The Logistics Of The Dominion War
Just As Kahless Intended...
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Why Halo's AA Guns Are Important
The Prometheus Problem...
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Who Was Vorta Weyoun?
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Why Are Science Ships So Strange?
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A Bigger Gun: Kron Class Destroyer
Klingon Warcrimes: Septimus 3 Q&A
@CalledTurnAGundam Сағат бұрын
It's weird. I prefer the Enterprise C design we got to the Narendra, but I prefer the Narendra to the Galaxy class.
@descipleshipfollowersofyes4539 2 сағат бұрын
Why haven't Star Fleets developed stand off weapons?
@invictus2578 5 сағат бұрын
You should do a video on changs bird of prey
@TerrenceChilds-xz3xu 5 сағат бұрын
This is another great video please keep them coming and think you so much
@freedukefan99 6 сағат бұрын
in lore the excelsior class can separate its saucer section, though would have been costly for production, they were on a tight schedule and budget
@cross3052 11 сағат бұрын
Submariners of old went into combat in already sunken ships. Prometheus crews go into combat in vessels which are already broken up. Just give me a good old Connie... warts and all.
@sven92252 11 сағат бұрын
The Form from the site looks like the Enterprise from Kirk just mouch Larger And its Dark.
@trevynlane8094 15 сағат бұрын
I think a good use for the Nova during the Dominion War would be as a local defense monitor. With all the best ships in the Empire tied up in front line combat, a heavy defense ship would be needed, and why waste a new build when a Nova is "good enough" to do the job.
@duomaxwell4340 15 сағат бұрын
Its a dreadnought mate not a stealth ship
@TheMightyCookieShow 17 сағат бұрын
We just released our new SCP Foundation related to film and I went out of my way to use practical effects as much as possible there's almost no CGI in this film with the exception of a few shots of helicopters and whatnot
@markhoffart622 18 сағат бұрын
Can we get a picture instead of just a drawing of the physical model?
@sgt_s4und3r54 18 сағат бұрын
I think I agree on this. Sometimes adding features isn't necessary or dilutes the overall concept. I don't mean there shouldn't be changes but there is taking it too far. Now the question becomes was it too far and to that I'd have to say no. Too far to me would be glass/transparent view screens open to space, features that are well in advance in cannon, or just trying to make it "sporty".
@tommytwotacos8106 21 сағат бұрын
"It's not particularly small, it's just average." "Yes, but it's a 'chonky' ship." So, it's a chode?
@MarkHurlow-cf2ix 22 сағат бұрын
Never turn your back on a Breen….. that’s a Romulan saying…. Best ever saying in Star Trek……
@mrfly8133 Күн бұрын
the only thing I liked about Discovery is the way the klingons looked. Star trek aliens never look alien enough and I thought it was an excellent move creatively. That being said it's too bad it's not cannon, they should have looked that way from the beginning.
@KaneSugar-nl2yw Күн бұрын
Big and ugly. More like sick and brutal ship. Its all good.
@zomfragger Күн бұрын
Its more of a battleship constitution. The ship was constructed by section 31 but it wasn't for section 31 but for marcus to wage war on the Klingons. Due to this use direction it is fitting that it should not be included as a section 31 ship since its a war ship not a stealth ship.
@LARGO125 Күн бұрын
My only gripe with this ship is, WHY ARE THE WINGS SO BLOODY BIG??? Easy answer however, because "Romulan." Who cares if your adding so much target space for your enemy to shoot at? Who cares that you're placing the warp nacelles so ridiculously far apart (that can't be very effective)? But look at the BIG SCARY PREDATORY BIRD COMING TO KILL YOU.
@thecollector6746 Күн бұрын
LOL...The Dominion couldn't have cared less about The Sovereign Class.
@marmite8959 Күн бұрын
So to summarise: The K'Tinga is a T-55; old, slow, with limited firepower and not much utility besides being a mobile gun. Totally outclassed by more modern intelligent systems. The B'Rel is a BMP; just as old as its bigger counterpart, but because it fills a niche it has maintained its effectiveness with minor upgrades.
@yourstruly4817 Күн бұрын
Discovery + Picard = Discard
@bhanson4917 Күн бұрын
@Mayfield2024 Күн бұрын
Pleased to hear tgat the Remans will be getting their flowers 💐🦇 thanks Venom
@ricgillingham8056 Күн бұрын
Or if your Harry Kim your do 25 years and never get one promotion lol 😆 😂
@malicant123 Күн бұрын
"You don't have the right stuff, and maybe need to make room for people who do" Sounds like most of my working life 😂
@cross3052 Күн бұрын
I felt my trigger finger twitching. Well done.
@tommytwotacos8106 Күн бұрын
Unless the plasma is actually venting, there is no cooling going on because there are no particles in the vacuum of space that will be running over the surface of heat exchanger to absorb the heat.
