@negentropyagent7337 2 күн бұрын
4:45 this was the idea behind Daisy and I am sooo sad they didn't work on it
@EcnoTheNeato 2 күн бұрын
Surprised not to see the Ring of Protection on this list! Not only is it available when 8 GOOD rings are hard to come by to fill your slots, there's a good chance you'll have it on at least 1 character until the end of the game!
@cosapocha 5 күн бұрын
The combat is too easy
@BRLink1 5 күн бұрын
3:35 wait, u can disable the steel watch? I just knocked on his door and said, bitch your free life trial has expired
@ANGRYWOLVERINE2060-ft2nc 7 күн бұрын
Act 3 needed more time obviously.
@GarretGarlinger 14 күн бұрын
Another insane Gloves is the Sparkle ones. They give an advantage on armored targets when you have lighting charges and its super easy to get those with the Boots that give you lighting from Dash and many other items. its insane in throwing builds because at a certain point you do damage with that lighting! I found the item on the over powered side. as a range Throwing building with pikes etc. It felt SO GOOD! Thanks for video!
@KIDNEPHRITE 16 күн бұрын
@KIDNEPHRITE 16 күн бұрын
Also another FYI if you use Yuffie and use blindside with windstorm it makes it 10x faster!👊🏾
@astel.2485 17 күн бұрын
does it work if i havent finished the game yet?
@brandonprater9512 Күн бұрын
No once you beat the game exp is earned at triple the rate from your initial run, at least it is in hard mode
@markvbvb7438 20 күн бұрын
everburn blade is the one. i almost act 2 but still can't seem to replace it
@nipperinshorts 20 күн бұрын
Absolutely wild. Thank you.
@quanlinglingdingle6122 20 күн бұрын
This is why among 6 playthroughs i only managed to reach and finished act 3 twice Act 1 is still the gem for me
@dibidissi 21 күн бұрын
Thanks 🙏🏻
@HavilandBerg 22 күн бұрын
The only complaint I have is Commander Gaius
@sp_welvet 22 күн бұрын
I was about to drop dlc because it was too hard for me, but after getting shield and tree talismans I was able 2 beat 2 mini bosses with 1st try each. Thanks a lot for the tips!
@johnherrera5261 22 күн бұрын
The cope in the chat is pathetic. You can literally tell who's an actual souls veteran based on the comments
@robertolofaso4066 22 күн бұрын
No. Is not hard... It's hard for those Who cant play a normale game
@gregorypachis795 22 күн бұрын
I am not enjoying this dlc I find a lot of combos both long and also that there is no opening I know that scadutree is mandatory and I decided to use it but changing the damage output/negation to me shouldn't be the deciding factor whether or not you can defeat a boss I am a veteran who has completed Bloodborne and dark souls 3 with no lvl ups I think the boss design in this dlc and base game are a low for fromsoft
@BlackValor93 22 күн бұрын
also a veteran here, been playing since DeS 2011. have also done a few of the games no level ups i agree the bosses are very agressive, but its because theyre balanced around having spirit ashes being a very core mechanic for balancing in elden ring. its clear as day they heavily intended us all to use spirit ashes, look at the revered spirit ash, they WANT us to level them up and use them. so the problem is the player base, its so entrenched in this community to not use summons, but fromsoft clearly created elden ring around it i think a reasonable comparison would be like playing sekiro and refusing to block/parry at all. yes you can do it, but the game was literally made around a more complex system of blocking and parrying that is unique to sekiro
@gregorypachis795 21 күн бұрын
@@BlackValor93 You seem like a person who can have a reasonable conversation Since we both have experienced from soft games What makes you enjoy them? For me it is the sence of overcoming an obstacle by learning I always felt that by learning a boss I could defeat it without getting hit(and I did so that with 90% of the bosses from demon's souls to sekiro) I didn't want to use spirit ashes because I don't think the ai is good enough to fight multiple attackers(I also never summon other players or phantoms) I had to summon in my first run of elden ring and I always felt like I cheated the boss and don't feel any satisfaction In this DLC I just defeated rellana and after 100+ attempts got her I didn't feel good It felt like I was banging against a wall even though I learned all her attacks ,it always felt like as soon as you attack she is gonna start a combo I am deeply disappointed in this DLC
@BlackValor93 21 күн бұрын
@@gregorypachis795 agree I think we can have a reasonable discussion so for what its worth, my main goal above everything is, having fun. to me a challenge is fun, and this dlc is challenging and im having fun. i can understand why 100 attempts is unfun and i respect why you would hate that I think the big disparity here is that players are not utilizing the scadutree fragments. you have access to so many of the immediately when you wander into the shadowlands. Its like margit at the begining of Elden Ring. if you go into him right away, head on at a low level no upgrades, you get absolutely ass blasted (saying on average.. as im sure there were plenty of players that beat their head into the wall trying until they beat him). I think now with this new mechanic, people arent treating it like an equivilent of the main game being leveling up and weapon upgrades and are upset about it because they arent engaging with the intended system imo my advice if you struggled with rellana or any other boss would be go look for more tree fragments and focus on taking some defensive talismans and opal cracked tear (15% resist to non phys dmg) and look, i dont think this is perfection, but its a fantastic piece of content and FROM did an amazing job imo
@Tacos-oz6vx 22 күн бұрын
It’s not change some stuff around you will be fine.
