Why The Romulan Scout is Actually Genius

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Venom Geek Media 98

Venom Geek Media 98

Ай бұрын

Today we take a closer look at the Romulan Scoutship first appearing in TNGs "The Defector" and later as a science variant in "The Next Phase". these two small appearances tell us a lot about this humble vessel and its place in the Romulan fleet.
While its Dominion war career was less than impressive. its near two decades of dutiful service behind the borders of the Romulan Star Empire tell a different story....
Special thanks to the 4th Combined fleet for the STO renders.

Пікірлер: 137
@merafirewing6591 Ай бұрын
And here we have the mother warbird caring for it's young, the scout ships. Meanwhile the Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser and it's Fighters are hungry and desperate that they singled out the scout ships only to enrage the mother warbird to wipe them out in order to avenge her young.
@Vandelberger Ай бұрын
Birds do enjoy eating bugs.
@comentedonakeyboard Ай бұрын
The Scout Ship being just to big for the Shuttle Bay would be a surprisingly common Snafu in military Procurement (i.e. the Tiger being to wide for Railroads)
@nekophht Ай бұрын
Jokingly, it could be like the oopsie with the Iowa-class turrets. One bureau offers concepts, doesn't think a specific one'll be picked, does other stuff. Design bureau picks that concept, thinks the other one is developing the concept for use, designs the ship to take those turrets. Late in the process, the issue is discovered, and it only avoided becoming a complete mess because the first bureau managed to develop a lighter cannon barrel and a turret to take it that'd work on the design. In this case, the scout ship might've been expecting a larger shuttle bay that got shrunk down slightly during design development. Or the scout ship grew in size to deal with various issues or board opinions on its capabilities. And yeah, the scout ship somehow ending up incompatible with the shuttle bay that's supposed to take it would not even surprise me.
@nunya3163 11 күн бұрын
A modern example, the navy not being able to replenish their modular, VLM systems at sea. Talk about a smack your head issue.
@gmradio2436 Ай бұрын
Where there is a baby birb, momma warbird is nearby, watching.
@Traven158 Ай бұрын
Attack Ship summary of the Dominion War: Federation: *Holding onto the Interceptor class while Mirandas burn in the background* "We did it, Patrick! We saved the fleet!" Cardassians: *Looking suspicious near their "Pickup trucks"* Klingons: *Laughs in B'Rel's* Romulans: "Guess I'll just die..." Dominion: *3D Printer go brrrrrrr*
@gefran9856 Ай бұрын
If the Scout ship designer designed it to be modular maybe the romulans can modulate it with smaller wings or what it needs to fit :)
@Relav1364 Ай бұрын
Nice little peak on a little ship with a lot of heart. In keeping with the idea of the Romulan Empire mirroring the Roman Empire, I could see the scout ship employed as the Auxilia to the Legion that was the D'Deridex and the Raptor. A go to little dude that can do all of the boring, mundane jobs you don't want the regular corps to waste their time with. And I loved the quote of "Going to war with the army you have." I believe out of all the powers, The Romulans were the ones who were most forced to innovate to keep up with the times. The Scout Ships prove that!
@casbot71 Ай бұрын
Perhaps the D'Deridex hangar doors utilised Voyager technology?
@adrianjorgensen3750 Ай бұрын
I always wanted to see more of the scout ship. It really felt like one of those ships you’d be more likely to run into than a warbird.
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
It makes sense for the enterprise to mostly see warbirds. Match their best with your best. Bear in mind the romulans are very careful to project strength they probably wouldn't want their smaller ships to be seen.
@Aahmpower Ай бұрын
My headcanon is that the Scout ship can actually fit into a D'deridex because the hangar is bit bigger (enough to be filled with a Scout) Maybe it doesn't fit because no one really gave it much thought? I believe the D'deridex to be an hybrid Battleship-Carrier in that aspect, but the lack of romulan vessels shown onscreen might suggest otherwise Great video btw
@weldonwin Ай бұрын
If the Scout is a baby Warbird, does that make it a War-Chick?
@chrisbritt4266 Ай бұрын
@trekwars5400 Ай бұрын
Random thought... Maybe the ship's wings fold in. And that allows the warbird to carry them. And then they fold out for better warp stability.
@kimberly6663 Ай бұрын
I have a modest collection of Star Trek pins, and the Romulan Scout Ship is my favorite-it’s so beautiful, and “The Defector” is a great episode. I wish we could have seen more episodes with Romulans pulling lower-stakes shenanigans using these ships rather than always seeing the D’Deridex, as cool as they are.
