Lorcana Booster Box Opening
10 ай бұрын
@Novakane32 22 күн бұрын
Great video, I learned to pay MTG during the pandemic on Arena. When i tried FAB it was a more enjoyable experience due to having a high level of interaction on offense and defense. Also, pitch stacking is a great idea for a TCG!
@stigmurder99 2 ай бұрын
I love Flesh and Blood so much, I started about a year ago and it quickly became my favorite game. I tried to go back and play commander with friends a few times and got bored with it so quickly. Mtg has gotten so annoying with the constant releases, not to mention the ridiculous things they've tried to jam into the game,the AI art, raising pack prices and more. Long live LSS and Flesh and Blood. 😁
@DavidDanford 3 ай бұрын
You didn't take rarity into account? It seems like rarity should provide some benefit, even in the formula.
@NearlySaneGames 3 ай бұрын
That is one of the reasons I put this together. To look to see if higher rarity cards would rate better. In general, higher rarity cards do not rate better. They do tend to have more unique abilities, which could make them better.
@FabricioKarim 4 ай бұрын
I played Magic since 1995. Now I onli keep one modern deck and one commander deck to play with my friends. In 2021 I discovered Flesh and Blood. I like it because plays completily ditfernt from Magic, as pointe in this video. Recentily I've been playing FaB Round of the Table bos with my friends. Last year I start playing Grand Archive TCG. Is like 50% MtG, 50% original mechanics and no land cards.I like the art style too. A GA competetive deck costs half of other games.
@NickDaDroid 5 ай бұрын
Very smart system. I’ve been making custom card concepts for fun and it’s been hard to feel out whether a card is OP or not. Obviously this system isn’t perfect like you stated, but it definitely helps.
@B1bombermadness 6 ай бұрын
Merry Christmas buddy. Thanks for sharing!
@JCHJediGames13 7 ай бұрын
I’ll have to check this spread sheet but I think your assumptions are pretty good.
@deltablaze77 7 ай бұрын
Excellent Video! You really articulated a lot of the thoughts I was having but hadn't put into words.
@Zemoch93 8 ай бұрын
I understand your point. But this comparison is valid for competative players only. I enjoy MTG because of all the crazy things you can do in casual formats like Commander. Infinite life , mana , creatures, inifite storm ,draw and cast your whole deck etc etc. The MTG examples you gave are very specific to competative play and NO casual player ever is going to experience them. Currently FaB is a Spike only game. No one makes a FaB deck to "do cool stuff" , you make a FaB deck to win and that's it.
@Fefnefef 10 ай бұрын
your very first point about mtg with hate cards is one of the bigger reasons I stopped playing as a new player. so often me and my friends would just sweep one another and it really wasn't a fun or engaging time. fab looks like it is designed to minimize this as much as possible and I can't wait to get started
@NearlySaneGames 10 ай бұрын
FAB has some hate cards. Warmonger's Diplomacy can make rangers sad for a turn. Themai is a problem for wizards. It is not nearly as bad as Magic though.
@davorianware1382 10 ай бұрын
Do you have a video that teaches how to play?
@NearlySaneGames 10 ай бұрын
I do not yet, but there are same great videos out there. Check out Tolarian Community College, DMArmada or Red Zone Rogue. They all have good tutorials.
@madscientist2621 10 ай бұрын
Long time MTG player here. I know next to nothing about FaB but after doing some research online, it seems to me that in competitive play, there are a ton of "same" decks. As in, small number of heroes and gear that are worth playing. Is this true? Does it affect the meta? My LGS is going to start carrying FaB product. Im interested in learning more.
