Dexter REACTION | season 7
9 ай бұрын
Dexter REACTION 6x9-10 | REALY?!
@coldchillin8382 3 сағат бұрын
Ironic that if the woman let her son talk, he would’ve been alive.
@coldchillin8382 21 сағат бұрын
Probably because kids are often more honest and also less complicated
@garrickmusic Күн бұрын
It was Restricted in the US only because of the fairly excessive profanity.
@norwegianblue2017 4 күн бұрын
"Yeah, listen, we'd love to stand around and chat, but we've gotta... sit down in the lobby and wait for the limo."
@JD_ATX 5 күн бұрын
In 1976, there was a TV movie sequel, titled LOOK WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ROSEMARY'S BABY, which picks up 8 years after the first film. We learn that Guy took off for a successful career in Hollywood, while Rosemary and Adrian stayed behind with the coven. Rosemary (played by Patty Duke) absconds with the boy prior to his 8th birthday party in an effort to prevent the coven from performing some sort of ritual on him . It's been year since the viewed the film, so most of the details are fuzzy ... somehow a hooker played by Tina Louise (Ginger from Gilligan's Island) offers them shelter, then somehow convinces Rosemary to hide out in an abandoned bus. Suddenly, the bus powers up and takes off (without a driver) and we never learn of Rosemary's fate. The film then skips ahead to show a now adult Adrian, going by the name Andrew, being a trouble maker with the local police ... and honestly, the rest of the film was so boring, I can't even recall how it ends. The film was poorly written but Patty Duke's (brief) screen time and the return of Ruth Gordon as Minnie Castevet are about the only things making this dud of celluloid worth watching at all. = = = = = = = = = = Ira Levin, the author of the ROSEMARY'S BABY novel, published a sequel novel in 1997, titled SON OF ROSEMARY, which completely ignores the event of the 1976 TV movie, and serves as a direct sequel to the original film. It is reveled that the year is now 1999 and Adrian is a world famous new age spiritual guru. The coven had placed a spell over Rosemary in 1973, putting her in a coma to prevent her from running off with Adrian. As the novel beings, she has awakened upon the death of the last member of the coven. After being reunited with Adrian, she herself becomes a celebrity of sorts, all the while, Adrian attempts to reassure her that he's rejected the coven's evil influence and wants to bring spiritual enlightenment to the world. There are a few odd interactions between Rosemary and Andy (bordering on incest) and on new year's eve, a deadly virus is unleased upon the planet and Satan emerges to drag Rosemary to Hell. She then wakes up to find herself 33 years in the past (prior to getting pregnant), laying in bed next to Guy at their apartment in the Bramford building. It's left up to the reader to decide if Rosemary simply dreamt the events of the 1967 and 1997 novels or had actually experienced a premonition of future events.
@rowenatulley852 7 күн бұрын
Congratulations on the baby!
@moseskabeya 8 күн бұрын
Can you watch Toy Story 2.
@j3ffrey777 9 күн бұрын
@user-zp7rq7wr8x 10 күн бұрын
Sending you love from my family and friends Michal. Be safe, be happy, and remember you are so valuable, and now you're going to have the most important job in the worls, being a mom.
@user-zp7rq7wr8x 10 күн бұрын
You have a lovely soul. And clearly have a great sense of humour, and beautiful eyes.
@SunShine-qk4rb 12 күн бұрын
Great movie.great reaction.
@robertlehnert4148 15 күн бұрын
"Matilda" , the 70-mile wide asteroid, was probably an Easter Egg reference to another end of the world story, _On the Beach_ which is set in Australia, whose national anthem is Waltzing Matilda
@aliensondope789 17 күн бұрын
I wanna go to the Electric Banana.
@briancournoyer3807 20 күн бұрын
Come on! Perfect ending.
@paulsutubification 21 күн бұрын
Let’s not compare Rocky romance and Casablanca romance. They are both great in their own time.
@paulsutubification 21 күн бұрын
Let’s not compare Rocky romance and Casablanca romance. They are both great in their own time.
@csharp7926 21 күн бұрын
you missed.
@scottjones758 23 күн бұрын
A Nuns story is great too, before this one. Of course, My Fair Lady is great.
@cjpreach 23 күн бұрын
MICHAL ZISMAN -- Israeli actress Haya Harareet was a lady of extraordinary beauty. See her in the movie Ben Hur.
@hulkhatepunybanner 28 күн бұрын
*This is the story about a guy in a life slump who meets a manic pixie dream girl and has to come to terms that she's had a sorted love life, and some trauma, told through the allegory of video games.* It's more common in real life than people would think.