@davidponseigo8811 Ай бұрын
I have loved the Romulan Scout Ship ever since I first saw it on Next Generation when Admiral Jarok defected. I literally mean back in the late 80's. I was watching with my father as we did every week. My father showed me reruns of the Original Series and he took me to the theater to see TMP and every other movie we saw together. When Discovery aired he wanted to rewatch Enterprise first but he passed away suddenly and I never got to watch Discovery with him. It's often hard watching Discovery for multiple reasons now.
@occultatumquaestio5226 Ай бұрын
A neat look into this little scout ship. And I could see in-universe the different elements of the Romulan government/military/industry being just perfidious enough with each other so that they just slightly miscalled with the D'deridex. Such could lead to a post-war rescaling. Also, 2:02 ; I think you meant 2350s instead of 2250s. Unless the there is a TOS version to go with the Thrai class.
@MrAranton Ай бұрын
If a large number of Scout Ships is supposed to compensate for the fact that there can never be enough warbirds to be everywhere and deal with all missions, they don't really need the ability to dock with a D'deridex-Class Warbird. If they depended on a D'deridex for supplies, and to get where they need to be, the Empire would still have to dispatch a big Warbird every time something comes up. If Scout Ships built are capable of atmospheric flight, the empire could establish small bases for them in troublesome areas, Scout Ships could patrol nearby systems, assess any trouble that comes up call and if it's too much for a Scout Ship to handle call a bigger ship to deal with situation and resume their original patrol
@charleslennonbaker Ай бұрын
My favorite vessel in all of ST. As for your assessment, I agree wholeheartedly. It was so underused. Do to the lack of onscreen canon, I always imagined the ship was a multi-role vessel. Missions that didn't need the full weight of larger ships-the "Scout ship" would be called into play. I felt imagined it was originally designed as a corvette with assaults shuttle capabilities. After a series of successful missions, the designers would [apprehensively] stretch it's capabilities and turned it into a short range "Scout Ship." With it's clocking device and its agility to dominate most small vessels using Wolf Pack tactics it would make and excellent escort vessel for VPs who are in Romulan Shuttles or a Admirals Personal Vaults. On the civilian side they would have made excellent anti-pirate and anti-sedition platforms. Something the Tal Shiar would demand. Then their is the less mentioned part of the Romulan Star Empire's infrastructure, this ship would be a perfect "slave ship". Anyone trying to rescue the captives would meet a more than powerful ship capable of giving as good as it got. If the invasion of Vulcan had been successful, ships of this class would be equipped with sensor modules and or weapons modules and stationed close to Vulcan with the larger more durable and powerful vessels within the fleet repelling the eventual assault by Star Fleet. This would be for a limited time due to logistical restraints. Once a secure supply lines had been established these vessels would join the larger fleet or return to Romulus. Their not up to the task of short-term or long-term interdiction. I believe the ship's hull was designed for the future, but its inner workings [sensors, communications, weapons, and engines] were still twenty to thirty years behind most of the major powers in the quadrant, hence different modules for specific missions. To make matters the Romulans haven't displayed out-of-the-box thinking regarding these small vessels. For instance, deploy three to five of these ships with one or two equipped with sensor modules or better yet, tachyon emitters, with the other ships equipped with weapons pods a gun boat and missle boats-engaging a Nebula or dare I say a Intrepid class ship, I think they would have a very good chance of winning the engagement.
@trekwars5400 Ай бұрын
By the way, this video was fantastic. I waited all day to grill and watch this with a beer.
@Prang972 Ай бұрын
Always love you narration. 🤩You could be talking about the nutritional benefit of a cheeseburger, and make it feel like something that saves lives and ensures the survival of our very civilisation.
@nullc0ntext Ай бұрын
Love videos on the smaller ships in any fleet, they're just really cool things.
@Paleorunner2 Ай бұрын
I always saw the scout ship as the Romulan version of the Runabout.
I love these dives into Romulan lore! Thanks for always making such awesome content brotha!! Woot!!
