Get into flow in 4 simple steps
Super fast grounding technique
@freyamariano106 4 минут бұрын
I am so grateful for your work. It has shattered my perspectives in so many ways, and I feel that I’m starting to understand things that were just vague concepts before. About this video - my mother was a well meaning vampire - but a vampire nonetheless. Now that I have my own almost grown up children, I make sure to tell them that the most important thing for me is that they follow the paths that inspire them, that it’s okay to make mistakes, that you can change your mind or change your course because you’re not bound forever to a path you chose when you were 17. Maybe it is the path you’ll always follow, and maybe it isn’t, and that’s why life is so amazing - we don’t know what’s over the hill or around the corner. Being human is hard and beautiful at the same time i think ❤
@eyevanwillaims7368 5 минут бұрын
I have no colour in my life!
@felinefurkin4275 16 минут бұрын
I find it interesting and wonder if it’s really meant to work for the neurodivergent too. Having indeed withdrawn thanks to job losses and fatigue due to the repeated stress, only discovering the AuDHD around 40, now slowly getting there and fed up still healing my heartbroken and furious inner child and ego after 25 adult years doing many therapies that didn’t get it. Finding trust and making sacrifices, I did that, spent a lifetime squashing into boxes. Tenderfoot is a cute term, it’s how I’m trying to go forward I suppose. When the situation is that hard to change cos not that brave in chronic fear from repeated misunderstanding and rejection, and support is lacking even as it tries its best, especially when reality keeps hitting and allies go quiet, “fall from grace” grimly writes us off. I didn’t like those characters, but I began to understand them long before I knew what I was really dealing with. In the tree of life work I’ve been doing with a teacher who has uncovered its pre-religious reality, shadow, or revelation, is the 8th of 11, not 10, spheres, and to be stepped into as much as all of them. Through it all, we can see ourselves properly. Best way I can put that right now.
@ranzu8732 2 сағат бұрын
Tuning in for my daily brain nourishment.
@Betwixt_App 2 сағат бұрын
@MsDamosmum 2 сағат бұрын
I was thinking, who can I ask who won’t drop straight into being accuser or rescuer? You mention being careful about that. I don’t think I know anyone I could trust to ask 😔
@braD-Leyy 3 сағат бұрын
damn! I've unknowingly submitted myself to a lie. Thank you for helping bring me to this awareness. ❤
@Betwixt_App 3 сағат бұрын
You’re so welcome! Really glad this resonated x
@elitsadermendzhiyska7771 3 сағат бұрын
Oh well, bitch boss, obviously!
@ulalaFrugilega 4 сағат бұрын
As someone acutely suffering from an understanding of the stupidity of way too much of any media output, this is alarming to me.
@andrewspyrou9856 4 сағат бұрын
Did you read about someone who put on a silly glove and gesticulated ridiculously with one arm only?
@ulalaFrugilega 4 сағат бұрын
Films don't give that, the first person effect, I mean. I wonder if audiobooks do, because what you do when you read a book, you perceive the story inside your head in your own voice. The most intimate of arts.
@Windowswatcher 4 сағат бұрын
I used to teach Drama in a secondary school and after some years was promoted to Head of Department. I definitely cycled between 'Figurehead' and 'Luminary' for quite a long time. I must have got the balance reasonably right, though, as the department thrived and our GCSE/A-level results were generally good. In my personal life it's somewhat easier... but even there, in earlier days, I sometimes had a tendency to veer towards 'Vampire' from time to time. I'd imagine that is a fairly classic pattern that could go either way... wimp at work/despot at home or despot at work/wimp at home. I'm smiling at the memory of old seaside cartoon postcards with buxom women in hairnets and smaller thin husbands who get bossed about... and 'Rumpole of the Bailey' who is magnificent in the courtroom but his wife is referred to as 'She who must be obeyed!.
@Betwixt_App 2 сағат бұрын
Hahahaha! Yes, I can imagine that postcard cartoon instantly 😂 And I also agree that it must be a common thing to “balance” ourselves out with different flavours of shadow in different contexts. I also believe that all these shadow archetypes are within touching distance at any given moment. Surely most of us have them basically on shuffle. I’m hoping these videos will give people (including myself!) the ability to change the track when needed.
@Windowswatcher 2 сағат бұрын
@@Betwixt_App yes, indeed. In some contexts, when one is encouraging someone to 'carve their own path' (as it were, for example) one might usefully oscillate between Figurehead and Luminary as a chosen strategy.