@zebones777 10 ай бұрын
This will be the first set I pass on .I have no interest in mech.never liked the class at all
@urbano999 10 ай бұрын
I reduced my set purchase to just single case for Bright Lights. If LSS is going to increase product release frequency, as a sealed box collector this will make me buy less of each individual set. I have 2 or 3 cases of each of the sets released so far: OUT, UPR, DYN, EVR 1st, TOA 1st, MON 1st, DTD and the first 3 unlimited sets. Bright Lights is the first set I reduced my order to just a single case. Plus I dislike the stempunk vibe. FAB got to me because of the fantasy feel: armours, crossbows, arcane magic, savage brutes, dexterous ninjas, paladin like guardians.
@urbano999 10 ай бұрын
I liked the 3/4 releases per year. With LSS increasing this to 4/5 per year I am a little bit overwhelmed. But, if they are going to make some of these releases single class specific decks, this might make it more manageable as other mains will not be forced to buy those sets. So for players this new increased set frequency won´t be too much. However, for collectors it will be more difficult. I hope LSS does not go down the MTG path, bombarding us with product every 20 days.
@gabes7356 10 ай бұрын
Good side bordering optional L Generics would help sell drafting this and getting a few boxes
@gabes7356 10 ай бұрын
Well In the lore nul rune equipment is made in metrics so some of the legendarys are probably going to be a L version of nulerune something? Maybe
@filsmartins 10 ай бұрын
You forgot warmonger from DTD, but other than that you're right. I'm a wizard player and since uprising I don't see any new mechanisms to play with. The cards that came in DYN were just upgrades from what we had. My Kano deck is the same for a year now lol I hoped that DTD would've something for everyone, but no. Even the classes that promised to buff aren't exactly winning events left and right
@sorcererscircle535 10 ай бұрын
its a good thing they are doing this to be honest. It lowers wallet fatigue, less product to be made good for investors and those that like to buy it for trade fodder, don't like it don't buy it no problem, fixes issues later when they introduce new classes. Need to look at the larger picture not just it doesn't suit me mentality
@merrilllee4878 10 ай бұрын
that's not how businesses work. if each set is made where it "lowers wallet fatigue", the company will sooner go out of business than become a mainstay tcg. the year on year growth has to be strong for the company to attract move investors or for the business to expand and become bigger. if each set caters to a subsection of their player base that actually plays the hero, their sales will always be stagnant, basically they're taking their pie, but only cutting a small section off to eat rather than eat the whole pie, saving the rest for 6 months down the road just to cut off another section
@sorcererscircle535 10 ай бұрын
@@merrilllee4878 no it won't as there are plenty of people out there who will buy it, I also do not believe they will do this with every set and this will be utilized to bring up classes that have been without support for a long period of time and also the introduction of new classes. Wallet fatigue for players on a budget is the people I am talking about by the way as this is only a concern for people on lower incomes or those who have minimum budget to spend on a game, not the people who can just get what they want.
@Aldrnari956 10 ай бұрын
Biggest upside to BL is getting new players to sit down. I picked up FaB this year when WotC went scorched earth on players’ wallets. Unfortunately, FaB being in a lull means that I have a lot of trouble finding play groups in my area, but if BL is new player friendly then we could see a turn around in that. Crack, shuffle, play seems like a great way to get into the game and teach someone the basics similar to blitz decks. I fully acknowledge the down side of BL being the potential loss of established players, however. LSS seems to have made a mistake putting DtD and BL next to each other. I enjoy the new Prism, so DtD had a lot of stuff that I needed for that deck, but I imagine there’s a lot of players zoning out right now with two sets in a row that don’t support their play styles. I wonder how it would go over if LSS switched to running 5-6 sets a year. 3 big, draftable sets that support a lot of heroes, and then 2-3 smaller sets that set out to balance out lagging heroes. That would give 3 must have products a year with 2-3 for players to optionally engage with.
@birdsflapatnighttogether2304 10 ай бұрын
LSS is an innovative publisher and they will continue to innovative. They were the first to use paper wrappers and they will be the first at many more things in this industry. Not every product is meant to please everyone and they so much said so. It is difficult to take your opinion seriously because we do know very little about the set. Perhaps it is best to actually let the set release, try it, and then make an opinion backed back with actual experience versus hot guesses. James White said that there will be some people who hate the set, but many who will enjoy it. So they very well know what they are doing. They are taking a risk, because if you are not taking risks you are not growing.