@marcushall6821 Ай бұрын
Excellent video. It's got me looking at my eaglemoss Romulan scout ship model a little differently now like ok you so you were a useful ship after all 😂 I almost told them to keep it and send me the next issue 🤷🏽‍♂️
@brothersgt.grauwolff6716 Ай бұрын
I to have a collection of Eaglemoss Romulan ships I'm trying to get the rest before they become too rare
@williamcardish3106 Ай бұрын
In response to that comment about the army you have versus the army you want, which we'll take to mean the military force in this case. It was almost like the Federation had much of the military force they wanted (yes, yes, they aren't the military, I get that, let's push past that concept for the moment though), they just needed to make more of them and upgrade the rest of their forces to a useful state. By comparison, the Klingons also had the military force they wanted, or at least they thought they did anyhow, it was just that for them it was mostly an older navy that they simply augmented by making more and more of them (the old quantity/quality paradigm for example), and so the just ended up kludging older hulls such as the K't'inga into a more tactically useful state. Then there are the Romulans, who were the only ones that never even attempted to make a newer military force in preperation for the war, as they never intended to get into the fight anyhow. Add to that when it was growing clear they'd have little choice, they were still reluctant, and there's was very little chance that they could make scads and scads of heavy warbirds like either of the D'Deridex or Valdore classes in order to fill out their ranks in the time they had reamaining to them, never mind trying to copy something like the Scimitar! And so they really did get into the war with the military force they had, rather than one they'd much rather have had on hand for such a conflict, lacking a mediumweight ship, real attack ships, or even significant reserves of warbirds or the newest types to fight that conflict. That'd mean the concept of a scout ship being so massively mutipurpose, ala the Oberth class, would be even more sensible for them, and it is indeed unfortunate that there aren't a slew of variants of this class to help fill out the ranks, and to operate as attack ship wings in place of the frigates and cruisers they mostly don't have available to them during this period.
@gmradio2436 Ай бұрын
I can tell a story of where a component failed to fit properly. There is a key phrase involved. Designed by Committee. The USS New Jersey and the Iowas as a whole originally could not fit their guns as when the committee designed them, they had 2 potential sizes for the mounts and left each part of the committee to pick what size to use. The hull committee picked the smaller one, the gun committee picked the bigger one. Gun committee had to design new guns after being told that, "No, we can't cut the battleships in half and add 2 feet width wise." to fit the bigger gun mount. So I can very much believe the scout ship doesn't fit with the prototype models. Maybe they have folding wings.
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
At some point I'm gonna have to do a star trek version of pentagon wars
@nekophht Ай бұрын
@@venomgeekmedia9886 That could be an interesting two-parter. Part 1, the movie/book versions of events. Part 2, the actual facts of the matter with needed context. After all, imagine a group not wanting to test something against things they know it's not designed to be protected against or testing it to destruction with combat loads instead of materials they can actually learn information from, and someone from a different branch that's overseeing the process flipping out that they trying to hide the design's problems. ...Ferengi movie production for the Klingons parodying Starfleet ship development processes in the post-Wolf 359 Borg panic era, based on a book by a Starfleet Security officer on his experiences? Possibly include something about testing a ship against a phaser lance and/or quantum torpedoes, etc, with the designers repeatedly refusing because the ship wasn't designed to survive a hits from them in the first place. ;)
@Sephiroth144 Ай бұрын
Than big lumbering old Nova - Oh my; those were, indeed, shots fired.
@traviswebb5094 Ай бұрын
You may have brought this up at an earlier video. I am rather curious about the earth defense ships in BOBW episode two.
@jonuiuc Ай бұрын
Hmm I always pegged the Romulan Scout ship at about 50m, and thought of it as sort of having a runabout role for romulans (just twice as big of course, but isn't that this era romulans style). Then it would have no problem fitting inside a D'Deridex.
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
It all hinges on what depiction of the D'DERIDEX are you using.
@johnmiller4859 Ай бұрын
The D'dieridex is the RSE's version of an Imperial Star Destroyer.
@Hartzilla2007 Ай бұрын
Though probably more effective since it has a cloaking device.
@birdmonster4586 Ай бұрын
I always thought of the Amada Griffin class as a great "Light cruiser/Frigate" fill in for the Romulan Navy. Above the Scout, below the D'Deridex and Big Raptor. In the games it has a Sensor jamming ability which I head cannon the class performing an important EWar job in Romulan fleets. I also headcanon the Shrike class as a replacement for the older scout post-war
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
Yeah but I guess the question is it needed? Couldn't a scout variant take care of it
@birdmonster4586 Ай бұрын
@@venomgeekmedia9886 The need for an EWar platform exists and the Scout ship isn't too hot in combat, Something betwween the massive D'D and the Scout is kind of needed. Plus the Romulan Navy is very, very top heavy as it is. It's clear they produced thier D'D as the primary element of their warfighting machine. But there still needs to be some stuff between the two size extremes.
