MAKEN X (The Dreamcast Files #74)
@gry-ie8ch 5 күн бұрын
Your take on Superman was something else 😃
@SchmidGame 5 күн бұрын
Hahahaha thank you, it might be the thing I’m most proud of so far; I decided to give it a shot and then putting all the tracks together it came out incredibly and I lost my mind haha
@gry-ie8ch 7 күн бұрын
@gry-ie8ch 7 күн бұрын
Excellent video 👍
@SchmidGame 7 күн бұрын
@@gry-ie8ch Thank you!!
@MasterSandro 12 күн бұрын
A shame that it is not possible to buy this game in any digital store legally at the moment!
@SchmidGame 12 күн бұрын
@@MasterSandro that is a bummer! It feels like such a slam dunk
@MasterSandro 12 күн бұрын
I never had anything to do with the Dreamcast, but I like your short crisp and honest way of reviewing and that you include history parts in your videos. Many videos of old games are bathed in too much positive light, so it's often difficult to recognise the problems that even an experienced player can have with them.
@alexanderwrath5773 19 күн бұрын
discovering this account as i discover new dreamcast games have been a blessing and very entertaining. Gotta add this playlist to the "not for sleeping" collection
@SchmidGame 18 күн бұрын
Thank you friend! Appreciate you joining up! 💪💪
@jrod75 19 күн бұрын
Your quote “I’ve had a terrible time and I loved every bit of it.” is spoken like a fellow Denver Broncos fan. It’s also a retro gamer’s mantra. First, good on you to break free from your self imposed criteria’s and standards. It seemed that it was taking a mental toll to fully commit to. On paper your schedule should work but the margins of life will appear to muck up your plans. It’s good to evolve your approach, you realized that you are missing the points of this endeavor so change is in order. Open to combine the original and the sequel games as one video while breaking the numeric order? Hey, as long it is accounted for and is easier to compare the two, do it! This is your show. Just don’t go too deep in the weeds like PandaMonium reviews Saturn games, he does great work but dives DEEP into these games by talking to the original developers, news articles, technical analysis and way too much more. His last video Sega Rally was almost 5 hours long! Way too much information to watch. The way I see this is you are a technical historian. Your essay is about the Sega Dreamcast games, a defunct system that existed 25 years old, there are no significant changes from their published time to affect the present, so no need to worry or to rush a review video. Take your time to review these games at your leisure, that’s part of the enjoyment. Keep up the good work and I’ll see the next one when you get around to it.
@SchmidGame 19 күн бұрын
1 - hahaha hell yeah go Broncos 🤮 2 - yeah if I had done this project a decade ago when I was unmarried with no kids and barely any job I would have killed this schedule but it got real caught up and I realized it eventually 3 - haha yeah Panda is a friend and his videos are astonishingly good and impossibly well-paced for being so long but I couldn’t even imagine even trying to be that ambitious, I promise I will never interview any game designers 😂 Thank you friend! I’m having fun just playing a game at a time now, I’m excited to do more stuff! Appreciate you!!!
@mythicdale8757 19 күн бұрын
I shit you not 'A Bug's Life' is one of my favourite 3D platformers which was made by the same team. It had a really clever and almost Zelda-style seed system where you had freedom to create different plants each with their own ability. You had to puzzle out which ones to plant and where in order to collect certain stuff. To 100% a level, you had to solve a Rube Goldberg style puzzle of seed placement. It was great and very subversive for such a licensed game. Alas, Toy Story 2 just looks like it goes for pure platforming with mini non-games, but I am charmed that they seem to share the same engine. Still, despite the sentiment that this is not a great game, credit that it charmed you to re-invest yourself to the game side of the project. Kudos for not sticking with that crappy emulation and diving with this onto CRT too.
@SchmidGame 19 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! That’s so interesting about Bug’s Life, it makes sense that there would be more licensed games pumped out with the same engine. Im really interested in the other Buzz Lightyear game on the Dreamcast that appears to have almost all the same sound effects lol And thank you! Im excited to try for more authenticity than before so im excited for actual discs! Appreciate you!!
