@espurrseyes42 Күн бұрын
Unrelated, but seeing as there is discussion about wanting to see Sally and the FFs back in canon, Sega Japan really needs to pull their heads out of their asses and realize people like the other Sonic continuities they didn't create. This is the same company that was trying real hard to appeal to every Sonic fan with all the stuff in Forces (the perfect game to bring the FFs back given the plot), yet they won't put in that kind of effort for the Western Sonic Cartoon/Archie Comics fanbase and try to re-reboot those characters.
@Jethro420 3 күн бұрын
now i wanna play Pokemon fire red.
@Eris1987 3 күн бұрын
I think there's a problem with this. If I am correct the STH1 Manual refers to Eggman looking for the Chaos Emeralds at South Island the mysterious Island that moves around in the ocean. If I am correct it's either stated or implied this is the first time Eggman has gone looking for them. You also forget the manual states Eggman only put animals in Badniks to mess with Sonic. This is because he doesn't need and animals powering Badniks, and it is probably not the best fuel source. Which is why not all his Badniks in every game has animals in them, said games I speak of are several modern games. You also have all the Boss Badniks the Robo Sonics not using animals to power them. Further implying they aren't a reliable source of energy. Also, Sonic Origins seems to imply that after STH1 the emeralds immediately reunited with 7 and made their way to the Island in STH2. So there's 3 ways I can interpret the GameGear game. The animals don't appear due to limitations or crunch. Eggman just used Badniks that weren't powered by animals. In addition to the 7th Emerald being in this game just unseen. Or this GameGear could just not be canon and Ian Flynn while stating it didn't check if it could fit.
@SpoilerGoblin 3 күн бұрын
The Japanese manuals for both Sonic 1 8- and 16-bit both mention Eggman coming using very similar language; nothing in the wording makes me think either sounds earlier than the other. He puts them in robots to get in Sonic's way, but nothing implies it's psychological warfare. Given the fact that the practice continues at least through the Adventure games (but likely at least through Heroes, since I imagine Omega has one as well), and even with robots that are never intended to interact with Sonic, I think he needed them for a long while to make the robots stronger in some way, but he was always testing tech to make it so he could use a more easily-accessible fuel source. Now, Ian has said that Sonic 1 was Sonic's first time meeting Eggman, but that also goes against the manual, which I take as a stronger source than a writer. I know they're trying to simplify the lore, but in doing so we lose a lot.
@Eris1987 3 күн бұрын
@@SpoilerGoblin "'Have you seen it, Sonic? This time is going to be different! Because this time, I've turned all the animals on the island into robots!' 'E...Everybody!?' 'All of them go about in accordance to my orders. In other words, Sonic, everyone on the island is your enemy! Gya- Ha ha ha ha ha ha ^cough^ ^ack^ ^ahem^.'" This is what makes me see that, though in hindsight I do see it being interpreted differently. Later on it's Chaos Drives. With the unification of the Sonic canon and a lore keeper being a thing, and Ian Flynn seeming to be in connect to the inside info they could have retconned it. Or alternatively it's Flynn's personal take. I will say with canon unification it also often is so willing to canonize things that don't work well together. Sonic Prime is my Prime example. Also I agree with your thought process, and would prefer that, but there is the previously stated things I mentioned. That's why there is some official stuff we have to acknowledge as the official canon, I'm okay with creating leeway for personal headcanons. For example the whole "only male hedgehogs can go Super, everyone else only gets super powers on this one island, and ignore Mecha Sonic, Metal Sonic, and the Gizoids." Personally I'm okay with rejecting that nonsense in favor of the head canons involving the emeralds original lore.
@Eris1987 3 күн бұрын
Interesting defense of Knuckles, we also can't forget about SA1. Also the manual says Eggman tricked Knuckles into thinking Sonic was trying to steal the Chaos Emeralds. Probably a whole Sonic is trying to takeover the world please help Knuckles. Not sure about timeline placement since Metal Sonic was left on Little Planet and retrieved I believe Mania. Some might say STH4 but that would make Eggman retrieving him twice and it's never been stated if STH4 is still canon or has been decanonized. Some people think Triple Trouble is not canon cause it's a GameGear game. But TailsTube and the Twitter Takeover acknowledged it was canon.