@JoacinoDaGona Күн бұрын
"very young lad" - "of ebay" me: *cries in rapidly approaching 40* I think the practice of livery is a call-back to the original romulan BoP from TOS. So probably one fan did a custom one for his BoP and every just went along with it.
@MarkHurlow-cf2ix 2 күн бұрын
The Romulans had the Remans to back fill their ground troops.
@vortega472 2 күн бұрын
The thing about the Maquis is they always had the advantages until the Dominion came in the Alpha Quadrant. At the beginning, there where hostilities between them and the Cardassian government and those Cardassian in the "zone" - the Cardassian's had to be careful and not push too far or it would be a full-blown war which the Cardassians did not want. Then the Cardassian Civilian Government - that was a hot mess - no wonder the Maquis thought they could become an independent state. Not only was the Cardassian government a mess, but they were also being given aid by the Klingons. When the Dominion came through the wormhole - it was total war. The Jem'Hadar would cut through them like a hot knife through Kanar. They could do whatever they wanted and obvious both the Dominion and Cardassians wanted this - they wanted to show the rest of the Quadrant what they could expect if all sides went to war.
@barriemclellan1423 2 күн бұрын
The Sherman thing I'd thought, on the strike into territory in a relatively precise way, but was less of an algory than your :Hunt the Bizmark: one. Both very enjoyable though, in the fictional, and no no died really, sense.
@alanmike6883 2 күн бұрын
Venom Do you ever think you will do the four year Klingon, federation war?
@walkergamble4504 2 күн бұрын
I agree. I think the Norway class is a great ship that is very underrated.
@EricSherman-sz8cq 2 күн бұрын
During W.WII, the P.T. boats where small but could take on any large ship.
@CKN215 2 күн бұрын
About crew size: In the TNG episode where Dr. Crusher is trapped in a “micro-verse (?), Picard tells her at the end the crew was 1,012 (I think). My question is, how many of that number were civilians? And second, what’s the minimum recommended amount of crew a Galaxy class could have (before Picard Season 3, of course).
@chrisletendre8878 2 күн бұрын
"The writers don't seem to understand the scale of galactic war"... THIS! SO MUCH THIS! Like, this is a recurring complaint I have with so many Sci-fi and Sci-fantasy series, is their numbers are almost always so incredibly low as to be laughable! Like, 40K will act like a staggering losses for the Imperium is 14 million men and women in a single several year long campaign(The Siege of Vraks in this case)... forgetting that WW2 lasted 6 years and had 70 million casualties, and Stalingrad alone lasted six and a half months and saw almost 5 million casualties alone, with the war waging on unabated for another two years after that. Like, I love these series, but boy do they not at all grasp actual casualty figures.
@Mr_Sovik 2 күн бұрын
In physics, we have a name for when a material is light-absorbent. When an object absorbs inbound photons its colour is black, not green. I would guess that the green coating on Romulan ships is not practical for its colour but its material properties (such as copper on the undersides of nautical ships.) Perhaps an active cloak has an erosive effect on starship hulls?
@adammorris1756 2 күн бұрын
So from the military stand point here is my take on it. The volley torpedo system is not a weapon of terror only ment to intimidate really. What it seems to me was the federation where experimenting with photon torpedoes being their alpha strike and finishing weapon. Let's look at the weapons lay out. With thr galaxy federation had gone to phaser arays. These don't have the most potent alpha strike though they are powerful. But it gives versatility letting the the federations ships to have 360 degree firing arches so the ship can bring its weapons to bear on a hostile target approaching from any vector. The problem is this reduces the weighted punch of any alpha strike or shot ment to finish/break the back of a target. With a volley fire torpedo system the ship now has a powerful alpha strike that can be delivered to rapidly eliminate an enemy or attempt to break their shields for a debilitating strike from the phasers. So for example id the captian was aiming to get a mobility kill isntead of a catastrophic kill. Further more the volley fire system would allow a captain to strike multipul critical systems at once across an enemy ships hull if the shields had been brought down. Overwhelming the enemy ships damage control and repair cabilities. I would honestly say in my assesment the reason this system fell out of favor was it was no longer needed and obsolete by the time of the domini war. With the begging of the anti borg ship and weapons programs new things were tried and developed. And the dominion war influenced fleet doctrine and design for starlet. As you pointed out to fit such a system a ship needed to be massive. Looking for a military history stand point building very large ships requires special shipyards for the manufacture of such ships and such ships take time. They are powerful and navies always need them. But usually there are only a handful at best of ship yards that can accommodate and build a ship of that size. Planners also are usually very reluctant to use a shipyard that can build a super carrier or battleship to build a cruiser, destroyer, or submarine. Because you can still only get the one ship built at a time and it ties up the ship yard that could be building or repairing a bigger ship. With the dominion war starfleet learns having big tanky ships to anchor the fleet around are good to have but do by themselves make a good fleet or win wars. They need numerous smaller ships that can augment the fire power of the larger ship but also disperse enemy fire. More targets abound the less the enemy can focus its fire on anyone ships which in an age of regenerative shielding increases the survivability of all ships indirectly. Plus smaller ships can be produced faster and repaired more easily. So there were less shops going to be built large enough to accommodate such a volley fire system. Then we look at weapons development. With thr advent of quantum torpedos it made the volley fire system obsolete. These two or three of these torpedoes pack the same alpha punch weight of eight to ten photon torpedoes. Add in that even smaller ships can fit multiple single shot photon and quantum torpedo tunes you don't need the larger more complicated volley fire system anymore. You can achieve the same affect with just two forward firing photon and quantum torpedo tubes. This is just my take on it.