@xlnt2new 10 ай бұрын
the way you describe things is very narrow-minded and hopefully not wide-spread :D "if you don't play those 8+ heroes LSS printed new cards for - you have no motivation to get the product" - this is what you are saying and it's just stupid, just play all/several classes and stop complaining about a vision you have, it's not you who is making the game.... stop comparing the game to your vision p.s. i just disliked the video - you get another chance, make it count (;
@NearlySaneGames 10 ай бұрын
I do play all of the classes and I will be buying some of this product. I also know people that only play one or two classes that will not be buying this product. I'm just pointing out that LSS is taking a risk. I personally hope the risk pays off for them because I like the idea and the benefits to the casual community.
@badgeringer 10 ай бұрын
Although I'm not a mechanologist player, I'm hoping it will give a great drafting experience, with a lot more flexibility than past sets. Previously, it was incredibly hard to pivot from an archetype if it dried up and you could end up with a poor deck. All the cards being mechanologist means that they will all be playable. I look forward to seeing how it plays.
@NearlySaneGames 10 ай бұрын
The class pivot became harder when they switched to 2 token slots. You saw less cards before you had to commit to your class. I'm guessing each character will have cards they want to have to support their deck, but any pool of cards should be playable. It should be a nice entry point for anyone that wants to try drafting. It should be cool.
@JCHJediGames13 10 ай бұрын
I am holding my judgement until they announce the rest of the set and more stuff in the expansion slot. On the surface I agree that the mech only set doesn't catch my attention, but I think Lss has a trick up their sleeve or two that they havent revealed yet, but who knows your guess is as good as mine
@NearlySaneGames 10 ай бұрын
I feel like the Expansion Slot was the trick up their sleeve for this set. Maybe they have something else. I expect that the Mech Marvels will look pretty incredible, though.
@JCHJediGames13 10 ай бұрын
@@NearlySaneGames yeah all we know at this point is tunic, but I am guessing it will be fully loaded but we shall see. I’m waiting to cast judgment till I know everything
@supermarioblacktiger 10 ай бұрын
Before outsiders Uprising was the only draft set for almost a year. Everyone was burned out on it which is sort of fitting thematically😅 (draconic, burning...) I don't forsee Bright lights being the draft set longer than 3-6 months as LSS is shifting towards more sets a year. If plans go correct we'll see more draft sets that either follow this same path or follow the original paths of OUT and before. There'll still be a supp set or two. On top of that we may see changes to the structure as a whole. If you look at past sets they always support one maybe 2 playstyles. BL supports 3 for one class. As opposed to old sets that just showed a new playstyle then either stopped supporting it or abolished an older playstyle. This is something many players want to see more. Not just "My crush Bravo is stronger now" but instead "now I have new playlines for Bravo, shield Bravo go! Or Hammer Bravo smash" etc. Having a set that shows it is possible to not only support a class that's been without support for a long time but also implementing multiple playstyles is new and exciting for the game. Or so the hope is. As for Dash, she has a different title so hopefully she's different. I'd be upset if she's the same Dash. Not too upset but a little upset.
@NearlySaneGames 10 ай бұрын
I expect that we will have 3 playstyles that are interesting in a limited environment. I don't have high hopes for the different styles to be viable for constructed. We saw this in Tales with the Elemental heroes. Ice Lexi is fine, but the FAB community is a min/maxy, competitive group. I have no doubt the different playstyles will be fun to play. Riptide is fun to play with an interesting mechanic. He's less fun to play into any meta deck. I really don't want another supplemental set after Bright Lights.
