun and this part of the industry is so painfully oversaturated and corporatized that you're better off literally anywhere else. Take it from a RTS gamer who is watching the same things happening to FPS now that happened to RTS then after WarCraft 3 and StarCraft 2 released, when your games start directly trying to appeal to ESports or Twitch Streamers, it's the sign you need to get out.
@abadenoughdude300 7 ай бұрын
I never got past the first WW2 CoDs but everything you say applies to the gaming industry in general. Minimum viable product at highest possible price, no respect for the customer, dilute the essence as much as possible to broaden appeal as much as possible, and milk everything/everyone dry, that's the definition of modern gaming. As someone who grew up in the age when games were games and not lackluster additions to an online store I actually hope it all collapses so that we can get back to where we were before the horse armor/gacha nonsense took root, but not holding my breath.
@ghostsstarwars1929 9 ай бұрын
You are not wrong there is problems that can be and need to be fixed
@famalam943 9 ай бұрын
grind requirements to unlock things ruin it for me. Can’t just play the way I want, I have to play the way the challenge wants me to making it restrictive… just link it to xp
@scorchercast8366 9 ай бұрын
I swear multiplayer games just can’t comprehend the value of maintaining a strong atmosphere. I don’t need super realism, I just want a consistent art design that dosent constantly clash with itself and destroys the tone I’m fine with the over decorated guns and the occasional wifu gun skin. There a bit much but they exist within the sphere of “I can see someone with a alot of time adding the customization”. But when you have people in Halloween costumes tuning around with unicorn particle effects it just looks stupid next to the semi ground characters, weapons, and maps Tf2 thrives off being a bit silly but that’s because that’s it’s over all tone and atmosphere so everything cohesively fits together. Love a god I don’t care the direction I just want games to pick a lane and stay on it
@Seriph7 8 ай бұрын
I think you've summed up AAA titles as a genre. Skins, shiny things people will buy, and celebrities that have no business being in certain games. I buy skins here and there for certain games, but most of the titles i play dont have micro transactions in them at all. But spending $20 on one single skin in a video game that will be dead in 3 years is disgusting.
@mechicanalnumbariaro 9 ай бұрын
wow crazy to see someone who doesn't fall for this cripe. I know these are not your more popular videos but damn do I like them way more...
@F_Around_and_find_out 9 ай бұрын
Money doesn't solve problems. Money is for buying the rug to sweep the problems under. Overtime, the build-ups just getting more...real and more money will be needed to buy a bigger rug.
@j.c.denton2060 9 ай бұрын
Yeah I thought Modern Warfare 2019 was a return to form for them but MW2 just really missed the mark for me. It feels like an imitation of COD if anything.
@wolfiedwarf4382 9 ай бұрын
I want that ep 3 for what if. Yeah call of duty is no fun no more it's just the same
@ultimatestuff7111 9 ай бұрын
Dude make another one of those chapter videos those are next level storytelling, you could legit be an author
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
Next video
@ultimatestuff7111 9 ай бұрын
@@TheOmegaInitiativehave you ever considered writing books, maybe on more known topics, like maybe a fiction narrative of world war 2
@pokemadness3215 8 ай бұрын
My first call of duty was WW2 from 2017, it is the only COD that I have enjoyed, mostly because the skins mostly stuck to the world war two setting, I got MW2022 and stopped playing it after the first season because it just isn't the game I remember and and enjoyed, it sucks that warzone is the center of attention now and the the rest of the game gets sidelined. I just wish that war one would just become its own thing and be separated from each COD release so the main game that you are buying for sixty dollars doesn't become the secondary game
@prodiG69420 9 ай бұрын
You basically covered all the points accurately!
@ultimatestuff7111 9 ай бұрын
You should make a video on hearts of iron 4 owb mod
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
I don't like hearts of iron
@ultimatestuff7111 9 ай бұрын
@@TheOmegaInitiativethe story mainly, there is a lot of non canon lore that was expanded upon by the modders, there is also a mod that expands upon the lore of the enclave
@whotookmytoast6418 3 ай бұрын
I caught on at the end of the golden age of cod (in my opinion) the original mw1 and 2 remasters, bo4, ww2. That's were I think the transition into something more like fortnite happened. I still tried to hold onto it all the way until mw2 reboot (the newest one). I loved cod, and it breaks my heart to see the direction it's going. I briefly tried mw3 during one of those free trial things and that's when I finally said "fu(k it, I'm done" (I got dropshot and then squadwiped by snoopdogg and Nicki minage with a barret). One of my friends put it like this: "i hate this game, ive just put too many hours and too much money into it to leave" Honestly, indie games and old releases of other games are the way to go. Minimal to no micro transactions, no BS clown or celebrity or animal skins, it's just got so much more care put into it.