@SpoilerGoblin 3 күн бұрын
Yeah, with all the talk around Fang lately, it's been made very clear that it was his first introduction to the cast. Metal Sonic is tough. If you take Mania Adventures as canon (I know some people do, especially after IDW became official canon), then that can't lead into 4. I don't think it is though, and like Mania either led into 4 or there's even screwier stuff going on. I've been wondering for a long time if Generations split the timeline for classic Sonic/Eggman, but I think Ian's been against that. I'm not sure if that's an official stance or his personal take though.
@Eris1987 3 күн бұрын
@@SpoilerGoblin I recall in one of the TailsTube they were saying it's the same Sonic, though they address aus. Also, I recall there like text saying SuperStars takes place between Mania and SA1. I know there is supposed to be a battle where is whole body is replaced but it's still the og cpu, Knuckles Chaotix. Yeah I know it's canon, but I kinda don't like that. Yeah it's cool Tangle and Whisper are canon. But when x character shows up in x game with no background and info of "read issues 600-612 to understand, and read issues 300-400 to understand that, buy them now." Exaggerating if but I think you can get that. Also, it can severely limit story telling in the comics.
@Eris1987 3 күн бұрын
Not sure if that was a joke or if you do think Mario kills Toads in the original Mario Bros game. Asking to see what your response is. The manual of SMB3 even states that the new enemies of this game are new additions to the Turtle Tribe. Figure 8 Circuit shows those blocks are literally part of the environment. I think he could have possibly made it to Dinosaur Land on that ship and crashed in a similar way to what happened in Bowser's Fury. Probably correct with the magic thing, it's heavily implied Bowser creates his towers, castles, and fortresses with it. While first introduced in this game, the clown car shows up in the past if I am correct.
@SpoilerGoblin 3 күн бұрын
To my recollection, developer comments have made it clear that the blocks Mario destroys were never toads, so it was a joke. I was really just trying to put emphasis on a part of the lore of this game that not a lot of people actually know about. The clown car may show up in PiT or something, I don't remember clearly.
@Eris1987 3 күн бұрын
@@SpoilerGoblin Ah okay, which interview was that? It would be useful to me, extra stuff that can go along with my Power-Up arguement. It does show up
@bucktheguyy 3 күн бұрын
there was a leak that showed litten. no idea if its a starter or just a random pokemon photo, but if it is a starter, i hope the other two will be chikorita/seviper and piplup!!
@livefromlavendertown5512 4 күн бұрын
Good thoughts on these. I like how Serperior already looks like it has an upsidedown fleur-de-lis on its chest, so I can definitely see that one. Empoleon is a great shout too. Scorbunny is I think the least confident I feel out of the 3, but it makes sense especially now with France having just recently won the World Cup. Can't wait to see more speculation for this title!
@SpoilerGoblin 4 күн бұрын
I had that thought about the leaves on its tail but entirely missed the one in the center of Serperior’s chest. I stand by my stance that the Snivy line just looks like France.
@livefromlavendertown5512 4 күн бұрын
@SpoilerGoblin Truly!
@Eris1987 4 күн бұрын
Oooo someone else who has the Wish Magic hypothesis when it come to babies in the Mario world. Oh didn't know that detail about Birdo I should add it to my reasons why they didn't hatch in this game.
@Eris1987 4 күн бұрын
Yeah SMB2USA and it's sequel B S Super Mario is indeed meant to be canon. You have Mario Superstar Baseball in the Exhibition Records stating the Shy Guys in this game are the same ones that worked for King Wart. And in one of the Paper Games Birdo references the events of SMB2USA. Yeah Wario's Woods does probably take place after Birdo turned over a new leaf. Yes the Toad from SMB2USA is the same one from Wario's Woods. The producer of Captain Toad Treasure Tracker made a post on Miiverse stating that Captain Toad is not the main Toad we all know. They mention that the main Toad they are referring to is the one that we play as in games such as Super Mario Bros 2 USA, and Wario's Woods. I don't think Birdo hatches in SMRPG. So when the boss fight starts Birdo speaks to you from Inside the egg then reveals themself by hatching from the egg during the fight. But something noteworthy Birdo at the end of the fight retreats to her egg reforming the shell around it, and she can still talk to you from inside the egg. I don't think Birdo hatched from this egg and this is the origin of Birdo, but rather I think Birdo retreated to an egg she formed around herself and rested inside it. This is something that isn't uncommon in this world. Yoshi's are known to have this natural ability as well. In Super Mario Galaxy if a Yoshi gets into a dangerous situation like is say falling off a cliff without Mario or into Lava, Yoshi forms an egg around himself and teleports away to safety. In addition in Mario Power Tennis Yoshi's Special Move has him form an egg around himself, roll towards where the Tennis is heading and hatches from the egg to hit the ball.
