How much prophetic fallibility is too much?
Is it possible to find truth??
@jonasfied01 2 сағат бұрын
I’m investigating the church (been in and out for a few years, never baptised by the church) and this channel helps massively with dealing with the controversies of the history of the church. We have to remember the time (1800s) and we have to remember that Joseph Smith was human and humans make mistakes.
@berkeyfamily9828 9 сағат бұрын
What makes callings "of God" is that it is done under the keys of the priesthood. Sheesh
@Mjthegoat45 9 сағат бұрын
6:40 I feel like the guarantee is the the devil won’t be there to tempt you or anything
@chuckkv 9 сағат бұрын
You posit "Is Joseph Smith a Con Man?", and your key argument, here in the 21st century, is the guy (J Stowell) says, "I know he can see 50 feet into the ground", proves he's not a victim and Smith is not a con man?!
@G-mom-A 11 сағат бұрын
I think they should stop picking woke democrats.
@test-jb6wc 14 сағат бұрын
i should become a mormon, i don't drink coffee, tea, alcohol nor smoke, never had tattoo either. Why? I was never cool enough to bother, now as a wealthy single man, i'm still not cool enough to even bother having it because what for? Is that wierd?
@kaizokuo5850 15 сағат бұрын
I don't know why the KZfaq algorhythm showed me this (I'm an atheist) but I guess I'll chip in with "No, I don't think *any* calling comes from God."
@teotripo 15 сағат бұрын
Which class teaches how to live in polygamy?
@myster5y 16 сағат бұрын
You realize your religion is a lie right
@Black_Sheep_Forge 16 сағат бұрын
Wait... what year was it that the church allowed African Americans to have the priesthood? I feel like it was super simultaneous to when the church was going to lose it's tax exemption.... 1972 ish.?? Maybe you guys could touch on the (all are equal) part of this video again? highly doubt this gets a response.
@clown134 17 сағат бұрын
better question, how do you even tell ? the whole thing is made of nonsense
@j.c.3386 19 сағат бұрын
My retired teacher bishop only puts teachers in ward council callings haha
@2gr82b4gotn 19 сағат бұрын
When a church is exempt from property taxes, I think that they should not be investing in land
@jm329 20 сағат бұрын
9:30 Not when this was made. It said that back then.
@mtdouthit1291 21 сағат бұрын
0:02 Can u do me a favor and please stop mocking the holy planet? Thank you.
@mtdouthit1291 21 сағат бұрын
Why do Mormon men all sound gay lol
@saldomino1639 21 сағат бұрын
Wow gray stuff thanks !
@Nathan-p2o Күн бұрын
Part of the problem is that the church still believes in the practice today. They don’t practice it because it became outlawed in the US. The other part of the problem is that Joseph Smiths teaching about Polygamy ran directly against what Jesus Christ taught (One man and one woman becoming one flesh) Not one man and several women for time and/or all eternity.
@alisarichardsramirezmusic2233 Күн бұрын
One time I accepted a calling as a counselor and learned later on that a few before me would not accept it; I was the first one that did accept it. The president told me this after I accepted the calling. Apparently, I was not 1st choice but she was desperate for a counselor and she was glad her desperation was answered by anyone. Sometimes desperation happens and I could have been bummed learning how that calling came about not feeling like it was inspiration but desperation, but I just served in the calling because I wanted to. I learned that just being available is inspiration enough as the Lord needs available people everywhere to build up His work. It's about the choices presented to us and our being willing. Weekly, we take the Sacrament and the Sacramental prayer and it uses the word "willing". Callings help us exercise faith. It's about faith, and being willing to act upon and not be acted upon. Once we bring doubt, cynicism, looking for negativity, or lack of desire then we likely won't accept callings. We do have a choice in the matter. Where our treasure is there our hearts will be also.
@nahasi4276 Күн бұрын
You should have mentioned Fanny, who was only 16 when JS took advantage of her. I think JS was a smart person and knew what he was doing was wrong. That's why he had an affair or wrote a love letter in secret behind Emma's back. Only when the secret came out, he says he had a revelation from God. I believe he had no intention of releasing D&C132. Maybe that's why till this day you can't find JS's offspring outside of Emma's marriage. He knew that would definitely destroy the church later on. Also the big difference between lds church and other Christian church is LDS church told men to go ahead and practice polygamy. The more wives you have you reach higher exaltation according to D&C132. Whereas the bible doesn't tell men to go practice it. Bible tells the history and you shouldn't be mixing it with the lesson the bible teaches to people.