@HurDUR3000 9 ай бұрын
Honestly dude, I think you could probably be a rants channel if you need to step away from entirely fallout focused content, this was exceptionally enjoyable to watch
@SantoseDaMenace 9 ай бұрын
Tbh me and my friends only getting MW3 for the zombies
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
It might actually be free
@mcnuttington7122 9 ай бұрын
Love to see milsim skins gettin some love
@nuze4047 8 ай бұрын
I used to be a CoD maniac (my first game was MW 2 when I was 6) but now I completely abandoned it because it become just another cash grab Triple A game with shit ton of micro transactions. R.I.P good CoD 😢
@cylerner 5 ай бұрын
I've noticed that every triple-A game has been copying or at least attempting to copy Titanfall 2's hyper-fast and aggressive movement/gameplay. But there is a problem with that... Titanfall 2 had an unrestricted movement system that required you to learn it if you wanted to do well. MW 2019 and so on have put in a similar intense movement system, but it's very restricted and clearly designed to be as easy as possible, leaving no skills to pick up. It just feels really bland. Also, triple-A games have lost their consistent art styles by adding gross cosmetics.
@chrisupton6190 9 ай бұрын
0:27 I’d recommend getting an Xbox for those old ones, they work still and I’d u wanna get ur old data just get on a free modded lobby
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
I did get an Xbox just for that 💀
@MrHathaway1337 9 ай бұрын
Hitting Level 1,000 within weeks of release is a textbook nolife.
@Jomygunz 6 ай бұрын
I been playing cod since bo1 and every cod after those and 2017 was when I started to feel meh and I still buy them to hope they get better but I think I’m going to stop preordering the game and if the next black ops game is good then I might buy it but most likely will not buy any new cod unless it a remaster of bo1 or bo2 because those two games were my favorite. But cod need to take a big step back and stop adding 2000 bundles that are just overpriced like a skin shouldn’t cost as much as a DLC like if anything cost 20$ give us like 6 maps and 3 new guns and a new zombies map not snoop dog as a skin like remember when the gun skins cost 2$ for all you’re guns and not just one gun you probably stop using a week later because they nerf it to the ground so you would buy the next new gun blueprint for 20$ because they made it overpower It just sad to see where cod is now like it was my favorite online game but they just ruined it they threw zombies away they threw mp away just so warzone can get 1 update a year and a lot of 20$ skins
@Green_saber_Drew 4 ай бұрын
I thought the whole cartel helping out a terrorist group plot was kind of a dumb idea for a campaign. Not only that did people really sit in a room read and played the game and said “ this is going to be a hit “ then for it to take 2 fucking hours to download just so I can play the exact shit I played last year
@creatorsfreedom6734 9 ай бұрын
how many time's do the russian's need to be the bad bad ?
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
@Randomusername56782 9 ай бұрын
I mean in fairness that does have historical precedent
@creatorsfreedom6734 9 ай бұрын
@@Randomusername56782 Semantics'
@TacticalBaguette 9 ай бұрын
I was in that camp too until Russia had to go and remind us why we keep making them the bad guys
@negative2510 9 ай бұрын
The winners of war decide history
@starchymuffins0086 6 ай бұрын
Still think cod ghosts was the strongest "tactical" call of duty. It feels like nowadays they're trying to blend arcady and tactical and it just doesn't work.
@TheOmegaInitiative 6 ай бұрын
We were afraid of it, so we rejected it 😔
@jj66123 9 ай бұрын
0:52 yes
@user-tl9gp4dn4q 9 ай бұрын
Interesting seeing something diffrent
@allensandmi5729 9 ай бұрын
right when black ops 4 came out i knew it was the end since the game didn't have style nor campaign
@Tattedupjay3 8 ай бұрын
The one thing that really pisses me off about this game is how many sweats there are now. When this game first came out I damn near would go positive every single MP match but lately I go negative almost every single match. Idk if sbmm got something to do with it. Or if I just plain suck now. Idk what it is. But this game is not fun to play anymore
@KonungrKaapro 9 ай бұрын
Announcement: A failed Khajiit copy from Wish has entered the battlefield 😂😂
@kelthuzad4634 9 ай бұрын
meh my biggest gripe with the game is the aim assist on controllers i just wished there was separate que for MKB players
@AmericanUnionState1824 9 ай бұрын
Greed....greed never changes.