@SpoilerGoblin 4 күн бұрын
The post about Captain Toad was only pointed out to me after I released this video (it was probably Sean, shout out to Sean), and in any future references, I'm not going to make that mistake again. I bring up the Birdo thing more in my Super Mario RPG video, where I end up dismissing Birdo hatching in that game and removing that reasoning from my timeline. That ended up causing a shift of quite a few games, but I tried to explain the timeline changes the best that I could in that video.
@Eris1987 4 күн бұрын
@@SpoilerGoblin Ah Have to watch that to see what you mean.
@Eris1987 4 күн бұрын
The Kong didn't need to befriend Mario given Mario and DK Senior weren't meant to be enemies. Plus given the comment I left on your other video about Donkey Kong 94, I believe the Kongs came back to case more trouble. Glad you got the Donkey Kong Senior, Donkey Kong Junior, and Donkey Kong the Third correct, so many people get it wrong. Note sure if the Meta Stuff is meant to be taken literal.
@SpoilerGoblin 4 күн бұрын
I'm not sure, DK Sr. seemed legitimately pissed off in that finale, and kidnapping is more than just a prank between friends, but as I said in an earlier response, I definitely need to revisit how I approach DK and DK94 eventually. The meta stuff is a little weird. It can probably be explained away by Mario's foray into making video games (see: Game & Watch Gallery and the arcade machine in DK64, among others). The in-universe video games is something I want to give their own video to honestly, I have this running theory that Mario getting into video games is what inspired Wario to start WarioWare, but I need to put all of my evidence into one place before moving forward with that. That said, there are other Nintendo series that make no sense without being canonically video games (Fire Emblem is the first thing off the top of my head, but I'm sure given a little time to brush up I could give you more).
@Eris1987 4 күн бұрын
​@@SpoilerGoblin So on a website called Shmuplations there is an developer interview for the game Donkey Kong 94. Miyamoto said "He did that to get a rise out of Mario. Mario, the plumber, owns a gorilla and worked at a construction site; the gorilla, Donkey Kong, decided to annoy Mario by kidnapping the girl Pauline and running away with her." In addition Miyamoto also said "Correct. That's why, when creating the ending for the original arcade game, I spent a lot of time thinking around the theme of the player 'outwitting the prankster', rather than trying to kill DK." This ties into DK falling on his head in defeat, and how the ending of 94 has them all smiling posing for the picture. Cranky getting angry is probably because he is well Cranky Kong. I will note not everything in this interview could be considered canon, aka the stuff they say about Peach gives "I'm Bowser Jr's Mother" vibes. In addition later games would definitely retcon it. Well we do know there is an in universe Nintendo and stories and movies made about Mario's adventures. And even the Lakitu Bros broadcast Mario's adventures and even newspapers as well. Goombario is a fan of Mario for a reason.
@SpoilerGoblin 4 күн бұрын
I'm a little choosey with when I take developer comments or promotional materials as a fact, but a developer interview released around the time that the game released is usually something I respect. Thanks for bringing that source up! It's one I didn't know about before this; I'll try to find time to read through it soon. Valid point on Cranky. He has that name for a reason. Yeah, there's definitely a whole marketing arm surrounding Mario, which, as we see in MvDK, Mario has a very active hand in. I like to think that Wario got annoyed that Mario got all that money from his video games and decided that, if that good-for-nothing plumber can do it, then why can't he? I'm sure that's where Paper Mario being a storybook and SMB3 being a stageplay come in too; they are retellings of real events.
@Eris1987 4 күн бұрын
@@SpoilerGoblin Yeah you have the 2 character in PM64 and PMTTYD saying they are going to write a book about Mario's Adventures calling the book Paper Mario. There is also that Wario Movie in the Yoshi Theater. In addition I've noticed MK8 has a bunch of references to movie or stageplay performances starring the Mario casts, and even one where it seems DK III takes on the role of his grandpa. We even see the festival in New Donk City that surrounds the events of Donkey Kong.
@Eris1987 4 күн бұрын
Glad to see mention of Mario's Tennis and someone mention the Adult DK Junior. I would note give the usage of the classic outfit in the art of SMB2USA and B S Super Mario USA they should be sometime before Super Mario Bros 3. Also, glad you acknowledged the events of Super Mario Bros 3 as canon and not just a stage play by including it in the timeline.