@chrisbritt4266 Ай бұрын
Maybe the Scout ship was an older model that wasn't intended to be used on the Warburg and was supposed to be replaced. And what happens often times is maybe they just ran out of the money and decided not to replace it, leaving the war, bird and capable of using that scout.
@danielboatright8887 Ай бұрын
Ive always figured that smooth bar on the centerline of the main hull was a mounting point for weapons pods, to include light plasma torpedoes and beam weapons, and we just only saw ones in basic shuttle/officers gig configuration.
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
@jeffhallam2004 Ай бұрын
Of course I love them and their Lore as I do love all things Romulan. Great video and yes!
@drew5367 Ай бұрын
The scout ship could tilt its wings to make it fit.
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
Doubtful the romulans were never too keen on swing wing technology
@chefjason1983 Ай бұрын
I always loved the design of the romulan scout/science ship. I think of it much like the Danube runabout with its versatility wish we got to see more of it. They were very useful in the game star trek birth of the federation they had a destroyer variant
@Grimloxz Ай бұрын
Interesting… A sort of “Hobart's Funnies” of Romulan scout ships… This would be really interesting combined with them being docked in a D’Deridex…
@joshpetersen5968 Ай бұрын
Great video and something I can see as a reasonable for the Romulan Scout ship. But I just had a thought hit me while playing STO. I was playing the mission where Empress Sela launches an attack on Vulcan to avenge the destruction of Romulus aboard her flagship, the Scimitar class I.R.W. Leahval. It suddenly hit me that the Scimitar is actually the successor to the Thrai class and its combat doctrine. It has a next generation, near perfect cloak and a planet scouring weapon. It also improves on the Thrai class by being relatively agile and carrying a small fleets worth of disruptors and torpedo bays(addressing some weaknesses of the Thrai class). I can see the Scimitar being a possible response to threats like the Dominion where deterrence may not work or would be ineffective and a heavy strike capability may be necessary(possibly the Battle of the Omarion Nebula causing some in the Romulan military to push for a ship able to scour a planet more effectively than the D'deridex/Keldon combination the Tal Shiar and Obsidian Order forces had) They build a prototype, realize it would be a massive resource sink and mothball it on Remus, where the Remans claim it covertly at the behest of Shinzon and finish it out as a Reman Warship.
@eddierudolph8702 Ай бұрын
Great video as always, l can see them used in combination with the new bird of prey (that you talked about in the video on Romulan birds of prey) would make a powerful and practical patrol and escort force for the new warbirds. And the older D'deridex warbirds; slightly modified to carry more scouts and birds of prey, making it a heavily armed tender for those crafts.
@wedgeantillies66 8 күн бұрын
A very though provoking and compelling video. Yes as although the scout ship is probably comparable in size and armaments to federation or Marquis fighters. They actually have a much more varied and multi purpose role that is vital to holding the multiple worlds of the empire in check and keeping them loyal to it.
@enterprise-h312 Ай бұрын
I liked that you had to fight this spacecraft in "Star Trek: Generations" the game. On foot.
@michaelaldredge-greenwell1692 Ай бұрын
I think the Romulan Scout Ships are kinda cute, sleek, awesome, & cool looking.
@DeaconBlu Ай бұрын
Great vid. Thanks Mike. 😎👍
@DrewLSsix Ай бұрын
A concept iv wanted to see in trek for years is an absolutely bare bones regional rapid response ship. Since earth seems to always be the target of some invader and theres never more than the one fully fledged starship around, i advocate for what would amount to a starship of whatever given era, but stripped down of literally all non mission necessary stuff. These would be based at a local facility, a normal shift might be a crew transferring over from the station where they are berthed, then spending the next 6-8-12 hours either standing by or flying a patrol route, theres no quarters onboard, maybe bunks for the occasional split shift nap, moderate onboard stores, no amenities. Probably not even shuttles or auxiliary craft other than escape pods or equivalent. The ship is a full sized warp core, matching nacelles and enough fuel for a few days or weeks of operation before refueling, just so you dont have to gass up literally every day. Imagine a TMP constitution class, now chop off the back 1/3 of the engineering hull, no shuttle bay minimal cargo space, the deflector dish and engineering related hardware is fairly spread out as standard, so pack all that in a little tighter and lose a couple hundred tons of hull and structure thay way, the primary hull is at least 70% living quarters science labs and recreational facilities. Cut all that off. You got impulse at the back the bridge in front of that, and the center most syack of decks already contains most of the necessary systems, main computers weapons medical etc. But even then theres so much excess space and material. After you pack in anything you need like RCS thrusters shield and transporter emmiters sensor pallets. You have what amounts to all the speed and firepower of a sront line flagship, but at least half the mass, all the hardware, a half dozen compartments, and enough reserves that worst case scenario the ship needs to flee somewhere it can get a few weeks away with just a bit of minor discomfort for the crew. Sadly, drama needing to be drama, this handy response fleet will surely meet a quick off screen end.