@Cardboardgrinch 10 ай бұрын
yo, these point may be concerning, but at this level im sure lss has thought about that too for sure. What i think is just soo great, that more casual peops who, like me, maybe before even really trying the game really hung soo long at deciding which deck, hero, playstyle is the suiting one. To choose Mech as the main is just smart imo, it has always been a reliable class and always a treat so if you wanna start afterwards cause youre warmed up on mech, its just really possible to do that. Also, just look at how the game is expanding by that. Youre playing freakin Mechanoid Robo suits and weapons like in late matrix or somethin... HOW FREAKN COOL IS THAT?? Its a great opportunity for every LGS imo to get new peops in the game and everybody is starting with the same mechanics, like in yugioh sets back in the day or maybe even still. love that. So yeah com on lgss, host some fun and cool events and lets just enjoy a completely different world of fab. Lorewise as gameplaywise <3 And you cant do sealed cheaper than that. Easy. With one box u can just do a 6 peops sealed and 8 peops draft. Ill use this sooo instant to get my friends together that im always trying to get more into the game and do a fun evening! asap And yeah, com on, sure many peops are like im playin that class only and none other, but how boring is thaat? try and experience this crazy cool game in every of its aspects. MORE CASUALS to the game and still, the learn to play phase is faaar from over for FaB, this set is highly usable for that id think. (: Was playin arena today again, against mono black..as green.. after 5,6 turns of opponent deleteing all creatures i played every turn i was just done. quit and closed the game. Or against blue and counter every spell i wanna summon as a jff player...disgusting experience if thats the first game u have man ^^ Love that FaB is not offering those experiences and always trys to do something new. PS. in a quiet peaceful moment - What would you say or guess what lss is thinking whats to do with that set? They always have a idea with what theyre doing i think. its on us to make right use of it. Thanks for sharing dude!! Best wishes to you and much fun!! This is gonna be FUN
@NearlySaneGames 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, I like to jump around to a lot of different classes. Mech has always been a solid (and not too expensive) option to play. I think this will be great for casual players. If this came out along with or between main sets, it would be incredible (chef's kiss). As THE set for the next 3 months, I wonder how the hard-core FAB players will receive it. I don't know LSS's financials look, but is it ok if hard-core FAB players skip this set? Like I said, I think it will be awesome if we can get to a future where we can choose a class and grab 3 packs to play some matches. I'm in! I just wonder what it will be like until we reach that point. Seasons with a supplemental set are already a bit dull (at least for me). I am ready to try out some Crack, Shuffle, and Play games. I have my fingers crossed that this turns out to be a successful experiment for LSS so they will do this again.
@Cardboardgrinch 10 ай бұрын
@@NearlySaneGames awesome yeah! Id love to see the FaB core get some fun in between with this. I hear often that many dont not reeeally like draft so far anyway and the core is from my view more grindy lets be the best, play the best deck players. And thats awesome, love that and to watch them playing crazy games in the tournaments for sure!! But yoo, theres still soo much to be explored and what the Game NEEDs most imo is to be casually available more. Get some noobs in and give them a chance in this highest if highest level play game that it is so far. Most do not dare to enter id guess hearing or having experienced that by themself. FaB to be even more financially successful needs to get a larger playerbase and all around the world. Theyre doing over the too good with that from what i hear but still having something that evens the field like a one class set is a really interesting way to enable that. Mech is just fun and also building a boardstate like in most tcgs can be done here with items. So yooo, to all the new inc competative players - tunics gonna be available soon and lets see what else. Also you have maaaany heros to be still explored. Would love to see a micheal H try arakni in cc just cause hes not really meta at all but to see what HE can do with the hero. Seasoned players have all the things still havent they? And if BL gets boring to draft, get yourself one of the last 2.0 sets at your lgs to play, theyre all super available. and then at tournaments since this set seems to be small(er) from possibilities im just curious how theyre doing with that. 😎 Cheer up guys, lss is always with you dont you dare think something else xpp
@NearlySaneGames 10 ай бұрын
LSS is still supposed to be working on their Player Vs Environment set for release sometime next year. If that set is good (which I expect it will be), it will be a great place to play all of those fun heroes/builds that are not good enough to play against the S+ tier competitive decks.