@_lemon52 20 күн бұрын
I’ve been watching you since episode 1 and have to say I much prefer this much more detailed and in depth format. You’ve covered a lot of games so far that I’m quite fond of, and I’ve been surprised some times when you weren’t really a fan. While obviously If you just aren’t a fan of a game that’s completely fine and just your opinion. With some of the more in depth titles tho I couldn’t help feel like due to the short amount of time you give to each game, you didnt really give the game a chance and saw little of what it had to offer. This new format feels much more fleshed out and it’s great. I’d deffo take something similar to this with longer gaps between videos rather than just blasting through games. With the short videos as well it would seem strange when the bulk of the video is devoted to backstory with little time given to the actual game. But now with the bigger length, it’s not reslly an issue anymore. Great video👍🏻
@SchmidGame 20 күн бұрын
@@_lemon52 thank you much!!!
@SchmidGame 19 күн бұрын
And yeah, I definitely feel like I want to be more in depth with some older videos, To give those games another shot and see how I feel more through
@MSquared135 20 күн бұрын
When discovering your channel a few months ago, I was intrigued by the focus on Dreamcast games but ended up staying for your excellent storytelling whose prosody would make the cast of Seinfeld blush. This new format is great though it looks like more work on the content production side compared to the bite-sized historic format of the older episodes. All the best on wherever your ambitions and audience reception takes you and much thanks for the great content you've produced. Cheers Brian!
@SchmidGame 20 күн бұрын
@@MSquared135 thank you so much! That’s so nice!! Luckily for me the issue was just the balance of the work, I love doing the work, it’s just pointless to rush! Thank you!!! 🥰🥰🥰
@naffty4876 20 күн бұрын
The video rocked dude! I had been worried about the evident burnout for a while, so I am very glad you have been able to make a comeback, better than ever. I was already a big fan of your journalist approach, as you mentioned, and your solid scripts but I really appreciate the injection of your personal experience too. Enjoyed the vids before and your growth so far has been great for real. Take your time, don't be too hard on yourself, and best of luck going forward.
@SchmidGame 20 күн бұрын
@@naffty4876 this is an extremely kind reply and I really appreciate it, thank you much my dude 🙏🙏🥰🥰
@64-Bit-Gamer 20 күн бұрын
You should work on the radio, you have a great voice, easy to listen to. Also, you probably know Glenn Plant started reviewing all N64 games over a decade ago on KZfaq and he's not done yet. It's a marathon, your subscribers appreciate you doing what you can in-between life's other priorities. No pressure, being a content creator is a hobby.
@SchmidGame 20 күн бұрын
@@64-Bit-Gamer aww thank you much! That’s a great point about Glenn Plant; I came in with a five year plan and was very excited to have a structure, I was gonna be the first guy to finish a Every Game idea haha so I was like YEAH LETS GO but yes I think this will be better, I appreciate you much friend 💪💪💪
@sweeper13 20 күн бұрын
Thanks for the look behind the curtain. I really enjoyed the video. Would it be feasible to get a CD burner and just burn the games to play on proper hardware? Back in my day that's what we used to do when we were a more civilized people. I also understand finding a burner and black cds is a task within itself. Keep up the excellent work at whatever pace you deem necessary and I will continue to watch!
@SchmidGame 20 күн бұрын
@@sweeper13 haha yeah I just have an old laptop with no disc drive so that might be more trouble than it’s worth, and also I’m finding myself wanting straight actual software and hardware for the accuracy
@SchmidGame 20 күн бұрын
@@sweeper13 but also thank you so much for watching! I appreciate you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
@JuanGomez-ke5py 21 күн бұрын
13:19 you mean silicon graphic computer
@SchmidGame 21 күн бұрын
@@JuanGomez-ke5py alright
@gaylordfocker7990 21 күн бұрын
That gameplay footage was painful to watch. The game isn't that hard, lol. It's a baby game for babies. Twas like watching a person play a videogame for the first time.
@mythicdale8757 12 күн бұрын
@sebytheman 21 күн бұрын
I don't often comment but I always watch. Great channel man, and I think it's a great idea to make it more personal and less strict. Don't be too hard on yourself with couldas and shouldas, the growth is all part of the creative process. This new approach is definitely a good one though because it allowed you to make a good and entertaining video out of a truly shit-tier game lol Your discussion about lists is painfully relatable to me, I do the exact same thing; I'm on a scheduled watch-through of various 50s-70s TV shows and going through the Toho-dubbed Godzilla films in order right now hahahah.