@mtnhigh 4 сағат бұрын
It was the constant hand movement that did it!
@punarnavamalhotra6433 6 сағат бұрын
Does someone know the name of the speaker? She seems quite an academician to me, hence I’m interested in knowing more about her
@janedawson335 10 сағат бұрын
I’ve learned to let go with love, walk gently away and my world is so much greener 💚💛 we truly find our tribe
@rodrigoff7456 10 сағат бұрын
The reference used for this is almost 20 years old. I wonder how much has been discovered and understood since then
@gimya 12 сағат бұрын
I have a question about this story: what if you are someone who is "Green" for people in that you love and appreciate them for all they are but that being the kind of person you love being? What kind of person would be "Green" for them? This sort of painted a clearer picture in my mind about how I feel about life in that I love engaging with people and learning about them and what they're about. But outside of doing anything within others interests or even just the occasional favor, when I begin to express myself and show things I like to do or make I'm met with inattentiveness and disinterest. It's still not very clear to me; I just know that giving people a smile or a laugh is a reason to stick around another day. I just am confused at how to do it in a way that reveals acceptance of my character.
@princessthyemis 13 сағат бұрын
This is awesome!!!!
@mookymookymooo 14 сағат бұрын
I'm concerned that my phone is spying on me. I don't search for videos about this but I have been talking to my friends about this stuff a lot. And then this video shows up out of nowhere
@KippinCollars 15 сағат бұрын
Is Gollum the Coward or the Bully? He does both in the movies.
@MichaelHolstine 16 сағат бұрын
Along with parenting manuals it is perhaps instructive to read military training of new officers. They have been struggling with exactly this transformation for, well, millennia. They speak in different terms (mission command, why vs how, etc) and talk more of "trust" than "love" but the goal is quite the same. I certainly look forward to the next part. Thank you.
@Betwixt_App 10 сағат бұрын
Oh yes, I can absolutely imagine that!
@WR3ND 16 сағат бұрын
Bro... I'm not even watching this on Brainwash Wednesday.
@WR3ND 16 сағат бұрын
Joking aside, why do you think I clicked on this video?
@MichaelHolstine 16 сағат бұрын
The failure paths don't ring true to me. It seems to me that the failures are really: Failure to gain your powers (think: lazy genius, or harry potter too poor to get in to hogwarts) or Failure to do what is right with your powers (think: selfish Gastone, or Saruman who chooses the easy evil side instead of good). If you have not come through with "great power" AND "great responsibility" you have failed on the quest. This is certainly not irredeemable as many a great story feature these failures and their corrections as starting points and mid-story transformations. I really like your look at these aspects as few others do. I look forward to hearing more.
@MichaelHolstine 17 сағат бұрын
Your channel has some of the only workups I've seen as to what happens AFTER the hero's journey. As this is a definite set of phases in my current life, I find this quite valuable. I also am fascinated with your treatment of what happens on failure of each of these journeys as life is often filled with these failures where we, hopefully only temporarily, become the villain of the story. Please keep up with these aspects as no one else appears to be doing them.
@qwertyasdfgzxcvbiop2114 17 сағат бұрын
writing was invented, but sight has been given. if reading has this effect, think what effect seeing things might be having. It's no wonder eyes are called doorway to soul. BTW to get you thinking, deciphering illusion is learned trait, eyes are meant to show you what truly is (hence babies are easily deceived by magic). So everything you see has deep deep impact on you... foreever.
@ObsidianMonarch 18 сағат бұрын
Granola slop for superficial people...
@ObsidianMonarch 18 сағат бұрын
If you knew the morning after, you what experience a horrible hangover, would you go out the night before and drink with your friends?
@Ava-oc1dg 18 сағат бұрын
💚✌🏽This is bullshit.People are jealous,narcissistic, and some of them are just plain crazy. There are people who love unconditionally and are self assured and want that for you. But they are so few and far between we don’t know them. You were in therapy for a reason probably the reason your friend stopped talking to you. The reality is we can’t pick and choose. You may know a person for years and never really know them only to find they always envied you or gossiped behind your back. The decision is either love everyone and be happy. Just be happy we can change ourselves not others. If you start picking and choosing you end up alone. If yellow people want an extra for dinner go and have a good time. It’s ok to just have associations.2%
@draspian 20 сағат бұрын
"What have these stories taught your brain?" My brain: Forward. Fowrard. Forward. Forward. (R.I.P. Ricky September)
@margaretek5350 21 сағат бұрын
Awesome thank you for sharing this technique!🙏🙏🙏
@Betwixt_App 20 сағат бұрын
You’re welcome!! 🩶
@scotthenry8516 Күн бұрын
That's the one that I meant 😊
@Betwixt_App Күн бұрын
I realised that! I should probably repost it when I have a mo!