@SpoilerGoblin 4 күн бұрын
The outfits thing is a little contentious, but Mario only using the new outfit post-Mario 3 just doesn’t line up with other story points, namely Peach’s character arc, which to me seems like stronger evidence, especially since Mario USA did still happen while Mario was sleeping, and he explicitly was wearing his pajamas in the real world based on the game’s ending. I haven’t played BS USA yet, maybe that will change my view on the first game’s placement. I think too many people are willing to write off the events of certain Mario games (USA and 3, as you mentioned, as well as the Paper Mario games), probably because so many people are willing to write off the Mario canon as a whole, which is disappointing, especially when those events are still very much referenced elsewhere.
@Eris1987 4 күн бұрын
@@SpoilerGoblin so true so true on people writing them off. As for the outfits we do know there is the whole thing about the outfits being literal but yeah. True on the Dream Thing but there is the whole manual thing alongside the Dream World and Dream Depot establishing dream realms are literal.
@SpoilerGoblin 4 күн бұрын
Yeah, the manual makes things a little weird. I think I mentioned that story in the video, the best explanation I have for both the manual and the ending working is that the picnic adventure with the cave was, in itself, part of the dream in the first place, just separating the regular dreamscape these characters dream in from Subrosia. But that's kind of a weird reading.
@Eris1987 4 күн бұрын
Surprisingly you did a pretty good job and covered all the bases, usually people get something wrong. You even mentioned the twin thing! Only side note I would mention is the OVA while not canon introduces the concept of the Mushroom Kingdom existing on the same planet, a prophecy about the bros, and mentions them, being twins. Seeing your timeline I believe it's pretty good, I only disagree with DK 94. Mario uses his Modern Outfit in this game instead of his Classic Outfit which he canonically uses in the early games, and only switches to his modern outfit in Super Mario Bros 3. Also, Cranky is wearing a necktie which doesn't happen in the older games with other games referring to this fact. I believe Donkey Kong 94 takes place later on sometime when Mario is still living in Big Ape City but has already been on his early Mushroom Kingdom Adventures and has dawned his modern outfit. Donkey having now dawned a necktie has returned to give Mario trouble and repeat his prank from Donkey Kong to once again get a rise out of Mario.
@SpoilerGoblin 4 күн бұрын
Looks like I have quite a few of these comments to go through. Glad you’re enjoying the videos! I agree with the Mushroom Kingdom being on the same planet as everything else in the early games (this was also confirmed by Odyssey), but while the OVA is an interesting take, I still would rather not refer to that in the videos themselves, as it could confuse the canon some. I’ve had a fair amount of pushback on my use of DK Arcade vs DK94. It could be worth revisiting at some point, as it’s probably the most contentious point in my timeline. I could see putting DK Arcade later, but not as late as Mario 3, since we need to account for enough time for DK Jr. to have a son, disappear, and have that son grow into the King of Swing. There’s been some talk lately of whether or not they’re going to simplify that timeline by making Jr. and III the same ape based on the movie, but until we get a confirmation in the games, we need to rely on there being three generations of Monkey between DK94 and DKC.
@Eris1987 4 күн бұрын
@@SpoilerGoblin true on the OVA like I said it's not canon but I found that detail interesting. Well I know the Encyclopedia places the original 3 DK games having been Mario's Adventures before his Adventure in Super Mario Bros. I just think 94 takes place later given what I stated. Don't think movie retconned anything, too many people I've noticed believe that. The Movieverse is established to be it's own thing with many thing differianting it from the Gameverse. I DK being Cranky's son is one of them. We've only ever seen Cranky referred to as DK III's grandfather and vice versa. In game and in the manuals of DKC, Donkey Kong Country 2 GBA's Prologue, DKC2 Diddy's Kong Quest, SuperStar Baseball, and Donkey Kong Country Returns. The only thing that's ever deviated is in DK64 which was a blunder. With even Gregg Mayles clearing things up in 2017 that this was a mistake, and Donkey Kong the Third was always Cranky's grandson.
@SpoilerGoblin 4 күн бұрын
I don't necessarily mean the movie implies anything about the games, but with the fact that Miyamoto seemed to work fairly closely with the studio while they made the film, I have to wonder if it's shifted his view on the subject. It probably hasn't, but it's made me wonder.
@Eris1987 4 күн бұрын
@@SpoilerGoblin well the Mario worldbuilding seems to be more of a collaborative effort. I think this is partially why Miyamoto avoids lore questions. But yeah, probably hasn't, it would be weird if they made such a sudden shift after everything they've established up until this point.