@SchmidGame 21 күн бұрын
@@sebytheman thank you friend! Yeah, I have chosen to be excited that I get the opportunity to re-do some of these videos now with all my new knowledge! I’m excited to do it! Also glad to meet a fellow list obsessive haha; fun fact: I had to stop myself from ALSO adding a 50s/60s/70s thing to my 90s thing because I’m a maniac. Also that shot I took of Godzilla films on Letterboxd, I am also 18 or 19 through the Godzilla films so it sounds like we are very similar people WANNA HANG OUT??? 😀
@sebytheman 21 күн бұрын
@@SchmidGame Good attitude dude. And yeah I had to stop what was originally going to be a 60s sitcom list from growing any farther before it became any more than a 50s-70s sitcoms-action show-westerns list lmao 🤣 Dang dude I didn't even notice the Godzilla thing it was just a natural comment 'cause I watched Son of Goji last night hahahah Assuming your hanging out comment is not a joke it sounds like we'd better! You got a presence on discord or steam or smt? 😆
@SchmidGame 21 күн бұрын
@@sebytheman I was joking in the sense that you probably don’t live in the Denver Metro Area but also I’m pretty much just a Twitter boy other than KZfaq lol, I should probably do more elsewhere Game people live
@sebytheman 21 күн бұрын
@@SchmidGame WELL ACTUALLY ---- nah you're right I'm Canadian hahahah -- but if you decide to start a Discord channel in relation to this channel or you wanna shoot the shit about wrestling/kaiju/old sitcoms/ retro games or wtv just hit me up! :)
@SoDamnGangsta 21 күн бұрын
This was a great video! The almost subliminal flashes of the big dumb buzz face every time you exited first person, the constant asking of sound options every level, and the absolute assault this game does on your vmu were my favorite details. This was a swing in the right direction and I love seeing your style evolve in this way!
@SchmidGame 21 күн бұрын
@@SoDamnGangsta thank you!!! Yeah, Buzz’s face is so constantly slashing haha
@ShawnFerrell 21 күн бұрын
Already loved your videos. Love this format even more. Keep it up!
@SchmidGame 21 күн бұрын
@@ShawnFerrell I appreciate you!
@jaervekaur8788 27 күн бұрын
I had a copy of this game that I started to play through with a real intent with the help of an online guide... only to find out that an entire batch of the PAL release was faulty and made the game freeze at a certain point of the story. Another nail in the coffin of this mess of a game.
@JoeyY7 Ай бұрын
AeroWings was a major part of my flight Sim history. I loved it a lot. .... Because I was flying free flight and ignored all the game mechanics. Just had fun flying.
@SchmidGame Ай бұрын
It’s a game I think about revisiting because I feel like I wanna master it, because it’s got SOMETHING. My free flight joy was PILOTWINGS 64
@artemisjones2121 Ай бұрын
This game was simultaneously my first dreamcast game and my first Gundam game and in my opinion was even better than the later released ps2 Gundam JTJ. They were both OKAY games but I still feel the best ones to date are the PSP Gundam Battle Royal and Battle Universe.
@jaimeabadrodriguez1428 Ай бұрын
My man, I read you played this game for the first time recently, so I'm gonna give you a pass on that. When I played this game I was like 10 or so, and it seemed like absolute perfection to me. The move, the graphics, THE MUSIC, all that left me flabbergasted. Being the child of a single mother I had a rough infancy and this game inspired me to be myself despite what other could think or say about me, it implanted values on me and contributed to the development of the almost 33 year old man that I am today. Greetings from Spain.
@jaimeabadrodriguez1428 Ай бұрын
My mother (bless her heart) bought me the Dreamcast and this game for Christmas when I was like 9 or 10 and I subscribe every word you said in this video.
@SchmidGame Ай бұрын
Haha oh man that’s tough; it’s got something that keeps me intrigued by it, I’ve considered going back to it at some point but it haunts me lol
@jaimeabadrodriguez1428 Ай бұрын
Man I had a demo in Spain where I used to play that desert (or whatever it is) track over and over. I also loved the music and video of the intro, it pumped me up. Thanks for the video.