@adamsunderland0823 22 күн бұрын
Its not hard. It's poorly designed. Bosses have no rhythm. Massive health pools, extremely small windows to safely attack. Bullshit input reads. Trash 10 hit combos with oddly timed delayed attacks mixed in. You'll spend an entire night on one boss just to not feel good when you win.
@TheJunkShot 22 күн бұрын
Ah yes, I remember my first souls game…. Pretty sure you’re just bad at the game.
@jaydeus 22 күн бұрын
Completely agree. Timings are rediculous on these stupid long chain combos everything has. Not only do they get 20 opportunities to one shot you in 10 second intervals, you have to hit them about 45 times in those 1-2 second windows between their incessant, uber-poise spam attacks
@johnherrera5261 22 күн бұрын
Yall just suck
@gregorypachis795 21 күн бұрын
​@@TheJunkShot It's so sad people can't understand criticism Such a big portion of this community blindly trashes anyone who claims the game isn't well designed
@recon939 23 күн бұрын
No, you're supposed to find the blessings to make yourself more powerful. I'm on NG+5 lvl 400+, and I struggled at first, but once I found few blessings, I was good.
@KainRaRPG 22 күн бұрын
Yep, the blessings are a gamechanger
@jaydeus 22 күн бұрын
I'm finding absolutely no difference with 7 blessings. Still get fucken stomped by nonstop attack spaming bosses with varying attack speeds in the same 15 second chain combo. This shit is insane
@recon939 22 күн бұрын
Marika's Hammer helps with a lot of enemies.
@DamaLiam 22 күн бұрын
@@jaydeusswap 1 or 2 of your talismans for damage negation talismans and use the negation hardtear physik. I never ran them in my build but it’s feeling mandatory in the dlc to not get 1 shotted
@ANoDYNUSjosh 23 күн бұрын
No, it's not too hard. I took out the Lion Dance boss in one attempt and I'm relatively new to Fromsoft games.
@TBtitan 22 күн бұрын
The lion is like the intro boss and is nowhere near the difficulty of the rest😂you’ve prolly figured that out by now
@jaydeus 22 күн бұрын
iTs NoT tHaT hArD aNd mY bEsT fRiEnD iS jEsUs ChRiSt
@TBtitan 22 күн бұрын
@@jaydeus exactly😭
@ANoDYNUSjosh 22 күн бұрын
Ok, so add Rellana, Ghost Flame Dragon and I'm on my way to Finger Ruins of Rhia. This game is fucking amazing. It's still not that difficult.
@ANoDYNUSjosh 22 күн бұрын
@@jaydeus Oh man! Cut to the core! What ever will I do?