@Psych1_- Ай бұрын
I always saw the scout ship as more of a science vessel or for unimportant tasks. Kind of like a runabout... I never thought of it as having combat roles unless things were desperate.
@jamesbellegarde2893 Ай бұрын
I absolutely love and respect your reference to FASA‘s Star Trek, RPG, and tactical battle simulator! At the end of the day, it’s hard to say how anything is more beautiful than Nove Class Battleship in the Roman navy.
@classic.cameras Ай бұрын
The scout ships only design flaw was the front windows. If they were not there, who knows how big it was. Because of it, it scales the ship.
@stanislavkostarnov2157 Ай бұрын
the D'deridex is an armored Humvee... the scout ship is a police Crown-Victoria
@chissstardestroyer 8 күн бұрын
That's a very practical weapon-system; even better: vast numbers of highly maneuverable fighters; that's by far the *best* means of taking down the Borg: they can't feasibly beam troops onto them, nor target them swiftly enough to take out nearly enough to stop them, and aside from an "Assimiliation Cube" they really are incapable of coping with the unstructured movements of these foes: it causes the Borg to undergo a DOS systems failure of their instruction systems, much like "Martok" did to the Cardassian Central Command: he knew his firepower wasn't nearly strong enough for a full-on duke out match, but he also knew that the Cardassian State really was *so completely top-down structure heavy* that their individual commanders didn't even really know how to think on their own feet: so in the first few hours of "Operation Blitzkrieg" (rough translation of Martok's name for his people's invasion of Cardassia), he shut down the Central Command's ability to send out directives by overloading their directive computers, and the Cardassian Fleet was by and large destroyed before it could feasibly mobilize; once they did, however, get mobilized and get all their "ducks lined up" they were darn-near completely unstoppable to his forces; and practically wiped them out in the course of their counteroffensive. Yet you really *do* need small fighters to do most of the combat: they're by and large the most *practical* weapon-system for any galaxy-sized state like these.
@alexanderhamilton3482 Ай бұрын
hey i love your videos keep up the good work
@poil8351 Ай бұрын
Also there is also the romulan destroyer which is basically the same design just a lot big. For instance the ship in the next phase had a much bigger crew than the ship that crashed on geldon core which only had two crew.
@johnn9977 Ай бұрын
Great information keep up the good work.
@archades115 Ай бұрын
Honestly, it would have been amazing to see wings of these scout ships flying in formation and engaging the Dominion. In a similar manner as the B'rel class bird of prey.
@hmsverdun Ай бұрын
If its a width issue I am having thoughts about whether the nacelles or wings are able to fold up like a fighter in order to be carried in by a D'deridex as we know the tech to do it is going around the federation to do it by the DS9 era with the Intrepids. Im not sure on the Romulan tech base though as it does things differently to the Federation.
@larqven0192 Ай бұрын
Given how flexible scale can be in Star Trek, I would expect the scout ship could likely enter those bays. For that matter, the 'cockpit' windows certainly do make the Romulan scout look more like a shuttle than a ship. I wouldn't be surprised if the scout is smaller than the 89 meters stated, computers and tractor beam control making a tight squeeze possible? Small size also being why they didn't do so well in sustained combat. Also, what with cloaking, the Romulan scout might well be expected to get a killing or crippling blow in first, not requiring a larger or more high performance vessel. Despite the bird motif, the Romulan scout does look surprisingly blocky and utilitarian, only the size of the nacelles suggesting decent warp speed promises performance in that area, otherwise, the ship doesn't look particularly agile, tough or deadly. The Romulans building a capital ship to maximize potential utility, that was perhaps just too large. And little ships for specific missions, able to be configured for specific missions, that were perhaps a bit too small?
@worldtraveler930 Ай бұрын
The SCOUT ship is equivalent to a U2!!!