@Ometecuhtli13thGate 5 күн бұрын
Blaine also worked for team rocket in the adventure manga.
@SpoilerGoblin 5 күн бұрын
This is true. A lot of gym leaders did actually. I’ve been considering doing a separate series covering the manga or anime canons, but I’m not sure yet
@Ometecuhtli13thGate 5 күн бұрын
It would be a cool series to explore. I'd enjoy watching it, honestly. Giovanni was one of my favorite leaders. They were never clear whether he had the same or similar ability as Yellow or Lance. I always wondered it.
@SpoilerGoblin 5 күн бұрын
@@Ometecuhtli13thGate I’m sure it would be something to discuss, I can’t say I’m sure either. Honestly I’ve barely read the manga since I was a kid, so I’d be going at it with kind of fresh eyes
@Ometecuhtli13thGate 5 күн бұрын
@SpoilerGoblin It's always good to get a fresh look and perspective. I hope that you are having a good day, by the way. 💯
@SpoilerGoblin 5 күн бұрын
@@Ometecuhtli13thGate thanks, I have been! Hope you are too
@arc7375 7 күн бұрын
Tri is actually a _Hilda._
@SpoilerGoblin 6 күн бұрын
Good Hylia you’ve got it
@aurafox1 7 күн бұрын
I think I have a pretty solid idea connecting Nidorino and Nidorina's Moon Rock evolutions to space. Rocks from the moon are radioactive irl and Nidoking and Nidoqueen are both inspired by the concept of kaiju. Kaiju are often regular animals mutated into monsters after being exposed to radiation such as toxic waste, a meteorite from space, or some form of alien technology. This could be seen as mimicking the origin story of a typical kaiju backstory: An animal is exposed to a mysterious rock from outer space that transforms it into a giant monster!
@SpoilerGoblin 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, that honestly makes sense. I have to wonder if that's the case for all of the Moonstone Pokemon not stated to come from space...
@burnblue 8 күн бұрын
Hmmm. You're good
@SpoilerGoblin 4 күн бұрын
Appreciate it!
@Saracen93 8 күн бұрын
Nayru contributed in creating the triforce. I think this power is an “echo” or borrowing of the golden “creation” power, since it creates things but only temporarily. So whether it’s borrowed from the triforce itself or Nayru imo is not that important. Either way it points back to the golden goddesses. We might have to wait for the game to fully grasp it.
@SpoilerGoblin 8 күн бұрын
Yeah, at the end we won't know until then. The video did wind up coming back to support the original conclusion people had I guess, just not with the same evidence we had at first.
@Tazerboy_10 8 күн бұрын
@HesGotaGun505 8 күн бұрын
The Nido lines are both based on Rabbits, and possibly even the Bunnicorn enemies from Dragon Quest.
@SpoilerGoblin 4 күн бұрын
I haven't played much Dragon Quest yet (just the first one really), but with how big DQ is out there, as well as Creatures' history with DQ-inspired games (namely Mother), I would actually be shocked if that weren't an intentional reference. Thanks for bringing it up!
@eltonwhite2074 9 күн бұрын
I assumed the power and name came from Tri the fairy. But maybe Tri is a servant of Nayru.
@SpoilerGoblin 8 күн бұрын
I should've been clearer, but that's what I was trying to imply. Clearly the Tri Staff is linked to Tri himself (Is it him? I don't remember if they used pronouns for them in the direct), but I've seen a lot of people suggesting that Tri's power came from the Triforce. Sorry for the confusion there.
@maugos 10 күн бұрын
Love the Zelda series, so yes, please talk about it more if you so wish. I like that wordplay with tri. Very cute.
@SpoilerGoblin 10 күн бұрын
I’m always shocked with just how much wordplay is in Japanese character names that often don’t make it through the translation process. This is a great example of that. Maybe I’ll try to bring it up whenever I notice it
@mgsxmike 21 күн бұрын
Isn't is Qadi"s"tu?
@SpoilerGoblin 21 күн бұрын
I fixed the thumbnail. Thanks for letting me know!
@mgsxmike 21 күн бұрын
@@SpoilerGoblin that was fast lol
@SpoilerGoblin 21 күн бұрын
I checked for comments at a good time I guess.