@charlierayed 29 күн бұрын
Billy Elliot was the first live play I ever watched in the theatre on a school trip and ot was incredible. When I found out there was a movie I watched it immediately. It's soo good and I always get emotional but the play is on another level
@TremelYoung Ай бұрын
Congratulations 🎉
@SunShine-qk4rb Ай бұрын
@omnipop4936 Ай бұрын
Her face at 18:21 when she first sees the little descending Stonehenge. 😂
@myfootballjesus Ай бұрын
IM glad you and your husband are having a baby
@mamalannightshyaman Ай бұрын
I’m a year late but there’s not a lot of gore because tobe hooper wanted this to be a PG movie
@carsonpeterson758 Ай бұрын
Did you like the film or not the film wasn’t cringe inducing was it was the love story more convincing than in a film like Pearl Harbor or Armageddon.
@James_Ford4815 Ай бұрын
>''we're cancelled'' ''at the hotel?'' ...... (lol) if you listen in the background you can hear one of them break character and start laughing right after he asked ''at the hotel?'' ... lol ... i think rob reiner liked the joke so much he said screw it and just left it in the movie. and great choice by reiner because it's one of my favorite little jokes in spinal tap that most people either didn't even notice or forget about it completely.
@SchulzEricT Ай бұрын
Season 6's killer, the themes and the hunt for him, I thought was a solid enough season in a vacuum... BUT I hate that season because it dropped the ball so goddamn hard with regards to being a continuation of season 5. SO... from Deb's point of view: Lumen popped up out of nowhere; Dex kept her a secret; she fit the Barrel Girl profile; Dex told her that going through that wouldn't break a person, that people were stronger than she (Deb) thought; Dex started hanging around Jordan Chase; the instant Jordan was murdered, Lumen left. ARE YOU FUCKING TELLING ME DEB WOULDN'T PUT THOSE PIECES TOGETHER IN SEASON 6?!?!? Bull-fucking-shit. It's particularly egregious because season 6 ends with Deb finding out about Dex. What a monumental fucking misstep that the writers didn't have her realization that Dex and Lumen were the vigilantes be what led her to discovering Dex's secret! I truly hate that, that they never dealt with the inevitable repercussions from season 5; season 6 was just completely separate from season 5's fallout, and instead Deb found out about Dex because Dex was monumentally stupid and sloppy. I hate it.
@SchulzEricT Ай бұрын
So I refuse to acknowledge 6, 7, and 8. And the 9th season, I guess. Because 6 was disconnected from the rest of the show, and of course you saw how bad 7 and 8 were. I think there were some *elements* of 7 and 8 that were interesting enough, at least conceptually, (a therapist that Harry confided in is exceptionally risky, but it would potentially provide the ability to continue to grapple with Dex's psychological issues from a new way) but the instant Hannah tried to kill Deb, that should've been a wrap. That Dex didn't immediately kill Hannah is deeply offensive, and in my eyes unforgivable, every bit as much as Deb not being written to realize that Dex and Lumen were the vigilantes. So to me, season 1 through season 5 remain as the entirety of the series.
@SchulzEricT Ай бұрын
I love everything about this season, but the two elements that stand-out even above everything else is how far Deb has come - think back to how uncertain she was in season 1; from season 1 through season 5 she grew so much. And Dex and Lumen's relationship; the growth, how they started out not trusting each other at all up to this point (and through the end of the season, since you've seen it all by now), it's so satisfying seeing them slowly - and realistically - begin to trust and respect and love each other. Again, it all starts (to me) in episode 6 when Lumen calls Dex to help her with the dentist... "Lumenthal; no relation" and "you sure know a lot about blood", her realizing he's a "cop", how tense that scene is, but then she's proven right and he helps her escape, sends her to his old house and cleans up after her... just the little moments along the way after that, her saving him when she's the lookout, him saving her then them killing the security dude, him beginning to trust her and having her help him, eventually him letting her make the kill, sharing that together... fuck it's so good. I just lament how good season 6 could've been had they followed the thread of Dex and Lumen's relationship. Even if she would've still left, we should've felt the repercussions of Lumen having been in Dex's life. (Like, you know... Deb thinking about how Lumen fit the profile, came out of nowhere, was Dex's secret tenant, then disappeared immediately after Jordan Chase died... and lots of little things along the way, of course, the scratched disc, and Dex saying he thought somebody could get over having been through that. No way Deb doesn't put the pieces together after the fact, once Lumen leaves.)
@SchulzEricT Ай бұрын
The UNMITIGATED FUCKING GALL of that bitch (I don't know her name): "I admire you a lot, you were the youngest female to make detective, I wanna learn from you"... BITCH are you fucking kidding me?!? Now she's not gonna be the youngest to make Lieutenant *because of you*!!! Because you threw her under the bus and completely fucked up her path to promotion. (Maybe not permanently, but enough to slow her down and put her behind whatever trajectory she was on, significantly.) I don't hate her as much as LaGuerta... but it's damn close.