@emi992 23 күн бұрын
Luminous Armor should 100% be on this list… blood of lathander as well
@KainRaRPG 24 күн бұрын
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@genkureshima9834 24 күн бұрын
One honourable mention for post combat healing is Periapt of Close Wounds (or some name like that), sold by a lady at the beginning of the mountain road before reaching the monastery. It's effects are quite useful, first one being that if you're downed while wearing this necklace, you'll automatically become stable at the start of the next turn without any risk of failing death saving throws. KIND of useful for low HP characters, but at this point of the game you're likely to have better items to use that have sinergy with your class. Second effect is where it shines, since by the time you get this necklace, you have more than modest amount of potions stashed for a rainy day (especially if you've changed Shadowheart's Domain to Life Domain). It makes the character who's wearing it always get the maximum amount of hit points when healed, which means if you drink a greater potion of healing you'll get the full 20 hit points it can provide. Excellent to enter you next battle at maximum health without spending spell slots to heal or spending potions at the risk of getting the lowest amount of hit points.
@d_andrews 21 күн бұрын
Yep, if I want to heal my party up without resting, we play Pass the Periapt to maximise everyone's healing. Even if you don't have a free slot in combat, it's handy to have between combats.
@genkureshima9834 21 күн бұрын
@@d_andrews I thought I was the only one playing that game 🤣 and yeah, it's better to just save the spell slots and any channel divinity spells for in combat healing, even better when the healer already has Zevlor's gauntlets of Hellrider's Whatever the Name Was and the ring from Volo. Free Blade Ward and Bless for the whole party.
@saw31489 25 күн бұрын
The difficulty spike is because they revamped the combat system entirely and attempted to lean indy the action game difficulty and style without giving us the action game system to deal with these issues. They want you to block but actively punish you for blocking (the fact that quite literallyevery enemy has unblockable attacks). They didn't increase your speed but even the introductory enemies are multitudes faster and more aggressive... the game design is poor and there's a reason it isn't doing as good in sales as expected and why it didn't shake up the scene when it arrived like remake did
@d4mterro320 27 күн бұрын
So finish the game so that you have NO reason to level up,.... in order to level up fast... Got it
@KainRaRPG 27 күн бұрын
there is a thing called hard mode and extra challenges that pretty much require you to be max lvl mr smartypants
@velvet_victor 6 күн бұрын
Gilgamesh Island, Battle Square and Combat Simulator. Is that no reason for you?
@stevetischer2497 Ай бұрын
From 55 to 70 in a few mins. Thanks for the tip
@jasonelsner1310 Ай бұрын
Wow, thanks! This is insane!
@MrParallell Ай бұрын
"Not planning to have Shadowheart in the party"??? BLASPHEMY!
@destinygalearies7382 Ай бұрын
Correction, you don't get the Hellrider's Pride gloves from just finishing the tiefling quests (I assume you mean rescuing the grove by beating the goblin leaders), you have to complete the Investigate Kagha mission and then speak to Zevlor afterwards. He gives you the gloves as a reward for basically buying the refugees time and not forcing them out of the grove before the goblins are beaten
@destinygalearies7382 Ай бұрын
The Gloves of Belligerent Skies in the creche where the Inquisitor boss fight is are really fucking good, but they're stored in a chest that's for some reason marked as empty. It's by the front wall closest to the door. I believe they add on reverberation to enemies hit with lightning/thunder/radiant damage and they're cracked for a tempest or light cleric build Also from the creche vendor, I'm a fan of the Daredevil Gloves that allow you to cast spells while being threatened without receiving a disadvantage penalty. Really good for melee wizards since I'm a fan of going 1 fighter/11 wizard or 2 fighter/10 wizard for heavy armor/shield proficiency plus action surge. It's really helpful for your wizard to be able to stand in the middle of a crowd drawing fire while still being able to spellcast effectively
@edwinvoncarstein Ай бұрын
I'm a life long fan of the original BG and BG2 and while I was extremly sceptical about BG3 at first I also grew to absolutly love it but the game definitly has its flaws. For me the main thing is that Act 2 and Act 3 should just switch places. I feel like the middle chunk of the game should the part when things open up and you can do more exploring and delve into side some side quests and adventures. It just doesnt exactly hit the right way when you get to do that exactly right after the main plot really kicks into the high gear. Also Kethric Thorm feels much more like the main big bad guy compared to Gortash and Orin so it's weird he goes down first. Also Orion with her Doppleganders is exactly the right mid game threat to deal with that would also lead you to discover more about the cult of Absolute instead of already going straight into cults headquarters
@riyuphoenix4533 Ай бұрын
Its the perfect level of challenge, i did my first playthrough on dynamic difficultly and it was fun. Cait Sith was the only character i had a bit of difficulty getting used to, but after a while it wasnt too bad.