@maugos 22 күн бұрын
"Take that with a pillar of salt." Hah! I see what you did there. Lilith has always fascinated me since I learned of her existence. I know it was a different time but it really is kinda horrific that they felt they needed to make the idea of a woman being on even ground with a man seem sinful. Glad things had progressed enough by our time that my mother and sister were able to live their lives more freely. That said, it is fun to take Lilith and use her for her intended demonic use in modern times. Almost feels tongue-in-cheek as though she is evil she tends to be depicted as being both smart and very capable. Basically, getting her revenge for being unfairly treated.
@SpoilerGoblin 21 күн бұрын
That’s very close to how I feel about her too. The way we read this story in 2024 is a complete 180 from the way it was intended to be read hundreds or thousands of years ago. She’s very interesting. I’d argue that her being smart and capable are still very much in line with her original interpretation; those were simply things that they didn’t want woman to be back then that are more acceptable now.
@amadeus.7436 25 күн бұрын
While I appreaciate the idea of a Smash Ultimate Deluxe I don't personally think it's a great one. People who own Ultimate are already starting to get tired of it, me included. See for example how with each consecutive DLC character released the hype cycle became shorter and shorter. In the end Ultimate was running on fumes. If a remaster came out, without adding anything substantial, I believe even the loyal fanbase will sit that one out. While a few new characters and a new mode would be fun that's not what makes a Smash game feel fresh. You'd have to change the physics, implement new mechanics, rework old movesets etc etc. for Smash to feel fresh, and that's not going to happen with a remaster. I'd say a soft reboot, heavily focusing on 1st-party content, would be favorable. I wrote down my own concept for a roster, stagelist etc. and it came together really well. The one issue is that Smash would lose a lot of hype due to a lack of 3rd-party content, even though I personally think it's a shame that people gawk and scream over those kinds of announcements.
@SpoilerGoblin 21 күн бұрын
That’s definitely the most common feeling I see around, but I don’t think it’s likely, personally. I wouldn’t mind that outcome though, I think it would be satisfying, even if I’d be missing a few of my favorites.
@KirbyArchives 27 күн бұрын
Smash needs a roster reset with only Nintendo characters. Magolor, Bandana Waddle Dee, and Dark Matter deserve roster spots
@SpoilerGoblin 27 күн бұрын
Firmly agree on all three of those. I really enjoy the third party characters though, it would be a shame to see Sonic, Mega Man and the Belmonts go. Sonic really needs a redesign though.
@KirbyArchives 27 күн бұрын
@@SpoilerGoblin There can be a few rare exceptions like Sonic whose been so prominent on Nintendo consoles
@GavinKoerber 24 күн бұрын
Bad take
@SambergerTheories 27 күн бұрын
I definitly agree that an "Ultimate Deluxe" is likely for a new game. If it does happen I'd probably expect a good number of new echo fighters that were heavily requested for OG Ultimate to be added since they're a form of aditional content that wouldn't take too much development time.
@SpoilerGoblin 27 күн бұрын
Yeah, that makes complete sense. I could totally see that
@maugos 27 күн бұрын
Ah man, yes! That'd be awesome! Imagine how many characters they could squeeze in that way.
@maugos 27 күн бұрын
That's how I feel too. I see no need to make a new Smash Bros from the ground up. Just give us what we got with a bunch of new characters and modes and everyone will lose their collective shit all over again. I know I would. lol
@SpoilerGoblin 27 күн бұрын
If we can trade off a new Smash for a new Mario Kart and STILL get new Smash content, I will be more than happy
@FiveToedSloth Ай бұрын
Maybe one day we will have a Pokémon game set in space!
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
Whoa, you watched my video! Crazy! That would be really sweet. With all the ties back to space, it’s not like they don’t have anything to work with.
@waltascher Ай бұрын
You say the Nidorans and Jigglypuff can only be found on route 3, but that’s not true. In fact, for the Nidorans, in the first two generations, they aren’t on route 3 at all. But even in gen 3, they can also be found in the Safari Zone. Jigglypuff can also be found on multiple routes in Yellow (and possibly others). Furthermore, I don’t think it’s fair to say that Red’s canon starter is Pikachu. In every game but Let’s Go!, he specifically has all four starters so that any of them could be his starters. I know you’re probably assuming that Pikachu is the starter because it has the highest level, but I don’t think the levels can be considered canon since they’re at a lower level in later generations despite taking place around a decade after gen 2.