@RichardChappell1 Күн бұрын
Every calling is given by the Lord's representative, but it's up the the person called to make it inspired or not.
@grahamrichard4135 Күн бұрын
The so-called anti-mormon literature did you check it out to see if any of it was true,
@RichF245 Күн бұрын
one important principle isn't being discussed. When someone receives keys (or the right of presidency), they are given a "power of attorney" (using an earthly legal term) to act in Heaven's place. That decision is ratified and becomes the will of the Lord. So you can have confidence that the decision is the will of the Lord, even if it isn't the best decision possible. God allows us to make good, better, and best decisions so that we can learn through contrasts.
@RLDRemembrance Күн бұрын
Guys, nothing in the universe just stops progressing, literally nothing at all ... You might stay in a place of rumination, but you're still either degenerating to it or you're breaking the moon lock... There's no basis to believe the wheel of Samsara just stopped because you died in the wrong chapter... You would probably if nothing else spin back into another human experience...
@Tofflemire5 Күн бұрын
My stake is a brotherhood of friends for callings. All good. I'll do my calling willingly and happily. In the end, it is on them and not me.
@user-wh1td2lx2u Күн бұрын
I'm not sure what her tag name or KZfaq channel thingy is but I came across cuz I was watching LDS stuff on KZfaq and then came across this young lady blonde and first thing that came on was her sending out Jesus and old political times on and stating Christ was the Antichrist and there's been a lot of other people doing this too which severely pisses me off
@Bitter_Beauty_Music Күн бұрын
On the part about sharing the gospel without being pushy, I ironically had the opportunity to do so in the middle of this video 😂 I was listening to it at work and one of my coworkers asked what I was listening to and was able to explain a little bit about our church. So my answer I guess is to watch Saints Unscripted and other church content while other people are around lol.
@tyherty45 Күн бұрын
Absolutely not
@JakeTheHappyGuy Күн бұрын
They are called by the Lord😮
@cinnamondan4984 Күн бұрын
Choosing to have an allergy in the pre-existence. Desiring to play life on hard mode.
@brettmajeske3525 Күн бұрын
As for the calling question, it gets far more complicated than the questioner seems to understand. The Lord does not always choose the person who is the best fit for a calling. And sometimes he will inspire a calling to be extended, when he does not want the person to accept it. I don't like sharing stories that happened to other people, but I personally know a person who was offered a call to the Bishopric, at a time he was having an affair. The calling shook him so badly that he finally confessed to the Stake President about problem. The inspiration to offer the call was real, but not for the reason the Stake President had assumed.
@dsolomon Күн бұрын
Like was said, sometimes there are multiple right answers, sometimes there are a lack of options, and also people have their agency. While most people accept callings that are extended, there are plenty of people who decline.
@dwRS1 Күн бұрын
I had an ex employer (boss) who was called to be a Bishop. A co-worker who was also a member became inactive because he was a horrible businessman. The company I worked for went out of business because of his incompetence. I really feel he was a con man. Was he called by God? I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I am sure he learned a lot as Bishop.
@StewartFletcher Күн бұрын
Just depends on your definition of "called by God". Is each one visited by a burning bush? No. Their calling doesn't necessitate that. It's each one called as part of the define plan of exaltation? I'd say yes. It's up to them to make the choice to live up to that calling though
@jakeconnell6417 Күн бұрын
Regarding the calling question… Having been present in Bishopric Meetings I can agree that it goes both ways. At times callings were undoubtedly inspired by the spirit, but at other times it was us counciling together to the best of our knowledge. In both of those scenarios it was done so prayerfully, but God allows us to exercise our agency and work through these situations ourselves, unless guidance is otherwise needed. It’s similar to giving a Priesthood blessing. Sometimes our will may be more aligned with God’s than we realize. If that is the case we may pronounce a blessing not recognizing any particular guidance from the spirit. But when our thoughts or will is not aligned with the Lord, we may experience a strong impression as to what we might say to ensure His will is done and His love is felt.