@whataboutrob442 Ай бұрын
I owned the Dreamcast and actually thought all the sports titles were kinda blah. The basketball by far the best though. Just something about the menus and robotic play and sound of 2k football. I believe if Dreamcast had EA with them everything would have been different.
@SchmidGame Ай бұрын
Yeah, it sucks that EA wouldn’t work with them unless they were exclusive, because that should’ve been a very positive thing
@garaschneider4808 2 ай бұрын
4:25 Protip: press the Y button to guard against oncoming objects.
@MelanatedArt 2 ай бұрын
This was one of my favorite fighting games on dreamcast!
@metronome8471 2 ай бұрын
Sega Swirl is such a deep cut. Super Boom Tread Troopers?
@SchmidGame 2 ай бұрын
Just learned about that game’s existence! Maybe I will! 🤝
@_lemon52 2 ай бұрын
I really enjoy this game, think it’s a bit of a hidden gem. Someone told me once that rather than holding down the boost button just repeatedly tap it, you hit the same speed as if u we’re boosting normally but use a fraction of ur boost, once you do that the game becomes pretty easy
@pabloignacioscaletta 2 ай бұрын
I'm wondering whether MKG has an autosave feature or lacks it altogether. Every time I start anew after beating arcade mode with someone, the ending in question is locked again. What might be wrong? I'm using NullDC 1.4 emulator because the Sega Dreamcast was never sold in Argentina, or if it was its price would have made it almost unaffordable.
@joshuasommer6548 2 ай бұрын
The fuck are you talking about?? This game is fantastic. You just need to get good scrub.
@SchmidGame 2 ай бұрын
Gimme baby games!!!
@danhectic5629 2 ай бұрын
great ep! i tried Virtual On Xbox360 rerelease with twin stick controls once and was so confused. i'm sure it's better with actual sticks! Tech Romancer is a game i should love, but don't- i stick with Armored Core for my mech obsession.
@SchmidGame 2 ай бұрын
That makes me feel better thst you also didn’t connect; it’s not bad but the combat is just sorta stilted and the power bars make it take FOREVER
@TheTrueUltimateDX 2 ай бұрын
Just so everyone knows, virtual on is just playable on yakuza kiwami 2, which is on sale right now for 5 bucks on the ps store, the games worth it just for virtual on ngl. Anyway loved seeing you love this game i love so much, fei yen forever
@SchmidGame 2 ай бұрын
Haha that rules; Yakuza also rules so everyone should get it regardless; thanks!
@hudeduge9240 2 ай бұрын
Just when you thought you knew the extent of the Dreamcast catalogue, I am surprised once again. Virtual-On just looks an absolute blast. I too don't like games with mechs (MGS aside) and so grossly overlooked Voot. But damn, what a cool game. GO AGAINST OTHER PLAYER !
@SchmidGame 2 ай бұрын
Haha yeah it’s so much fun! Cool game!!!
@Sheeps856 2 ай бұрын
Oh yes, I've been waiting for tech romancer. One of the few games I had that made good use of the VMU for minigames.
@SoDamnGangsta 2 ай бұрын
Quantifying the “mech genre” is a bit strange, especially when these two games come into play. I always thought of mech games as focusing on customization or the actual controlling of a giant heavy machine, like that gundam game, or RAD on ps2
@SchmidGame 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I’m mostly just being cute and using it as a unifying theme for one of my first double videos. That the whole Gundam video is about how I couldn’t get into these and then I look on my schedule and there’s more big robot fighting games and “oh no!”
@SoDamnGangsta 2 ай бұрын
Is frame gride on your list?
@SoDamnGangsta 2 ай бұрын
Also I’m looking forward to your mr driller video, pretty recently I did some shrooms and decided to start playing that game and holy hell that was an experience 😂
@SchmidGame 2 ай бұрын
@@SoDamnGangsta so I’ve made some tentative plans to play/include non-US releases but so far the only one I’ve done is the Godzilla game, so, maybe! Lol
@SoDamnGangsta 2 ай бұрын
@@SchmidGame frame gride has a full English patch and it’s basically just armored core on the Dreamcast so it could be an interesting one to look at
@Lamesauce85 3 ай бұрын
I love this game, I always used the Gravity and Darkness fighters.