@huemungus5535 10 ай бұрын
Personally I think it's a good thing. I don't want to "Have to" buy every set that comes out. With the current plan to release 4 to 5 sets a year that's alot. One of the biggest reasons why I just got sick of MTG was the constant barrage of set after set after set. With each set trying to be the set that you need to get cards from.
@NearlySaneGames 10 ай бұрын
I agree that MTG is too much. I like the 4-5 sets a year pace. When a set doesn't interest you, though, you have a better chance of just 'taking a break' from FAB. When that happens, you could get pulled away by something new (Lorcana, Sorcery, Grand Archive, etc.).
@riddlermangaming3533 10 ай бұрын
Yeah can't wait to see how this set rolls out and it's reception from the community.
@NearlySaneGames 10 ай бұрын
It will be interesting. I think investors will still show up. I feel like FAB players will have some initial interest, but leave it quickly if they are not a Mech main.
@riddlermangaming3533 10 ай бұрын
agreed unless it's just crazy fun with replayability and the chase cards are ridiculous. Very well could be a Marvel Tunic or other amazing Marvel EVO suits to chase.@@NearlySaneGames
@NearlySaneGames 10 ай бұрын
C'mon, you know the Marvel Mech stuff is going to be some sexy shinys that you are going to want.
@Cardboardgrinch 10 ай бұрын
i see bigger positive potential, especially to casuals or new players - but im listening :)
@NearlySaneGames 10 ай бұрын
I think it is great for casual and new players. I like the idea a lot. I just wonder how FAB regulars will treat it.
@Cardboardgrinch 10 ай бұрын
@@NearlySaneGames they gotta chill if they dont like it xpp can try some new hero once in a while and not only grind for win and meta and counter meta and these heros are bad and these are good , and stuff. Theyre all great even though theyre not the next living legend or meta peak hero x)
@retrofraction 10 ай бұрын
As a Ranger player that doesn’t play Lexi, at the release of Outsiders there was some interesting tools but overall kinda disappointing not seeing “enough” due to Lexi not receiving any actual balance. DtD was very disappointing, though I do like the new heroes. It’s brought in a lot of thought about how under baked Riptide is. As Vynsett is already viable in CC and Blitz and Riptide has taken heavy hits in CC and Blitz 😢 BL is more DtD, while I do love draft I get the feeling that it’s gonna be worse overall than OTS cause of all the overlap. Really hope we get an EXTENDED supplement set afterwards that has 800+ cards, cause I have been waiting for ages on Assassin and Ranger for hero specific cards.
@gorannovakovic6287 10 ай бұрын
The only thing what i will is my nicola tesla Hero😅
@NearlySaneGames 10 ай бұрын
@neb542 10 ай бұрын
Yep good points
@dennisemcke8087 10 ай бұрын
I started one month ago playing FAB. I can agree with many Points you made. One thing I would mention is the fact, that you start with your maximum strenght in FAB while in Magic and most other tcgs you start weak. To start with everything you need to play big turns ensures that nearly every game you will be able to put together one of those turns you and your oponent will talk about.
@megajotb2918 11 ай бұрын
From what I remember of this game, it was quite fun! It felt a little bit oversimplified, which is both a strength and weakness imo. Nice video!
@decrabtra 11 ай бұрын
I actually dont think jank is too bad in fab! I think it is hard to win on a bad hero but fab is a best of one format where you use matchup experience to side deck before you even fight for the first time so throwing an unorthodox strat at your opponent, as long as it can do decent numbers, can be good! There are much less wacky ways to win but i dont see that as bad neccessarily cause getting cheesed out with thassas oracle like effects in magic feels like shit
@yurisacchi8359 11 ай бұрын
Nice CnC!