@SchulzEricT Ай бұрын
"Why would he think that" (she only cared about her name and not his job)? Because it's true. She didn't get involved until the dude told her that her giving the best blowjobs was on the record. "Why would that matter?" Because she's acting like she did HIM a favor when really all she cared about was herself. She's inherently selfish but is also incredibly meticulous in always trying to make it LOOK like she's a good leader. She's the worst kind of politician. (Seriously, not sure why you're bending over backwards to defend LaGuerta; she's the absolute fucking WORST. A very good *character* for the show, the show is definitely better - more interesting - because of her, but as a person? Just the worst. I expect, and hope, that you turn on her when she throws Deb under the bus. Seriously, I'd always known LaGuerta was a slimy politician, but throwing Deb under the bus is fucking UNFORGIVABLE.)
@SchulzEricT Ай бұрын
I mean, all LaGuerta had to say was "I'm helping IA with a sting" and he'd've trusted her. You know, how you trust people when they tell you the truth? What reason did she have for being shady and keeping the truth from Bautista? Seriously, just insane behavior on her part.
@SchulzEricT Ай бұрын
LaGuerta "Why didn't you trust me?" BECAUSE YOU FUCKING LIED!!! She actively lied, multiple times, to Angel. She could've told him the truth, she instead lied and expected him to believe her lies? WTF?
@SchulzEricT Ай бұрын
Yeah... it might be good writing, because you're not supposed to like Quinn, so him being a dumbass isn't "bad writing" if they *meant* for him to be a dumbass... but being in shock means all your emotions are shut-down. You are so overwhelmed that you can't deal with your emotions so you shut them all down. I can understand the daughter being mad at Dexter, thinking he's not mourning Rita, thinking he's not showing enough emotion; as young as she is, I can understand her not realizing he's in shock. But Quinn? He should know better. Fucking moron. (Him and a few others early in the season, as you've already seen.)
@SchulzEricT Ай бұрын
I don't imagine the writers actually *intended* for this reading of the show, of the character of Dexter, but the way I see it: the show initially portrays him as a sociopath, unable to feel emotions. But that's very clearly not true. The way I read it, his early trauma fucked him up so much, broke him, emotionally stunted him... and Harry saw the signs that Dexter was a sociopath, and so taught Dexter to channel those needs... and in some ways Harry did a great job of raising such a fucked up adolescent, of giving him a code, of teaching him how to blend in (seriously, Harry completely deflected any chance of Dex becoming a bully by teaching him that he'd be remembered and he needed to blend in; maybe not the most moral way of raising him, but infinitely more effective than gently nudging him down the right path. And he *did* lead with "first of all, it's wrong"), but I think Harry believing that Dex wouldn't be able to develop into a fully functioning adult with emotions and the ability to empathize taught Dex that he wouldn't be able to do that, and so Dexter gave up on it. And in the show, especially in season 5, you see how Dexter feels emotions, has empathy - even goes into shock when his wife is murdered! - but he doesn't credit himself enough, doesn't even realize he's in shock because of his lack of faith in his ability to grow beyond his trauma.
@DuraheLL Ай бұрын
Best damn show ever made <3
@norcalboy2572 Ай бұрын
Great reaction, Michal. I don't think I've seen anyone more emotionally invested in this movie, and in Rosemary.
@edwardsadler3348 Ай бұрын
Magie Thatchers Britain ...when she turned the police on working men
@LK_900 Ай бұрын
Noo I Will miss you Have a nice Brake or never come ing back idont know if you Will But bye we love you ❤🎉 and congrats on your pregnancy hope ing Good luck❤
@LK_900 Ай бұрын
The movie is SO Cool❤
@jenniedarling3710 Ай бұрын
"why not a hug" British people didn't really hug much in the 1980's.
@ricowade4987 Ай бұрын
Well wishes and congratulation on the baby/new life you're bringing into the world. Chapeau and cheers to you and your family
@richardwilliams6256 Ай бұрын
can’t believe some would hate on you they are cerebrally challenged
@LuisDiaz-cx7mc 2 ай бұрын
8:35 great knee 😲
@mannenilsson7103 2 ай бұрын
that prediction tho.... daaamn
@randybass8842 2 ай бұрын
Yes, the movie was originally in black and white. Somehow, you got the colorized version. Purists prefer the original.
@franciskaranja9293 2 ай бұрын
15:21 THANK YOU! I appreciate you saying this so much, because it's what I've been saying for years. It was better that he didn't tell him
@Al_NERi 2 ай бұрын
Trivia: When Rosemary is in the phone booth calling Dr. Hill the vaguely sinister cigar chomping man lurking outside is a cameo by producer William Castle, King of the gimmick B movie, like The Tingler and 13 Ghosts.
@tysoncutler3630 2 ай бұрын
Hard to believe this as a low score...sort of. If the critics don't like something it's usually a good one.
@ridealongwithnicolle1581 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for reacting to this movie. I loved this reaction
@timothyhedrick5295 2 ай бұрын
Thank you ma'am. Sorry to see you go and enjoyed your reactions very much. Best wishes to you and your baby to come. Please stay safe if you are where I think you may be.