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
The Safari Zone is established to be a curated hunting ground, full of harder to find Pokémon. Yellow did switch up the routes a lot, mostly to match the anime, and due to its inconsistency with other games both before and after, I dismissed those locations. My reasoning for Pikachu was not only because he’s the highest level Pokémon, but also because his team reflects one that only really works with a game where all three main starters are available to him. Yellow is weird to parse honestly. On one hand, it’s clearly based on anime canon, but on the other, the games clearly like calling back to it. Writing it out now, I recognize the inconsistency with the way I approach the game. It’s probably worth considering, since “a version of FRLG except with the starter situation from Yellow” just… doesn’t make sense. I guess if it isn’t that, I’d assume his starter is Venusaur, due to his appearance in the Let’s Go games.
@daydreammoonstar Ай бұрын
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
I remember reading the original Fzero manual and being fascinated with the lore, and when GX came out... man it was like the best game ever to me lol
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
The F-Zero world is absolutely hitting on all fronts. Every time I read about a character I learn so much cool stuff. They went all in
@@SpoilerGoblin It's just so lovely, like for some reason, imagining a future that isn't all dystopian nor apocalyptic, but where billionnaires went all-in and wanted to create high-speed races, and aliens wanting to race with humans in no-gravity spaceships... It's so cool and weirdly comforting !
@Xylarxcode Ай бұрын
My friend once theorized that moon stones give off a sort of harmless low level radiation that has no effect on humans or most pokemon, but in some, it unlocks something coded in their DNA which allows them to evolve. He theorized that this was true for Jigglypuff, which can be found close to Mt Moon in Kanto. Due to their long term proximity to the location and moon stones in general, it unlocked something in them that allowed them to evolve into something that is bigger and stronger, much the same way it works for Clefairy. They sort of elongate and enhance their features. The same is true for the Nidoran, who are also found close to Mt Moon. Only very specific kinds of pokemon have their potential unlocked this way. Clefairy for obvious reasons and Jigglypuff and both Nidoran (well, their evolution) due to being compatible with the radiation it gives off. Well, to be completely honest, he was baked one day and said something like: 'Moon stones come from space, right. So what if, like, they give off some sort of radiation that makes Jigglypuff evolve and they couldn't before?' And then, once he was clearheaded again, he thought about it some more and added some stuff later. Ngl, it kinda works, as far as fan theories go.
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
I have a feeling it’s something along those lines. Especially with the locations of all of the Moon Stone Pokémon in Kanto.
@nathanblackburn1193 Ай бұрын
One thing to note is which came first? The pokemon or the moon stones? Are pokemon that evolve from moon stones drawn to areas with lots of moon stones? Maybe Clefairy aren't from space but just migrated to Mt Moon after a large moon stone or large quantity of moon stones appeared there (assuming the moon stones come from space and aren't naturally formed in the ground)
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
We aren’t ready for these questions…
@iBenjamin1000 Ай бұрын
That was a neat little theme you played in the first half of the video, what’s it called?
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
“Road to Cerulean City - Leaving Mount Moon” from LGPE
@garethdwright91 Ай бұрын
1:46 ...Bruh.
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
Yeah, that realization was what kicked off the entire video. It’s kinda wild
@davidruizfernandez173 Ай бұрын
mybe the skitty case is because it’s a femenine pokemon? the moon usually represents femenine energy, in mithology there are always moon godesses, and except for nidoking, all moon stone lines are very girly, so it could be a conexion
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
That could certainly be a connection too! The Divine Feminine could very well be related somehow.
@bez26 Ай бұрын
What is the song at 1:45?
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
That’s the Area Zero theme from ScarVio.
@TopsyTurvy686 Ай бұрын
Cool video concept. I've always found Pokemon's weird relationship with space to be interesting, the moon stone being part of that. Something about the moon stone representing space feels very mysterious and fun to me. It fits with the themes of nature and science in Pokemon very well. I hope we get more interesting uses for the Moon Stone in future games.
@jgr7487 Ай бұрын
Even though Pkmn Masters EX prefers Hilbert, Hilda being the protagonist fits the Bianca plot of BW quite better.
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
I could see that honestly. It’s been a while since I’ve played BW1, but I could definitely see another woman to bond with aiding Bianca’s character arc. While that still doesn’t convince me, I can respect that as a reason to prefer Hilda.
@jgr7487 Ай бұрын
@@SpoilerGoblin There's that, & the BW1 N plot gives me so much crush vibes lol
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
@@jgr7487 he gay
@jasonbarry3301 Ай бұрын
Lunatone’s held item chance was actually the only way to get extra moonstones in gen3 beyond the one in meteor falls so if you were on ruby you only got *one* moonstone evolution.