@greenchilistudioz4537 Ай бұрын
Feels like the GOTY game is truly feels overrated, for what is worth, it is pretty fun game, but not great game that many youtubers often preach about it as they are desperate of wanting game that satisfy their hardcore gamer addiction.
@1893Mauser Ай бұрын
I would have liked more defensive battles. Feels like ima fighting the movement 90% of the time.
@supersaiyanzero386 Ай бұрын
Try Rulers of the Outer Worlds. You need MORE than darksouls blocking. Way more.
@djohnson504x3 Ай бұрын
Wow! I went from lvl 55 to 70 in literally a few minutes!
@ezenico89 Ай бұрын
Great advises! Thank you so much ♥
@deathredemption6938 Ай бұрын
I am really confused should I go finish the geth mission or go to the UnderDark first i dont know which on is better to start with?
@xxlessQQmorePEWPEWxx Ай бұрын
lol i had a 40min cool down on hs so drawned myself and when i took the ress it put me in westfall didnt expect that lol
@jonny-b4954 Ай бұрын
Make sure you make a deal with the Ogres to get their horn. You can blow the horn during a tough fight and they'll come help you. Some will probably die during the fight, I only had to finish the leader and like 16 HP off after fight with Gith patrol at level 4. That double attack they had was wiping my entire party in 2 turns. Until I reloaded, set up an ambush and called in the Ogres. That horn is only good for Act 1 and Under-Dark. I've gotta get that returning Pike for my Javelin throwing Shadowheart. Haha.
@gonzaloleon9410 Ай бұрын
Amazing video, I just get from 50 to 70 in literally 10 mins. Thank you very much.
@kirbo1248 Ай бұрын
Not really "magic items" per say but the necromancy tome of thay, and the summon quasit scroll you can learn on wizards.
@TheYarox Ай бұрын
Still works From level 52 to 70 in 10 minutes Thanks
@matthias_tonitz Ай бұрын
So much agree to your sentiment. Felt the same way - everything goes downhill in Act 3, and feels rushed and smushed together. Among other things, you realize in A3: Many choices don't really matter (i.e. if you use a tadpole or not). There is no time pressure at all (in the beginning, I was afraid to even long rest because I thought the tadpole would grow lol). There are only two endings: Control or Destroy, both underwhelming imho. Funny enough, it mirrors another game I played recently that had a similarly unsatfisfying conclusion: God of War: Ragnarok. The 2018 released, first game was truly great (for me), but it was supposed to be a 3-part series until they decided to combine parts 2 and 3, and that improvised ending was also a big letdown, similar as with the cut content of the upper city in BG3. I suppose there is a lesson here somewhere...
@simoncunningham3740 Ай бұрын
I straight up cant see Aeonas, like hes not standing where he should be
@chris-jh4cx Ай бұрын
Is this classic?
@lyntonfleming 2 ай бұрын
The Flaming Greatsword that you get for killing (or disarming) the Cambion on the Nautiloid? I thought you couldn't kill him and there's no default character with command/disarming strike, but you CAN actually kill him (kinda easily too tbh, since he focuses the mindflayer) or have your first level be a class that comes with Command or Disarming Strike. Or you can have Shadowheart shield and heal the Mindflayers while you surround him with Lae'zel and the Intelect Devourer and go to town on him. Two tap the Mindflayer who then turns on you, or just have one character near the console to dip as soon as you pick up the OP sword.
@MostlyCloudy 2 ай бұрын
The last Act SUUUUCKED. It took me MONTHS to get back to it to finish it. I love that game, hate that ending.
@TheRogue-Rivian 2 ай бұрын
Spirit pats from where the Rune Icon on the map is to the location this guy is showing. i just confirmed it, i was sitting around at the kill spot and was like screw this ima check the other spot and looked at my mini map and found it patting its way around the lodge/lake.