@SchmidGame 3 ай бұрын
It’s got SOMETHING, I can absolutely see an affinity for it even though I hated it haha
@tocl7470 3 ай бұрын
Keep up the great work! I have a Dreamcast myself and love to see more of games I do not (yet) own. Cheers Torben
@SchmidGame 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, it’s fun to get the big ones but it’s even more fun to check out the small ones. Thanks for watching!
@barry-allenthe-flash8396 3 ай бұрын
"These guys are mean to us!" "Okay - time to rumble" This is truly my favorite video game story of all time 😆 Man - Love, _LOVE_ Gauntlet Legends. Have a ton of great memories of playing that in co-op with my sister and our Mom - plus I just love the aesthetic of all of Atari-Midway's 3DFX Voodoo-powered arcade games from the time. Like you said, it shares a lot in common with NFL Blitz because of it, as well as loads of other stuff like NBA Showtime, Hydro Thunder, MACE: The Dark Age, and (cancelled games) Tenth Degree or WAR: Final Assault. Just bright, colorful and _aggressively_ exciting-looking. In a lot of ways, they're like a messier, louder, American version of stuff like Dynamite Cop, and considering the Dreamcast - and SEGA at the time, as a whole - were still very much about arcade experiences, Midway's stuff fits _like a glove_ on the Dreamcast. To this day, I still pick up hack-and-slashers just _hoping_ they're half as fun as Gauntlet Legends. Pretty much everything nowadays isn't concerned with fun though - they'd rather clone Diablo and be more about stupid, interchangeable loot and much more grindy combat than focus on the _ACTION_ like Gauntlet, which blows imho. Congrats on the successful launch of "the double-format" video. This worked out pretty well in my opinion!
@SchmidGame 3 ай бұрын
Hahaha yes @ Draconus’s story Yeah I remember the cabinet for Gauntlet Legends being around at the bowling alley I sorta grew up in but I don’t remember ever actually playing it, so this was a delightful revelation to go “ohh, THAT’S what this game is? Hell yeah” I’m glad even though they made a leveling up sorta thing, they didn’t overcomplicate things, because it’s just so right for what it is. I appreciate the feedback and as always thanks for watching! Excited to keep it up 👍🏻
@danhectic5629 3 ай бұрын
i probably would've liked Draconus back in the day- i was the biggest Dreamcast mark! can't wait for the MECHS!!
@SchmidGame 3 ай бұрын
I’m just excited I actually have more to say about this mech game than the Gundam game lol
@danhectic5629 3 ай бұрын
@@SchmidGame i own a copy of that- i've played probably 10 minutes total.
@codysandusky2130 3 ай бұрын
Excited to see which game pairings go into the upcoming double episodes. Glad to have stumbled upon this series in the past month or two, great work thus far (and I anticipate the same in the future)!
@SchmidGame 3 ай бұрын
Thank you friend! I’m excited to try and go more in-depth with these things, making the pairings as much fun as anything for my nerdy organizational brain haha
@paultapping9510 3 ай бұрын
my friends and I put so, so, many hours into the 64 Gauntlet! So many fond memories 😊
@SchmidGame 3 ай бұрын
Yeah it’s weird that I didn’t have any experience with it because I remember it being around but I never actually played it until now! Fun shit!
@TheTrueUltimateDX 3 ай бұрын
Yeah ive got nothing for eaither games, but im glad the series is back in full swing, i missed this stuff. Also fuq yeah virtual on and tech romancer, i love both games
@SchmidGame 3 ай бұрын
Thank you friend! Glad to be back!
@sieckinelli 3 ай бұрын
It may have been a while, but Dreamcast Files is back in style! Proud of you, Brian :)
@RemnantCult 3 ай бұрын
I love the Gauntlet series. Purposefully made to swallow quarters but a fun arcade translation of the computer RPG idea, a bit like The Tower of Druaga in Japan. Gauntlet Legends is a perfect addition to any Dreamcast collection.
@SchmidGame 3 ай бұрын
Oddly enough, this was my first time with the series! It was one of those games I knew the name of but had never gotten to, so I was thrilled I liked them so much