@parlakgoezde Күн бұрын
yes it helped thank you
@maamhaven215 Күн бұрын
I share a living space with my much much older SIL. She wants me to be her obedient little SIL because she's much much more wiser. Color me bad. No, thanks!
@helloalanframe Күн бұрын
I don’t think our true self is a separate, individual self just like it’s not a fixed self. I think it’s a universal self.
@altaris6593 Күн бұрын
Hastur cultists gonna be shocked - if you know what I mean
@b_devs Күн бұрын
So powerful, so beautiful. I didn't know of this. Thank you for sharing. 😭💚😭❤🥲
@b_devs Күн бұрын
Can I just give you a big hug? Please? You're amazing.
@Betwixt_App Күн бұрын
Oh, yes please! Hugs are *always* accepted!
@b_devs Күн бұрын
🤗🤗 I just finished the first dream ~ I'm excited to explore more in between.
@Betwixt_App Күн бұрын
Ooh, wonderful! I hope you love it! 🩶
@b_devs Күн бұрын
I already do! 😁 Thank you for crafting such a resource and gem. I'm ready to start creating 🌏✨️
@bah-bah29hinks7 Күн бұрын
I needed a place to stay for 2 weeks as my rental flat was not ready to move into. But I could not get either local ‘friend’ to let me stay in their extra room. One said the landlord would not allow pets. But of course this was a temporary situation to stay there… one cat. The other said they had too much stuff in the room…. They only had the flat as I found it for them and course they always wanted to tell me their problems. Now I’ve cut both out but it was clear I really could not rely on them. 😃
@Wholly_Fool Күн бұрын
Dont trust a girl who read Gone Girl.
@MarcusV741 Күн бұрын
I stopped playing my favorite Coldplay song…
@catherinetaylor3021 Күн бұрын
I can't find the psychologist you quoted....
@SoulEagle Күн бұрын
lol ppl just needa mind their own business and this world would be a much better place because of it. Boycott them. I havent been to some businesses in years, decades and they are begging me to come back. I refuse.
@Kelly-xz7hv Күн бұрын
I got rid of my smartphone and computer 6 months ago, only have a flip phone now and only use the internet once a week at the library. I'm careful about the stuff I read: must be beautiful, non-violent and calm. You will not believe how much my brain has changed since then. How much more inspired I feel, how much more calm, more powerful. I enjoy the little things and I feel like life is beautiful. I started 4 hobbies and I'm learning all kinds of stuff I never had the time for before. All this because I quit the internet, the news and toxic stuff. It feels so free. I really can't describe it but if you can, please consider getting a flip phone and hiding your smartphone in a drawer in the attic for a couple of weeks (and the computer as well). Or getting rid of social media for a while and only watching calm and beautiful films and series, instead of violence and action and drama. It helps a lot when you stick to it for a while
@Rebecca0010 Күн бұрын
It’s a beautiful app. They aren’t even playing.
@tenminutetokyo2643 Күн бұрын
You are the only thinker in your universe.
@darrenfernando3519 Күн бұрын
The inevitable cash 💰 grab sequel.
@birdwatching_u_back Күн бұрын
“Language itself is a powerful form of virtual reality” is a statement that applies outside of story narratives too, though. It’s very basic to how we experience and navigate personhood itself.
@Robert-xs2mv 2 күн бұрын
Friends? What are those?
@lindaabraham8715 2 күн бұрын
Interesting. My fav stories when I was a teenager were people escaping or enduring imprisonment. After a divorce, I gravitated to movies in which the wife murders the husband.
@ajaym6795 2 күн бұрын
The title and thumbnail made me think this was about something else
@dianemoril7612 2 күн бұрын
I changed a few people's life just by talking to them. this lead me to be super cautious in my interactions with others. because I have witnessed very often that the butterfly effect is a real thing. I think that some of us were just lucky enough to see it with their own eyes. once you see it 1 time, just 1 time, how huge this can be, you become humble and cautious. actually, this days, I focus with all my strength on how to not (or not so much) impact others' people life. I do a lot of meditations and prayers to concile my emotions in order to protect people around me, and when I want to achieve something, it has become one of my conditions, I say "if it goes with everybody's better good". when you are conscious about yourself, you cannot believe the lie. it's so huge! thanks for sharing!