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
That’s crazy. I thought it was available via Pickup in that gen, but I guess not
@jasonbarry3301 Ай бұрын
@@SpoilerGoblin wasn’t available via pickup till HG/SS
@kellyroyal9579 Ай бұрын
I’m loving these lore videos on Pokémon I hope you keep making them!!
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
I’m planning on Pokémon being a staple of the channel, so more is definitely coming!
@Flirtz420 Ай бұрын
@KingNidoYT Ай бұрын
That "Queen of Galar" line alone makes this video a win. Great work. Look forward to seeing more.
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
Glad you liked it! We were chuckling over that line in the writing process. I think we have Returnofmch to thank for that one.
@ivanbackfromthecardshop8093 Ай бұрын
I always felt like most pokedex entries seemd more like legends associated with the pokemon more than researched fact. So the fact that moonstones arent always actually linked to space could be that they are just some naturally occuring phenomenon that people just linked with space. Sunstones are similar i doubt that the sun litterally sends rocks down shaped like artisic depictions of it lol As for what they actually represent the sun stone seems to work on pokemon that would naturally need a lot of sunlight to evolves so the moon stone is probally just the opposite. A magic rock that helps pokemon who grow up without it. whether thats from being nocturnal in skittys case or from living in dark caves
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
here are definitely some entries for which I agree, namely in the case of legendaries/mythicals and the Hisui Dex. There are also some entries that share speculation, admittedly like the Clefable entry I used in the video. That said, the dex is portrayed as science come the modern era, with its associations with the various professors of the region, most of whom are doing active research into some portion of Pokémon physiology or biology. With Pokémon that are common enough that any average joe could walk around with a Cleffa in their pocket, I have to imagine that the dex entries are based on research and observation, where not stated otherwise. Your reading on the Sun Stone feels accurate, which is interesting given its connection to the Moon Stone. That seems so much… simpler than my reading of the Moon Stone. I may try looking at it from that lens at some point
@ivanbackfromthecardshop8093 Ай бұрын
​@@SpoilerGoblin their are also entries like machamp moving mountains or tyranitar who "cant be harmed by any sort of attack" which just seem like blatant hyperbole. I highly doubt something like spiritombs 108 spirits is a heavily reasearched fact and not just folklore/superstion. Not to say i think all info from them are wrong I just take a heavy grain of salt when reading any of the ones with particuarly extreme claims. Clefairys could go either way. Deoxys does exist its not like space pokemon is that outrageous. But as advanced as the pokedex is they wouldnt really need you to go out and catch every pokemon if they felt like they already had good enough data on most of them.
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
@@ivanbackfromthecardshop8093 While the thing about Spiritomb would be hard to study, Pokemon has gone out of their way to associate that specific number with the Pokemon in gameplay (namely thinking of the quest chain in Go), so I feel like they're pushing for it to be accurate. I will admit though, the Tyranitar entry is obviously complete BS based on the fact that... it can be harmed by just about any attack. And some quite grievously. I guess it's better to say that they're inconsistent, which if anything, admittedly, that would go further to support your point than my own.
@skylarharrison7749 Ай бұрын
Skitty looks like it has a crescent on its head and delkatty looks like it has a neck pillow on its neck so possibly connected to night time and sleeping in general?
@Kevinblue035 Ай бұрын
yeah that's what i was thinking, they seem to have this general sleep/relaxing theme, presumably because cats are always sleeping, and skitty is kind of designed to look like a plush toy or pillow in and of it's self imo
@lordfreezer5631 Ай бұрын
Skitty seems also to be a reworked version of the cat beta pokémon scrapped from the gen 2 games. This pokémon was an evolution line of 2 cat pokémon with moons and bells as part of their designs
@Zlixlriffs Ай бұрын
Well if moonstones are connected sleep and the night, I guess skitty evolving to have a neck pillow as a delcatty might mean something but it sure is a stretch. The delcatty line is just so normal (so normal that it gets the signature ability normalize) that the moonstone just makes it odd as a design choice.
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
The pillow was pointed out to me after the video released, and is probably the most solid connection the line has to the moon.
@shadowkat4167 Ай бұрын
Maybe the skitty line is more connected to moonstone symbolism
@Rexxnarlol Ай бұрын
Interesting video! Try lowering the volume of the music a bit more, especially in the parts with a voiceover. :)
@SpoilerGoblin Ай бұрын
I appreciate the input, and will try to do that next time. I probably just like listening to that music too much ;P