@BadApe351 2 күн бұрын
The Vengeance' purpose dictates that it be bulky and menacing - yet also built for high warp pursuit. It works for me.
@aesculetum 2 күн бұрын
Star Trek 2009 isn't canon! Fight me!
@shawncarter5619 2 күн бұрын
Point defense turrets. The Star Trek version of the gatling gun designed to create a flack field to intercept incoming ordnance.
@TheRezro 2 күн бұрын
It is purely coincidental, but it is interesting how Earth-Romulan War resemble war on Ukraine? Romulan Star Empire didn't see emerging United Earth as major threat. What was largely because how ignorant Vulcan's were about this planet. A issue what Archer point to T'Pol. So they planed fast sweeping operation, sneaking through unexplored regions. With intention to rapidly blow up Earth (it was when Photon Torpedoes weren't still in common use, so they need use nukes on larger scale). Problem was that assaulting forces bogged down forcing open war and revealing who was responsible. Effectiveness of Romulan ships was undermined by politics (hiding identity in this case), with forces more suited for policing operation and complete shock to actual scale of development of Earth, what despite only recently receiving Warp 5, has numerous colonies and ships of older generation (including warships as NX was misclassified as such, when as explorer did not represent peak of Earth combat capabilities). Anyway. Allied nations initially hesitate to enter the war, fearing powerful Empire. But they did support Earth delivering them supply, tech and even entire ships, made in external ports. In reality Romulan Power was largely a illusion, bot actual false signatures and propaganda. It is why after destruction of they main shipyard, what was designed to be far from line, but due to nature of border with Earth it end in the center of the war. Romulans lost capability to continue fight, but forced peace on good terms for them. As Coalition of Planets forces (after they finally join due to attacks on they supply lines) really didn't know what they get and Romulans depict is as only policing operation (what in this case make sense). So it was seen as good deal by future Federation. So yeh, there is a lot of parallels. Just Trek actually did it in competent way and Romulans actually were capable.
@lukecohen6185 2 күн бұрын
Considering the small time humanity had been a warp species it is pretty amazing what they accomplished against opponents who had been Star faring for centuries longer than Starfleet.
@cross3052 2 күн бұрын
Interesting. However, photon torpedoes are similar to real world ordnance but not the same. Real missiles are unitary items. They contain all their various reactants all the time. Photon torpedoes do not. Photon torpedoes are fueled and armed immediately before launch and are thus quite inert when in storage. The actual design flaw would be how close the antimatter storage pods are to any obvious aim point the enemy might use.
@yf9856 2 күн бұрын
Did you ever do the battle of Cardassia?
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 күн бұрын
not as of yet.
@yf9856 2 күн бұрын
@@venomgeekmedia9886 np looking forward to it!
@stanislavkostarnov2157 2 күн бұрын
I would say that the doctrine seen in the video, whilst it does have superficial parallels of sorts, is very much different from any of the recent wars you mentioned... even desert storm. This is not a campaign of Military terror, such as the Blitz or the bombing of Japanese cities was, in that it was not meant to break a countries will... only, to show the ability to strike into the heart of the enemies territory... something, more commonly seen within post-medieval conflicts, but not really precedented in the modern wars. the only force which attempts a tactic similar to what the Blitz and the Counter Blitz were in the (classic) ST universe are the Breen, though even they are more like terrorists trying to make a Sep 11th style shock attack, then a sustained force of psychological warfare using real ammunition.
@tim2024-df5fu 2 күн бұрын
The Klingon's and Romulan's never discovered carbon nano tubes? The chem coating they use to grow carbon nano tubes is 10 times darker than any known black. A starship coated with It would look like a hole in space. I haven't seen anything to confirm this but I'd have to guess the coating is basically invisible to radar and lidar as well.
@LackofFaithify 2 күн бұрын
Asking if it was Sherman's finale on the march to the sea is a bit telling. Sherman broke the back of the rebels. It was not at all the same as the strategic bombing campaign. It was an army obliterating all of the foes that were foolish enough to engage it, and cut off every single drop of water and bit of food to the ones that were foolish enough to not engage it.
@tacsquirrel 3 күн бұрын
Ahhhh….strategic STRIKE is back on the menu….
@flyboynextdoor 3 күн бұрын
I agree