@chrisbritt4266 Ай бұрын
Maybe also, the scout was a new model and the warbird doors were actually designed for the older model that might have been actually smaller.Both are ideas of mine that might fix that problem in the lore
@gwenweight6916 Ай бұрын
A local hospital was built and then immediately they had to gut and reno the whole thing because the doors weren't wide enough for the gurneys. A government built the ship. They probably had D'Deridex MK II that quadrupled program costs to widen the hanger doors by 2.5 meters.
@rmcdudmk212 Ай бұрын
Love the design of the Romulan science / scout ship. It's too bad it didn't get more play in any of the series.
@casbot71 Ай бұрын
*OT* Why didn't the Federation cloaking ban get suspended during the Dominion War, so that combined fleets wouldn't show up at range due to Starfleet ships being detected on long range sensors? Starfleet could have used Klingon supplied Cloaks on the understanding that after the War the Cloaks would be given back to the Klingons. After all that would be less of a security risk to the Romulans than even the Defiant's single Romulan supplied Cloak. The Romulans could have even gotten a few treaty benifits or other considerations for allowing such an exemption. It would have been in the Romulans self interest, because it would have strengthened the military capabilities of the Alpha Alliance. And if the Federation loses the Dominion War, so does the Romulan Empire.
@jonathantifone8001 Ай бұрын
I doubt the klinks had 2000+ cloaks just sitting around. Remember with their own war production and attrition they'd probably not have many to spare. Also the feds have little doctrine or experience with cloaking maneuvers and any time it would be useful you just send in the Klingons to do it.
@MrAranton Ай бұрын
In a war you fight with what you have, not with what you want. I doubt the Klingons have enough cloaking devices sitting on shelves gathering dust to equip all of Starfleet with them. And that‘s assuming cloaking devices can be fitted on all Federation designs without major problems and that Starfleet personnel understand their use, maintenance and repair. You can‘t add things you don‘t onto ships that are busy fighting. Training crews while they‘re busy fighting isn‘t much of an option either.
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
Bear in mind the romulans are initially neutral but I wouldn't be surprised if defiant and some other "spec ops" ships also got a cloak. After all how are the romulans going to know?
@theodoremccarthy4438 Ай бұрын
I don’t think the scout was designed, in setting, to be carried by the D’deridex. Romulan shuttles probably had roughly the same warp capabilities as federation shuttles. In fact in DS9 we see a shuttle used as a long range personal transport by a Romulan senator. This implies the larger scout would be for a different mission profile, ie. for independent operations. It genuinely a long range independent patrol and reconnaissance vessel, not a parasite craft for a warbird.
@Mr_Sovik Ай бұрын
The artificial quantum singularity is shown in TNG: Timescape to fit within a small box aboard a D'Deridex. Even if the equipment to form it may not fit within a scout, it seems that the singularity itself should. However, we do not know what the size of adjoining equipment is that extracts useful energy. The original TNG D'Derdidex concept art also has similar features to his more recent calendar painting which you showed. Interestingly, the original art also depicts the 'hunchback' part which you despise.
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
The humpback is a different conversation in the end. But if we are using the comparison to nuclear powered ships then I think its fair to say there's probably a minimum size.
@james8449100 Ай бұрын
I always thought of it as a heavy runabout
@nitehawk86 Ай бұрын
9:31 On the right... its a Centauri ship!
@MrGrantNewlands Ай бұрын
08:55 We all need to remember to say the word D'Deridex a lot more in all our lives, never apologise :)
@SPatrickRoss Ай бұрын
I would imagine that the Romulans would probably fit the Scout with modules to try and make it an adequate attack ship during the Dominion War.
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
Yeah that might have helped although it does suffer from its romulan heritage...
@lonergothonline Ай бұрын
We could always say that scouts can land on planets, so they have retractable legs? Imagine if they were magnetic, instant docking, just use transporters.
@Virtue2721 Ай бұрын
What happened to the Navies of Planets that join the federation? The Andorian or Vulcan fleet for example. We never see any ships of independent Navies after the formation of the Federation.
@chrisbritt4266 Ай бұрын
Also I always thought the scout ship looked alittle bit older than the warbird
@umbraelegios4130 Ай бұрын
Military Leadership is always prepared to fight the previous war.
@grivolas2144 Ай бұрын
Perhaps the wings can retrack or fold to make it fit. Much like planes on a carrier.