@JeffDrakeX Күн бұрын
I’ve served as a secretary or clerk to five different bishoprics. In every case, callings were filled in the same way: the bishopric would review a report of callings needing to be filled and a report of people available to be called, discuss who they thought would work well in each calling, and finish by praying for confirmation. This happened over and over again for every calling, with two exceptions. One time in each of two different bishoprics in two different states, about a decade apart, the Lord told us exactly whom He wanted in a specific calling. Each was a rather unique situation, and each was accompanied by an absolutely overwhelming outpouring of the Spirit. Everyone in that room *knew* that that’s what He wanted; there was no real discussion necessary. But let’s be clear: while those two experiences are extremely sacred to me, they are definitely the exception. We are here on earth to learn and grow by making wise decisions, and that’s exactly what the Lord tends to let us do.
@Cwadrupldijjit Күн бұрын
Re: dietary restrictions + sacrament My dad is gluten intolerant. My wife has a nut allergy. Many wheat replacements are made of nuts. If your sacrament bread is gluten free, be careful of the allergens of those replacement ingredients.
@brettmajeske3525 Күн бұрын
In our ward we have three families taking gluten free sacrament, each has their own different substitute.
@AnnaLauraBrownHealthCoach Күн бұрын
My bishop is celiac and we have a lot of allergies. They use a effet made form chickpeas, salt, water and rice . Tastes gross but the purpose of the sacrement isn’t for taste and it’s totally allergen free
@Rachel-em3wk Күн бұрын
I believe that this falls under the "many are called, few are chosen" category. We are all asked by God to perform our the tasks that we are called for, but if we choose to exalt our callings and go above and beyond, then that is when we become "chosen" for the role.
@amaugh01 Күн бұрын
I think that God does much good through any calling that we receive and are willing to serve in. God allows us to think, council together, and make decisions with his inspiration guidance, and input. Does that mean that he handpicks everyone for every calling? No, but does he help guide our thoughts both in extending the calling and serving within the calling? I believe the answer to that is yes.
@horatiohornblower3757 Күн бұрын
Considering I was given many callings even though I never had any faith, this is an obvious no. But for the family, I went through the motions for my entire life because it was what was expected. Nobody ever had any doubts as to my faith and I faked it pretty well until I asked myself why I was doing it. Turns out when your family isn't psychotic, you can leave the church just fine. But your results may vary.
@sashamellon822 Күн бұрын
You guys seems nice, but I hope you’ve woken up and can smell the mustard
@RyanMercer Күн бұрын
"42". Video over
@jamesvan2201 Күн бұрын
The bible: God made the earth, then the water/firmament/water then the sun and moon. Modern cosmology: nothing exploded, creating everything. The sun was made, then the earth and moon, then the atmosphere and water. One is God's word, the other is man. The bible says: "let God be true, but every man a liar" - romans 3:4 Who do you believe? Our faith/bible shouldn't be changed to match modern science/cosmology. Our modern science/cosmology should be changed to match the bible/our faith. Then we might actually be able to become more advanced and live healthier, more fulfilling lives.
@madogg152 Күн бұрын
The Church is Perfect, not a single man on earth's history has been perfect other than Christ.
@Mjthegoat45 2 күн бұрын
I needed that message about God forgetting the sins thank you giys
@blakedickinson1609 2 күн бұрын
Reading the saints book has really helped me understand Brigham! He is really trying to unify the people. Hundred of thousands of people are being baptized and joining the church… immigrating to America in boatloads. He’s building a city, unifying all different kinds of cultures and trying to make sure the church is being run properly in other countries or states. Must of been stressful. Must of been hard to watch some saints become prideful and forget God in things. I believe he just got frustrated with people sometimes and his own opinion came out from time to time… but if you really study his life… he had to be the guy … the prophet cause he got stuff done!!!
@blakedickinson1609 2 күн бұрын
I enjoyed this. He took a secular crack at it and some things added up… but didn’t pursue it!!
@Stygian360 2 күн бұрын
What's sad is you don't know the tenants of your own religion
@charmainedavis8427 2 күн бұрын
Y'all are hella cherry picking. Every religion does this, pick the parts they like and glaze over the ones that aren't great. The Mormon church has never came and said "Ok y'all stop with the bigotry" and they could have. They certainly did it swiftly when polygamy was blocking Utah from becoming a state.
@cslemp 2 күн бұрын
The incentive to be faithful in this life is happiness that comes from Good living. Righteousness is it's own reward. The atonement is eternal. The language used in the Scriptures is intended to "work upon the hearts of the children of men." if we don't eventually live an exalted life, it's because we've chosen that.