@dabadman00 9 ай бұрын
Honestly the matchmaking and the skins need to change (however snoop dogg is fine considering a large part of COD fanbase grew up in the MLG trickshot era where snoop was the meme so thats fine). I remember the MW22 beta and how fun it was getting normal people in a lobby where there was no way of knowing if its a 6t man stack ready to sweat or 6 randoms who didn't even know that there is a class creator so they played with stock m4's. Also for around a month after release the game was genuinely fun, but then EOMM kicked in after they patched it in and game went to complete dogshit in just a few days. Then warzone 2 released, making half of the players go to WZ and DMZ (which was fun on release RIP sweet prince) and the EOMM in MP was completely wrecked for a few months. Then they added EOMM in WZ making even it worse than it already was. Then they added skins with 0 milsim aspects even though they promised they won't do it in MW22. and now we have Nicki Minaj.
@youtuberobbedmeofmyname 9 ай бұрын
I stopped playing Cod since AW. This is what they're doing now? This is so expected. The worst part is that 90% of PC players of COD play the older games because they dont like the newer games. They also got shafted by Activision because they cease and desisted the alternate game clients like iW4X, iw6x, s1x, BOiii, etc
@autocrat9791 9 ай бұрын
After MW(2019) i moved to Insurgency Sandstorm and go back to play BF 1. Those are my only multiplayer shooter games i play, because in my opinion they are well made and they are no full of crap like MW 2 or Vanguard.
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
It really suck how there's essentially no middle ground between tactical/hardcore military shooters and wacky fortnite shooters anymore.
@autocrat9791 9 ай бұрын
@@TheOmegaInitiative From time to time I play BF4, found it myself near (not very) that middle ground you mention. But i´m really interested in Battle Bit (never played it before), have you ever tried it?
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
​@@autocrat9791I mean new games. The only games I play anymore aside from the occasional torture session on MWII are all at minimum two years old with most being from the mid 2010s.
@nateghast6456 7 ай бұрын
If Call of Duty Black Ops 2024 is even close to as shitty as the last 3 games, I'm quitting the new CoD franchise. Please remind me of this comment in one years time.
@RoyalRoseTrue 5 ай бұрын
And then there's...... (gulp)..... Modern Warfare III
@bradleysmit1842 4 ай бұрын
The original Modern Warfare felt like playing a Tom Clancy novel, the neo-Modern Warfare feels like playing some B-rated made for TV movie. I'd be fine with mil-sim/realistic skins, and a few goofy skins. They've just oversaturated all the worst parts of modern gaming, but the neo-MW3 campaign has killed my interest in the next game.
@riddell26 6 ай бұрын
The gaming industry needs strict anti consumer regulation.
@TheOmegaInitiative 6 ай бұрын
The problem is the people that buy the garbage regardless.
@MrAssassinkid17 9 ай бұрын
This is why I stopped playing halfway into MW19. That, and because it took up half my fucking HDD just to stay up to date
@rogermurtaugh4766 9 ай бұрын
Cod went from feeling like a military game back in the day to being presented as a Tiktok attention span hip hop operator shitshow made for ppl who shop at Target.
@tinyzinc7344 9 ай бұрын
Making me so glad I just rolled my eyes and moved on once warzone came out.
@cal1believer 4 ай бұрын
Honestly read this. "Hard times creates strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times. In other words if were so tired of all these games hitting the fan lets just rip them off and make new ones if they're not gonna make an enjoyable game anymore its up to the players to take the thrones
@athansadkowski8655 9 ай бұрын
Yes your right 100%
@SergeantDoorman 9 ай бұрын
3:32 as a gun nerd, this is probably the game with the worst guns ever
@finnl6887 9 ай бұрын
Black Ops 2 was honestly so bad it lost my interest in call of duty. I heard people saying that I'd enjoy ghosts or advanced warfare repeatedly, so I gave them each a try. They were dogshit, and I haven't played a COD since besides COD 2 or world at War on rare occasion. I'm glad I've saved my money, the new games look even worse
@theicelandicnationalist2.023 9 ай бұрын
You have never played the first three Call of Duty’s? Damn, shame one and (especially) two are still great games and hold up relatively well today (more so 2 than 1)
@TheKsnate 9 ай бұрын
This man just decided to ruin SpongeBob for all eternity🤣😂
@drdipshitshouseofmemes2046 9 ай бұрын
cod hasnt been fun since bo2
@thekietnguyen2673 9 ай бұрын
Now this is high quality content m8 :D
@TheOmegaInitiative 9 ай бұрын
You might say I take my time with my videos 💀
@foundationgamer9771 9 ай бұрын
​@@TheOmegaInitiativeYa don't say
@hbicgrizzly8212 8 ай бұрын
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