@zachariahrich3354 Ай бұрын
13:00 tell this to the bajorans lol
@ycplum7062 Ай бұрын
So ... was it designed as a scout ship presssed into other roles or an attack ship pressed into scout roles? lol If it is a scout, maybe it should not be lumped in with the other attack ships. It doesn't seem to have teh firepower of an attack ship. Usually, those two are very different designs. Of course, boats (not ships) could occupy both roles since they were small enough to be expendable. I am thinking of PT-boats or torpedo boats. However, the scout ships seems to be the equivalent of a corvette, an actual ship. Anotehr possibility is that it isn't so much an attack ship, but a patrol ship, patrolling Romulan Space, to include its peripheries and putting down rebellions. Personally, I don't think one scout ship carries enough troops to put down a rebellion, but they could operate in a squadron of four or so. You may even have three outfited for troops and/or firepower with one with sensors as an actual scout.
@paulrasmussen8953 Ай бұрын
Or there another option one if more shuttle size for defector while the other is the bigger variant
@jonsouth1545 Ай бұрын
Personally I think those grills are part of the stealth system allowing fo greater heat dissapation etc as it's a scout thus higher levels of stealth are a much higher priority and with the cloak being very power intensive the ship would need a disproportionatly large power core which in turn would creat issues with heat generation etc so having more grills would allow you to operate the core needed for the advanced cloak without cooking your cew. It is known that the Romulan cloak is much better than the cloak on a ship like the B'rel thus it probably a much more intensive system. After all if the Klingon cloak was just as good as the Romulan one why did Starfleet specifically pick a Romulan cloak for the Defiant when a Klingon version from a B'rel would me much more easily availiable (even Nog was able to steal one)
@SymbioteMullet Ай бұрын
The only thing you need to know about attack ships is that they're on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
@MitchellFields0 Ай бұрын
What do you think the crew size of this ship was?
@DissociatedWomenIncorporated Ай бұрын
Can it fit in the shuttlebay doors if it tilts?
@HMSVanguard46 Ай бұрын
@richardchild6708 Ай бұрын
Romulan does like cloak scouts for intelligence and sabotage enemies.
@chissstardestroyer 8 күн бұрын
I think you got your "Star Trek" dates wrong: 2250s was *before* "Balance of Terror" so the Romulans were still using models like the T'Liss-class "Interceptor" regularly, not such newer model ships as this one- no, that'd be before the "Klingon Refit" models they used for a time as a result of a government deal that went bad- yet the Klingon Refits were worthwhile for outmatching the Gorn, no, the Romulan Scout Ship was a "New Model" ship *at earliest*, something akin to the Preator-class Heavy Dreadnaught vessel prior to the ships that hit Narendra III and Khitomer between Classic and TNG.
@saladinbob Ай бұрын
Mate, a black hole the size of a marble would put out enough power to power a fleet of Romulan attack ships. Trust me, unless the equipment is incredibly bulky for some reason, they run on singularity, and if scientists today are proven right in 400 years and Black Holes produce Dark Energy, and the Romulans are able to use that as an energy source, they just won the entire Universe, never mind the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
@Jeremy-83 Ай бұрын
What are the chances that one of these Romulan scout ships would still be functional after 800 years a drift? Like, lights on, gravity operational and maintaining a cloaking field after 800 years?
@gmon78 Ай бұрын
Where do you get all these assertions that you offer as fact? Singularity drive is too big for the scout class? Says who? Where'd you get that from? The drive we saw in TNG would absolutely fit in that scout ship. You could never build enough warbirds? Again, says who? Where'd you get that from?
@TheMelbournelad Ай бұрын
Ild just assume they chill out in the void in middle and cruise alone in wrap bubble to be dropped off
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
Perhaps although it would be quite precarious
@TheMelbournelad Ай бұрын
@@venomgeekmedia9886 possibly. If they wobble about, dock port on inside to lock onto, or tractor beams to hold in place ?
@Chris_Lohmann Ай бұрын
Hmmmm, Romulan Scout Ship. I wonder what that ship’s intended use could possibly be. If only there was a clue in the name. 😆
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
I mean absolutely unfortunately war doesn't care if that is or isn't your designated role.
@Chris_Lohmann Ай бұрын
@@venomgeekmedia9886 In my mind, given its intended role, the Romulan Scout Ship seemed to have more in common with a Runabout than with an Attack Ship and, as you said, had to be adapted to fill the role of attack ship out of necessity.
@edwardbell4928 17 күн бұрын
I take it Varnak's ship seen in DS9 is more of a shuttle and not a scout?