@FlyAwayTooHighToday 11 ай бұрын
i started the game around uprising, bought myself 2 starter decks and 2 boxes. i pulled 0 legendaries, every display got a value of around 40 euros pulled for around 90 euros per display. my best pull was a marvel ouvia and thats it. went to some local events and tried to compete with my fai deck, but just wasnt able to stand the other players with their expensive legendaries. i quit the game after that and kept it with magic commander. its a horrible design and all your boxes value is decided on pulling a legendary or not.
@NearlySaneGames 11 ай бұрын
As with any card game, we know it is better to buy singles than to open product. Ask The Professor about it. There is a definite skill curve to learning the game and lack of legendaries just put you further behind. There are entry points, like Commoner, that don't require expensive cards. You could also gain skills with any deck for free on talishar dot net.
@royalecrafts6252 3 ай бұрын
I go to the casino and play blackjack if I want to play with odds, I wont pay for a random pack with random cards lol thats dumb af
@TheKaijudist 11 ай бұрын
Woof. That box was heinous. Worst I've seen by far
@thegamesninja3119 Жыл бұрын
If I am going to play Flesh and Blood, I will play it with precon decks as a single owner game and not a TCG. Apparently my interest in doing this resulted in myself being banned from both a local game store AND FaB community. I have piles of stand alone games. I am not one to commit to a single game. What is this pull business about?
@Satisfyingtoday Жыл бұрын
There’s nothing to pull in DTD.
@discontinued692 Жыл бұрын
I had a good pull. Tempted to buy another box or two..... or 10. Yes. maybe 10.
@NearlySaneGames Жыл бұрын
There are great boxes and terrible boxes and not a lot in-between.
@discontinued692 Жыл бұрын
Good pull. I just love the new Dusk Till Dawn set.
@Jiwauu Жыл бұрын
Love the intro! Keep the good work up 🎉
@thegamesninja3119 Жыл бұрын
Emphasis more on nearly than sane in the context of this expansion. 🥷
@thegamesninja3119 Жыл бұрын
I think Kano may have fatalitied one of your Post It Note subscribers 🥷
@retrofraction Жыл бұрын
Dang you could organize by language, nice 👍
@megajotb2918 Жыл бұрын
Love the shirt! Great video, keep up the good work!
@yellowpitch1840 Жыл бұрын
White border cards are awesome for pitch stacking
@Thesealedcase Жыл бұрын
This is kinda spicy
@megajotb2918 Жыл бұрын
I think Prism's gonna function a bit different. I think she probably gets to start with an angel in play, giving her lower health bc she already has ward 4, and if she starts with suraya she can heal easily
@NearlySaneGames Жыл бұрын
Interesting thought.
@thegamesninja3119 Жыл бұрын
Magic has a manipulate the meta flow of a game, which is about wizards dueling. Such has the formulation of strategies away from the table. It has issues that a game like Mage Wars where all cards player use can be put in a binder and accesed in a game. Flesh and Blood is a fighting game, which involves much more tactical play and reacting. Tactics in Magic are puzzles, not the same as a fighting game.
@thegamesninja3119 Жыл бұрын
Part 2: I am approaching Flesh and Blood AS a fighting game with cards and looking to ambassador the game to fighting game community. I am NOT treating it as a CCG, just a game playable with precon blitz that are like Fighters in fighting games. I want to develop a King of the Fighters format where players form a team of precon blitz decks and replace the hero that lost the prior rounds. Heroes that lost are out of the games. First player to win so many rounds wins the game. In short, my message to the FaB community is to NOT think of it as a rival to Magic, but as a fighting game and target the fighting game community. Magic players can pick up a few precon blitz decks and just play FaB for a change of pace. They do not even need to do that, just play FaB with someone who has precon blitz decks until they are used the game. Community can support a game, and not everyone needs to own a game to play it. There are better pure fighting card games out there, BUT... they do not have the growth or community FaB has now.