@venomgeekmedia9886 17 күн бұрын
indeed. basically the size of a runabout
@TomMentch 12 күн бұрын
They call it a talon class from star trek legacy
@TimothyChapman Ай бұрын
The warp nacelles do not have a line of sight!
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
Tell that to Rick Sternbach
@davidponseigo8811 Ай бұрын
It sounded like you said it was built in the 2250's , did you mean to say 2350's or did I miss hear.
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
@andywilson5828 Ай бұрын
I thought the scout ship was a science vessel not a fighter
@sulljoh1 Ай бұрын
Poor attack ships, always catching fire off the shoulder of Orion
@paulkirby2761 Ай бұрын
You've got the scaling horribly wrong here dude imho, and I'm more than happy to be corrected and not passionate about it since often the true size of these Trek ships got muddied by lazy on-screen visuals throughout the various Trek series. As I can remember, the Romulan scout ship(As the name might suggest), was something similar in size to a Danube Runabout. You simply CANNOT place it's size as represented in this vid, almost comparable to a Defiant Class, B'rel BoP(which itself was muddied many times to lazy production teams) and a Jem'Hadar attack ship. The reason for this is very simple and can be seen in your vid. The front "cockpit windows". They aren't supposed to be anything else, just like the Danube. You can clearly see a pilot through the windshield and thus reveals it's scale and overall purpose, as the name might suggest, which is to perform little scouting and small scale, covert missions, passing through atmospheres and landing on planets etc, hence the cockpit windows and aerodynamic shape, and certainly not something to be engaging warships and it's certainly not of that size. Consider that front with the cockpit windows something similar in scale with a the cockpit/quarters of a space shuttle. Now, go look at the cross section of a Defiant Class, it's a WAY bigger. In fact, the cockpit section of the Romulan Scout ship wouldn't even be as spacious as the bridge section of a Defiant Class just to put things into perspective for size, nor a Jem'Hadar Fighter, nor a B'rel. Those ships would dwarf a Romulan Scout ship and the likes of a Galaxy would look scary big next to one. I also suspect a D'deridex had a considerable number of these craft in a hanger, certainly not a big ship or much bigger than a Danube imho. Also, STO outlines this ship is powered by a small advanced artificial singularity, though personally I'd subscribe to your antimatter powerplant given that part of the reason the D'deridex was so huge was due to the equally large housing requirements an artificial singularity containment would actually need to facilitate it... kinda like how early nuclear powered subs needed a lot of space and size to house what were very large nuclear reactors that simply couldn't be made much smaller at the time. Of course, with time, technology allowed for much smaller nuclear reactors for subs BUT, in terms of Trek space time, I think you're correct in regards the Romulan Scout ship being launched around the time of the D'deridex so realistically(I know, it's sci-fi but still) there simply wouldn't have been an artificial singularity power plant small enough to fit into a Danube sized vessel which I believe the Romulan Scout ship was in scale. Btw, I say this in good grace, enjoy all this Trek talk and your vids and look forward to more.
@Marinealver Ай бұрын
A D'Drex can outrun this "scout". The only "advancement" is it has automated controls that a single person can crew it. Sort of like an advanced shuttle craft.
@BoisegangGaming Ай бұрын
4:34 "Warbirds can't be in two places at once" Thats quitter talk. Just go to warp 10. Sure you might turn into a lizard thing but hey now you're in all places at once.
@user-tw8nh3fh2y Ай бұрын
@theodoremccarthy4438 Ай бұрын
It’s a scout ship not an attack ship. Comparing them to attack ships was always unfair.
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
True although to what extent are any of the attack ships... attack ships?
@starbugmechanic5236 Ай бұрын
Did this ship ever get a real class name? Calling it the Romulan scout ship seems as lazy as Dominion Attack ship.
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
Some sources call it Stalker
@brobasticbroham446 Ай бұрын
I think you try too hard to make the Roms stronger than they really are
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
I don't think so. They are the main threat in TNG for good reason and they changed the tide of the dominion war
@matthalo871 Ай бұрын
It's a ugly little thing even the defiant is better looking than it.
@MARKCARTLIDGE-sm3mz Ай бұрын
Is venom geek. Related to Jacob Rees moggie. Both have no relationship to reality. Both failed by a nanny????
@jamesbellegarde2893 Ай бұрын
I’m very confused do you not understand naval terminology because the scout ship would not be heavily gun but should be stealthy and fast.
@venomgeekmedia9886 Ай бұрын
No it's just a lot of it's contemporaries are heavily gunned like the klingon bird of prey or jemhadar fighter and they are still used in recon missions
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